My Wall

KEISUKE_URAHARA gave me props for my answers
hey man its been long seems ur not active..........
i hope ur doing well........he he he Posted over a year ago
stella2015 gave me props for my articles
Good friends
Are HARD to find,
HARDER to leave,
And IMPOSSIBLE to forget.

Good friends are like stars
You don't always see them
But you know they're always there.

Thank you for standing by my
said when times get hard
thank you for making me laugh
when I didn't even want to smile

Thank you for becoming my best friend :D

FREE PROP FOR BEING ONE OF AWESOME FRIEND <33333 Posted over a year ago
stella2015 gave me props for my polls
Hey Posted over a year ago
blackpanther666 gave me props for my answers
Hey dude. It's been quite a while. I thought I would pop in and say 'hi'. Sorry for absent and quiet for such a long time. To be honest, I tried getting back into Fanpop but it hasn't really worked out so well. I don't how often you come on here anymore, but I'll still pop on every now and again and greet you.

On another note, how is everything going for you? I mean everything in general. Life, uni, being married, that sort of thing, ya know? I miss the old days. Posted over a year ago
blackpanther666 commented…
I read some of the Clan War the other day... I'm sure I've said this before, but I really enjoyed that time of Fanpop... it was a lot of fun with you guys - you were all what made Fanpop so fun. I wish I had time and motivation to write, but I haven't written a thing, since before I left Resurgence. Guh, listen to me rambling on. Ignore it. Anyway, I'll see you around some time, dude. Take care. over a year ago
whiteflame55 commented…
Yeah, I've been rather absent as well. I still post every now and then on a couple of forums in the Anime Creators section, but it's much rarer these days. Motivation is low because there's just not a lot of movement in the story, so I don't blame you there. Anyway, life's as busy as ever. Mostly good, though hitting some rough patches every now and then. I guess it's not unusual in that regard. And yeah, I miss the old days, too. Sometimes I even go back and read bits of Fallout. over a year ago
blackpanther666 commented…
And, I'm glad things are working out for you. Life always holds rough times and good times, so the main thing is that you always do your best and never let anything get you down, which, knowing you, I know that you will always do your best and make the most of your life. Take care of yourself, dude. I'll keep in contact as I can. over a year ago
sumguy said …
Hey are you (or anyone that was involved in the Fallout Rp) still active? Also, if so, do you remember me? I was hanging out with a friend and I was telling him about how I made a shinigami and zanpakuto. I of course had to show him and since I didn't have the stuff on my computer anymore, I decided to log into fanpop for the first time in, well, years. Anyways, I'm interested in either starting another RP or joining one. Let me know! Message me back on my wall. Posted over a year ago
blackpanther666 gave me props for my comments
Hey man. Thanks for what you said on Resurgence. I'm keeping my profile, so I'll come back and say hi on occasion.

It's been fun man. I think you're my longest running friend on here now.

Take care, dude. Posted over a year ago
blackpanther666 gave me props for my polls
Happy Halloween, dude!

How's it going? Anything interesting to report? Posted over a year ago
whiteflame55 commented…
Hey, thanks for the props! Not much really, been a series of half steps forward at work, which is cool, but uncertain. Did finish writing up that summary listing for all the RPs and I shared it with you, so do take a look and let me know what you think. over a year ago
blackpanther666 commented…
Your welcome, dude. Well, it's something, I suppose. Just keep on slowly, but surely progressing. By the way, I just made some edits to that document you mentioned. My status on Kouka Mono is interested, but I need Ryuu to utilise Zord's character, so I finish off what we were up to before it halted. over a year ago
whiteflame55 commented…
Alright, well hopefully that works out. We'll see if we can get it kick started again first. over a year ago
big smile
stella2015 gave me props for my images
Hey buddy, can you read my new poem please?

Thanks buddy, and can you please comment it,
And can you please join the club as well please,
Thank you very much, I can't thank you enough from my heart, my friend!! Posted over a year ago
blackpanther666 said …
Yo, dude.

Have you watched Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles? Just curious.

And, what's been happening lately? Been busy with your proposal? Posted over a year ago
whiteflame55 commented…
I haven't gotten around to that show yet, though it's on my list. Lately, things have been good. I finished my qualifying exam on Thursday, and I passed, so I'm pretty jazzed. How are things with you? over a year ago
blackpanther666 commented…
Oh, wow, congratulations, dude! That's really great to hear. You haven't yet over a year ago
whiteflame55 commented…
Interesting. Yeah, I spent some time distant from fanpop as well, though I've started writing again. Did half a prequel chapter for my Bleach fan fiction, so that's up. The rest is coming slowly, but I'm sure it'll pick up steam. over a year ago
stella2015 said …
Hey. Post this on a user's profile page who has made you smile AT LEAST once on fanpop :) <3 Posted over a year ago
whiteflame55 commented…
Heh, I appreciate that, thanks. over a year ago
stella2015 commented…
Np! over a year ago