My Wall

aziny said …
hi Whitney, check out
I am sure you will love this, since you like nail polishes Posted over a year ago
whitney_ann said …
*I wonder why god as to take the one's that are awsome,amazing,caring?? The one's we love more then ever. The one's we miss the most. The one's that get taken, our hearts are never the same,there is a whole that will never be complete. There are someday's where we don't even want to get out of bed,or even see anybody! But we think of you and how you would want us to do something and do what we gotta do! We love you,and we do think of you everyday<3 We pray and hope we make you happy! Ily Dad!! Posted over a year ago
jessicamc26 said …
Heres a random prop Posted over a year ago
looooooove this!!!!!!!! Posted over a year ago
whitney_ann said about Love
~The sweetest thing my boyfriend said to me yesterday,(be4 i tell you listen to this be4 we got together he was a man whore like cheated on his girlfriends mostly all of them but he was faithful to some,but my bro is the same way) i said i wish my bro would stop messing around on her my boyfriend said he will when he finds the right girl! Because i did when i found that girl and it is ME!!!! I just love him<3 i'm blessed!!!!!!!! Posted over a year ago
whitney_ann said …
~The sweetest thing my boyfriend said to me yesterday,(be4 i tell you listen to this be4 we got together he was a man whore like cheated on his girlfriends mostly all of them but he was faithful to some,but my bro is the same way) i said i wish my bro would stop messing around on her my boyfriend said he will when he finds the right girl! Because i did when i found that girl and it is ME!!!! I just love him<3 i,m blessed Posted over a year ago
Beriwan said …
sure:D! I joined your clunb=),no problem:D
but could you also join my friends club named Beriwan=)?? Posted over a year ago
whitney_ann said …
53) After you've been dating for a while, realize that we really have started to trust you. When you have a girlfriend who truly trusts you, you have a lot more responsibility, privilege and control than you would think. Be careful with it, most guys would kill for that kind of power, and it can be lost in a nanosecond I love this saying its so 100% true:D Posted over a year ago
big smile
whitney_ann said about Mariah Carey
i have a spot called ~ben(benni) & andrian(new mommy)~ come join
Posted over a year ago
arianthy commented…
what???? I don't get it! lol over a year ago
whitney_ann said about Jennifer Lopez
Her performance last night was AMAZING:D Posted over a year ago