My Wall

OakTown_Queen gave me props for my images
Have A Beautiful Day
☆¨¯`♥´ ¸¸.☆¨¯`♥´ ¸.☆
....▌♥ ღ
.../ \ ღ ♥´´¯`•.¸¸.☆¸.♥´´¯`•.¸¸.☆ Posted over a year ago
big smile
OakTown_Queen gave me props for my videos
Put♥this♥on♥anyone's♥wall♥that♥made ♥you♥smile♥somewhere♥sometime♥ in♥your♥life♥. It♥may ♥ suprise ♥ you♥but ♥check♥ out♥how♥ many♥ come♥back♥. Thanks♥alot♥for♥making♥me♥smile♥put♥this♥back♥ on♥my♥wall♥if♥i've♥ ever♥ made♥ you♥ smile! Posted over a year ago
big smile
OakTown_Queen gave me props for my answers
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copy this to everyone who is awesome to you! Posted over a year ago
OakTown_Queen gave me props for my comments
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_________^*M.M*^_... ________
__________ M.M___________
_ SEASONS GREETINGS __ Posted over a year ago
OakTown_Queen gave me props for my articles
Girls are like
apples on trees. The best
ones are at the top of the tree.
The boys don't want to reach for
the good ones because they are afraid
of falling and getting hurt. Instead, they
just get the rotten apples from the ground
that aren't as good, but easy. So the apples
at the top think something is wrong with
them, when in reality, they're amazing.
They just have to wait for the right
boy to come along, the one
who's brave enough
to climb
all the way
to the top
of the tree. Posted over a year ago
OakTown_Queen gave me props for my links
☆´¨) ღ Many people will walk in ღ (¨´☆
☆´¨) ღ and out of your life, ღ (¨´☆
☆´¨) ღ ☆´¨) ღ (¨´☆ ღ (¨´☆ ღ (¨´☆
☆´¨) ღ but only true friends ღ (¨´☆
☆´¨) ღ will leave footprints ღ (¨´☆
☆´¨) ღ in your heart. ღ (¨´☆ Posted over a year ago
OakTown_Queen gave me props for my pop quiz questions
.(..◔ ̯.◔..).
..(,,)ಊ(''). Have a wonderful day :-) Posted over a year ago
big smile
OakTown_Queen gave me props for my polls
If you let them go,
You can`t get them back.
So I'm gonna tie you
to my heart
So I will never
Lose you My Best Friend

Love you so much saying from my heart.♥♥♥
Send this to your 4 or 5 best friends whom you never wanna loose
You are one of my best friends If you didnt post it to me I wont get hurt
If you forget me I wont get hurt because i know one day you'll be my best sister and my first best friend.......<3 Posted over a year ago
OakTown_Queen gave me props for my images
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0000000000_____* A *____000000000000
00_____________*BIG *____________0
__00__________* STARZ *_______0
___00_________* FOR *________0
_____00________* A *_______0
_______00____* NICE *____0
_____00____* FRIEND *___0
____00________ * *_______0
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0000________________________00 Posted over a year ago
OakTown_Queen gave me props for my videos
The road to success is not straight,
There is a curve called Failure,
A loop called Confusion,
Speed bump called Friends,
Red light called Enemies,
Caution light called Family.
You will have flats called Jobs,
But if u have a spare called Determination,
An engine called Preservance,
Insurance called Faith,
A driver called God,
You will make it to a place called Success. Posted over a year ago