My Wall

HFU gave me props for my polls
Hi -___- Posted over a year ago
xoxoGG115 said about Cesare & Lucrezia
loveofdelena commented…
agreed!! it's so wrong, but so damn fucking right at the same time!! over a year ago
Kill me. Please. One of my real-life favorite couples DESTROYED:

WHY BLAKE WHY DID YOU GET MARRIED?! Posted over a year ago
xoxoGG115 said about Damon & Elena
I'm both extremely depressed and excited for season 4... on one hand, i'm super sad because Julie Plec basically told us Delena was at the end of the list for season 4. and that means a ridiculously long wait and i don't want to wait that long....and on the other hand i'm super excited because plec said that elena will be"leaving her past behind" in season 4 and "letting go" of the things she used to hold dear, because she's graduating this year! :D
Could she mean Stefan?
I THINK YES ;) Posted over a year ago
ggdelena commented…
i think damon and elena will still have moments over a year ago
NateHeartSerena commented…
Elena's transition will definately be giving us some Delena moments. over a year ago
delenaluv commented…
unfortunately everything!!!! ^^ over a year ago
xoxoGG115 said about Serena and Nate
This next season is the moment of truth? Could it be that i finally go back to watching the show? Will see...
nstrtjlover commented…
definitely! with dan not wanting to see serena, and blair mad at her, we know its nate for suuurrreeee!!!! over a year ago
LaiaMaria commented…
Yeah you should!!! If they do NS and the audience increases we'll be able to tell them : WE ALWAYS TOLD YOU THIS! Haha then the show would end perfectly ;D over a year ago
nateandjenny commented…
I would want it to be Nate. over a year ago
bklynlove commented…
Nate and Serena. The power is with them!!! over a year ago
xoxoGG115 said about Damon & Elena
omg season finale! Posted over a year ago
xoxoGG115 said about Damon & Elena
I go to the delena wall and delena tumblr and all it makes me think is that DELENA will not be endgame this season... then i go on the stelena page and stelena tumblr... and all is better because they all think damon and elena will end up together.. lmao the irony.. Posted over a year ago
ILoveYouDelena commented…
lol... thats too funny over a year ago
crazyd88 commented…
Thats hillarious lol. At least stelena knows! :) over a year ago
loveofdelena commented…
not me!!! i beileve in my ship!! DELENA FOREVER!!!! over a year ago
xoxoGG115 said about Damon & Elena
Guys guys guys guys.. why is that promo of the next episode so STELENA BIASED. WHYWHYWHYWHWHY. He walks in through the door... and she sounds so happy... whywhywhy. It was like season 2 all over again. *but then again, Matt says who should you give up? and in comes Stefan.* OMG i can't breatheuntil next weeks episode
Posted over a year ago
IvanaDyP commented…
I think that hug was at very beginning of the episode. Because at the end of the episode Elena will be in hospital, so that means: the brother who is her choice will come to visit her to hospital. It would be to obvious and stupid to have two Stelena hugs, or whatever. I think that all these SE spoilers are GOOD for DE. <3 over a year ago
willturner20 commented…
Wait the hospital scene is at the end of the episode??? over a year ago
xoxoGG115 said about Damon & Elena
OMG. This was too much... and that stupid promo made it seem like she was going to choose stefan. WTF. Why did she tell tyler to only get Stefan. WHY? Posted over a year ago
luvgamble commented…
Yea that "call stefan" really pissed me off! And what happened to our delena scene that will "make our emotions explode?!" over a year ago
comet-love commented…
lol that pissed me off too. Damon pretty much saved her from the exact same situation not too long ago, and now she's like "get stefan". Really? over a year ago
lovesobrev commented…
ooo noo is he gonna hurt our poor damon over a year ago
xoxoGG115 said about Damon & Alaric
DALARIC ALL THE WAYYYY <3 so emotionall.... Posted over a year ago