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DarkCEpitome gave me props for my comments
So, you think women are below men? o_O Posted over a year ago
Roxas1314 said …
"zindinacle" What do you have to say about me being a lesbian, who has no use for men telling me what to do, and who doesn't need anyone to tell me I am hot or honorable(Because I already know I am both)?
Also, I've a girlfriend and am far from lonely. Posted over a year ago
ilovebilliejoe said …
If you hare us feminazi bitches so much, why do you spend so much tine on our club? Does your mom's basement not have good enough wifi to get anything else? Why don't you go on a date with your imaginary "boyfriend" (a.k.a. yr hand) and go away. Thanks. Posted over a year ago
zindinacle commented…
his name is garret....xiou you over a year ago
ivoryphills commented…
@ilovebilliejoe LOL, so on point!@zindinacle so which one is garret? your left or your right? over a year ago
zindinacle commented…
no you over a year ago
ivoryphills said …
"trolling with my boyfriend=he loves me..." LOL, if trolling is the highlight of your "relationship", then I simply cannot imagine what horrors await you whenever the relationship isn't going so good.
Ah, yeah, that's right: promoting chauvinism. Posted over a year ago
zindinacle commented…
yo mamma over a year ago
ivoryphills commented…
LOL, so when your truth is figured out and you can't make even a valid argument or a witty enough comeback, you go for "yo mamma"? X'-D OMFudge, I cannot simply describe how funny your lack of intelligence is to me! over a year ago
zindinacle commented…
no you over a year ago
zindinacle said about Feminism
Ha guys r so blonde
Posted over a year ago
pandawinx commented…
LOL, i love reading your posts. Your stupidity and pathectic attempt at trolling is quite endearing. (pats on back) there, there. over a year ago
ivoryphills commented…
LOL, pandawinx over a year ago
xleeloo commented…
next time you want to make a point, check your grammer. /an advice from a blonde girl. over a year ago
zindinacle said about Feminism
I have another joke. A lady is pregnant and she says to a guy " go get me a drink,I'm carrying a baby" He says,go make me a sandwitch,I'm carrying thousands of babies in my pants. Thought you might like that joke Posted over a year ago
ivoryphills commented…
LOL, you forgot to add:"Then another woman, who was not pregnant, came into the picture and said to the man, 'you go make me and this woman a banquet, because I had to carry a million babies before I was even born, and this lady is carrying over a trillion cells compact into one huge lump of a 7-pound baby. And since math knows no gender, I can feel comfortable in saying that 7 pounds is much heavier than a few nano-ounces men can only produce.' And then the man went to go make the banquet."Thought you'd like that as a fact-based joke. LOL. over a year ago
ivoryphills commented…
Thank, you, I AM a woman! :-D over a year ago
zindinacle commented…
luffy rules over a year ago
zindinacle said about Feminism
Feminists=lonely Posted over a year ago
pandawinx commented…
People spending hours online trolling= lonely. over a year ago
ivoryphills commented…
@zindinwho-gives-a-crap apparently, you know our "mammas" well enough *referring to above comment*And bitch, stop whining; you should've saw this hate coming when you messed with us Feminists! As the movement demonstrated, we are women that won't take shit like chauvinism (or you and your boyfriend/hand) lying down, and if we happen to be lying down (no innuendo intended) expect a lot of kicking and clawing until you're down lower than us. *pumps fist in air* over a year ago
zindinacle commented…
no you over a year ago
zindinacle said about Feminism
I have a joke

3 blondes are lost in the desert. They find a magic lamp that will grant them each 1 wish. The first says, I want to be smart. So she becomes a redhead. The second says she wants to be smarter,so she becomes a brunette. The third says she wants to be smarter than them both. So she becomes a man. Posted over a year ago
ivoryphills commented…
Then a guy comes falls out of the sky, and, seeing their wishes being granted, states, "I want to be smarter than the smartest one of them all!" and he becomes Hillary over a year ago
ivoryphills commented…
@zindinacle Yeah, I know who Monkey D. Luffy is, apparently more so than you do since I knew how to spell his name correctly. :-/ And sweetness, trying to compare me, a strong, free willed, creative and always-thinking superwoman to a fictional pirate is like trying to compare Feminism to your boyfriend: you simply cannot group something real and strong to something that doesn't even exist. ;-) over a year ago
zindinacle commented…
i love luffy!!!! if u hate luffa die!!!! YOU HAVE UNLEASHED A RAGING DEMON!!!!!!!!RAGGGGGGEEEEEEEEE over a year ago
zindinacle said about Christianity
Hi, I have a question. Do u guys hate budhist. I am faltering in my faith and I don't know. I'm thinking about becoming budhist , I just don't know Posted over a year ago
bratski2192 commented…
No. Christians shouldn't hate (no one should). That's ur own personal decision, tho I will pray for u not to give up. No one is perfect, & it's our choice(s) to make. over a year ago
Arador commented…
We don't hate anyone, and we will not judge you, but I would suggest confiding in a Christian you trust - maybe a friend or your vicar, I'm sure they will be happy to help you. In the meantime I will pray for you also. over a year ago
ivoryphills commented…
Might as well go Muslim, seeing as how Jesus had respect for women and Muslims don't see women as equal to men. It'll be a perfect religion for you! ;-D over a year ago
zindinacle commented…
yo mamma over a year ago
zindinacle said …
Save the animals! Make adoption your first option !;) Posted over a year ago