My Wall

CarissaK_B09 gave me props for my images
Send Dis Heart 2
Atleast 19 Ppl Including
Me If You Care For !!!
And If You Get Atleast
7 Back Then There Iz Sumone
Who Realy Luvz You. . .
Let'z See How Many Hearts You
Get !!! All The Best. . . . .
`````````$$$$ Posted over a year ago
CarolineG said …
Hello!! Long time not talking to you!! How's life going? Posted over a year ago
zukolover16 commented…
Sorry I'm on vaca, no wifi. But everything's good! How bout your end? over a year ago
CarolineG commented…
Lucky you, I still have one week of school.... But I'm doing fine, nothing bad, but still nothing new..... over a year ago
CarolineG said …
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!! Posted over a year ago
zukolover16 commented…
0.0 WHAT!?! oh my Goodness!! I didn't expect you to remember! ^_^ WOW! I am so happy! THANK YOU!!!! Your the best! Oh my gosh. I am so shocked right now. Thanks! Wow. . . Thank you so much! Your awesome! ^____^ over a year ago
zukolover16 commented…
Haha, well. I don't get fanfics! Thats pretty cool! I don't get drawings cause im usually the one drawing, lol! I write fanfic too so I don't get that either. :/ over a year ago
CarolineG commented…
I'm the one who usually draws too, but another friend of me knows how to too, so I get some... Sometimes... and it's usually Carissa that make the fanfics... and Sometimes It's me... over a year ago
big smile
CarissaK_B09 gave me props for my images
Like your profile pic (again) :) Posted over a year ago
zukolover16 commented…
Hahah! Thx! Yours is really cool looking! ^_^ over a year ago
CarissaK_B09 commented…
Thanks ! :) over a year ago
monstermissy said …
thanks for the add. Posted over a year ago
KEISUKE_URAHARA gave me props for my answers
heeeeeey thanx 4 the add.........u can call me kisuke........well keep in touch &its nice to meet ya..........heh he eh eh Posted over a year ago
zukolover16 commented…
Ok kisuke! thx for the add back! Sounds good :D over a year ago
big smile
soran said …
Oh nope! I don't live in Japan, I'm just assuming that I live there.....Anyway, even though I don't live in Japan, I have enough knowledge to answer your question. Some of their popular dishes are Sushi, Curry Rice, Donburi & Rice Balls (also called Onigiri). But, if you really need to cook the most popular dish of Japan, just choose either of these two: Sushi or Curry Rice. Those dishes are most sought by the Japanese as I know... Posted over a year ago
zukolover16 commented…
Hahah! Ok thanks a ton! :D over a year ago
soran commented…
You're welcome ^^ over a year ago
Ryan28 gave me props for my images
thankyou for adding me m'lady *bows* Posted over a year ago
zukolover16 commented…
Haha! What a gentleman! Well you very welcome! :D over a year ago
zukolover16 commented…
U sir, just made my day :) over a year ago
zukolover16 commented…
Oh! And thank you for the add back :) *curtsys* over a year ago
big smile
Zekrom676 gave me props for my polls
Thnx 4 add
nice 2 meetya Posted over a year ago
zukolover16 commented…
Welcome! Thx for add back! Nice 2 meet you as well over a year ago
zukolover16 commented…
Ooooo! Props! Thxs so much! over a year ago
Zekrom676 commented…
np ^_^ ur welcome :) over a year ago
zukolover16 said …
I really need to get my naruto and bleach pictures up :) Posted over a year ago
Zekrom676 commented…
:D over a year ago
zukolover16 commented…
Yeah :D I have to upload them from my computer. . . Ugh. I can't do it from my phone :/ over a year ago
zukolover16 commented…
It won't let my choose a picture, or even get to my pictures. I could be do'n it wrong, thats entirely possible. . . over a year ago