Disney Princess Unpopular Disney opinions (confessions)

viktoriya773 posted on Feb 10, 2014 at 11:53PM
Post your unpopular Disney opinion here. Express your opinion about not only DP but Disney in general. Please be respectful about each other's opinions and don't bash someone because of it. Say "I disagree/agree with you because..." I'm sure everyone is mature enough to handle it.

Disney Princess 811 replies

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over a year ago mhs1025 said…
I have a friend who thinks the 3rd Cinderella movie should've been the sequel. I still have yet to see that and the 2nd Cinderella movie all together, but who's on board my friend?
324anna commented…
You mean that they should make the third movie second? That they should change the order of the two sequels? Could you clarify, I'm apparently kinda slow lol. ;) over a year ago
KataraLover commented…
^ I'm kind of confused too. over a year ago
mhs1025 commented…
I'm saying she thinks the 3rd movie should've been the 2nd one. I hope that answers y'all's question. over a year ago
over a year ago JNTA1234 said…
I know this is gonna sound weird because Anna's my #8, Rapunzel's my #10. While I find Anna more entertaining and endearing, I genuinely think Rapunzel is the more well written character. I don't think Rapunzel's "quirkiness" and "marketability" is nearly as shoved in my face or as distracting as Anna's. In fact I think Ariel (an incidentally quirky princess) surpasses Rapunzel in that regard. I always find it so bizarre when people use the word realistic to describe Anna. Really? She feels like a caricature, like a cartoon. In fact, I think that's why the forced comedy works for Anna and not Punz, because Anna's so cartoony and in your face. While Rapunzel isn't exactly "Ms. realism" I find her more realistic, subtle and dimensional than Anna, I've actually meant quite a few girls like Rapunzel, my high school had a lot of them, though I think I've met a couple Anna..ish people. But honestly, I think Anna is two notches away from Snow White on the realistic scale, the only reason people seem to think Anna's more realistic is because the movie acknowledges her flaws, which is good but at the end of the day both Anna and Rapunzel have flaws in my opinion. I hate to say it but I think this may be a prime example of being spiteful towards a popular princess, Rapunzel, and wanting to champion for an unpopular one, Anna.

And yes, I do prefer Anna but when it comes to topics like character development, complexity and depth, I want to give credit where it's due. Let me put it this way, I also enjoy Spongebob Squarepants (Anna) more than Avatar The Last Airbender (Rapunzel). Get it?
last edited over a year ago
Aang_Lite commented…
I feel the exact same way you do which is while Rapunzel's my favorite character, while Ariel and Anna are rather low on my list. Something just connected with me when I saw Rapunzel on the screen that never really happened with those two, but I that's a completely personal thing. And I also think she's one of the best written and developed characters Disney has ever made. Like you said there's a lot of subtlety and dimensionality there. I guess what i'm saying is we both saw the same thing but just had different reactions to it. :) over a year ago
AudreyFreak commented…
Most people seem to prefer Rapunzel to Anna, so I think this is rather popular. at least around here. over a year ago
anukriti2409 commented…
Firstly, i think this is one of the most aptly put confession and in-depth opinion i have read so far. I find others simply rejecting or loving a particular DP. I partly agree and partly disagree with you on Anna's character. I agree that i also felt her character is over the top marketed and not justified enough to how she came about to be like that. But i disagree to the part her character is not realistic, i feel its not only realistic because she has flaws but also because of her reactions towards the situation she falls into - for eg: for a 21 year old girl who's had no parental guidance and no exposure to the real world, she's shown rightly optimistic about the fact that her life will change for good when the door will finally open. Further how she thought she'll instantly connect with Elsa like she did in childhood but when she faces her she did hesitate to talk to her, again very realistic. over a year ago
over a year ago KataraLover said…
I think people mistake calling a one-dimensional character a bad character. I mean, I call Aurora a one-dimensional character and a lot of her fans get really bin out of shape because they think it means that they're a bad character. There is nothing wrong with liking a one-dimensional character and I think a lot of people just won't admit that a character they like is one-dimensional. I'm not just talking about Aurora but with a lot of other characters too. I mean, I love Gogo, Honey Lemon, and Wasabi from Big Hero 6 but they are one-dimensional characters, which I think is undeniable.
AudreyFreak commented…
I don't think any of them are one dimensional either, especially Gogo, who was shown to have some hidden depths (immediately taking on the leader role when Hiro went rogue, being the first to forgive Hiro and hug him of all things- snarky, cool Gogo of all people!). I think people confuse less screen time with being flat or one dimensional. a lot of us defend her because we're tired of hearing again and again how dull and bland she supposedly is when we see a lot of personality there. over a year ago
over a year ago AudreyFreak said…
I actually love Snow White's rag dress. it's one of my favorite raggy/peasant dresses in animation, though I don't know why. it's cute, and has a bit more character than Cinderella's rags.
Mongoose09 commented…
I love it too <3 over a year ago
dimitri_ commented…
They are my favorite DP rags actually, and I prefer it to her main dress. over a year ago
over a year ago missvantassel said…
i don't think prince Charming is boring, ugly or a jerk he's just less developed and is still a nice guy and cute too =P
wavesurf commented…
I agree with you! over a year ago
over a year ago wavesurf said…
I guess I don't mind the "three-day-fall-in-love" old trope in Disney. It's not realistic, but Disney is about magic and illusion, not realism. But my personal issues are the cases where the prince and princess undergo the usual "three day period" with one another, but have practically "no chemistry" as a couple on screen ( I'm specifically talking about Tiana and Naveen, here, and Anna and Kristoff). This is one thing, among many, that makes those characters not enjoyable for me.


I also think there is a ridiculous new trope being touted in the Moderns: "love solves everything from being non-human to changing the weather!"

TPATF, Tangled, Brave, and Frozen, have romances and love themes that are largely thrust upon the characters' already existing non-romantic or non-loving natures. The romance or 'love" was just "there." I was left scratching my head as to "why." And the answer appeared to be that everyone involved in the movie as a protagonist was affected by some sort of spell as a plot development, so love was used as the familiar cure. I could say the following. Naveen and Tiana are a couple because they were compelled to be romantic or "in love" with each other in order to return to being human people. Merida finds out that loving her mother is probably the only thing that will prevent Elinor from becoming a real bear inside and out. And... Anna's longing for love was so great it compelled her to break Elsa's icy heart, and teach her a lesson about love and sacrifice.

Forcing "the romance" or "the love" does not work, in my opinion, not even for fixing spells on screen. It bearly worked for Elinor. (I know, I know. Sick pun). When you force romance or love, it comes across as just...a catch all panacea for everything. TPATF, Brave, and Frozen each specifically use " the love cure" as a plot resolution, to fix each one of the story's problems, instead of letting the romance or love concept become a side-note like it was in Mulan, TLM, and Aladdin. ( To some extent the "love cure" concept began in Snow White, and Sleeping Beauty, was present in Beauty and The Beast, and has been brought back IN FORCE as the "catch all save the day" resolution for ALL of the Modern /Revival films). It's weird, but I kept seeing this "love cures all" parallel in all three of these Modern movies, which each have the exact same set-up. Yes, the setting is indeed different in all three, and the characters may differ, but the plot is basically the same. Someone or multiple someones are cursed. Over the course of the movie, the protagonists find the romantic or love hotline and get the love cure, and all of their problems melt away: they become human again, they get their dreams fulfilled (restaurant), they stop being bears, they stop the freezing weather, etc., etc. It will all be okay--- as long as people love one another. ( It does not work like that at all in real life--- no amount of love can stop bad circumstances from happening; it only mutes some of the effects; love does not cure anything!) It's strange that the Revival movies pride themselves on being the LEAST FANTASTICAL of the Disney DP movies, offering the most realistic opinions ( so they say), while they still tout this MOST FANTASTICAL CONCEPT " that love will solve all of your issues." HUH. The Revival movies REALLY ARE more like Snow White, Sleeping Beauty, and Beauty and The Beast, than people first might imagine.

It's funny that the "love cure" between Ariel and her father, and between Ariel and Eric, did not help them defeat Ursula in the end. Instead, cunning and luck, actually helped to defeat Ursula. Falling in love did not help Mulan defeat Shan-Yu and save China. Falling in love certainly did not help Aladdin and Jasmine defeat Jafar. Again, like TLM, cunning and luck and the Genie's help were the real things that saved the day.

Of the Revival era movies, only Tangled narrowly avoids the "love cures everything" pitfall at first, because the romance is a side-note to the adventure of seeing "the lanterns," and defeating Mother Gothel. But then this movie also falls prey to the "love cures all concept," as Punzie sings her healing song of love for dead Eugene, and "love" in a released tear is the cure that brings him back to life. Maybe that's why I mostly find these Modern movies very much derivative: they're all copies of one another at the very core, and they only differ due to the setting, and the characters.

I wonder if Moana will have the same "love-cures-all" trope that ALL FIVE of the Revival films share. The Revival films have much more in common with their Classic predecessors, Snow White and Sleeping Beauty, and their Renaissance predecessor, Beauty and The Beast. I'm tired of Disney pretending to be "innovative" while actually being lazy, yet again.

And now I have discovered another reason why I like TLM, Mulan, and Aladdin LOADS more than The Princess and The Frog, Tangled, Brave, and Frozen. TLM, Mulan, and Aladdin all said love was important, but it would not save the characters from their problems or issues. Those problems or issues would have to be solved another way, external to love. And that is much less fantastical, and much more realistic.
last edited over a year ago
sarchasm commented…
Well, The Princess and the Frog technically wasn't "love cures all" thing, it was a "kissing a princess cures all" thing. Naveen was going to kiss Lottie to break the curse, and when he kissed Tiana at the frog wedding he was already happy because he was with her, and wasn't expecting anything to be fixed. And by that logic TLM does have the same trope in many respects, as Ariel needs to get someone to fall in love with her to break the time-limit on her human form and even the resolution happens because of Triton's fatherly love for Ariel. over a year ago
wavesurf commented…
Actually, I do think it was a "love cures all thing" because Naveen does not love Lottie, which is why her kissing him simply does not work. Mama Odie was not big on the "princess thing" but was big on Tiana "seeing how love would make her life less narrow." over a year ago
wavesurf commented…
@unholynoise: And I do agree with you about Tiana and Naveen both being examples of excessive behavior. He is the epitome of laziness, and she is the epitome of a workaholic. Neither are good examples/role models, until they change their ways. over a year ago
over a year ago scarletunicorn said…
I actually liked Age of Ultron and found it better than the first Avengers film (which is massively overrated). Don't get the hate for this film.
Bellatrix666 commented…
I liked Age of Ultron too, but I prefered the first one. over a year ago
scarletunicorn commented…
IDK, I found the first film very overrated and done to death- typical group of misfits are a bunch of jerks and don't stand each other until the end where they join forces to stop the villain. Been done to death. I thought Ulltron was better due to better characterization of the main characters, and the humor cut (a bit) to make room for some drama. It's not perfect but I think it worked well. over a year ago
wavesurf commented…
I also though Age of Ultron improved on what was started in The Avengers. The Avengers wasn't bad, but in Ultron, everybody's character was more fleshed out. over a year ago
over a year ago wanderingchild7 said…
My favourite Disney movie is Beauty and the Beast but I don't like the new added scene "Human again". I like the idea of the objects having some more screentime alone, but the tune is not catchy at all and while the scene is funny (more silly than funny, I think) it is not as funny as "Be our guest" or "Gaston". It also slows down the movie a lot and there are just too many songs at that part. I also think that this song doesn't really fit to the whole film. Except the scenes like "Belle" and "Gaston" (but these are supposed to show the simplemindedness of the citizens) and "Be our guest" (which is far more spectacular than the new scene) the movie has some dark and brooding but also magical and hopelessly romantic air and "Human again" is just simply too silly for me. When I was little I used to watch the original version and now when I would like to watch it online or when I'm looking for it on DVD I find only the new version with the new song. :( I don't know if I could get the old version anywhere on DVD... :(
last edited over a year ago
Silverrose1991 commented…
I don't know why, but I like the song only in the musical - I always watch the movie without it. You know, on the latest DVD release, you can choose wether you want to watch the original version or the version with the added scene. over a year ago
MalloMar commented…
^Yeah, I noticed that. I guess I mostly agree with you wanderingchild. over a year ago
wanderingchild7 commented…
Thanks guys! :) I didn't hear about the new DVD release, but I think it solved my problem. Thanks Silverrose1991! over a year ago
over a year ago KataraLover said…
I think Anastasia Tremaine is unconventionally beautiful. She was ugly in the first movie but that's because the animators were trying to make her unattractive, as opposed to the sequels where they try to make her facial structure and smile more appealing.
ntmfan0707 commented…
I totally agree! over a year ago
over a year ago JNTA1234 said…
I do think is unfair some people defend Pocahontas for being inaccurate but bash Frozen for being so far from the source material for purely subjective reasons. Just because the "Snow Queen was such an awesome fairy tale"
KataraLover commented…
I don't mind if it strays from the source material if it's an entertaining alternative from the original. I mean, OBVIOUSLY The Hunchback of Notre Dame isn't an accurate adaptation to the original novel (for obvious reasons). Pocahontas is an entertaining alternative and Frozen isn't, at least in my opinion. So when an adaptation isn't entertaining, that's when I get mad at not being faithful to original source material. over a year ago
over a year ago scarletunicorn said…
I don't get people who bash Pocahontas for being historically inaccurate but let Anastasia pass, and in their defense they say bullshit like "uuuh well it's not that important/i care much more for Pocahontas". like, dude, what's your problem, i get America-centrism is a thing, but you can't brush off Russia's history. I'm not saying Pocahontas' problems aren't there, but I mean really...Dude, at least be consistent. Either you dislike both films for being inaccurate or you don't mind it. Don't see why you need to play favoritism considering they do the same thing (turn a brutal real life massacre into a fairytale princess story)
last edited over a year ago
KataraLover commented…
A lot of people do bash Anastasia for being historically inaccurate, especially historians and relatives of the Romanovs. People can't seem to understand that it's not the job of an animated movie to teach history because apparently people are so dumb they depend more on animated movies to teach kids than teachers in school. over a year ago
AudreyFreak commented…
THIS. I hope since so many sjws do this it isn't race-based, that's stupid. I like both movies but if anything Pocahontas seems less unrealistic than Anastasia's (especially since they discovered she is in fact dead). over a year ago
over a year ago scarletunicorn said…
Elsa would look cool with lose hair. i know most of the princesses tend to have long loose hair and it'd be refreshing to see more short-haired heroines and such, but darn i kinda like the idea of her hair lose. i find braids to be overrated in animation anyway. =P
wavesurf commented…
The braid does seem a bit repetitive. Rapunzel's hair was braided in Tangled, and Anna has two braids, and Pocahontas gets her hair braided by meeko or something...I don't remember. Anyhow, loose hair is all right on certain chraacters. I guess, Disney is trying to even out the hairstyles. But I never really paid much attention to the hairstyle, preferring what the character was "doing" at the moment. ( I'm an action person, myself). The nicest looking long-haired princess I've seen in animation was Amalthea from The Last Unicorn, though. The unicorn in her human guise is far more beautiful than Elsa will ever be... but that is my personal thought. over a year ago
scarletunicorn commented…
I'll just agree with everything when you admitted that Amalthea is the prettiest ever. XD over a year ago
scarletunicorn commented…
Not only Disney, but as of late many heroines sport braids for no reason. Katniss, Astrid from the Dragon movies...I don't get it, tbh. I think they just put them braids because it looks, and don't think about the practicalities of it (making one takes a load of time, it can get loose easily). Pony tails are by far the best in this regard. over a year ago
UnholyNoise commented…
At least with CGI, it's probably way easier to animate braids than it is to do loose hair, where they probably have to track how each strand moves, etc. over a year ago
over a year ago KataraLover said…
I know this doesn't apply to everyone, but I think fans of damsel in distress characters are hypocrites. I mean, they hate how damsels in distress are always being hated on while action girls are praised. However, they go right around and hate on action girls just because they're action girls and aren't girly or sophisticated or proper like damsels in distress are. Whether a character is a damsel in distress or an action girl shouldn't matter but rather their personality. There are damsels in distress that are good and there are those that suck, same with action girls. I wish people would stop hating on the other group of characters and just like them for their personalities. But while the fans of damsels in distress are hating on action girls for basically the opposite reason of action girl fans hating on damsels in distress, they're pretty much proving that they're no better than they are and end up being hypocrites.
over a year ago scarletunicorn said…
I...I don't think Elsa and Jack Frost would make a good couple.
KataraLover commented…
Either do I. Plus, Jack is my favorite fictional character and I don't think Elsa is a good match for him AT ALL! Having ice powers doesn't mean it would be a good relationship. over a year ago
sarchasm commented…
Yeah, I'm pretty sure they're just paired together for aesthetic reasons. Besides, Jack has the maturity of a 15 year old while Elsa has the maturity of a 21 year old. over a year ago
Aang_Lite commented…
Lol don't worry, I'm pretty sure that's a pretty common opinion, at least on here. I actually kinda really, really like the pairing. I love the idea that with her ice powers Elsa could be the only one who could see him. And that since he's the embodiment of joy he would help her learn to love her powers, instead of seeing them as a curse. I see them as bringing out the best in each other, especially if they meet when Elsa's younger, say right after her parents died. That's just my own headcannon though and I do admit that a lot of other people go a bit overboard with the Jelsa. over a year ago
AudreyFreak commented…
I dislike them as a couple so much. they have nothing in common. they have the same powers (roughly)- so what? I don't think either of them would get along with the other- not on a close level anyway. Jack is more like Anna. Elsa would probably find him as annoying as Bunny does at times. over a year ago
over a year ago KataraLover said…
I know it's not official, but I consider Emma Swan from Once Upon A Time to be Disney's Snow White's daughter. I know that Once Upon A Time isn't canon to Disney but I don't care. It's mainly for selfish reasons because I ADORE Emma Swan and she's one of my favorite fictional characters. She's just plain AWESOME and I can't help but want her to be Disney's Snow White's daughter. Plus, unless Disney makes a sequel (which I HIGHLY doubt) where she gets her own child, I'm considering Emma to be her child and NO ONE is going to change my mind otherwise.
over a year ago scarletunicorn said…
Joy and Sadness were boring and very annoying. Would have been better if Disgust and the others had been the main characters.
sarchasm commented…
What did you think was annoying about them? over a year ago
anukriti2409 commented…
wouldn't sya boring, but redundant. But thats the point, they will always be joyful/sad coz thats who they are over a year ago
UnholyNoise commented…
They were both different levels of insufferable, imo. over a year ago
over a year ago anukriti2409 said…
I have absolutely no idea why fans here hate modern versions of classic stories so much. I personally love Maleficent, Mirror Mirror and Cinderella and find them extraordinarily detailed. Awaiting Beauty and the Beast version so much!
AudreyFreak commented…
well, irl people seem to prefer them. and I don't know anyone here who hates Cinderella, it seems pretty well received everywhere. I've only heard one person not like it and they dont even hate it. but as for Maleficent, because it insults the original characters so much by portraying them not only as totally different people but less... likable. one is a villain, the villain is a hero, the fairies are incompetent idiots, etc. Mirror Mirror I don't think has anything to do with Disney but it looks like it's catered to the elementary school demographic and from what I've seen it looks very unfunny. over a year ago
Aang_Lite commented…
^ Basically everything Audrey said. over a year ago
over a year ago mhs1025 said…
(Kinda personal, but humor me if this has already happened.) How would y'all feel if they created a princess with abandonment issues? You know, seeing a side of a potential new DP we haven't seen before? She could be abandoned by her parents or something. Then, at the end of her movie, she'd get over them when she finds/meets her true love. What would y'all think about that?
scarletunicorn commented…
Sorta like Megara? Would be neat, though I imagine she'd get a lot of haters for being "selfish" in their eyes. over a year ago
MalloMar commented…
I think that's a decent idea. Sounds sad, which I certainly don't mind in movies. That was worded weird, but I like your idea. over a year ago
mhs1025 commented…
^ If the weird wording was in my part, I apologize. I do certain stuff alittle differently. over a year ago
MalloMar commented…
No, MY wording was weird, not yours. :) over a year ago
over a year ago scarletunicorn said…
Do you guys think all disney princesses and modern heroines are pretty much Ariel, Belle and Jasmine expies
UnholyNoise commented…
Not all, but a lot of them are. over a year ago
AudreyFreak commented…
not all no, but the 90s girls (including Heroines and non-Disney girls) are terribly similar to those three. Only Jane Porter, Mulan, Odette, Poca (mostly), and Miriam really stand out. the rest are always wanting this vague idea of "more", have the famous 90s outbursts about what's wrong with their lives, sass adults/the villains, get out of trouble easily without help, and are clearly designed with the idea of being role models for that generation of girls in mind. I'll concede Tiana and Merida do seem pretty 90s too, particularly the latter who is like, 15 years late. Rapunzel though, she definitely represents a branch of third wave feminism that advocates girly stuff AND buttkicking, something very uncommon in the 90s when women still needed to be just heroic. Elsa is a lot like the Classics even if Disney won't admit it, and Anna is a nice mix of Classic and Renaissance. over a year ago
incisron commented…
"Anna is a nice mix of Classic and Renaissance." over a year ago
incisron commented…
"Anna is a nice mix of Classic and Renaissance." I agree :) I just wish her idealism, sweetness and innocence in wanting to find true love ahdnt been made to seem like a bad thing at the end of the movie. over a year ago
over a year ago PrincessVT said…
I don't like Beauty and the Beast.
MalloMar commented…
I can admit it's well-made, but it isn't my favorite by a long shot. over a year ago
UnholyNoise commented…
oddly enough, i love the movie but i'm not really into most of the characters. over a year ago
wavesurf commented…
I like Beauty and the Beast, but like Scarlet said, Belle and Adam were not my favorite characters, and though I didn't mind Belle, I did not relate to her much, outside of the obvious reading thing. I love the movie for its music, though, and for its secondary cast, all of whom are top notch! over a year ago
over a year ago KataraLover said…
I ADORE Ariel and Melody equally but I think from an objective and critical stand-point that Melody is a better character than Ariel. I mean, she does have a lot of the same traits as Ariel (since she's her freaking DAUGHTER) but also has her own traits. Ariel is very confident, a social butterfly, and comfortable in her own skin. Melody on the other hand is very insecure, shy, socially awkward, clumsy (on land at least), and feels like there is something wrong with her. She overcomes her flaws and learns to be comfortable with herself, admits she makes mistakes, and fixes her mistakes. I do think Ariel realized she made a mistake but Melody is definitely more developed than her and does fix her mistakes.
MalloMar commented…
I completely agree. Melody's a good character who isn't an exact copy of her mother as many think. over a year ago
MissCinico commented…
I surprisingly agree. over a year ago
wavesurf commented…
I disagree. I really can't stand Melody at all. over a year ago
over a year ago scarletunicorn said…
Ok, as much as I dislike Frozen in general...I can't stop liking Let It Go. Sure, it's catchy, and super overplayed, and doesn't carry a good message in the context of the film...BUT outside of the movie, when listening without context or applying it to other non-Frozen characters similar to Elsa (have uncontrollable powers, can't fit in, self-esteem issues), it does come out as a badass, empowering song, promising to give us lots of badassery in time come. But...the film doesn't deliver.
last edited over a year ago
KataraLover commented…
I completely agree. The song itself is fantastic, it's just begging to be in a better film and sung by a better character. over a year ago
scarletunicorn commented…
^It's funny because I think the songs/score are really the best thing out of Frozen. For the First Time, Frozen Heart, Let It Go...The songs are good, it's the rest of the film that doesn't really work for me. over a year ago
MissCinico commented…
Whole-heartedly agree on this one. I find myself loving Let It Go every time it's played despite how much I hated the movie. Even with some of the others like Do You Wanna Build a Snowman? and For the First Time in Forever. over a year ago
over a year ago Aang_Lite said…
I've just realized that Ariel would be the perfect boy. Almost all her negative traits, if as was a boy, would be seen as good qualities. Her forgetfulness and slight selfishness when it comes to her father's party would be seen as independence. Her willingness to trade her voice for love would be seen as romantic and courageous. Ariel's fans have probably known this already, but it's something I've just realized.
KataraLover commented…
Yeah, it's called a double standard. over a year ago
wavesurf commented…
Ta-da. Yup. But this makes me love her anyway, tomboy that she is... over a year ago
MalloMar commented…
I believe people would hate on him just as much, to be honest. over a year ago
over a year ago anukriti2409 said…
i think Jasmine is the least talked about princesses amongst all despite having such a strong personality. And she's the only princess who's been clearly overshadowed by her own prince.
scarletunicorn commented…
Maybe because she isn't the main character of her movie? Aladdin is. over a year ago
anukriti2409 commented…
^agree...wish she has her own movie too over a year ago
coolsinger198 commented…
EXACTLY. Every time someone thinks about Aladdin, or it is mentioned, Aladdin is the person whose name comes uup. Don't get me wrong, people love Jasmine ( especially me since she's my favorite), but a lot of websites, popular youtube channels and critics act like Aladdin is the best. I perennially feel Jas is a better character. She's so strong emotionally and physically. over a year ago
over a year ago KataraLover said…
I do think that Oz: The Great and Powerful is a really bad movie but I actually didn't think that Mila Kunis gave a bad performance as Theodora/The Wicked Witch of The West. A lot of people say her performance was cringeworthy but I actually thought she did great. I mean, she's definitely not the original witch from the 1939 film but that doesn't make her performance bad. She clearly really got into it and had a lot of fun.
scarletunicorn commented…
Eh, I find Oz good, on the level that it still portrays the characters as they originally are, and doesn't butcher them by making a cheap college AU fanfic of the story while saying "this is the TRUE story of the Wizard of Oz!!!!" SMH at Wicked... over a year ago
over a year ago MaidofOrleans said…
I dislike Rapunzel's braid. It's so thick that it looks really weird. The flowers are a nice touch, but can't save it.
AudreyFreak commented…
I'm just confused how it got so short. Braids do make your hair look shorter of course, but 70 feet of hair got down to 4 feet?! what kind of braid exactly did they do? over a year ago
MissCinico commented…
^I think they did some sort of magic braid that goes up and back down entangling with itself, but I don't think the animators made it look that way at all so I'd have to agree with you. over a year ago
MalloMar commented…
What Audrey said. I like the braid, but it's...short. over a year ago
MaidofOrleans commented…
AudreyFreak and MissCinico I totally agree with you. The only way it could have gone from 70 feet to 4 feet is if it was braided up and then down and then up over and over again, but the braid doesn't look like that's what was done to it. It's just confusing and not very pretty imo. over a year ago
over a year ago mhs1025 said…
I think Frozen is still kinda over-hyped. (For those of y'all who don't know what 'over-hyped' means, it means overrated.) Yes, I'm glad the movie was successful, and yes, it was good, but sometimes, it still gets ALOT of attention.
MalloMar commented…
^ over a year ago
UnholyNoise commented…
i agree! but this is not an unpopular opinion :) over a year ago
mhs1025 commented…
^ Granted how popular it is or not, I needed to get that out there. ;) over a year ago
over a year ago KataraLover said…
I don't find Meg from Hercules to be attractive AT ALL! I think she's ugly. I love her and she does have some pretty moments but overall is ugly. I HATE her body, her hair looks like is has 100 bottles of 80's hair gel in it, her facial structure is too bony and sharp, her nose is too pointy, her smile is creepy, she has turtle lips, and WEIRD eyebrows. Yes, I know that's part of the style of the animation but that doesn't mean that it's good or that she's pretty. I love her but I NEVER understood why so many people find her to be so stunning.
MissCinico commented…
I agree. As a child I thought she'd stay the villain just because she looked evil to me. over a year ago
MalloMar commented…
*Shrug* She definitely looks unique. I can see how some might say she's ugly. I disagree, though. I'd have to agree with the weird eyebrows thing. over a year ago
incisron commented…
She looks weird. over a year ago
over a year ago MissCinico said…
I love magic in Disney movies especially when it's a witch or a fairy-godmother, BUT (and this is sort of weird) I hate it when they have pointless "magical" aspects to them, like wings, wands, crowns and horns especially the WINGS. I sort of like a witch to have a classic bubbling cauldron and fairies to appear to be a normal maid then have magic just shooting from their fingertips. I don't know, but I've noticed I tend to appreciate movies that don't over-do it with whimsy more. *cough Maleficent cough*
wavesurf commented…
It's okay not to like all "the bells and whistles." I mean, Cindy's fairy godmother in the 1950 version is kind of plain and simple. But she's nonetheless magical. I did find Merida's witch very funny in running a woodcarving boutique/business on the side. Her crow and broom were hilarious. Mama Odie and Juju gave off the "cultural/religious voodoo magical" vibe. But it's okay to not have to like things that SCREAM magical. I mean, it's okay to be you. I personally find Ursula my favorite villain. She has no wings, no magic wands, no majestic clothing, no horns, no magical cane or staff. Ursula has a burbling volcanic cauldron, really red lipstick, and two misfit associates. But she nonetheless gives off a magical whimsy that few villains in Disney have ever matched. ;) over a year ago
over a year ago vintagelace said…
Here goes... I don't like the music in Frozen, and I don't like Idina Menzel's singing. I just felt like the songs weren't memorable at all- like they made attempts at certain emotions, but the emotions ended up being hollow, if that makes any sense. And I really really don't like the pop or R&B or whatever style Idina sung "Let it Go" in. Not to mention the way she emphasizes her "L"s really bugs me. (It's not just her, it bugs me when Gonzo from the Muppets does it too!)
wavesurf commented…
I agree with everything you said, honey. All of the songs in Frozen are forgettable, and will only become more "dated-sounding" as time passes. I think the Lopezes should STICK to crafting ONLY songs for Broadway, and get out of the songwriting business for Disney, altogether. They don't have the skill to write songs for plot-driven films. They can only write plunky/clunky piano Broadway tunes. And you're right. Idina Menzel can't sing: she can shriek really high notes at the top of her voice. That's it. Why everyone thinks she's this awesome singer is beyond me.... Her voice is pitchy, screechy, and is devoid of richness ( sounding hollow as you said). over a year ago
UnholyNoise commented…
Idina Menzel's voice makes me want to shove broken glass in my ears. I like Elsa, the song is okay I guess, but her voice is awful. That last "let the storm rage oooonnnnn" actually makes me prefer the radio version, which everybody rightfully hates, just so I don't have to hear her screeching. yikes. over a year ago
WinterSpirit809 commented…
Actually the deleted songs were really good-I agree. Although I liked the movie, the music wasn't the best. They should have kept songs such as "We Know Better" and "More Than a Spare." Those songs would make the plot so much better and add more to the movie than Let it Go and Fixer Upper, would have. But no, they had to take those out of the movies. *sig* over a year ago
over a year ago scarletunicorn said…
Honestly, if you guys hated Frozen then you won't like Wicked either, since it's just the same thing but set in the Wizard of Oz.
MalloMar commented…
I think I'd like Wicked, based only on the songs I've heard. Frozen and I have a strange relationship. This will sounds weird since Frozen isn't an old movie, but I have a nostalgic connection to it. I guess it was just one of those movies I obsessed over even before it came out and continued to like it. I think I'd grown very close to certain Fanpop members because of our "Frozen Fever". I agree that it's far from perfect (songs aren't "paced" well with the movie, some dialogue is very cheesy, a lot of it has been done before, there are plot holes, etc.) and I know some fans can be irritating. I don't worship it and I wouldn't even call it a favorite, but I can honestly say I enjoy it for the most part. It's a sweet movie. over a year ago
MalloMar commented…
My apologies for rambling and for not staying on topic... over a year ago
scarletunicorn commented…
Wicked is basically fan fiction tbh, like think a College AU fic of the Wizard of Oz. But honestly one of the worst. They massively change all of the good characters from the original to be all these saps and Mary Sues and cliched characters. The music is nice, but it'd belong better to an original story than to Oz. Maybe I'm biased, since I love the original Oz movie and books, and Wicked just changed everything for the worst. over a year ago
over a year ago scarletunicorn said…
I like Let It Go but I don't like it when people only apply it to snow and ice themed characters and such. Since the lyrics are so vague, you could relate them to any other type of magical power one character can have. It could be about fire, or telekinesis, or anything else, really. Just as long as it's supernatural...I myself like applying it to mutant characters like Jean Grey or the Scarlet Witch (i know that sounded really stupid).
over a year ago mhs1025 said…
I saw something in the Moana Fanpop article saying Moana will have like "normal body proportions". I'd like to say something about that-I don't care what her body looks like. She's already beautiful. I just want to see what her character is going to be like when her movie comes out.
last edited over a year ago
MalloMar commented…
I agree. I also think that a lot of the DPs have "normal body proportions". Look at Cinderella, Mulan, Snow White, Pocahontas...I personally think they look "normal". over a year ago
mhs1025 commented…
^ Me too. I also think Merida has "normal body proportions". Yeah, she's alittle on the curvy side, but I still think her body looks normal. over a year ago
AudreyFreak commented…
yeah, I don't like the sneaky little undercurrent of body shaming some of these people (intentionally or not) do. "FINALLY, a heroine with a REAL body! Now that's a good role model there!" Wut? over a year ago
over a year ago wavesurf said…
Hmm. Well, I finally watched TLM 2, again. It's an okay movie, and one of the better sequels, but I still feel like it is missing something. Mostly, I think it is Melody herself...who is very uninteresting. I mean, Melody is just the reverse of Ariel and wants to be a mermaid. Unlike Ariel who wanted to be a human in order to explore what was above the sea, learn from books, and have her questions answered about "how things worked"--- by contrast, Melody just wants to escape being "a social pariah." In a way, Melody has more in common with Elsa than she has with Ariel. Melody and Elsa both run from their problems, are social pariahs, and think people are deceiving them by telling them the real truth about their actions!! And although Melody finally throws the trident to Triton, that moment is oddly reminiscent of Elsa getting rid of winter by waving her arms and shouting, "It's love!" Overall, I still get the vibe that Melody is only a half-finished character--- just like Elsa. I'm not saying that that is totally bad... I mean, Melody predates Elsa by YEARS, of course. Aside from a few incidental differences ( like ice magic and Melody being able to pick up the magic trident herself), it's interesting that Melody and Elsa have basically the exact SAME story arc: they are sheltered girls thinking their families are the problem, and they think that being by themselves is the solution. In one of the rising action sequences of both Frozen and TLM II, the heroine is confronted by her family member ( Ariel telling Melody that she is making the wrong choice; Anna telling Elsa that she is making the wrong choice... See the resemblance? So Frozen is a rip-off of TLM II in a way...) I'm just saying that that is what separates this movie from being on par with the original The Little Mermaid. Melody is okay, but I found Ariel to be way more convincing as a heroine in her youth. Melody mopes around like Elsa does. Elsa mopes and builds an ice castle, while pretty much blaming Arendelle for not being able to accept her; Melody mopes and swims around collecting a few seashells, and blames her mother. In her younger days, Ariel did not handle her isolation so poorly. Ariel occupied herself with hobbies: keeping a collection and hunting for human stuff; thirsting for knowledge and observing humans to better understand them without being prejudiced. What is noticeably different was that though Ariel disagreed with Triton's rules, she did not blame her dad for thinking the way he did. In contrast, Melody blames Ariel for everything. Ariel was even more of a heroine in her role as a mother capable of making mistakes. To me, Ariel was definitely convincing as a mother. I guess, Ariel was always facing the results of her decisions, whether they were good decisions or bad ones. Melody and Elsa... ? They just ran, ran away; they would not face their problems until someone called them out on it, and by then it was almost too late to do anything to save the situation.
last edited over a year ago
anukriti2409 commented…
i overall agree with your perspective how similar Frozen and TLM II are in terms of the storyline. I partly agree with some of the resemblances between Melody and Elsa. i think their personalities were quite different though. Melody never wanted to be alone while Elsa resorted to loneliness. overall, i always felt Melody was a happy, bright child whereas Elsa come out to be as pessimist and detached kind of person. Melody looks like she had an open heart and open mind, she was momentarily disturbed by the lie of her mother whom she trusted. But Elsa has serious trust issues with herself and people around. I'm not sure if their personalities resembled but somehow their reactions/situations resembles somewhat over a year ago
wavesurf commented…
^^ Yeah. I'm not saying Melody and Elsa are exactly identical personality-wise. Melody is definitely much more cheerful about it than Elsa. But their reactions to their situations definitely parallel one another. over a year ago
MalloMar commented…
Never thought of that before! :O over a year ago
over a year ago beautybeastfan2 said…
I don't get what people hate about Cars 2. I like it better than the first one.
Diazdiaz95 commented…
Me too, it has less of a plot but I don't mind that. The first Cars is kind of boring IMO but at least Cars 2 is fun and focuses more on comedy than trying to go the typical Pixar route of making a "deep" movie. over a year ago
over a year ago wanderingchild7 said…
I don't think that Be Prepared from Lion King is one of the best villain songs. Everytime I see a list about villain songs this one is nearly always in the top three. For me it is in the middle of my list, but mostly because of the scene , but as a song it fails for me. As I said the scene is cool, but I find the melody extremely forgettable. I prefer songs with catchier tunes that I can sing or at least hum (like Poor Unfortunate Souls, Friends On The Other Side or Hellfire).
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago scarletunicorn said…
The Lion King is very overrated, and not that good imo. The last time I saw it i found it so full of flaws I just couldn't enjoy it. it has a good message, but everything else aside from the score kinda bothers me.
wanderingchild7 commented…
I totally agree. over a year ago
mhs1025 commented…
Unrelated, but the last time I saw the movie, I got addicted to it. over a year ago
incisron commented…
It was good, but I wasnt wild about it. over a year ago
over a year ago mhs1025 said…
Related to my previous confession, I don't get why people body-shame the DP's for like being too skinny or something. THEY'RE JUST CARTOONS! Yeah, if we had a DP who was all skin and bones, it'd be one thing, but they need to stop body-shaming the current DP's because to me, they look normal.
last edited over a year ago
MalloMar commented…
I agree. over a year ago
AudreyFreak commented…
agreed. they're slim because it's hardwired for us to find healthy slim people attractive. even most fat people like skinny people. plus ones like Cinderella and Snow were probably not well fed anyway. It annoys me because if people shamed Katrina's being a bit thick or Tinkerbell's hips because would get enraged about it. over a year ago
mhs1025 commented…
On a personal note guys, I was almost diagnosed with that nasty illness 2 1/2 years ago. Even though I still have some trouble gaining weight, I'm doing better now. This is also the reason why I don't read "body shaming" articles. I hope this isn't TOO personal for you when you read this. over a year ago
over a year ago pretty_angel92 said…
I don't find Cinderela beautiful or a great role model as many of you say, especially here on fanpop. she's VERY overrated

and speaking of overrated princesses, omg why is Aurora getting so appreciated recently? i don't get it. she's probably the most boring and weakest princess. yeah she's beautiful but..is there more?

it annoys me that Elsa has more fans than Anna and is also more recognized. if it wasn't for her song "Let it go".she wouldn't have half the popularity. Anna is so much more likeable and has a lovely personality. Elsa is always depressed and scared, and even when she reveals her new look, she's still the same insecure person who doesn't do anything. Anna takes the risks, Anna is smarter, Anna is braver. where's the love for her?

the hate for Merida is ridiculous. i think the majority of the hate comes from the fact that she's from Pixar. cause seriously, what do the other DP have that Merida doesn't, aside from a musical number?
why is she always low on people's lists?

last edited over a year ago
Diazdiaz95 commented…
I agree with several things you said: I don't think that Cinderella was that pretty (more like average) and I don't think she's the best role model of the lineup either. Aurora is one of the more boring princesses IMO too but I do think there is more to her but not as much as the others because of her lack of screen time. I much prefer Anna to Elsa and I agree that Let it Go is probably the main reason why everyone knows Elsa better. I don't get the Merida hate either, I haven't seen it much recently but I do feel that some people still don't count her along with the others. I love Merida. over a year ago
MalloMar commented…
Live-action Cinderella or animated? Both? I think she has a moderate amount of fans definitely not too much. I think she's attractive, but not one of the most attractive. I guess the role model thing is completely subjective. I think the animated Cinderella was a better role model than the live action. I personally like Aurora, I don't have a problem if you don't. I do agree with you about Anna. I think she's a better character than Elsa and should be more recognized. She IS the main character, after all. I don't see much Merida hate recently to be honest. over a year ago
over a year ago scarletunicorn said…
I always dislike fanart that turns around the roles of Anna and Elsa, portraying Elsa as this smooth "bad-a" and Anna as this sniveling coward whom big sister has to save. It should be the other way around, imo.
wavesurf commented…
^^ Huh. They're ACTUALLY DOING THAT? *shakes her head even more* Totally agree with you! over a year ago
MalloMar commented…
Ugh. over a year ago
incisron commented…
They think Elsa is automatically cool just because she does a sexy strut, sings a song about independence and has powers. Meanwhile, she panics and runs away all the time, while Anna is the persistent and determined hotheaded one. over a year ago
over a year ago MalloMar said…
I actually like Aladdin's animation. Yeah, it's inconsistent and cartoony, but I don't really mind that. It isn't one of my favorite styles of animation, but it looks phenomenal in comparison to it's sequels.
I like the character designs, the backgrounds and the colors.
anukriti2409 commented…
i love it too.. the characterization is so great, unlike any other DP movie that i tend to ignore slips in animation. The Agrabah city is so well conceptualized and designed, in my opinion. over a year ago
scarletunicorn commented…
I like it too. I much prefer the Disney movies with soft and round character design over the sharp edges they gave to characters in Pocahontas or Hunchback. The characters there never looked right to me, they looked too squared... over a year ago
shanyuisboss commented…
I like Aladdin's animation, I don't adore it, but it is really nice. over a year ago
over a year ago anukriti2409 said…
I honestly dont understand how people compare moral values and personalities of Classic vs. Renaissance Vs. Modern. The DP from each era are so characterized because that's how people were in that particular era, they believed in certain set of values and executed in a specific way. Now the digital age is already here, which our next generation will be most close to and they won't understand and relate to previous eras as much. Doesn't mean any of them aren't good enough as Classics or vice versa.
wavesurf commented…
^Everything in a movie is, at least, partially a product of its time, just as you said. Outside of that, traits and moral principles either fall into good or bad categories. over a year ago
Diazdiaz95 commented…
* but I like that choice* Both of you are pretty good at discussing differences of opinion while still understanding each other and being civil and not attacking or accusing, I admire that :) over a year ago
anukriti2409 commented…
^thanks a lot Diaz! it means a lot to me, really. Sorry, didn't see you comments earlier :) over a year ago
over a year ago scarletunicorn said…
I don't get how most people have a massive hate-boner for Frozen, while they adore Tangled. They're pretty much the same thing for me. (I'll say Tangled is even worse, but that's just me).
anukriti2409 commented…
I can say Anna and Rapunzel are very similar personalities but Frozen and Tangled are way different. Who's like Elsa in Tangled? Who's like Eugene in Frozen? I personally dont have massive hate-boner for Frozen and don't enjoy people irrationally criticizing it either but for me Tangled has better defined charcaters and plotline than Frozen. over a year ago
anukriti2409 commented…
oh on same lines...i dont understand the hate for Merida. She's one of the most real-time teenage representation of today's world. over a year ago
ajotma commented…
I prefer Tangled slightly, but neither is my favorite. over a year ago
over a year ago KataraLover said…
I consider the characters in Once Upon A Time to be Disney characters for the following reasons:

1.The show is owned by freaking Disney!
2.It has several Disney characters in the show like Belle, Ariel, Cruella De Vil, Phillip, Merida, and so forth. If it has that many characters that are Disney, I think we can consider other characters in the show to be Disney.
3.Emma Swan has her own page on the Disney wiki.
4.Even if it's not exactly like the Disney characters we know and love, it's just as Disney as Maleficent (except it's actually good).
Diazdiaz95 commented…
I guess I do agree, except about Maleficent, which I liked lol. over a year ago
over a year ago scarletunicorn said…
Maleficent x Chernabog is the best Maleficent ship out of them all. I never got the appeal of Maleficent x Hades and Maleficentt x Jafar. Jafar is pretty unromantic to me (aside from some nice graphics which pair him up with the evil queen), and Hades is better off in a twisted way with some of the heroines like Aurora and Amalthea or even Yzma. Maleficent x Horned King is nice too, but I think she'd dislike him the moment she sees how frail he is. That and imo he's much better fit with some of the heroines, someone beautiful and elegant like again, Aurora or Amalthea...(To keep that Death and the Maiden aesthetic).

...Wow, this is really stupid. But at least I got a chuckle out of it.
last edited over a year ago
MalloMar commented…
Awesome! I tend to ship Eris with these guys more than Mal. Since Jafar had that weird lust thing for Jasmine, I can see Eris having an effect on him. Hmm, I kind of like that Hades/Yzma idea. :) over a year ago
over a year ago MalloMar said…
I know, you've all heard it from me before...
I think Tarzan is a masterpiece. I can admit that there are flaws and even point them out, but I can't help but love every second of it.
It isn't a movie I watch much, but I did a few days ago, and like every other time, it's as if I'm seeing it for the first time.
I'm kind of obsessed with it (I'm even making fan art!) but for the sake of the club members' sanity, I'll do my best to keep my obsession outside of Fanpop. *Glances at my icon* Yeah.

In all honesty, I could write a long article describing my (strong and positive) opinion of the movie, highlighting what I love about the characters, music, art, relationships between the characters, character development, character design, darker elements, emotion, symbolism, concept art and ideas, humor...I probably will ending writing one, I just don't think I'll post it. Anyhow there is no doubt there were some incredibly talented and hardworking people behind the scenes.

Note: It's cool if you don't like the movie as much as I do. My apologies for going overboard and being a fan girl.
mhs1025 commented…
Wow. I haven't seen that movie since I was like 12. over a year ago
Aang_Lite commented…
Dude we're on a site named Fanpop. FAN-POP! We're all weirdly obsessive! I you do end up writing the article please post it! Those type of opinion pieces are my absolute fave. over a year ago
MalloMar commented…
Thanks for not criticizing me. Wow, I really did have it bad for Tarzan. I'm not obsessed anymore, but it's undoubtedly still my favorite movie. I enjoy your comments and agree with a lot of them. Beauty and the Beast is objectively good, but I think it's kind of an average Disney movie. over a year ago
over a year ago KataraLover said…
I think The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian was a fantastic movie! Yes, it made some changes to the book, but what translates well in a book doesn't always translate well into a movie. Like how in The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe they had Father Christmas say "Battles are ugly affairs" instead of "Battles are ugly with women in them" and not telling Lucy or Susan that they couldn't be in battle. I've been listening to the books on my audio CD's and I have to say that the book Prince Caspian is one of my least favorites of the books. I think the movie actually made a lot of improvements. Lucy is more active (she doesn't fight or anything, but she's more active than she was in the book), Peter and Susan are given story arcs that make sense to why they're too old for Narnia (YOU'RE NEVER TOO OLD FOR NARNIA! NEVER! NEVER! NEVER!), Caspian is more interesting (I do find him interesting in the other books he's in, just not this one), the villain while still dull is more human, the story is more focus, faith is tested, and we get to see the White Witch/Jadis again! I think it's a very successful adaptation because it doesn't stray too far from the original, but also doesn't make it too much like the book. It updated the story very well. Movie adaptations can surpass the book it's based off of. The author of 101 Dalmatians even said herself that the Disney movie improved her story.
over a year ago TheMusicalMolls said…
I love Jasmine! I do not think she is a spoiled brat, she is not stupid, whiny, or rude. She doesn't let anyone push her around. Just because she is rich and grew up in a palace does not make her a bad person, in fact she didn't want to be there. I feel like she could do a great job in running the country with Aladdin.
Anii147 commented…
Jasmine is my favorite too for the reasons stated. I don't understand how people complain about her, but ignore Ariel doing the same thing. over a year ago
AudreyFreak commented…
^Ariel tends to get some hate too but I agree. though yeah, she can be rude (look at how she treats her suitors and Aladdin while complaining about them judging HER without knowing her). It's OK to have flawed characters. over a year ago
wavesurf commented…
^Yes. We are. But we've come to two totally different "interpretations" of it. over a year ago
over a year ago beautybeastfan2 said…
I just can't get into Descendants. It has things that are way too modern, and there's one thing that doesn't make sense. None of the villains are married, and most of them die at the end of their movies, so how could they have kids?
KataraLover commented…
In my opinion, Descendants is the WORST Disney movie I have EVER seen in my entire life. over a year ago
beautybeastfan2 commented…
Yeah, I haven't seen it either. And don't want to over a year ago
scarletunicorn commented…
I don't think it's for us though. i think it's just for the typical teen audience who watches Disney channel...Hoho Disney caters to 20 year olds via different ways... over a year ago
TheMusicalMolls commented…
I'm just gonna put it out there that most teens don't watch Disney channel. Many would laugh at the very idea. over a year ago
over a year ago laylastepford said…
I love and miss Disney's classic storybook film openings like Pinocchio, The Jungle Book, Snow White, Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, etc. They give it such a magical and "fairy tale" feel for me! :D
I love and miss Disney's classic storybook film openings like Pinocchio, The Jungle Book, Snow White,
Winternacht commented…
I agree! I love those :) over a year ago
MalloMar commented…
They're so gorgeous. over a year ago
PrincessAyeka12 commented…
I agree! I love them too. over a year ago