Disney Princess Unpopular Disney opinions (confessions)

viktoriya773 posted on Feb 10, 2014 at 11:53PM
Post your unpopular Disney opinion here. Express your opinion about not only DP but Disney in general. Please be respectful about each other's opinions and don't bash someone because of it. Say "I disagree/agree with you because..." I'm sure everyone is mature enough to handle it.

Disney Princess 811 replies

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Showing Replies 751-800 of 811

over a year ago deedragongirl said…
Lea Salonga sang Let It Go way better than Idina Menzel, the former has the voice!
over a year ago BB2010 said…
Even though it's been overhyped I still love Frozen. I think it's a good movie, I mean it was good enough for me to see in theaters 3 times and on dvd several more, and I really like the characters. I thought Hans would have been a good surprise villain if it didn't feel like something that was just thrown in there, I think Olaf is really funny, I love Elsa and Anna, and I love the songs. I feel like if Disney didn't shove Elsa, Let it Go, and Frozen in everyone's faces then maybe there wouldn't be so much hate for it
last edited over a year ago
Sparklefairy375 commented…
I absolutely agree over a year ago
deedragongirl commented…
Totally, my younger Autistic brother is a number 1 fan of Disney's Frozen and I don't mind it too! over a year ago
MalloMar commented…
Its pretty unbalanced,, but I do like it. I guess some of my reasons are 'nostalgia' based, since i spent a LOT of time here gushing over every new detail that was released before it came out. It was so much fun having a group of people to get excited with. The movie isn't incredible, and there are things i don't like about it, but i enjoy it enough. over a year ago
over a year ago Sparklefairy375 said…
I don't see what bothers people about the line "you can't marry a man you just met" and accuse it as the way how Disney mocking classic princesses in subtle way. I don't see it as an insult, I don't think it's offensive, and in real life, sure that quote works. You cannot marry someone without getting know about him/her first.
last edited over a year ago
I don't see what bothers people about the line "you can't marry a man you just met" and accuse it as
BB2010 commented…
and it works perfectly with Anna's situation. She literally just met Hans earlier that day and after only an evening with him she decides she wants to marry him even though it's proven she doesn't know everything about him, good or bad. Not only does Kristoff test her on it, Hans turned out to be a villain and even mocks her for agreeing to marry him that quick. over a year ago
deedragongirl commented…
Precisely, it was justifiable. over a year ago
AudreyFreak commented…
but why only that then? that's always been my problem. where do we draw the line? people like knocking the true love thing but not how... awkwardly Elsa's mental issues are handled and how quickly they seem to go away, or how Rapunzel's somehow magically never affect her ability to be a perfect ruler as per Flynn's narration, or how "soft" the racism is in 1920s deep south in PATF, to name a few. and that's the deep stuff. other fairy tale things like villains being ugly or talking animals helping you save the day or whatever are just as prevalent yet nobody gets so heated over those. over a year ago
over a year ago BB2010 said…
I can't listen to the song Goodbye May Seem Forever from Fox and the Hound without crying. Not only is the song itself really sad, it's so hard watching Widow give up Tod after raising him since he was a baby. It also has me thinking about how eventually my cat (who I have had for 12 years and still see as my baby) will be gone. I'm tearing up a bit right now just making this confession about that song lol :P
MalloMar commented…
THIS! The scene is heartbreaking, and the acting (Willow Tweed recalling memories with Tod) is so emotion-filled, so real. <3 over a year ago
Mongoose09 commented…
That scene breaks my heart. Mufasa who? over a year ago
AudreyFreak commented…
saaaame! I can usually never even think of it without crying. over a year ago
over a year ago magicworld_88 said…
I dont understand why people think mulan and aurora would not be friends. They are not opposite.They both are sweet , gentle , they love their families and make sacrifice in their movies. I think theses two could be friends.
AudreyFreak commented…
People are sexist and love to pit the tomboy and girly girl against each other (even though Mulan's not very masculine). They project their own hate for other women onto Mulan. over a year ago
over a year ago BB2010 said…
I honestly don't understand the hype for Nightmare Before Christmas. I know the stop motion is great to watch and the soundtrack is amazing but other than that the movie just seemed kinda boring. I can only name a few scenes I actually enjoyed watching and pretty much all of them were the musical numbers
wavesurf commented…
I actually liked watching that movie, and didn't find it boring. It, and Frankenweenie are superb cartoon horror comedies in my opinion. But those flicks probably don't appeal to everyone. I generally love/like moderately praised stuff. over a year ago
BB2010 commented…
^I would have liked Frankenweenie a lot more if it didn't have the weird cat poop "predictions" and the ending where instead of just letting the dog go everyone decides to cheat death to bring the dog back to life. Like, if that's the case let's just go ahead and bring back everyone from the dead, nbd over a year ago
BB2010 commented…
^to me it just feels like how Disney overhyped Frozen when that movie wasn't all that great either. Maybe if it wasn't shoved in my face a lot then maybe I wouldn't consider it overrated over a year ago
over a year ago notbrandyss said…
The race issue in this fandom drives me nuts. I fucking hate the entitled, fragile white fans always discouraging any comment regarding representation and casually just ignore it. I've seen white members of the fandom complain how they're unhappy because Disney doesn't portray Irish culture correctly, but they'll brush off Black Panther and Coco, genuine attempts at representation, by saying they're "forced pandering". Yet at the same time they loove the whitewashed, racist characters such as Honey Lemon and all the Marvel characters, and the Star Wars characters. So minorities are only good as long as they're space aliens or they can resemble white people, as further away from their cultural identity as possible. *rolls eyes*
AudreyFreak commented…
You hate Dee and Wavesurf for being poc and support a white supremacist villain. You're as racist as it gets, Eryn. Now, don't you have some white-blonde Aryan girls to lust after? đŸ€­ over a year ago
over a year ago vintagelace said…
Honey Lemon is not whitewashed. She is a white Latina. White Latinas exist.
notbrandyss commented…
If she is latina then why doesn't she have an authentic Spanish name? Couldn't the film go out of their way to showcase she's latin, instead of wasting time on other things? If she's so white passing that I have to google that she's latin, then your idea of latin representation is shit and you should feel ashamed for it. over a year ago
notbrandyss commented…
Also, she is whitewashed, at least if we take into consideration the original comics. She was Japanese there, and was changed to random Rapunzel clone in the movie over a year ago
AudreyFreak commented…
also, the fact that they went and got an actually latino actress to play her when they could have just picked any white VA as many do doesn't really hold up with your hypocritical whining, Eryn. when did you get such a hate boner for her anyway? you used to defend her and Sofia. over a year ago
over a year ago Sparklefairy375 said…
I think it's strange when people judging Aurora (and somehow the other classics) to have no personality when Snow and Cinderella's Princes are the same-even more than the princesses, and nobody ever bothered with that.
last edited over a year ago
deedragongirl commented…
Precisely! over a year ago
Mongoose09 commented…
idk, I always see people say the Princes before Aladdin (/Eric) have no personality. I disagree with it especially Phillip over a year ago
RoseRapunzel commented…
Maybe it's because the films are not supposed to be about the princes but the princesses, therefore they're supposed to have personality. If the movies were about the princes, it would be the other way around. Like for instance if Hercules had no personality in his own movie, it would bother them but not as much if Meg didn't because she's not the main character. I actually think both the classic princes and princesses do have personalities. over a year ago
AudreyFreak commented…
tastes like sexism, man over a year ago
over a year ago BB2010 said…
I absolutely adore the movie Hocus Pocus. It's my favorite Halloween movie, I love I Put a Spell on You, I watch the movie every year, and i actually named my cat after Binx
KataraLover commented…
That's not exactly unpopular. Everyone I know adores the movie. In fact, most people I know say that it's the best Halloween movie ever and I agree with them. It may be unpopular among critics but it just proves that critics aren't always a good judge on whether a movie is good or not. over a year ago
BB2010 commented…
^I don't know a lot of people who like the movie that's why I put up this opinion over a year ago
Mongoose09 commented…
^ fair enough. I can't wait to watch it this Halloween! it's so nostalgic to me over a year ago
over a year ago deedragongirl said…
I was initially skeptical of the Princess and the Frog upon revisiting my childhood of Disney 9 years ago when the movie came to Malaysia, I thought that it was going to flop. But as it turns out, it's one of my favourite Disney Princess films ever.
notbrandyss commented…
I lOOOOVE TIana over a year ago
AudreyFreak commented…
^then why is she way down your list at #7? lol. you really can't troll for cheese whiz, boo over a year ago
over a year ago ApplesauceDoctr said…
I somewhat like the movie Moana, but overall, I don't think it's great. Here are my main critiques:
- Moana herself feels a little too perfect. She has many "good" qualities like being action-prone, quick-thinking, but is almost never afraid or uncertain. That's a little impossible for me to believe, given the journey she's going on.
- The one mistake Moana makes (trying to get Maui closer to Te Fiti) is contrived. Her not heeding Maui's warning isn't a result of a recurring character flaw, nor does she apologize to him for not listening.
- Chief Tui's reason for preventing going past the reef is also contrived.
- We don't get to know the people of Moana's island that well. If we had, it would have made the "saving her people" part of the story feel more urgent.
- Maui's sudden return at the end could have felt more natural if there was a scene with just him contemplating about going back.
- The encounter with the kakamora doesn't further much of anything.
- Yes, Disney's self-jabs and one modern reference do take me out of the experience.

I have positive things to say too, but this thread IS unpopular opinions, so I'm sharing just my critiques.
Sparklefairy375 commented…
I agree with all of these. Moana feels a bit of Mary Sue-ish and yeah, the Kakamora scene is just forgettable. over a year ago
notbrandyss commented…
Moana is SOOO lifeless. It's a movie made to satisfy demanding audiences, nothing more, nothing less. over a year ago
BB2010 commented…
I agree with all of these but I still like her and the movie over a year ago
AudreyFreak commented…
you were just whining about representation and poc above, eryn. love how it matters only when it comes to Latinos but everyone else can screw off. Heaven forbid Polynesians get a chance in the limelight for once. over a year ago
over a year ago deedragongirl said…
The whole shipping thing of Elsa and Jack Frost is absolutely ridiculous! Just because they have ice powers, their characteristics are actually the opposite.
last edited over a year ago
Sparklefairy375 commented…
Not really an unpopular opinion, at least around here. Many dislike that shipping too. over a year ago
ApplesauceDoctr commented…
Yeah, I never got that pairing, either. Sort of like how people pair Hiccup and Merida, I think just because they're from similar parts of the world. over a year ago
AudreyFreak commented…
agreed. I like Jackanna more because their personalities and values mesh better. Jack and Elsa would honestly probably be reminded of the traits they dislike in Bunny and Anna in each other. over a year ago
over a year ago notbrandyss said…
A Princess and the Frog live action remake would be fab, with Brandy as Tiana.
Anime_fan2011 commented…
I love Brandy but wouldn’t she be a little too old for the part? over a year ago
Keeloves commented…
Brandy Norwood could play an older character I think! Tiana is like 19 so I think Sierra McClain or Coco Jones would be great Tiana's as well! Both beautiful, talented young women! They need more recognition over a year ago
over a year ago BB2010 said…
while I love the live action version of The Jungle Book, I don't really like some of the decisions made cast-wise. Lupita Nyong'o as Raksha was amazing, of course, and I loved Ben Kignsley as Bageera and Idris Elba was an awesome Shere Khan but Bill Murray as Baloo and Christopher Walkin as King Louie? No. Just, no.
last edited over a year ago
notbrandyss commented…
Is this is a race issue? Seems you single out the white guys as the problem of the casting (And no Asian-role stealer Scarlette Johansson?) over a year ago
BB2010 commented…
No because not only do I hate Bill Murray he didn't sound even close to being fun and carefree as the original Baloo, Christopher Walkin's voice on King Louie sounds so wrong, and as much as I don't like Scarlet Johanson she at least did a decent job as Kaa over a year ago
AudreyFreak commented…
of course Eryn with her fetish for old white dudes is only offended by the white women. your obsession with race is so unreal. over a year ago
over a year ago AdelitaI said…
I think Belle and Ariel are not as different as many people say. I'd say Belle and Ariel are more similiar than Belle and Tiana. Belle is not as cautious and mature as many people say( yes, less carefree that Ariel but
not much less carefree). I'd say that all Renessaince DPs are somewhat similiar to each other. Jasmine and Mulan are the most dissimiliar pair amongst Renessaince DPs but they still have a bit in common.
over a year ago mhs1025 said…
I just saw the teaser trailer to the Aladdin remake, and I've gotta be honest about this-I don't know about Will Smith playing the genie. I just started watching The Fresh Prince Of Bel-Air afew weeks ago, and I just don't know about him playing such an iconic character.
Sparklefairy375 commented…
I don't have strong feelings about Will Smith as Genie too. Not sure if he was able to bring the humourous side of the Genie like the original one did, or not. over a year ago
deedragongirl commented…
Yea, since you mentioned this. I actually saw Kazaam many years ago and I want to see Shaquille O' Neal as the genie!! over a year ago
Anime_fan2011 commented…
I’m trying to not get my hopes up for this one over a year ago
over a year ago MaidofOrleans said…
Not really sure if this is an unpopular opinion on here or not, but I really enjoy most of the live action remakes Disney has been doing. They're a fun way to revisit the classic films of my childhood in a new light. They won't ever replace the animated versions for me, but it's amazing to get to see these movies on the big screen, something I never got to experience with the originals since most of them came out before I was born. Sure, some of the casting might be off and the CGI is definitely cringey, but I find that I don't mind those issues because it's so much fun to see a shiny, brand new interpretation of my favorite childhood movies.
Sparklefairy375 commented…
I agree so much over a year ago
AdelitaI commented…
I disagree but I way more critical and pessimistic than you in general. over a year ago
RoseRapunzel commented…
Totally agree. Despite I do have some problems with some of them, mostly Beauty and the Beast, I am generally open and optimistic about remakes and love most of them. over a year ago
over a year ago BB2010 said…
Idk if this is unpopular or not but I don't like the Pirates of the Caribbean series. I love the first two movies but the third one was only ok, the fourth was boring, and tbh the fifth one ticks me off because it was so bad
Mongoose09 commented…
Agreed. First one is really good, second one is passable. The other 3 are terrible & unnecessary. You could tell in the 5th one that Johnny Depp just wasn't trying anymore over a year ago
cruella commented…
I never liked them either. I always found them boring and overrated. over a year ago
deedragongirl commented…
I only like the theme music played the Piano Guys, I never even watch the series at all!!! over a year ago
RoseRapunzel commented…
I thought I was the only one who wasn't thrilled about them. I have only seen bits and pieces of the first, second and third ones and I agree first is the best, second is okay and third looks terrible. over a year ago
over a year ago BB2010 said…
I've never really had a problem with Disney owning Star Wars because I honestly thought Disney already owned it since there's a SW ride in the parks. The only new SW movie I've seen so far is Rogue One and I thought that was a great movie, it kept my interest the whole time unlike the past movies which kinda bored me most of the time
MaidofOrleans commented…
I think Disney's improved the series. *runs away screaming from the haters* over a year ago
BB2010 commented…
^I agree tbh. I liked A New Hope and Empire Strikes Back and all but they both kinda bored me. The prequel trilogy was so terrible that I was hesitant to watch the new trilogy until I heard all the good things about it over a year ago
AudreyFreak commented…
Eryn is butthurt Reylo is more popular than her boring ships. over a year ago
over a year ago mhs1025 said…
I want them to make more movies about Max Goof. He's such a relatable character. I just watched An Extremely Goofy Movie today, and afterwards, I couldn't help but think "Man, I wish that Disney would make more movies about Max.".
cruella commented…
I wish they did more Mickey and Friends movies in general. over a year ago
mhs1025 commented…
They have a show on Disney Jr. called Mickey Mouse Club House. I'll be happy to see him in just one episode of THAT. Another thing, I know it'll never happen, but, they should make a movie about what happened to his mother. Like I said, I know it'll never happen, but if it did, I'd pay my hard earned dollar to see it. over a year ago
BB2010 commented…
There was this show called House of Mouse where Mickey and the gang run a club that shows Mickey cartoons, Max is actually the valet there and he has some good eps. There's one where he's on a date with Roxanne too over a year ago
mhs1025 commented…
^ I've seen House Of Mouse afew times, and I want to watch more episodes on YouTube. over a year ago
over a year ago AudreyFreak said…
If Anna is stupid for trusting a guy she hasn't known long but treated her kindly, what does that make Rapunzel for trusting an entire bar of criminals and murderers she's known even less? Liking unicorns and sewing doesn't make you a good person. It doesn't even make you a nice person. Hitler was a sensitive artist who liked blondes too. But what I dislike about Tangled is how it jumps through loops to excuse some bad behavior and condemn others. And this isn't limited to just Rapunzel btw (Belle and Pocahontas for example also get away with doing some incredibly foolish stuff) but people love to compare the two, and I'm so tired of hearing how Anna is an idiot for her trusting nature while Rapunzel's is adorable and justified.
BB2010 commented…
Especially when they've both been in the same situation; stuck at home all their lives, only seeing their relative(s) their whole lives..I know Anna had parents who genuinly loved her and Rapunzel was with an abusive kidnapper but still over a year ago
Anime_fan2011 commented…
Actually Sparklefairy375 I was calling wavesurf immature, not BB2010. Not to start any fights here but I’m agreeing with BB2010. She wasn’t fighting with wavesurf about a different opinion that was all wavesurf over a year ago
Sparklefairy375 commented…
^No worries, I already know that you referred that to wavesurf instead. over a year ago
over a year ago magicworld_88 said…
I dont know why but i cant imagine snow and aurora be best friend

Also for me prince Hans is a great villain.
last edited over a year ago
BB2010 commented…
If you don't mind me asking, why don't you think they can be friends? over a year ago
magicworld_88 commented…
i can see them be friend ! but not best friend.to be honest i dont know why exactly maybe this is because snow is more optimistic/bossy while aurora is more pessimist/not bossy and maybe more mature over a year ago
Mongoose09 commented…
I actually agree, I think the same about Cinderella & Snow too. I think Snow would be closer with Ariel, Anna & Rapunzel tbh. over a year ago
BB2010 commented…
That does sound like a good reason. I've never considered that over a year ago
over a year ago AdelitaI said…
I don't get why forgivingness is quite often considered a distinctive Jasmine's attribute or something like that. Not that isn't forgiving( she is) but I don't think it makes her that unique. All Disney Princes, except first four, weren't consistently nice to their love interests and somehow wronged them. And it's considering only love interests. Love interests aside, Snow White forgave Grumpy. Cinderella in the sequel forgave Anastasia( who, unlike Aladdin to Jasmine, has never done anything good to her, to me it takes much more forgivingness than forgiving a loving if flawed person). Aurora was pretty quick to forgive fairies for lying to her during whole her life( of course, nowhere near as bad as what, say, Tremaine deeds but being lied about your background during whole your life is still quite traumatizing and in media it's a quite common reason for a character to hold grudge).
So I don't really see how Jasmine is OUTSTANDINGLY forgiving.
AudreyFreak commented…
I think some people don't really understand her personality. Like how Disney made her official defining trait "generous" when she isn't really- if anything it's her honesty (she is brutally honest and demands honesty from others always too). It's like how people say Cinderella was a saint while ignoring her angry moments or Pocahontas is wise when she did some big mistakes and such. over a year ago
BB2010 commented…
I think the only generous things she does that I can think of is when she gave a little boy an apple and when she tried to save Aladdin from being thrown in the dungeon over a year ago
over a year ago BB2010 said…
Idk if this is an unpopular opinion or not but I've seen more negative comments for this movie than good so here we go

I actually really liked how Zootopia talked a lot about racism and prejudice. I've seen people talk about how it got way too preachy and stuff but honestly I think this was something kids really needed to see especially with what's going on in real life. Personally I've never had a problem with how much it was talked about because, again, not only is this a movie kids need to see, it also really fits with all the hate that's been going on forever and it came out the same year we got that thing as president
MaidofOrleans commented…
I've mostly heard praise for it as well. I agree that it is a fantastic and much-needed movie! over a year ago
BB2010 commented…
@disnerdtobe there's a comment right here on this forum about not liking the movie constantly talking about racism, I've seen comments on different spots on fanpop, and I've had friends talking about the same thing over a year ago
RoseRapunzel commented…
I've only heard praise of it. I agree the issues it deals with are relevant and very important today but leaving that aside, I didn't find myself enjoying the movie very much, which is not to say it's a bad movie. Just not my cup of tea. over a year ago
over a year ago MalloMar said…
I get it if you don't look at this the same way I do, but I judge Pocahontas (movie) for what it is, rather than what it should be. I don't think that this watered down fanfiction-y 'version of history' is a good representation of what truly happened in any way, nor should people take it as a history lesson. Heck, maybe it shouldn't have been made in the first place.
However, I enjoy it for other things. The music, animation, chemistry of the characters, etc. are well done. Pretty much what I'm saying is that I (maybe wrongfully?) separate this movie from it's origin when i watch it. There are two stories. One happened, and the other is fiction, with some loose connections. It is flawed, but I believe it's possible to enjoy this movie while acknowledging the mistakes made. If you can't get past that, I understand.
My apologies if this isn't unpopular.
BB2010 commented…
I try doing that too. There's movies out there that are so historically inaccurate (one example Balto) or put horrible people in a good light (The Greatest Showman as another example and John Smith in this movie) I think as long as you're not saying you love a real life person just because of what their fictional self did or you are at least aware that even though the movie is great the events are fictional or the "good" people in it were bad in real life there's really no problem enjoying it. over a year ago
324anna commented…
Yeah I feel the same way. over a year ago
AudreyFreak commented…
agreed. you can definitely like a thing or aspects about it while acknowledging the bad sides. it's not hard to do. Gone With the Wind for instance has... issues, but it's well acted, has great cinematography, etc. I used to watch One Flew Over the Cuckoo's nest every week for awhile because it was engaging to watch even though the author of the book was a raging misogynist. it's maturity. over a year ago
over a year ago Sparklefairy375 said…
I think the "Monster" song from musical adaptation of Frozen add more of Elsa's story and brings more depth throughout Elsa's character, and the song portray her anxiety and depression better than "Let it Go".

Here's link if anyone haven't heard of it.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago ApplesauceDoctr said…
After trying to watch Olaf's Frozen Adventure, but not finishing it, I thought I'd post this.

As much as I like Frozen, I don't really like the spring short or the holiday special. (This combo of liking the first movie but not the rest might be a little uncommon.) I don't so much mind the plots; they're fairly interesting and worth exploring. They just weren't executed that well. The characters' personalities are all a little off, and just not radiating with personality, charm, or emotion as in the movie. That might be why the humor doesn't work as well. The songs are all forgettable to me, too. I only remember "When We're Together" exists from making a lyric video a while back.

It's hard to explain, but I know why I don't like these two shorts as much. It's because with the original Frozen, everything was "fresh." The people making it had no idea how successful the movie would be, but did the best work they could. These shorts didn't have to be bold; they knew they'd be successful. As a result, that passion and effort isn't as strong here, making these weak products, even for shorts.

All that being said, I'm on the fence for Frozen 2. I can't wait to learn plot details. However, the subpar quality of the two shorts and the mixed opinions of Ralph 2 make me worry a little that I won't like it.
BB2010 commented…
I liked the holiday special way more than the birthday special, it felt like there was more effort in that one. I'm excited for Frozen 2 but I'm really hoping they don't do a weak surprise villain like Hans and I hope they don't do some bad plot holes like Wreck it Ralph 2 did over a year ago
Sparklefairy375 commented…
I like those two shorts although not as good as the original, and I can see why you don't like them. I already feel that those shorts are made for gain more money due of the franchise's popularity. But at least for me, Frozen Fever has some of cute moments, meanwhile the holiday one is way too focused with Olaf and a bunch of forgettable songs. I hope Frozen 2 didn't use the same formula like the shorts are. over a year ago
over a year ago deedragongirl said…
Okay, so basically this isn't from a Disney film. But, I absolutely despise Fievel Mousekevitz's voice from An American Tail. I recently watch the reunite scene from the movie and his voice irritates me to the max! Especially in that scene, it's too over the top.
last edited over a year ago
BB2010 commented…
Isn’t this supposed to be Disney confessions only? over a year ago
Sparklefairy375 commented…
^yup this forum is supposed to be Disney-related confessions only, and if you want to put any of non-Disney's confession on fanpop then you can do it on Random club: link over a year ago
cruella commented…
^Actually there’s a one on the CAHM club link over a year ago
deedragongirl commented…
Oh! Thanks so much, sorry about the non Disney related confession. over a year ago
over a year ago beautybeastfan2 said…
I would love to have a dad just like Hector. He's funny, kind, caring encouraging, understanding, and so sweet. I really like how he hugs and gently tries to calm Miguel down in the cenote, instead of shouting making it worse like my dad does to me when I have a meltdown.
Sparklefairy375 commented…
I agree. He's so sweet <3 over a year ago
ajotma commented…
HĂ©ctor is everything I'd want in a dad that my own dad isn't. I get kinda upset when people try passing him off as a deadbeat/bad father because he left his family to perform (especially since he realized his mistake and wanted to go home). over a year ago
over a year ago mhs1025 said…
I don't know why Disney keeps remaking their own movies. Though I LOVE the live-action version of 101 Dalmatians, and I thought the live-action version of Beauty And The Beast was great, I also feel like they should've left iconic films alone. For example:
The Jungle Book-they should've left that one alone.
Aladdin-they should've left that one alone.
Dumbo-they should've left that one alone. (Even though I vaguely remember seeing it as a kid.)
The Lion King-they REALLY should've left that one alone.
Mulan-they SURE AS HELL should've left that one alone!
The Hunch Back Of Notre Dame-they should've left that one alone. (If you don't already know about this one, see my recent wall post.)
Lady And The Tramp-they should've left that one alone. (Yep, this one is getting a live-action remake, too.)
Pinocchio-they should've left that one alone. (Another live-action remake I forgot to mention.)

On a side-note, I have NOT seen the live-action version of Cinderella yet, and I'm actually excited about the movie called Cruella. (I hope they ask Glenn Close to come back for THIS live-action film!) I've decided not to say anything about Maleficent because I feel like that's actually its own film.

While I actually don't mind SOME live-action adaptions, I also feel like there are films (especially iconic ones) that just shouldn't be tampered with.
last edited over a year ago
wavesurf commented…
Mongoose09 commented…
agreed, I'm literally not excited about any of them, especially The Lion King -- just why?? it's just cashing on people's nostalgia. The only ones I properly enjoyed were Jungle Book (but I prefer the original) & Cinderella which I'd really recommend, I think you'd like it over a year ago
Keeloves commented…
My Unpopular opinions! I don't like the movie Wall E. There are times where I actually like sequels better than the first movie! I think the shows are better than the movies because it helps flesh out characters more! Little Mermaid the series is a good series but I felt it could have been better if the sisters had a bigger role like they do in the books written for children! I also enjoy Wreck it Ralph 2 Ralph breaks the internet but I felt his character behaved like a possessive boyfriend to Vanillaope! I don't know I got a weird vibe from him. over a year ago
over a year ago KataraLover said…
I DON'T think that Varian from Tangled: The Series is a good or compelling villain AT ALL! In his early appearances, before he became a villain, he was a likable enough character. However, when he became a villain, the problems with his character were multifold. First being that the way he decided that Rapunzel and her allies were his enemies was just made it hard for me to understand his point of view, especially since a lot of it was HIS fault. Rapunzel couldn't leave to help because she was left in charge of her kingdom and her people needed her because of the dangerous winter weather. She had an entire kingdom in danger that needed her complete and total attention, so she couldn't just leave to help one kid. Second being that the reason he needed her help was because of a mess that HE caused. He was told not to mess with something but he felt the need to do it anyway and because of that, his dad was frozen in some weird ass gold rock thing. He's blaming Rapunzel and her allies for something that was his fault. True, if we went all the way back, it was the King's fault, but Varian just made it worse by messing with something that he didn't understand and would obviously just make worse. So his response was to make others suffer. That leads to the third problem, which is that he ends up just coming off as a little brat throwing a tantrum, won't take responsibility for what he did, blames others for something that he was to blame for and the only one who was more at fault was the King but still wanted everyone to pay, intentionally tries to kill innocent people like the Queen and Cassandra, and blatantly says that him being the bad guy was no fault of his own when it really is. The forth problem is his design. I don't care what they try to do! They are not going to make some scrawny, socially awkward, short, dorky, freckle-face 14-year-old kid with an overbite look intimidating or convincing as a villain. I can't take a character that looks like that seriously as a villain. He is an overrated character that is poorly written and never should've been made a villain AT ALL.
ApplesauceDoctr commented…
I totally forgot that when I first saw that episode (was it "Queen for a Day"?), I also thought it was strange that Varian blamed Rapunzel for a problem he caused. So,I totally agree with you on that. Dude needs to take responsibility for his actions. That said, I kind of see why he'd be mad at her when she DID promise to come back and help. The first movie established that she always keeps her promises, and that's the first time (to my knowledge) where she broke one. A promise is a promise. They can't always be kept (like you said, there was a whole kingdom at hand), but I can see why Varian would turn villain-like for that reason. In the end, I think he makes a good-ish villain, but he needs a little re-writing to be great. over a year ago
KataraLover commented…
True, a promise is a promise but it's not like Rapunzel was cruel about it. She tried to explain her situation while he just acted like a brat that saw everything in black and white. Plus, during their next encounter, she tries to make up for it by helping him but he betrays her and doesn't care that she's trying to help now. He continues to blame her when she's not at fault but he is. over a year ago
BB2010 commented…
I’m still annoyed that they hyped up Lady Cane but then only had her in the series premiere and in one ep over a year ago
over a year ago magicworld_88 said…

i find "be prepared" from the lion king one of the most overrated disney song
Also even if scar is a very good villain i find sherekhan more threatening than him and a better villain
BB2010 commented…
*gasp* HOW DARE YOU over a year ago
BB2010 commented…
nah I'm kidding :P over a year ago
over a year ago Sparklefairy375 said…
Some opinions about remakes, maybe it sounds similar with mhs1025's opinion above but I'll add some of my perspectives here:

1. I think Disney should stop remaking popular and classical movies especially the hit ones from 90s. Leave them alone as classics for us. I think Disney should've been remaking underrated movies more and I'm sure it would work better. People would have high hopes with remakes of popular movies and most of the time, they were ended with a huge disappointment.

So far the only remake that work well for me is Cinderella (2015) and why? That's because the director and writer stay true of the original story and focused to Ella's courage and kindness instead of add twist that ruin the story and excessive CGI like the rest did. Although Maleficent and BATB did better on box office that's only because of the huge attention towards Angelina Jolie and Emma Watson.

2. Aladdin remake is a huge MISCAST! Most of the cast are not even from the Middle East. Aladdin is the only one that was kinda accurate as the actor is Egyptian, and Egypt is a part of Middle East. The rest, well Naomi Scott is half British and half Indian (India is a South Asia country not Middle East, and their culture is DIFFERENT), Will Smith is African American (and he ain't even that funny to be the Genie imo)

I read somewhere that Disney needs longer time to find the main cast, and that's the result? Come on! Disney, if you have such a hard time to remaking non-European movies then I suggest you to not remaking them rather than bring us the disrespectful remakes towards the originals. Even the Aladdin remake would include link, Disney you just made a mistake. It would be better if Disney keep making more original POC animated movies like Moana rather than POC remakes with a lot of miscast.

Now I'm afraid with how they did Mulan with Niki Caro and Liu Yifei. Seriously.
last edited over a year ago
Some opinions about remakes, maybe it sounds similar with mhs1025's opinion above but I'll add some o
BB2010 commented…
it's like when the cast auditioned for Beauty and the Beast by singing Hakuna Matata. I'm not saying it's a bad song, I just have to ask why the casting directors picked a comedy song for auditions when they could have just used the songs from Beauty and the Beast over a year ago
deedragongirl commented…
Will Smith lacks the charisma of the late Robin Williams, Smith doesn't strike me as humourous. over a year ago
AdelitaI commented…
I think Genie should be played by Middle Eastern actor. over a year ago
over a year ago MalloMar said…
The new live-action Cinderella (character) sort of just feels like a walking moral, and I don't feel for her as much as the animated one. Though I consider all deaths devastating, the fact that she loses her father at an older age is a tiny part of it. The first Cinderella loses hers at an age when she's still dependent and easier to influence. The dress ripping scene was sad, but they could have done so much more. I get that traumatizing kids isn't what Disney intends to do, but it feels very safe, doesn't stir up the emotions much. Also, we've seen Cinderella (new) break down before, so this scene doesn't make us feel like this is the absolute last straw for her, the way the animated one does. Also we've seen new Cinderella leave the house and go down town, something I believe the old Cinderella couldn't do. I just don't think her character is as compelling. She lacks the subtle spunk and determination we love.
Forgive me if I have my facts wrong, I've seen this movie just once and it was a while ago. It IS visually stunning, I'll give it that.
lavendersblue commented…
I agree. She feels a lot flatter than the animated character, who has more layers and more agency (ironic, considering the 65 year difference) over a year ago
Mongoose09 commented…
Definitely agreed. I've seen many people say live-action Cinderella has more personality and I HIGHLY disagree, the 1950 version had more depth imo. the new one is missing the subtle sassyness of the animated, the newer one just has more screentime that's all. But don't get me wrong, I still love both characters and movies, but I feel the older Cinderella had something more about her. Having said all that, I do actually appreciate that we have a character like this in 2015, a lot of female characters now have to be seen as "kick-ass" so I like that they didn't completely ruin the character and kept her kind, gentle personality intact. over a year ago
MalloMar commented…
^Very good point! over a year ago
over a year ago magicworld_88 said…
i used to think just like a lot of people that rapunzel and anna look a lot alike ! but not anymore in fact i find them to look very different ! they just both have huge eyes
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago BB2010 said…
I know it's considered overrated but I love The Lion King SO MUCH. Like I love it so much I can't even see why it's considered overrated. I love all the characters, all the songs, the animation, and the story and I can still remember all the lines. I'm really looking forward to the remake, even if it sucks I'll still want to watch it
deedragongirl commented…
So true, even my younger autistic brother wants to watch it. over a year ago
AdelitaI commented…
Honestly, people say it's better than Pocahontas so often, that it can't not have negative influence on my feelings about this movie. Same with Hunchback of Notre Dame and Mulan. I love the Scar, Mufasa( though he is far from being only great Disney dad but his quote of bravery is so great), Nala and hyenas but I hate Timon and Pumbaa. over a year ago
over a year ago BB2010 said…
I never understand the hate for the revival era. I guess some movies could have been better like Frozen and Winnie the Pooh (it was a shorter version of Pooh’s Grand Adventure) but is hating a couple of the movies enough to hate the entire era which has a quite a few good movies?

Or another reason I don’t understand is when people don’t like the Revival era for doing things that past movies have done. Frozen did a movie about sibling love, so did Brother Bear and Lilo and Stitch. Moana didn’t fall for the friend she made on her adventure, neither did Marlin in Finding Nemo or Bolt in Bolt.

The only ones I can really see being an issue is “you can’t marry a man you just met” and “I’m not a princess” but those only happened in two movies
last edited over a year ago
wavesurf commented…
I dunno... I recall really TRYING to like Frozen when it first came out. I tried to like Elsa, but couldn't get around her signature line, nor the part in the movie where she's so anxious about her powers, and angry at what she's done, that she hits Anna in the heart with ice. But why send Marshmellow out there, to toss her sister out? That part I never agreed with, and never understood. That was overkill, imo. over a year ago
wavesurf commented…
And, I didn't feel as bad about the "I'm not a princess" statement coming out of Tiana's mouth, because *circumstance, circumstance* she was--in fact-- a waitress! The way it was constructed and delivered didn't feel like Disney was making a personal statement about their "ideal for a princess"-- with mockery/pun intended against prior films. Though I don't enjoy TPATF for Tiana's narrow-mindedness, I do not think that movie or Tangled launched the hate for the Revival. In TPATF being hitched/ or being single, wasn't the driving force behind everything, either. But it was definitely the message behind Frozen, Brave, and Moana. over a year ago
AdelitaI commented…
Hating a movie for doing things thing past movie has done but claiming the movie is not that special for this is understandable I think. BTW, I love PaTF and Tangled. over a year ago
over a year ago MalloMar said…
I hated/was afraid of Lucifer as a kid, but now I think he's hilarious, even a little cute. He's animated hilariously, and at times, he moves like real cats. Cracks me up!
BB2010 commented…
I love that evil kitty! over a year ago
over a year ago magicworld_88 said…
I think this is a very unpopular opinion XD but i find the love triangle in frozen thousand more interesting than the relationship between the sisters.
PrincessAyeka12 commented…
I wouldn’t call Anna’s love interests a love triangle. Love triangles come with jealousy. The timing is off. If it was a love triangle - Anna would be in love with Hans and Kristoff at the same time. But Anna and Kristoff don’t realise their feelings for each other until the second act near the end of movie. over a year ago
PrincessAyeka12 commented…
...the end of *the* movie. That should say. over a year ago
over a year ago mhs1025 said…
I meant to say something about this a WHILE back, but I'm finally available the time, so, let's begin. I watched both Atlantis movies about 6 months ago, and I have some things I have to say about the animation style of each. When I watched the first Atlantis, I felt like I was watching a movie. The animation was breathtaking. When I watched the second Atlantis, I felt like I was watching a 90's TV show. The animation was alittle blotchy, and I felt like I went back to the 90's. The acting was good in both movies. I just wish they chose to stick with the original animation style for the sequel.
last edited over a year ago
BB2010 commented…
I think it was originally supposed to be a spin-off series like The Little Mermaid and Aladdin but then it was made into a movie instead over a year ago
mhs1025 commented…
^ THAT'S some interesting information. It could also explain the blotchy animation style. One thing I forgot to mention was the voice actor for Milo was replaced. He did a good job voicing Milo as well. over a year ago
over a year ago MaidofOrleans said…
Merida deserved a better written movie. She's a really complex, interesting character but the plot never explored her potential. The writers failed her.
over a year ago MaidofOrleans said…
Some Moana confessions for POTM:

I really like Shiny, I think it's a fun song

I don't think Moana is unoriginal or bland - she's awesome!

Moana is hands down the prettiest CGI princess so far

I don't really like the way the ocean is animated... it kinda looks like a giant blue tongue to me...
KataraLover commented…
I agree with all except for the last one over a year ago
BB2010 commented…
I agree with all of these! I was wondering what was bothering me about the ocean :p over a year ago
AdelitaI commented…
Disagree about the prettiest. I consider Rapunzel the prettiest CGI DP but to each it’s own. over a year ago
over a year ago BB2010 said…
Not liking a popular movie doesn't always mean it's actually overrated, it just means you don't like it. I'm not a fan of Nightmare Before Christmas even though it's really popular but I'm not going to go around saying "Uuugh why do people like this movie? It's so overrated!!"


It's possible to disagree without starting a big argument and going on an essay long rant
over a year ago MaidofOrleans said…
I've heard a lot of people on here say they think Moana is unoriginal, but I disagree:

1. Moana is the only DP who is being explicitly trained to be a leader for her people and who embraces that role.

2. Moana is the only DP who desires adventure but also loves and values her home and longs to return to it once her adventure is over.

3. Moana is the only DP whose goals and story have nothing at all to do with romance or marriage.

4. Moana is the only DP who defeats her villain by not defeating them at all, and instead using compassion to understand them.

Whether or not you think she's bland is a matter of personal preference, but I fail to see how she's unoriginal, at least in the context of the DPs.
wavesurf commented…
Eh. Well, for me, the first two points you made, are totally covered by Pocahontas, who is trained to be a leader ( Moana doesn't really embrace the role of leader anymore than Poca does, in my opinion). Poca also desires adventure, but values her home, and despite her love affair with Smith, chooses her people over Smith when her adventure is over. Mulan is the first DP to really not be interested in romance, except as a side-bar. She was followed by Merida. So, Moana isn't the first on the no romance/marriage front at all. The only thing is the movie never has a villain at all... so yes, Moana is unique in not dispatching a real villain. But I guess, I do see where Moana is more of a copy of other princesses. She's got their traits, but the only unique thing is that her movie is based on a giant misunderstanding between Maui and Te Fiti. But that doesn't make Moana stand out to me, at least with the original personality end of it. But those are my thoughts on her. over a year ago
MaidofOrleans commented…
@Adelital I definitely agree that Mulan loves and values her home, but yeah she doesn't desire adventure which is why I didn't count her for that point, she mostly just wants to be accepted for who she is. over a year ago
MissCinico commented…
I agree with Maid of Orleans over a year ago
over a year ago BB2010 said…
I know a lot of stuff in the Disney movies is just pandering to someone but I still enjoy them. Like the scene in Endgame where all the female heroes gather to help Spider-Man, I honestly don’t care that it was just there for the feminists, I loved that part and it was so cool to see them all in action together
MaidofOrleans commented…
Same, I loved that scene over a year ago
over a year ago wavesurf said…
This probably is just me... but why is the Frozen 2 stuff in every toy store taking up more collective space than even the normal toy area? I am starting to feel irritated with Disney, again. Disney did this the last time around, when Frozen debuted. Gonna overdo it/wear it all out again, Disney? I understand promotional material. But overkill is overkill.
BB2010 commented…
I’ve barely seen any frozen stuff in the stores in my town except maybe Walmart but even then it’s not as much as normal. It probably depends on the town I guess over a year ago
wavesurf commented…
^Stores on the East Cost are extremely quick to stock up. Maybe, excessively so. over a year ago
wavesurf commented…
^They are the audience, so then this stuff is marketed for them. That's fitting. it's just annoying for the rest of us, lol. over a year ago
over a year ago deedragongirl said…
I hope Into the Unknown beats Let It Go by popularity!!!
over a year ago BB2010 said…
I don't know why but I always get so annoyed when a fan says "my [insertcharacternamehere]", especially when someone says "They ruined my Jasmine!" or "My Ariel looks terrible!"
wavesurf commented…
^Depends one how much they identify with said character. I'm sure if Disney decided to "tweak stuff up," and messed with Elsa's personality, hair, and story, you'd feel the same way... over a year ago
BB2010 commented…
I certainly wouldn’t call her “my Elsa” she’s not mine. Besides I identify the most with Rapunzel and Mulan and when the spinoff series and sequel came out for them I still never said “my” anything. I always felt like the word “my” sounds possessive depending the situation. Like in Cinderella they called each other “my Ella” and “my Kit” and I thought that was cute. When a fan does it for a character or even an actor it doesn’t feel the same over a year ago
MissCinico commented…
It bothers me too, especially with this “not my Ariel” hashtag going around. People don’t like change so I guess that’s how they cope with it. over a year ago
over a year ago BB2010 said…
This isn’t exactly unpopular but this has been bothering me for months

I hate that we finally get a Black Widow movie and it’s AFTER she’s killed off in Endgame. And this isn’t taking place after Endgame like the shows we’re getting on Disney+, no this is a backstory stand-alone film like Iron Man or Captain America. It seems so pointless watching it because we all know she’s dead now. And what’s even more frustrating is because a lot of other people feel this way, Black Widow might not do well in the box office and Marvel will most likely think it’s because movies about female heroes don’t make money

Also with that said I think it’s messed up that Black Widow didn’t get a funeral or that we didn’t actually see it it because her death was overshadowed by Iron Man’s death