Disney Princess Unpopular Disney opinions (confessions)

viktoriya773 posted on Feb 10, 2014 at 11:53PM
Post your unpopular Disney opinion here. Express your opinion about not only DP but Disney in general. Please be respectful about each other's opinions and don't bash someone because of it. Say "I disagree/agree with you because..." I'm sure everyone is mature enough to handle it.

Disney Princess 811 replies

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Showing Replies 301-350 of 811

over a year ago OnceABlueMoon said…
I find Peter Pan 2 to be a much better movie than the first one. They focus a lot more on the characters such as Jane needing to learn to have fun, despite living during a war. They also focus a lot more on consequences such as whenTtinkerbell almost dies, and they have a very empowered female character in the form of Jane who is able to pick herself up after failing and save everyone.
shanyuisboss commented…
To be honest, I think Peter Pan is probably one of the most overrated Disney movies and also one of the worst. Not only was it racist, the animation stunk, Captain Hook and Smee were some of the most annoying characters on the planet, and so were the lost boys, Peter Pan, Tinkerbell, and even Wendy. I feel like everyone in the movie got on my nerves. The songs were weird except for the mother song, and overall it is a terrible movie. The sequel on the other hand was one of the best movies Disney has made. Jane was really a unique character, Wendy was way better, Captain Hook was toned down, and Smee was actually funny for once, the lost boys were annoying but it wasn't to the point where I just couldn't handle watching the movie, it was enough to portray the character, Peter Pan was actually really cool, and the movie had a more smooth flow. I didn't like the songs, but the animation was beautiful and I loved it. over a year ago
avatar_tla_fan commented…
I hate Peter pan. Peter Pan 2 is okay imo. over a year ago
Sparklefairy375 commented…
I don't like any of them. over a year ago
over a year ago Diazdiaz95 said…
Ugh, whenever the subject of an LGBT princess or Disney character comes up on here I get a headache. Why? Because then we begin with the arguments and disagreements and it just annoys me a bit. Actually, a few months ago we had decided not to bring up that subject because a lot of arguments arise from controversial topics like that. Plus, people sometimes disrespect each other's opinions on this and the community feel that we have temporarily leaves and things become more tense. Not that we should never ever mention the possibility of an LGBT character but we shouldn't focus to much on it. I get annoyed whenever debates on it come up in real life so I don't want to see more arguing on that subject here on Fanpop. Is this an unpopular opinion? Or am I just too diplomatic for these sorts of things? Who knows. Keep in mind that I'm not saying that the whole club gets tense and that we all begin to fight but the polls can get ugly pretty quickly and sometimes these disagreements can lead users to dislike each other. Also, I must clarify that it's not like we're seeing this subject a lot all over the club but it has been in the polls lately and that reminded me of this opinion. Why are my opinions so long? lol

Where do I stand on this subject? Mwahahaha the world may never know. Well, the worldly probably doesn't care anyway lol but anyway, I'm not getting into that :)
Silverrose1991 commented…
I don't like the arguments either - even the ones I get into - but we can't just sweep the matter under the rug. Though I do think that we already had many "Do you want a LGBTQ+ princess?" polls this year. I think we should wait another year, because the general consensus has remained the same (unfortunately). Otherwise, I'm really excited for princesslullaby's gay crossover couples countdowns. Oh, and I think you support the idea of a LGBT princess but not now because it would be controversial, but I may be wrong. over a year ago
mhs1025 commented…
You just spoke the truth, my friend! I may not like the LGBT thing, but it DOES get old pretty fast. Though, I will admit-I've gotten into afew debates about it with people, but we've always worked it out in the end. I may not agree with the people who want a LGBT princess, but it's their opinion and I respect it. over a year ago
_CatWoman_ commented…
I agree. over a year ago
Tygers_Eye commented…
I just leave my opinion and leave. I don't stick around to read people's comments or get offended by what others said. over a year ago
over a year ago -DragonsFire- said…
I prefer Disney's "dark age" movies. I dislike the newer ones like Tangled and Frozen. I'm not fond of the renaissance and I could do with out some of the classic ones. I like stages after the classics and after the renaissance. Some of my favorites are The Sword and The Stone, 101 Dalmatians, Alice in Wonderland, Hunch Back of Notre Dame, Brother Bear and Hercules. I like Aladdin as well, but that's not very unpopular.
fanlovver commented…
I disagree, but I also love Aladdin and HOND. over a year ago
Sk8er__grl commented…
^Same over a year ago
LibelluleBleu commented…
I love the Dark Age movies too, especially The Great Mouse Detective and The Rescuers, over a year ago
over a year ago dimitri_ said…
As a Mulan fan, I get annoyed when people are bitter about Mulan's popularity. I've heard a million times ''I hate how Mulan never gets bashed and blablabla.'' I mean, criticize her all you want but it's a little sad that most of the ''bad things'' said about her are about her fans.
Sk8er__grl commented…
I'm kind of torn at what to say. I am a HUGE Mulan fan, I adore her in every possible way. But I'm one of the people who sort of says it's a bit un-fun when their is no health criticism for a character. I agree though that if you want their to be criticism for a character, criticize them. Don't just complain to their fans (Especially because it won't change a thing, I'll still love her.) over a year ago
mhs1025 commented…
AMEN! over a year ago
AudreyFreak commented…
Not everyone sees her as well developed, and her success is unbelievably unrealistic. Nobody can do EVERYTHING they set their mind to, and to have a little teenage girl defeat a bunch of hulking grown men with way more training, brutal strength and experience than she has is laughably unrealistic. (Sorry if that sounds harsh, but it is.) Her movie is such a product of a politically correct/feminist fantasy, yet people call the old movies unreal? That could be why. but my problem is, why are Mulan fans allowed to hate on the other girls (usually for genuinely ignorant reasons too) but NOBODY is allowed to even criticize Mulan? It's so hypocritical. and if anything, with all her hype and negative comparisons to the other girls, Mulan is the one who truly needs some healthy criticism. over a year ago
over a year ago mhs1025 said…
Moana needs to be voiced by a Broadway actress. They said it's also supposed to be a musical film, and I think that would be fitting.
over a year ago princecatcher93 said…
When people say the Princess and the Frog is dark and people shouldn't watch it, but like the Hunch Back of Notre Dame makes me a bit worried.
Sk8er__grl commented…
I adore both movies. I tend to like more adult themes in movies but I don't see TPATF as very dark. Definitely not at THOND level anyway. over a year ago
mhs1025 commented…
I don't find The Princess And The Frog dark at all! It's one of my favorite films! over a year ago
_CatWoman_ commented…
Mostly because of the demons, Hunchback doesn't actually show anything demonic beside the part when Frollo almost literally falls into hell. PaTF shows demons and witch doctors and play some witch doctors as good. Also dragging the shadow and getting sucked into hell was pretty traffic, not just a tragic fall. I consider both on about the same level, but I can understand why people say it. over a year ago
Diazdiaz95 commented…
I agree with _CatWoman_ and I like both of them because I like animated films with darker elements although I understand why some people find them inappropriate for children. I'm sure my mom would not have let me watch PaTF if it had been released when i was a kid and i didn't even see HoND until last year, but that was because my just doesn't like it even though it's one of my favorites. over a year ago
over a year ago _CatWoman_ said…
Aurora, Merida and Belle are my prettiest DPs, they're absolutely stunning. I don't find them plain, overrated or homely. Just the opposite actually.
Sk8er__grl commented…
I agree on Merida, for me she's the third prettiest DP. But I completely disagree on Belle and Aurora, I find them both sort of "overrated" in the beauty department (Air quotes because their really is no such thing as something being overrated) Aurora is 12th on my list because she's kind of plain and I hate how fake and perfect they tried to make her look. Her hair color looks bleached and her skin is pink. Belle is 9th and while she moved up two spots, I still find her plain. over a year ago
Diazdiaz95 commented…
They've all grown on me lately but i still find Belle sort of plain. I think that the other 2 are pretty though. over a year ago
Sparklefairy375 commented…
Agree about Aurora and Belle, but Merida is more natural, cutesy-pretty imo. over a year ago
over a year ago OnceABlueMoon said…
I don't really get the appeal in listing animated characters based on beauty. Just from the fact of being animated characters, they're all going to have the same symmetrical faces, same Disneyfied large eyes and same Disney standard Unrealistic Hair (TM). Any other differences the girls have such as noses or lips are usually drawn that way to categorize the girl by race, and I feel a bit unsettled to judge the characters based on that. (For example the majority opinion on Fanpop seems to be that the more Caucasian noses are the most appealing. See this poll for example: link
Tiana and Mulan's noses are criticized a lot for being too stubby, while Jasmines is criticized for being to large, yet the groups of people that these girls represent, have the exact same features.)

In addition, with judging animated characters, you are forced to judge them based on the frame you are currently seeing, which can be entirely different to the ones displayed at other times. For example, Pocahontas is repeatedly described as looking like she has no nose based on this picture: link whereas in this still right after, there is no doubt that she has one: link.

My central argument comes down to the point that these characters where specifically drawn so that they would looking appealing to the most number of people. If any of these characters existed as real live human beings they would be drop dead gorgeous. So any comparison between these characters is based on completely arbitrary factors such as the still you are currently studying, or a bit more unsettlingly, subconscious racism.
Silverrose1991 commented…
I do think you have a lot of reason about the race factor. I've been trying to be more open to different kinds of beauty lately, since these caucasian feautures have been presented to me by society as the ideal of beauty. For example, most black women that magazines and the public find beautiful have thinner features, wavy/straight hair, lighter skin, etc. However, I still find interesting ranking these animated characters by beauty. It's fun and we can't just create this policy of not having women of different races in a same beauty list or, in real life, participating in the same beauty contest. To the women of one race, it'll create the feeling of superiority or even inferiority, that "their beauty can't compare to ours". Plus, it's a bit segregrational. over a year ago
Silverrose1991 commented…
Just look at this article: link It's about the most beautiful black woman and the majority has very caucasian-esque features. over a year ago
Sk8er__grl commented…
I have all four princesses of color in my top five most beautiful DP list, probably because I like variety in looks. I was never able to rank the DP's in looks when I first came to the club just because I find all the DP's in some way gorgeous. Since then I sort of figured it out, but I still agree with you. over a year ago
AudreyFreak commented…
Why are people surprised that a country where whites are the majority prefers white features? it's not even just whites- almost all the black people I know ADORE women like Beyonce, Halle, Stacey Dash, etc. (Also nonblack women like Lucy Liu, Aiswarya Rai, etc.) In India, dark doe eyes, full brows, and full lips are what's beautiful. In Africa, heavier women are what's beautiful. in America, several types of beauty are admired (and if anything there's a lot of growing acceptance towards bashing blue eyed blondes and whites in general to uplift different looking women.) Tans are in, for one thing, and all nonwhite women are considered exotically beautiful and more interesting than, say, women who look like Naomi Watts or Natalie Portman. over a year ago
over a year ago Angelica_AW said…
It's been a while since my put a confession in here, so....
Anna and Kristoff are one of my favourite couples.
Sk8er__grl commented…
They ARE my second favorite, so I agree with you. They are just so adorable I can't resist my love for them! over a year ago
over a year ago mhs1025 said…
Not much of a confession, but, Brave and Remember The Titans make me cry.
over a year ago Diazdiaz95 said…
People like to talk about supposed bad character development in films like Frozen, Tangled, PaTF, and Mulan but, honestly, I feel that the 3 classic films have the worst character development since none of the characters ever change. Every character is exactly the same at the end of the film than they are at the beginning except for the happy ending. I don't see how that can be considered good character development compared to the characters in the more modern films that I at least change at some point in the film. Don't get me wrong, I like the classic films and Snow White is one of my favorite DPs but the characters are all pretty one dimensional with the 3 princesses being the most complex characters and even then they are very perfect,pproper young ladies and we don't ever get to see much in the way of flaws from them. I don't think that they are bad characters at all but they aren't as complex as the more modern ones. Yes, the classics are products of their time but so are all the princesses to an extent, so is everything for that matter to an extent, but just because the films were made decades ago that doesn't mean that complex characters or character development did not exist back then. Disney just chose not to develop the characters or make them complex. What I'm trying to say is that if someone is going to put down the characters in the modern films for having bad development or not being complex then I expect them to say the same or even worse about the classic DP characters. I ramble too much, I've even forgotten why I even wrote this in the first place lol. Is this even an unpopular opinion?
avatar_tla_fan commented…
Well, since I disagree, it's probably popular. xD. Our opinions are so opposite, wow. I think the classics are very complex and interesting characters. The only DP who I don't think is complex is Mulan. Her personality is pretty generic and uninteresting to me. over a year ago
over a year ago Disneyfan9648 said…
i like frozen
Diazdiaz95 commented…
Haha, I guess that is a bit of an unpopular opinion at the moment here on Fanpop. I like it too :) over a year ago
Disneyfan9648 commented…
hahahaha :) over a year ago
Sparklefairy375 commented…
Me three :D over a year ago
over a year ago Diazdiaz95 said…
Ooh, I have another one! Even though I love the characters, music, and animation of Brave, I find the story very unoriginal and I get easily bored with it. I like it less and less every time I see it. It is easily one of Pixar's least original films and it lacks Disney magic. It is at the bottom of my list along with Cinderella. It's strange how the plot alone makes me like it less than most of the DP films but it just doesn't excite me, I wish that it were more epic and action packed, like the trailers made it out to be. It is not a bad film but it just seems sort of average to me, it lacks that special something that makes me want to rewatch a film. That being said, I love Merida! She's in my top 5. See, it's weird because the film does have interesting characters, gorgeous animation, and a lovely score but a great, memorable, exciting plot is what seems to be missing for me and keeps me from loving this movie.
misscindyspice commented…
Nooo! D'aww, it's my favorite XD Agree with ya on the animation and score tho ;) over a year ago
Tygers_Eye commented…
I agree 100%. The trailers made it seem so mystical and magical (the ancient setting and mysterious wisps) and for the story to be a big, epic adventure to save the kingdom. If they just had that story (and more female characters and less obnoxious slapstick boy humor) I'd think it was a great movie. over a year ago
Sparklefairy375 commented…
I like Brave, but I sort of agree if it was one of the least fresh and original Pixar movies and it's more like a typical of Disney movies. Ironically Wreck it Ralph which was from Disney, has Pixar formula in its storyline. So I though they are switched each other, lol. over a year ago
over a year ago Tygers_Eye said…
This is REALLY unusual, but bare with me. I used to work in Renaissance Fairs, and researched and dressed in historically accurate European women's clothes. Naturally, I'm privy to ye olde women's underthings. And it drives me CRAZY when films that depict Western women from olden times (basically pre-1920's Flapper Movement) show them to be bare-legged under their skirts; particularly those with skirts that go down to their ankles. And that includes Disney's fairy tale era women.

I can understand Briar Rose since she was raised in the woods with fairies who knew little to nothing about humans, Rapunzel since she was raised alone in a tower in the forest by the centuries-old Gothel and is barefoot anyway, and Elsa's ice dress since it was of her own design, but there's little excuse for the others.

With few exceptions, Western women always had their entire legs covered under their skirts. They had at least stockings that went up their legs, tied in place by some sort of garter, and over that some sort of knee-length bloomers. You wouldn't see bare legs flashing like Snow White's iconic yellow and blue dress, Ariel's town dress, or Belle's standard blue dress. I know those aren't the most historically accurate, but it still makes me crazy. Especially the modern ones. In Tangled, we see a glimpse of Gothel's and the Queen's bare leg between their skirts and boots. In Frozen, we see a brief glimpse of the Queen's and Anna's bare leg.

The most "accurate" I've seen is Elsa's and Anna's coronation dresses. Even though Elsa's wearing dainty flats instead of boots (as Snow, Ariel and Belle were), she's got tights over her legs. Even when she's running, we never see a flash of her bare leg. And of course we seen Anna's coronation bloomers many times--which really begs the question of why she's suddenly bare-legged under her supposedly warmer winter clothes (as we see when she tries to climb the cliff in front of Kristoff).

I don't know. If you don't agree, you can defend it all you want. "It's fiction." "It's a fairy tale." "The outfits aren't exactly historically accurate anyway." I know, I know. But it still bothers me.
last edited over a year ago
Diazdiaz95 commented…
I hadn't really thought of that but that is true. It would be nice to see at least one European princess with accurate clothing. over a year ago
_CatWoman_ commented…
EXACTLY. I'm really picky about accuracy *glares at Pocahontas* and that always bothered me! I loved the outfits but I pained me to see them when I learned the dates of what each princess movie was supposed to be in. over a year ago
over a year ago Tygers_Eye said…
I still like "The Snow Queen" way more than Frozen, and I wish they would have taken way more aspects of the story. ='(
last edited over a year ago
MalloMar commented…
I think The Snow Queen could translate beautifully into an animated movie....and I agree. over a year ago
_CatWoman_ commented…
I really wish they had made it less modern and jumbled and did it in 2D, whilst actually writing a good script based off of The Snow Queen. I watched an honest trailer an one of the comments said "But Frozen is based off The Snow Queen, so It didn't steal from Lion King." But Lion King was based on Hamlet and Frozen isn't based off of The Snow Queen AT ALL. It pains me, because The Snow Queen has a much better story in my opinion. over a year ago
Sparklefairy375 commented…
Snow Queen is just okay, mainly because I'm not a fan of dark and depressing folktales like that. over a year ago
over a year ago mhs1025 said…
Every time I see the matchmaker scene in Mulan, the more I hate it.
OnceABlueMoon commented…
What makes you dislike it? over a year ago
mhs1025 commented…
^ Well, she sees Crickee in the tea cup, she tries to get him out of there, but the matchmaker is such a hard-ass! (Sorry about my language.) over a year ago
_CatWoman_ commented…
I like it. It basically show how society views Mulan and how Mulan tries to act it in. Matchmaker being society, I love it! That's just me. over a year ago
324anna commented…
^ over a year ago
over a year ago AudreyFreak said…
I wish PATF hadn't pounded the "wishing and believing in magic is dumb, you have to work hard" theme into our heads. You can get a point across without being so repetitive and anvilicious about it. (That strongly goes for Frozen too.) It's also pretty silly coming from Disney. I also wish they hadn't made Tiana so obsessed with her restaurant. Being fixated on a business can come off as a little greedy. Can't she have other interests or hobbies?
Tygers_Eye commented…
I rather agree except for two things. 1) UNFORTUNATELY, people ARE dumb enough that Disney needs to be repetitive and anvilicious about it. Most people are saying "Frozen is the first Disney movie to portray sisterly love/show you don't need a man to save the day/not end in marriage/show that marrying someone you just met is dumb" etc BECAUSE it's not subtle about it the way past Disney films were. over a year ago
Tygers_Eye commented…
2) I feel Tiana's obsession with her restaurant was a product of its time. Everyone at the time was criticizing Disney for having their princesses want to find love (classic princesses) and/or have really vague desires (like Belle and Pocahontas). So they gave Tiana a specific motivation, only for the crowds to say "Eh, that's too specific. Girls who don't want a restaurant or see the floating lights can't relate to it," so they changed the motivations back to being more vague for Frozen. over a year ago
Sparklefairy375 commented…
^Same here. over a year ago
over a year ago Silverrose1991 said…
I've talked about it before, but I need to rant again. It really annoys me when people complain about Prince Charming from Cinderella. The arguments always center around "he only danced with her because she was pretty!" or "he didn't search for her himself!"

Duh, of course he didn't. He wasn't the one who arranged the search: his father was. The Prince merely said he would marry the girl whom the slipper fits, and the King twisted his words (News flash: Charming wasn't going to marry any girl whose feet were small enough!). He probably got mad when he found out his father went behind his back.

As for ignoring all the other girls but Cinderella: it was love at first sight. There were other beautiful maidens at the ball (Princess Frederica whatever-her-name and others), but none of them struck with him. When he saw Cinderella, the only girl who wasn't waiting in line to greet him, he simply felt drawn to her. That's the way things work in folklore and even other fiction sometimes.

Okay, done ranting.
last edited over a year ago
Tygers_Eye commented…
I rather agree. The Duke explaings the absurdity of love at first sight when the prince spots Cinderella and walks up to her, showing that the filmmakers KNOW it's unrealistic and absurd, but in this case, for this story, true love does happen. And I can't agree more about the father going behind the son's back. People who whine "He didn't even go to search for her!" I think, "Have you not seen this movie since you were 3?" The film makes it clear that while the prince said he would not rest until he found the girl who fits the slipper, what he MEANT was he would not rest until he found the girl who OWNS the slipper. However, his dad wanted him to get married ASAP and so deliberately misinterpreted his words. "But Sire! This slipper can fit any number of girls!" "That's his problem. He's given his word, and we'll hold him to it!" over a year ago
Tygers_Eye commented…
I know Cinderella is a flawed movie and I can understand people saying X, Y and X about things that actually happen in the story. But there are times when people complain about something and I think, "That was addressed in the film" or "You clearly haven't seen this film in years. Go back and watch it again before you judge." over a year ago
324anna commented…
*clap clap clap* FINALLY SOMEONE WHO UNDERSTANDS! Thank you Gus (and Tygers_Eye)! over a year ago
over a year ago Tygers_Eye said…
I'm really growing disillusioned with the Disney Princess lineup, for all the creativity it stifles and conformity it demands. Disney princess movies all seem to follow a standard formula, Disney princesses have to fit a standard mold, and those that don't are configured until they do.

Just look at the latest addition to the lineup. "The Snow Queen" is a very unique, atypical fairy tale about a little peasant girl who sets off alone to save her best friend from the "beautiful, powerful, dangerous, cold" and enigmatic Snow Queen, and is hindered and helped by many women (kind and cruel) and animals she encounters on the way. What does Disney do? Why, gut it and reconfigure the few parts they didn't throw away to fit the standard Disney Princess movie formula, of course. Make the little peasant girl a teenage princess to sell dolls, make the Snow Queen the princess's sister to make her "relatable" (and get two princesses for the price of one), add a male guide to enforce girls' dependence on men (in-story and out), change all the sidekicks and background characters from female to male to give the film an all-male presence to appeal to men who might be grossed out by the two female protagonists, etc.

And Merida! Ohhh. She was designed to be the atypical, a-romantic princess who is an unabashed tomboy, loves archery and swordsmanship, can't stand the confines of silk dresses or restrained hair, isn't interested in romance or ready for marriage, doesn't sing, etc. So what does Disney do? Exactly what Merida and the girls meant to relate to her hate. Redesign her to fit the standard princess mold, showing that all girls should be interested in makeup, hair, fashion, and sparkling dresses even if they claim to not be interested. Same with Mulan.

I could go on and on. Like the Nostalgia Chick said, they're all teenage coming-of-age romance-driven fairy tales. And God forbid the movie or one of the princesses deviate from the cookie-cutter mold even a little, Disney will gut it until it is.
last edited over a year ago
audreybrooke commented…
I agree. You pretty much summed it up! over a year ago
324anna commented…
That's sad, but so true. Well said! over a year ago
Tygers_Eye commented…
By the way, I wrote an essay on this for my Children's Literature class. I got high marks, and my professor penciled in comments laughing through the whole thing. over a year ago
over a year ago scarletunicorn said…
I don't get the appeal of Fantasia. Unpopular opinion but I much prefer the sequel.

And I don't like how when Doug Walker made his silly "Disneycember" videos everybody changed their opinions about these movies to match his.

I like the non-princess movies just as much as the princess ones (and depending on which movie, sometimes more or less). I like Bambi and The Jungle Book just as much as Sleeping Beauty or Beauty and the Beast.

I find non-Disney movies to be as good or sometimes even better than the Disney ones (The Last Unicorn and Secret of Kells are personal favorites of mine).
MalloMar commented…
I think Fantasia is beautiful, but I understand why others aren't interested in it. I agree with your Doug Walker opinion. People shouldn't be so easily influenced by HIS opRinions. I respect his, but I don't have to always agree with them. I usually PEFER non-DP movies to DP movies. I love the Disney Princess movies, but there are so many non-Princess ones that I love. And non-Disney animated movies can be spectacular, and better than Disney movies. over a year ago
Sk8er__grl commented…
I really like Fantasia. I think it's gorgeous and I can't help but marvel at how good it was for it's time. I also love how all the movements of the characters match up with the music and how they made the characters have personalities just by the movements and music. I like the sequel just as much, but I can't marvel at how good it was for it's time like I can the first. About the nostalgia critic ( Doug Walker) I'm going to have to strongly disagree with you on this one. I can't speak for everyone, but when I saw my first NC video (On youtube. It was either the top 11 dumbest Spiderman moments or the swan princess review) I started actively watching his videos because of how much I agreed with him and the things I saw first watch of the movie. Sometimes my opinions change when I watch his videos, but only when he explains his reasoning and brings up really good points. I sometimes agree (The videos brought up) and I sometimes disagree (I am STILL cringing at his Full house review) over a year ago
Sk8er__grl commented…
Definitely agree with you here! I usually prefer the non DP movies also. It's not shocking why. There are 12 DP movies and 42 (I think that's the right number?) Non-DP movies. Although, the DP movies in my opinion are more consistently better. I think all the DP movies have something really great about them where I can't say the same about non-DP movies. (Home on the range, anyone?) If we don't include live-action my favorite Disney movie is Hunchback of Notre Dame (My favorite Disney movie in general is Mary Poppins) And there are a lot of non Disney movies I like just as much as Disney movies (Anastasia and almost anything Dreamworks <3) But for the most part Disney is my one-stop destination for animated movies. =) over a year ago
Tygers_Eye commented…
I don't like either Fantasia. The first one because it's boring and the second one because it's not as high quality as the first one. I agree about how annoying it is that after Doug Walker posted his Disneycember videos, people suddenly changed their opinions to fit his. Then again, people do that with all his videos. Stupid sheeple. I agree too that my favorite Disney movies aren't necessarily the Princess or the super popular ones. Mine tend to be the darker ones and the animal videos that slip under the radar, like 101 Dalmations, The Great Mouse Detective, The Rescuers Down Under, The Hunchback of Notre Dame and Treasure Planet. over a year ago
over a year ago Diazdiaz95 said…
First, I also much prefer Fantasies 2000 to the original. I also like many of the non princess Disney just as much if not more than several of the princess films. Finally, I do think that their are several non Disney animated films that are just as good if not better than some Disney films. We seem to agree on quite a bit :) I don't know who Doug Walker is though. Oh, and the Secret of Kells is quite nice, I just don't like the ending.
Diazdiaz95 commented…
Lol,what's wrong with me today? This was supposed to be a comment on the previous post. over a year ago
Silverrose1991 commented…
Doug Walker is the Nostalgia Critic :) over a year ago
MalloMar commented…
I thought this should be a comment. :) over a year ago
Sk8er__grl commented…
Lol Diaz. XD over a year ago
over a year ago truth76 said…
Aladdin, Beauty and the Beast and Frozen are at the bottom of my list.
MalloMar commented…
BatB and Frozen are low, but Aladdin is high-ish. :) over a year ago
CRaZy_rawR commented…
BatB is my least favorite. Aladdin is sorta low on my list. Frozen is toward the middle. over a year ago
audreybrooke commented…
That's pretty similar to my list, actually. :) over a year ago
over a year ago Silverrose1991 said…
It's not an unpopular opinion, just a random headcanon, so I thought it'd fit here: I imagine that if all the DPs saw "Frozen" together, during the "Love is an Open Door" scene, all but Snow White, Cinderella and Aurora would believe Hans' act. They would just narrow their eyes and say "How can you believe this? Puh-lease, it's obviously not true love. The poor duckling is being tricked!"

Yeah, really random, I know... Ok, I'll just go now before you gain some of my weirdness.
mhs1025 commented…
That's not weird at all! That's real funny! over a year ago
324anna commented…
Hahaha I can imagine they would be able to sense it if it was true love! And when Anna met Kristoff, they would scream "HE'S THE ONE HE'S THE ONE!" and all the other DPs would be like "Really, THAT guy?" over a year ago
scarletunicorn commented…
head canon accepted! over a year ago
over a year ago mhs1025 said…
Sensitive subject, but they should make a princess who is in poverty. Say she's been there her whole life or so, but suddenly, she meets her true love. Then, she moves into his castle with her family at the end of her movie. What do y'all think about that?
Silverrose1991 commented…
I don't think that's a sensitive subject at all. Actually, some of the DPs were sort of poor (Tiana, Belle, even Cinderella). Unless you mean one that is below the poverty threshold? over a year ago
mhs1025 commented…
^ I've been trying to work on it, but I don't like being bagged on about it. over a year ago
mhs1025 commented…
I'm just trying to make a point, that's all. over a year ago
over a year ago PokeBelle said…
Apperently i'm one of few people who actually seem to like frozen being a fad XD Also i guess i like the lion king 2 better than the orrigional lion king a bit
scarletunicorn commented…
I prefer the sequel of the lion king, too over a year ago
MalloMar commented…
I adore the second Lion King! over a year ago
over a year ago mhs1025 said…
Not really DP related, but I think both versions of 101 Dalmatians are great!
MalloMar commented…
I haven't seen either one.... over a year ago
mhs1025 commented…
^ <:O!!!!!!! You need to! They're awesome! over a year ago
over a year ago Diazdiaz95 said…
Apparently this is an unpopular opinion, I'm actually o.k., maybe even glad, that Pixar will probably make Toy Story 4. Again, I had no idea that this was an unpopular opinion until today, I remember how everyone I knew back when Toy Story 3 was released complained about the sad ending and how they wanted to see another Toy Story film.
Aang_Lite commented…
I didn't see it as a sad ending, more as a bittersweet one. Even though Andy didn't find joy in playing with toys anymore, he was able to give them to someone who was fully capable of living the adventure. And in the moment of transition, both where able to find joy, the young girl from the toys, and Andy from the sharing. It was incredibly beautiful and perfect ending in my opinion. That's kind of why I want it to just stay the way it is. over a year ago
324anna commented…
I agree with Aang_Lite. But it's not that weird to want another movie, it's just that it can only be worse than the others now, so... I think we always want another sequel, because we just don't seem to accept that it's over, even when deep inside we know it wouldn't be smart to make another movie. Maybe that's not what you think though. over a year ago
Sparklefairy375 commented…
Agree with Aang_Lite. But seriously I don't get why they need to make another Toy Story sequel? I mean, does any of spin-offs and mini TV series aren't enough? over a year ago
over a year ago _CatWoman_ said…
I hate Belle's yellow dress. It's not golden and it looks like a shiny yellow material. I would've preferred it, if it stayed in it's time period as well as made it a more traditional color.
avatar_tla_fan commented…
I hate it too. over a year ago
Tygers_Eye commented…
I'm not a fan of it either. Never was. over a year ago
Sparklefairy375 commented…
That dress is nice but I like it more if the color is golden instead of bright yellow. over a year ago
over a year ago Tygers_Eye said…
I tend to like the princesses' "peasant dresses" better than their poofy, sparkly, gussied up ballgowns. They look more comfortable and practical, and in general I tend to just like the way they look based on their own merit better than the ballgowns.
scarletunicorn commented…
It's true, besides, they only wear their ball gowns for a short period of time, I don't think it reflects the "real" them. over a year ago
audreybrooke commented…
Me too! over a year ago
Sparklefairy375 commented…
I like most of peasant dresses. over a year ago
over a year ago Tygers_Eye said…
Remember how Elsa wears her conservative coronation dress, opera gloves, and proper bun to symbol how formal, stifled, and repressed she feels? And then during "Let It Go" she changes into her revealing, gloveless, loose-braided ice outfit to symbolize how liberated she feels? And then she stays in that exact same outfit through the whole movie?

I kind of wish they had altered her outfit after Anna reveals the kingdom is Frozen over, or the guards come for her, or when she's in prison; some time over the movie to show she's lapsing back into her fear and self-repression. It doesn't have to be anything major; maybe a more conservative version of her ice dress, or a thicker cape or ice coat she wraps herself in to show how much more vulnerable she feels, or an ice crown and gloves to show she's reminding herself she's still responsible for her subjects and needs to reign her powers in again. Something.

I LOVE symbolism, and love how Elsa's two outfits symbolize her emotional states. Which is why I find it JARRING how Elsa stays in her symbolically liberated ice dress (without so much as a minor accessory alteration) even when she's once again burdened with her old anxiety and self-repression.

I personally would have liked it better if Elsa wore her coronation dress and gloves at the beginning, changed into her iconic ice dress during "Let It Go," then had a more conservative (or even ripped-frayed) version of her ice outfit after Anna reveals the kingdom's frozen over and she's back to stressing, then ends up back in her iconic ice dress at the very end when she regains her confidence and thaws winter.
scarletunicorn commented…
i think it would have been cool if she had made a new different dress for the end of the movie, one that symbolized the union of her new free self and how she accepted anna's love back into her life over a year ago
Silverrose1991 commented…
I LOVE your idea, Tygers. I can see Elsa drapped in a cloak of ice as she chants her opressive mantra and her majestic palace grows red and jagged. I love Scarlet's idea even more. I was thinking the same thing the other day. It would be hardly unpractical to wear such a flashy, skintight dress everyday as she performs her queenly duties. Maybe a less conservative version of her coronation gown, without the high-collar and the gloves. Also, a different hairstyle, like this: link over a year ago
MalloMar commented…
These ideas are just genius! I'd like to see that...*starts sketching new Elsa wardrobe* over a year ago
over a year ago scarletunicorn said…
How would you guys feel if Disney made an animal princess and added her to the line? (and yes, I know Nala and Kiara are technically princesses, but the point still stands...)
mhs1025 commented…
That'd be interesting. I doubt that'd happen, though. :P over a year ago
ApplesauceDoctr commented…
Personally, I don't think I would like it too much. I mean...they're animals. :O over a year ago
_CatWoman_ commented…
I don't like talking animals-- and technically speaking animals can't be princesses, because animals they have no monarchy... Yeah, I hate talking animals. Other people might like it though. over a year ago
over a year ago scarletunicorn said…
Okay, what would you guys think if Disney openly made a princess with a mental/physical illness? Not something like Elsa which her ice powers were a "metaphor" for depression but actually the real deal, she even announces her condition at one point in the movie. Maybe we could have an autistic/aspergers princess. Please don't be angry! I myself suffer from depression and anxiety and have huge problems with my social skills, so I'm also speaking of this matter as an interest, I don't want to be insensitive.
Tygers_Eye commented…
I wouldn't mind a princess who behaves like someone on the spectrum; displays a lot of the same symptoms, seems to see the world differently, and uses her unique worldview and problem-solving skills to tell a more unique story and resolution to the plot. But if she's a Disney Princess, as in a ye olde tyme faery tale setting, that was before they had modern psychology and diagnostics. If she said, "Oh, I have Aspergers" the story would have to dive into how she knows that, who diagnosed her, how it affects her life, how it tends to affect other people like her, and who had time for that in Medieval Europe? No one, that's who. You fit in or you didn't. If you wanted to fit in, you acted like everyone else. It was that simple. Again, I wouldn't mind someone who might display common characteristics, but I'd rather the movie kept it vague and focus on how it makes her a unique, relatable, likable person, not a character with that syndrom. over a year ago
_CatWoman_ commented…
I always wanted an oppressed princess, but I sort if got that with Mulan and Cinderella. As far as mental illnesses, anxiety is one I'd like to see, once in a while I think almost everyone has experienced anxiety, but like Tygers_Eye said, I wouldn't want people to get the wrong idea. So, I agree! Fantastic idea! over a year ago
mhs1025 commented…
I'd like to see something like that. I suffer from anxiety myself. I'm not angry at all. over a year ago
over a year ago mhs1025 said…
How would y'all feel about a Japanese princess? We already have a Chinese princess, so why not add a Japanese one in the mix?
mhs1025 commented…
I saw this in a wallpost a while back and I thought I'd share it. over a year ago
incisron commented…
I'd love it if it were a good movie. over a year ago
winterina commented…
Lmao @ honey lemon being Asian. over a year ago
over a year ago _CatWoman_ said…
I only like about 4 or 5 of the DPs the rest don't really appeal to me, in fact I find most of the boring and cliché. I don't really like the franchise either, it's really just marketing to little girls with fluffy stuff, it sort of annoys me that they don't work harder at making the DPs more interesting and exciting for kids and adults.
Silverrose1991 commented…
I like quite a few of the DPs, but currently I only love a few. over a year ago
scarletunicorn commented…
same. i go through times where i really like one character but then all of them go into "you're okay" territory over a year ago
MalloMar commented…
I like all of them, but as of now, none of them in particular interest me right now...Maybe I should feel bad? I AM into to non-DP movies still. over a year ago
over a year ago scarletunicorn said…
I'll say it; I find the Disney community here much more likable and welcoming than the Disney fandom on tumblr.
This place encourages open communication, friendly debate and it's a warm and welcoming place.

I mean, tumblr may seem cool at first, with the graphics and "funny jokes" and such, and i agree with the need of more diversity in Disney films, but then you get into the nasty side of tumblr where misinformation and emotional manipulation spreads around wildly, art theft and doxxing happens all the time, racism is rampant, immatureness is encouraged and people are overly angry and hostile and want you to be angry with everything and everybody must have the same disney opinions (you love frozen, you love tangled). If you have a slight commentary against a princess you're immediately hounded and it's forbidden to like something like Bambi or whatever over most of the Princess films. it sucks. Now the newest thing is that BH6 is bad because Hiro is biracial and Honey is a white latina, and according to tumblr biracial people are scum and there are only dark latinos...It's just sooo...*donks head*
last edited over a year ago
Silverrose1991 commented…
Wow. I dunno, my Disney tumblr is currently inactive, but I never really became a part of the fandom. I was just there. I thought everything was perfect, but reading this... It is sad. over a year ago
Diazdiaz95 commented…
Well, I'm glad that i never joined tumblr. What is wrong with being biracial or a white latino? Wow, I can see why you like it here better. over a year ago
Tygers_Eye commented…
Yeah, the tumblr community is INFAMOUS for their immaturity, brutality, stupidity, blindly hypocritical demands for "social justice" (where they demand absolute open-mindedness about some minorities but bash others), and so forth. That's why I never got an account. over a year ago
AudreyFreak commented…
^^^^^agreed. even though I stay for my favorite blogs (because many of them are as cool as fanpop) they're a bunch of bullies and are PROUD of it. everything bad about the Disney fandom is pretty much displayed well in their behavior. just look at half the Walt Disney Confessions. tumblr hates white people (and nonwhites who do not hate white people like they do), men, Christians, straight people, anyone who is different from them, which is ironically the attitude the site was originally against! it's a bunch of spoiled little upper middle class brats who have nothing better to do. over a year ago
over a year ago Tygers_Eye said…
This is going to be really controversial, and I deeply apologize, but I have to get it off my chest somewhere and this seems like the safest environment.

Going off what scarletunicorn said above: As of Frozen and BH6, I feel like Disney is sort of cheating by making ethnic characters who tend to look and sound very white. As in, you would never know they were part of this ethnicity unless you were told, so most casual viewers (which is most of their audience) would just assume they're white. Yet, by making them ethnic on paper, they can brush off people accusing them of imbalanced racial representation by saying "Kristoff is Sami and Honey is Latina, so pipe down."

And I know this opens a whole can of worms. I'm not saying an ethnic person has to have darker pigment. I'm not saying characters have to be obvious stereotypes and caricatures of their respective ethnicity and/or culture. I'm not saying they're less valid or human or likable/relatable/interesting by being ethnic characters who happen to be pale and blonde. I'm not saying that, because I don't think it's true. Pale, blonde Sami and Latina people exist and deserve representation, acknowledgement and validation as well.

However, from a story standpoint... since these character's ethnicity or cultural background never comes up in the film, is never explored (we don't exactly see Kristoff's home village or Honey's family life), and doesn't seem to influence their personalities or worldviews one way or the other to the point that the filmmakers could literally just SAY "X is white" and it would change nothing (except maybe Honey's VA's delivery of the lines, but then you could reason that Honey is very culturally accepting and rolls her r's because she's using Hiro's correct Japanese pronunciation)... I wonder what's the point of making a character who is X in name only other than so they can point and say, "See? We have a character that is X, so stop hounding us."

I don't know. Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe that's not their intention. Maybe I'm the one that's racist for saying it. All I do know is that, MUCH LIKE how I feel Disney keeps playing both sides of the fence by harping on how love-at-first-sight is stupid but love after a day-and-a-half is genuine, I kind of feel like Disney is playing both sides of the fence here.

Again, I apologize if what I just said is offensive or off the mark. That's just how I see it.
Silverrose1991 commented…
I actually agree. Disney is trying to look for shortcuts, not actually exposing races/ethniticies in their movies, just pretending they are. over a year ago
Silverrose1991 commented…
Because, honestly, the average viewer is not going to read every tidbit of information about the movie and they won't look for connection/analyze when watching. over a year ago
MalloMar commented…
I know what you mean. There are such unique and interesting cultures they could explore, and there is so much Disney COULD be doing with them. over a year ago
over a year ago scarletunicorn said…
Of the future Disney films to come, Giants is the one that looks/sounds the worst. I don't know why people on tumblr and Ultimate Disney forum are so looking forward to that, since it seems Disney trying to do its own Shrek/How To Train Your Dragon, it won't work.
MalloMar commented…
So far, I'm not interested in Giants. Maybe it'll surprise me. over a year ago
CRaZy_rawR commented…
Same as Taryn. over a year ago
Silverrose1991 commented…
Same as all three of you. over a year ago
AudreyFreak commented…
tumblr has a pretty huge Disney fandom, I guess is why. and they tend to LOVE CG films. they're probably still hyped from Frozen and assume this will be similar/as good as their favorite Disney movie ever. I'm looking forward to it, just not extremely so because we don't really know about it well enough yet. over a year ago
over a year ago Aang_Lite said…
I enjoy Tiana's character more when she's a frog than when she's human. We see a lot more of her sass and no nonsense attitude, as well as how quick she is on her feet. And we finally get to see her relax and have fun for a while. Plus, she's adorable as a frog :P
Sk8er__grl commented…
Yay! Agreed! Well, they are both sort of equal for me, because I love seeing how passionate Tiana always is as a human, but when she's a frog I love her scene when she's out smarting the people who try killing her with Tiana's secret humor. As you said, she's adorable as a frog! XD over a year ago
Tygers_Eye commented…
I think that's what the filmmakers intended. We definitely get to see more of her good qualities and character development since she didn't have time for that as a human. I just think it's a shame since they have her SUCH a great design as a human, yet she spends most of the movie as a frog. over a year ago
MaidofOrleans commented…
(stupid enter button grrr) and I'm just like... what? over a year ago
over a year ago scarletunicorn said…
i'm tired of seeing Elsa being shipped with everybody At first I was okay with it, but nowadays it's getting out of hand: Her and Jack Frost, Hiccup, Hans, Loki, Tadashi, all those boring Gary Stus/OCs, her own fucking sister!!!!...I think the fandom should celebrate the fact that she's single instead of portraying her like she's desperate for anything at this rate.
Aang_Lite commented…
The thing is, the movie ends with her not really forming an emotional bond with anyone. Sure, she learns control of her powers, but after years of separating herself from the world she never really forms a bond with anyone that shows she no longer afraid of hurting people. I mean, does she even have a friend? The movie doesn't really give a lot of closure when it comes to her emotional state, so I think it makes sense for people to try and fill that gap with a relationship. over a year ago
MissCinico commented…
I don't really mind it, since in the movie she is still single. I'm going to have to agree with Sk8er_grl. over a year ago
Sparklefairy375 commented…
Uh, I can't stand with all of those shippers. Especially with her own sister, ew. over a year ago
over a year ago Tygers_Eye said…
I think I've said this before, but I find The Little Mermaid and Prince Eric to be very phonocentric. For those who don't know, phonocentrism is the attitude that spoken language is superior to sign and written. This can extend toward people; that people who talk out loud are better than those who are deaf, mute, or sign.

And boy does Eric have this attitude in abundance. After Ariel saves him, all he gets out of the encounter is: "She had the most beautiful voice," and all he remembers about her is, "That voice! I can't get it out of my head." And we SEE Ariel from Eric's perspective as he wakes up, so I don't buy the "He couldn't see what she looked like so he had nothing else to go on" excuse. Even if he can't make out her minute features, we can still see her warm presence, adoring eyes, loving smile, and felt her tender touch.

In fact, he even recognizes her when he sees her again after she becomes human. However, the SECOND he leans she can't speak, he suddenly loses interest. "Oh, then you couldn't be who I thought." Oh, I'm sorry. Ariel looking like her, smiling like her, having the same adoring expression as her, and the same small gentle fingers as her doesn't matter, only the VOICE matters. No voice? No interest.

And you can argue that he starts to fall for Ariel over the two days they spend together, but she remains his second choice. He continues to play his recorder, fixating on the voice. Which leads to Grimsby telling him perhaps the best lesson in the whole movie: "If I may say, far better than any dream girl is one of flesh and blood; one warm and caring, and right before your eyes."

However, Eric visibly gives up on the voice with a heavy heart, and is clearly SETTLING for Ariel (the girl of flesh and blood, warm and caring, and right before his eyes). So much so that the SECOND he hears the voice a few moments later, he forgets his resolve and RUSHES to see who it belongs to. I guess the real girl is second choice to the voice after all.

Even after Eric's enchantment is removed and he sees Ariel again, what is his first reaction: "You can talk! You're The One! It was you all the time!" Oh, I see. When she was just a real girl who looked and acted like the one who rescued him, she was his second choice. Now that she has THAT VOICE that clearly means more to him than anything, SUDDENLY she's "The One."

The voice could have literally belonged to anyone in the crowd and he would have been "in love" with that girl because the voice matters to him more than the girl does.

This movie is hideously phonocentric.
last edited over a year ago
Diazdiaz95 commented…
I agree and it always bothered me that they don't just write to each other. over a year ago
Aang_Lite commented…
I disagree. The reason why Eric is so obsessed with the voice is because it's the only thing he can connect back to the girl who saved him. Even if Ariel looked like the image he saw while almost unconscious it wouldn't make sense for her to be the same girl because she can't speak. It's not better or worse, there's no judgment or any phonocentric theme. There's just the basic fact that Areil and the girl who saved him cannot be one and the same. And I think it makes perfect sense for him to be obsessed with this mystery girl. I mean she saved his life, his very existence, wouldn't you want to find the person who did that and thank them too? And It also makes sense for him to say that she's the One because he's likely had the suspicion the whole time that she was but it would just make no sense for who to be. But now suddenly that she has a voice of course it would make sense, not because she's better for having it, but because no logical leaps have to be made. over a year ago
Haonako commented…
yes thank over a year ago
over a year ago scarletunicorn said…
I know this is an unpopular opinion but after Aladdin the only film of the Renaissance that I like is Tarzan. From Lion King to Mulan there's always something in these films that avoids me from fully enjoying them.
However I like Mermaid, Down Under, Beauty and Aladdin, but the ones that come afterwards...:P
Tygers_Eye commented…
Why is that? over a year ago
_CatWoman_ commented…
I actually only like two "renaissance" films, which is Mulan and Tarzan, that are actually post renaissance. over a year ago
scarletunicorn commented…
Tyger- There's elements in every film that stop from fully enjoying the film altogether. In Lion King there's waaay too many elements to count (plotholes, annoying characters, dumb humor...), I can't fully enjoy Pocahontas without thinking about how it's changing history and basically telling lies to an ignorant movie going audience, Hunchback depresses me a lot, I don't like the characters in Hercules and I hate the humor in Mulan. I may seem picky, but overall these are BIG elements in these films, and that overall stops me from enjoying them. over a year ago
over a year ago wanderingchild7 said…
1. The only character I "like" from Frozen is Hans. (just because before he was ruined he was the only normal character)
2. Both Rapunzel and Anna annoy me with their forced humour and bubblyness.
3.. I don't really like the music of Tangled and Frozen. I think it's too pop-ish and lacks the magic and uniqueness of the older soundtracks. But it's catchy anyway.
4.. I prefer 2D to CGI.
5.. I think Maleficient is a horrible movie.
last edited over a year ago
avatar_tla_fan commented…
All of these except for #1 are pretty popular opinions, especially 3-5. But anyways, I disagreewith all of these, but we all have our own opinions. :P over a year ago
MalloMar commented…
I don't like Hans, but I'm not crazy about any of the characters. I also think Anna's and Rapunzel's adorable bubbliness and forced humor are shoved in our faces. I don't hate either character, but they're a bit overdone. No offense to anyone who disagrees. I also prefer the older Disney soundtracks. Tangled and Frozen have decent soundtracks, but they don't compare to some of the older movies. I think most of us prefer hand-drawn (2d) animation. I also didn't like Maleficent much. over a year ago
_CatWoman_ commented…
I hate Hans, he's so rushed and flawed. Then I agree with you with most everything else, except I do like Let It Go. over a year ago
over a year ago Tygers_Eye said…
After I say that I don't like CGI, I get really annoyed with the people that jump to explain that they don't really care about visuals, just the story. If "STORY" was the only component of a movie, I'd agree. But films are a visual medium. You have to sit and stare at something for an hour or two or three; especially animation since the visuals are constructed from nothing. Ideally it's a constructed world and characters that you find pleasing to look at instead of something you find dull, ugly, unnerving, or an eyesore.

I don't like the way CGI looks, especially characters. If I have to sit and stare at it for an hour and a half, the unpleasing visuals are going to pull me out of the story and experience. I can't be invested in characters when I can't even stand to look at them, or if the way they move or the way they look when they're wet remind me of living dolls (which is a huge phobia of mine).

If "STORY" is literally all that matters, then read a book or a screenplay. Since it's just words on a paper, the story is literally all that matters. But in visual and auditory mediums where moving pictures and accompanying voice work and music are put in front of us, I don't know about you, but it has to be a picture that I actually like to look at.
last edited over a year ago
Silverrose1991 commented…
(0) Agreed, though I don't inherently dislike CGI. It can be stunning if done right, just like hand-drawn can be mediocre or an eyesore, imo. over a year ago
Diazdiaz95 commented…
I agree about visuals being very important. Although I don't mind the look of CGI they're are animated films that I cant stand to watch because I hate their animation so I completely understand you, it isn't just about the story especially with an animated film. over a year ago
Angelica_AW commented…
I disagree with this so much I'm not sure where to start. I don't see why how good or bad the animation is affects the story being told. I mean, The Little Mermaid 2 has horrible animation but I still love it. It's the story, the characters, being able to hear their voices that draws me in, not the animation. I don't see why people think the animation is the only (or most important) thing when it comes to movies. It isn't, it really isn't. over a year ago
over a year ago mhs1025 said…
After watching Pocahontas recently, I realized how greedy Ratcliffe is. And, I also realized all he ever thinks about is himself.
Silverrose1991 commented…
Wow. You just realized that now? He's the villain. over a year ago
_CatWoman_ commented…
Well, DUH. And he's not even that complex... I fail to see how this is an unpopular opinion, not that your other post were either. over a year ago
winterina commented…
Ahahaha these confessions are all hidden gems over a year ago
over a year ago _CatWoman_ said…
Cinderella is one of my favorite stories ever, but really I don't think the Disney one is very good, it sort of drags out unnecessary things and I don't like the talking animals much either. The only thing I really like about it all all is the source material and the animation.
Cinderella is one of my favorite stories ever, but really I don't think the Disney one is very good,
Silverrose1991 commented…
I like it, but they should have focused more on Cinderella and her prince and shortened the mice-and-cat chase scenes. The movie is really a product of its time: since the animators were still learning how to animate realistic humans, they filled the movie with cartoony animal physical comedy. over a year ago
Diazdiaz95 commented…
Ugh those ultra dragged out mice scenes and that prince with almost no screen time, they are two of the reasons why Cinderella is my least favorite DP film. Hopefully the live action one will be more interesting. over a year ago
324anna commented…
I agree with Gus and Diazdiaz, but even with these boring scenes, I really like Cinderella. over a year ago
MissCinico commented…
I actually agree, but I also like Cinderella herself along with the source material and animation. over a year ago
over a year ago scarletunicorn said…
While I like Beauty and the Beast I prefer the scenes where Beast is soft and depressed and romantic, I can't stand the movie when he's angry and being a jerk to Belle.

Also, I want Big Hero 6 to be a mayor hit!!! The box office numbers are scaring me!!
wanderingchild7 commented…
Agree! Beauty and the Beast is my favourite movie. I don't like the Beast too when he is soo agressive but eventually isn't it the main thing in the story that he has to learn how to be nice? :) Awww I like depressed soft and romantic guys sooooo much! (I just wish they weren't so depressed ;) ) I didn't see Big Hero 6 yet but it sounds really interesting. over a year ago
MissCinico commented…
It's not that I can't stand those scenes, as much as I dislike the energy into it, it seems very hostile and it gives me a bad feeling. I don't mind those scenes anymore seeing as it's just apart of his personality. over a year ago
over a year ago Diazdiaz95 said…
The revival period is my favorite era in Disney history for several reasons. I think that over the years the stories Disney has made have become more serious and complex and the modern period has probably the most complex stories and characters and some of the most serious subject matter. This period has put a lot of focus on characters who experience loss, unhappiness, imperfection, dissatisfaction, and insecurity. This period seems to be getting a lot of attention and praise because it is allowing animated films to become more complex and like live action films and of course Disney is finally entering the modern age. I don't agree with the critique that the revival films are unable to become classics because they are a product of their time because every film, everything in culture really, is a product of their time. The society that once appreciated more sweet and docile girl's like Snow and Aurora has changed and now appreciates stronger, more independent women. Yes, the classic films are classics but that's also because they were made long ago, they were once considered modern as well I'm sure. I love many classics but the era had generally simpler stories that didn't focus as much on the darker elements in life except for Bambi, Pinocchio, and Cinderella. They were less realistic, well rounded characters and less emotional stories in my opinion, it was all fairly ideal compared to real life and the films from the dark age forward. I love that this modern period is also more inventive and innovative than the previous periods, they are moving forward while still looking at the past and the films still have Disney magic but along with a more modern, realistic flair. No one talks and acts like Snow (and I love her) but people do act like the characters of the later periods like the renaissance and revival and I love that, it makes the characters more relatable. These modern films will be considered timeless because they focus on universal, timeless themes just like the other periods. Their is a reason why this generation prefers the revival to the classic era, because the classics are a bit too old fashioned at times and they don't reflect our society today. I'm sure I have more to say but I'll leave it at that. I'm not saying that I don't like the classic era but I find it a bit overrated compared the other, more complex and innovative periods.
Silverrose1991 commented…
I agree with some of the things with you said, but not with all. For example, the Classic era will always be the most innovative period, because it was the first: without it, all of the animation we see today probably wouldn't exist. Also, I think the Classic era holds some of the most emotional stories and characters. And I think Snow White is more realistic than usually given credit for. And while I'm happy that modern society appreciates stronger and indepent women, they shouldn't scoff at ladies who don't fit these requirements (also, sweet and docile DO NOT equal fragile and weak - you seem to imply otherwise in your text, and this annoyed me the most). But overall, I agree that this era has been interesting and unique (though TPATF and Frozen are very badly executed, imo. I don't remember that much of WIR, I LOVE Tangled and I haven't seen Big Hero 6 yet). Sorry if my comment isn't cohesive, I'm just not in the mood to go through all you wrote and adress point by point. over a year ago
Diazdiaz95 commented…
When i said innovative I meant with the stories and characters, I should have clarified that. I agree that technologically the classic era was the most innovative. I didn't try to imply that sweet and docile equal fragile and weak but society tends to think of them as that. What I meant is that more submissive girls aren't considered as interesting as more independent girls these days. The classic era had some great, emotional stories but I think that the other eras have more emotional and complex stories and characters. over a year ago
over a year ago MalloMar said…
I hope I didn't post this before....
Oliver & Company is one of my favorite Disney movies.
avatar_tla_fan commented…
I love that movie. <3 over a year ago
over a year ago mhs1025 said…
Not much of a confession, but I hate it when they call Ariel selfish sometimes. She just wants to be free. I even sort of relate to her in that way.
avatar_tla_fan commented…
That's the point. SHE wants to be free, SHE is concerned about HERSELF. She's putting her own wants above other people, that is selfish, in my opinion. over a year ago
Aang_Lite commented…
^ Well, being self-oriented isn't really selfish. If it was then Snow White would immediately be selfish just for wishing to find a prince. It's when there is a callous disregard for another person's wants and needs that you become selfish. Which I would agree Ariel becomes. over a year ago
over a year ago MissCinico said…
Despite my love for Snow White and her original story, I absolutely hate the Disney version of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. It's not that I find it too child friendly, I just find it boring and I think it's just a little overrated. In fact I think the only reason people like it is because you see it as a child and therefor have nostalgia for it. Critics even credit the film, solely, for being the first Disney film. While I can see why people find it charming, I can't see why it's such this great and wonderful classic. This might not be an unpopular opinion in general, but for most social medias I've been on I think it is just a little bit unpopular.
last edited over a year ago
mhs1025 commented…
I agree. It is kinda boring. It's also bland to me IMO. over a year ago