Fanpop Users Sshhh! Secrets!

AmyFitz posted on Aug 08, 2007 at 10:25AM
This worked quite well on another site I used to visit.

Basically you just post a secret about yourself.

It can be something silly, like:

"I once ate a whole jar of peanut-butter straight out of the jar..."

Or, (If you trust us enough and want to get it off your chest)

a serious-secret.


last edited on Aug 08, 2007 at 10:26AM

Fanpop Users 353 replies

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Showing Replies 151-200 of 353

over a year ago benji said…
His put downs and angry attitude convey it, his eyebrows are the real source of his power ¬_¬
over a year ago AmyFitz said…
I wish I had magic eyebrows...

over a year ago benji said…
I wish I had a magic schoolbus.
over a year ago AmyFitz said…
I just wish I had something magic. Even if it was like a magic potato it'd be cool.

over a year ago benji said…
I can imagine it now...

"This baked potato is self-baking, self-mashing and self-boiled. And now the new recreate ensures that you get reuse from your potato -- every time you poop!"
over a year ago AmyFitz said…
hahahaha but think how useful it'd be if you were stranded with no food!


P.s. I accidently typed "" earlier. hahaha
over a year ago benji said…
It would also solve world hunger! Fanpoop, the odd sick fetish version of our beloved home >_>
over a year ago PkmnTrainerJ said…
I'd be worried if that site already existed.
over a year ago caintil31 said…
I'm not sure what my race is. I know I'm mixed but I don't know what I'm mixed with
over a year ago doonis said…
I'm really scared of blood. If someone gets cut, I have to look away. I'm fine with watching horror movies - I like to be scared - but if someone gets cut, I have to shut my eyes.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago AmyFitz said…
I'm fine with horror movies. I only get scared when I watch psychological-type ones.

Apart from the excorsist, because I was only ten when I watched that. Scared the hell outta me, I couldn't sleep for a week.

Oh and The Ring when I was about 11. Couldn't go near an empty TV screen. :|

over a year ago benji said…
I'm horribly terrified of needles, so much so that when I was in assembly once for school and they were talking about drugs, they showed a needle on the projection and I fainted, the same happened when I was watching a video in class on AIDS and they showed needles. I'm not as bad these days but needles are still a last resort.

Ironically I was the kid in class who would thread a sowing needle through his skin to freak people out.

Oh and Amy, The Ring still terrifies me, creepy dead girls always do :(
over a year ago AmyFitz said…
hahaha I never did it to freak people out, just did it 'cause it was addictive. (Okay, I'm being Crazy-amy again...)

The American Ring I think is actually creepier, though the Japanese is still the classic. Now I come to think of it I was probablly about 13 and I was scared to death. Aw well.


P.s. Sucks about the needles thing, but I'm a severe hypochondriac. I can't be near a medical book or I think I've got every disease known to man. Meh.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago benji said…
The Japanese one isn't as scary, I've got no issue with subtitles, but you can't feel the tension that is on the screen for a film like that when you're reading subtitles. I do have every disease known to man, if I don't think I've got it, I subconsciously make my body react to make me think I've got it.
over a year ago AmyFitz said…
Yup, same here. Plus panicking makes fake symptoms.

I was told to number all my hypochondria-induced anxiety attacks from 1 to 10. So a 1 is just me vaguely thinking there may be something wrong with me and getting a bit worried. A 10 is me running round the house, demanding to be taken to a hospital. Doesn't happen too much though, thank God. :)


P.s. I think you've found the "flaw" you were searching for! :p
over a year ago benji said…
It's not a flaw, it's an amusing anecdote every time you run around the house like a madwoman! :P
over a year ago AmyFitz said…
ha! It's one of those things that I can laugh about afterwards, unlike at the actual time, where basically I'm just going "I have meningitis, I tell you!"


I like that you choose to believe I have no flaws, but it can hardly be true. Maybe I just keep them hidden. *does shifty eyes*

over a year ago benji said…
There's your flaw, you don't use ¬_¬ for shifty eyes.

I keed :P
over a year ago AmyFitz said…
I can never remember where the ¬ button is... :s



over a year ago benji said…
I can just imagine that.

"Oooh, what does this button do...?"

over a year ago AmyFitz said…
If Yorkshire gets blown up in some freak accident that you hear about on the news, it was probablly me. Curiosity mixed with clumsiness generally means buttons that say "Do not press" get pressed by me ^^

over a year ago benji said…
But I can't swoop in and save you if you're the one destroying yourself :(
over a year ago AmyFitz said…
Well maybe my clumsiness got me into the situation where I was captured and MADE to press the button?

haha, this is playing in my head as such a superhero-spoof :D

over a year ago benji said…
If you were captured I would've saved you, that would've been where I got my tooth knocked out in a fight ¬_¬
over a year ago AmyFitz said…
Ah, all part of your plan to meet the tooth fairy :)

over a year ago benji said…
She owes me money ¬_¬
over a year ago AmyFitz said…
I didn't even get any money when I had four teeth taken out.

But it was worth it 'cause my teeth look good now. *does shiny colgate smile*

over a year ago benji said…
Amusingly cute tongue pose and colgate smile? By jove that's a lucky mouth!
over a year ago AmyFitz said…
I actually can't smile and show my teeth. Maybe it's 'cause I used to have bad teeth. Even now they're fixed I can't do it without looking scary :|

Aw well.

over a year ago knifewrench said…
Guys! How come nobody alerted me about this insanley odd conversation! I'm going to list down some of my obvious and some of my not so obvoius secrets; Here goes....

-At night I constantly go through different scenarios of: what if zombies appeared and I have an escape root if trapped in any room of my house

-I know the 10 commandments in order, without any memory aids.

-I can make one eye go cross-eyed while the other stays in the center of my vision

-I broke my little finger and now it sticks out a bit.

-I can click my fingers, thumbs, wrists, knees, toes, neck, back and arms

-I have been single for 16 years (same as my age) probably due to a highly disturbing rumour that someone spread round school (which I'm not going to say yet)

I once got flicked in the eye with a rubber-band-powered-piece-of-paper and I couldn't look at light for about a day or two because it was extremley painful (damage to the optic nerve? nah, probably not)

-Two thirds of the fluid I consume are milk

-My DVD collection consists mostly of medical programmes

- Once a teacher showed a picture of her ill daughter to my class and I said that it was probably necrotising fasciatus. I was right and it took three doctors to diagnose that condition.

-I had a seemingly evil maths teacher who once told me not to drip on the table after being in the rain.

- I often say "stuff happens" when I can't think of anything else to say.

- I have two birth marks. One on my left arm and one above my left knee. They look like splodged freckle masses.

- I wear a necklace which has a cross on with a fish on the outside (see the picture I added to this spot: link) which I wear at all times (even in the shower, it's silver so it doesn't rust or whatever)

- I can move my last two ribs out of place
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over a year ago PkmnTrainerJ said…
See, I'd get Benji with needles, but then he'd cover himself in peaches and it'd make sick to touch him.

Yeah, I can't touch a peach for more than half a second, it'd make me vomit if it is was longer than that, I sometimes feel ill just looking at them
over a year ago knifewrench said…
By the way, WOW! 181 comments (182 including this one) multiple five! <wpsh> <click>

P.S. I once ate a whole box full of out-of-date fudge

Another.P.S. I've read every single comment on this page
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago meeee said…
With the long conversation between AmyFitz and Benji
I forgot what this forum was about until knifewrench brought it up.

I have an evil maths teacher too once she shouted at me for not having a sharp enough pencil and they heard her in the next classroom,no joke

When I get nervous I Crack my knuckles.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago knifewrench said…
High five for the funny username: meeee
over a year ago benji said…
It's not all us to blame ¬_¬ We're innocent I tells ya'!
over a year ago doonis said…
1. I've never had a serious girlfriend.

2. I was scared of the dark until I was 8.

3. Once when I was little, my mom absentmindedly put a bag of sugar in my backpack instead of my lunch, and I ate a LOT of it.
over a year ago knifewrench said…
Me and my friends once snorted sherbert (it was fizzy)

I hacked into two teacher's accounts and got passed the filtering system many times

I truly hate Big Brother

I developed an immunity to blood and guts by watching my cousin play "quake" at a young age (I'm sure it also warped my mind a little) and also watching a lot of wild-life videos at a young age.

(This is not an active hobby, just a disturbing fact) I like to burn things. I burned my school blazer on the barbeque after my last exam. From that experience I found out that blazers are extremely flamable

To Amy

Does your update box consist of mostly replies on this page?

To Benji

What does this mean: ¬_¬ ?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago doonis said…
My friend liked to burn things, but we stopped after an experiment gone wrong nearly lit us on fire.

Also, me and another friend once broke into my school's storeroom to steal some cool old equipment.
over a year ago knifewrench said…
I once got a black eye from tripping over and hitting my eye on the curb. Reminds me of Scrubs:
JD: so black people can get black eyes too...
over a year ago doonis said…
Once I was turning on a desk lamp when I clumsily broke it and was coated in glass.
over a year ago snoznoodle said…
I was in a homemade Amazing Race with a giant group of friends and we were given the description of a car in a shopping centre parking lot. We found one that fitted the description perfectly and almost everyone searched through it for a clue and it turns out the actual car was round the other side and about 50 people had searched through some randoms car.

We came second by the way.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago doonis said…
Once my friend and I left my house to go somewhere else, and accidentally left the door wide open (nobody was home) But luckily, my mom came back a few minutes later, and nothing was stolen.
over a year ago snoznoodle said…
We've done that a couple of times. My brother has a bad habit of never closing the front door... especially during winter.
over a year ago Snerkie said…
i plan to go to as many underground (as in going down stairs) comic book shops as i can :D i love them

i'm addicted to wrestling :\ my family hates it since i just talk about it a lot, lol

i'm addicted to coca-cola :( 600ml bottle a day most days, sometimes more. CURSE THEM!!
over a year ago doonis said…
I think Coke is good, but I am totally addicted to Sun Chips. The french onion kind. When I have nothing to do, I'll walk to a convenience store and buy some. I'd probably go right now, if it wasn't midnight.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago AmyFitz said…
To Knifey: Yes, I have had a nice couple of minutes reading this page, I love to see replies.

Does everyone want to hear my secrets then as I started the topic? I may warn you though, I have a lot!


P.s. I apologise for the crazy benji-amy conversation. Days get boring! ^^

xxx XD
over a year ago benji said…
knifey "¬_¬" is basically a shifty emoticon :)

Now Amy! Share those secrets!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago AmyFitz said…
Damnit Benji, you're up mighty early! (Why can't all guys be like you? Just popping up whenever I want? XD) Okay, how about we do the first five that appear in my head and save the rest for another day? ^^

1. I have a phobia of seaweed. It's not just like the cotton wool thing, (Which incidently is like nails on a blackboard to me) but it's actually like I can't stand to be near seaweed. :|

2. Whenever I do a bad piece of acting or don't get a part in a play I start to think I am useless at acting and should give up. (But that's just me being obsessive)

3. In my most insecure moments (Which don't happen too often :)) I think I will die alone as a crazy-cat-lady.

4. Every birthday wish when I had a cake, I used to wish for superpowers every time I blew out the candles. I never got them and really hated the rest of my party.

5. I wish more than anything that I believed in life after death, 'cause death scares me.

Ah, they were random. Stay tuned for the next installment of crazy-amy's-secrets!

(Pretty sure you'll find that flaw before long, Benji!)

over a year ago benji said…
I actually got up early to go see my nan, but my mum's decided she doesn't want to go, and since I don't particularly like my nan (I was just going to keep up appearances with the family, most of the non-mum, dad and sister family see me as a total dick since I don't like seeing them) I decided not to go at all.

Scratch that, it was fate that I awoke when you needed me dear ¬_¬
over a year ago AmyFitz said…
I prefer that one, much as I love the long-winded explanation. :)

Well my mum thinks I'm a horrible person and she doesn't like me, but we'll just leave that one. :)


P.s. feel free to go back to sleep, honey.

Oh damn, I've started calling everyone "honey" again. I go through phases of doing that :|
last edited over a year ago