Fanpop Users Sshhh! Secrets!

AmyFitz posted on Aug 08, 2007 at 10:25AM
This worked quite well on another site I used to visit.

Basically you just post a secret about yourself.

It can be something silly, like:

"I once ate a whole jar of peanut-butter straight out of the jar..."

Or, (If you trust us enough and want to get it off your chest)

a serious-secret.


last edited on Aug 08, 2007 at 10:26AM

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over a year ago AmyFitz said…
Aw, thankyou Cinders, but as luck would have it, I'm back! :o

Much earlier than expected. :)

over a year ago edennirvana said…
Well in the spirit of goes!

1. Everytime I put something in the microwave and close the door, I have to knock 3 times on the counter so the microwave doesn't explode while heating whatever is in there. (This is real)

2. I can't swim and never bothered to learn

3. I don't like it when people touch my hair

4. I don't like to be tickled

5. I don't like it when people touch my socks
(for 3,4 and 5...if it happens I don't say anything...but on the inside I might be getting ready to kill someone)

6. I can't drive, and haven't bothered to learned either.

7.When I was 14, I really wanted to go with a friend to a casting she was going to, I begged my mother to let me go and she gave me permission...I got a friend of my mom to drop me off at the friend didn't show up and I didn't have a phone or money, so I hitched a ride with a girl (and her dad) I met mother still doesn't know.

I have many more, lol! But for the moment I'll stop there.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago slytherin360 said…
1. I am obsessed with harry potter and relate it to everything (well thats not really a secret)

2. If i could, i would dress as different characters every day

3. I hate conforming and i dress normal just so people will talk to me. If that didnt matter i would probably be dressed in very unique outfits

4. Im actually shy. I just act as an outgoing person. I hide my shyness behind someone whos not afraid to speak out.

5. I like sushi! not one of my friends like sushi, they think its disgusting

6. every one puts pressure on me to be a doctor, but really, i want to go into theatre and know i wont live a happy life as a doctor. i dont want to disappoint them tho

7. My family has never really known me

8. Everybody says im a total girly girl. im not. i actually like the colours green, black, purple and red way more than pink

9. I am a fanpop addict.

10. Im obsessed with taking online quizzes.

11. I use yahoo answers for everything. they have answers to every question you could imagine

12. I eat marshmallow flavored jellybeans :D

13. Im a sleepaholic

14. Ive never actually cried since i was 7. Its all been acting.

15. Im on 24/7

16. I feel really guilty when i lie because they are very believable, and the more believable, the worse i feel.

17. I stare at my self in windows, mirrors and anything shiny, its a vain quality that i cant control and want to stop :(
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago dazl said…
slytherin360, if you want to go into theatre, do it. My parents tried to get me do speech therapy and I never wanted to. I told them no, and am now a happy Arts student.

Secrets, eh?
1: I have a fear of people driving over plastic bottles. I'm afraid the bottle will fly up and hit the windscreen.

2: I am still terrified of the dark.

Those are the only ones I can think of. Strange, that.
over a year ago meeee said…
I agree with dazl don't become a doctor if you don't want to.

-I have the same plastic bottle fear as dazl(scary)

-I like vinegar on my pizza(I don't know why)

-I have a wispa addiction at the moment

-I'm a sportaholic(Is that a word)
I play:
olympic handball
and lots more.

Like last time these are not secrets more stuff that everyone knows.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Snerkie said…
same as slytherin360 i look in every mirror, window, everything that will create my reflection all the time even when talking to people D: dunno why, i just do.

i wagged...2 weeks of I.T and my mum doesn't know.

i'm failing/pretty sure i have failed to get my SACE for year 12 (soooo i can't get into a college/uni (it's actually tafe) easily)

i'm not gonna miss the people i was friends with in year 12 (they all lied behind each others backs)
over a year ago doonis said…
I also look at myself in car windows and reflections, but it is because I'm worried that my hair looks bad. Don't get me wrong, I love my hair, but it can be really messy sometimes. I've even started wearing a hat because it covers up the bad part.
over a year ago Snerkie said…
doonis i think it's a bit the same for me too, just the paranoia of something is out of place or messed up
over a year ago dazl said…
I gave up being paranoid. The voices told me to relax.

Lets see..more online catharsis...

1: I broke my friends vase and blamed it on her dog.

2: I can't stand half my friends from secondary school.

3: I am scared of baked beans. I think they are going to poison me.
over a year ago ThinkPink20 said…
I cut my hair when i was about 4 and blamed my cousin. Still to this day, he gets beef for cutting my hair ("Floyd the Barber") and I haven't said a word.

I've always wanted to travel the world, but at teh same time, I'm scared it will be too much to handle for my suburban-white-girl self. I'm hoping otherwise though.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago ThinkPink20 said…
I get pretty good grades (3.85 GPA), but I'm deathly afraid of a)winding up at a crappy college and wasting those 4 years not learning diddly squat or b) going someplace and getting in over my head. I'm scared of actually having to work for something I need. I can bullshit anything I want to with the right amount of preparation.

I am (was?) raised Catholic, confirmed, and go to church every Sunday with my family. My entire family (40 people) is very very VERY Catholic, and I'm scared that I don't believe in it, because I choose to use science as a majority of my reasoning. I can't help but think it's all nonsense, even though I'm praying (yes, me, praying) that I haven't fully lost my faith.
over a year ago DarkSarcasm said…
I'm a horrible driver.

Everyone gets a different story when they ask what my tattoo signifies.

My mom pretty much called me "trailer trash" when she saw my tattoo. I pretended it didn't bother me, but it really did.

Everything bothers me. Things that happened years ago still haunt me, I just can't get over them.

I have a breakdown every few months.

I sleep way too much.

I need a job, but I hate talking to people so much, I'm still unemployed because I'm scared of interviews and even asking for an application.

I'm way too picky when it comes to food.

I've considered dropping out of community college more than once, but I'm scared my mom will kick me out if I do.

My grandmother occasionally manages to pressure me into going to church with her every once in a while, and it just feels wrong to be there. I've been forced to practice Christianity all my life, and now I resent Christians. I try not to, but...

I'm scared to try new things.

I'm scared of being alone forever.

Things always sound better in my head, before I actually say them.

I love my friends but hate most of theirs.

I went to a concert over the summer, for my favorite band in the world... Silverchair. One of the guys who was supposed to go couldn't be found when we were getting ready to leave, so we took his 16 year old brother. He got us kicked out by trying to buy beer (idiot) before the opening band came on, and we couldn't just leave him outside by himself... so we missed the concert (and I lost about $80). I told my mom about it, and she made me feel so bad that I can't even listen to the band anymore without hearing her going off. I hate it, because it was my favorite band of all time.

I wish I could stop feeling guilty about things that weren't my fault.

I'm physically addicted to caffeine. If I go a day without it, I get a horrible headache that won't go away.

I believe everyone has a hidden motive.

I just went through and edited this... Not because I care what you fellow Fanpoppers think, but because I don't want anyone I know to find out certain things about me. I can't believe I left this much.
over a year ago ThinkPink20 said…
Just keep in mind, there are SO many people who feel the same way as you, you aren't alone. Like, you and I, for instance, share a couple things. I feel guilty for things that aren't my fault either. I have a caffeine addiction (too much Diet Coke. Totally worth it though), I suck at driving, I am scared to let anyone know the real me, and I'm scared of being alone. However, I'm not scared to try new things. In fact, I look for new things to try, because I think stepping out of your comfort zone is important. That's just me. I've developed a new set of values ever since the summer when my grandmother died. So just try rethinking some negative things, take babysteps, and know that it takes courage to get out of bed every morning and live you life how you want to. Everyone and everything happens for a reason, and someday, your actions will take you far. Hang in there!
over a year ago DarkSarcasm said…
Diet Coke, huh? *shudder* Mt. Dew is my poison. As ThinkPink said, totally worth it. =P
over a year ago ThinkPink20 said…
Yeah, Diet Coke is amazing. Much better than Pepsi *cough* AMYBENJIKNIFEY*cough* :D
over a year ago Saphira333 said…
My secret is that im rubbish at everything although i want to be vet i keep getting "E" in everything.. does anyone else feel the same?
over a year ago dazl said…
I kept thinking that I wasn't smart enough to get into college, but Saphira, remember there are back doors into everything. Trust me on this.
over a year ago emirc2363 said…
Okay, I guess I'll spill some secrets too :P

1. I can be a very jealous person, but I don't come off that way at all. My classmates will tell me about a grade they got on a test, and if I did worse, I get mad, mainly with myself.
2. I hate celery.
3. I love sneezing. I don't know why.
4. I've snuck out of my house several times now and lied to my parents about it.
5. Some of my friends really piss me off, but I would never tell them that.
6. The Backstreet Boys are my guilty pleasure :P
7. I don't feel like I can be completely honest with anyone.
8. I trust people too easily, and that usually comes back to hurt me.
9. I lost a ring that my father bought for me--he still doesn't know.
10. I am too self-conscious.

there, i said it. hehe
over a year ago doonis said…
Another thing: I lie a lot. I really can't help it.

P.S. Of course, I'd never lie on here. Right? ;)
over a year ago maybeastarbucks said…
I can play the accordion. Pretty good. I know what you're thinking: "What a nerd?" But wait till you hear this: I can also play the mandolin and the banjo... oh, wait. That would still make me a nerd... ;)
over a year ago doonis said…
I have some strange idea that I'm really good at guitar, but really I'm pretty bad :(
over a year ago shingkai said…
*I hate getting bigger but i can't stop eating fatty foods.
*I don't feel pretty without make-up on.
*I hate commitments or maybe i'm just scared of it.
*I want breast reduction!!!
*I'm scared of injection.
*I love my family soo much but i dont know how to show them, i dont know how to be a perfect daughter or sister, i'm stubborn and black sheep and i only cause trouble to them.
*I pretend to be courageous even if i'm not.
*I graduated from college but i'm not proud.
*I love my friends and i hate to lose them.
*I always rate 5. hehehe (that's for the effort)
over a year ago Saphira333 said…
I hate the way i look
i always get left out
Nobody ever likes the stuff i like
Im older than most my friends
And i am a complete nerd

can anyone tell me what's rong with me plez?
over a year ago hsm123 said…
I have glasses because im near sided. and i HATE the dark.i was scared of gorrillas when i was 3 and stopped being scared when i was 8. well this is my deepest darkest one so here it goes *gulp* ok when i was in first grade we were in music and then i had to go to the bathroom really bad so when i went out in the hall i ACCIDENTLY peeded in my pants it went on the WHOLE floor. i guess i learned my lesson that day cause it never happened again................................ I feel so embarsses right now
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago DarkSarcasm said…
When I'm bored, I make icons/avatars/whatever you want to call them.

Most of the icons I submit on Fanpop, I made from images I found on here.

Two of my 17 year old friends are pregnant, so everyone assumes I'll probably get knocked up too.

I'm not sure if I ever want to get married because I've seen how much everyone changes after the wedding.

I hate when things don't go according to plan.

I feel like such an emo kid for posting this. But I don't even care anymore.
over a year ago Saphira333 said…
Well DarkSarcasm i know how u feel , every time im bored i make wallappers and when thing don't go to plan its a bummer but it work out alright after that
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago hooch-is-crazy said…
i know where you live.....

it says on your profile
over a year ago HannaK said…
I sometimes have the feeling that I don't belong anywhere (except Fanpop) and I don't think that people wanna do the 'right thing' And that nobody really gets me. (wooo I sound really depressed)
over a year ago oblix said…
i always feel that none like me not in a paranod way i think to my self that no one thinks as me a good m8 and then i get depressed and in a bad mood ------- im in this mood at the moment -->
not happy!
over a year ago oblix said…
i also have the exact same feeling as hannak

its a secret coz no one knows not just my feelings
over a year ago inespinto said…
I can't decide what I want to do with my life and I feel that my friends don't get how lonely I am and aren't there for me sometimes. oh and i feel incredibly self conscious all the time(it's my first time in this forum so Hi)
over a year ago inespinto said…
Oh and sometimes when no one is near I listen to embarrassing music I don't even like just because I'm in the mood =P
over a year ago hooch-is-crazy said…
i have 3 nipples. yes it's true.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago snoznoodle said…
I'm sick of the local TV channel playing Biggest Loser promotion ads. We get it. They're fat! Stop! Show something good for once!!

I don't like reality tv.
Except for Beauty and the Geek.
over a year ago Snerkie said…
I love reality tv :P lol, it's an addiction. Also i love all those stupid entertainment shows that are utterly dumb but i'll still watch them :)
over a year ago Saphira333 said…
Well im always on my own because my friends are away doing something else. it feels to me that fanpop is the only place i can talk to people. i also have a big additon to my gameboy ds what should i do?
over a year ago XpsychotickissX said…
i was brainwashed into loving a guy with a girlfriend when it is/was is/was lust
over a year ago fitzdude said…
i see four seperate phychologists/phyciatrists
over a year ago meeee said…
I'm sleepy
over a year ago ineedcoffee said…
I think somedays I'm invisable, really I can be right beside someone and say something and they dont hear me yet someone I wasn't talking to does, but not the ones who I'm with.
over a year ago adavila said…
Im the son of one of the biggest drug dealers in Mexico Juaquin Guzman aka el chapo Guzman
( link)

no Im just kidding

or Im I??

over a year ago snoznoodle said…
I should NOT be on fanpop, I should be studying.
But I'm on fanpop.
over a year ago marissa said…
I should not be on Fanpop. I should be asleeps.
But I'm on Fanpop.
over a year ago tessajanuary said…
I should not be on Fanpop. I should be working on my presentation I have to give on Friday.
But I'm on Fanpop.
*feels a tad guilty*
over a year ago DarkSarcasm said…
I'm wary about posting the first 'secret' in 3 months. But that's not exactly a secret, and I'm doing it anyway. =P

Fanpop is my secret. I haven't invited anyone to the site or anything, 'cause it's the only place I can be myself. I have to watch everything I say on MySpace, Facebook, and in person, because everything is so laced with lies I'm supposed to be telling, people I'm supposed to be protecting, things I'm not supposed to know, etc. It's sickening. Not Fanpop, the fact that this is the *only* place I can be myself. Ah, my refuge... =P
over a year ago PoppyHip said…
Um, I feel like a walking target for psychos and freaks. Over the past three years god knows how many people have pushed me into their cars, tried to take me home in their double decker bus followed me or drag me down an alley way. I am literally scared that one day one of these people will kill me.
over a year ago ToastedRabbits said…
I'm dating someone from Illinois that I've never met here in Florida and I'm head over heals and crying over the distance every week while my familiy thinks I met him here and he moved.
over a year ago marissa said…
My grandpa is dying and I don't know how to deal with it.
over a year ago claire-aka-bob said…
i hate most of my friends
say out of 10 i like about 3
i just get so annoyed at anyone nowerdays, and i dont even know why!
i wish i could be more sociable and talk to more people
i mean over fanpop its easy, but if i met you in person i bet that i would have nothing to say to you and and we would just be stood there like not doing anything
i somethimes have to forse myself to do things to make myself look like the more confident person even though inside i am really shy
i think i need to sort myself out, but when i say that i dont mean it
urgh, now i am frustrated! ♥

EDIT : typo
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Snerkie said…
I had to do Jobsearch in this building for 3 weeks and i enjoyed it because i got to interact with people :)