Fanpop Users Sshhh! Secrets!

AmyFitz posted on Aug 08, 2007 at 10:25AM
This worked quite well on another site I used to visit.

Basically you just post a secret about yourself.

It can be something silly, like:

"I once ate a whole jar of peanut-butter straight out of the jar..."

Or, (If you trust us enough and want to get it off your chest)

a serious-secret.


last edited on Aug 08, 2007 at 10:26AM

Fanpop Users 353 replies

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Showing Replies 201-250 of 353

over a year ago benji said…
Mum? Evil step-mother? Can I beat your fairy godmother?

I won't go to sleep if you get on MSN ¬_¬
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago AmyFitz said…
It depends, I thought you'd be the Prince! :p

Okay then, but if I start saying "honey" again, stop me. :)

Feel free to post secrets by the way everyone. When Knifey comes back on, I need to congratulate him on sharing so many!

over a year ago benji said…
Aww I'm blushing now :P

More secrets... uhm... despite fancying both men and women since I first realised I liked people that way, I never told anyone I was close to that I was actually bisexual until about two years ago.

I constantly act like I know all about something until I'm caught out lying (I have an obsession with being a knowledgable guy).

I managed to attend 20% of my A-Level lessons and still managed to get C's and above but decided college wasn't for me for obvious reasons.

I find Bill Bailey attractive in a way that is very unique, that sexy troll ¬_¬

Uhm, that's all that springs to mind for now.
over a year ago AmyFitz said…
Bill Bailey? Very unusual but okay.

The one about lying about things to seem knowledgable is the same for me. I hate it when people think I'm not smart.

I also am inclined to dislike people loads smarter or prettier than me, but I get over it :)


P.s. Oh, one thing I hate more than any other is when people lie to me. And when people call ME a liar. That makes me turn into the incredible-hulk-like-amy and smash them to pieces. :)

I wish. :p

over a year ago benji said…
You lie Amy, since you can't dislike anyone prettier than you since there isn't anyone :P

Hah, I'm such a suck up aren't I?
over a year ago knifewrench said…
Hi again dudes and dudettes! It's a great morning to just stay in a dark room all day while using! Hehe, I love this page, yay! we're on 203 replies!

Thanks for the prop Amy :) and Benji, I'm going to be using that shifty eyed thing more often now....

I like to burn things (shivers) I'm not crazy, I know your not, I'M NOT TALKING TO MY SELF I WAS TALKING TO THAT PERSON IN THE CORNER OF THE ROOM!..... STOP LOOKING AT ME! ¬_¬
over a year ago AmyFitz said…
hey, Knifey's on fanpop! I just love people who I can add "y" to the end of their names! ^^

I talk to myself. I ran up the stairs the other day (noone was in the house), and I stubbed my toe and then said "Ow, that really hurt, fricking hell, why am I talking to myself? Shut up, you idiot!"

True. :|

over a year ago knifewrench said…
Probably the funniest thing I've heard in the half hour I've been up! =)

I'm sitting on my chair by the computer with a pillow behind my back and a duvet on top of me. I have combined two of the best things in existence: fanpop and bed

Although I still haven't had my breakfast, be back in 10 minutes or so.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago AmyFitz said…
aw I did that once, except I fell asleep at my computer and I woke up with a start when the computer shut down and made that music-noise!


over a year ago knifewrench said…
I'M BACK AGAIN! How long was that? 10 minutes? Self-five for the excellent time estimate! <WPSH> <CLICK>
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago AmyFitz said…

Ha, I like capital letters.

Hmmm, I really should get dressed and have some breakfast. I'm tired.

over a year ago knifewrench said…
I'm going tell you guys a secret and I don't care if anyone laughs because that would be sexist, here goes: I was planning on training to be a nurse after college until about six months ago.
over a year ago AmyFitz said…
There's nothing wrong with that, you crazy Knifey! What's wrong with that?

Why don't you want to do it anymore?

over a year ago knifewrench said…
Partly because of the whole "Murse" thing. Also; paramedics get to use defibrilators!!!!
over a year ago benji said…
Male nurses are actually better at their jobs than female ones I find, and women doctors are better at being doctors, what a bizzare twist on the ways of sexism!
over a year ago AmyFitz said…
Paul Flowers managed it fine :)

I know a paramedic. She used to be a teacher. Wierd, huh?

over a year ago knifewrench said…
Freaky indeedy; although I'd probably end up hanging myself if I was a teacher. I never want to see a school again!
over a year ago AmyFitz said…
You just done GCSEs?

over a year ago knifewrench said…
over a year ago AmyFitz said…
Results next thursday, we should compare. Well, I'll say "hey, knifey, guess what I failed?"

And you'll probablly be all "Really? I passed that. "


over a year ago knifewrench said…
I'm actually going away soon. The results will be there when I get back but everyone else will see their's before me.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago benji said…
Nooo! We lose knifey, I don't like that :( Where're you going to?
over a year ago knifewrench said…
I'm going to a christian camp with a friend, I'll only be gone for a week. I'll still miss you guys :(
over a year ago AmyFitz said…
Christian camp? If I was Christian I'd think that was awesome, I've always wanted to go to some kind of camp.

over a year ago benji said…
My friend went to Christian camp, great guy, I'm always envious of religious peoples because you get a community of genuinely nice people, I like the spiritual and community side of religion.
over a year ago AmyFitz said…
I'd love to be religious, but my beliefs and personality won't allow it. I guess I just have to makes friends elsewhere that will be as nice and supportive.

over a year ago knifewrench said…
Some people say that the thought of life after death is rediculous. To be honest I can't grasp the concept of death, it seems daft that someone can just stop existing.

(yes I did post this comment in the christianity spot as well)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago AmyFitz said…
:) It's the other way around for me.

People say Atheism's easy, but believe me, it's a lot harder to believe in nothing after death and no higher being to protect you.

I occaisionally get freaked out by death, but I get over it eventually. :)

over a year ago knifewrench said…
Knowing that really nice people will go to hell freaks me out, but I still think about it a lot and I never get over it.
over a year ago AmyFitz said…
well some christians believe that good non-christians go to heaven (or limbo until judgement day)

I don't mind either way as I don't believe in any of them.

But don't let it upset you Knifey, because if you truly believe it then you'll believe that the nice people who end up in hell will definately be regretful.

I dunno, I hope I get an A in RE! I kicked ass on some of the questions :)

over a year ago knifewrench said…
Can we change the subject? I'm feeling a little bit sad. By the way Benji I noticed your drink choice is wise :) PEPSI FIVE! <WPSH? <CLICK>
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago AmyFitz said…
I prefer pepsi to coke so much. Why does everyone prefer coke?

over a year ago knifewrench said…
I don't know, I guess that TV ad at christmas kind of brain-washes everyone.

I'm getting tired of my spelling, grammer and idiotic mistakes......
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago AmyFitz said…
The last one was really soppy though.

Aaaaanyway, knifey. You gonna do A-levels or work or college or what? (once you get your results).

You must tell us as soon as you're back though. A knifey-free fanpop is an odd thought indeed. :)

over a year ago knifewrench said…
I'm going to college to do a..... diploma in health studies or something like that, I keep forgetting the name of it.
over a year ago AmyFitz said…
cool, paramedic?

I don't know what I'm going to do beyond 6th form, but there we go. I have 2 years to decide :)

over a year ago knifewrench said…
It's gonna be five years until I get a proper job, and even then I'm going to be an ambulance technician (trainee paramedic)
over a year ago AmyFitz said…

Damn, my computer's dying. Back in a bit :)

over a year ago eisai_xazo said…
hey guys!!
over a year ago AmyFitz said…
Hey hey! Here to share some secrets, join in our odd conversation or just to say hi?

over a year ago eisai_xazo said…
i'll try to participate..
over a year ago AmyFitz said…
okay, well the conversation has been on pepsi, religion, medicine and school this morning, so if none of those appeal to you you could just share some secrets (sshh) or just talk about anything :)

We're an odd bunch

over a year ago eisai_xazo said…
well, i've "watched" the conversation about religion and i agree with you, i occaisionally get freaked out by death too. it makes me sad this conversation.
I drink coke not pepsi.
I'm student and i have 1 lesson until my diploma.
Hmmm!that's all :)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago AmyFitz said…
thankyou for the contribution there. :)

I'm afraid coke vs pepsi will always be as contoversial as any other topic people debate about :)

over a year ago meeee said…
I drink Pepsi
over a year ago AmyFitz said…
YES! Fellow-pepsi-drinker, I applaud you :p

over a year ago eisai_xazo said…
Pepsi vs Cola....hmmm!it's been a long time since the last time i've watched a pepsi commercial on greek tv...
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago AmyFitz said…
I don't really remember any pepsi adverts. I think Coke simply dominates the cola-world.

Mind you, how much money do they have? It's gotta be a lot.

Did you know that the traditional Father Christmas was generally dressed in green until coca-cola marketed using him dressed in red?

over a year ago eisai_xazo said…
yes i read this last year on a magazine.

the last pepsi commercial i remember was the on with Pink,Britney and Beyonce(?) in the arena..great commercial!
over a year ago AmyFitz said…
I don't know that one.

hehe, this is the longest I've ever talked about cola!
