Hetalia Ask Germany

Germany_APH posted on Aug 15, 2012 at 04:30AM
Ja, I thought I might as vhell answer a few questions...Ask away.
Ja, I thought I might as vhell answer a few questions...Ask away.

Hetalia 192 replies

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Showing Replies 101-150 of 192

over a year ago cyrus498 said…
okay how many girls are gonna be with us?
over a year ago Germany_APH said…
Vhell, Zhere's five of us all together, now. :L Zhis is madness.... @__@ But, Like I said, I love you all.....
over a year ago demigod324 said…
Yay, and also, here a tough question...how much wood could a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood
over a year ago Germany_APH said…
>-< It vhould chuck wood many times because it couldn't chuck wood before so it'll happily chuck as much as it likes.

Wait, what...? *shakes head* I don't know...
over a year ago cyrus498 said…
hey germany is chuck norris allowed in the house
over a year ago Germany_APH said…
Chuck Norris...?

Prussia might object.... But I have no problem with him, I guess... Why vhould he want to come into mein house????
over a year ago cyrus498 said…
so he can knock out prussia
over a year ago demigod324 said…
Germany, how many times have you woken up and found Italy in your bed
over a year ago cyrus498 said…
*was ontop of germany*how many times have you found me in your bed
over a year ago Germany_APH said…
@Cyrus Not necesarrily, I don't think so... I just think he feels intimidated by him, but he won't admit it.... I'm not sure...

@Demigod Too many, too many....

@Cyrus again~ 0____0 *blushes like crazy idiot* Z-zero....
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago cyrus498 said…
what is your opinion on chuck norris germany
over a year ago demigod324 said…
How many times did he wake up before you?
over a year ago Germany_APH said…
@cyrus-still-on-top: Erm... I'm not sure. I've never met him. He's okay, I gues...

@Demigod Once, I think... It vhas a triumphant moment for him, I'm sure.
over a year ago cyrus498 said…
*rolls over on germany*ahhhh.....whats your opinion on meeee
over a year ago Germany_APH said…
FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF..... *person on top, continuously blushing* I R-REALLY DON'T KNOW---UMMMMMM....... I LIKE YOU, I SUPPOSE.... *Looks away red-faced*
over a year ago demigod324 said…
germany, do you guys ant a room?
over a year ago cyrus498 said…
AWWWWW thank youuuuuu i like you to germany*hugs tightly*
over a year ago Germany_APH said…
@Demigod Vhas zhat a question? YEEAH-no. No, Danke. Nothing is happening here, heh.... *pink*

@Cyrus *lightly hugs back* Your welcome.....
over a year ago cyrus498 said…
lots of things are happening!italy would be jealous right
over a year ago demigod324 said…
si it as a question Germany....also can i pwease have a hug germany
over a year ago Germany_APH said…
@Cyrus F-NEIN. I'm sure he'd be... Fine vhith it.

@Demigod Ja, sure... *lightly pushes Cyrus off of self* *walks over to you and hugs* Zhere you go~ ^^

( I'm afraid I must leave, my computer has decided to be unusually retarded zhis day. Shyza... Ask me questions again tomorrow, Ja? ;P Guten Tag~ )
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago cyrus498 said…
can i have a hug germany?
over a year ago snakelollies said…
Me too!! :( I would like to say......I just saw the movie the hobbit!! Have you seen it?.....(does not have to answer!) until next time(when computers all cool), Adios mi ameigo's!.......:D loves you Germany!!
over a year ago Germany_APH said…
@Cyrus ...Sure why not? *hugs as requested*

@Snakelollies The Hobbit? Ja, I've seen it... It's a pretty amazing film, if I do say so myself. Und Danke, ich liebe dich auch. ^^

-I'm back, did all of you miss me? ;L -
over a year ago cyrus498 said…
i missssed you now!*lays back down ontop of you*nyaaaa
over a year ago demigod324 said…
Yeah, i missed you...what have you been doing Mr.Germany?
over a year ago Tinekraut said…
big smile
haha, I had fun reading your posts. Mind if I barge in? I'm the auntie who lives link. Uh, wait, i'm not yet that old. I'm the same age as germany, hehe. Looks like this has become a lively place. You might want to have a snack so I brought you all some link - goodwill gift from your neighbor *thumbs up*.. Feel free to drop by our headquarters.

By the way Germany, i happen to come across link. It's in Switzerland. any comment on that?
And link. It's kinda off-season but I'm quite amused by those German dance moves. It's like it could have been as popular as Gangnam style, what do you think? You've danced that before, didn't you? XD
over a year ago Germany_APH said…
@Cyrus KKKKYYYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA *blush* Gute to s-see you...

@Demigod Danke. ^^ I've been training, mostly... Chores and whatnot, a bit of Drinking. I forgot Gilbert's birthday, zhough, so I have to take him drinking again.... eh, sorry bruder...

@Tinekraut *laugh* Nein, I don't mind... Und danke... Aber, ja I'm sure I have... When I vhas drunk... I don't usually dance.... I'm kind of bad at it.
over a year ago demigod324 said…
How did Gilbert react when you forgot his birthday?
over a year ago snakelollies said…
missed you tooo!! *HUGGLES*
over a year ago HeartfulStitch said…
Oh dear... -sweatdrops- It seems you have had quite a bit of things happen lately~ -chuckles- Anyways, I just have a random off the top of my head question for you, what type of music do you like?
over a year ago Tinekraut said…
XD I was actually expecting to see you, Germany, link.
over a year ago Germany_APH said…
@Demigod He vhas upset, and ranted about me forgetting his awesomeness. Zhen he made me sing to make him stop...

@snakelollies *being crowded by fangirls* :> Danke!

@HeartfulStitch Rock, :L (HOLLE JA.) Classical music, mostly... I like piano and violin.

@Tinekraut Pfft, Nein... Maybe I should've been.... <_< v_v
over a year ago Tinekraut said…
XD Yea. Though it would be better to see you do that wearing a lederhosen.

By the way, what's your top 2 favorite Tokio Hotel songs and top 2 favorite classical pieces?
over a year ago Germany_APH said…
@Tinekraut Vhell, one of zhe main reasons I like Tokio Hotel is for the music, more than zhe guys themselves or lyrics, very much... Zhey're very talented, but I really appreciate the instruments of music. Aber, one song I love is Uber ende der welt. I enjoy zhis cover on the piano.... I don't know exactly who performed it, but good for zhem.

For classical, zhere is too many to name... I do love Fur Elise (I'm sure everyone knows zhis one?), it's quite genius. Also, anozher favorite is Violin Sonata No. 4 by Beethoven. I find it just a little awesome zhat vhe share a name. *cough*
last edited over a year ago
Tinekraut commented…
A, that's interesting to know. Uber ende der Welt, the lyrics and the MV kinda reminds me of the fall of Berlin Wall. My favorite is Hilf Mir Fliegen. Such a sublime melody. The lyrics of their song are quite full meaning. I also love those piano covers. I've seen before the ones performed by a French. TH had a large following in France. They were even invited by... I think that was Pres. Sarkozy, not sure... they were invited to perform beneath the Eiffel Tower during the Bastille Day. Quite amazing. It really is true when France said you two are getting along well. As to classical music, my favorite is Mozart's allegro aperto violin and piano concerto no. 5, but my favorite German piece and second favorite one is Pachelbel's Canon. Beethoven is my second favorite composer. I guess I can say, your name is meant for great men. Thanks for answering my question. The one you mentioned shall go to my collection. ~_^ over a year ago
Tinekraut commented…
By the way. This should have reached you on time but looks like there had some problem with the shipping. Still, you should have this gift: link over a year ago
over a year ago demigod324 said…
germany! hi! i wanted to know how do you feel when Prussia invites the Bad Touch Trio and or the Awesome Trio(denmark, america, and prussia) over to your house?
over a year ago Germany_APH said…
@demigod Meh, just a LITTTLE annoyed.... I always have to clean up in zhe end.
over a year ago demigod324 said…
guten tag...or guten nox...or whatever time it is, i have another questi on for you
when i was reading a history book earlier i found that you once sent german diplomats to sealand beause if i remember right they tried to sue you, so I wanted to know what was it like having to acknowledge Sealand?
over a year ago Germany_APH said…
Strange... He vhas just a little boy, und I wasn't sure how to really take things seriously in such a situation... As I said, he's just a boy..

Aber, maybe he'll grow to be a strong country, who knows.
over a year ago justinfangrrl said…
Germany-kun, could you attempt.. *hairwhip* The SMOULDER? Pwetty pwease? (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
over a year ago Germany_APH said…
@Justin :| Don't say I didn't try...

It sucks, I know.
last edited over a year ago
@Justin :| Don't say I didn't try...

It sucks, I know.
over a year ago demigod324 said…
Germany! Germany! Germany! I have a question, how often does Italy sing you the germany song?
over a year ago Jekyde said…
Hyde: Have you heard of Homestuck?
over a year ago Germany_APH said…
@demigod324 :| Very... very often.

@Jekyde I've heard of it, but I can't say I know what it's about, really..
over a year ago Violet_Shade said…
Germany, what do you think of Seychelles and Wy?
over a year ago cyrus498 said…
GER,ANY are you gay
over a year ago demigod324 said…
germany can i pretty please with wurst on top call you Doitsu
over a year ago 666demon said…
Germany, what was it like when you and Berlin were separated when the wall was put up? I bet it was hard loosing Prussia too.
over a year ago hetalianstella said…
Germany! What's your favorite brand of beer?
over a year ago snakelollies said…
.............I miss this! :)