Hetalia Ask Germany

Germany_APH posted on Aug 15, 2012 at 04:30AM
Ja, I thought I might as vhell answer a few questions...Ask away.
Ja, I thought I might as vhell answer a few questions...Ask away.

Hetalia 192 replies

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over a year ago cyrus498 said…
Oh Germany come back and we will give you all the wurst!
over a year ago demigod324 said…
Germany, please come back I miss you!
over a year ago Jekyde said…
Do you know who Canada is?
Kakashi_355 commented…
xD I was going to ask that too. over a year ago
over a year ago Germany_APH said…
MEIN GOTT, so many questions. :| It's okay, I'm back people...

Wait, you all actually missed me? Shyza... Did you say wurst? I'd like some of that... BD
over a year ago Germany_APH said…
@Violet_Shade she's quite nice- not a bad person at all. I rather like her. She's... pretty too I suppose. >////< *blushes*

@cyrus498 G-GAY? Nein. I don't believe so- nein... i KNOW so. I am not gay. :|

@demigod324 -shrug- Sure, if you like. I don't see a problem with it- Japan calls me that.

@666demon I hated it- my home didn't feel the same after that. It was like my people and I, even my entire country was... Separated, in more ways than one. Losing a brother is harder than you think.
over a year ago Germany_APH said…
@Jekyde Canada... Canada.... Ja, I've heard that from... somewhere.... Erm, oh yes! I have a few scientists from Berlin stationed in Alberta- they are conversing with Mr. Canada's scientists on oil sands and the environmental consequences, as I don't appreciate that very much. People could stand to recycle their PAPER more. I have various agreements with Mr. Williams in terms of educating, reasearch and things of the sort at the moment. So yes, I suppose I do know him. Although, I confess... Sometimes I do have a rough time remembering him.

To the rest of you, I'm back. Gute to be back. I'll be here for a while, no worries I suppose.
over a year ago Kakashi_355 said…
c: Now that you're back, i have a question.

Do you ever wish that Prussia wasnt your brother? :3
over a year ago Germany_APH said…
@Kakashi_355 Nein. He's pretty... Awesome. He's mein drinking knospe and when it comes down to it, I admit- a pretty damn gute bruder. Besides, you can't wish things were or were not so when you can't change them. It's no use.
over a year ago cyrus498 said…
Would you rather be gay with me or italy XD
over a year ago Germany_APH said…

Uh... Neither...? I'd rather NOT be gay altogether. Not zhats there's anything wrong with that, but... um... You know zhat, just nevermind. I guess... You. Italy. Neither. -sigh-
over a year ago cyrus498 said…
You have to choose or be trapped in a room full of FAT hungry girls who want to rip you to shreds
over a year ago Germany_APH said…
Germany_APH commented…
[my apologies, it seems I have unintentionally deleted my first answer that I gave you- ] over a year ago
Germany_APH commented…
I should be afriad, shouldn't I....? over a year ago
Germany_APH commented…
VERDAMMT. over a year ago
over a year ago Germany_APH said…
F-FINE! ITALY. Because I know him more, but I'm sure you're an okay person but ja.

Germany_APH commented…
-sigh- the things I do for my fans... over a year ago
over a year ago demigod324 said…
hey germany, i have a question. who would win if there was a war between you and Canada?( this is based off a rp my friends and i did where Germany got mad at prussia and canada for doing some stuff like getting drunk and declared war on Canada)
over a year ago cyrus498 said…
Hey germany what gender am i XD
over a year ago Kakashi_355 said…
Germany, out of all the girls in Hetalia, (not including the ones like fem!italy, fem!Japan, ect.) who is your favorite? C:
over a year ago Germany_APH said…
@demigod324 That depends. If Mr. America became involved- he may just... beat zhe hell out of me. I'd hate to get into any kind of war, to be honest. I really don't know...

@cyrus498 uhhhhhhhhhh...... Male? -widely guessing-

@kakashi_355 I do know miss Hungary quite well- und Liechtenstein is a schatzi, she stayed with me for a while once. They're all... pretty awesome. Aber, if I really had to choose... Liechtenstein. Don't tell the others... ;]
over a year ago demigod324 said…
hey germany, what would you do if you woke up one day and you were a girl?
over a year ago Germany_APH said…
@demigod324 Hm... If I were a female...?
I would be... afraid. I know next to nothing of females and wouldn't know zhe first thing about anything as a woman. I guess I'd wait for it to end. Vhat CAN one do?
over a year ago demigod324 said…
okay what would u do if italy was turned into a girl?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Germany_APH said…
@Demigod324 KYAH-. I don't know.... >->
>/////< If he so wished, help him change back. But if he was comfortable zhat vhay, then leave him I guess. He wouldn't have an excuse for being a pussy, und I think I'd go a little easier on him... Let's put it like zhat.
over a year ago totolove said…
I have a question which is making me laugh ... pfft ! Ok, ok (sorry if this is offensive) ... is this really how you draw ?! (Cracking up here !)
I have a question which is making me laugh ... pfft ! Ok, ok (sorry if this is offensive) ... is this
over a year ago GilbertPrussia1 said…
Gutentag!!!!!Why von't you vist me anymore!?!?!?!
over a year ago Tinekraut said…
Why did you blush? :3
Why did you blush? :3
over a year ago CzechHetalia said…
Germany, so good to talk to you again. Is my embassy in Berlin still standing or burnt to the ground? Lets just say if it was burnt to the ground you better have Prussia covering your ass in war. Sbohem!
over a year ago Germany_APH said…
@totolove hmm....-see picture- Sometimes.
@totolove hmm....-see picture- Sometimes.
over a year ago Germany_APH said…
@Mein Bruder: Because you live with me. :L Do you want me to visit you in the basement? But ja, Vhe should go drinking more often...

@Tinekraut GFFF- I DON'T KNOW. ZHE IDEA OF ITALY OF A GIRL.. JUST.. I DON'T KNOW. The idea of picturing Italy with... um... as a female is odd, okay? let's leave it at zhat.

@CzechHetalia ....Do I know you? You sound... familiar.... I'll have to get back to you on zhat, I'm working on the flood zhat's inflicted upon my country and home. I'm quite busy...
over a year ago demigod324 said…
what do you think of this song?
over a year ago Germany_APH said…
@demigod324 Oh my god....
Vhere have I heard zhis song? Dear lord... It's.... Okay, I guess. But... Vhy the shining? Vhen do I shine, exactly? I guess according to mein fans, I'm a beautiful potato in the sky. ._. not sure vhat to say, exactly.... It WAS the slightest bit catchy, I'll give it zhat.
over a year ago Cheesiecorn said…
Guten tag Doitsu. I'll ask my question. If I take a look on the map I see that you have a lot of neighbors. So wich one of them do you like and wich neighbor do you hate/dislike and why?
over a year ago MallowMarsh said…
Hey, Germany! c:
So, I've been wondering: What are your thoughts about the whole "Doitsu Cult" that's been going around on Tumblr?
over a year ago lil10101 said…
have you ever done the cinaman challenge? its were you stick a spoon of cinaman in your mouth. (I love you Germany!!!)
over a year ago Germany_APH said…
@Chessiecorn Zhere's not really a neighbor who I specially don't or do enjoy being near, zhey're all fine really. Aber, I DO enjoy going to Italy. Zhe architecture and culture is nice, so I regularly visit. I like France, too... Zhe food is nice. I tend to hang out vith Denmark every once in a while for a beer. No favorites.

@MallowMarsh what's the cult? Is zhis zhat "shine bright like" me religion? (or so I've been told...) I'm not sure how I feel. It's a religion based on me and how I apparently "shine". Vhat can I do? fans will be fans...

@lil10101 Nein. I don't think I've ever heard of it, either. (Ich liebe dich auch. ;L )

lil10101 commented…
Hey Germany, I've fanned you,wanna RP? over a year ago
over a year ago demigod324 said…
Germany! have you ever read a fanfic called Hello Hirrican? if you have what do you think of it, and if not you totally should.
over a year ago Jekyde said…
Have you ever seen Der Ritter outside your house? ((Sorry If that's already been asked, I didn't bother to read the whole forum X3))
over a year ago snakelollies said…
Hellooo!! }) Missed you Germany..! I want to ask, how would you react if I were to turn into a werewolf(the cool kind)right in front of you, howl, then jump out the window XD ( I'll pay for the Windows's bill)...? Oh! I Loves You~ }#)
snakelollies commented…
Don't worry! I would not actually do this to you, mi amor! }* over a year ago
over a year ago Germany_APH said…
..Vhell, guess who's back?
over a year ago Germany_APH said…
@demigod324 Nein I have not. Perhaps when I have some time I vhill.

@Jekyde Nein, and I certainly hope I won't...

@Snakelollies I haven't the slightest idea, because it's quite a strange thing. Vhat COULD have I done?
over a year ago cyrus498 said…
What type of guy was Hitler?
over a year ago Germany_APH said…
@cyrus498 Passionate, I would say. A bit... too passionate in many ways. He had an extreme liking for things Elite, and from what I've known working (I regret to say) alongside him I had seen him to be more of a thinker than a do-it-yourself type. As you might've known, he used his words very... persuasively, shall we say. He was quite bossy... He demanded complete obedience to all who were "beneath" him and preferred... nein... INSISTED to be superior in whichever way attainable.

Quite a strange man. Very difficult to work with I could not have possibly told you exactly how I believed him to be so very briefly.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago LilMissDoodle said…
Guten tag, Germany! How's life? Merry Christmas, by the way!

Anyways, how is your relationship with Canada?
over a year ago cyrus498 said…
Would you ever beat up America?