Lost Fans Thread

TmoVie_obsessed posted on Jun 07, 2009 at 07:58PM
Hello everybody! This is a thread for us wonderful Lost fans to talk about the show we all love or anything else we feel like and to just get to know each other better. So what's up everybody???

brucas4ever - Hannah
Clarise - Katrin
courtney7488- Courtney
Emm_xD- Emily
emzielouise- Emma
frsbg - Filipa
hamishblakefan- Bianca
hayley_pace - Hayley
iBaseCheergirl- Jana
kristine95 - Kristine/Ghost
-lostgirl- - Maria
sahour95- Sahar
sk91- Sylwia
tammy63 - Amy
TmoVie_obsessed - Margot
tuttleAC - Patrick
xDHmadx- Hayls

(if you want to be added to the list just message me and I'll add you.)


brucas4ever: 2
Clarise: 2
courtney7488: 18
Emm_xD: 8
hayley_pace: 1
iBaseCheergirl: 2
-lostgirl-: 25
sahour95: 5
sk91: 11
TmoVie_obsessed: 17
tuttleAC: 1
xDHmadx: 9
(page 101)
Hello everybody! This is a thread for us wonderful Lost fans to talk about the show we all love or an
last edited on Jan 16, 2010 at 08:36PM

Lost 2580 replies

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Showing Replies 1401-1450 of 2580

over a year ago -lostgirl- said…
oh god!i just realised that i hadn't returned a dvd i rent from a video club on saturday!omg!i'll pay a lot of money now!almost 9 euro.damn it!
over a year ago sahour95 said…
We have A LOT of tests the whole year but still we have exams!
over a year ago -lostgirl- said…
big smile
over a year ago sahour95 said…
I hate when that happened te same thing happened to me two weeks ago and I had to pay alot too!
over a year ago sahour95 said…
I like the icon!
over a year ago -lostgirl- said…
the same for me sahar.we have tests the whole year and we also have one month exams in the end.that sucks!
over a year ago -lostgirl- said…
thanks!i miss charlie so much...
who's your favorite character?
over a year ago sahour95 said…
I know How old are you anyway?
over a year ago sahour95 said…
big smile
SAWYER and Juliet but Sawyer is my fav since ever I LOVEEEEE him so much!!!!!!!! CRAZY!LOL!
over a year ago -lostgirl- said…
i'm 15!actualli i'm 14,5!what about u?
over a year ago sk91 said…
we have tests the whole year and we also have one month exams in the end -> yes.. that sucks.. we have such think only in last class of our 'High School'.. we have something called 'Matura' and then you have exams for polish(my national language), math, foreign language( for me of course it will be english ;p) and 0-3 subjects you choosed..

Love the icon<3
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago -lostgirl- said…
i love sawyer and juliet too!i wish she isn't dead!
mine are locke(dead),charlie(dead)and richard(alive!!).isn't it so unfair that my fav characters die?????
over a year ago sahour95 said…
big smile
I'm 14 !
over a year ago -lostgirl- said…
sylwia we have exams in 14 lessons!!and we also have tests the whole year!and u have only 6 exams and no tests??????omg!that's so unfair!
over a year ago -lostgirl- said…
so sahar you need 4 more years to graduate right?
over a year ago sahour95 said…
I know that sucks !!!!!!!!! I'm really sorry I miss Charlie too but don't care that much about Lock. At least Richard is still alive!!!!!!!!
I hope Juliet isn't dead too. I will be so sad if she's dead
over a year ago Emm_xD said…
Hi guys!
over a year ago -lostgirl- said…
hey Emily!!what's up girl?
over a year ago sahour95 said…
yeah! My sister is graduating this year. And she has to study really hard so she can go to a deasent colage. I think you know her. white_rose a Jate freak you know her right? you are a Jate fan too!
over a year ago sahour95 said…
Hi Emily hun how r u??
over a year ago -lostgirl- said…
oh of course i know her!!we haven't ever talked but i see her in comments!!she's a great lost fan!!
over a year ago Emm_xD said…
I'm okay thanks guys :D Yourselves?
over a year ago sahour95 said…
I know we always talk about Lost I told her to join I knew she'd have fun but for the time being she's extremely busy
over a year ago -lostgirl- said…
emily,i have to read today and i'm kind of sad about it... it's 16:33 here and i haven't even opened my book!i can't....
over a year ago sahour95 said…
I'm fine hun except that I have exams and that the weather is really hot here! I heared in England it rains almost all seasons is that right?!
over a year ago -lostgirl- said…
oh tell her good luck then sahar!
over a year ago -lostgirl- said…
over a year ago sk91 said…
u have only 6 exams and no tests? -> well... no.... we don't have final exams in every year.. we have only Matura in last year of school.. but we have many other exams before... we have also 14/15 <depents which class> subjects... oh and Matura take one moth <alwys May> .. and it's not onle 6 exams .. (speeking polish, engish, writing polish , english, writing maths.. and 3 other subjects on two levels)..and usually only that exam decided on which colage<well we don't have colages, but ok ;p> you can go ;/
over a year ago sk91 said…
Hi Em!!
over a year ago -lostgirl- said…
i got it sylwia!but this system is much better than ours!
over a year ago Emm_xD said…
it's 16:33 here and i haven't even opened my book!i can't.... --> Aww that sucks! How come you can't open it?

I heared in England it rains almost all seasons is that right?! --> LMAO Yea that's right =P Actually it's quite sunny now though, because it's nearly summer =] But normally it's ALWAYS raining!
over a year ago sk91 said…
but this system is much better than ours! -> I don't think so.. seriously.. you have final exams every year so you know how it is.. and we have Matura onle one year.. and everybody are so stressed out in this time ;p
over a year ago sahour95 said…
I like the rain I hope it rains alot here but.... unfotunatlly it doesn't!
oh tell her good luck then sahar>> I will I promis hun!
over a year ago -lostgirl- said…
Emily(oh i love saying your name!!it's so cute!!!)i don't wanna close my pc and open my book.i wanna talk with u guys!i hate exams!but this is my final!that's why i'm not so stressed about it!
over a year ago sk91 said…
But normally it's ALWAYS raining! -> that SUCKS Em... we have such weather lately in Poland so I know how bad it is ;p
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Emm_xD said…
I like the rain I hope it rains alot here but.... unfotunatlly it doesn't! --> You LIKE rain? I suppose I don't mind it, but it's always raining here so xP

Emily(oh i love saying your name!!it's so cute!!!)i don't wanna close my pc and open my book.i wanna talk with u guys!i hate exams!but this is my final!that's why i'm not so stressed about it! --> I hate my name =[ Ohhhh, you have an exam? That sucks!
over a year ago -lostgirl- said…
oh damn it!i must read now....
sooo ladies bye bye!see u!
over a year ago sahour95 said…
Hey rain is great I like walking while it's raining I get cold after it but I don't mind!!!!!!
over a year ago sahour95 said…
Bye Maria hun good luck with your exam
over a year ago sk91 said…
Bye Maria!

well like I said before warm rain is great but not one of this colds ;p
over a year ago Emm_xD said…
Hey rain is great I like walking while it's raining I get cold after it but I don't mind!!!!!! --> Haha xP I prefer the sun xD

Bye Maria! Good luck hun<33
over a year ago sahour95 said…
big smile
You get boared after a while from te same weather!!!!! I like trying sth new all the time!!!!!!!
over a year ago Emm_xD said…
Yeah. It's constantly raining in England though, I remember last year it was thundering and lightning every night in AUGUST! It's crazy xD
over a year ago sahour95 said…
Wow in August!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that's unbelievable !!!!!!!!!! In August we eat ice cream all the time to stay cool!!!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago Emm_xD said…
Lucky you!!
Yeah we have really weird weather xD Our winter is from like October until February, and then our summer is from July until August. So we have a really long winter, and only a short summer =[
over a year ago sahour95 said…
yeah it isn't very pleasing here either we ave a long summer and even our winter isn't cold that much actually.
over a year ago sahour95 said…
big smile
Btw White_rose says hi!
She's my sister and she has just passed from here and she says hi!
over a year ago Emm_xD said…
yeah it isn't very pleasing here either we ave a long summer and even our winter isn't cold that much actually. --> Ah really? Apparently Australia's winter is the exact same as England's summer LMAO

She's my sister and she has just passed from here and she says hi --> Aww she's your sister? Hi! I've seen her a lot on the Jate spot =]
over a year ago sahour95 said…
Yeah she's a great Jate fan she has been a Jatefan since the pilot!!!! Unlike me I have been a Jater recently !
over a year ago Emm_xD said…
Awww that's cool =D

Anyone need anything rating? I'm bored.