My Little Pony Friendship is Magic The Eye of Anubis RP

NocturnalMirage posted on Dec 15, 2014 at 06:52PM
Equestria after the war... When I look around I see prosperity, harmony, happiness and most importantly: abundance. It is interesting to see how much everything's changed over such a short time. It appears Queen Summer Pride knows what she's doing. I heard the rumors about her. They say she's immortal! Well... I shall soon put that assumption to the test soon enough!

I am a Queen as well! I walk amongst you, yet not a single one of you notices me. But that's good. I prefer it that way. My eyes and ears are everywhere anyways! I know everything worth knowing even before it happens! Ponykind's vanity has spread throughout the planet... their hearts became self-satisfied with the absolute confidence that their world was safe and this land was their domain.

Yes, this unwavering belief in your superiority will be your doom! You think you meant to rule forever... but you are not alone! And neither am I! For over ten years, we have been watching you in silence!

You have forged your alliances... You trusted without cause... but you failed to see beyond today and realize you are merely pawns in a big game. And the table will soon be turned! Because we have found something in infinite darkness of the vast abyss that was our home for countless centuries! Something that will change everything!

It is time we showed ourselves to the world!

It is time for us to show our strength!

It is time for you to see who's really in charge!

It is time for you to remember why were you afraid of the dark!

It is time for the dead to rise from the ashes!

The path has been set, the pawns are in place! Shall we play a game?

*** ***


- No godmodding (nopony's all-powerful and/or invincible, not even Celestia herself)

- No puppeteering (please refrain from taking control of someone else's character without a permission)

- No killing each other's characters without permission.

- No Deus ex Machina (a conflict cannot be magically solved/made disappear by a simple flash of a horn.)

- There is no character/person limit, you may play as many characters as you want, within a reasonable number of course.

- No guns or firearms (except for Longsword's one pistol, he was allowed to keep that as a souvenir :)

- Please do not implement anything that deviates drastically from the established laws of the show!

- We like to keep a fast pace and although this is not a specific rule, but try to post daily so you won't fall out of the loop.

- And most importantly: HAVE FUN!

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In order to join with your OC, please fill out this short character sheet below!

Bio: (optional)

*** ***

Useful tips:

- This RP is the sequel of he Great Unrest RP. The following events take place 10 YEARS after the war. However, only a few characters are the common link, this story line has nothing to do with the prequel and does not require any specific knowledge from you if you haven't participated in the first RP.

- The only thing you should keep in mind, that this RP still takes places in Medieval Equestria, long before Celetia's birth.

- Unlike the prequel, Equestria is an egalitarian society now, which means all pony tribes are equal, with one of my OCs, Summer Pride in charge. She was elected Queen by the other roleplayers in the previous RP

- Just to give you a heads up on what to expect: This RP will deal with ponykind's very first encounter with the Changelings. Their Queen, Obsidian Pearl will be the primary antagonist throughout the story arch.
Equestria after the war... When I look around I see prosperity, harmony, happiness and most important
last edited on Dec 16, 2014 at 05:12PM

My Little Pony Friendship is Magic 3376 replies

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Showing Replies 51-100 of 3376

over a year ago Jade_23 said…
Tsura: *still holding Black Feather down, her grimace face stays* How do you know my name?! *holds Black Feather's throat tightly as she holds the sword against him*
over a year ago NocturnalMirage said…
BF: In the forest... near by the Hanging Tree... on the night before the final battle...
over a year ago Jade_23 said…
Tsura: *stares at the stallion beneath her in confusion* *blinks* ..Catapult?
over a year ago NocturnalMirage said…
Catapult: I still remember that kiss you gave me on that night... I've been looking for you everywhere!
over a year ago Jade_23 said…
Tsura: Oh my.. *quickly removes the sword from Catapult's throat and stands up* *helps Catapult up*
over a year ago NocturnalMirage said…
The crowd soon starts to boo and throw trash at them...

Bartender: What is this, a romantic story??? Slit her throat alrea...
Catapult: * jumps out of the cage and his dagger slits the stallion's throat within a millisecond then he looks around* anypony else has something to say??? We're leaving!
over a year ago Jade_23 said…
Tsura: *takes off her hoodie, and jacket, revealing herself as a gypsy*

Many people start to gasp at the sight of Tsura. They all yell her name in disgrace. Tsura flares her wings and flies her way out the door, with her brother. She tries to escape before the guards come.
over a year ago NocturnalMirage said…
Catapult: *narrow eyes* Not this time! *swiftly flies after them*
over a year ago Jade_23 said…
Tsura: *from the corner of her eyes, she notices Catapult following them. She then slows down and looks at her brother* Ragnar, I must talk to him. I'll meet you at the ship in an hour.
Ragnar: You know him?
Tsura: *nods* Yes..
Ragnar: Fine. I shall leave you two alone. But he tries anything-
Tsura: he won't.
Ragnar: *nods and flies off*
over a year ago alinah_09 said…
Astral: oh what do we have here? hmm...*glances at the expression of the crowds, then he swiftly maneuvers through them, following Tsura and Catapult, but hides with a bit of a distance*
over a year ago Edvine2 said…
Power Play: I can still fight if you're still in need of entertainment...
over a year ago NocturnalMirage said…
Catapult: Listen, Tsura...

The racket from the bar attracted a small squadron of Royal Guards.

Patrol leader: Freeze! Sergeant! Search the premises! *looks up and spots Tsura and Catapult* You there! Come down here at once! we have some questions for you!
Catapult: curses! Fly! *grabs Tsura's hoof and drags her with him in the air*
Patrol leader: Signal for some back up! running away is the sign of guilt!
Sergeant: Captain! It appears illegal cage fights were held here and we have a dead body in the basement!
Patrol Leader: In the name of the Queen, you are all under arrest and will be questioned! Starting with him! *points at Power Play*
over a year ago alinah_09 said…
Astral: *gasps softly, then pulls down hood a little bit further down his face*... ...*looks at the flying duo* time...*walks away from the scene, going through the shadows to stay hidden*
over a year ago NocturnalMirage said…
???: *observes the events among the circle of bystanders, wearing thick robes and a cloak. Sees Tsura and Catapult flying away then focuses on the commotion at the bar with a discrete smirk and a chuckle* Excellent! Two down, three to go! *disappears in the narrow alley without being seen*
over a year ago bladesfan2 said…
*I missed a lot*
*Out of nowhere*
Starlight:Hey what are you doing here
over a year ago Edvine2 said…
Power Play: What?! Why me?!
over a year ago NocturnalMirage said…
Patrol leader: You're the only one with a few fresh cuts. Probably caused by a knife. You probably got them in an illegal fight. We shall question everypony here and if it is proven you participated in an illegal event, prohibited by the Queen's law, you will be transferred to Canterlot for further questioning and sentencing.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Longsword: So, Steel, where have you been these past years
Steel Sword: Lets just say I've been to places
Longsword: I see
over a year ago bladesfan2 said…
Starlight: What the, anyway I haven't been in a fight
*Thinking about pie*
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago NocturnalMirage said…
Patrol leader: *turns to Starlight* Perhaps. Perhaps not. We shall determine. but if you weren't in the fight, you must have been a spectator of an illegal event. What else would you all ponies be doing in this facility way after its closing time?
over a year ago bladesfan2 said…
Starlight: Urm I'm not sure about the overs I got hungry I thought there mite be food here then I slipped and got a cut on my nee saw you and that's it also there was a rat I think that's it *Tummy growls*
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Jade_23 said…
Tsura: *flies* Hey! Let go of me! Where are we going?!
over a year ago NocturnalMirage said…
Catapult: Away from the Royal Guard! Or do you wanna get caught??? The walls are full of your wanted posters in seven cities! And... I've done a few things as well... things that I'm not particularly proud of. Come on, I know a place! We'll be safe there until the heat's off!

*** ***
Back at the bar:

Patrol leader: All right, I don't have time for this! Sergeant! Summon a carriage and escort these ponies to the precinct for debriefing!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago bladesfan2 said…
Starlight :Escort I can fly and walk
over a year ago Jade_23 said…
Tsura: *removes her hoof from his, but continues to follow him* Why couldn't we just kill him?!
over a year ago bladesfan2 said…
Starlight: Urm anyway
last edited over a year ago
Jade_23 commented…
(This is a scene far away from where the sergeant and you are. XD) over a year ago
bladesfan2 commented…
(Sorry but I missed all of it over a year ago
Jade_23 commented…
(No problem! :3) over a year ago
over a year ago NocturnalMirage said…
Catapult: Kill a Royal Guard? Are you out of your mind??? Things have changed drastically while you were away! I guess we'll have some catching up to do! *turns to the right* This way! It isn't far!

*** ***

Patrol leader: That's what wing shackles are for! It appears you do not understand, that you are under suspicion of participation in an illegal fighting event, prohibited by the Queen's law.You, along with the other spectators will be questioned at the precinct.
Sergeant: The carriage is here, Captain!
Patrol leader: Good! It was about time! Load them up! I grew weary of this issue!
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Steel Sword: So, when does Wheat get home
Longsword: You really want to see Wheat, don't you
Steel Sword: Of course, she is my sister-in-law, after all
over a year ago Jade_23 said…
Tsura: *looks back, searching for followers, then catches up with Catapult*
over a year ago bladesfan2 said…
Starlight :So what are you doing?
*Munching on a banana*
over a year ago NocturnalMirage said…
Catapult: *leads Tsura to a small apartment* It's safe here, don't worry! Nopony knows my real name, not even the landlord. *opens the door for her* It's not the Grand Hotel, but it's better than nothing.
over a year ago alinah_09 said…
*back at Astral's house*

Astral: *looks at the small stack of papers on top of his work table* hmm...last night, the stars told me about this event but now that they have gone far...i think i'll need to consult the stars once more, i sense that there is more to this than it seems... *pulls down hood to show his face, takes a paper off the pile that has Tsura's face and the word "wanted" in bold letters* hmmm...and that pegasus with her looks mighty familiar too...*puts paper down then goes to his window and looks outside* small events are already unfolding as of now...probably hidden by plain view...but as dangerous as any.
over a year ago bladesfan2 said…
*Fly's up*
Starlight: Um should I be scared now?
over a year ago Jade_23 said…
Tsura: *furrows eyebrow at Catapult, then enters the room* *she walks around the small apartment, observing carefully every area. The bed, the table, etc. Walking to the table, she spots a fork. Picking it up, she observes it, not knowing what it is, and then slips it into her pocket* *she then looks at the messy bed, and gives a swift laugh* Looks like you had fun.
over a year ago NocturnalMirage said…
Catapult: Eh... it meant nothing. *trots into the kitchen* Want a drink? Looks like we have a little catching up to do.
over a year ago Jade_23 said…
Tsura: I have my own drink. *pulls out her known bottle of rum* *sits on chair, observing Catapult as he walks to the kitchen* Nothing? Explains why you have lipstick on your ear. You sure did feel it.
over a year ago bladesfan2 said…
*Starlight follows*
over a year ago NocturnalMirage said…
Catapult: Don't you dare to lecture me on morals!!! You're the one who left everypony that day! You could have had everything, if you stayed! I loved you!!!
over a year ago bladesfan2 said…
Starlight: Talk about emotional
over a year ago Jade_23 said…
Tsura: *glares at Catapult with a grimace expression* I left because no pony asked me to stay. And it appears that I cause trouble and am a bad influence to many ponies. *stands up and saves her bottle, walking toward the door*
over a year ago NocturnalMirage said…
Catapult: You left before anypony could ask you! I would have asked you! But it doesn't matter! I didn't bring you here to dig out old corpses from the ground. I just wanted to keep you away from the Royal Guard. Summer's dungeons are not the place you want to be...
over a year ago Jade_23 said…
Tsura: *stops and turns* ..Summer wants me dead?
over a year ago NocturnalMirage said…
Catapult: I don't think so. You two were close at some point... But she's not exactly the mare you remember... I don't know about her intentions and I don't really care... but it's a fact, that the reward for you has been tripled after you stole a ship of the Royal Fleet. I read it in the news. It must have pissed her off, haha!
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Steel Sword: How have the others been
Longsword: Well, Summer is a nice queen, but a little quite these days, and Slingshot, Catapult, and especially Tsura haven't been seen since the war ended
over a year ago Jade_23 said…
Tsura: A ship?! I don't steal ships! I steal money! Gold, silver! My brother steals ships! Blame him! *opens door*
over a year ago NocturnalMirage said…
Catapult: Wait! Where will you go?
over a year ago Jade_23 said…
Tsura: Home! *shuts door and flares her wings*
over a year ago NocturnalMirage said…
Catapult: *opens door again and puts a hoof on Tsura's shoulder* Tsura! Please be careful out there... I've been hearing some strange and sinister rumors...
over a year ago Jade_23 said…
Tsura: *looks back* Like what?
over a year ago NocturnalMirage said…
Catapult: About ponies, disappearing everywhere, all around the country. Especially at night. I know how it sounds... but a friend of mine went missing a few months ago. He eventually came back... but he wasn't the same. I could feel it. Like if he was a completely different pony underneath the skin... all I'm saying is be safe! By the way, I love the tattoo! *winks*