Random Unpopular Opinions!

uploaded900 posted on Nov 21, 2013 at 02:45AM

* It has to be unpopular!! When I mean unpopular its sonething that most people disagree on and it isnt really a controversal topic.

* These are NOT examples! (ProLife/ProChoice, Anti/Pro Gay Marriage)

* No sexist, racist, homophobic, or faithist (yes thats a word) opinions


* You can be explicit as you want
last edited on Sep 22, 2017 at 12:24AM

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Showing Replies 1451-1500 of 2382

over a year ago KataraLover said…
Just because most critics say a movie is good or bad doesn't mean that a movie is good or bad.
CokeTheUmbreon commented…
^ over a year ago
BlindBandit92 commented…
Duh. They simply give you an idea of what to expect. Anyone who believes critics like it's gospel isn't necessarily being smart. over a year ago
Harpaw8 commented…
This!!! over a year ago
Sparklefairy375 commented…
True! over a year ago
over a year ago Sparklefairy375 said…
I don't have personal favorite actress, actor, or singer as well. When I watch a movie and listening a song, I don't really mind who are actress, actor, and singer, what I care is if the movie and music both are enjoyable or not.
fire_dragon77 commented…
I don't really think that this opinion counts as being unpopular. over a year ago
over a year ago Harpaw8 said…
I love snakes!
Riku114 commented…
SAME over a year ago
cruella commented…
Same over a year ago
over a year ago KataraLover said…
I don't think that Bella Thorne is trashy. Why is it that in the past when someone like P!nk or Joan Jett were being sexual and unapologetic wild child's that people thought that was part of their charm and loved them for it but not the same with someone like Bella? I mean, she came from a poor family, so she's not just some spoiled rich girl that didn't have to work hard to get to where she is today. Sure she has posted some pictures of herself topless but the human body is a beautiful thing and she has a great body, though a bit thin. Besides, she's 19-years-old and a lot of girls her age do this and are trying to find themselves. Besides, she called out her manager on their crap for saying she shouldn't just blatantly say on her social media that she's bisexual. Major props to her for that! Besides, lets face it, controversial means attention and that's what celebrities have to get in order to stay famous. She's competing with thousands of other celebrities for attention so she can stay famous, make money, and get hired for movies and shows. She's gorgeous, sexy, down to earth, smart, fun, tells it like it is (Which a lot of celebrities don't, so at least she's not fake), isn't afraid to be herself, has had to work hard to get where she is (both with her background and dyslexia), is an amazing actress, cares about her fans, is dedicated to her friends and family, and doesn't deserve the hate she gets for just not being fake like so many others and breaking the mold.
last edited over a year ago
I don't think that Bella Thorne is trashy. Why is it that in the past when someone like P!nk or Joan
uploaded900 commented…
Honestly it's pretty low for someone to sexualize themselves for attention and considering that so many female celebrities do it nowadays, it doesn't make them special. Sure they may or may not be talented, but honestly it's pretty pathetic when you're objectifying yourself and pretty much portraying yourself as a piece of ass for attention. The reason why Joan Jett and P!nk didn't get hate for it is because they did out of edginess and nonconformity, rather than sexiness. Also above anything else, they're recognized for their talent and rocker image, not for giving guys boners. Let's face it, you probably only think the human body is a beautiful thing if a hot girl is naked and before you call me a hater, I don't really hate Bella Thorne. I don't really care for her over a year ago
KataraLover commented…
Honestly, I think even the male human body is a beautiful thing.... aside from a certain area. She doesn't seem to be doing it just to give guys a boner but rather just to express herself by being comfortable and being against conformity. It gives her more to an edge and she doesn't really go TOO FAR past the edge like Iggy Azalea, Miley Cyrus, or Nicki Minaj. So it's not just for attention but also to find her own style and identity like other people her age. Also, I didn't really think you were hater because I've known for a while you just don't care for her and are just neutral. But to each their own. over a year ago
over a year ago THaSlimJim said…
the trailer 4 the new newtflix death note movie looks mostly ok. + it is ok that light is a white dude and L is a black dude. as hte biggest death note fan ever 2 exist ever so i am the decider of this so every1 who has complained can go home gbye.
last edited over a year ago
BennieBear27 commented…
I'm actually kinda excited for it. over a year ago
over a year ago Nick16 said…
Hot chicks doesn't fall for large dicks, they fall for the heart and niceness.
over a year ago BennieBear27 said…
Maybe this is just me being an emo bitch but....

...make up is fucking great for a guy.
Maybe this is just me being an emo bitch but....

...make up is fucking great for a guy.
over a year ago Sparklefairy375 said…
I'm not a huge fan of anime, but sometimes it bothers me when some peoples said they want to see an anime (especially current one) just for fanservices only and don't care with its storyline at all.
EgoMouse commented…
*Honestly wants to start watching an anime because the fanservice looks pretty good* Oh. over a year ago
Kuro_Hyou666 commented…
@Sparklefairy375. You know, you're kind of being condescending here and a bit narrow-minded. You don't have the right to judge people on the reasons why they watch anime. It might be your opinion, but that doesn't mean you get judge people unnecessarily. Because I do actually agree with you - the story is what makes the anime, but obviously not all anime fans are here for those reasons. over a year ago
BlindBandit92_ commented…
Actually Kuro_Huyou666...YOU’RE the one the one who’s “narrow-minded”. Sparklefairy was right and WE(including ME) are all dumb for liking fanservice. over a year ago
over a year ago PeachyKeen1994 said…
"Yo-Kai Watch" is Japan's answer to "Big Hero 6", since both medium involve yokai, and they are owned by Disney in America (European rights for Yo-Kai are mostly owned by Cartoon Network).
last edited over a year ago
BlindBandit92 commented…
I don't think you're using this forum correctly. This is more along the lines of theory crafting. over a year ago
EgoMouse commented…
We should totally get a theory crafting forum going then. over a year ago
BlindBandit92 commented…
^I guess but tbh I don't think i'll participate despite having theories because of the general nature of random. over a year ago
over a year ago KataraLover said…
It doesn't bother me that happy endings have been done to death AT ALL! I know that life doesn't always have a happy ending, we all realize that when we grow up. I personally use things like movies, book, and shows to escape the pressures world and have hope that maybe one day I'll have a happily ever after as well (There are no happy endings because life never ends). True, not everything has to have a happy ending, I don't think that Titanic (One of my ALL TIME favorite movies) would be as powerful if there was a happy ending (Just look at the animated Titanic movies that are some of the WORST movies you'll EVER see in your life), even if *SPOILERS* it had both Jack and Rose live in the end. Because Jack died for Rose, she was given more motivation to enjoy her life without feeling obligated to what someone else wants her to be. Plus she doesn't mope for her whole life and never gets married, she managed to move on and find love again because Jack wanted her to be happy. *END OF SPOILERS* Plus I love how Titanic used the fictional characters to help us get to know the real life people that were on the Titanic and either lived or died.

I always prefer a happy ending because it's so uplifting. Who wants to get invested in the characters and story just to say, I hope there's a sad ending so all the hard work the characters I love so much went through was for nothing and I can cry my eyes out? I don't want that, I wanna see the characters I like win at the end and get their happy ending. If you prefer more unique endings and think a happy ending is overdone, that's your opinion. Me personally, I'd rather be happy at the end of something than to I read or watched than to be sad and needing to watch something else to lift spirits up.
Sparklefairy375 commented…
I agree. Titanic is already has great ending. A happy ending isn't always what do you think it'll be. Life doesn't always turn on the way they dreamed. over a year ago
over a year ago KataraLover said…
Women who say that men don't have the right to have an opinion on women's rights are just as bad as the men treating them unfairly. I've always been a supporter for equality and think everyone should be treated equally, but I've ran into some women who say that I shouldn't be a "knight in shining armor" or express my opinions on how I think women should be treated equally as men. I also think men should have the same rights women have in areas they're denied such as being allowed to be into feminine things, express their emotions, that they are also victims of rape and abuse by women and should be taken seriously, and all that jazz (I'm not mentioning my views on the show "her body her choice" thing that I disagree with because of the rules of the forum and I try to avoid this kind of debate at ALL times). I have been criticized by some women that thing I shouldn't be allowed to have an opinion on this just because I'm a man, which annoys the hell out of me, not just because of them trying to silence my right to express what I believe but also because of how these women are hypocrites. People forget that feminism isn't about women empowerment, it's about men and women being equal to each other. It's only called feminism because when the term was made women had no rights and were fighting for the right to have jobs, to vote, and all that jazz. If you want to be treated right, you need to give others the same consideration. I never claimed to be a "knight in shining armor" and I only claim to be a man who believes in equal right for everyone no matter their gender, race, sexual orientation, class, the way they dress, or whatever. It's because of this that feminism is getting a bad name and people bash Emma Watson (who is a feminist that believes men are also treated unfairly) just because she's a feminist, despite not acting like a feminazi.
fire_dragon77 commented…
Feminazis are literal cancer.These idiots are honestly doing more harm than good to their own movement because they are the reason why so many people(including myself)hate Feminism.I have even seen many women who have separated themselves from Feminism exactly because of these rabid idiots. over a year ago
over a year ago KataraLover said…
If white people can't say the N-word, neither should black people. Just because they're the ones called that doesn't give them the right to use it, in fact, it makes it WORSE! They're throwing around a word that is meant to be insulting their people and as a way to say they're not humans with feelings or thoughts but just dumb animals like it's nothing. That makes it even worse that they don't get criticized for saying a word that's insulting to them but when white people do it's racist and offensive. It's like if a Jewish person jokes about the Holocaust like it was no big deal when it was a traumatic experience for their people during that time. It's not right for white people to use the N-word AT ALL, so it shouldn't for African Americans either. If they want to be treated equally, they should expect me to talk to them like I would a white person and call them out on their crap as well.
Riku114 commented…
Not to disagree or agree since I really dont have much of an opinion on this but I had to comment. Ive actually met a Jewish person that jokes about the Holocaust. over a year ago
Riku114 commented…
Specifically only with friends but still XD over a year ago
BlindBandit92 commented…
^ over a year ago
over a year ago Riku114 said…
I dont exactly see why its such a big deal that someone might ship something that is pedophilic or incestuous or what other reasons a lot of people condemn and judge people for shipping. Not that I personally have any of those, I just think that ya, its kinda strange and I dont particularly ship it, but its just fandom and its just fun.

And yeah "Oh but its encouraging / glorifying a really bad thing" or whatever but yeah I suppose so, but I think people should just let people be with their fandom based sin. Cause come on. Dont we all "sin" about somethings within the things we love?
Lelouchx commented…
I agree i am filled with sins but keep to myself no harm is done everyone knows they have "sin" but some just don't want to admit it over a year ago
Mongoose09 commented…
Um this I disagree with, sorry. Pedophilia/incest is gross and disgusting whether it's fiction or not. over a year ago
Kuro_Hyou666 commented…
I'm not sold on any of it, but I don't exactly have a problem with it, either. I remember answering a question similar to this on the Debate club quite a while ago and it was sort of based along the same lines, except not regarding fictional characters. You'd probably remember that one, Zanhar - I'm pretty sure you answered it as well. over a year ago
over a year ago KataraLover said…
First of all I must give you WARNING, if you haven't seen the live-action adaptation of The Ghost in the Shell but plan on seeing it, I'm about to talk about something that's very SPOILER ALERT! Don't say I didn't warn you, though I haven't seen the movie and just spoiled it for myself because I felt like it (Still plan on seeing it and probably getting into the anime... one of them at least lol).

Once again SPOILER ALERT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Apparently the ending to The Ghost in the Shell shows the Major reuniting or hugging her Asian mother because she was originally Japanese herself. People FLIPPED, calling it racist and whitewashing, as well as accusing Scarlett Johansson of lying when she said she wasn't playing another ethnicity. Well, first of all, like I've said before but all of the people complaining about this seem to FORGET is that the character in the anime and manga was NEVER Asian and her ethnicity has been confirmed by the original creator of ALWAYS being ambiguous. That was a major part of the character because of how she was robbed of humanity and can't connect to the world like humans can because she's not human and is basically a blank slate in her appearance. So isn't it more racist to assume that all anime characters are Asian, especially since some animes don't take place in Japan?

Anyway, back to Scarlett Johansson supposedly "lying." She never did lie because she wasn't playing an Asian woman but rather was playing a robot and was basically a shell. Sure she looks like a white woman (Though that's as blank of a race as you can get) but that does add to the story in my opinion. The story, from what I've heard in the movie, is about individuality being stolen, not being able to control your mind, and basically just being in the control of someone else and fighting against it. It's actually deep because since the character in this movie was originally Japanese and her soul was placed in this shell of a body that looks like a white woman, it shows how controlling the society is in getting rid of diversity and what makes one unique by placing them in what looks more acceptable to this society, that being a white person. I'm ALL for diversity, but let's face it, many people of color with they were white. Why? Because of how they're treated by a lot of white people just because of the color of their skin. So that's pretty deep and shows in a unique light how individuality in ones thoughts, personality, appearance, and background are being pushed to the side to promote what is considered "the norm." Funny that something that deep would come from a movie accused of whitewashing when in a way it's kind of sending a message against the idea of whitewashing.

Plus, the director of the 1995 movie that everyone in anime (Well, I'm sure there are people who don't like it but you get my point) praised Scarlett Johansson's casting and her performance, saying she went above and beyond his expectations. That should tell you something. If someone is Japanese and also worked on an adaptation of this beloved story is happy with the casting and the movie I assume, I don't see the big deal.

True there is whitewashing still going on in movies such as a white girl playing a Tiger Lily (a Native American) in Pan and of course the cast of The Last Airbender movie, but not everything is racist. It's not like they denied Asian women the right to audition for the part of the Major like the new live-action adaptation of Death Note did by flat out refusing to even allow Asians to even audition.

That's just my opinion, which I bet NO ONE will read because it's SOOOOO LONG! Although, if anyone comments, I'll be so surprised that I'll give them three props.
SilentForce commented…
I agree with you.Its really ridiculous that people are saying that they are whitewashing the character of the Major even though it was confirmed by the creator that her ethnicity was always ambiguous.Also yes its stupid to assume that just because animes are made in Japan means that every anime character is Japanase.In fact they are a lot of animes who don't even take place in Japan. over a year ago
Kuro_Hyou666 commented…
Yeah, I agree. Not all anime characters are implied to be Japanese, especially not ones that take place in fictional worlds, like Naruto, One Piece, Full Metal Alchemist, D. Gray Man etc. But, my best example would be Cowboy Bebop, because none of the characters had Japanese names and even a lot of the soundtrack was sung in English, rather than Japanese, courtesy of Yoko Kanno. But, it was also the dub of it was actually maybe the best dubs I have ever seen in anime and I like Japanese VAs a lot more than English ones, yet I enjoyed the anime far more in dubs than subs with Japanese voices. over a year ago
over a year ago uploaded900 said…
I really like The Rock and I think he's cool, but I don't find him sexy at all nor do I think he's aesthetically pleasing. Don't see how he won Sexiest Man Alive of 2016.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago KataraLover said…
I think snakes can't be blamed for snake attacks. It's the fault of the humans that mess with them. From what I've seen, snakes only attack when they're provoked and agitated humans that insist on poking them and grabbing them, especially scientist that wanna study them. The only times that those aren't the case is when they're HUGE snakes like pythons that are big enough to eat them. Snakes try to stay away from humans and even give them warning. Besides, if you were being poked at and dealt with the same things humans did that agitated them, wouldn't you fight back too? I know I would!
Zeppie commented…
Say that to my Aussie cousin who was bit by a snake while she was sleeping lmao. over a year ago
KataraLover commented…
Well, much like people, sometimes with snakes there's just that little asshole lol. Was he out in a tent? If that was the case maybe he startled the snake by moving when he slept. But I don't know all the snakes of the world personally, so it's anyones guess. But in almost most cases people usually provoke them and the snakes give them warning. I remember in school that I learned some snakes will pretend to be dead just to have humans leave them alone. over a year ago
Kuro_Hyou666 commented…
I kind of agree with you. People are pretty dumb when it comes to animal attacks. Most people get all haughty and go on about how that animal should be killed for attacking a human and how unfair it was that the person got attacked by said animal. Yet, most of the time, it's their own fault for provoking the animal in the first place, then the poor animal gets put down and gives a negative stigma to rest of those animals. I mean people need to realise that Earth belongs to us all, not just humans. over a year ago
over a year ago EgoMouse said…
Some of these look controversial, which according to the rule, isn't allowed lol.

Honestly, I find Rocket League to be stupid. It's just a soccer game with cars. I think it doesn't deserve all the hype it got. Like okay, it might be fun, but it shouldn't have gotten popular, it's nothing new, and its not original. I like soccer games, but Mario Strikers is a lot more original and has more going for it.
over a year ago SilentForce said…
I find all the complaints about the fact that Edward is played by a Japanese actor in the upcoming"Fullmetal Alchemist"movie(which btw is being made in Japan) to be quite stupid.
BlindBandit92 commented…
People always complain about something. People bitched about Motoko Kusanagi being played by Scarlet Johansson over a year ago
BennieBear27 commented…
Me too. As a huge FMA fan, I don't care that's much who plays any of the characters so long as they do a good job and the movie turns out good. over a year ago
over a year ago CielXlizzy19 said…
Fuck whipped cream. Oh, and I also have high hopes that the death note live action will be good.
CokeTheUmbreon commented…
I hate whipped cream as well. over a year ago
over a year ago XxLostAngelxX said…
First off, I don't know if this is going on anywhere else in the world or if it's just my city.
Recently the new fad around here has been stim toys. Everyone from the very young to the very old have been buying stim cubes and fidget spinners.

In my opinion stim toys should not be turned into a fad and it's weird as fuck hearing people talking about these things as though they were just invented. I've explained to a number of people at work why stim toys were invented and their response is always, "Well whoever invented this stuff, they're FINALLY making some money."

This is just weird to me.
EgoMouse commented…
Oh, fidget spinners....I keep seeing them. I didn't know it was a fad lol. over a year ago
Riku114 commented…
Its really weird tbh. Ive been using them for a while to help with Trichotillomania, stuff like spinner rings and fidget cubes and all, and now like one of every three people are using them. I kinda like it though since it makes me look less weird XD over a year ago
over a year ago fire_dragon77 said…
Regina from"Once Upon a Time"is the biggest Mary Sue that was ever created.In the past she has committed hundreds of atrocious deeds that can never be forgiven and instead of being punished for what she did she gets a lame"redemption"arc and suddenly everybody acts like she has never done anything wrong at all.
fire_dragon77 commented…
Don't believe me?Here's an analysis of Regina's character that someone did by using the Mary Sue traits from the TV Tropes and Regina fits all of them:link over a year ago
SilentForce commented…
I was just joking because its obvious that he doesn't have Multiple personality disorder lol. over a year ago
zanhar1 commented…
Lowkey everyone had multiple personality disorder in season 1 lol. over a year ago
over a year ago fire_dragon77 said…
I hate"Once Upon a Time".It used to be a good show that had potential during the first season and was okay during season 2 and the first half of season 3 but afterwards it turned to shit.
KataraLover commented…
I must disagree 100% but to each their own over a year ago
over a year ago zanhar1 said…
Zutara is my NOTP
SilentForce commented…
Same.I personally always shipped Kataang. over a year ago
zanhar1 commented…
Me too over a year ago
over a year ago zanhar1 said…
I like seeing Harry Potter with Cho.
ThePrincesTale commented…
ThePrincesTale commented…
Why she get so much hate over a year ago
zanhar1 commented…
Maybe this one wasn't unpopular lol over a year ago
over a year ago zanhar1 said…
Since we're on the topic of Once; I hate the ship Captain Swan but I don't think Hook is abusivs per say. He's kind of an asshole at times but I don't think that he's an abuser as most antis seem to claim.
over a year ago fabgirl12 said…
My honest opinion- Cats is a wonderful musical and it's Hamilton that makes no sense. *is murdered*
over a year ago BlindBandit92 said…
Am I the only one who find it insanely hard to see anyone as a mary sue? I've analyzed quite a few mary sues and they were never mary sues at all. I always found a flaw. Kirito (SAO) His decision making is a huge flaw. And people still call him a gary stu because of everything else. And he has hated himself for making some really poor decisions.

Kim Possible is not a mary sue despite being able to do most things. WHY? Her overconfidence is her biggest asset and flaw. Mary sues should not be interpreted as an opinion. It should be on a factual note. If any character has issues with any element IN THEIR life. By default and by definition they are not mary-sues. Most people use mary sues as a way to say I hate this character. Hating said characters do not equal mary sue. It's like saying "I hate oranges so they must be all be apples" thing. It's stupid. Just because alot of the characters in their said *mary sue's universe* likes them that doesn't mean that fact adds to validate how marysuish they are. Popularity doesn't equal being a mary sue.. If you do seem to find a mary sue. How about think about how that character is in relation to their universe? Are they unrealistic just like their parent universe? Then they fit because the story in itself is not meant to be taken seriously. Like how hard is that to comprehend?


Everyone and their mama has a different definition of what a mary sue is. If the generally idea is no flaws stick with that definition instead of using it out of context.

If everyone constantly throws this term around like nothing. Why would anyone take it seriously anymore? It has gone the way of "overrated,underrated" and a myriad of terms that people randomly throw out regardless of context. It's annoying. Understand what words means. If the general idea of a mary sue means EXTREME exaggerated abilities,no flaws period,no weaknesses period that means anyone with any sort of weakness is not validated to be a mary sue.

last edited over a year ago
zanhar1 commented…
Honestly simply because of the above post I'm inclined to agree with you. I mean it's a troll post but the fact that Regina was just called a Sue and someone (sorry Ego, don't mean to throw shade here) could buy into just goes to show how overused 'Mary-Sue' has become. I still hold firm to my opinion that Bloom Peters and Bella Swan are true Sues. But other than that I think Mary Sue has become the next word to throw out in place of "I don't like this character." over a year ago
Hiding 83 comments…
SilentForce commented…
@Blind Well from what I have noticed from all the movies and series' (inlcuding both animated and live action ones)that I've watched and stuff that I've read as well is that villains are frequently portrayed as simply evil humans with no redeeming qualities and with motives that are unquestionably evil who the audience is supposed to hate.Even Shakespeare who is praised as one of the best writers that has ever existed,was himself"guilty"of writing one dimensional villains.NOTE:If you want to further discuss with me concerning this topic than send me a message or write it as a post on my wall because as of right now this comment section is messed up. over a year ago
zanhar1 commented…
Yeah, if you wanna post your other comment on my wall, please do. I didn't see it. over a year ago
over a year ago BlazingArrow said…
I love history class.
over a year ago ThePrincesTale said…
Best type of pen = those shitty Bic ones that you get in a pack of 10 for like $3. This is coming from someone who hand-writes shitloads and shitloads per week. I'm telling ya. They are the ultimate pen.
EgoMouse commented…
Bic is legit. Very good with shading as well. However, I am using another pen now, but my BIC doesn't fail. over a year ago
EgoMouse commented…
*creates anti-Zanarchy machine and removes any Zanarchy relativeness from your electronics and damages them with ink* over a year ago
zanhar1 commented…
Alright mister I will tell you that, that wasn't even my final form! *Becomes a mechanical pencil with decked with graphite missiles* *fires missiles into the center of the Earth where they slowly replicate unstoppable-ly like a lead zombie apocalypse.* *Also feeds your anti-Zanarchy machine of absolute blasphemy and darkness to Cthulhu (the one who taught us how to technology in the first place)* over a year ago
over a year ago ThePrincesTale said…
I don't like reading fanfiction with slash relationships even though I'm really supportive of LGBT people. The exception is if the characters are actually canonically gay. But shit like Harry/Draco or Hermione/Luna? Idk, I just don't enjoy it, though it does seem popular in the fanfiction world.
ace2000 commented…
I agree. over a year ago
over a year ago BlindBandit92 said…
I wish people used unbiased logic more. Sometimes it feels like I am a logic user outnumbered by emotional people.
Riku114 commented…
Personally, I believe in prioritizing logic in arguments but overtime Ive come to see there is occasionally a call for what Ive heard be called 'emotional logic' since pure logic occasionally runs itself into a wall because in the long run, as annoying as it can be, emotions play a huge role in life and completely neglecting them in arguments and decision making can end up badly over a year ago
ThePrincesTale commented…
Agree @Blind. Especially in politics, jfc. The world would be a better place. over a year ago
BlindBandit92_ commented…
Actually this is post done by me is dumb to begin with cause I’m the one who’s also biased with even my waifus and precious anime ecchi hentai fanservice. over a year ago
over a year ago fire_dragon77 said…
People who make a big deal out of ANIMATED child porn by saying that its equally as worse as REAL child porn are freaking stupid.I mean yeah pedophilia is wrong both in real life and in fiction but you can't say that animated child porn with fictional children in it(who frankly most of the times don't even look like children)is equally as bad as real child porn in which real children are abused and traumatized.
Riku114 commented…
Im just wondering where you found animated child porn o-o Maybe that weird corner of anime or..? over a year ago
zanhar1 commented…
^ Boco no Pico. over a year ago
candylover246 commented…
Ohhh boy here's the whole "fiction =/= reality" argument all over again. Look I'm not trying to start any drama but that type of logic is flawed. Yes it might be true that real life rape / child porn is worse, but srsly comparing something as depraved as that to an animated version of it doesn't really make sense?? I guess it just depends on how the media decides to portray it. If it's to convey how child porn / rape is wrong & how it affects the victim then yes it isn't something horrible such as irl pedophilia / rape. BUT if it tries to normalize pedophilia / child porn then that's where it crosses the line of using fiction to represent real life issues. Like NO, if anyone condones that stuff in fiction then it's really not that far from condoning it irl. Portraying pedophilia / sexualizing minors in fiction actually empowers the people who partake in that stuff irl that what they're doing isn't as bad since sometimes the media takes it seem as if it were normal when it's not. over a year ago
candylover246 commented…
^ I mean, portraying pedophilia or even sexualizing minors in fiction actually empowers the people who partake in that stuff irl that what they're doing isn't as bad since sometimes the mediaakes it seem as if it were normal when it's really not. Pedophilia / child porn / rape is wrong, whether it be in fiction or in reality. My problem is if those cases are being condoned / supported when they're converted to animation. I know this is the 'unpopular opinions' forum but this is honestly something I'm really vocal about so I can't just sit down and stay quiet when this topic is brought up. over a year ago
over a year ago zanhar1 said…
Usually people either love or hate MLP. After giving it a second try I don't have a strong opinion on it either way around.
SilentForce commented…
You should watch G1 MLP because the villains in it are totally badass especially Tirek in"Escape from Midnight Castle" over a year ago
SilentForce commented…
I'm just going to leave this picture here:link over a year ago
zanhar1 commented…
I am the Penguin King. Okay more like I froze the entire planet because I wanted to save the ice caps but fucked up. I would like to argue that Kuvira is cartoon Hitler. @Ego I have never seen Rick and Morty, I kinda want to though. over a year ago
over a year ago zanhar1 said…
The He Man meme is the best meme. Idk if this is unpopular but I feel like the He Man memes aren't appreciated enough.
TheLefteris24 commented…
HEYYEYAAEYAAAEYAEYAA !!!! over a year ago
TheLefteris24 commented…
Yep. It is a good kind of Meme. More appreciation is needed !!!! over a year ago
zanhar1 commented…
Yessss that song is my shit. Well not literally but that would be something. over a year ago
over a year ago SilentForce said…
I don't know if this is unpopular but I can't understand why Ozai from"Avatar: The Last Airbender"was nr.1 on WatchMojo's "Top 10 Best Cartoon villains from the 2000's"list.I honestly think that Azula should have been nr.1 instead of him.
BlindBandit92 commented…
I agree. He was a lame bad guy in my opinion. over a year ago
TheLefteris24 commented…
Simple. It's WatchMojo. They are pretty famous for their plain reasons and mixed up orders in general. A lot of their viewers comment the exact same !!!! over a year ago
zanhar1 commented…
Yeah, also agree. He's got nothing on Azula. To me he came off as one of those push-over villains that gets everyone to do his dirty work for him. Tbh I think that's the one type of villain that I just don't care for; the kind that is supposedly the big bad of the season but really all that happens is a whole lot of nothing and then they get their ass whooped. over a year ago
Sparklefairy375 commented…
He's just a type of generic villain. over a year ago
over a year ago TheLefteris24 said…
I'm not really a fan of Drama. I mean the kind that gets overused in many Series and ''Reality Shows''. Couple disagreements being pushed to the limit, making a trivial remark and then someone making a huge fuss over it, throwing a tantrum over the most stupid and unimportant things resulting many times in Friendships and other kind of relationships being broken as well as cliques being formed e.t.c. I have seen tons of people watching them exclusively for that very aspect. I guess, each to their own. Also, more profit for the producers. I just personally can't understand the need for that kind of emotional stress to exist when watching something !!!!
SilentForce commented…
Same. over a year ago
Riku114 commented…
^ over a year ago
BlindBandit92 commented…
^ over a year ago
Riku114 commented…
My mom watches them all the time and the only thing thats remotely amusing abotu them is how excessively everyone moves their body while speaking on those shows.... Like seriously I have never seen someone sway like a snake so much just because they were talking and upset over a year ago
over a year ago uploaded900 said…
420 isn't funny and I hate how there's a day glorifying a drug. Imagine how the people who's birthday i in 4/20 feel that aren't stoners.
THaSlimJim commented…
hey weed is great over a year ago
Kuro_Hyou666 commented…
So what? Considering how much negatively surrounds people that smoke it, it's really not that bad. And it's not glorifying it, it's out there to support those who use it for necessary reasons and to support the facts that actually point out why it's not that bad and its medicinal uses. And, before you try to tell me I'm supporting something because I do it, I don't do it. I just think its ridiculous how much hate people get for being 'stoners'... they're not doing anyone any harm and it was banned for a ridiculous reason in the first place. over a year ago
over a year ago CielXlizzy19 said…
I love math class. Trig identities? Sequences and series in sigma notation? Box plots and histograms? Sign me the fuck up.
zanhar1 commented…
Who paid you to type this? over a year ago
CielXlizzy19 commented…
That's amazing, honestly. Kudos to you! And ah, sort of. If I logged back on to duolingo right now, I'd probably get reacclimated pretty quickly, and I recognize basic vocab when I hear it in real life/movies and such. over a year ago
zanhar1 commented…
Thank you. ^_^ That's also cool to hear. French is really awesome. over a year ago
over a year ago CielXlizzy19 said…
Before you say I'm just adding flame to the fire with the whole "overdone" race thing, this opinion isn't really about pushing an agenda or making /other/ people feel bad for not agreeing, it's just my personal opinion. Anyway, I really think dark – like extremely dark – skin is so fucking beautiful. I'm a fairly light-skinned black girl and I do like my own skin tone, but I always wanted to be that black that's almost blue. As much as we'd like to claim the world is "over it", this opinion seems to still be very unpopular to me, and I understand that in some cultures/countries, there just aren't enough dark people to make it popular. One of my best friends this year is an exchange student from China, and as we were taking a walk yesterday, commenting on how hot it is outside, she added that she felt the back of her neck was "too dark" (it was barely brown). I wasn't offended, but I calmy said "I think it's fine, I like it" and she went "eh, still". I know Asia is largely homogenous so it's hard to expect most people from there to agree, but that's just how I've always felt. I don't know.
zanhar1 commented…
I agree I think that really dark skin is very beautiful. It isn't as prevalent as before but there are still people who only see beauty in lighter skin. And to me it doesn't make sense; every race has its own kind of beauty. Myself, I like getting sun tans, my sister prefers pale tones on herself. Hopefully that's what your friend meant by it; that she thinks that it's too dark on her. Sort of like how I like red hair on others but don't really care for it on me. over a year ago
CielXlizzy19 commented…
I see what you mean. I don't want to generalize all of China, but my sister has been living there for about 8 years on the mainland, and my other sister (the bad at math one) lived in Hong Kong for about a year. My first sister is the darkest in the family but she's absolutely stunning, and she gets all these comments all the time about her skin, or taxi drivers will say "you'd be brilliantly gorgeous if you could do something with that skin". It's a different sort of racism than people in America face in a sense, because American racism is based on years of genocide, oppression, and hatred etc., whereas in the East it's mostly due to them not being used to people looking like us, and they most likely don't know they're being as rude as they are. So despite all of what I'm saying, I actually do want to live somewhere in East at least for a semester abroad or when I graduate, because it seems like a really nice place, and the racial climate is changing. over a year ago
CielXlizzy19 commented…
I'm also not entirely African (obviously). On my mom's side, she's Irish, East Indian and West Indian, and on my dad's side he's Native American, Irish and Ethiopian/Eritrean. We actually dont't know where in Africa his side is from, but every single Ethopian person we meet (which is a lot where we live, so encounters happen daily) tell us that we're from northern Africa, and my dad looks like Haile Selassie. Anyway, I'm saying all that to say that when my hair isn't natural and I straighten it, I look like a regular East Indian girl, with my little chin, big eyes, thick eyebrows, thick asian-y hair, and a dot-like birthmark right between my eyebrows (which uneducated people think is a bindi). over a year ago
zanhar1 commented…
That makes sense. If you're not used to seeing something then it's a little odd at first. It's sad thought that people automatically think that something or someone who looks different is automatically not as beautiful as the norm. I also want to travel I just wish I had the money. Right now my goals are the Netherlands and the Maldives. And it's cool that you've got Irish, Indian, and African in you. Not everyone gets to say that. :P over a year ago
over a year ago Lelouchx said…
bees are cool
zanhar1 commented…
seas are better over a year ago
zanhar1 commented…
For real though, bumblebees are cute. over a year ago
CielXlizzy19 commented…
Bumblebees are adorable. I can tolerate other bees. However, their cousins, wasps, are actual demons. over a year ago
uploaded900 commented…
their so cute with with their chubby fluffiness over a year ago
over a year ago zanhar1 said…
I think race jokes are fine so long as there's no specific target. Songs like the below are examples of what I mean; they make fun of everyone. Like it's clear that there's no real hatred of any race and that it is truly just a joke. Some of them are tactless and in my opinion rude but if they're being tactless and rude to everyone it's not as bad.

link (okay so this guy's got pretty offensive humor but he hates on everyone equally lol)
last edited over a year ago
BlindBandit92 commented…
I love this song lol over a year ago
CielXlizzy19 commented…
I agree completely. Hetalia's a soft example, but things like that don't bother me. To balance out my karma and make sure I'm not being hypocritical when I laugh at jokes about other people's races, I try to take black jokes in stride. over a year ago
zanhar1 commented…
I would but they'd miss because you're so short. *I mutter knowing that I am not even 5 ft tall* over a year ago
over a year ago EgoMouse said…
Looking at my wall post....
I think Windows 8.1 is the best Windows OS. I never had issues with Windows 8.1 but Windows 10 get random ass issues. I think the start menu is better in Windows 8.1 than Windows 10's start menu. Some of the options is hidden when Windows 8.1, I find them rather quickly. I don't like some of the changes from Windows 10 that got left out from Windows 8.1.
So why did I keep Windows 10? ....Just because of the DirectX 12 and I wanted to give Windows 10 a chance. Plus, its always a pain changing OS lol.
Kuro_Hyou666 commented…
I'm the opposite. I actually really like 10 and I haven't had any issues to speak of, either. To be fair, I just don't like the start menu in either, but I downloaded a better looking start menu that looks a little bit more like the one that was in 7/Vista. over a year ago
over a year ago SilentForce said…
I don't really get all the hype about Disney villains.I mean sure they are entertaining to watch but they are too one dimensional and never have any valid reason to be evil which why I frankly don't get why so many people regard many of them as the best villains that were ever created.
CielXlizzy19 commented…
I see what you mean. Childhood nostalgia, probably. When you're 6, they're the most evil people in your little world, and when you get older it probably sucks to take the fun out of it. over a year ago
over a year ago CielXlizzy19 said…
I like smaller iPhones better than the bigger ones. I just recently got an SE (a 6 thats the size of a 5) and if I ever upgrade, it'll probably be with another SE. Anything bigger than that is an iPad, and is too cumbersome to keep in any sort of real-size pocket.
last edited over a year ago
uploaded900 commented…
Agreed. It annoys me how iphones keep taking ideas from other phone companies and one of the reasons I keep a phone with me everywhere is because they can fit in pockets over a year ago
zanhar1 commented…
Me too, I actually want my devices portable lol. Like with the shrinking size of pockets iPods/Phones need to shrink lol. over a year ago
over a year ago zanhar1 said…
I'm glad Neville wasn't the one to kill Bellatrix. He isn't the angry vengeful type and it would have been so OOC. That said I don't think Molly should have done it either. Maybe McGonagall, that'd have been badass and suiting for Bella.
CielXlizzy19 commented…
Yeah, the "that's for my daughter, bitch" thing was sort of forced, if I remember correctly. I haven't read it since I was 10. over a year ago
zanhar1 commented…
It really kinda was; that was also OOC in my opinion. You remember correctly. But then again the circumstances were pretty intense so it was OOC for Molly, but it wasn't. over a year ago
ThePrincesTale commented…
The pen/pencil fite is legit my favourite string of comments on this forum ahahaha over a year ago
over a year ago CielXlizzy19 said…
Vampire franchises can be good. I didn't have this opinion until about a day ago when I started Vampire Diaries, which was reccommended to me by a male friend of mine who swore me to secrecy about never telling anyone at school that he watches it. Either way, I'm addicted. Teen Wolf isn't as good, but it's pretty entertaining and heartbreaking at times, too.
over a year ago SilentForce said…
I don't really like to involve myself with fandoms.I mean yeah,its a great thing to be together with other people who like/love the same stuff that you do and I wont deny that they are many great people within these fandoms who you can have great discussions with but they are so many terrible fans within the fandoms that offend other fans for simply having unpopular opinions,give a bad name to the entire fandom by going batshit crazy on people who say that their don't like that certain celebrity/movie/series etc,mindlessly hate on some characters for no valid reasons and often twisting the truth about that character to fit their own narrative,label characters who are actually quite useful as useless etc.
last edited over a year ago
BlindBandit92 commented…
I am the same way over a year ago
zanhar1 commented…
At this point I don't blame you. As we were discussing on the Once spot it seems like fandoms have become a lot more butthurt lately. I mean the Once fandom doesn't even stop at just going at each other; they attack the writers and actors too. " twisting the truth about that character to fit their own narrative." Also annoys me. For instance someone keeps insisting that Azula has autism. I respect your headcanon bro, but it's a headcanon and there is nothing in canon to really suggest that she's autistic. That said I have nothing against autistic characters, but that doesn't mean every single character is gonna be autistic. over a year ago
zanhar1 commented…
I just hate it when they take up the 'my opinion is superior' mentality and don't even try to hear your points. Like you said; why do they even ask for discussion if they know they aren't gonna listen? Dude I always defend and fight people over characters lol. I used to anyways. I've been able to suppress my urges lately. It's alright rant away, get as passionate as you want. over a year ago
over a year ago THaSlimJim said…
people always talk about english being hard to learn but i think it is easier than japanese. like i kno my english is bad but my japanese was terrible even b4 i moved.
over a year ago KataraLover said…
I honestly think Harry Potter is BORING, both the story and the character. First of all, I do admit that the books and movies are well-made, genuinely fantastic, and deserve all the attention they get (For the most part) they just BORE me and I hate them (Though I enjoy the characters Luna, Bellatrix, and Hermione). However, one of the biggest problems for me is the main character himself, Harry Potter. He has very little personality in my opinion, is dull, the story relies too much on his tragic back story and his destiny than for him to actually have an interesting personality, and ALWAYS has to be the center of attention for plot reasons even if it's not needed.

What do I mean by even when it's not needed? Well, how about when his name is picked for him to compete in some kind of competition Hogwarts has every year that is only supposed to be for a certain age group that he's not in? He didn't need to be in it and it just shows him as a Gary Stu and one that always has to be the center of attention and never let the other characters shine. I know he doesn't like the attention but bull crap like that moment doesn't make it any better just because he doesn't like attention. True, he's not as bad of a Gary Stu that is always made the center of attention without letting other characters shine as Bloom from Winx Club is (Hell, no one is close to her level in that department) but it's still annoying having everything be about him. Is that why Draco has some fans? Do they like him because he's one of the FEW people who aren't treating Harry like Jesus when he doesn't deserve it?

Harry really hasn't done anything worthy of being considered this great hero for everyone to worship. He wasn't the one who kept Voldemort from killing him, it was his mother by using the power of love. So he has some of Voldemort's power in him because of that, that shouldn't mean he can defeat him and be a chosen one. He hasn't done ANYTHING to make him this destined hero that will save everyone, despite the plot always trying to make him the center of attention despite what bull crap it is.

Hermione would've made more sense as the protagonist of the series (Of course with a change in the title of the story) because she has more going on for her. She has worked her fingers to the bone to prove herself as being just as capable and skilled as the other wizards despite her being a half-blood, she is more skilled in magic than anyone else I've seen in the franchise, she's a natural born leader than leads Harry and Ron in the right direction, the villains want to destroy her kind (Half-bloods) and therefore she has a bigger reason to want to defeat Voldemort than Harry did with basically avenging his parents, is always having to save Harry and Ron's asses (Ron even says they'd die without her around) it would be interesting to see that the one person that could defeat the villains would be someone from the group they consider inferior and wish to destroy, and she has more of a character than Harry. Hermione, while not a character I'm crazy about, is still interesting enough for me to be invested in. She could stand on her own even if you took the magic and Harry Potter out of the picture, Harry in a movie without magic would be even more BORING! She's had to work all her life to prove herself while Harry has had things handed to him. Yes, he had a terrible upbringing, but other than that he hasn't worked for the praise he gets and is undeserving of it.

I'll either get a lot of hate for this or people will consider it too long and not bother to read it lol.
zanhar1 commented…
ur boring fite me m8. over a year ago
BlindBandit92 commented…
In before you try to use my own thing against me to say "too long didn't read" to be some sort of retort. Later over a year ago
KataraLover commented…
"All I did was stated that one you're an idiot" You lost all credibility of your defense there! You basically said that all you were trying to do is insult me, so you just proved that you're the pathetic one who just wanted to go out of their way to insult me like a bully. If it was pointless to debate with me, why did you even bother to comment on this except to just tell me I'm stupid? You're right, we are on different Ivls of intelligence but the one that's on the idiotic side sure as hell isn't me. You're basically every single single-digit IQ, pathetic, asshole bully with some superiority complex I've ever met (Both in real life and on the internet, including trolls). You're just a bully and nothing is going to change that, just like how you calling me an idiot doesn't mean I am one. over a year ago
over a year ago EgoMouse said…
The only two Stephen King's films I watched was Rose Red (on DVD) and It (long ago) and I didn't find either of them scary. Idk if its an unpopular opinion, but people found It scary so I guess it might be.
jlhfan624 commented…
I don't find them scary at all, but they are good movies. over a year ago