The Heroes of Olympus Make Your Own Hero

parras2 posted on Jan 31, 2012 at 11:00PM
this is where you can make a demigod go on quests make friends/enemies and other demigodly stuff all you have to do is put your demigods



Immortal Parent-





and other things you want us to know about your demigod

(ok now it's time for the rules)1.don't make your character to strong 2. you cant control another persons character without their permission 3. please keep cussing down to a minimum 4. if you go on a quest go to this link:link

so far we have

Dante- son of Thanatos (me)
Keira- daughter of Hermes (Zelda4Efas)
Jesse- daughter of Poseidon (venus143)
Kaylee- daughter of Demeter (universalpowa)
Josiphia- daughter of Apollo (pink-bookworm)
Annie- daughter of Artemis (me-demigod4life)
Maya- daughter of Morpheus (ninjagirl77)
Skia- daughter of Styx (Nemisis)
Aidan- son of Apollo (sonofapollo27)
Mike- son of Zeus (Jasonfan44)
Ema- daughter of Nyx (emafluff)
Vanessa- daughter of Hades (Icrs50)
Noah- Immortal parent unknown (icuSTALKER)
Alex- son of Hades (killer24)
Charlie- son of Hectate (lolking)
Roberto- son of Kratos (darkling_menace)
Jake- son of Hephaestus (crash14)
Hannah- daughter of Athena (percy4forever)
Alvin- son of Poseidon (Alvin2442)
Blaze- son of Ares (Blaze_of_Ares)
Mark- son of Hemera (leond143)
Ariana- daughter of Aphrodite (NotSoPerfecme)
Eragona- daughter of Poseidon (BitemeIVampire)
Bella- daughter of Hades (BellaAndBubba)
Zane- son of Poseidon (1999jacko1)
Cara- daughter of Thanatos (Nicoliclous)
Kiara- daughter of Greg (DaugtherOfAll)
Kyle- son of Poseidon (sorenGuardian1)
Skylar- daughter of Aphrodite (anyone can control her)
Colin- son of Hephaestus (Ares2002)

and if anyone would like to be one of the original characters from the PJO or the HoO series you can(gods are included)

if you still want to be apart of the make your own hero please go to this link
last edited on Apr 20, 2012 at 03:24PM

The Heroes of Olympus 5223 replies

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over a year ago Jasonfan44 said…
"NOT FUNNY ALEX!" I shout.
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
"I have no idea Mike but the might be demigods that used to come here".
over a year ago killer24 said…
ha i know them i see one all the time its annabeth,thalia and luke there old well ones dead one's marred and the over i don't know but yeah you got a sister and brother jason
over a year ago darkling_menace said…
*taps mike on the shoulder*
"um, i hate to interrupt you mental breakdown, but i kinda dont like to be kept waiting"
over a year ago Jasonfan44 said…
I get up, not speaking. I am angry no doubt about it. I run ahead all of them not wanting to speak or look at them. As I took off, I started to cry. I pick up speed until I'm at the beach. I lay in the sand, and cry. The reason is because I miss my mom, and Dillon. I wish I weren't a stupid son of Zeus. I wish I was normal. I looked around for something to punch, but nothing was there. So i screamed louder than before. More anger bubbled up inside me. I realized I left Killer back in the Arena. I didn't get up to get it. I have no idea why Zeus gave me that sword, I'm nothing, I'll never be anything. I screamed again.
over a year ago Nemisis said…
I'm strange. I don't talk to people. most don't even relized I'm in the room. I prefer it that way. I look around me as I walk. No one notices when I stare at them ... unless I'm angry. then my stares hurt. I walk yo my cabin, it seems as if every one moves for me. opens a path. No one really does .. at least not concously . I like any thing or one born in the. underworld radiates this sort of energy that makes you instinctively turn away from. I walk into my cabin. I'm the only one who goes in their. Every one looks at my cabin as if it might come to life and murder them. Sure the river Styx is painful,but its not evil. though it looks dark and dreary on the outside its homey on the in. It has this miniature black river running through it. with a little black wooden bridge over it. It on one side of the stream is a plush chair and couch both in the same warm cream color that contrasts with the midnight purple walls greatly. On the other is a single set of bunks. With rose red bedding and curtains around the bottem one. not scary.
over a year ago darkling_menace said…
"... i have no idea whats going on now, i just know that i have been staying in the same spot for a while and im getting tired"
*turns to Alex*
"hey crazy, want to give me the official tour?"
over a year ago killer24 said…
ok yeti so lets go to the cabins see if there is space race you 1 2 3 poff crap im in spain ok one more go 1 2 3 cabins yeah hola yeti
over a year ago percy4forever said…
Seeing as the dinner bell did not actaully ring, and that was me just imagining things; I decided to head over to the beach. And since I'm not exactly "that popular kid", I also brought the book I was reading with me.
over a year ago venus143 said…
i watched mike run towards the beach 'what's up with him' i though.
"Anyways lets get on with the tour lets head down to the beach".

We walked down all the way to the beach it's calm and soothing for me the waves crash gently on the sand.

"Remember when i told you guys about that cavern i go to when i feel like crap and the only way to get there is underwater? Well i'm going to go there now, if any of you want to come with me join me don't worry about breathing i'll take care of that, so do you guys want to come"?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago killer24 said…
yo yeti be back in sec and poof im ina tree wait kids that look fmiler going in the warter if i inch a bit i can still see woah and im fulling agean don't ask splash oww i need to lean not to do that hay guys sorry i fell from the tree
over a year ago Jasonfan44 said…
I see Jesse and a few other people walk towards the beach. I cursed. How could I have been more stupider? I sat up just before they saw me. I found a stick near me and quickly staring running the stick in the sand.
over a year ago venus143 said…
Before we go in i notice someone from the corner of my eye it's mike before we go in the water i go towards him.

"Hey what are you doing here all lonely were about to go to the cavern i told all of you about do you want to come with us"? i ask mike.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago darkling_menace said…
"i'll follow you Jesse"
over a year ago killer24 said…
well i'm broad i'm going to rob a game shop yo yeti do you know any cool game shop's i can Ur.. visit
over a year ago Jasonfan44 said…
"Just..... thinking," I lied. Who could blame me? "Sure." Oh gee, I thought I am trying to mask my pain and misery by hanging out with people who think you have mental problems,yay. I dropped my stick and quickly wiped away my tears so they wouldn't think I am a wuss too. "I forgot my sword at the arena," I mumbled to myself. I guess no one heard, because no one looked at me like "Go get it then." I silently congratulated myself on learning how to speak so softly.
over a year ago darkling_menace said…
"a sword, so you guys fight with swords, and knives, and other sharp weaponry?"
over a year ago killer24 said…
yes yes we do but some people think i should not so want a game? and system
over a year ago darkling_menace said…
"okay, im not very good with sharp things is there some kind of armory i can go to, to get a weapon more suited to me"
over a year ago killer24 said…
yeah sure ill show you hear it is Lot's and Lot's of weapons well pick one
over a year ago percy4forever said…
When I arrived at the beach, I saw other people standing around. I tried to turn back around, but I guess they saw me.
over a year ago killer24 said…
*how what's to go on a quest you know for fun*
over a year ago emafluff said…
Hey guys someones over there. Wait a minute, i know her. Uh whats her name... oh yeah thats Hannah daughter of Athena.
over a year ago lolking said…
"ill follow you into the cave or cavern Jesse"
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
"Mike!" I ran up to him. "You forgot your sword I picked it up and Mike maybe if you talked about it you wouldn't be as upset".
over a year ago Jasonfan44 said…
"Wait hold on," I said. "Doesn't Zeus and Poseidon have you know a rivalry?"
over a year ago venus143 said…
"I agree with josiphia mike if your fealing down say something were all friends here you can talk to us and yeah they do but i'm sure my dad won't so anything to you i'll make sure of that".i told mike

"Oh and hi hannah were about to go to and underwater cavern do you want to come with us?"
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago emafluff said…
is this underwater cavern dark?
over a year ago killer24 said…
OK so ill see where there going hi what's up mike mine if i sit next to you you know i'm the son of one of the big three so you can tell me we mite have the same problem so what's bothering you
over a year ago percy4forever said…
I was seen. At least Ema was with them. I thought about it. "Um... sure," I said.
over a year ago Jasonfan44 said…
"Thanks Josie," I said. I sighed. "I grew up all alone. I didn't know my mom. I've been acting like I knew her, but she left me, on a stranger's doorstep. In New Jersey. The stranger didn't want me so they left me in the woods. Luckily, I learned to survive at 5. I went to school when I was in 6th grade. I was the stupidest kid there. Then I when I went to 8th grade, this year. A vampire thing attacked me, and my friend Dillon told me to come here and gave me a map. Then he charged. I followed the map, and here I am." I said, looking away from everyone else.
over a year ago killer24 said…
well i'm going to find Nico i think he's in Rome or Greece
over a year ago Jasonfan44 said…
I looked at the picture. I envied Jason an Thalia. I bit on my lip to keep me from crying. I bet Alex, thought I was mental. I knew Roberto thought I was mental. I turned around, clutching the picture tight. "Let's go," I said, hoarsely, again looking at the sand, and not at the faces of everybody else.
over a year ago venus143 said…
"It's ok mike were here for you everyone has a hard past here at camp none of us had it easy to get here trust me". i told mike remembering my own harsh past.

"Umm i think we should go now". i said looking down.

We all whent into the ocean,the water getting higher and higher as we whent deeper into the water i made an air bubble around us and soon all of us could breath again.As we swam farther from shore we got to see different colored fishes and coral once in a wile we would pass a few sharks,it felt good being in the water again i wondered how the other were doing? but after a few minutes i could finally see the opening to the cavern we swam inside until i could finally see some light we surfused from the water and i felt calm again seeing my favorite place in the whole world, there was a sparkiling waterfall and a pond large enough to swim in and the entire place was made of crystal even the floor but that kind of crystal was more clearer so you could see the entire ocean floor it was amazing.

"Well this is it now you know why i love this place so much it's sad that you can only reach it by swimming here though, but isn't it amazing."
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago lolking said…
"Wow, this is amzing it looks like the entire ocean" i said stunned.
over a year ago darkling_menace said…
"yea, it looks awesome. how far are we from the beach?
over a year ago killer24 said…
OK not hear so i'm going back did thay say thay was going to a underwater cave i think i can shadow travel there 1 2 3 poof
over a year ago Jasonfan44 said…
"Cool," I said. "I know this is a random question but when's dinner?"
over a year ago darkling_menace said…
"yea, im getting hungry"
over a year ago killer24 said…
hay guys up hear o no crap splash ok down hear i think dinner is soon ill see poof
over a year ago venus143 said…
"we can all leave now the horn is about to blow anyways,oh and roberto were like a mile away from shore."
we all jump in the water and swim back to shore and start to head towards the mess hall.
over a year ago darkling_menace said…
"so, what're we having?"
over a year ago StormOrFire43 said…
can i join?

Name: Kyle Fletcher
Age: 14
Immortal Parent: Apollo
Skill: Climbing
Power:Can fire blinding light that stuns people
Weapons:Bow called Ember that sets arrows on fire
Personality: Loves to mess around but is still understanding
Appearance:Long blond hair blue eyes medium size and build
over a year ago StormOrFire43 said…
i run from the forest to the dining pavalon and get some BBQ ribs
over a year ago darkling_menace said…
"i smell... BAR-B-QUE!"
*charges toward the dining pavillion, knocking over people like bowling pins*
over a year ago Jasonfan44 said…
"Where do I sit?" I ask Jesse, when we enter the pavilion.
over a year ago killer24 said…
poof i get some food and shadow travel away in to cabin
over a year ago venus143 said…
"since your a son of seuz mike you sit on the first table and i sit on the second one we usually eat alone since there really aren't many children of the big three". i tell him.
over a year ago lolking said…
"Umm since I havnt been claimed yet where do I sit and man that smells so good"
over a year ago killer24 said…
i appred next to charli you sit at the hermes table i going to the under world call if you need me guys