The Hunger Games The RP in which you have fun and never want to stop writing :)

Grrrrr posted on Jul 07, 2012 at 03:02PM
AHMEM, in this RP you can make a character, and live in the hunger games. When describing your character describe:
strong points
low points
So right now I'm going to set the scene. All 24 tributes are set on a volcano. But here's the twist; the volcano has some weird climate changes, like one day snowing and the next day boiling. The tributes can go anywhere on the volcano (but on the very base is located a force field), just know that the volcano is still active, and can blow at any random time. The volcano is completely empty, but the capitol has the power to MAKE it randomly blow. The Cornucopia is full of bags that have food in them, sleeping bags, but NO WEAPONS were included. Your character either has to make their own weapons or fight in hand-to-hand combat.
The scene starts at the chariots.

last edited on Jul 07, 2012 at 03:23PM

The Hunger Games 908 replies

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over a year ago sam7b said…
New Character! :D

Age: 13
Name: Lana Merri
District: 2
Appearance: Lana has strawberry blonde, shortish hair and freckles everywhere on her face. She has bright green eyes and she's very strong and fast despite her height and weight. She's been training all her life since she could stand and she's a remarkably fast learner so she's a very good fighter.
Strong Points: She can do hand to hand quite well since she's been training for that since she was 2. She's pretty smart but not nearly as good as she is at fighting. She's fast and strong and can take down her 15 year old brother in 3 minutes. She can use multiple weapons, but her main one is the quarter staff. However, she's also very skilled at the axe and knives and has experience with bows and arrows
Low Points: She often doesn't even try to avoid conflict. She loves to fight and she's good at it so even circumstances where she could just sneak by, she often doesn't. Another thing is she's often prone to rash decisions. She doesn't like to think things out, she just likes to plan as she goes and this can often get her into trouble.
Personality: Lana is very dangerous. She's sarcastic and rude but one of the best things about her attacks is that people often underestimate her because she's so young. Even though she's only thirteen she's been training for her whole life and she's amazingly strong and fast. She's been trained to be on the offensive with everyone, even family, so chances are she'll never really trust you. She's been trained to be resourceful as well as tough so she's knows how to find water and hunt food. The only thing she hasn't really been trained in is what's poisonous and what's not, so she basically just avoids berries and mushrooms. If she's in a bad mood chances are she'll attack you even if you don't do anything to her.
New Character! :D

Age: 13
Name: Lana Merri
District: 2
Appearance: Lana has strawberry blonde,
over a year ago Dovemoon said…
" you, know what pain? Figure things out on your own.. Whatever they did to you Im sorry.. Maybe ill see you around.. " nick says, almost angrily. He doesn't look back and he disappears into the trees.
over a year ago Dovemoon said…
Sam!! Hey!

Nick walked through the trees, irritated, shifting his sword in his hands. He didn't care if someone came and attacked him, he'd be glad almost if they did.
over a year ago CrazyTridentSon said…
Alvin dropped the backpack, which he used to hold his Trident" You need water?" He questioned, pulling out a water bottle
over a year ago sam7b said…
:D Dove! OMG hi! I haven't talked to you in so long!


Willow cautiously looked at the boy. His face looked like he meant well, but faces don't always tell the truth. Willow quietly said to the boy, "You drink it first." She wanted to be totally sure that it wasn't poisoned.

Lana -

Lana instinctively dropped into a ready position as she rose up into the arena. The Cornucopia was just a mere 20 feet ahead of her, but then after the Cornucopia there was a thick, woodsy area and then even past that a rocky terrain that led straight up to the funnel of a huge volcano. Lana waited until the gong rang and then she immediately took of towards the Cornucopia. Within seconds she was there.

There was almost nothing left by then but she scooped up what she could find. A thin blanket which she shoved into a black shoulder bag, a pack of berries and deer meat that she did the same with, and a sharp piece of glass that she tucked into her pocket. She also grabbed a windbreaker/jacket and put it on over her shirt and a pair of climbing shoes which she stored in her bag. After she was done she quickly took off towards the forest.

When she got deep into the forest she paused to catch her breath and make a weapon or two so that she could defend herself until she had the resources to make a real weapon. She hung her bag from a dead tree branch and snapped off a branch to make a knife. She was going to use the glass to make the knife's frame and then glass would become the frame of the knife. Then she could use her knife to make different weapons.

Lana smiled as she finished the knife, admiring it's beauty. Lana had carved a beautiful design into the hilt and then expertly attacked the glass to the knife, making it stay in with a special glue that came from some plants that currently surrounded her. Suddenly Lana heard someone coming. She jumped to her feet and held in her knife in a defensive stance. It would've been easier if she had more weapons, but she do more than enough damage with what she had.

Suddenly she saw a boy walk through the trees and emerge in front of her. Lana smirked quickly. She knew exactly what she would do with this one. She would put on her innocent little girl act. If he fell for it she would attack him when he wasn't looking and if he didn't then she would just kill him the regular way.

Lana put on a scared face and held the knife in an obviously wrong way to make it appear that she wasn't very experienced. "D-don't hurt me." She stammered in a quiet tone. "I just want to go home." Her act usually worked more than not. She was so small that most people thought she was just a little girl. Plus she was a pretty great actress. But really she was much more than a little kid. She had amazing talents and she was ready to whoop some ass with them. She made her bottom lip shake a little and her eyes fill with tears. She had mastered fake crying years ago.
over a year ago Dovemoon said…
Ahhhh!! It's been so long!!! :DDDDD

Nick stopped and tensed. He stood tall, lookin like the rising pro boxer of 6 that he is. His hand rested on his sword cautiously. He pulled it out as glanced at the blade and tossed it into a near by tree with deadly percision and studied the girl cautious, tryin to recall her name and score..
over a year ago sam7b said…
:D So how old is Nick? I'm too lazy to look back for his profile. And how are you???

Lana watched as he threw his sword into a tree. 'Show off.' She thought with a smirk. Suddenly she cursed in her head as she realized that he was trying to remember her score. A score of 11 would obviously give away her innocent act. She had deserved twelve but the judges and been total a**holes. She decided just to drop the act. Her young, scared face melted away to reveal a sarcastic smirk and a pair of overly confident, bright green eyes. A long scar stretched down her face from her right in a slant down to her jaw.

She spoke loudly and assuredly. "The name's Lana. 13 years and a score of 11. I'm deadly and I'm gonna kick your a** until it's black and blue. But before I kill you in a most gruesome manner, your name is?" She was interested to find out this strangers name, age, and score. she twirled her knife until it was a blur, flipping it from hand to hand.
over a year ago Dovemoon said…
Nick's 17 I think.. Hes a rising Pro boxer btw.. I'm good. School started...:( what about you?

He smiles and shrugs. "score 11.. Impressive.. So we're an even match. Name's Nick Monroe.. You know, that boxer from 6.. That's about all I got going from my name that I'm willing to say. I'm 17. " He still had a big gash down his leg and the worst of it was on his thigh. He was cut up and bruised from fighting an enemy of his earlier. He had a couple old scars from past fights.

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago sam7b said…
An impressed look flickers across Lana's face as she finally remembers his face. She'd seen on him on TV a few times. From what she'd heard around town he was pretty good. 'Let's put that to the test.' She thought with a smirk. "Alright, I'm done with the small talk. Let's get on with this." You wanna make the fist move or should I?"
over a year ago Dovemoon said…
He rolls his shoulders, pre-match habit, and shrugs. "doesnt really matter now does it? If you want to, go ahead. "
over a year ago sam7b said…
Lana grins as she takes a starting position. To be fair, she throws her knife at a tree a smiles as with a thunk its stabs into the trunk. She smirks as she looks her opponent in the eye and then she starts. She feigns a punch at his face and when he goes to block she slams her fist at his stomach.

(You can decide if it hits or not.))
over a year ago Dovemoon said…
He blocks the fake and side steps out of the way of the punch as his stomach and throws a left hook at her side hard.
over a year ago sam7b said…
She pivots backwards (which may or may not cause him to lose his balance, it's up to you) and she kicks hard at his face, aiming mainly for his nose.
over a year ago Dovemoon said…
He had stepped into his punch , keeping his balance . He brought his foot back quickly , setting his bad leg slightly behind him. He dodged the kick narrowly, he ducked and grabbed her leg and yanked it put and twists it painfully and brings it down hard on his knee.
over a year ago sam7b said…
Pain shoots through Lana's leg as he grabs it and twists it hard, slamming it onto his knee. Lana resists the urge to scream and yanks it away from his grip. New rage flows threw her and she spits out, "Oh, you're in for it now." She somersaults between his legs and stands up behind him, grabbing his arm and yanking it backwards, twisting it hard and aiming to break it.

(Obviously you decide if his arm is broken.)
over a year ago Dovemoon said…
He kicks her quickly as she somersaults behid him , but he was a step behind and he couldn't do anything reall before she was onto him. He could feel his arm start to break, hearing it crack. He tried not to yell. He slammed his heel on her foot and yanked his arm away, clearly in pain and pivoted around quickly ad slammed his good arm into her gut, putting most weight down on her foot.
over a year ago sam7b said…
Lana screamed in pain as he slammed down onto her foot and hit her in the gut. She lost her breath for a second but then she yelled in his face, "You damn bastard!" She knew at least one of her toes were breaking and she was pretty sure her big toenail was cracked off. "You're going to regret that." She said to him between bared teeth and then she slammed her free knee up into his crotch as hard as she could and hit him fairly hard in the jaw. It wasn't as hard as she would've liked, but she was in too much pain right then to do her best work and she had used all her force to drive her knee up. She hoped the pain would be more than he had ever felt before. He deserved it.
over a year ago Dovemoon said…
He stumbled, the breath knocked out of him a bit. He still kept most of his foot on hers. He had taken worst blows. Before she could get the upper hand though, he slugs her across the face and then stumbles back, trying to grab his bearings again.
over a year ago sam7b said…
Lana knows that he's trying to regain his bearings and if she attacks fast and multiple times she could get the upper hand. So she shrugs the pain off for right then. She would deal with it later. She sprints up to him and punches him hard in the nose and with some difficulty sweeps his feet. She then backs up a few steps and assumes a defensive position as she waits for him to get up. Her right foot and leg were in horrible pain, but she had been trained to keep her pain in check so she right then she still had a clear head later though she knew it would all hit her and she was NOT looking forward to the pain.
over a year ago CrazyTridentSon said…
Alvin sent her a questionable look" Fine" He drunk some of the bottle, and swallowed it, then put the cap back on, and tossed the bottle towards her.
over a year ago Dovemoon said…
He stumbled down. He was in pain all over. His fight earlier wasn't helping because the wound had reopened and his nose had started bleeding. He was used to pain from boxing though and a few years on the streets. He pushed the pain away and pushed himself up off the ground, wiping the blood of his face with his arm quickly. He studied her defensive position quickly as he pushed himself up to his feet. Pulling himself back together like in a match, putting on that face he gets when he gets to that point when he is in the zone, ready for sure.
over a year ago sam7b said…
Willow smiled slightly at the boy. "Thanks I guess." She poured a bunch into her bottle and then passed the bottle back to the boy and took a long drink. She closed the cap and then she asked, "Can you show me where you got the water? I'll need to know for when I run out again."
over a year ago CrazyTridentSon said…
" Follow me" He gestures her to follow, and walks deeper into the forest
over a year ago sam7b said…
Lana suddenly got an idea. She jumped up into a tree, leaping and climbing up the branches until she was so high up that he could see her anymore, but she could see him though the leaves. He was looking around frantically for her, trying to locate her whereabouts. She silently jumped from tree to tree until she was on one that was right behind him. Then, silent as could be, she leaped onto his back and he crumpled under her. She hit the ground hard and lost her breath when she landed. It hurt bad, but it couldn't be nearly as painful as what he was feeling just then. She held his legs and arms tight and efficiently so that he couldn't move and she whispered in his ear, "Here's what's going to happen. We're going to team up and slaughter everyone in this Arena until it's just us left. And then we'll see where go from there. You understand?" Lana was working hard to ignore the pain in her leg and foot, but she was having a really hard time suppressing it.. She just tried to push the pain farther back.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago CrazyTridentSon said…
name Jacky Roberson
district 12
appearance Seam eyes, with grey stains in his hair, and soft brown hair
strong points Strength, Hunting, and Speed
low points Loudness
personality Serious
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Dovemoon said…
He gasped in pain and he tried to squirm away, but he was in way to much pain in the position he was in. His cut on his leg started gushing blood again and everything hurt awfully. " What.. if I.. say no?"He barely managed t say through grit teeth and the pain.
over a year ago CrazyTridentSon said…
Jacky laughed, having two arrows pointed at Nick and that other girl
over a year ago sam7b said…
Lana smirked. "Then I'll find someone more cooperative and worthy to be my partner. And..." At this point Lana grabbed the hilt of her knife and yanked it out of the tree, holding the sharp glass against his throat. "I'll use this to end you in a rather unpleasant way. Maybe I'll take your ear as a trophy." Obviously Lana was bluffing about the ear, but she would be happy to kill this boy after all the pain he caused her. The only reason she was joining with him was because he was smart and he wasn't exactly a sub-par fighter. She waited for his answer. Suddenly she heard something. She looked up to find a boy pointing some arrows her way. She glared at the boy. "And what do you find so funny?" She asked him casually.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Dovemoon said…
He coughed, wincing in pain, thinking the decision over .
over a year ago CrazyTridentSon said…
Jacky, smiled" Because, I just do." He puts the two arrows back in the quiver and jumps down from the tree, using the branches, so he doesn't break his legs. He crouches, when he lands, then he goes towards them." Sup" He said, slapping his hands on his legs
over a year ago JasmineValdez said…
"Sorry Alvin, I was thinking.... I might know a way to take out some of the other tributes..."
over a year ago CrazyTridentSon said…
Alvin looked back at her, and lowered his voice to a whisper" How?"
over a year ago JasmineValdez said…
She grinned. "Wanna set up a trap? I've got a few good ones planned out"
over a year ago CrazyTridentSon said…
Alvin nodded with a grin on his face

Jacky looked at them" Don't answer that" He charged towards the area he came from, quickly
over a year ago sam7b said…
Lana wasn't an idiot, she knew that she was almost drained from the last one and chances were she wouldn't survive another, at least not right then. So, feeling like a wimp but knowing it was for the greater good, she yelled out, "Wait, wait!" He slowed down and stopped, looking at her with a questioning look on her face. She quickly spoke, trying to get out of the unfortunate situation.

"If you don't attack us now then we'll let you into our group. Nick here is a pro boxer and I've been training in 2 since I was 1. We're both amazing fighters and to put it simply you'd be lucky to work with us. We're smart, resourceful, and strong and as long as you're not a total fail as a tribute, we'd gladly let you into our group. So, what do you say?"

She waited for his response looking him in the eyes. If he said yes then she would pretty pleased. Her group would most definitely be the strongest, especially with her leading it. She imagined it would look funny though. A thirteen year old girl leading two much older boys. But even if he said no she knew she'd escape. She had always been an amazingly fast runner, plus she was small and light so she was sure she could escape easily, even with an injured leg and foot. But she didn't know if she could say the same about Nick...
over a year ago Dovemoon said…
Nick coughed. He knew how this could end up. He was barely conscious through the pain and he had lost a lot of blood.
over a year ago Dovemoon said…
He looked at where Jacky was , his vision flickered. " let.. Me up, Lana" nick croaked to Lana hoarsely.
over a year ago sam7b said…
Lana hadn't even realized she was still on him. She rolled off him and jumped to her feet quickly. She wasn't really sure what to do. The boy, apparently his name was Jacky, was taking awhile to answer. She knew she could get away easily, but she didn't know how Nick could survive the escape. But she wasn't sure if he could survive as it was without some medical attention.

Suddenly something drifted down from the sky. It was a parachute! Lana greedily grabbed it and ripped it open, hoping it was something useful. Sure enough, it was. She ripped the last folds of fabric and it opened to reveal a helpful looking medical kit and a box of matches.

Lana was confused for a few seconds. Why would she get matches? The medical kit she could understand, but why the matches? suddenly she realized. All around her was a special plant called Virgultum Ignis. She remembered learning about it during her course on escape options. She knew it would by her a good amount of time, definitely enough to help get Nick away. She turned her eyes up to Jacky and grinned maliciously. She ripped up bundles of the plants and scattered them in a straight line in front of him and then all around him, forming a circle type shape.

Then she struck up a match, grinned and said, "Adios, bastard!" She tossed the match into the plants and watched as flame instantly sprung up all around him. She could feel the heat even from as far away from the plants as she and Nick were. Even if he didn't die from the fire right then, she knew it would take him quite a long time to escape. He was surrounded by a circle of fire and if he ever got out of that then there was still the wall of fire in font of him.

Lana worked quickly. She grabbed Nick under the arms and, using as much muscle as possible, she hoisted him onto her back. Then, holding his arms in place so that he wouldn't fall off, she ran through the forest. She couldn't exactly sprint because of how much weight was on her back, but she went as fast as she could.

It was totally and completely exhausting. She was a thirteen year old girl running as fast as she could and carrying a seventeen year old on her back. Even as strong as she was, it was still horribly tiring and hard work. She ran for about 35 minutes straight until she finally reached her tree. More than anything she just wanted to rest, but she knew that Jacky might escape any time and she needed to get Nick and herself to safety. So, as quickly as she could, she started to make slow progress up the tree with Nick, the medical pack, and her matches. This was very, very hard, mainly because Nick seemed to have basically gone unconscious with the pain. But what really worried Lana was that she was starting to feel that way too. Her leg and foot throbbed and her shoe was soaked with blood. She was sure her leg was pretty severally sprained as well. Her mouth was bleeding from a bad cut lips and she was pretty sure her eye was starting to turn black.

Finally, after what seemed like forever of hard, painful work, she and Nick were up. She used some rope to tie her thin blanket in between two of the trees branches. Then she laid Nick on the blanket, sat on a branch, pulled out the med. kit, and started to work.

His arm was fractured, not severally but still fairly badly. She worked quickly and set his arm up in a makeshift cast. She had always excelled at first aid and now was no exception. She bandaged up his broken nose and tried to at least reduce the damage she had done to his body. The wrist on his fractured arm was twisted rather severally as well, so she made a cast for that, and then she also noticed something. When he breathed he was making a faint whistling. By listening very closely she deduced that one of his windpipes must have been hurt. However, she could tell by the sound that it wasn't anything a homemade remedy couldn't fix. But it was something that would hurt like hell once he woke up.

Lana could see he vision ebbing into black so she worked quickly to fix up her leg. It was very badly sprained and slightly fractured, as well as popped out of it's socket. She stuffed some leaves into her mouth and took a tight hold of her leg. Then, with one swift move, she popped it back into place. Her scream was muffled by the leaves, but it was still pretty loud. It was the worst pain she could ever imagine. She fought the blackness just long enough to make her leg a cast, but she couldn't check out her foot before she gave in and fell unconscious.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Dovemoon said…
Nick was out cold. When he woke up, he moaned in pain. Everything hurt. He looked where he was and saw Lana and noticed he was in a tree... High in a tree. He had a momentary freak out. He took a breath a tried to put the pieces together. He figured it out soon enough
over a year ago sam7b said…
Lana slowly woke up and as soon as she did the pain hit her like a brick wall. She leaned her head back and closed her eyes, gritting her teeth. Her leg still hurt, just not as bad, and her foot was killing her. Her face felt horrible too, like someone had bashed it in with a brick wall, and her head was killing her. She slowly opened her eyes and saw that Nick was awake. The glare of the sun made her eyes hurt and she quickly closed them again. She couldn't get up the strength right then to help her foot but it was hurting her sooo bad. She groaned in pain.
over a year ago Dovemoon said…
Nick's hands were clinched trying to block out the pain, but he looked and felt extremely awful.
over a year ago sam7b said…
Finally, after awhile of just sitting there in pain, Lana opened he eyes and leaned forward to work on he foot. She made sure the med kit was next to her and put a piece of bark in her mouth to keep from screaming. Then with some difficulty, she pulled off her shoe. The blood flow was still pretty heavy but not as bad as it was. He whole foot was a mess. It was bloody everywhere and hurt really bad. Lana took a deep breath and picked up a cloth out of the med kit. Then she started to just lightly dab the blood off. It took a few cloths, but eventually she found the spot where it was bleeding from. Her big toenail and several little ones had been snapped off and where now bleeding very badly.

Lana quickly applied pressure to the bleeding points as she rummaged in the first aid kit for bandages. Eventually she found some bandaging wrapping. She took it out and cut off a long piece. Then she started to wrap it around her foot and her toes until she ran out of room. Then she taped it up so that it wouldn't get loose. Her ankle was sprained so she just laid a hot pack from the first aid box onto it until it felt ok enough to walk again. She stayed leaning against the tree like that, a thirteen year old girl all alone in the Hunger Games with a twisted ankle and a broken nose.
over a year ago Dovemoon said…
Nick pushed himself up, wincing into a sitting position. He looked at Lana. " sorry.. About all he fight. You're quiete the competitor. " he said, voice hoarse.
over a year ago CrazyTridentSon said…
Jacky whistled, from the tree behind Lana and Nick" Nice plan, but really, fire" He laughed, then jumped onto there tree, climbing up, getting on the branch next to them. Jacky looked at them, his bow swung over his shoulder, and his quiver leaning dangerous towards the ground, with no arrows falling out." Sure, I'll join, I'm 'bout to hunt" He left the tree, and 5 minutes later, he hit something good, and came back up
over a year ago Dovemoon said…
Anyone on?
over a year ago CrazyTridentSon said…
I am now
over a year ago sam7b said…
I am now.
over a year ago CrazyTridentSon said…
Alvin looked over at his female district tribute"Deep in the meadow, under the willow
A bed of grass, a soft green pillow
Lay down your head, and close your eyes
And when they open, the sun will rise

Here it's safe, and here it's warm
Here the daisies guard you from every harm
Here your dreams are sweet--
--and tomorrow brings them true
Here is the place where I love you.

Deep in the meadow, hidden far away
A cloak of leaves, a moonbeam ray
Forget your woes and let your troubles lay
And when again it's morning, they'll wash away

Here it's safe, and here it's warm
Here the daisies guard you from every harm
Here your dreams are sweet--
-- and tomorrow brings them true
Here is the place where I love you.

Here is the place where I love you.
over a year ago sam7b said…
Lana wasn't even listening to Jacky. The pain in her leg and face was too bad, and now to make everything worse she had a horrible headache. She opened her eyes and was happy to see that it was dark out. Now her eyes didn't hurt as much. She rummaged around in the first aid case and pulled out some pain/headache medicine. She swallowed the pills using some water and within minutes the medicine kicked in. It relieved the pain quite a lot and finally she could finally think.

She brought some of the medicine to Nick and popped it in his mouth, making him swallow it by pouring some water in his mouth and gently rubbing his throat. After he ate the medicine she sat on a branch and started to make a rag. She ripped off a piece of her shirt and poured some cold water on it. Then she closed her eyes and laid the rag on her head.

She sat like that for awhile until she felt a lot better. She could think more clearly and she wasn't as tired. She quickly climbed down from the tree and started to hunt. She held the knife tightly in her hand, her nerves on edge, ready to kill. Suddenly she saw something white out of the corner of her eye. She spun around and threw the knife, grinning as it hit the target. She walked over to the animal. It was a snowy white rabbit. The knife had hit it square in the head so it's death had been quick.

She grabbed the rabbit and quickly set up a fireplace. It was a safe time for a fire because the sun hadn't quite set yet. She quickly struck up a flame and while she waited for the fire to really start the began to skin the rabbit.
over a year ago Dovemoon said…
Nick was off and on in consciousness. The pain was over whelming. He woke up against and tried to sit, up and managed to do so, teeth grit in pain. He swung his good leg over the branch, looking at the ground for tributes, on guard, he hurt though and it was hard to focus.