The Hunger Games The RP in which you have fun and never want to stop writing :)

Grrrrr posted on Jul 07, 2012 at 03:02PM
AHMEM, in this RP you can make a character, and live in the hunger games. When describing your character describe:
strong points
low points
So right now I'm going to set the scene. All 24 tributes are set on a volcano. But here's the twist; the volcano has some weird climate changes, like one day snowing and the next day boiling. The tributes can go anywhere on the volcano (but on the very base is located a force field), just know that the volcano is still active, and can blow at any random time. The volcano is completely empty, but the capitol has the power to MAKE it randomly blow. The Cornucopia is full of bags that have food in them, sleeping bags, but NO WEAPONS were included. Your character either has to make their own weapons or fight in hand-to-hand combat.
The scene starts at the chariots.

last edited on Jul 07, 2012 at 03:23PM

The Hunger Games 908 replies

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over a year ago sam7b said…
Lana smirked. "Don't worry, the feelings not mutual!" She yelled back just as she reached the table. She grabbed the axe grinned as she handled it. It fit her hand wonderfully and was the perfect weight for her. She turned as saw a tribute coming at her with a sword. She ducked as he swung at her and then with one swift move she chopped if his head. She grin and started to grab some more stuff. She got two balloons and a bag of fruit which she slipped into the shoulder bag that she had originally gotten at the Cornucopia. Suddenly she was attacked again. She kicked the attacker in the face, pulled out a throwing knife, and threw it at the tribute. Then she saw something. It was a beautiful dagger, sharp and sleek with a black handle. Lana grinned. She had a thing for pretty weapons. she ran to it and grabbed it just as another person did. She looked up to see Vanessa's face. She smirked. "Fancy seeing you here." With her hand not holding the dagger she hit Vanessa in the nose, trying to get her to let go. "Jeez, you have a hard face." She smirked.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago JasmineValdez said…
Vanessa pulled the dagger back, accidentally cutting Lana's hand, causing her to let go. " At least my face isn't as hard as your head." She grabbed a second knife for herself and a slingshot for May, ducking away to shove them in her bag before heading back to the table. An arrow flew by her face and lodged itself in the Cornucopia.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago sam7b said…
Lana almost screamed. That was supposed to be her's! It was made for her! "You bitch!" She screamed, pulling out two knives and throwing them at Vanessa. One whizzed by her head but the other one slashed across her stomach. Lana was really upset now. (It can be a deep cut or not, I don't care which.) Lana ducked as an arrow flew by her head and it impaled the person in front of her in the chest. She grabbed some antibiotic medicine for the wound on her hand and wounds to come and some jerky. She caught sight of a blow tube and some poisonous darts next to it. She grabbed them and slipped them into her shoulder bag, swinging her axe at a boy who was coming at her with a sword. He was good with his sword but she was better. She cut off his hand and grinned as he screamed. Then she embedded her axe into his head and yanked it out, turning to see who would come at her next.

(I think Lana should throw a knife at someone and accidentally hit May and Vanessa should get totally pissed at Lana and be like, "I've had ENOUGH of your B.S.!" And then they can get in a huge fight. :) Is that good with you?)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago JasmineValdez said…
Vanessa looked down in horror at the knife sticking out of her stomach. Oh no.. Nononono... She fell to her knees and pulled the blade out, feeling dizzy. No telling how deep the cut was, but she wasnt dead yet. A boy fell next to her and she grabbed his pack, just so she could have something. Lana would pay later for this, but now Vanessa had to get out of here. She desperately tried to get around the cornucopia, away from the fighting. An arrow hit the back of her left shoulder and she fell forward. Maybe playing dead would be the best option now. It certainly wouldn't be hard.
over a year ago JasmineValdez said…
over a year ago Dovemoon said…
Nick grabbed a sword off the table and wielding a new weapon killed a tribute who came out from behind. ( hey sorry. Back)
over a year ago JasmineValdez said…
(No problem Dove.) Vanessa lay face down, one hand covering her stomach, hoping no one bothered what appeared to be a dead girl. Everything started sounding distant, the screaming, sounds of metal on metal. She hoped her friends weren't dieing too. Everyone but Lana. Lana could fall off the face of the earth right now and she wouldn't care. Vanessa felt sick. She could imagine people at home watching her on T.V. The game makers were probably preparing her cannon.She tried to hold on. She didn't want to die alone in a grassy field. Her friends needed her. Alvin had been nice enough to give her his trident, and here she was ... a failure... Vanessa took a deep breath. Once the feast was over, she would be alright......
over a year ago sam7b said…
Lana could see that Vanessa didn't have much time left, but at the moment she really couldn't help. She would, she really would if she could, but right then she really had her own problems. There was a whole alliance surrounding her. They were attacking her on all sides and they were good fighters. She was doing everything she could to stay on her feet and they were still giving her shallow cuts on her arms and chest. Suddenly she felt a strike of pain from her face. She could feel blood dripping down her cheek. The cut was deep and she knew it would scar over. Now she was really angry. "YOU A**HOLES!" She started to strike out hard, spinning and hitting whatever she could. She stabbed on of them through the neck with her dagger, spun and cut one's head off, grabbed on of them and broke his neck, and then she threw a throwing knife at the last one, aiming for his eye. But before the knife hit him he ducked and the knife hit the next thing in it's path.


Lana stood with her eyes wide as the knife hit the little girl in the thigh. "Oh, *hit!" She yelled. She really hadn't meant for that to happen, she hadn't even seen the girl! Suddenly she felt a fist hit her face and she screamed in pain. It was worse than anything before. It wasn't a cutting pain but just an intense throbbing, horrible pain. Lana knew something was broken and it wasn't her nose. That wouldn't hurt as much. She grabbed her jaw and screamed in pain, almost fainting. Her jaw was broken! Lana tried to swear but she couldn't, it hurt too much. She knew what her mother would say.

Well Lana, I guess that's just what you get for having such a smart mouth!

And her brother would say something like, Karma is a bitch. She groaned now, realizing that Vanessa would make fun of her too, especially now that she had impaled her with a knife.

Lana watched as the boy who broke her jaw ran off and she grabbed a pretty dagger, some paper and two pencils, and then she ran off, heading back to the camp and to try and get ready for Vanessa's wrath and teasing that was sure to come only moments later. She arrived back at camp and sat against a tree. Every breath she took hurt her jaw. She was going to die not being able to talk. Lana loved being cruel with her words! It was one of the things she did best!


May screamed in pain when the knife hit her and she screamed as loud as she could, "VANESSA, HELP ME!"
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over a year ago JasmineValdez said…
Somewhere in the back of her foggy mind she heard May scream. She tried to get up to help but none of her muscles responded. She couldn't die. She refused to. So why wasn't her body listening? A fleeing tribute stomped on her right hand, but she barely noticed...Hopefully the feast was over soon..
over a year ago sam7b said…
May suddenly got a feeling. Vanessa couldn't help her this time so she needed to help Vanessa. With fear helping her move she jumped off the Cornucopia and ran like hell. When she got Vanessa she grabbed her and used all her strength to drag her through the forest and back to camp as she went she yelled at Vanessa, "You can't leave me! I won't let you, I won't! You can't give up, please!" When she got back to camp she quickly grabbed some first aid supplies and bandaged her up. Lying her down on a bed.

"You'll be ok now Vanessa, I promise. You'll be ok now." She fed Vanessa some medicine to take some of the pain away and she stayed by her bed, talking to her quietly.
over a year ago JasmineValdez said…
She was hardly concious of what was going on. Somewhere there was May looked worried, yelling something Vanessa couldn't hear. Lana also stood nearby clutching what looked like a broken jaw. She didn't see Alvin or Nick anywhere. Vanessa let her eyes flicker shut. Just a second. She'd wake up after a second. She just wanted to rest.
over a year ago Dovemoon said…
Nick grabbed a pack and ran with his sword back to camp, killing a few tributes as he did.
over a year ago sam7b said…
Lana clutched her jaw. She hoped Vanessa might forget everything that happened when she woke up. She really didn't want to face Vanessa, especially now that she couldn't use her words to help her. She wasn't as strong without her words. She wouldn't feel as confident. But she was most afraid of Vanessa teasing her about her jaw. She knew she would tease Vanessa if she had a broken jaw but she hated being teased and not being able to yell back. She'd have to just take it.

Suddenly Vanessa realized something. She was acting scared. This could not be happening. Lana almost screamed, but then she remembered SHE COULDN'T! This was just TOO FRUSTRATING!
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over a year ago JasmineValdez said…
She opened her eyes a little, just to make sure she still could. Lana appeared to be unable to talk, thank goodness. The last thing Vanessa wanted was Lana to yell at her, tell her she was a sissy for not being able to take a knife. Dang, it hurt... Silent tears rolled down her cheeks and she bit her lip. Lana would pay.
over a year ago sam7b said…
Lana saw the look Vanessa gave her and her eyes widened. "I'm gonna go hunt..." She grabbed her stuff and quietly left.


May glared daggers at Lana. "Just leave. And don't bother coming back here until tomorrow morning, none of us want to deal with your s*** right now."


Lana was scared and hurt and now she couldn't go back to camp. She didn't bother hunting. She just found a place far from camp and laid on the hard ground. She tried to stay brave but she was only thirteen. Suddenly Lana hardened. She knew what her older brother would say. This was your fault, Lana. You dug this hole and now you need to get yourself out of it. No one in life will help with your problems so you need to deal with them yourself. You aren't getting out of this one. Just put on a tough face and deal with the consequences of your actions. You don't deserve any help or mercy.

Thinking those words and knowing they were true, Lana fell asleep.


May fell asleep next to Vanessa.
over a year ago JasmineValdez said…
(I gtg for the night. Bye everyone.)
over a year ago sam7b said…
(Bye. :) )
over a year ago Dovemoon said…
Nick looked at Vanessa and May. He like Lana. He was the first person that made the alliance. He got up, taking his supplies and weapons with him, he went after Lana.
over a year ago sam7b said…
Lana woke up to see Nick. She smiled up at him. For once she was happy to see someone. She had missed talking to Nick. He was the first person she had recruited. She took a stick and wrote in the dirt, "I know why you're here and I' flattered you want to help, but I knew what would happen if I hurt Vanessa. I'm taking my consequences, it's only fair. I'm not scared." She lied a little about that last part.
over a year ago Dovemoon said…
"Lana" he says softly, " You don't have to be tough all the time. Besides, Vanessa didn't deserve to be an alliance. " He kneels down beside her.
over a year ago sam7b said…
Lana crinkled her eyebrows and shook her head and wrote, "Vanessa does deserve to be in our alliance. She's a good fighter and she's usually nice to everyone, except me...but that might because I'm not really nice to her." Lana smirked. "And I know I don't have to be tough all time." She siled softly at him. "I want to be. That's how I was raised. Sure it's hard sometimes, but I like being tough. It's who I am."
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over a year ago Dovemoon said…
" Vanessa is a good person, i'll give her that but what happened to May was an accident. I know your tough, Lana. I've known that from day one."

over a year ago sam7b said…
Lana smiled and wrote, "Thanks Nick. You can go back to the group now if you want. I' the only one who was exiled for the night. And I really don't mind Nick. It's a consequence I have to pay."


Emmalyn sat on the ground at their camp, her lips closed in that ever present small smirk she always wore and her long legs crossed. She was fondling a sleek, pretty knife in her hands, looking at her reflection in the blade. For her token at home she had brought lipstick, mascara, and a mirror. Right then she was making sure her lipstick was on right. Her older sister was standing across from her, doing something else. Emmalyn started to do touch ups with her lipstick. It was a good night to be in the arena. There were injured people everywhere because of the Feast. Emmalyn could hardly imagine all the blood. Her smiled. She loved blood. It was the color lipstick she wore. She hoped she could find a boy in the Arena soon. They were always very fun to play with. Sometimes Emmalyn's sister would say she wasn't serious enough. Emmalyn knew Astrid was more grounded than she was. But it was just how things were. Astrid was the older twin and so she was responsible for Emmalyn. Emmalyn could be absolutely carefree because Astrid took care of almost everything.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Dovemoon said…
"No problem. I'm staying here though." Nick said and sat down beside Lana, leaning against the tree.

"Really, Emmalyn? Lipstick? " Astrid sighs, making her own dagger and formulating their next steps. As the older twin, Astrid was in charge of everything.
over a year ago sam7b said…
Lana smiled and wrote, "Thanks Nick. A lot." She laid down and smiled. What she felt with Nick wasn't romantic, it was could she put it...brotherly. He was a like a second older brother. And she was liking having an older brother again. She quickly went to sleep, feeling a little better.


Emmalyn looked at Astrid. "Yeah, really. One of us should at least look good." She smirked. "So when do we get to kill someone? I wanna kill someone." She closed her mini-mirror and slid it and her lipstick into her pocket. Then she stood up and leaned against a tree. Her shorts were extremely short and her shirt extremely tight, showing off her boobs, her tiny waist, and her beautiful legs. Emmalyn had always been the pretty one. Astrid didn't look bad, but she didn't compare to Emmalyn at all. Or at least not in Emmalyn's mind. Emmalyn knew what was coming next and she wasn't looking forward to it. Astrid always called Emmalyn by her childhood nickname, Emmie. Emmalyn hated that and Astrid knew it so she always tried to use it.

(I'm going off for the night guys. See ya tomorrow. :) )
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Dovemoon said…
Nick smiled and sat beside her, keeping watch for a little while before falling asleep.

Astrid rolled her eyes, "If you insist Emmie. But one of us doesn't have to use the makeup. " She continued carving a dagger. "We'll kill someone soon, okay? "
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago sam7b said…
Lana woke up the next morning to an intense pain in her jaw. She sat up and tried to distract herself with packing her stuff up so she could go back to camp. It was very early still, it seemed like the sun had just risen. She was hoping no one was awak when she got back.

When she was done packing she walked over to Nick and shook his shoulder. When he didn't wake up she pinched his nose shut until he started to wake. Then she gestured with her hands that she wad going back and she started to walk towards camp. When he didn't follow she turned and beckoned impatiently for him to follow her. She wasn't really a morning person.


Emmalyn glared at Astrid. "Don't call me that!" She sighed when Astrid said they would kill someone soon. "Alright, fine. But I don't know if I can wait much longer."
over a year ago JasmineValdez said…
Vanessa woke up in the forest wondering what on earth had happened. She had a throbbing headache and couldn't remember anything of how she got here. May lay by her side, a knife would in one leg, but it looked like it would be alright. A second, new backpack was near her. She tried to sit up, but a horrible pain on her stomach made her stop. A long , somewhat deep wound was there. She turned to grab the med pack, and there was an arrowhead in her shoulder. What on..? Suddenly it hit her. There had been a feast. She must have gotten hurt there... Lana, Nick and Alvin weren't at camp. She cursed, trying again to sit up,finally being able to prop her self back against a tree. "May, wake up. May... The others are gone."
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over a year ago sam7b said…
May woke up slowly and listened to Vanessa. "Oh, don't worry. After I made Lana leave Nick followed after her. I don't know why. But they should be back soon. Not that that's a really good thing after what she did to you. She gestured to Vanessa's stomach.
"And for that matter, me." She gestured to her leg wound.

(I don't think that Vanessa should have forgotten because it seems like then Lana just gets off the hook really easily. Plus I was interested to RP their fights and conflicts about the Feast.)
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over a year ago JasmineValdez said…
Vanessa put her head in her hands, trying to think. She could now see Lana, the blade being thrown, others laying dead around her feet. She rembered pain, excruciating pain... The screaming of other tributes.. Vanessa had put May on top of the cornucopia... somehow May had gotten hit too.... May had been hit by Lana's knife... She jerked her head up. " That little-"
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over a year ago JasmineValdez said…
(You want your other alliance to come meet this one? :P And I think Alvin might be banned... his account no longer exisits.)
over a year ago sam7b said…
Lana walked into their camp with Nick just in time to hear Vanessa say it. She awkwardly walked over to a tree and leaned against it, trying not to look at Vanessa.


May smirked. She knew that just about now Lana would normally have some snappy comeback. "Not so tough without your pretty mouth, are you?" She asked angrily. Lana glared.
over a year ago JasmineValdez said…
She sighed. "We're all beat up now, huh? I can't sit up, Nick's still hurt, Alvin's not back, May can't walk well, and Lana's lost her best weapon, her mouth"
over a year ago sam7b said…
Lana smirked, saying with her eyes, "I have a lot more weapons than my mouth. As I'm sure you know." She nodded to Vanessa's stomach wound.
over a year ago Dovemoon said…
Nick leaned against a tree cooly, looking at everyone.
over a year ago JasmineValdez said…
She noticed Lana look at her wound. "Yeah, I'm gonna get you for that. Don't worry." She took the silver knife they had fought for our of her bag, and twirled it around, inspecting it. Sure, it was teasing Lana, but at this point Vanessa was beyond the point of caring. This dagger had cost her a bloody nose,a punch to the face,and a knife in the stomach. She had every right to show it off.
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over a year ago sam7b said…
Lana smirked when Vanessa said she was gonna get her. As if she ever could. But then Vanessa took out the dagger. Lana glared angirly at Vanessa. She knew that knife was supposed to be Lana's and she was teasing her with it! The dagger itself was beautiful. It had a shiny, silver blade that would look amazing with some blood dripping off it and a black handle that would fit Lana's hand perfectly. Lana wanted it so badly! Trying to disguise how angry and upset she was, she rolled her eyes, as if saying, "How immature."
over a year ago JasmineValdez said…
Vanessa organized the other pack she got at the feast, since she couldn't exactly do much else. A net, another first aid kit, 3 knives, a waterbotlle, a pair of night-vison glasses, a few packs of food, and a jacket. Not bad.
over a year ago sam7b said…
Lana glanced at the content of Vanessa's pack. The only thing that really caught her eye was the night vision goggles. They could be usefull. Maybe she could take them some night after Vanessa was asleep and then return them before she woke up. That might be fun. Stealing anything from Vanessa, even if she had to return them in the morning, would be fun.

(So I'm thinking that night Lana can steal them and Vanessa can wake up a few minutes later and be like, "WTF? Where are they?" And she can looking for them and find Lana with them and be really angry. Maybe they can fight then. ANd during the fight maybe Vanessa can stab Lana in the stomach for payback and then bring her back to the camp. But IDK, whatever you wanna do. :) )
over a year ago sam7b said…
over a year ago JasmineValdez said…
(Sorry Sam it's been a busy week... I should be able to post more soon.)
over a year ago sam7b said…
(Ok. :) )
over a year ago Shark_Spirit said…
( Hello, yeah my friend was CrazyTridentSon and he was banned, and he didn't feel like making another account, so he told me to take over. He sometimes might get on my account and do so too)

Alvin had a wound in his legs, and blood was flowing quickly. He pulled off pieces of his leather jacket and wrapped them around his wounds." Where did they come from-" He broke off, trying to remember everything that happened.


After I kissed Vanessa on the cheek, and took off towards the feast, with my two hunting knifes. I was attacked, well ambushed by two tributes, who took a great deal in hitting my legs, but I battled them off long enough to get close enough to the feast. If he only could reach Vanessa, but he couldn't. He grabbed his bag and opened it, without a smile, but a wince in pain. So that why I was here now

*End of Flashback

Alvin groaned and uncovered the wound, adding the medical burning stuff do it, then wrapped them up again. He hopped Vanessa would remember the whistle and he did it twice, waiting 5 seconds, went again but once, waited a little longer, then blew 3 times. He hoped Vanessa remembered it, and he sat there, and he got up, using the golden horn thingy.
over a year ago JasmineValdez said…
(Uh, alright.)

Vanessa jolted awake the second she heard the whistle. She hadn't even realized she'd fallen asleep. "That's Alvin's whistle- he's still alive!" She tried to get to her feet again. "Lana, help me up, we have to go get him."
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over a year ago Alvin2442 said…
( And in reality, I'm CrazyTridentSon and Shark_Spirit)

Alvin looked head, staring hard, hoping she remembered it.
over a year ago JasmineValdez said…
Vanessa whistled back, She managed to pull herself up, and ran toward the sound of Alvin's voice, dragging Lana behind her.
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over a year ago Alvin2442 said…
Alvin heard the whistle, and grinned, he could move to get near her whistle, so I walked faster to her.
over a year ago JasmineValdez said…
She finally saw Alvin, and ran toward him, throwing her arms around his shoulders. " Oh my gosh. Thank goodness you're not dead."
over a year ago Alvin2442 said…
He winced from the pain, that shot up his leg, but hugged her back." I was attacked though"
over a year ago JasmineValdez said…
Vanessa back up. "Sorry. Yeah, everyone's hurt now I guess. Let's get you back to camp."