The Hunger Games The RP in which you have fun and never want to stop writing :)

Grrrrr posted on Jul 07, 2012 at 03:02PM
AHMEM, in this RP you can make a character, and live in the hunger games. When describing your character describe:
strong points
low points
So right now I'm going to set the scene. All 24 tributes are set on a volcano. But here's the twist; the volcano has some weird climate changes, like one day snowing and the next day boiling. The tributes can go anywhere on the volcano (but on the very base is located a force field), just know that the volcano is still active, and can blow at any random time. The volcano is completely empty, but the capitol has the power to MAKE it randomly blow. The Cornucopia is full of bags that have food in them, sleeping bags, but NO WEAPONS were included. Your character either has to make their own weapons or fight in hand-to-hand combat.
The scene starts at the chariots.

last edited on Jul 07, 2012 at 03:23PM

The Hunger Games 908 replies

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over a year ago sam7b said…
Lana watched as Alvin brought may back and he ran off in another direction. Lana had no idea about how critically May was hurt so she went over to the little girl and looked at her. Alvin had given her sleeping pills and they were doing their job. Her wound was pretty bad and it looked VERY painful, but she would live. Lana applied some better medicine to the wound and changed the patch over the wound. Then she covered the little girl with a blanket and let her sleep.

"Nick, Vanessa is going to kill you." Lana smirked. She loved seeing people get in trouble.
over a year ago CrazyTridentSon said…
Alvin followed a path of dripping blood, then he heard a soft sound.
over a year ago Dovemoon said…
" yea, I figure it would happen sooner of later " he says grimly
over a year ago CrazyTridentSon said…
An arrow soared across, nearly hitting Alvin, but it missed. He turned the direction the arrow came from, grabbed both of his knives, and then some light started to sear through.
over a year ago JasmineValdez said…
She sceamed when she saw someone on the ground, Lana and Nick bending over them. Alvin? No, he was here a second ago..." Oh no, not May,not may,not may..." Vanessa fell on her knees beside the little girl. May was still breathing, but there was just too much blood.. She tried her hardest not to sob, that would do May no good. Instead, Vanessa pulled out her med kit and started working, her hands quickly giving her medicine, cleaning and covering the wound. Once May's breathing became normal she looked up, the little girl's head in her lap. "What. On. Earth. Happened."
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago sam7b said…
Lana stood a few feet away from Vanessa so she wouldn't receive Vanessa's wrath when she heard the news. "Nick let her go into the forest alone. He thought she could handle herself. Obviously he was wrong." Lana smirked.
over a year ago CrazyTridentSon said…
" Come out, or die" He said, calmly, which made it sound much more dangerous.
over a year ago JasmineValdez said…
"Stop smiling Lana. If you want me to go beat Nick up, I won't. I don't play by your rules. And where's Alvin? You let him go in the forest alone too?"
over a year ago sam7b said…
Lana frowned. "For your information, I didn't do anything. And after he brought May back he left. Probably to look for the person who hurt her." Lana was disappointed. She was so looking forward to seeing Nick get hurt.
over a year ago Dovemoon said…
" look, it's my fault. Alvin on the other hand went to search for the culprit" Nick said calmly and seriously
over a year ago CrazyTridentSon said…
Alvin used his worst knife, and threw it into the culprit's arm.
over a year ago sam7b said…
Lana sighed and sat down on the ground. The Gamemakers seemed unusually calm. What where they up to?
over a year ago CrazyTridentSon said…
Alvin looked around, then heard a scream of pain.
over a year ago sam7b said…
Suddenly Lana heard a loud voice echo around the Arena. "Hello tributes! I hope you're having fun down there in the arena." Lana recognized the voice as one of the more respected Gamemakers, Paliuneaus Daylauna. She listened intently as he talked.

"Well, there's good news and bad. The good news is that by end of the day some of you will have the things that you most desire. The bad news, however, is that most of you will die trying." Lana heard the smirk in his voice. "I'm glad to announce that there's going to be a feast! A table will appear by Cornucopia at exactly sunset. On it there will be many desired items. Food, filled water jugs, many dangerous weapons, pencils, paper, and a special item called a letter balloon. These unique devices will allow you to write a letter, if you have the right tools of course, put them in the balloon, and then the balloon will float up out of the arena and be delivered to the person you're sending the letter to. Best friends, family, whoever you want. You may take up to three balloons, but if you take more than you will be punished." Lana was pretty sure being "punished" wouldn't be much fun. The Gamemaker kept talking.

"The table will enter the arena at exactly sunset tonight and will close after all the items are gone. If you do not attend the Feast, then you will have to face a new species of mutts that we have created. We will not tell you what type of mutt they are just yet, but may I just say that they are extremely dangerous. Oh, but there is one last catch. At the Feast it is every man for himself. Therefore, alliances mean nothing at the Feast. You may NOT work with your alliance members while there. If two members want the same knife, you must battle for it. And if you do not try your hardest, then you will be punished. After the Feast alliances may rejoin if they wish. Good luck tributes!"

Lana sat quietly. Sunset wouldn't be coming for at least 5 hours. Lana wasn't sure if she would attend the Feast or face the mutts, but she was pretty sure the Feast was the better option. At least then she knew what she was dealing with and she got something from it. She had no idea what species of mutt the mutts were and with the mutts she would either survive or not. She wouldn't get anything from the mutts. Lana was pretty sure she would go with the Feast.

Lana was excited about the "no mercy with alliance members" rule. She could hurt anyone she didn't like in the alliance and not be held responsible because of the rule. She wouldn't kill anyone, but she might come close if she really didn't like them. *coughcough* Vanessa and Alvin *coughcough*
over a year ago Dovemoon said…
Nick listened intently to the announcement. He looked at Lana, " You going to the feast then?" Nick asked.
over a year ago sam7b said…
"Yeah. It sounds..." Lana searched for a word and then smirked dangerously when she found one. "Fun." Lana thought for a second and said, "I like you though Nick, so just stay out of my way and I'll try not to hurt you. Same with May. She's two small for me to hurt."
over a year ago JasmineValdez said…
Vanessa wanted to puke. A feast. No alliances. Nothing she really needed anyway. She had a decent weapon and good supplies. And judging by the way Lana was smiling, this very well be the death of her.
over a year ago CrazyTridentSon said…
Alvin came back behind Vanessa, smiling" Interesting, but don't get in my way, because I won't hesitate to kill"
over a year ago sam7b said…
Lana saw Vanessa looking at her worriedly. "Don't worry Vanessa. You're a good alliance member...Well, when it comes to fighting anyway. I'm not gonna kill you." Lana paused. "I'll probably just cause you a world of pain." Lana grinned and walked happily over to her dagger to clean it. She wanted the coming blood to stand out bright and red against the blade.

(I GTG to my grandparent's house and they live, like, two hours away, but I'm bringing my computer so when I get there I'll try to get on the internet and post a few times. I'll be home later tonight though and I can post as much as I want then. We shouldn't start the Feast until I get home tonight because then I can post regularly. Sorry about that. Thanks guys! :) )
over a year ago CrazyTridentSon said…
( Alright)

Alvin cleaned off his knives, and trident, and his other weapons. He, then sharpened them, and then he put them in their places. Trident: Back Knives: Legs." I feel like killing someone"
over a year ago JasmineValdez said…
She grabbed her own weapon, noticing how pathetic the hand carved trident was. It had worked this far, but she would still have to pick up a knife or something at the feast. Maybe some more food also. The balloon- things were useless to her, she had no family left to write to.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Dovemoon said…
Nick took the knife he had as fixed his splint on his arm again and sharpens the tips of the branches to make it sharp.
over a year ago JasmineValdez said…
Vanessa tried to keep herself busy. She drank a little, relaced her boots, went through her pack, anything to keep her mind off the fact that at sunset, there would be the feast.
over a year ago CrazyTridentSon said…
Alvin walked over to Vanessa, sitting in front of her." Hey Vanessa, how are you?" I asked, trying to make conversation.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago JasmineValdez said…
"Oh, I'm great Alvin. Hanging around in the arena. Love it. You come here often?," Vanessa asked sarcastically. She sighed and threw a pinecone at a nearby squirrel, causing it to fall out of the tree. Oops. " You ready for the feast?"
over a year ago CrazyTridentSon said…
Alvin nodded, and reached out to grab her hand" Yeah, you need an better trident?" I joked, though asked.
over a year ago JasmineValdez said…
She let him take her hand. "Ha, I wish. It's not like I have sponsors though. People probably expected me to be dead by now."
over a year ago CrazyTridentSon said…
Alvin pulled his trident off his back, laid it across the floor, and he looks up at Vanessa" Take mine, I can use my knives, plus there's probably another one waiting for me, at the feast, and I have few sponsors, probably my friends, who can manage to get my old stuff"
over a year ago JasmineValdez said…
Her jaw dropped a little at the offer. "Alvin, you sure? Really, you might need it."
over a year ago CrazyTridentSon said…
" I'm sure, just for you, think as it as"
over a year ago JasmineValdez said…
"Alright....Thanks Alvin." She leaned over and gave him a quick peck on the cheek.
over a year ago CrazyTridentSon said…
He smiled" Your welcome".
over a year ago JasmineValdez said…
She looked at the sun, which was dropping at an alarming rate. "We don't have too much longer until sunset... Better get everyone together."
over a year ago CrazyTridentSon said…
over a year ago JasmineValdez said…
(gtg guys)
over a year ago CrazyTridentSon said…
( Bye!)
over a year ago sam7b said…
(Oh my god guys, I am sooo sorry I was gone for so long! Last night I had a super near death experience driving home and then when we got home it was, like, two in the morning and I was exhausted. I even tried to get online but the internet wouldn't work and I didn't have the energy to fix it. Anyways, I'm here now so let me just post for Lana and then May waking up and finding out about the Feast and then we can start.)

Lana was in the process of finishing off her pouch of rasberries when Alvin called her name. She set down the berries and walked over to the group, carrying her bag of throwing knives and her dagger. She was hoping to get a spear or sword at the Feast, along with some more food and some of those "balloon" thingys. She could trade them with another tribute or something. She stood next to Vanessa and waited for Nick and May.


May slowly woke up. Her side really hurt so she lifted up her shirt and almost fainted. There was huge bandage on her hip and right in the middle it was a bright, crimson red. She almost fainted. Suddenly she noticed that everyone was grouping up. She looked up at Nick. "What's going on?" Nick seemed surprised that she was awake but he replied, "There's going to be a Feast at sunset. It's every man for himself and if you don't go you have to face a new breed of mutts."

May nodded, trying to stay calm and take it all in. She tried to stand up but she gasped pain and clutched her side. How am I going to stay alive if I can't walk?! She thought to herself, panicked. Nick came over and grabbed under her arms, helping her to stand. The pain was so intense, but somehow it kept her calm. She could think more clearly when she had pain to focus in on. She managed to walk by herself over to the group, wincing as she walked and yelping whenever a new bought of pain came.

When she finally got to the group, she leaned against a tree and tied to breath more steadily. "How..." She started to ask. "Am I supposed to fight in a Feast when I can barely walk?"
over a year ago CrazyTridentSon said…
" I really can't help you there, none of us can, because there are no alliances, but I haven't been one to follow the Capital's Rules" He said to them and only you all.
over a year ago Dovemoon said…
" may, try to stay out of our way because we have to fight you if we want the same thing. " nick said. He had finished sharping the tips of the branches of his makeshift splint for his arm. He had rewrapped the worst of the huge cut on his leg. He felt better and could walk and could figt now.
over a year ago JasmineValdez said…
"May, they didn't say you had to take anything at the feast.... Maybe you can just go, and find a good spot to hide until it's all over. We can help, we're allies up until when the table comes."
over a year ago CrazyTridentSon said…
Alvin looked between his hunger games friends." We have to stay out of each others' way, as well"
over a year ago JasmineValdez said…
Vanessa nodded grimly." Stay safe guys. I don't want to lose my friends."
over a year ago CrazyTridentSon said…
" Me either" Alvin hugged all of you and he looked up at the sky, sunset was minutes away.
over a year ago JasmineValdez said…
(Maybe we'll get lucky, and everyone will come on at once... :P)
over a year ago CrazyTridentSon said…
( I hope so)

He felt the ticking, and he looked over at Vanessa, gave her an kiss, and started charging towards the feast, just at sunset hit.
over a year ago sam7b said…
Lana grabbed her dagger and ran after Alvin. She got to the edge of the forest and stared at the Cornucopia that was right in front of the edge of the forest. In about 3 minutes the table would come up. She started planning.
over a year ago JasmineValdez said…
Vanessa had May ride piggyback, and took her to the cornucopia to find a spot to hide. They were allies until the table came up, then May would have to be own her own.
over a year ago JasmineValdez said…
At the cornucopia, Vanessa found a tarp left over from the blood bath that blended in with the color of the horn. Perfect. She helped May climb on top of the Cornucopia, made sure she had her knife, then covered the little girl with the plastic sheeting. It was somewhat see- through, so May could watch what was happening, but it blended well enough that a hurried tribute wouldn't notice a thing. She hoped May would stay safe up there, and one of the allies could collect her as they left.
over a year ago sam7b said…
(Sorry I've been gone, I was finishing homework and getting ready for tomorrow.)

Lana waited intently for the table to rise.Suddenly a rectangular section of the ground fell away and a plastic, white table rose up. It was filled with beautiful weapons. They looked absolutely malicious and sharper than any weapons Lana had ever seen. Lana grinned. Suddenly her eye caught on something. It was a beautiful red axe with a razor sharp blade and red and silver handle. It was wonderfully made and Lana wanted it. She took off running towards the table, faster than she had ever run before. As soon as her feet hit the ground she pushed off. Her light weight helped her achieve an amazing speed.

Suddenly she heard someone behind her. They were heading in the same direction as her. She didn't care who it was, but she wanted that axe more than anything. Axes were her best weapon. She selected a sharp throwing knife and threw it behind her, confident that it would hit the target.
over a year ago JasmineValdez said…
Vanessa dodged the knife and kept running. "Luv ya too Lana!" She held Alvin's trident firmly in one hand, the other arm ready to grab what she could and get out. Others tributes began to storm in behind her as she reached the table.

( Uh... Is it just me or is Alvin's profile gone?)