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Real Life Inspirations Behind Some of the Best Comic Book Villains



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Originally clicked on this because of Conrad Veidt but then I saw Nate all the way at the bottom. Don't worry Nate I still like your design as long as it's your more toned down modern version and not being drawn by Liefeld. Funny story, I showed my art teacher some of Liefeld's work and he said his Captain America was one of the funniest things he'd seen.
posted over a year ago.
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Liefeld will seem to catch most people at either a laugh, gasp, or scream. I'm glad your teacher laughed.

Somehow it doesn't surprise me that Magneto was inspired by Malcom X. Like, really doesn't surprise me. Like, I'm actually surprised that I didn't realize this sooner.

Uh, I don't think I was supposed to laugh hysterically at the Hellfire Club's inspiration, but that's what happened.
posted over a year ago.