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12 Movies That Were Ruined By One Dumb Decision

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Fanpup says...
I remember visiting this website once...
It was called 12 Movies That Were Ruined By One Dumb Decision
Here's some stuff I remembered seeing:
25 Horror Films You Must Watch Before Halloween
10 Movies That Don\'t Deserve Their 100% Rotten Tomatoes Rating
Batman Vs Superman: 15 Questions Fans Still Have
12 Movies That Were Ruined By One Dumb Decision
When you sit watching a bad movie it is normally the culmination of a long series of bad decisions. Chief among them you spending your hard earned cash on a ticket, but we’re talking less about your shockingly poor judge of quality (did Movie 43 really look funny to you?) and more about how the film itself has came into being.
Lots of things can go wrong in the journey from concept to screen. Although a truly terrible script can be spotted, without any sensory input a mediocre one can appear stellar, while a great one can crumble under bad direction (just see the varying success of movies from Hollywood’s widely-revered Black List of unproduced scripts).
Of course, that’s not always the case. Whether it led to a destructive chain reaction, or was so heinous it overshadowed everything else in the film varies, there’s some choices made during production that single-handedly manage to derail what could have been a pretty damn fine movie. Today we’re going to bring you twelve movies that could have been awesome, but one dumb decision led down a path of destruction. Quite how no one realised they were leading themselves to critical (although in most cases regrettably not commercial disappointment) is, frankly beyond us, but movie-making is a strange business.
In this post: Daniel-Craig • featured • Features • James Bond • Lists • Quantum of Solace
This article was first posted on October 13, 2014
Film obsessive. Durham Uni Graduate. Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.
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