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If you could meet one wrestler from the past, present, and future(NXT or indies), who would they be?

3 fans have answered this question

Who would you like to see in the 2015 WWE Hall of Fame?

2 fans have answered this question
Magic the Gathering

What is Your favorite ability that a creature can get?

1 fan has answered this question

Who here agrees with Bret Hart that Triple H's match with The Undertaker at last years Wrestlemania was "mediocre at best"?

2 fans have answered this question
Dragon Ball Z

What are your top 5 attacks of the whole db series?

5 fans have answered this question

Do any of you agree with bruno sammartino's decision about not wanting to be part of the wwe hall of fame?

1 fan has answered this question

What was the greatest match in the history of the wwe to you?

5 fans have answered this question

Does blood magick age you?

1 fan has answered this question
Dragon Ball Z

Whenever piccolo and kami merged, he said he didnt remember his real name, but when krillin told guru about how they had dragonballs on earth, guru knew who he was talking about and he called him kami, so wouldnt that make kami his real name?

2 fans have answered this question
Ginyu Force

If you could have any of the attack or abilities of the ginyu force, but only one attack or ability, which one would it be and why?

1 fan has answered this question