CSI:NY Things that would never happen in CSI : New York

House34 posted on Aug 07, 2008 at 10:34AM
This topic is for fun. Just make up funny scenarios that would never happen on set.

It's 4 a.m. and Lindsay drunkly staggers into a deserted lab, sits down at a desk, lays her head down on the computer keybord and goes to sleep. Mac shows up around 6 a.m. or whatever time a good CSI boss would appear and notices Lindsay at her desk.
Mac : Have you been here all night ?
Linds: Yeah, well, you know, I really want to crack this case.
Mac : You're keen - I like that !
Linds *stands up and looks at Mac straight in the eyes* : I'm just doing my job, Mac

CSI:NY 178 replies

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over a year ago Chandlerfan said…
hahahahahaha!! I love it! XDDDDD
I can imagine Mac giggling like a schoolgirl now! *gg*
over a year ago EnjoyHuddy said…
lol!! XD
over a year ago House34 said…
great ones, guys !!
I'm so glad I came up with the idea of such a funny forum topic :))
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago House34 said…
At the crime scene :
Mac: Ok..So the vic is in the back yard of the house, Danny I want you and Hawkes to process the scene , Flack, get witnesses to talk, Stella and Lindsay you're coming with me inside the house to look for more evidence.
Everybody agrees, but no one moves, except Flack, who starts questioning the neighbours.
Mac: You didn't hear me ?
Danny: Yeah, but..uhm..
Hawkes: We..don't wanna do it !
Mac: What ?
Danny: Don't get pissed, Mac..we just..think it's boring..
Mac: I don't care what you think, do your job !
Stella: Mac, give them a break !..If they don't wanna do it, it's fine..
Mac: Go process the crime scene now !!
Danny *looks down* /here we go again../
Stella: Mac, leave them alone ! Guys, it's ok, really !
Mac: What ? No !! You're CSIs you have to do it ! What's the matter ? I won't accept this !

3 days, funeral

Danny: Pore Mac..
Stella: And I told him it was ok..
Hawkes: Damn..I really wasn't expecting a heart attack..
last edited over a year ago
At the crime scene :
Mac: Ok..So the vic is in the back yard of the house, Danny I want you and Hawk
over a year ago key_ra said…
mac: (beside stella) i just wanna say that i hate you
stella: thanks mac, i really glad with that
mac:i don't want to see you again
stella: we will always meet each other, mac.
mac: leave new york, please
stella: that is what i will never do, mac.
mac: enough
stella: you start it, mac and you ask me to enough? listen to me. mac! are you hear me? i don't need you as my partner understand!!!
mac:(looking at stella) what are you talking about?
stella: you just say a bad thing!
stella: i just hear it, mac!
mac: oh stella what make u think i point it to you
stella: well, i am the only person here
mac: oh, but i am talking to the phone, stella. (in the line)hey, sorry. i need to go coz every time i talking to you, my friend answer it. we talk later.
stella: are you kidding me?!!!!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago key_ra said…
sorry, my bad english. i am malay
over a year ago Chandlerfan said…
hahahaha!! I love them both! XDDDDDD
over a year ago Olivine said…
"every time i talking to you, my friend answer it."

haaa awesome XDDD and yours too, house 34 XD
over a year ago key_ra said…
haha.. "we don't wanna do it" and i believe in it wont be happen in csi ny. i guarantee that. just funny. great guys!!!!!
over a year ago key_ra said…
thanks 4 everything. is it okay? i just got the only idea. if you don't like it, it is fine. just fine
over a year ago Chandlerfan said…
key_ra, don't worry, it's a really good idea =]
I hope you'll think of some more =]
over a year ago House34 said…
Danny comes in the lab eating a slice of pizza
Stella: Hey, Danny !
Danny *doesn't say anything. Keeps eating that pizza slice like he's never eaten pizza before*
Hawkes *comes in* : Hey, guys ! I got something ! The fiber we found matches Denise's sweater ! I'll go find evidence which says she bought it from Mr. Lino's store. *Looks at Danny who's still eating* You' ok, man ?
Stella: I think he is..*smiles*
Danny *nothink..no words*
Hawkes *looking at Danny* Ook..I'm gonna..go..*looks at Stella, then leaves*
Stella: You're not gonna talk to me ? Is it THAT good ?..
Danny *doesn't say anything*
Stella: Well..you'll finish it at some point..!
*Before the last bite, Danny falls on the ground*
Stella * scared*: Danny !! Danny !..
Lindsay *appeares from behind* : Ook..now home with you, mister !!
Stella: Lindsay, what's going on ?..
Lindsay: I told him to stay with the kid, but nooo..he has to work..that's what he always says..like I don't know what his job means..so I ..drugged him
Stella: What ?!
Lindsay: He loves this type of pizza!..I knew it'd work..
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Danny comes in the lab eating a slice of pizza
Stella: Hey, Danny !
Danny *doesn't say anything. Ke
over a year ago Chandlerfan said…
hahahaha!! Awesome idea! XDD
LOL at Lindsay drugging Danny! XD
over a year ago House34 said…
:)) I thought about it..cause I remembered when..Cuddy drugged House to make him go to his dad's funeral :P
last edited over a year ago
:)) I thought about it..cause I remembered when..Cuddy drugged House to make him go to his dad's fune
over a year ago Chandlerfan said…
Mac: Right guys...this case is very important and I promised the vic we'd get the guy so...*waits patiently*...*starts getting angry*...WILL YOU GUYS QUIETEN DOWN! NOOOOWW! *angry face*
*everyone goes quiet*
Mac: Right...thank you...now, you....and you...go find some more evidence....*they go*...you two stay with me, and we'll talk to the main suspect...
*Mac goes over to talk to Mr Happy with his new CSIs Molly and Andy*
Mac: OK, Mr Happy...where were you at 3.34 pm yesterday?
Mr Happy: *no answer*
Mac: *sigh* You know you're making yourself look more guilty by not saying anything?
Mr Happy: *no answer*
Mac: *gets angry* Ohh...ohh...I have had enough of you and your smirks and your cocky attitude and your....
*Danny and Stella walk in*
Stella: Mac...what are you doing...?
Mac: Talking to the suspect...
Danny: Umm, ok, who's the vic...?
Mac: *points* Her over there....Miss Piggy
Danny: The one sitting with Kermit?
Mac: *nods*
Stella: OK, Mac Taylor you tell me what's going on right now!
Mac: I told you...
Stella: Why are you treating 4 year olds like CSIs and why are both the vic and suspect CUDDLY TOYS?!?!
Mac: I was...I...I don't know...*looks down at floor*
Stella: *shakes head*
Danny: O________O
over a year ago House34 said…
over a year ago key_ra said…
over a year ago Chandlerfan said…
Stella, Danny, Lindsay and Hawkes are at a crime scene...
Danny: Where's Mac...?
Stella: I don't know...we can't wait for him forever so start processing the scene...I'll check back at the lab...*others start processing the scene while Stella heads back to the lab*
Back at the lab
*Mac is in his office obviously concentrating on something* *Stella walks in*
Stella: Mac...what are you doing here? You're meant to be at the crime scene and...ARE YOU EVEN LISTENING TO ME TAYLOR!?
Mac: *his head shoots up to look at Stella* ...huh?
Stella: *rolls eyes* Get to the crime scene...
Mac: *his attention drifts off somewhere else* mmhmm
Stella: ...OK, what are your hands doing under the desk...and why are you jumping around excitedly like that...
Mac: I'm just...you know...
Stella: Oh dear god! You're not doing what I think you're doing are you?! Cause if you are....>.<
Mac: *ignoring Stella's last comment* Ahhh crap!! Stell! I've lost the game now! Great...thanks a lot!
Stella: What are you...*she turns to the TV where Mac is looking and realises he was playing a video game*...oh my god....thank god! =]
Mac: O___o Thank god?!?! I was on Level 64 and now I have to start ALL OVER AGAIN!! O_O
Stella: *walks over to the games console and takes out the disc* Or not....*throws disc on floor and stomps on it*
Mac: O____________O *cries* My life! My life is over!
Stella: What are you...a woman?
Mac: YES!
Stella: O________o //And to think I had a crush on you...// *blushes*
over a year ago House34 said…
brilliant !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago key_ra said…
you know what, chandlerfan. i love it both!!!! everytime i think bout csi:ny on when it would be on air (in malaysia, it just finished season 4 so we need to wait a few month) i will memorize this thing and my mom always asks me,"what happen on you, laughing by yourself" ( i mean in malay language). i can't even stop laughing in this. i love both and i need to think 4 a new idea to beat you but unsuccessfully in this moment..... =(
but well both are awesome and fantastic. wish you could hear i laughing =DDDDDDDDD
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago key_ra said…
i got a new idea but i don't think it is so funny.

mac and stella are at the crime scene waiting for danny. while waiting, they start their investigation.....
stella: mac, did danny know about this crime scene?
mac: yup. i told him already.
stella: oh great, my tools in my car.
mac: so, just take it.
stella. but.....
mac: what
stella: my car key is is in the car
mac: what!!!! do you lock your car
stella: come on mac, it is auto lock.
mac: i will find some tool to open your car or do you want me to miss call your car key? so, it can answer and we can sure it is in there.
stella: ha?
mac: kidding
*mac find some tools and try to open it*
stella: mac, faster. it is going to rain. the sunroof is open. the water will get into my car.
mac: what sunroof?
stella: please mac, try to open my car. i want to close my sunroof.....
*can you think what happen next* =)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago key_ra said…
stella and danny at the crime scene

stella: where is mac?
danny: dunno
stella: why he taking too long to get here.
danny: dunno
stella: what are he doing now?
danny: dunno
stella: danny...
danny: dunno
stella: i need to call him and don't you ever say dunno.
danny: ok, a new word. let me think hm... go on
stella: ergh...
stella: i need to go to public phone.
danny: go on
stella: can you do this alone while..
danny: go on
*danny grin*

(on the phone)
stella: mac, where are you.
mac: well at the place you say to me.but which one.
stella: which one what?
mac: the crime scene.
stella: where are you?
mac: ok, i am in front of the bus stand. my back is a public phone. my right is restaurant and my left is parking place. how about you.
stella: well, i am at the public phone. my back is bus stand. my right is parking place and my left is restaurantt. so where are you?
mac: where are you?
stella: *turn backward ( maybe boring looking at the phone) and saw a man that she maybe recognize.*
mac: *turn backward( maybe tired looking at the bus stand)*
stella and mac at the same time: you?!!!!
over a year ago House34 said…
(on the phone)
stella: mac, where are you.
mac: well at the place you say to me.but which one.
stella: which one what?
mac: the crime scene.
stella: where are you?
mac: ok, i am in front of the bus stand. my back is a public phone. my right is restaurant and my left is parking place. how about you.
stella: well, i am at the public phone. my back is bus stand. my right is parking place and my left is restaurantt. so where are you?
mac: where are you?
stella: *turn backward ( maybe boring looking at the phone) and saw a man that she maybe recognize.*
mac: *turn backward( maybe tired looking at the bus stand)*
stella and mac at the same time: you?!!!!

I liked this one hahahaaa
over a year ago Chandlerfan said…
hahaha they're both awesome key_ra!
I'm still laughing =DD
over a year ago House34 said…
*Mac is at home and gets a phone call*
Mac: Taylor!
*no one speaks*
Mac: Hello!..Who is this ?
Mac: Hello ? *waits a bit and then hangs up*

*later, Mac arrives at work and notices that everybody is laughing as he passes them*
Danny *aproaches Mac and can barely hold his laughter* : Uhm..Mac..*smiles..looks down* I'm sorry I..can't say..uhm..*laughs*
*Hawkes and Lindsay see him and start laughing*
Stella *comes from the M.E's lab* : Mac !..*smiles..* I..I..*laughs* I'm sorry..
Mac: Is this about the phone call ?
*they can't stop laughing*
Mac: Who was it ? I wanna know right now..WHO DID IT ??
*Hawkes and Danny run in the nearest lab and keep laughing*
Stella: What ? Who did wh * bursts into laugh*
Mac: Stop it! I'm very serious ! Who did it ? And why ?
Lindsay *can barely speak* : Who did what..? *cover her mouth with one hand*
Mac: Who called me ?? *doesn't understand the others* Stop laughing !! Why the hell are you laughing ??
*Stella and Lindsay can't stop..*
Don*aproaches* : Mac..what..*smiles* man..go in the bathroom !! Turn them around !
Mac : What ?!
Don: Your pants are backwards !
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*Mac is at home and gets a phone call*
Mac: Taylor!
*no one speaks*
Mac: Hello!..Who is this ?
over a year ago House34 said…
I'm crazy :P
over a year ago Chandlerfan said…
LOL! Yes you are =DD
hahaha that was hilarious! XD
over a year ago Sophiii said…
LOL these are soo funny!
over a year ago House34 said…
over a year ago key_ra said…
oh my god, are you crazy. this is great. very great. i can't stop laughing now. my mom thought me crazy. i really can imagine if this really happen in csi ny. what a jerk. hahahahahahaha...=DDDDDDDDD. AWESOME!!!!!
over a year ago key_ra said…
i get this idea but i don't know it is okay or not.

mac: hey danny, wanna play a game with me.
danny: yeah sure. what game.
mac: some word game. you need to say what the last word i say.
danny: sure.
mac: one day, i go fishing.
danny: fishing
mac: suddenly, i feel like i want to defecate.
danny: defecate.
mac: but, there is no toilet.
danny: toilet.
mac: so, i find a bush and decide to do it there.
danny: there.
mac: at the tomorrow day, i go there and see the "thing" gone.
danny: gone.
mac: so i think who eat that "thing" for me.
danny: (without further thinking) me.
over a year ago Olivine said…
hahaaa XDD omg hilarious!
i can't stop laughing now..you are all so awesome.. *gg*
over a year ago House34 said…
loooool..I love this forum :)) OMG..hahahaaa
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Olivine said…
yep definitely my favourite forum :) and not only on the csi spot
over a year ago Olivine said…
Stella: *enters Mac's office* Hey Mac...
Mac: What's up, Stella?
Stella: Erm...wasn't it a little harsh how you yelled at Danny before...?
Mac: Trust me, Stella, he deserved it.
Stella: He didn't mean to break the coffee maschine. It just happened.
Mac: Yes and now everyone is sleeping in the lab instead of working, because they didn't get their daily caffeine. He had to be punished.
Stella: Aren't you afraid, that he will be mad at you and take revenge?
Mac: Revenge? Nonsense. I'm his boss and he respects me.
Stella: *hears a noise* *turns around*
*sees Danny running around outside, playing with Mac's yellow ball that contains Claire's breath*
O____o Uh...sure, Mac...
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over a year ago key_ra said…
i agree with you, olivine. and this is funny. love it very much. hahahaha....=)
over a year ago House34 said…
OH GOOOD..that was a full hit !! That will totally never happen..greaaaat one, Olivine !!
last edited over a year ago
OH GOOOD..that was a full hit !! That will totally never happen..greaaaat one, Olivine !!
over a year ago HouseQL said…

Flack: I'm gonna ride my motorbike! Who wants to ride with me ?
Danny: Oh oh oh me me me !!..pick me ! Pick me!
Danny: Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Flack: We didn't go yet!
Danny: Weeeeeeeeeeeeee
over a year ago HouseQL said…
Flack *having been woken up*: 'Lo?
Stella *drunk off her ass*: Flaack!!..Can..we..you..the..we need you for to find pick us take us home!!..
Flack: Oy..I'm not doing it Stella, I got a meeting at 7 a.m. and it's already 4..
Stella: No but..Mac is here..Flack..Mac..Flack and Mac, hey that rhymes..Hey but..no..but pleeeaaaseee Flack..it's the last time I'll ask..I promise !
Flack: You always promise, Stella, NO ! Leave me alone, would ya ?
Mac *trying to get the phone*: Flack!..Flackity Flacker..You're..you are..you are tall..you're very very tall..
Flack: I know Mac..listen to me. Call a cab and
Mac *interrupting*: I love you
Flack: What??
Mac:I..love you..you're my friend!..
Flack: aaaaaaaaaaawww maaaaann..where are you ?.. I'll be right there !..
over a year ago House34 said…
hahahaaaa :))

Hawkes: This woman is...dead!
Danny: How do you know that ?
Hawkes: Cause' momma didn't raise no fool !
last edited over a year ago
hahahaaaa :))

Hawkes: This woman is...dead!
Danny: How do you know that ?
Hawkes: Cause' momma d
over a year ago Olivine said…
flack mac flack mac xDDDD

XD great ones :)
over a year ago Chandlerfan said…
ahahaha!! XDDDDDDDD
Awesome ones here! I love this forum! XDD
over a year ago Chandlerfan said…
Stella: So, um...what you doing? *gg*
Mac: *looks up slightly worried* What the-? You never ask me that question...
Stella: I DO!
Mac: Don't!
Stella: Do!
Mac: Don't!
Stella: DO!
Mac: D-! OK stop this...you don't ask me that question when it's so obvious what I'm doing!
Stella: DO!
Mac: O__O Stel! What's going on...are you high...?
Stella: *nods* ...Danny keeps a whooooole stash! *grins in a freakish manner*
Mac: O_____o
over a year ago House34 said…
over a year ago House34 said…
Lindsay *pissed off because no one remembered her birthday, goes on that platform Adam threw paper air planes from and shouts*: If I don't receive birthday presents on my desk in the next half hour I'll destroy the archived samples and all devices I find in my way !!

*half hour later, Lindsay enters her office and sees boxes and bags and flowers all over the place. Smiling, she starts opening them*
Danny *pretty tired, comes in*: Hey, Montana!..woooooooww..what happened here ??
Lindsay *stops what she was doing*: Excuse me ??
Danny *notices a happy birthday note on one of the presents*: I meant..I didn't think sooo many people loved you..besides me..
Lindsay:Danny..where is your present ?
Danny: What, you haven't found it yet ?
Lindsay *suspicious*: Ok, Danny. I have 10 presents left to open. If I don't see your name on one of them, you're dead !
Danny: Well..uhm..to speare your search *takes a random box and destroyes the name tag* THIS is my present !
Lindsay *opens it and finds a pair of lab gloves*: O_o What'a..
Danny //shit//: A CSI should always have a shiny new pair of gloves..you never know when you'll need them next..
*bang* and Danny falls on the ground
last edited over a year ago
Lindsay *pissed off because no one remembered her birthday, goes on that platform Adam threw paper ai
over a year ago key_ra said…
love this forum. hahahaha. you guys had a very great idea you know. and may i ask what the meaning of "lol"? i read this a lot and i didn't even know the meaning. please, somebody?
over a year ago Olivine said…
lol means "laughing out loud" :D

and awesome one, house34 xDDDD haaaha
over a year ago House34 said…
thanks ;)
over a year ago Chandlerfan said…
ahahahaha!! I love this one! *takes notes for impending birthday* jks jks =P XDDD
over a year ago key_ra said…
thanks and happy hundred comments
last edited over a year ago