CSI:NY Things that would never happen in CSI : New York

House34 posted on Aug 07, 2008 at 10:34AM
This topic is for fun. Just make up funny scenarios that would never happen on set.

It's 4 a.m. and Lindsay drunkly staggers into a deserted lab, sits down at a desk, lays her head down on the computer keybord and goes to sleep. Mac shows up around 6 a.m. or whatever time a good CSI boss would appear and notices Lindsay at her desk.
Mac : Have you been here all night ?
Linds: Yeah, well, you know, I really want to crack this case.
Mac : You're keen - I like that !
Linds *stands up and looks at Mac straight in the eyes* : I'm just doing my job, Mac

CSI:NY 178 replies

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over a year ago key_ra said…
over a year ago CSI_NYfangirl said…
* The team is in the AV room watching Forrest Gump, Mac walks in*
Mac: Hey what are you guys doing?
Danny: Oh hey Mac, we were just watching Fo... *Lindsay elbows him* security tapes from the crime scene
Mac: Right okay.. so Stella ...
Stella: *Staring at Mac totally zoned out*
Mac: Stella!
Stella: Oh right yeah sorry it's just that.. has anyone ever told you that you kind of look like Lt. Dan Taylor from Forrest Gump
Mac: Right..okay so Lindsay did you get anything from the finger prints
Lindsay: No match in any database.. now that you mention it Stella her kinda does look like Lt.Dan
Stella: *Still keeps staring at Mac*
Mac: Stella, will you please pay attention
Stella: Sorry it's just that ...
Mac: I know, you think I look like Lt. Dan now can we please move on, what was that substance you found on the vics shirt?
Stella: oh yeah well I found some ... (names all theses scientific things)
Mac: okay which is found in many foods so what is it?
Stella: ice-cream, Lt. Dan, ice-cream!
over a year ago House34 said…
=)) I loooove it :)) I can imagine Mac's face :)) "I know, you think I look like Lt. Dan now can we please move on, what was that substance you found on the vics shirt?"

hahahaaa and the end is great !!! :))
last edited over a year ago
=)) I loooove it :)) I can imagine Mac's face :)) "I know, you think I look like Lt. Dan now can we p
over a year ago key_ra said…
lol. this is so great
over a year ago KrissyB said…
:O HAHA, this is hilarious!
I've only just come across this, but i'll give it a shot lol.

*Mac, Stella, Lindsay & Danny are in the lab looking over evidence*

Mac: Is it just me or it really hot in here? *takes off jacket*
Stella: It is a bit, so i found some blo...
Mac: I don't mean just hot, like really hot *starts unbuttoning shirt*
Stella: Mac what are you doing?
*Lindsay and Danny are just standing there*
*Mac is now topless*
Lindsay: Have you been working out Mac?
Mac: Yep! :)
Stella: *stares*
Danny: You call that working out Mac? *Danny now takes off his shirt*
Lindsay: *stares*
Stella: *still stairing*
Mac: *flex's muscles*
Stella: Nice guns, *touches Mac arms*
Lindsay: *touches Dannys arms*
Flack: *walks in* Hey guys i found out who our john d...whatttt the hell?
Danny: It was Macs fault
Mac: Not my fault the air conditioning doesn't work
Stella: Oh no i like it this way....i mean, we should get them fixed.
Lindsay: Yeah totally
Flack: geez your right, it is hot in here *Starts taking off shirt*
Stella and Lindsay: *both look at each other with big grins*

LOL, that was so stupid :P
I was just writing anything, first thing that came to my mind.

over a year ago GoodOldPhooners said…
Flack: geez your right, it is hot in here *Starts taking off shirt*
Stella and Lindsay: *both look at each other with big grins*
This was awesome. Now for my very,veeery bad one:

Stella://I haven't seen Mac in a while..hope he's okay. Maybe I should go over...//
(A few hours later)
Stella:*outside Mac's house* Mac?..*knocks door*
*weird noises*
Stella: Mac?! Are you okay? *gets spare key, opens door*
*Mac is standing on a table, singing:*
Mac:First I was afraid, I was pertrfied...*sees Stella*
*girlsih scream* St-Stella!
Mac: How long were you there?
over a year ago KrissyB said…
*Mac is standing on a table, singing:*
Mac:First I was afraid, I was pertrfied...*sees Stella*
*girlsih scream* St-Stella!
Mac: How long were you there?

that's hilarious! LOL :D
over a year ago House34 said…
GoodOldPhooners, hahahahahaaaa !!!!!!
over a year ago key_ra said…
lol guys!
over a year ago Ms_Montana said…
I have one. Maybe its not very funny:
*There are some criminals in the lab. The taxi killer and Shane. Every CSI is there. Danny is holding his little daughter.*
Danny*to Shane*: Here. Babysit her a second.
Lindsay: Danny you can't give our daugher to this man.
*She takes her daughter and says to the taxi killer*:
Here. Take care of her. We want to have a nice evening.
Then the others: Yes, no its much better.
*They all go to Sullivan's*
How was that?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago ChicciHanna said…
lol XD just the thought of Mac singing 'I will survive' makes me choke up my lungs with laughter! XD

they all are sooo great :'))
over a year ago ChicciHanna said…
maybe I should try one :d not good, but...

*Danny has argued with Lindsay and need a friend to talk to, and goes to Don.* *Danny knocks on the door and Don opens*
Danny: Hey, Don. I need a friend to talk to. *almost crying* Can I come in?
*Don slams the door right in his face*
Angell: Whats going on? *half-naked*
Don: Quick, under the bed. *stressed*
*Don opens the door again*
Danny: Was that A...
over a year ago House34 said…
well..angry Don is funny

"Danny: Hey, Don. I need a friend to talk to. *almost crying* Can I come in?
*Don slams the door right in his face*
Angell: Whats going on? *half-naked*
Don: Quick, under the bed. *stressed*"
:))) :P keep adding :)

*Adam was walking on the street, on his way to work, He sees a coin on the street. Suddenly a small Lindsay appears in his left.*
Small Lindsay: Don't even think about it, Adam !! Someone left that coin there and maybe he'll come back for it!!
Adam: Lindsay ??
SL: Yes, it's me ! Now move on ! Forget about the coin!
Adam: The coin ? The shiny coin ? *makes puppy eyes looking at the coin*
Small Danny *appers in his right*: Take it !!
Adam: Danny ??
SD: Take the coin, Adam !
SL: Leave it there, Adam! Danny, shut up!
SD: What ?? I was saying..he should take the coin and ..give it to that old lady over there *points at some poor grandma on the street*
Adam: Guys..I..just..that coin looks like
SL: Looks like nothing! Forget about it and move on! You're not a theif, Adam! You're a good person!
SD: Adam, come on, man..take it..*whispering* you'll buy nice things with it..you know what I'm talkin' about..forget about Lindsay and that old lady..have fun!! Be adventurous!
SL: Danny, shut up!! Adam, is this who you are ? Is this who you really are? Do you really need a coin?
Adam: Not ..really..*very confused takes one step back*
SD: Adam, go closer to it..pick it up!! Nothing bad's gonna happen! See how it shines ?
Adam: yeeeah *wants the coin*
SL: No, Adam! Wrong !!
Adam: yes..wrong ..*doesn't want the coin*
*A speeding car passes and makes a loud noise so Adam covers his ears. He wakes up in the lab, realising he hasn't finished a test. Danny and Lindsay come in, talking..laughing..*
Lindsay: Hey, Adam!
Danny: What'up, man? You fell asleep?
*Adam gets up and runs in an instant faster than the wind*: Leave me alooooooneeee !!!
last edited over a year ago
well..angry Don is funny

"Danny: Hey, Don. I need a friend to talk to. *almost crying* Can I come
over a year ago kalik said…
Poor Adam XDDD hahaha
over a year ago key_ra said…
lol.. i love all of it
over a year ago ChicciHanna said…
oh... pooooooooooooor adaaaam XDDDDDDDDDDDD lol and bad danny and good lindsay XD
over a year ago House34 said…
*In Heaven, the two meet :P*
Aiden: 'tsup!
Jess: Hey..*looks around*
Aiden: so..you're Flack's girl..
Jess: Yeah..*smiles*
Aiden: Ok..ok..well..welcome! I'm Aiden, former CSI..
Jess: Yeah I know..I've seen pics with you..*simles* It's nice out here..
Aiden: Yup..come on pick your stuff, we're going to your new home!
Jess *smiles but can't hold it anymore*: Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!..
Aiden *turns around* : Girl, what're you doin' ? Stop crying !
Jess: I want baaaack !! I wanna go home..to MY home..*cries louder*
Aiden *hugs her* : Come on..here's not bad..Trust me !
jess: But I'll miss him.. :((
Aiden: No you won't ..come here, let me show you smth!
*Aiden snaps her fingers and they're suddenly in a room with a big window. They look through it and see the CSIs"
Jess: Don!!! *Trying to reach him* There he is!..
Aiden: Yup..that's Don.. Are you feeling better now ? You can see him from here every day if that's what you want.. you can see anybody..
Jess *whipes her tears*: Really ?
Aiden: No..just kiddin'..*takes off the poster with the CSIs*
Jess: But..I saw him..it was him..
Aiden: No..it wasn't..
Jess: But..
Aiden: But nothing! You think that because I died I have to accept you? Your relation with him ? I would have become his girl ! Me !!
Jess: What ?? Do you know who I am?
Aiden: You're nobody !
Jess: Wooohh..wait! I just came here ! How can you welcome me like this ?
Aiden: Sorry..Hi, I'm Aiden.
Jess: I'm Jess!
*they kiss on the cheeck*
Aiden: Want some cookies ?
Jess: No, thanks !
Jess: Can I use the bathroom?
Aiden: Sure..the second door on the right!
Jess: Thanks !
Aiden: No problem :)
*Jess goes..aaand she comes back*
Aiden: Ok..do..you..want me to take your coat?
Jess: Oh...sure!
Aiden: Ok ! Takes it and puts it in the wardrobe.
Jess: Ok..better now..
Aiden: Ok..so where were we ?
Jess: You were calling me a bitch !
Aiden: Yeah !! No..I wasn't !
Jess: No ?
Aiden: Noo..*confused*
Jess: Ok..but you were totally saying smth about me ..and you and..Don..
Aiden: Yeah! I should have been with him..if it wasn't for that DJ Pratt..
Jess: Well, you died ! And ..that's that ! And now..
Aiden: And now you died too!! Ha !!
Jess *looks at Aiden*: yeah..*calm* that's..true..
Aiden *looks at Jess* : so...we're both dead..he's there..
Jess: Who knows who he'll meet..
Aiden: Yeah..
Jess: Hey, you know Danny had a kid with Lindsay?
Aiden: Danny's a father ?? *excited* Wait..who's Lindsay?
Jess: I'll tell all about them..
*they go away happy chatting*
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago House34 said…
Who also knows Aiden will find this funny :P
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago ChicciHanna said…
over a year ago mollk said…
Ok, this is not funny but it is somthing that would never happen. (Atleast it better not) :)

Danny tragicly dies leaving lindsay and lucy all by themselves. Two or three years later linday remarrys to Adam, Don, or Sheldon!!!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago mollk said…
big smile
*Danny walks in to the lab wearing tight skinny jeans and a pink and purple shirt*
Flack: What the hell man?
Danny: Um I like, like men now.
*Flack says nothing and walks out
*Mac walks in and stares, then slowly backs out*
10 min later
*Danny goes to a crime scene. when he gets there Stella is there too.*
Stella: WOW danny, never saw this coming!!!! Your vic is a 23 year old male reported one hour ago.
Danny: OMG
Stella: What
Danny: His shoes are soooooooooo last year!!
Stella: Ooooo my god. Danny just proses the scene
Danny: What ever!!!!!
*When Danny got back he went to see how Adam was doing with the fiber stella gave him*
Danny: SOOO Adam, hows it goin?
Adam: F...Fine
Danny:OOOOH That kewl! SO Whatcha doin tonite?
Adam: Nuthin.
Danny: Want to go to dinner with me?
Adam: NO!!!!!!!!!!
Danny: Fine, you don't know what your missing * slaps adam on the butt*
Danny: Nice ass!
Adam: WOW that was strange!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!­!!!­!!!
over a year ago dantana_luver09 said…
LOL.. these are way too funny.! lemmetry one..

at messer's house:

danny: lindsay,babe.? is it just me or i think my face feels like pussy again.?

without saying a word,lindsay ran into the bathroom and immediately found a bottle of her feminine wash empty..

Lindsay:*sighs*,not again .:((

over a year ago House34 said…
:)) Nice ones, guys !!

Danny: Flack, come here, I gotta ask you somethin' !
Don: Can't, buddy ! I gotta move..call me and we'll talk on the phone, ok ?
Danny: Call you ?
Don: Yeah! Like this ! *dials Danny's number while leaving the room*

Danny: Hello ?
Don: Hi. Now tell me what you wanted to tell me !
Danny: Who is this ?
Don: Danny, it's your mother, who do you think ?
*Lindsay walks in where Danny is*
Danny: Mom ?
Lindsay: Danny ? You're talking with your mom ?
Danny *turns around*: What ?
Don: What ?
Lindsay: Danny, your mom is dead!
Danny: My mom is dead ?
Don: Danny, I'm not your mom !
Danny: Not mom ?
Lindsay: Danny !
Don: Danny !
Danny: What ? Yeah ! Hold on, babe ! *in the phone* Who is this ?
Don: Danny, it's me, Don ! What's the matter with you ?
*Lindsay starts to dial a number on her phone*
Danny: Oh, why didn't you say so ?
Don: Danny, I'm gonna have to call you later, I got a situation here. See ya, buddy !
Danny: Wait ! Wait !

Lindsay* on the phone* Yes, sir ! And now he's telling his mom to wait for him..he's becoming nervous and his voice is getting louder. Yes, sir ! Tomorrow at 5 is good. Thank you !
over a year ago dantana_luver09 said…
it was danny and lindsay's anniversary and they've decided to celebrate it by playing pool. of course we all know that from there they went to "something" and while they're doing their "thing" Lucy comes to the door shell shocked...

Lucy: m-mom.?? d-dad.? err, what are you doing.? why is mom almost buttnaked daddy.?
Danny: oh shoot., um, honey i think you should go back to your room, me and mommy are just doing some scientific experiments that needs some erotic reconstructions.
Lindsay: go to sleep baby.

so lucy shut the door and tried to go to sleep. after a while, she opened the door and yelled:


ohh, lucy got them stunned.:)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago vaso789 said…
I like the part when she'll tell uncle Flack!!!!Great!!!
over a year ago House34 said…

*Mac comes to the crime scene - a store, not opened for people at that moment, wearing shorts*
Lindsay and Jo *turn around saying*: Oh my God..!
Danny: Mac..*looks only in his eyes* what..hi ! What's goin' on ?..
Mac: Danny..look, someone took my pants..and my gun and my wallet..I was..I was coming out of the car and some punk was running naked from another man. He must have been.. found by the second guy in bed with his..wife or girlfriend..they were saying something about a certain Nina..anyway..he knocked me down..because I didn't see him coming at me and .. he was running, okay ? He had speed !
Jo and Lindsay *in the same position start to laugh*
Danny: Mac..you could have just gone after him and take it all back..or..get back in the car..
Mac: He had speed, he knocked me down and toook my pants and he kept running and I was down..Look, Danny, just..*looks around* who's the victim ?
Jo: Oh so now you're just gonna ignore the fact that you don't have pants and ask about the victim ?
Mac: No no no...is he..the owner of the store ? Someone who works here?
Danny: No, Mac. He's a customer. The killer shot him and left..
Mac: Good.
Danny: Good ?
Jo: Mac !..
Mac: Yes, no.. help me take his pants off !
Lindsay: What ?! *turns around* Mac, you wouldn't !..
Mac *bends down*: I wouldn't, but in other circumstances..
Danny: What about the naked guy who took your things?
Mac: We'll take care of him later, I heard the other guy calling his name.. now will you just help me already ??
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago dantana_luver09 said…
Lol, so mac crosses the line sometimes... and for a pants.! :))

while working on the lab,Lindsay accidentally inhaled a drug that would made you hallucinate for a couple of minutes. ( idk if that kind of stuff exists but hey this is a fanfic ritee.?)

*while hallucinating*
oh my god you evil queen.! you turned danny into a frog.! how dare you.! *picks up the froggy danny* oh babe, what are we gonna do.? froggy danny then replied: KISS MEE BABY.! so eventually Lindsay began kissing froggy danny to save him...


danny: Babe what the heck are you doing.?? mac told you to process that frog.! why the heck are you kissing it.!? O.o
over a year ago House34 said…
big smile
hahahaha :)) Nice one !!