CSI:NY Things that would never happen in CSI : New York

House34 posted on Aug 07, 2008 at 10:34AM
This topic is for fun. Just make up funny scenarios that would never happen on set.

It's 4 a.m. and Lindsay drunkly staggers into a deserted lab, sits down at a desk, lays her head down on the computer keybord and goes to sleep. Mac shows up around 6 a.m. or whatever time a good CSI boss would appear and notices Lindsay at her desk.
Mac : Have you been here all night ?
Linds: Yeah, well, you know, I really want to crack this case.
Mac : You're keen - I like that !
Linds *stands up and looks at Mac straight in the eyes* : I'm just doing my job, Mac

CSI:NY 178 replies

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over a year ago House34 said…
*at a crime scene*
Mac: Sir, try to speak..or write something here! I need to know what you saw !
Stella: Mac..I think this guy is deaf and mute and ..stupid!!
Mac: Sir, can you understand me ? You have to help us ! A man is dead and we want to get whoever did it! Just try to calm down and give us something! Anything!..
Stella: Hey! Look at me ! We're the good guys! The cops! We're on your side ! We can solve this..
*the guy keeps looking at them like he saw ghosts and doesn't say a word*
Mac *sees the name tag he wears for being a waiter at the restaurant across the street* :Sam! Sam, listen to me, this is Stella..she'll be here in case you wanna talk, ok ?
Stella: Why did you tell him my name ?
Mac: Well..he might as well be deaf, right ?
Stella *nervous* :I'm a detective and I need information ! Sam..talk to me ! Can you hear me ?
Mac: I'm gonna take a look at the victim..Get Flack here or whatever..to help us..this guy is our only witness !
Stella: ...Mac!..He wrote something !
Mac *reads from the notebook they gave him*: 'SAM'. Yes, Sam..that's you. And we want you to help us !
Stella: We want SAM *points at him* to help me and Mac *points at herself and then at Mac*
Mac: Why did you tell him my name ?
Stella:He's deaf anyway..like you said !..Come on, Mac..
Mac *looks at Sam*: You know what ? You can go ! Leave ! Go!.. Come on, go !
Stella: Why ??
Mac:He's useless..if you want to keep pulling words out of his mouth, go ahead ! I don't..
Stella *starts to cry* : First..you call me out here in the middle of the night..then *cries more and takes a napkin out of her pocket* then..you tell this guy my name..you put me in danger..*cries more and more*.. and now you want me to..you want to leave me with this idiot..waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Flack *hears Stella crying and comes next to her*: stell..hey..what's the matter ?
Mac *can't belive the situation..just looks at Stella and doesn't say a word*
Sam: tears !!
Flack: Yes..yes..tears..Who are you ?
Sam *points at himself* : Sam !
Flack: And what are you doin' here ?
Sam: murder !!
Flack: yeah, murder..ooh you're a witness..you saw the killer ? Who did it, Sam ?
Sam: Mac*points at him* and Stella *points at her*
Mac and Flack: What ??
Stella *louder* waaaaaaaaa
last edited over a year ago
*at a crime scene*
Mac: Sir, try to speak..or write something here! I need to know what you saw !
over a year ago key_ra said…
oh my god, awesome. this is great. hahahaha....:)
over a year ago key_ra said…
can somebody imagine stella bonasera with straight hair cut?
over a year ago Olivine said…
awesome job, house 34 xDDD laughed my ass off
stella with straight hair??? O___o that would be like...like mac being a serial killer or so xD
over a year ago key_ra said…
Stella and Mac is out of job, meeting in a restaurant.have a nice talking.
*Danny (is drunk), Lindsay and Don walked past trough the restaurant*
Danny: I'm happy this night, have a woman around me.
Lindsay: urgh..Danny, can you just shut your mouth? it smelly..
*don suddenly saw Mac and Stella dancing*
Don: hey,guys. look over there. inside the restaurant.
Lindsay: is that Mac Taylor, our Mac, i mean, our boss
Danny: oh, come on, Montana. how many years you have been working together with him
Lindsay: shut up. i hate your smell.
Don: i really think i have heard that word before or it exactly my word. where you get it,Danny? of course it is Mac, Lindsay. but.....
Lindsay: what?
Don: is that Stella Bonasera? our stella?

i know it is not fun stuff. i just think that this wont be happen in CSI NY
over a year ago House34 said…
You never know :P
over a year ago Chandlerfan said…
LMAO!! Awesome, both of you! X'DD
And LOL can't imagine Stella with straight hair either! XD
over a year ago Chandlerfan said…
CSI:NY/House crossover (you saw this coming! XDD)

At a crime scene (in New Jersey apparently), Mac has just been shot...
Stella: Oh my god! Mac!
Mac: I'm fine Stell!
Stella: *doesn't listen* We need to get you to a hospital...
Mac: Stell...
Stella: Will you just shut up!! I'm not even listening to you and you're like white noise to me!
Mac: O____O
Stella: That's better! *to random person* Quick call an ambulance! He's been shot! And ask for Dr House. He's the best there is...

Cut to hospital...
Mac: What are you doing...?
House: *says nothing and keeps on staring at Mac with a slightly bemused smile*
Mac: ...are you gay or something...because if you are I'd like to request another doctor who won't keep staring at me...
House: *keeps staring*
Mac: O_O ...NURSE!!!!!
Nurse Brenda: ...WHAT!
Mac: ....uhhmmm never mind...
Nurse Brenda: *rolls eyes and storms out*
House: *still staring*

Stella and Cuddy walk in chatting...

Mac: ...uhmmm...would someone like to tell me what the hell is wrong with him...*points to House*
House: Nothing's wrong with me *mutters* asswipe...
Mac: O____O
Cuddy: House!

Wilson walks in...

Wilson: Ok, Det. Taylor...no main arteries have been damaged luckily...
House: Ohhh! Shut. Up!
Wilson: ...
Mac: ...
Cuddy: *rolls eyes*
Wilson: *to House* No...YOU shut up! ...no! Don't speak....*puts his hand over House's mouth then turns to a bewildered Mac* He's not gay by the way...he does that to patients...he thinks it's funny that you've hurt your leg...it makes him feel better...in some twisted way...
Mac: ...OK...
Stella: Uhmm...ok...then...
House: *bites Wilson's finger*
Wilson: Ouch! *mutters* sadistic bastard!
House: Oh stop being such a baby!
Wilson: O__O
House: And stop telling my patient whether he'll be ok or not! You're an oncologist for god's sake!
Stella: O___O *cries really loudly* Nooooo!! My Big Mac has got cancer!! *keeps crying*
Cuddy: ...
Wilson: ...
House: ...cool!
Mac: O_O //Big Mac...//
Wilson: Uhmm...no, you don't have cancer...
Stella: Oh...ok then...YAAY! *does a little dance*
Mac: O________O
over a year ago key_ra said…
hahahaha... this is amazing, chandlerfan. i can't denied this is long, but this is really amazing..
over a year ago Olivine said…
omg chandlerfan xDD
i let out a scream when i read "house" , but when evil nurse brenda came too, i almost fell off my chair because i was laughing so much xDD that was a really good crossover xD
my big mac has got cancer xDD oh my oh my *giggles*
over a year ago House34 said…
awsooome :) double awsome !!! triple awsome !!!! I love the idea of CSI:NY/House crossover !!! awsoooome
over a year ago Olivine said…
It's the first of april...this year, the team had secretly decided to have Lindsay as the victim...

Lindsay: *comes to work like every morning*
Stella: *slowly walks towards her, followed by the others* Lindsay...I..I am so sorry...
Lindsay: Why, what's wrong, Stella?
Danny & Hawkes : *are lowering their heads*
Lindsay: Did something happen? Where is Mac?
Stella: Mac is...Mac is...he..is dead...
Lindsay: What??
Danny: *walks over to Lindsay, puts his hand on her shoulder* ..Car..accident...
Mac: *is hiding behind a door and hears everything* *has a big grin on his face*
Lindsay: *pushes Danny's hand away and steps back* Noo...no...*starts crying* That can't be true!! Nooooo! *screams* *prostrates before the others*
I..i never..had the chance to tell him...tell him..how much i love him..how much i wanted to have his child..he..oh god... *puts something out of her bra, which the others recognize as one of Mac's ties*
*presses the tie to her heart* Mac...i loved you so much...
Stella, Danny and Hawkes: O___________o *open mouths*
Mac: *almost has a heart attack behind the door*
Lindsay: *gets up again* April fool hoax, guys! *throws the tie to Stella* You guys are really bad actors...try to make it better next year.
over a year ago Chandlerfan said…
ahahahaha!! That's awesome! XDD
LOL! I almost thought that Lindsay was being serious =P XD
over a year ago key_ra said…
lol. awesome. at first i said to myself "did she crazy?" hahahaha=0
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Chandlerfan said…
After a long shift at the lab...
Stella: *walks into Mac's office whilst talking* Mac, do you fancy going out for a drink with us, we're just...*stops when she sees what Mac is wearing*
Mac: *wearing a John Travolta style white 70s suit* So...do you like it...?
Stella: It's a bit tight...especially around the...you know...area
Mac: *looks down* Impressive, huh?
Stella: O____O //Actually, it is kinda and...NO!! Look away Stella! Be strong!// *looks away* Uhhmmm so do you want to go for some drinks...?
Mac: Yeah sure...let me just grab my coat...
Stella: You're going to go like that?! *laughs*
Mac: Yeahh why?
Stella: *stops laughing* Oh....umm no reason, just checking...meet you outside in 10 ok?
Mac: Yeah sure Stell.
Fifteen minutes later...
Stella: Where is he...?
Danny: Maybe catching up on more paperwork...
Stella: Nooo, I shredded it all!
Flack: You what?
Stella: *realises what she just said* O_O Uhmmm...nothing! Nothing! Jeez Don what's with the third degree!? I'm not your suspect!
Flack: OK, OK, I was just...*gets cut off*
Stella: Will you stop questioning me!! I didn't do anything! *glares*
Flack: O___o
Lindsay: *after a long awkward silence* ...so, uhmm, shall we go get Mac then?
They all nod.
Meanwhile, in Mac's office...

Mac: *singing in a high-pitched voice and dancing* Night fever, night fever! We know how to do it! Ohh yeahhh... *turns around and stops in his tracks* Hawkes?
Hawkes: ....
Mac: ...and Flack?
Flack: ....
Mac: ...Linds? Danny?
Lindsay&Danny: ....
Mac: Oh god, Stella?!
Stella: ....
Mac: It's not what you think...! I was just, uhh, practising for a...for a...a PLAY!! Yeahh that's it! A play!
Lindsay: What play...Saturday Night Fever?
Mac: .... *gives up and hangs head in shame*
over a year ago Olivine said…
XDD haaha
I shredded it all! lool stella xD
over a year ago key_ra said…
lol. hahahaha.
fifteen minutes later...
Stella: Where is he...?
Danny: Maybe catching up on more paperwork...
Stella: Nooo, I shredded it all!
Flack: You what?
Stella: *realises what she just said* O_O Uhmmm...nothing! Nothing! Jeez Don what's with the third degree!? I'm not your suspect!
Flack: OK, OK, I was just...*gets cut off*
Stella: Will you stop questioning me!! I didn't do anything! *glares*
Flack: O___o
i love this a lot. hahaha=)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago House34 said…
I loooove them both !!!!!
thanks ..I wasn't feeling well today..but reading these..man..I could just dance now..(not like Mac..hahahaha) I'm happy now:P you made my day :))
over a year ago House34 said…
Day one.4 a.m. Sheldon is on his way to work.Guy wearing black attacks him. They fight. Guy wearing black stings him with seringe. Later,in the lab:
Sheldon *sees Danny sleeping on top of a dead body*:Danny!..Hey, Danny!..wake up!
Mac: Sheldon !
Sheldon *turns around*: Oh, hi Mac!I was..*looks back, but Danny is gone*..the body..
Mac: Yeah, yeah..look, in 2 hours a body's gonna come here and I need you to tell me the COD in 15 minutes from the arrival time. Ok ? It's a really big case, Sheldon!
Sheldon: OK, Mac !
*Mac leaves*

Day two.4 a.m. Sheldon is on his way to work.Guy wearing black attacks him. They fight. Guy wearing black stings him with seringe. Later,in the lab:
Sheldon *sees Danny and Stella sleeping on top of 2 dead bodies*: Danny!..Hey, Danny!..Stella !wake up! Guys!..
Mac: Sheldon !
Sheldon *turns around*: Oh, hi Mac!I was..*looks back, but Danny and Stella are gone*..the body..
Mac: Yeah, yeah..look, in 2 hours a body's gonna come here and I need you to tell me the COD in 15 minutes from the arrival time. Ok ? It's a really big case, Sheldon!
Sheldon: Wait..I thought..yesterday uhm..or is it a new body ?
Mac: Are you ok?
Sheldon: Yeah! Yeah, sure !..
*Mac leaves*

Day three.4 a.m. Sheldon is on his way to work.Guy wearing black attacks him. They fight. Guy wearing black stings him with seringe. Later, in the lab:
Sheldon *sees Danny, Stella and Adam sleeping on top of 3 dead bodies*: What'a..Hey, Danny!Adam !..Stella!wake up!Guys, you have to wake up..
Mac: Sheldon !
Sheldon *turns around*: Mac, stop stop! Wait..don't tell me !I..you came here twice. This is the third time !..I..I already..COD is drowning!I analyzed the body before !..the body which is gonna come in.. 2 hours, right ?
Mac: Are you ok?
Sheldon: And now I'll say yes and you'll leave..
*Mac leaves*
Sheldon: Mac!!...

Day four. Sheldon looks at the time: 4 a.m. guy wearing black comes towards him. Sheldon is determined to kick this guy's ass this time. He gets hit in the head. He opens his eyes. He's in Mac's office, lying on Mac's desk and around him are Adam, Danny and Stella, all high, happy and very noisy..they can barely see each other through the amount of smoke in the air.
Danny: Hawkes, you're crazy, man !..*he laughs*
Stella *laughs too, louder and louder*: I..I can't stop *laughs more*
*Adam falls of the chair from so much laughter*
Sheldon: Damn..this stuff..is..
Lindsay *interrupting him comes in*: Guys, Mac is coming! He just parked his car ! Come on, hide everything and open the window!..
Don *from under the desk*: Tomorrow is your turn to stay awake, Stell!
Stella : I know..*laughs again*
last edited over a year ago
Day one.4 a.m. Sheldon is on his way to work.Guy wearing black attacks him. They fight. Guy wearing b
over a year ago Chandlerfan said…
LMAO!! I love this! It's freaking awesomeness! X'DD
over a year ago key_ra said…
Lindsay *interrupting him comes in*: Guys, Mac is coming! He just parked his car ! Come on, hide everything and open the window!..
Don *from under the desk*: Tomorrow is your turn to stay awake, Stell!
Stella : I know..*laughs again*
posted 1 hour ago.
i love this part. =)
over a year ago key_ra said…
mac: (talking about a dead body) so hawkes, what is the c.o.d?
hawkes: c.o.d? is.... i don't know
mac: what? i give you the body an hour ago
hawkes: which one? i've got two here

*stella suddenly come in*
stella: so hawkes, what the c.o.d, t.o.d?
hawkes: what?
stella: the body.
hawkes: which one?
stella: how much do you have?
hawkes: i have what?
mac: she say about the body.
stella: hey, i didn't realize you.
hawkes: body? oh yeah.. body.mac and yours
mac: we are not dead yet
hawkes: i mean two with me.
mac: what are you doing this one hour, hawkes?
stella: one? mine two
hawkes: em.......ah.....
mac: please say something

*adam suddenly come in*
adam: hey guys,stella, the t.o.d is 12 hours ago and it's mean 6.05 a.m and c.o.d is.... what it call, easy, i saw bullet. oh yeah mac, the c.o.d is..... freezing and you not ask the t.o.d right?
mac and stella: ha????
*stella and mac look at each other*
*suddenly hawkes say something about technology*
mac: since when you change your job?
stella: did i having a nightmare?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Chandlerfan said…
LOL!! I love it! XDD
Since when you change your job? hahaha!! Priceless! X'DD
over a year ago House34 said…
mac: (talking about a dead body) so hawkes, what is the c.o.d?
hawkes: c.o.d? is.... i don't know
mac: what? i give you the body an hour ago
hawkes: which one? i've got two here

last edited over a year ago
mac: (talking about a dead body) so hawkes, what is the c.o.d?
hawkes: c.o.d? is.... i don't know
over a year ago House34 said…
Mac: Stella, happy 40th birthday !!
*Stella shoots Mac and discretly hides the body*
Hawkes: Where's Mac ?
Stella: Malaysia ? *:D*
last edited over a year ago
Mac: Stella, happy 40th birthday !!
*Stella shoots Mac and discretly hides the body*
Hawkes: Where'
over a year ago HouseQL said…
hahaa XD
over a year ago key_ra said…
why Malaysia? =)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago key_ra said…
hahahahahaha =DDDDDDDD i love it, house34. malaysia? nice choice of place.
over a year ago Olivine said…
loool xDD
over a year ago Chandlerfan said…
over a year ago idwithheld said…
Stella dressed conservatively enters Mac's office

Mac: wow?! I liked Stella with the cleavage line showing better :D
over a year ago key_ra said…
over a year ago CSIAly said…
Can I wanna try this out? My friend and I do it all the time.

*Everyone is asleep in the lab, they all have hangovers from the night before and are disoriented*

Mac: What happened in here?

Stella: It looks like we really trashed the place. *stares at completely destroyed lab*

Danny: I can't remember anything that happened last night, can anyone else? *Everyone but pregnant Lindsay shrugs*

Lindsay: I do, in fact I got it on video! *holds up uber shiny, high tech video camera and hooks it up to her laptop, plays the video for the team*

*On the video*

Mac: *slurring drunk* You know, you're pretty sexy, Stella. *grins down Stella's shirt*

Stella: Oh, yeah? Well how about if you give me a raise I'll give you one? *pushes him aginast table and starts making out with him, Mac takes off her shirt*

*Shoots to Flack and Angell making out in the corner, Flack with no pants and Angell in her bra* Flack: I take that thing back about the vest, you looker better with nothing on.
Angell: Shut up and kiss me! *keeps making out*

Danny: Everyone, everyone! Since American Idol is a total joke and didn't accept my audition I'm going to show them who is the superior dancing KING! *breaks out into ABBA's Dancing Queen whilst standing on a table and swinging his around in the air, posing like a male model*

*Calling from somewhere on the ground between two women* Sid: Lucky mine is just older then seventeen! *Some blonde CSI in training giggles and rolls around stupidly* Sid: That is SO hot.

Adam: GAWD, Danny! Shut up, I'm losing my concentration! *is seen giving Kendall a suspicious heart shaped tatto on her right /ahem/ buttocks with the letters AR in it*

Kendall: Hey! Where's Hawkes?!

*Everything goes silent and then two people smash through the doors, one being Hawkes with a woman no one can yet make out*

Hawkes: Oh my God, so worth the ten billion dollars! *woman is revealed*

Everyone including Lindsay, who is recording: JENNIFER LOPEZ?! *Jennifer Lopez waves hello*

*Video ends* Everyone: *Awkward tension* Oh.My.God.

Lindsay: *Laughing her ass off*

*many men in dark suits walk into lab and pick up the laptop, breaking it in two.*

Jennifer Lopez: This NEVER happened! *Everyone agrees though Lindsay grins to self and hides extra copies in her maternity shirt*
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago key_ra said…
i love this part..
*Everyone is asleep in the lab, they all have hangovers from the night before and are disoriented*

Mac: What happened in here?

Stella: It looks like we really trashed the place. *stares at completely destroyed lab*

Danny: I can't remember anything that happened last night, can anyone else? *Everyone but pregnant Lindsay shrugs*

Lindsay: I do, in fact I got it on video! *holds up uber shiny, high tech video camera and hooks it up to her laptop, plays the video for the team*

*On the video*

Mac: *slurring drunk* You know, you're pretty sexy, Stella. *grins down Stella's shirt*

Stella: Oh, yeah? Well how about if you give me a raise I'll give you one? *pushes him aginast table and starts making out with him, Mac takes off her shirt*
over a year ago 77actors said…
OMG !!! awsomeee !!!!
over a year ago House34 said…
hahahaaa I'm on the floor laughing !!!!
over a year ago CSI_NYfangirl said…
Hello, my friend and I have come up with a new funny scene that would NEVER EVER happen but is eternally funny. Enjoy....

*The entire NYPD is at a Christmas party, Stella is drunk off her ass on eggnog, champagne and wine.*

Stella: Ya, know Mac, yer pretty damn HAWT with that tie. I wanna tell ya a secra-crea-SECRET! God, that's hard to say when you're as SLOSHED as me. *giggles* Anywhoo, what I was gonna say was that I've always liked men in uni-form. *licks lips* And like, Flack's uber hot but he's like not my type and stuff, he's like SO MEANT for Angell. Like I swear to God, they are like so gonna be hitched by tomorrow and I'll be all like "MEANT FOR EACH OTHER!" And they'll be all like, "we love the toaster oven, Stell!"

*Mac looks from drunk Stella to Flack and Angell. Flack whispers to Angell.*

Flack: *freaked out* How did she know?

Angell: I don't know, wait, wait! Did she say she gonna get us a toaster oven!

Flack: *face palm* Oh my.

Mac: Um, Stell, I don't think you're feeling well and I don't want you to get too excited and do something you'll regret, I mean remember that time in Mexico with that guy and that girl who could swallow swords? You spent a week in the hospital, for God's sake!

Stella: *blinks twice* Noooo, but if I didn't remember that clearly meant that I had a good time!

Mac: Oy. Well, I'm still not letting you drink any more, okay?

Stella: *completely ignoring him whilst chugging a wine cooler* Huh?! What, sorry, I wasn't paying attention. *songs comes on* OH MY GOD, I LOVE this song!! Dance with me, Mac! *gets out of chair, Mac stares at her*

Mac: Uh, I don't think so.

Stella: Okay, well you know, you know what I'll go dance all alone, so HA!

Mac: I don't think thats such a good idea, Stell.

Stella: You're know fun *screaming up on a table dancing and singing along to Fergalicious*

Guests at Party: WWWHHHOOO, GO STELLA! GO STELLA, GO STELLA, GO STELLA!! *Stella continues dancing atop the table and laughing while singing and dancing continues*

Stella: *screams to group of guests* Any of you ever see Coyote Ugly? Yeah, well there's always a flasher! *the group screams in agreement thus making Stella move her hands to pull off her dress when Mac stops her*

Mac: Come on Stella, you are drunk, you are on a table, you are in heels and you are going to do something you will regret in the morning

Stella: Aww, look at that, Mac is such a great guy. He's always there when I need him, like when my crazy boyfriend like try to kill me and stuff, 'cept he was a TOTAL asshole so I like shot him and then Mac SAVED me. Ain't he FANTABULOUS?? *pauses* Wait, what was I saying again? *Falls off table and lands in Mac's arms*

Mac: Now it's official, we are going home and you are going to straight to bed. *lifts Stella so he is carrying her over his shoulder*

Stella: Y'know, I neva really noticed but those pants make your ass look FABULOUS! *hanging over his shoulder and staring at his ass, Mac grumbles something under his breath and takes her outside*

*at his apartment, pulling her from the car*

Stella: OW! *head slams against car door.*

Mac: Oh, sorry! *carries her until they reach his apartment and are inside*. So I'll let you sleep on the bed for tonight and-*notices she has fallen asleep now carrying her bridal style* *sighs* never mind then. *lies her down on bed and kisses her cheek* Good night. *turns to leave but pauses when Stella speaks*

Stella: Mac...I'm lonely. *puppy dog eyes then smiles when Mac crawls into bed with her*

*the next morning*

*Stella wakes up, Mac's already awake*

Stella: Uhhh, I'm soo tired.

Mac: Stella, get up.

Stella: Shut-up Mac wait, what the fudge. Mac?

Mac: Oy, very very long story, I'll have Lindsay explain it. Never say I don't do anything for you.

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago House34 said…
:)) I loved it :) naughty Stella :))
Stella: Y'know, I neva really noticed but those pants make your ass look FABULOUS!
last edited over a year ago
:)) I loved it :) naughty Stella :))
Stella: Y'know, I neva really noticed but those pants make your
over a year ago key_ra said…
love it too much. stella awesome!!!!
over a year ago key_ra said…
i know something that would never happen in csi ny........................................­...­...­...

can somebody imagine when fran, max, stella and mac meet each other. lol.....
i have really think about it. =)
over a year ago House34 said…
Hawkes *coming out of Mac's office with his new keys in his hand and a big smile on his face, sees Danny*: Hey !
Danny *pissed off*: Are you kiddin' me ? The new car parked outside ? He gave you the keys ? Just like that ? Hawkes..here's the keys for that awsome car outside ? Boom ?
Hawkes: Yup!
Danny: For what ? What did he tell you ? I mean what did you do to diserve it?
Hawkes: I'm the man, Danny! I'm the man!..Deal with that !
Mac: Danny! Come here!
Danny *leaves Hawkes and goes to Mac*: Mac..come on! That's a magnificent car ..Hawkes ?! Why the hell him ?
Mac: Don't use those words in my office, Danny! Sit down !
Danny *sits down*: Mac..how long have we known each other ? How many times did you tell me I did a great job? How many crimes has he solved ? Do you really think he's better than me ?? Come on, Mac..Hawkes ?
Mac: Danny ! I called you here for something else!
Danny: See? You still need me for things..I am good ! I know it !.. YOU know it ! You know what I can and what he can ! Why him ? what did he do ?
Mac: Danny !
Danny: What ? I just don't think that's fair !
Mac: You idiot ! I gave him the keys to take Stella down town because she asked me to help her but I don't have time to do it. Now shut up and listen!
*Danny suddenly stops talking*
Mac: Go to this adress with Flack..he'll be here in 5 minutes. If Jake Manson is there arrest him, if not search the house and tell me what you found !
Danny: Yes, Mac !
Flack* comes in*: Mac, hi! Danny..come on!
Danny: Yes, Mac..I mean Flack !..
Mac *after they get out* : Oh..Danny Danny..
last edited over a year ago
Hawkes *coming out of Mac's office with his new keys in his hand and a big smile on his face, sees Da
over a year ago key_ra said…
idiot!!! danny crazy and i really think really did that
over a year ago House34 said…
thx :P
over a year ago CSIAly said…
key_ra, best idea ever, I love The Nanny! If only they still lived in New York, whoo-remember episode 4x17? The murder trial involves Mac and Stella! Oh my God, that would be hilarious! :D
over a year ago key_ra said…
i know. i really want to write bout it but the idea didn't come to me yet...=(
over a year ago key_ra said…
*stella enter mac's office*
stella: it's cold today, hey, you use blusher or what?!!!
mac: doesn't need too, my eyebrow is neutral.
stella: blusher is for cheek, mac.
mac: how should i know about it, my mom never teach me anything about make-up.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago House34 said…

Mac *comes to work, sees Stella and Danny on the hallway and hides under a random desk. He makes a phone call and tries to keep his voice as lower as possible*: Sheldon, it's Mac. I want you to go in front of my office and get Stella and Danny out of there !
Hawkes: What?.. Now?..
Mac: Yes, now! Right now! Go!..
Hawkes: Why? What's happening ?
Mac: There's a..I know for a fact that..the ceiling is about to ..fall and I want them to be safe..and..
Hawkes: Where are you? Are you ok ? I'll go..but are YOU safe ?
Mac: Yes, don't worry about me ! Just do what I said! *hangs up*
*2 minutes later*
Hawkes *scared*: Danny, Stella, get out of there ! The ceiling is gonna fall down! Everybody, get out of there !
Stella: Hawkes..what ceiling? Are you crazy ?
Hawkes: Mac told me to get you guys out of here! Honestly!
Danny: Mac..? Really ?
Stella: Where's Mac ?
Hawkes: I don't know..but he said he was safe..he's not near his office..we just..spoke on the phone.
Stella: Ok, let's get out of here!
*everybody leaves the area near Mac's office*
Mac *gets out from under the desk and closely looks around so no one sees him. He goes in his office and sits down on his chair. Just when he was about to make a phone call, he sees Lindsay under his desk*: Lindsay !..*O_o*
Lindsay: Mac..I'm sorry..I got scared..everybody said the ceiling's gonna fall and I didn't have time to run so I just..came here..I'm sorry..
Mac: Lindsay..calm down! Calm down! *Takes her out of there* the ceiling is fine..I just wanted everybody out for a while..nothing bad is going to happen !..
Lindsay: Then why did you tell them to leave ?
Mac *nervous*: I..*looks down*..
Lindsay *looks down too and sees it*: Mac..you're wearing two different shoes!..
Mac *embaressed*: ..I know..
last edited over a year ago

Mac *comes to work, sees Stella and Danny on the hallway and hides under a random desk. He make
over a year ago key_ra said…
lol... i laughing my ass off. wish you hear i laughing now.... it's crazy, house34!!!!! what an idiot..
over a year ago FlameInferno said…
Man...Poor Mac!! Guess he didn't get enough sleep. I loved the Miami/NY crossover one the most. I could imagine every detail.
over a year ago House34 said…
Hawkes, Don, Danny and Adam at a restaurant.
Adam:..this is a really nice restaurant..
Hawkes *smiles* : I know ..
Adam: It's better than the last one !..
Don: Guys..you know tomorrow we gotta catch that guy..I'm sure he hid the cocaine in his home..I can't belive we have to wait for tomorrow to get him..
Danny: Flack..you wanna eat and play our game or you wanna go have fun with bad guys ?
Hawkes: He's got a point..
Don: No..you're right..I wanna eat!..and..you know..
Adam: Especially in this fancy restaurant..*gets excited again*
Danny: Breathe, Adam, breathe !..
Adam: It's just..I've never been in such a place..
Hawkes: I took you all here cause I heard today they're having this french guy cooking..
Danny: Thanks, Hawkes ! I haven't eaten french food in months..
Don: Oh..no..Mac is calling again..
Adam: I thought we all had to turn off our phones..
Hawkes: Yes ! *looks at him* Don ?
Don: Well..come on...he'll stop calling at some point..
Danny: If you answer that phone, this is the last time you're coming with us ! You know the rule is no phones !
Adam: I think if the girls were here..they'd like the retsurant too..
Danny: Adam..stop it with the restaurant !
Hawkes: Guys, guys! Come on..we're here to relax, to forget about work, to eat french food, to forget about bodies and crimes..let's have fun !!
Don: There..*he turns off his phone* happy now ?
Danny: Yeah!
Hawkes: Ok..who's gonna be the first ?
Adam: Oh..me! Me !
Don: Ok..* he looks at his watch* go !
*Adam closes his eyes*
Danny: Victim !
*Adam nodds*
Don: Girl ?
*Adam makes a 'no' sign*..*he points 'up'*
Hawkes: The sky ?
*Adam nodds and then makes a circle in the air*
Danny: Moon !
*Adam nodds*
Don: Someone's name ?
*Adam shows 'no' and pretends to kill someone with a big gun*
Hawkes: Uhm..the..guys playing paint ball !!
Danny: And the crazy lady who thought she caught a martian !
Adam: Yes !
Don: Geez..Now that's what I call crazy !
Hawkes: Great one Adam!.. I almost forgot that one!
Danny:..It's your turn Hawkes !
*Hawkes shows a little person*
Don: A kid ! A..little boy ?
*Hawkes nodds*
Danny: The boy who lived next to Stella's apartment?
*Hawkes shows 'no' and pretends he's eating something from a bag'
Adam:..you're eating..chips ?!
*Hawkes nodds*
Don: The little boy was eating chips ?
*Hawkes pretends he's playing chess*
Don: The little boy was playing chess?
*Hawkes nodds*
Adam: Oh..the case with the big fire !..
Danny: When the fire was started by the guy who ate chips to make the mom and kid move in with him..
Hawkes: Yeah !!
Adam: This is so fun !
Don: How come I never guess ?
Danny: You will, Flack..don't worry *smiles*! Come on, Adam !
Adam: My turn, ok !..
last edited over a year ago
Hawkes, Don, Danny and Adam at a restaurant.
Adam:..this is a really nice restaurant..
Hawkes *smil