Pokémon Poke'mon X & Y

Taika posted on Feb 04, 2014 at 05:02AM
The Kalos region,where dreams and adventures begin!


-No godmodding!

-No one line posts!

-Please,pretty please,try to properly spell!

-No Swearing/Profanity!

-No Sexual Themes!

-No,absolutely no,Outside Drama!

-I can't think of any more rules,but obey them,or you shall be destroyed!








Starting Poke'mon:

Poke'mon Team:

You Gotta Catch'em All!

Pokémon 451 replies

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Showing Replies 351-400 of 451

over a year ago Nojida said…
"Ghost-type? Then this is Liepre's chance to shine" Alexa says, and the Purrloin smirks, getting a battle position.
over a year ago Mystrygal said…
"cool!You can start......."Olive said.
over a year ago Nojida said…
"Alright Liepre, use Pursuit!" Alexa commands, and Liepre charges in to attack.

over a year ago Mystrygal said…
"Phantump.......dodge!"Olive commands, but even though it tried, it couldn't dodge in time, resulting in a direct hit.................,"Alright, "?Olive says as Phantump recovers,"Use.......shadow ball!"
over a year ago Nojida said…
Liepre took the attack, but didn't cause much damage, as it wasn't super effective. (Although Phantump can't use Shadow Ball XP) "Alright Liepre, let's go with Pursuit once again!" Alexa commands, and Liepre charges in to attack again.
over a year ago Mystrygal said…
(I know!I haven't been able to play the games so I have no idea what kinds of attacks X and Y pokemon can use!I'll have to google it..........)

"Right ! try Dodging!"Olive, again it was a fail,"Well, we need to work on your dodging skills!So for now, use Confuse ray!"
over a year ago Nojida said…
(That's what I do as well XP)

"You'd better dodge this one, Liepre!" Alexa says. Lipre sweatdrops, and dodges Phantump's Confuse Ray the last moment.
over a year ago Mystrygal said…
(Google to the rescue!)

"Right!Feint attack..they say it's supposed to hit without fail....wonder if it's true........."Olive said as Phantump approaches Liepre disarmingly, then throws a sucker punch.
over a year ago Nojida said…
(*Epic music starts playing!*)

The Fent Attack is a hit, causing Liepre get knocked back. It wasn't very effective this time either, though. "Liepre, use Pursuit again!" Alexa commands, and Liepre quickly gets up and uses Pursuit.
over a year ago Mystrygal said…
(*Applause all around*Cheers to Google!)

"dodge?"Olive says meekly, but ofcourse, it didn't make it this time either, Knocking out Phantump........"You were awesome, and you know what, we'll beat her next time!"Olive says returning Phantump.
"So, fenny, your up!"Fennekin Runs out all excited and ready to battle.
over a year ago Nojida said…
(And us, for no real reason!)

"Alright Olive, you make the first move this time" Alexa says. Liepre simply sighs and takes a battle position again.
over a year ago Mystrygal said…
(Yep!Hooray and applause for us!XD)

"Well, Fennekin,Scratch!"Olive says as Fennekin runs forward to use scratch!
over a year ago Nojida said…
"Counter it with Pursuit!" Alexa says, and Liepre counters Scratch with Pursuit.

over a year ago Mystrygal said…
"so, use will-o-wisp!"Olive says as a blue flame is released b Fennekin.
over a year ago Nojida said…
"Gah..!" Alexa growls as Will-O-Wisp hits, causing Liepre to get a burn. "Okay, we better finish this off quickly! Use Pursuit!" Liepre charges towards Fennekin, ready to use a full-power Pursuit.
over a year ago Mystrygal said…
"Light Screen!"Olive practically shouts, but Liepre's pursuit breaks the Light screen causing Fennekin to be thrown Back..............
over a year ago Nojida said…
"Nice job Liepre!" Alexa says proudly. Liepre then lets out a cry as burn starts causing trouble.
over a year ago Mystrygal said…
"Hm.....There's a burn effect!"Olive says Grinning, "now use a powerful, Flame thrower........"She says as Fennekin lunges forward and uses Flame thrower.........
over a year ago Nojida said…
Liepre couldn't dodge on time, and Flamethrower eventually hit her, causing her to faint. "You did well, Liepre. Return!" Alexa says, returning the fainted Pokemon.
over a year ago Mystrygal said…
'Wow, We actually beat Liepre....."Olive says , As Fennekin jumps in excitement, but the weariness was pretty clear on his face.........
over a year ago Nojida said…
"Alright Aquer, your turn!" Alexa says, sending out Aquer, her Froakie. "I suppose we get the first move this time?"
over a year ago Mystrygal said…
"sure!"Olive said.

over a year ago Nojida said…
"Alright, Auqer, use Bubble!" Alexa commands, and Aquer shots a beam of bubbles at Fennekin.
over a year ago Mystrygal said…
Fennekin Takes the hit, despite trying to dodge, and falls down, exhausted,"Well, Iguess this is it!"Olive said,"Good work Alexa!"She said and returned Fennekin.
over a year ago Nojida said…
"You did a nice job too" Alexa says, returning Aquer, "We have to train more, though. Viola must be stronger than this" she says, remembering Leon's battle with Viola.
over a year ago Mystrygal said…
"Right!"Olive says nodding,"out you come Both of you!"
over a year ago Nojida said…
"I think I'm going to let them rest at the Pokemon Centre a little" Alexa says, "Wanna come along?"
over a year ago Mystrygal said…
"Sure!the pokemon did battle hard, They deserve a good rest!"Olive says and follows Alexa!
over a year ago Nojida said…
"Alright, let's hurry! The Pokemon aren't the only ones who should be training!" Alexa says, running ahead fast.
over a year ago Mystrygal said…
"You got that right!"Olive says running too, " A little exercise Won't do any harm........"
Soon the pokemon centre became visible.
"There it is!"Olive said pointing to the big white building.
over a year ago Nojida said…
"Man, I'd really like a drink right now!" Alexa says, feeling her tongue being dry, as they finally arrive at the Pokemon Centre.
over a year ago Mystrygal said…
"Yeah, running is exhausting......!"Olive says running in and dropping on the couch....
over a year ago Nojida said…
"I'm gonna buy some drinks" Alexa says heading to the store that was next to Nurse Joy's desk.
over a year ago Mystrygal said…
"Could you Grab one for me too?"Olive calls as she gets up from the couch and goes to nurse Joy who was near the counter.
"Hello,Olive!"Nurse Joy says smiling
"Hey Nurse Joy!"Olive replies....handing over her pokemon.........
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Nojida said…
"Hi" Alexa says to the assistant.
"Hello, how may I help you?" he asks.
"Two lemonades please" Alexa replies, and the assistant gives her the drinks.
"We hope to see you again" He says, getting paid.
over a year ago Mystrygal said…
(g2g!see ya!)

"Have you done any Gyms,Olive?"Nurse Joy asks taking the pokemon ....to wherever they ae supposed to be taken........
"Nah!I'm going to challenge Viola soon though...."She says
"Good Luck with that!I've heard that Viola's very strong!"Nurse Joy said.
"Thanks!I'll try my best!"Olive replied, Grinning......

As Nurse Joy disappears into the room, Olive makes her way back to Alexa.........
over a year ago TAIKAMODO said…
Leon frowned more."Just because you hit doesn't mean you can disobey me like that!So Litleo,ember!"Litleo used Tackle,wanting to hit it again,but tripped on a rock.Litleo then appeared to get angrier,as it took in a deep breath.And it let it out,a flamethrower roared out.Leon sighed.I litleo would listen,they'd have a better chance.
over a year ago Nojida said…
"Klefki, dodge!" Lora says, and Klefki quickly gets out of the Flamethrower's way. Then, without being told, it floats behind Litleo, and uses Mirror Shot once more.
over a year ago TAIKAMODO said…
"Litleo schreeched as Mirror hot connected,knocking it into a tree.Litleo,while hurt,shakily stood up."Litleo....if you're gonna win,then we're gonna have to work together,okay?"Leon asked.Litleo stared at Leon for a few seconds,before nodding.Leon sighed."Finally,you come around.Maybe you needed that blow to knock some sense into y-''Litleo flame throwered Leon's face."Oh well....*Cough*..."He said as his eyes turned to swirls.
over a year ago Nojida said…
"Pfft, hah!" Lora laughs at the duo, but quickly covers her mouth. "Uh, I mean, now that Litleo finally got serious, let's end this, shall we?" she asks, hoping that they could at least take out Klefki.
over a year ago TAIKAMODO said…
Leon coughed again,before shaking his head to get rid of the Ash on his face."Okay then!Litleo,Flame charge!"From all the previous flame charges Litleo had did on it's own,it's speed had increased extremely.
over a year ago Nojida said…
"Oh, it looks like Litleo has reached your speed, Klefki" Lora says, noticing Litleo's increased speed. Klefki was about to use Double Team again, but Lora, commanded, "Use Mirror Shot!" and Klefki uses Mirror Shot the last moment.
over a year ago TAIKAMODO said…
Litleo collided with the mirror shot,feinting.Leon blinked,frozen in place."Litleo....you did good...return..."He took out Litleo's Poke'ball,and returned Litleo."That was a good match..."He said to Lora."I need to go to the poke'mon center!"He ran off,heading towards the center,the slightest twinkling hint of a tear in his eyes.I'll never beat Aunt Viola if i can't even beat a regular trainer....and i was thinking about battling her how i am now?I probably would've lost the same way....i couldn't even beat klefki,even with the type advantage.....two of mine couldn't beat one opponent...at this rate,i'll never get better!
over a year ago Nojida said…
Lora stares after Matt, confused, "I didn't get to say anything..." she says, and looks at Klefki, "Should we go apologize?" Klefki then points at her, then at itself, and then returns into its Pokeball. "Oh, that's right! You're pretty injured, too!" Lora says to herself, and walks off towards the Pokemon Centre as well.
over a year ago TAIKAMODO said…
Leon gave nurse joy all of his poke'mon,where she took them to heal.Meanwhile,Leon sat down on one of the long couches in the waiting room.His head was down,and he was just....thinking.What did i do wrong?......i had a good strategy,and a type advantage...i gave it all i had....and i still lost!What did i do wrong!?He shook his head,sitting up.What if someone i know comes in here....i can't let them see me like this....He returned to normal,even if it was a fake normal.
over a year ago Nojida said…
"Hi Leon!" Alexa says, popping out of nowhere. She had a lemonade can in her right hand. "How did the battle go? Got any experience?" she asks, curiously.
over a year ago TAIKAMODO said…
"I got creamed...badly..."Leon said darkly,before perking back up."But it wasn't bad....i learned how far away from beating the gym leader i am though.."He said thoughtfully.Keeping up his 'happy',facade was hard.
over a year ago Nojida said…
"Leon, you just battled with a trainer that has participated in the Pokemon League!" Alexa says, trying to cheer Leon up, "We're just beginners, aren't we? Don't think that you're not capable of defeating Viola just because you lost that one battle! Just try harder and start making a real happy face!" she says, slightly smacking Leon's head in order to make him get his senses back.
over a year ago TAIKAMODO said…
Leon sighed.He didn't need motivation,he needed to get better.And he wasn't going to get better talking."Sure Alexa.Whatever you say..i'm going to get my poke'mon."He was going to get better,and he was going to beat Viola.He was going to become the best,the strongest.He'd be the champion of Kalos one day,and he was never,losing again.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Nojida said…
Alexa keeps looking at Leon, before shrugging, "He's gonna be fine" she says to herself, and checks her Holo Caster, "My Pokemon should be ready soon enough"