The Heroes of Olympus Don't make me, JACKSON!!

GOLDEN1GIRL posted on Nov 10, 2012 at 11:27PM

Sup guys,
I am starting this forum but I'm not sure if people will read it so I'll give the first chappie and see how it goes. If no one reads it then I'll just delete it. Please read and comment on it.

(Oh and no demigods. All mortal.)
"Percy, touch me gain and I swear I will bitch slap you back to Olympus."
- Annabeth Chase: Don't. Make. Me. Jackson!
Annabeth is stuck in a dorm with Percy Jackson, her least favourite person at school much less the whole world.

Genre: Humor/Romance (Not yet)
Rating: T for language and se**al references. :D Don't worry, there isn't THAT much.

Other HoH characters.

I don't own the HoH series or the characters... Sadly.

I will keep updating because I see that people are starting to read and comment so I'll be posting about once a few days or a week.

Careful of the language but besides that it's a hilarious story.
The Percabeth fluff with come in later.

*I will also shoutout stories that I really like on fanfiction.*


last edited on May 20, 2013 at 08:16AM

The Heroes of Olympus 717 replies

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Showing Replies 501-550 of 717

over a year ago mimillama123 said…
omg every time i see this on the top im like SOMEONE WROTE! SOMEONE WROTE! and then the universe is like nonono not today.
over a year ago Redwall253 said…
I command you people to post a chapter! NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago cinnominbubble said…
over a year ago Redwall253 said…
TICK TOCK! There is a time bomb planted o this forum if you don't post soon... *mimics explosion*
over a year ago cinnominbubble said…
For a second, I read forum as Forehead and this is me------->link
hii7 commented…
went to link. was funny. anyway, i read this story, and i must say that the authors have great writing skills. love the story. over a year ago
over a year ago hii7 said…
have any of read thalia blackmails percy and annabeth?(i know corrected has.) that story is weird.
over a year ago hii7 said…
meant to say any of you.
over a year ago cinnominbubble said…
Yes... I've read worse... When I was 9
over a year ago Redwall253 said…
^^^Why would you say that here! SHAME! Are you trying to advertise the story? Hmmmmmmm? ARE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
last edited over a year ago
cinnominbubble commented…
Nope over a year ago
over a year ago anniebethrocs31 said…
Hi guys im new here I've read all ur updates and OMG!!! they totally rock when's ur next chappie?!
over a year ago hii7 said…
to redwall253: I AM NOT TRYING TO ADVERTISE ANYTHING. it is just that that story was freaky, and is not something i can keep quiet about. i have better things to do than reading perverted stories such as creating a new material for the hull of the starship im designing that can travel at the speed of light.
over a year ago hii7 said…
p.s. not saying this story is perverted.
over a year ago hii7 said…
wonder when the next chapter will be...
over a year ago fairywho said…
can i just say the fact you can all write stories like this is amazing? i've tried writing fanfics with my friends and we almost murder each other in the process. we can't even agree to disagree. this story has brought fans together. i think that it is truely amazing.
anniebethrocs31 commented…
over a year ago cinnominbubble said…
over a year ago hii7 said…
this may be late, but HAPPY NEW YEAR!
over a year ago cinnominbubble said…
By... A couple hours :L
over a year ago hii7 said…
where i was, it was only 3 hours late. the party took forever to end.
over a year ago hii7 said…
by the way, sugarpalstar is making me annoyed. he/she should have been able to post 2.5 weeks ago! with the consent of the people who are still monitoring this forum, i would like to become an author.
over a year ago hii7 said…
at cinnominbubble: i was the only one to say happy new year.
cinnominbubble commented…
I noticed :) I'm just not on very often over a year ago
over a year ago mimillama123 said…
well, IM okay with you being a writer.. we need new blood anyway, cuz the old people are too busy NOT POSTING!
over a year ago hii7 said…
still, i would like the confirmation of a few other people.
over a year ago Cindyrn said…
Yes you should become the writer i'm getting bored
over a year ago ArtemisStag said…
if you actually have ideas, I'm all for it! i know I'm all out of like anything. I think i may have accidentally killed this forum by making percabeth :( sorry!
over a year ago anniebethrocs31 said…
as long as u dont rush it, im alright with it. And if u actually post unlike SOME PEOPLE!!
over a year ago pinkpopcorn36 said…
yeah i think u should b an author
over a year ago pinkpopcorn36 said…
over a year ago ArtemisStag said…
yay heres cake!
over a year ago Redwall253 said…
I wonder if I count since I brought the whole idea for new authors but I agree. Oh and I'm sorry for accusing you of advertising that story I was just mad that it is number one on the popular content. Again accept my sincere apologies
over a year ago pinkpopcorn36 said…
I had this cool idea that you could write but that was before percabeth so you can't use it now
over a year ago mimillama123 said…
so maybe should we like pretend percabeth didnt happen? it seems like it would open up lots of ideas
over a year ago pinkpopcorn36 said…
That depends on ArtemisStag coz she did write it
over a year ago ArtemisStag said…
i don't care I'm sorry….. I'm a terrible person D,: (note: teensy bit o sarcasm)
over a year ago Redwall253 said…
I didn't see any sarcasm :)
over a year ago pinkpopcorn36 said…
Lol ;)
over a year ago Iheartlife23 said…
Ok I just wanted to say. YOU GUYS ARE COMPLETLY AND TOTTALY AWESOME! LIKE COMPLETLY! Keeping this forum alive was so cool. I read like all posts while reading chapters.
Is 42 from Doctor who? that kinda creepy one with David tenant where they're stuck on that creepy ship being possessed by a sun?

Yeah. pinkpopcorn36 I love your pic!.
I can write if you guys want. I Am a fair enough writer and I have WAY to much time on my hands. Like I mean WAY TOO MUCH. So I could write a couple chapters, just tell me any POVs if you wanted me too.

I'm totally loving pinkpopcorn36's profile pic, (Where did you get it? Its like a replica of my neighbors)
Again you guys are awesome and If you want me to write just shout out!
If you wanted to read some of my writing, On fan fiction my ID is Id65 (I'm real creative) {note sarcasm}
I'm not trying to spam which is why I didn't directly link!

Am I good for the job?
PS. This Is not a resume.
(Job application)
I can totally make one.
(I have that much time on my hands.)
I'll just post it tomorrow after church. (2:00)
Bye y'all
ArtemisStag commented…
NO 42 IS NOT FROM DR WHO ITS FROM HITCHHIKERS GUIDE TO THE GALAXY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! sorry i love those books. over a year ago
over a year ago Rickfan said…
I love this forum!
over a year ago pinkpopcorn36 said…
To Iheartlife23- thanks I love it too. I got it on google images, you know. I totally love puppies!!
Iheartlife23 commented…
I do too! I have a puppy right next to me right now actually. (Well she still acts like one) over a year ago
over a year ago Iheartlife23 said…
Ok so I'm Homeschooled, (Which means more work, less school time, and almost No homework) I Love writing, and am told I'm fairly good. both of my siblings are in college, My sister is a black belt and I watch her do her forms (Practice her awesome Judo flipping) and can I please write a chapter or two? at least a fill in caus Artemis Stag isn't writing right now?
Iheartlife23 commented…
Also did I mention I'm really, really fast writer usally? over a year ago
over a year ago Redwall253 said…
When I read your posts I imagine your a person who talks really fast, no offense...and 42 is simply the "ANSWER"

You should also make some chapters because this forum is hanging by a thread...and the thread is getting thinner
Iheartlife23 commented…
LOL. I do talk really fast. 42, Hmm. Ok I have about 1000 words of edited piper POV. posting now over a year ago
over a year ago Iheartlife23 said…
Pipers POV.
I need a swim. A heat snap in the middle of January is not cool.
I grab some towels and I dress in my swimsuit. I put on some denim shorts and an old London T-shirt.
“Wow. Someone want to say hot?” Percy asks. Percy is over here a lot, hanging out with Nico and watching TV and stuff.
“Wow. Someone want to say call Thalia?” I ask. Percy rolls his eyes but shuts up. I sigh and head to the pool.


“Piper!” I hear Annabeth’s voice behind me, I turn and see Annabeth, Thalia, and that- Hazel wasn’t it? Coming towards me.
“Hi. Coming for a swim?” I ask as they draw closer. “Yes. God yes” Thalia says. We enter the pool together and get 4 seats together.
I set my bag down and change. “Come on” I say and we get in.


After a couple games of Marco polo, and just a couple laps we start getting hungry.
We grab a snack and head to our chairs, but they’re occupied.
4 shirtless, and If I remember popular guys sit, going through our stuff.
“Move, and drop my stuff” I say. Annabeth and Thalia seem kinda calm. That’s scary.
The copper haired guy- I guess the leader smirks. “Yeah not until you sit on my lap Honey” He says.
I raise an eyebrow.
“Yeah sure here” I say offering my hand.
His friends whoop and quite a few people turn.
He grabs my hand.
Now I’m just going to say I love martial Arts. My dad needed classes for a movie, so we went to this converted warehouse. It’s about 3 stories tall, with a single floor, industrial fans and the whole place was covered with mats.
The owner and main teacher used to pick me up and swing me around. Mr. Mills was awesome. As soon as I was old enough I started classes when I was 7.
Now I’m a brown belt, (An initiate next level is Black) and I would already be 2nd degree black belt if I hadn’t gone on movie sets with my dad so much.
So what did I do? I judo flipped him.
Into the pool.
Then I grabbed the other guys and threw them in. as the copper guy re-surfaced and spluttered “Yeah. I think I’m good. Honey.” I say rolling my eyes.
Then I see Jason.
His looks- well surprised one eyebrow raised. I turn to the copper boy again. “I don’t let anyone control me. I want a kiss I’ll go to someone Cute” I say.
Then I sit in my chair and sip my smoothie. “Can you teach me that trick?” Hazel asks. “Just take up a good martial arts Class and you’ll be good” I say.
“Can I sit here?” I hear Jason’s voice behind me.
The chair next to me is empty so I nod. “Go for it.” I say.
“That was a cool move.” Jason says setting down his stuff. “Yeah. Been training since I was 7. Nobody is allowed to touch me unless I allow them. Or I like them” I say.
Jason is looking down but I’m pretty sure he’s blushing.
Score for the win.
“Why’d you learn?” Thalia asks.
“Oh my dad had a movie- I think it was Ginods treasure or something like that. He needed some Marshal Art moves, and I eventually enrolled myself. Paparazzi and crazed fans are kinda-crazy” I say rolling my eyes.
“No duh.” Annabeth says. She sits on the other end of our row. “Mind if I join?” Percy jumps into the chair next to Annabeth, making her jump and put a towel over her body.
She always did complain that Percy+ Her+ Bikini never ended well. “Yes I do” Annabeth says. The two of them start arguing/flirting. They are so annoying. “I’m going to change and take a walk” I say rolling my eyes.
“Can I come?” Jason asks. “Yeah if you can change.” I say.


We walk around central park like we did last week. “Um Piper?” Jason asks. “Hmm? What?” I ask.
“You flipped those guys into the pool. And you didn’t flip me or break my arm or anything. Why?” Jason asks. I sigh and sit on a bench.
“Well I thought that was obvious” I say. “What?” Jason asks. I stare at him.
“Do I have something on my face?” He asks. “Your and Idiot” I say. I lean over and kiss his cheek. As close as I can to his mouth.
He looks surprised.
God does he have any expression expect for Surprised? “Do you always have to look surprised?” I ask. He looks more surprised “I look surprised?” He asks. I want to face palm.
I shiver, the hot snap seems to be subsiding. Jason tentatively puts his arm around me.
Adorable. I put my head on his arm. He smiles and I think Adorable. That’s how I describe him.


“Piper that’s adorable” Annabeth says as we enter her room.
I was just telling her about me and Jason.
We are met with a picture of Percy and- Drew? On the couch making out.
Thalia looks like screaming, and so does Annabeth. Hazel just looks appalled. I press a finger to my lips and head to their refrigerator.
They have a bag of Ice in their freezer since there dispenser is broken.
Can you guess what happened? I think it’s pretty obvious. “AIIIIIE!” Percy screams, Ice trailing down his back and into Drew’s, Can you call that a sleeveless top? Or even a top? Well it’s all over her too.
Percy looks really mad. “What did you just do? That’s the second time this year” He asks. Then he sees Thalia.
I want to double over laughing.
“Smile. This one’s going to your mom” Thalia says. Her camera clicking
Percy makes a grab for the phone and Thalia runs out, I run after her to protect her phone.


Annabeth tries to stop Percy from getting out of their room and A couple seconds later Percy has Annabeth over his shoulder, kicking and screaming telling him to put her down. People put their heads out of their rooms, and take videos and pics.
“Annabeth Tuck and roll!” I yell to her.
I take Percy’s arm and kick his inner knee, enough to make him fall not paralyze him.
Annabeth rolls when he falls, and we run after Thalia.


We eventually catch up with Thalia outside a little Italian Restaurant.
Percy, Nico and what sounds like a couple others aren’t far behind.
We duck in and ask for a table. The waiter looks us over distastefully, but seats us.
We all order Water and food.
I get ravioli with meat sauce, Annabeth gets Calamari with linguini (Squid) And Thalia orders just pasta with meatballs.
Thalia keeps on getting texts from Percy, And Thalia Smiles as she sends the pic.
“It wasn’t as bad the first time you caught them but it’s a good enough pic.” Thalia says as the waiter sniffs disdainfully as he gives us our water.
“C'è qualcos'altro che vorresti ordinare?” He asks.
Thalia looks confused
“no grazie, signore” I say.
Annabeth looks even more confused. “Is there anything else you’d like to order. Thats what he asked.
My dad had me learn Italian” I say. The waiter looks a bit happier that we’re not shredded mongrels.
“God Piper you’re so tight. Where’s Hazel?” Thalia says. I had just noticed.
“woah I thought she was behind me” I say calling her phone.
“I stayed to help drew put on some clothes. Then I forgot to call you, I went to Franks room” I can hear Hazel blush.
She makes a little breathy sound that seems amplified over the phone.
It’s kinda annoying. “Ok. Talk to you later, Tell us how your date goes” I say hanging up. Thalia stares at me
“She does this annoying breathy thing when she blushes. I assumesince she was in Franks room-“I said eyebrows raised.
“ohh. Yeah if she excludes us thats going to suck” Thalia says. Our food arrives and we eat in a comfortable silence.
Then we order Cannoli (It’s this really awesome Italian dessert, Tastes like a whipped cream, pumpkin in my opinion) And some chocolate mousse.
I call to pay. “Oh no come on let us pay” Thalia says.
The waiter waits patiently “You want me to pay. It’s not like my dads gonna care. He’s on set in the carribien with Calypso Atlas. He’ll be gone for at least another month” I say signing my name.
The waiter stares at my card “You are Piper Mclean?” (I thinks its either Mclain or Mclean if anybody knows) The waiter asks.
“Yeah. Problem?” I ask. He shakes his head and comes back with a free cannoli and my card.
I give him %20 of the meals cost my usual tip, and Thalia and Annabeth throw some extra money on his tip.
We leave and go back to Annabeths dorm.


I’m glad we did because Percy was getting a skype lecture via his mom. “-Dare you Do that?” His mother was saying.
“Hey Mrs. Jackson” Annabeth says going to the kitchen.
“Hey aunt sally” Thalia said following Annabeth,
“Hey Mrs. Jackson, I’m Piper” I said l lean behind Percy and then followed them.
The lecture continued. We listened and mocked the two of them silently. Then Percy got off skype and came into the kitchen.
“You guys suck” Percy says, “Well thank you” I say bowing.
“I mean it. You guys suck. I was getting a car for christmas. So Not Now” Percy says. Annabeth shoots him a look of pure loathing.
ArtemisStag commented…
k…. that was a rather sudden ending …… also is there a reason random words are capitalized? (not trying to be rude or anything jus want to know) over a year ago
Iheartlife23 commented…
Yeah, My grammer Checker automatticly checks, I try and catch some of them But I don't get them all. The last sentence was cut off, I didn't catch that thanks over a year ago
Iheartlife23 commented…
“Idiot. We’re going to watch a movie. Disturb us and we’ll- well you get the idea” Thalia says. And with that we walk past a fuming Percy to our waiting movie. over a year ago
Syls_Gibbs commented…
Honestly that felt more troublesome for them all when Percy got caught, otherwise it was great. over a year ago
over a year ago Iheartlife23 said…
I usually write a longer chapter but I need to get into a groove with these characters first
over a year ago Redwall253 said…
I can't imagine how long your chapters are! Just to be clear did the incident were Percy kissed annabeth happen or have we decided not to incorporate it
Iheartlife23 commented…
I dunno. I just didn't incoraprate that because I wasn't sure. Ad You really can't imagine how long most of my chapters are. I talk fast, I think fast, I type fast over a year ago
ArtemisStag commented…
no i don't think that it is. over a year ago
Iheartlife23 commented…
ok. I just will pretend it was a parralell chapter. over a year ago
over a year ago Iheartlife23 said…
I am working on my 2nd chapter and should have it posted by the end of the day. Annabeth POV. Should be good, not that long though just a bit of fluff where Annabeths hate level goes from 100 to 70 of percy
over a year ago Iheartlife23 said…
Ok I'm posting my second chapter!
over a year ago Iheartlife23 said…

I feel like shit.
Someone had broken the thermostat for our dorm, so it was about 90 degrees in our building.
But that’s not why I feel so bad.
I’m pretty sure I’m sick.
I wear nothing but an oversized T-shirt and my undergarments, and nothing but a sheet covers me and I’m still boiling.
I head into the kitchen and take out my medicine chest, a little chest with a combination key-code where I keep my medicine.
I grab the thermometer and put it in my mouth.
I think of my 3 fears.
Spiders, Needles, and Pills.
The 3rd one isn’t really a fear- but before I can stop myself I’m reliving kindergarten.
My sister used to chew on the caps of her cheap ball point pens when she wrote.
I being in kindergarten thought it was because she liked the taste of plastic.
I was watching TV downstairs that day. And I saw a little plastic KNEX cap, slightly bigger than a penny.
It came from one of my brother’s play sets. I picked it up and chewed on it.
For your information it tasted like plastic- so nothing.
Then I accidently swallowed it.
I can’t remember much of that day, or even what time of year it was.
It must have been near Easter because I ate some wrapped chocolates, they were shaped like Easter eggs and had a bunny on the plastic bag.
I remember eating dinner, throwing up, putting on a leotard, my favorite one, with red white and blue on it.
I remember lights and white hallways.
I almost remember a face, maybe a figment of my imagination of a surgeon in green with a mask and a slight beard, with brown hair and brown eyes.
I remember being wheeled on a hospital bed down a corridor
I remember the calming voice of someone asking me to count back from 100.
I remember a room with rainbows on the walls, a TV playing SpongeBob square pants, a windowed wall looking out on a Japanese maple, Broccoli with cheddar cheese over it.
Then I remember me screaming.
My mom said later that I had been out cold and they hadn’t been able to wake me.
As soon as the needle for the IV touched my skin I woke up and screamed.
I remember the young Indian Nurse trying to calm me down enough to put the needle in.
I’ve always hated needles, it’s not a fear but a hate.
I remember someone mentioning underwear, a white night gown with walruses in pink night gowns on it.
I remember seeing that little blue cap rattle in a pill cup.
The doctor saying I have ridges in my throat caused by allergies.
Then I remember going into class and Percy asking me where I’d been.
I saying I was in the hospital. Then-
BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP. I’m jolted back to the present and take out the thermometer.
101.00 Hot. I grab a glass of water and my liquid melatonin.
I never could take pills. I gag them up. I squirt some melatonin in my mouth.
It doesn’t taste that bad. Like cherry popsicles with the concentrated melted stuff at the end of the tube, only slightly stronger.
I relock my med-case and open a ginger ale.
“Well what are you doing this fine hour?” I glare at Percy but I can’t do much else.
Percy’s wearing shorts and nothing else. “Shut up and leave me alone” I say.
My voice is hoarse.
I grab a cough drop from Percy’s medicine box and un-wrap it popping it in my mouth.
Percy frowns “Are you sick?” He asks. I give him a ‘yeah duh’ look. “What was your first clue?” I ask.
“Do you want me to call Thalia or something? Or get you some water?” He asks.
“Sure. Some water would be nice” I say. I expect him to yell psych so I head to my room and collapse on my bed.
He actually comes in with the water. “Need a hug?” He asks.
I can tell He’s joking, being Percy da Perv.
“Touch me and Die.” I say. I turn and say “goodbye”. He sits on the side of my bed.
I try and kick him off but it doesn’t work “Hey stop it.” He says. He gets up and disappears.
The heat is unbearable.
Suddenly something soft and large falls on top of me. Eww not Percy if that’s what you’re thinking.
A sweat shirt. “Wear that. It should help your fever” Percy says.
I put it on and it is surprisingly soft, and it does cool me down. “Thanks” I say.
I can hear Percy and I see his outline sit by the side of my bed on the floor.
“You sure you’re okay?” Percy asks. “Yes. I’m ok. Why are you still in my room?” I ask.
Percy snorts “like you’re going to be able to sleep. I thought you might want some company.” Percy says
I don’t reply.
“I take that as a yes. So I’ll just bore you to sleep by droning on” Percy says. I laugh softly.
He’s is talking about video games but I’m remembering our first sleepover.
8th grade, Lavender Careens asked everybody too her house for a sleepover.
Well her brother asked all the guys but it was the same message.
The Twins where the most popular so everybody went.
I’ll leave it to your imagination what happens when you leave a bunch of Teenagers at A Co-ed sleepover unsupervised.
Percy put a recording on where we were sleeping.
Some people threw stuff at it, But It just bored most of us to sleep.
I want to think about what happened the next day when Thalia kicks butt for a prank Nico pulls but I drift into sleep.

Singing Radiohead at the top of our lungs
With the boom box blaring as we're falling in love
I got a bottle of whatever, but it’s getting us drunk
Singing here's to never growing up

I sit straight up.
Percy is passed out next to my bed, and Rock music Blasts through the announcers intercom, every room has one in our dorm.
I grab a bath robe, and but on some shorts and slip on some shoes, sparies and March to Thalias room.
Everyone is poking their heads out, laughing and shoving each other.
I know that music. Thalias favorite track, some cover by some singer.
I get to her room “THALIA!” I say. Travis opens the door. I push past him and stare at Thalia.
She’s laughing. “You Woke me up” I say. Thalia looks at me “You look like hell” She says.
“I’m sick you idiot. I only got to sleep at 4.” I say. Thalia smiles and says.
“It was Conner’s Idea.” Conner runs out of Thalias room and I chase after him.
I see cameras but I really don’t care “YOU IDIOT! DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH SLEEP I GOT?”
Piper catches Conner and flips him.
She’s impeccably dressed, wearing sneakers, leggings and an oversized sweatshirt.
She places a foot on his back. “You don’t look so good.” Piper says.
“Yeah. I’m sick. Couldn’t get to sleep last night. And this little angel decides that we should get up early.” I say.
Piper smiles. “Totally.” Travis snaps a picture “THIS GOES ON I-FUNNY” He shouts running off.
I roll my eyes. “Really what’s it going to say. ‘My brother thought that today was the best day for everyone to be up at 6. This is what happened?’ really?” I say.
Conner moves. “I’m going back to sleep.” I trudge off to my room.
Percy’s exiting “What who why? Dolphins Mermaids?” He asks. I push him out of the way.
“Yeah sure leave me alone so I can sleep” I say. I fall into bed.
Maybe Percy isn’t a complete jackass. He was nice last night when I was sick.
Maybe on an I-Hate-You-A-Lot list? Then I’m asleep.

“That is funny dude” I say. The picture shows 3 people, a girl in leggings and a sweatshirt, her ponytail with uneven locks like her hair is choppy.
The second girl wears an oversized sweatshirt, some shorts, sparies and a bathrobe. Her hair is messy from sleep.
The 3rd person is a dude in jeans and a green shirt.
He lays face down on the floor, the first girl’s knee on his back as the 2 girl talk.
It has about 300,000 views and about as many Facebook likes. Who knew I-funny was so popular?
The words are
I see Travis. We fist bump and I say “hey dude? You know you have like 300,000 hits right?” I ask.
He looks surprised and glances at the photo. “Uh-oh” He says.
“Why uh-oh dude? That’s awesome-“I’m interrupted by a scream “TRAVIS STOLL!”.
Travis winces “that’s why” He says. I turn and see a couple girls march towards us.
Annabeth is in front, Thalia and piper behind her. “Ladies” I say. The girls ignore me.
Thalia takes Travis’s arm and twists it so he’s kneeling. “Ow. Ow. Ow. Ow” He says.
“Oh quit whining. Now here Leo take a pic.” Annabeth tosses me her phone.
I shrug and back up to take the pic.
I get a good one, Annabeth and piper in full view, and Thalia twisting Travis’s face to face the camera.
“There you go. Now usually I tremble before your evil cheerleader awesomeness but what are you doing?” I ask tossing Annabeths phone to her.
“Uh- Cheerleaderness? No. No. Not Cheerleaderness. Bad ass yes. We’re making a return Meme. We personally think these are idiotic but whatever. Give me your phone” I give it to her.
Annabeth taps a couple times and hands it back.
In the comments section there it was.
“Uh Dude? They’re threating you with whipped cream. I don’t see what’s funny about this.” I say.
“Love the shirt” Piper says as they leave. I glance at my shirt. Avengers quote. Iron man is so funny.
I help Travis up. “You’re screwed.” I say.
“500,000 views? You’re kidding? Right? I’m famous?” Thalia seems shocked.
“Yup babe. You’re famous” I say. The trio of them have beat up a lot of people,
So I’m surprised they haven’t broken my arm yet. “Yeah guys. You’re famous” Reyna says.
Reyna’s hot. Her black hair is in a Katniss-style fishtail. God how did I recognize it?
I spent way too much time with my sisters last summer. Not cool
She sits next to me.
“Leo can you pick up pizza? Reyna can you go with him so he doesn’t order cheese less pizza?”
Thalia tosses two 20s to Reyna “Have a car?” Reyna asks me. “Yeah” I say.
Reyna hasn’t been in New York long. We enter Thalias room arguing
“-Well then why did you listen to me genius?” She asks
“Because you’re hot! A hot girl wants to ride in a car with me and I’m going to say no?” I ask her back.
Thalia snaps her fingers “break it up geniuses. We want pizza” I roll my eyes but put the pizza on the table.
I grab the first slice and we collapse on the sofa eating. Reyna pauses “You think I’m hot?”
She asks eyebrow raised. “Heyyy No hitting my awesomeness. You do and no Leo-time” I say.
Probably not my best line. “What are you doing Friday?” She asks. I drop my pizza slice. “I’m busy-“
I say her face falls “Going out on a date with you” I say. She smiles “you’re amazing at this- not”
Reyna says. I roll my eyes “I’ll work on it” I say. I high-five Jason “Score dude” I say.
Reyna lightly punches me on the shoulder. “I’m no soccer ball” she says “I agree. You’re too pretty”
I say. Reyna blushes. Man how am I so good at this? “Thank you, I love avengers” Reyna says.
All the girls love Leo- And my shirt. I do my best Iron man- impersonating Shake sphere Impersonation
“Doth Mother Know You Weareth Her Drapes?” I say. Reyna bursts out laughing and I do too.
Click. I turn to see Thalia with her phone out. “Hey I’m famous. Now you are too” She says.
Reyna jumps up chasing Thalia around for her phone. That just makes me laugh louder.
Eventually Reyna will win but for now I’ll just watch them jump over tables and run into things.
Suddenly everything went black. I hate being hit in the head with phones. I think as I black out
over a year ago Redwall253 said…
I was going to read the whole thing but it was too long but so far so least SOMEONE is posting *hint* *hint*
Iheartlife23 commented…
Ok, I'll cut my chapters shorter. over a year ago
over a year ago Rickfan said…
What? Leo is dead. Just kidding
over a year ago Iheartlife23 said…
Yay! It's my birthday! another year older and more school to look forward to! (psych) But it actually is my birthday, and I will post what happened to Leo in like 18 hours. I need sleep and TGI Fridays lava cake :)
over a year ago Iheartlife23 said…
I do feel kind of bad for hitting Leo in the back of the head with my phone,
But not as bad now, Reyna and I had gotten in what Jason calls “A full Cat Fight”.
Jason had posted the video on YouTube, now a 1,000,000+ hits. I sigh and bring the video up.

Its description is
Two very lovely ladies fight over me, and in the process knock me out. Also one of the infamous girls from that Instagram stint, including kneeing two of my friends. ENJOY!
It’s kinda funny, but still. I comment


“What are you doing?” Hayden’s voice asks. “Just checking my little cat-fight video. 1,000,000+ Hits”
I say. “Aren’t you supposed to be at the silver diner with Annabeth?” Hayden asks.
“Shit. Yeah I’m going” I say. I run out the door and off to the diner.
When I reach there I’m just in time to order. “Sorry I’m late. How’s Percy?” I ask.
Annabeth winces “I don’t know- he’s kind of like- Jack” Annabeth says. I gasp.
Jack is our code for super nice and hot.
“You did not just say that. I want to plan the party” I say.
“Shut up. Don’t think too far ahead. I mean he’s still a-“She doesn’t finish.
I turn to see Percy calmly reading a menu, back turned to us. I tap his head.
He turns, and tries to jump up. I grab his shirt and pull him into our booth. “Who’s Jack?” He asks.
“You’ll never know. Leave us in peace. Really Annabeth? Get over with it! Or just you know dump him”
I say. Percy smiles. “What are we talking about?” He asks.
“Oh get over yourself! But you rated him a Jack?” I ask. Annabeth looks same as ever
“Yeah. But not here.” She says. “For god’s sake! I wanted a willow for a sister I would have asked Hazel!”
I say. Percy is watching us like a ping pong game/Car accident. Horrified and intrigued.
“Yeah. Sure. But I don’t know. He’s still such a- jerk. And Gods his Ego would never die” Annabeth says.
“Yeah, Yeah. And Brahmin in is better than Gucci get with the times!” I say.
“Do you mean the two headed cow from fallout 3?” Percy asks. We both stare at him.
“Brahmin? I like Lo- wait off topic. But I still don’t know. Because if-“I stop her. “Don’t you dare con-“
I begin

“I can’t tell and he might like me but he wouldn’t reject me for an idiot or become a completely egoistical maniac I don’t know and if we did get together it would go against my philosophy of hating him but he’s also like Jack and if he’s like jack well you know what that means once you rate jack you don’t come back” She says in one breath.

“Are we on nursery rhymes? Two headed cows? Mysterious men named Jack? I can’t find the page!” Percy complains.
“Percy my dear cousin you are not on the same page, or in the same chapter, or in the same book, in the same bookstore, or in the correct chain, or even in our country. Quit while you’re ahead” I say.
“What? I’m confused!” He says. “You think this is Jack material?” I say jerking my thumb at Percy.
Annabeth moans. “Yeah. I’m an idiot” She says. I would agree. Completely