The Heroes of Olympus Don't make me, JACKSON!!

GOLDEN1GIRL posted on Nov 10, 2012 at 11:27PM

Sup guys,
I am starting this forum but I'm not sure if people will read it so I'll give the first chappie and see how it goes. If no one reads it then I'll just delete it. Please read and comment on it.

(Oh and no demigods. All mortal.)
"Percy, touch me gain and I swear I will bitch slap you back to Olympus."
- Annabeth Chase: Don't. Make. Me. Jackson!
Annabeth is stuck in a dorm with Percy Jackson, her least favourite person at school much less the whole world.

Genre: Humor/Romance (Not yet)
Rating: T for language and se**al references. :D Don't worry, there isn't THAT much.

Other HoH characters.

I don't own the HoH series or the characters... Sadly.

I will keep updating because I see that people are starting to read and comment so I'll be posting about once a few days or a week.

Careful of the language but besides that it's a hilarious story.
The Percabeth fluff with come in later.

*I will also shoutout stories that I really like on fanfiction.*


last edited on May 20, 2013 at 08:16AM

The Heroes of Olympus 717 replies

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over a year ago ArtemisStag said…
technically im next i need to start writing!
over a year ago ArtemisStag said…
over a year ago ArtemisStag said…
@cinnominbubble for nicos partner for the project am i allowed to use hazel or should i just use a random pjohoo thats conveniently there?
over a year ago cinnominbubble said…
Go ahead, I can't post anymore:(
over a year ago kpgrace said…
I just started reading and I love it! @ArtamisStag when do you think your post will be out?
over a year ago cinnominbubble said…
over a year ago ArtemisStag said…
um probably in a few days im almost done but i dont know exactly when ill be able to finish it
over a year ago ArtemisStag said…
okay heres your chapter :)

Annabeth POV

Thalia walked back to the dorms pretty much in silence after receiving the history project rules (that sounds like it should really be an english or science assignment sorry sugarpalstar). Thalia tried to start a conversation multiple times but I just glared at her. She finally got the message and remained silent.

Maybe I could just asses Percy’s eating habits? If I didn’t my journal would probably be full of stuff like “Percy and his cousin pranked me and I beat them up”.

Suddenly I started wondering exactly what would Percy find out about me, which I guess should have been one of the first things I thought about. But when you need to stalk your nemesis for a month your thought process doesn’t work exactly right.

I sort of went into autopilot, walking to my dorm and going into my room without thought.

I knew I should probably start on some homework, but that was pretty much the last thing I wanted to think about. Even if it was only math, “homework” now brought to mind nothing but Percy.

Finally I got fed up with my infinite loop of thinking and went into the other room to watch tv. I noticed that there was a new black cushion, but I didn’t think anything of it.

I fell into the couch. The new black cushion thumped its tail and looked up at me.

“PERCY!” I yelled.

Percy somehow was in the dorm even though I hadn’t seen him coming in. He appeared in the doorway of the living room.


“Exactly WHY am I sitting next to a DOG?!”

He stopped grinning and clapped his hands. The dog obediently stood up, stretched, and got off the couch. It padded its way towards Percy, who rubbed the top of his head affectionately.

“You shouldn’t be sitting next to her,” he said. “But the university is allowing pets now!”

I face-palmed. First, opposite sex dorm mates. Now, pets. And the dog wasn’t exactly a small dog or anything either. It looked like a mix between a black lab and a mastiff.

Percy confirmed my suspicions when he said, “She’s a mutt.”

I shook my head. Surely this was one of his pranks. Keep me with a dog for a night, return dog, try to forget what happened.

I try to test him. “What’s her name?”

“This is Mrs. O’Leary!”

Okay, so he had a name prepared.

“How did you get her?”

His lighthearted mood turned a bit more serious. “A family friend died. She was given to me in his will.”

That did sound a bit likely. I highly doubt that he could’ve thought up something more creative than “I wanted a dog to annoy you so I got one.”

I shook my head and turned back to the tv. I could live with a dog for a few days. But if Percy thought I would feed her or take her on walks, he was out of his mind.

Seeing that I would interrogate him no further, Percy went back into his room. Mrs. O’Leary curled up where she was standing and stared at me with big puppy dog eyes.

Okay. I had to admit, she was adorable.

Suddenly, an idea struck me. I went into my room and pulled out a blank notebook. I flipped it open to the first page and wrote in big bubble letters: English Assignment, Percy Observation.

Entry one: Got a dog.


Piper POV

Reyna was striking me as an interesting girl. She seemed to take the whole “observing jason” part a little seriously, but not enough to be overly creepy. She knew her way around all of the classes we shared; probably all of the ones she took. She wouldn’t tolerate guys crushing on her, but seemed to have a soft side she didn’t let anyone see.

Wow. I think I may be psychic. I have no idea where that came from.

Anyways, me, Jason and Reyna were sitting in my room since Nico was off with Percy doing gods-know-what. We were brainstorming ways not to be overly creepy with this assignment.

So far, all of our notebooks were blank.

Finally, Jason sighed and stood up.

“I don’t see any way around it,” he said. “We’ll all have to become psychopathic stalkers.”

I was about to agree with him when Reyna snapped her fingers.

“I know!” She exclaimed. “We can follow each other on Twitter! All anybody does on Twitter is post random details about their lives that no one cares about! we can just copy our Twitter comments and we’ll all get As!”

I shook my head. “I don’t have a Twitter account.”
Reyna visibly slumped. “Then I agree with Jason. We’re destined to stalk people for eternity.”

Strangely enough, her facial expression was mostly disgust with a touch of eagerness.

Yep. Reyna is going to be interesting.

Nico POV

“So, you and Annabeth. That’ll be interesting.”

Percy looks at me like “I know, right?” mixed with “We’re being taught by a madman! Help! Call the insane asylum!” with a dash of “And I’m looking forward to it.”

“Who’d you get paired with?” He asks me.

I shrugged. “Rachel. Not the worst, not the best. I can live with it.”

Percy nodded absently.

I decided to change the topic, since the conversation was dragging anyways.

“So, how’d Annabeth react to Mrs. O’Leary?”

He shrugged. “Better than I thought. I think she thinks it’s a prank.”

Okay, the shrugs were getting annoying.

“What’s with the shrugging?”

He shrugged.

I facepalmed. “Please stop.”

He shrugged again.

I punched him in the face.

“Ow!” He yelped, rubbing the spot where I hit him. “What was that for?”

“Stop shrugging, shrugger.” I replied. “What is with the shrugs? Usually you’d be planning an elaborate scheme to humiliate Annabeth! And now you could do that while getting your history homework done! Why are you all like ‘I refuse to talk’ now?”

He looked like he was about to shrug yet again, then thought better of it.

“It’s kind of weirding me out, the way Annabeth reacted to Mrs. O’Leary. If she had thought it was a prank, she would have punched me. If she thought it was real, she either would’ve punched me or acted more sorry when I told her that Daedalus had died. But she almost didn’t react at all. It’s like she was ignoring me.”

It took everything in my willpower not to laugh.
“Is wittle Percy upset his giwlfweind’s ignowing him?” I say in a baby voice. “Are you kidding me? She hates your guts.”

“Our guts,” He corrects me.

“She hates yours more. Way more.”


“If you shrug again, so help me--”

“I’m not going to shrug. I just…” Percy trails off, staring into space.

“What is it? Did you somehow not know she hates your guts? ‘Cause she makes it pretty obvious.”

More silence. I look harder at his expression. Is it… remorseful?

“Not obvious enough?”

Percy sort of moves his head, like a half-nod.

I facepalm again.

“You honestly couldn’t tell?”

Again, a half-nod. Out of the shrugs, into the nods.

I sigh. Did he actually have feelings for Annabeth? Because making a girl annoyed by you, and then mad at you, and then punching you, is the worst possible way to flirt.

“No! I guess…. Maybe.”

“Oh yes, because that clears it up.”

He glared at me for five consecutive minutes.

“Go and stalk Rachel.” He finally says, and turns away from me.

Someone’s in a bad mood today. Percy’s almost never like that. It’s happened just twice before, but it always stopped in around an hour. It was always easier to give him his space. (Hormones!!!!!!!!!!!)

I stood up and walked out of the room, to ram into Thalia.

“Oh, hi,” she said, a bit breathlessly. “Is Percy in there?”

“Well, he’s in there, but….” I searched for the right words. “He might not want any visitors.”

Thalia rolled her eyes. “He never wants visitors.”

“Well, yeah, but I strongly suggest you do not go in there right now.”

Thalia cocked an eyebrow at me. “Seriously? You’re going to ban me from seeing Percy?”

“As a matter of fact, yes. I do ban you from seeing Percy for the next hour or so.”

“I could kick your ass right now.”

“I know. But Percy is not in the mood to be seeing anyone.”

Thalia sighed, socked me in the jaw, and went through the door. I kind of knew that was coming.

I waited outside the door, wanting to know what’s going on. I heard silence, then Thalia yelling, and then some general shouting. (Oh wait I forgot to tell you they’re at Percy’s dorm) Then I heard Annabeth’s voice, heavy from sleep, asking what’s going on. More shouting.

Thalia stormed out of the door, not bothering to look my way. I can hear a softer conversation, then Annabeth’s voice a bit louder. I couldn’t make out exactly what she’s said, but it didn’t sound very polite. Then silence.

After a couple of minutes, I decide it’s safe to come in again. Percy is still sitting on the counch, arms crossed, looking like he was ready to get his A-class serial killer on.

“Women, huh?”

Sorry i made percy act all weird but when i write i kind of come up with stuff, and once i do i have to go with it. i hope you like it sorry it took so long!
sugarpalstar commented…
sorry for changing Mr Wattsanov or whatever his name is. Oops!!:) over a year ago
over a year ago cinnominbubble said…
Ha ha! Lol, that was epic
over a year ago kpgrace said…
That was great! THX for writing! Who's next to right?
over a year ago kpgrace said…
over a year ago cinnominbubble said…
I would, but shh, Im not supposed to be on her.
over a year ago ArtemisStag said…
wait if cinnominbubble cant write was gonna write the next chapter........

OMG THE WORLD'S ENDING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!
over a year ago cinnominbubble said…
over a year ago sugarpalstar said…
WHYYYY!!!! <cue crying face> WHYYYYY! I don't wanna write, 'cause I have tons of homework!!! WHYYYYYY!!!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago cinnominbubble said…
IM SORRY:'( Im banned!!!!!
over a year ago sugarpalstar said…
K fine I'll write on 1 condition: nobody complains when it's a week late.
over a year ago cinnominbubble said…
over a year ago sugarpalstar said…
big smile
Well, I guess I'm in luck: It's been pouring rain for the last day or so, and the school district is worried about flooding. So I have a day off!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago sugarpalstar said…
big smile
Nevermind!!! I have TWO!!!
over a year ago corrected said…
over a year ago cinnominbubble said…
over a year ago ArtemisStag said…
i feel like i should post "lucky" so

over a year ago cinnominbubble said…
over a year ago sugarpalstar said…
big smile
over a year ago cinnominbubble said…
over a year ago ArtemisStag said…
big smile
so amazingly LUCKY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

but seriously are you going to add the chapter sooner, therefore we can complain if it's late (hopeful smile) ???????????????
over a year ago ArtemisStag said…
NEW PAGE!!!!!!!!!!
sugarpalstar commented…
Hey you changed your pic!! :D over a year ago
over a year ago cinnominbubble said…
Please post soon:)
over a year ago sugarpalstar said…
I'm trying!
over a year ago cinnominbubble said…
Ok at least ur trying:)
over a year ago kpgrace said…
Can't wait to read it
over a year ago cinnominbubble said…
over a year ago sugarpalstar said…
Did you guys want 2 hear from Frank? 'Cause then I have lots of work 2 do.
over a year ago cinnominbubble said…
Your choice, just post
over a year ago corrected said…
can u help a friend out and read this? link
over a year ago cinnominbubble said…
over a year ago sugarpalstar said…
K I'm gonna post!!:)
over a year ago sugarpalstar said…
Jason's POV

I sighed as Mr. Wattsanov collected our project journals. I still couldn't believe that I had to stalk two girls. I mean, one was bad enough, right? Wrong. And I just happened to get paired up with the new girl Reyna.

I mean, don't get me wrong, they're both cool and everything. But sometimes, I feel like there really are three old ladies out there controlling my fate, and sometimes, I felt like I had somehow got on their bad side. Pairing me up with two girls? They were the worst combo, too! I was dating Piper, and I had a feeling that Reyna was crushing on me. Uggh, could things get any worse?

"Now, class, I'd like for you to find your partners and discuss what you have learned about each other so far." Mr. Wattsanov's sharp voice snapped me back into reality. "Please be sure to ask your partner's plans, as well, so as to get ahead." He winked. We ignored him.

I turned to Piper. "So far, I've learned that you are a sweet girlfriend, ate a doughnut yesterday, and ..." I was about to list some more awesome things Piper did when Reyna interrupted.

"Hey, guys, so what are you going to do over the weekend?" But she was only staring at me. It was making me a little uncomfortable. Finally Piper said something to save me.

"Well, Jason, Percy, Nico, and all his other friends like to meet on Fridays, so tonight we're going to do something."

"Oh. Well, that's cool." She had obviously been expecting an answer from me, and one that was not including Piper.

"Other than that, nothing much." I said, because Reyna was still staring me down.

"Oh. Well, I'm not doing much over the weekend either. So now... To what we have learned." She sighed, then continued. "I don't think there's any way that we can talk about this without sounding like evil stalkers."

"Let's give it a try. So Piper, you like to go on walks sometimes, you were late to breakfast yesterday, and.... " I had nothing else. "Ummm, yeah, you .... Uggh, never mind, Piper, just go."

"So, Jason did..." My thoughts drifted. I thought about how well Piper took my kiss on the park bench. I mean, with a girl who would probably kick your ass if you touched her? I got off lucky.

"Jason," a voice said a few moments later. At that moment, I had been listing all the scenarios in my head where the Piper kiss would have turned sour. "Your turn to talk about what you learned about me." I blinked, and saw Reyna staring at me, her expression all flirty and all. Oh, goodie. She did have a crush on me.

I opened my mouth and tried to think of something Reyna had done. I drew a blank, so I decided to wing it. "Um, you... went for a walk yesterday?" I said, fingers crossed that she had.

Reyna smiled, satisfied. I gave a quick sigh of relief. Note to self: write that Reyna took a walk yesterday. We waited awkwardly for the teacher to give us something else to do.

Finally, the teacher noticed that nobody was talking except for the slackers and said, "Oh, right. well, since class is almost over, you may go."

There was a rush for the door, and I silently thanked those old ladies. Maybe they didn't hate me as much as I thought.


Hazel's POV

Wow. I had no idea that college could be this confusing. There were so many rooms, both abandoned and in use. It would take me a whole year to get used to this place, and by that time, we'd be out of school.

Frank, my only friend, was really the only one that kept me from running into a secret underground passageway and staying there. Of course, I've always been good underground, but still... All my classes had so much homework, and with the confusing hallways and stuff, my brain was full to bursting.

Frank and I were both freshman, and we were pretty much losers. Of course, the few times Jason had noticed us, he was nice, but still...

But there's nothing wrong with that. Even though the weird looks from everyone disturbed me, I was perfectly fine with it. Hey, anyone who wants a degree in mineral studies was a little weird.

"Hey, Hazel!" I looked around, surprised. Usually nobody but Frank talked to me, and he was at life science.

"Nico!" I said. Nico was my half brother. Same dad. "What are you doing here?"

"Nothing really. Just wanted to ask if you wanted to go to the movies with Percy, Thalia, and I."

"Huh?" I wasn't sure if I had heard him right. Had he just... Asked me out? No, he was my half- brother. Of course not. He wanted me to go to the movies.

"OK...." I said.

"Great! See you this afternoon around four! We can hang out until the movie starts at six!" Nico ran off, probably to talk to Percy or something.

I sighed. Great. I would be stuck with nothing to do for two hours. Just great.

Whatever. I had better get to mineral studies.

Mrs. Cotun, my mineral studies teacher, was pretty strict. Not that she wasn't nice or anything, she was just strict. If you got to class five minutes early, she'd ask you why you were so early, but when you go outside for a little and walk in six minutes later, she'll ask why you didn't stay in the classroom. I know. Some teachers are like that.

I pushed myself to walk faster. Arriving to class about a minute or two early meant Mrs. Cotun couldn't mess with you. A lot of students liked to play the long odds and try to get to class just in time, but I always waited outside until that golden time where you can walk into class in peace.

Just as I finished the thought, I arrived at Mrs. Cotun's door. So, I looked around to check the time. It was four minutes until class started, so I had a couple minutes to hang out.

I waited. Someone sniggered. "Loser," I specifically heard someone say. Oh well. I didn't care. Not like they cared either.

Finally, two minutes passed. I quickly walked into the classroom, trying to beat the crowd. Once everyone was in class and Mrs. Cotun had taken attendance, she said, "Now, class, will you please take out your assignments." We took out our homework.

"Now I will call on people for the answers. " Great. There were twenty six questions on the homework, which meant that everyone would get a question to answer. And some lucky person would get to answer two.

"Hazel, please answer number one." I looked down at my paper. Number one was diamond. "Diamond."

"Very good, Hazel. Josh, please answer number two..." And so on. I looked around, bored. When it was the last problem, Mrs. Cotun said, "Now... Warm-ups!" The whole class groaned. Mrs. Cotun has the worst warm-ups, because she always had you answer the questions right away.

"So! Let's see, Hazel, please tell me what different colors can be found in sapphires?"

The whole class smirked at me, like,"Oh, you don't know, do you?"

I ground my teeth. Morons. I can do it.

So I counted out the colors. Uhh, yellow, green, blue, pink, and... What's it called again? Padprschtia? No, padparadscha. Yeah, that was it. So that's five colors.

"Five, Mrs. Cotun." I said.

"Very good, Hazel! Can you list the colors?"

"Uh, yeah, yellow, green, blue, pink, and padparadscha. "Even she looked impressed. "Now, Mr. Stines, what is..."

I sighed. Another two long hours in mineral studies. At least I was going to a movie tonight

K guys I hope you liked it! It wasn't very exciting, but I had a small case of writer's block:(
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago cinnominbubble said…
Nice job:) I thought frank woud be older though
over a year ago ArtemisStag said…
Wait I am a bit confuzzled. Will cinnominbubble be able to be an author? If not should I choose another person to do a POV in? Answers are welcome..........
over a year ago sugarpalstar said…
Hey ArtemisStag I think this is the deal. cinnominbubble got grounded from fanpop & so we either need another author or we could each pick another POV.
over a year ago sugarpalstar said…
big smile
Oh and about my school district flooding I have Monday (aka today) and Tuesday off too!!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago cinnominbubble said…
I can't post
over a year ago cinnominbubble said…
over a year ago sugarpalstar said…
over a year ago cinnominbubble said…
Im not supposed to b on here
over a year ago ArtemisStag said…
then why are you on here....
over a year ago cinnominbubble said…
I b defiant... I know I bad...but your all so awesome!
over a year ago kpgrace said…
Ok who is writing next?