The Heroes of Olympus Don't make me, JACKSON!!

GOLDEN1GIRL posted on Nov 10, 2012 at 11:27PM

Sup guys,
I am starting this forum but I'm not sure if people will read it so I'll give the first chappie and see how it goes. If no one reads it then I'll just delete it. Please read and comment on it.

(Oh and no demigods. All mortal.)
"Percy, touch me gain and I swear I will bitch slap you back to Olympus."
- Annabeth Chase: Don't. Make. Me. Jackson!
Annabeth is stuck in a dorm with Percy Jackson, her least favourite person at school much less the whole world.

Genre: Humor/Romance (Not yet)
Rating: T for language and se**al references. :D Don't worry, there isn't THAT much.

Other HoH characters.

I don't own the HoH series or the characters... Sadly.

I will keep updating because I see that people are starting to read and comment so I'll be posting about once a few days or a week.

Careful of the language but besides that it's a hilarious story.
The Percabeth fluff with come in later.

*I will also shoutout stories that I really like on fanfiction.*


last edited on May 20, 2013 at 08:16AM

The Heroes of Olympus 717 replies

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Showing Replies 201-250 of 717

over a year ago Redwall253 said…
This place is possibly abandoned. Here how about this should she not return 2 days after this post then this forum is abandoned and either we leave it or some of us start a revolution and continue
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Redwall253 said…
over a year ago cinnominbubble said…
Good plan.
over a year ago zorgon28 said…
over a year ago cinnominbubble said…
1 day
over a year ago Redwall253 said…
It has been...well 6 days so lets pick the new authors. I was hoping that the post I put up would help drive GOLDEN1GIRL out of hiding but guess not
over a year ago cinnominbubble said…
Ok, I'll Message her. She said that I was apparently her Co-Author before and I don't think it's fair-maybe she's grounded or something?
over a year ago Redwall253 said…
I didn't think of that well we should give her another chance she is the official author after all
over a year ago Nicosgurl said…
Ya but cinnominbubble its been over a month i dout shes has been grounded for over a month going on 2 months
over a year ago cinnominbubble said…
I was
over a year ago bunnybot2000 said…
What did you do to get grounded for that long?
over a year ago cinnominbubble said…
...come on fanpop...
over a year ago Redwall253 said…
Well I guess that's that. Time to pick new authors.

So I was thinking we pick 3 new authors each posts a chaper per week
Should he or she fail to do so we give them an extra week
Should they fail again we pick a new author
over a year ago cinnominbubble said…
Oh I would offer but I can only post at my friends place. Plus I'm busy posting on a story called Alice's Story. Otherwise I would offer.
over a year ago Nicosgurl said…
Not me cause I sux at writing
over a year ago cinnominbubble said…
We should all write a bit, just to help.
over a year ago sugarpalstar said…
hiya i just started reading & its awesome but why isn't there a other post????
over a year ago cinnominbubble said…
She's not here:(
over a year ago sugarpalstar said…
thats just lame:P
cinnominbubble commented…
I know , but I think there's a reason over a year ago
over a year ago ArtemisStag said…
I just found this and ITS AWSOME!!!!! I read like almost every post in the last 20 minutes so I know Golden1Girls's gone. >:( grrrrrrr.....

BUT! I love writing and would love to at least try to be one of the authors! FYI I'm not 100% confident I could keep up with it and I've never been to colledge. So if I'm not picked to be an author I'm not only not offended but it also makes sense!
But I would just like to say that I volunteer as tribute!
cinnominbubble commented…
Good for you! I would but Im banned and it would take a long time over a year ago
over a year ago ArtemisStag said…
I've never been to colledge because I'm 13 not because I didn't get in. So you know. :)
over a year ago ArtemisStag said…
I have an idea to make sure that the plot twists don't go to crazy because of the multiple authors. How about each author gets around three characters to do POV chapters in, and if they have an amazing idea for a character that's not theirs or want to add someone (like Hazel or Frank) they can ask the other authors.
cinnominbubble commented…
Good idea over a year ago
over a year ago sugarpalstar said…
coolio u should b an author but somebody needs 2 POST!!!!
over a year ago sugarpalstar said…
we need like three authors and only 1 has volunteered!! we need 2 more wait i can write!!! *hopeful smile*
over a year ago cinnominbubble said…
I will volunteer but it wont be often that I post
over a year ago ArtemisStag said…
okay so if im an author i would like to warn everyone that

A) i dont write in Golden1Girl's style
B) like i said im only like 88% confident ill be able to add chapters when i need to... but ill try :)
over a year ago cinnominbubble said…
It's still nice that you are volunteering:)
over a year ago ArtemisStag said…
well i really love to write :)
over a year ago ArtemisStag said…
over a year ago cinnominbubble said…
That's amazing of you, and so do I! Here's cake!
ArtemisStag commented…
wait i just actually read the last few posts instead of skimming them and sugarplastar said (and i quote): we need like three authors and only 1 has volunteered!! we need 2 more wait i can write!!! *hopeful smile* over a year ago
ArtemisStag commented…
it should be perfectly exact because i copy pasted it :) over a year ago
over a year ago Redwall253 said…
It's great we have people that are offering to post but I personally don't think that if you can't post like at LEAST once every two weeks that you shouldn't commit yourself because then you get angry post from people asking you to post and well let's face it no one wants that king of pressure
over a year ago cinnominbubble said…
I can post twice a week:)
over a year ago ArtemisStag said…
i can probably post at least once every two weeks. also i wont get angry if people are like "where is she she needs to post!" just mildly annoyed.
over a year ago sugarpalstar said…
Sorry I've been gone, I went on a little vacation for labor day, but I think that I could post pretty often, I'm not too booked up (usually).
over a year ago sugarpalstar said…
big smile
I love writing and reading, so I hope you guys will let me be an author!!!
over a year ago Redwall253 said…
I don't want to right cause I'll probablly not post in weeks. So here are our new authors

1)Sugarpalstar will post first starting nxt week (it's saturday here so sugarpalstar will post on friday)
3)Cinnimonbubble will post last
over a year ago sugarpalstar said…
I'd better start writing!! ;)
over a year ago Redwall253 said…
over a year ago cinnominbubble said…
So, are we doing different Povs for each author?
over a year ago ArtemisStag said…
@cinnominbubble well i think it would make sense. personally i want annabeth because i have an idea for her but percy would work to for that.
@sugarpalstar what POV are you doing, so you can have that one? and could you give me a basic idea of where your ending, so i can start thinking about what im gonna write?
over a year ago cinnominbubble said…
I call Hazel! For no reason...
over a year ago ArtemisStag said…
well i have no need for hazel. but is it ok with my co-authors if i call annabeth nico and piper?
over a year ago corrected said…
1)Better than rick riordan possibly. YOU WILL LOVE IT
2)takes multiple days to read one chapter, that is how long and detailed it is

BTW to those who have started it and thought it was abandoned well it has been updated!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago sugarpalstar said…
Ok I get Thalia, Jason and Reyna if she's in the story. Cinnominbubble can have Percy, Frank, and Hazel.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago sugarpalstar said…
Hey guys I finished my chapter. Should I post it or wait till Friday?
over a year ago sugarpalstar said…
Hellooooo??? Is anybody home??
over a year ago Redwall253 said…
Post it. As for who gets who just deal with it among yourselves or if you want I'll pick (but lets face it it's better that you guys pick
over a year ago sugarpalstar said…
Ok :) Here it comes!
over a year ago sugarpalstar said…
Jason's POV

I don't know exactly why I kissed her. It had just seemed right. Piper was so different from all the other girls I'd met, and definitely not in a bad way. She wasn't one of those giggly gossip girls who wore skirts and shorts that just about showed their butts. She certainly wasn't anything like Drew. She was one of those girls who was even more beautiful than Drew, just because she didn't really try.

As soon as I heard Piper's sharp intake of breath, though, I knew I was in trouble. Piper didn't cross him as a girl who would forgive me for kissing her just like that. Any moment now, I was expecting her to slap me in the face a couple times and never speak to me again. But instead of ending our friendship (okay, acquaintance) Piper slowly stared at me. Without saying anything, she leaned her head on my shoulder as we watched the sun's light slowly fade away. In my opinion, nothing could have been better.

When the stars started coming out, Piper said, "We should probably get back. We don't want to get in trouble."

"Yeah," I said. So they walked back to the dorms together, holding hands the whole way. Once we got back to the dorms, we walked right past the jealous glares from both girls and boys. We said goodnight and went to bed. I didn't know about Piper, but she was all I thought about.

Thalia's POV

"Helloooo?" I said, snapping her fingers under Piper's nose. "Earth to Piper!"

Piper jumped. "What?"

Annabeth rolled her eyes. "Finally! The dreamer returns to Earth!"

Piper blushed. "Oh."

"So, what happened?" Annabeth asked.

"Um, nothing."

" Come on, Piper. We know something happened last night, and we don't have all day here, breakfast is only twenty minutes." I said.

"Fine!" Piper snapped. Then she calmed herself. "So, Jason and I went on a walk last night, and... Don't freak, okay? He kinda kissed me."

I paused in the middle of a sip of coffee. "Wait...Jason kissed you?"

"Um, yeah." Seeing the looks on our faces, she added "But it wasn't like a real kiss, just a little kiss on the cheek, and nothing happened..."

Annabeth and I looked at each other and smiled. "Come on, Piper, why so gloomy?" I asked. "You've gotten yourself a boyfriend!" Annabeth added.

"Wh-What?" Piper said, confused. "You mean you're not upset or anything-"

"What's to be upset about? My little bro knows his stuff. If he kissed you, he likes you." I said.

"And since you like him, too, I really don't see a problem." I said.

"Okay," Piper said, obviously relieved. "We'd better get to class. Don't want to be late!"

"Yeah," Annabeth said. "See ya."

On the way to class, I was super bubbly. "Wow. I can't believe it. Piper and Jason. I don't think there's ever been a better couple."

"Aw, come on Thalia. You know you and Hayden are good together." Annabeth said half heartedly. I could tell she was still a little miffed about her not telling me about the two of us sooner, not that I could blame her. I mean, your best friend, keeping her boyfriend a secret from you for three weeks? That's a little something to be upset about.

Suddenly, something brushed my butt. I looked around slowly, and found that we were surrounded by a bunch of weirdos who probably thought we were easy victims."Hey hottie," one of them said. "Meet me at the pool, nine o'clock. Make sure you're wearing one of those hawt bikinis, too." He winked.

I sighed inwardly and proceeded to kick him in the soft spot, while Annabeth punched him in the gut and twisted his arms around his back. We stepped on him. We continued our conversation.

"Thanks. But Jason and Piper are, like perfect together."

Annabeth rolled her eyes, amused. "Whatever." Then I opened the door to the history classroom, only to have a bucket of ice water splash on Annabeth and me.

"Oh, you are so dead," Annabeth and me said together, and if looks can kill, let's just say that Percy and Nico would be playing pranks in Tartarus.

*20 minutes later*

Percy and Nico were on the floor, clutching their soft spots even though they sported many other bruises, courtesy of Annabeth and I. We were both still soaking wet, but we stood over them with murderous looks in our eyes. "That should teach them a lesson." I said. Then we walked over to our desks without giving them a second glance.

Just then, Mr. Wattsanov came in, twenty minutes late as usual. "I'm sorry I'm late, class, I had to go to a meeting and wasn't able to get out of it."

"Yeah," Annabeth snorted. "That's why you're late."

Mr. Wattsanov narrowed his eyes at her. "Doubting a teacher, Miss Chase? Not the wisest thing to do, especially since we are beginning a month-long project today with partners-" Everyone started frantically grabbing the people they wanted to be with. " OF THE OPPOSITE SEX-" again, the same thing, except the people who weren't dating just stared around dejectedly. "THAT I WILL BE CHOOSING!" The people who were grabbing their dates froze for a second, staring at Mr. Wattsanov. Then they quickly scrambled back to their seats.

"Let's see. Miss Chase, since you have been most disrespectful today, I will pair you up with... Hmmm, let's see..." He said, walking down the aisle. "Aha! Miss Chase, you will be with Mr. Jackson."

Annabeth's look of horror was so intense I wasn't even the least bit excited when Mr. Wattsanov announced that Hayden and I would be working together. Percy, however, was a entirely different story. His grin looked like that mad cat in Alice in Wonderland, and boy, was it creeping me out.

Once Mr. Wattsanov finished choosing partners, he told us what the project was about. "This project is on... Drumroll please..." He looked around, as if really expecting a drumroll. He sighed when he realized it wasn't going to happen, then continued. "Your peers!" There was a whole lot of confusion until Mr. Wattsanov clarified, "That is, you must now watch your peers of the opposite sex, and find out what they do."

Annabeth's look changed from horror to beyond terror. Percy's face changed from creeping-me-out to GET-ME-OUT-OF-HERE-A-MADMAN-IS-IN-THE-ROOM­!! Hayden grinned at me, but I didn't care. I had to get my best friend out of this.

Naturally, now was the time when a new girl walked into the room.

Reyna's POV:

Have you ever walked in on a class about forty minutes late? Yeah, it's not fun, especially when you're a new kid. You can literally feel everyone's stares on you, and the awkward silence never really helps either.

Finally the teacher said, "Class, we have a new student, Reyna Belotia (I made up the last name so please don't hate me) . Since no students are absent, there will have to be a group of three. Are their any partners who would like to have Reyna in their group?"
I saw a really hot blonde guy look at an even hotter girl next to him. The girl shrugged and the blonde guy raised his hand. "Alright, Reyna. This is your group. Why don't you let them introduce themselves later," he said, just as the bell started ringing. I walked over to them and asked the blonde guy hottie that I definitely had a crush on, "What's your name?"


"How 'bout you?" I asked the girl next to Jason.

"I'm Piper."

"Oh, that's a pretty name." I said, and the moment the words left my lips I knew I had competition. This girl was obviously with Jason.

I left to get to my next class, and the rest of the day was a blur. I got awkward stares from everyone, weird silences whenever teachers introduced me, and the new girl initiation in general. You know, the basics: guy says you're hot, you kick him in the nuts, guy pinches your butt, you slap him in the face and kick him in the nuts, guy says you're hot and pinches your butt, you slap him in the face, punch him in the gut, and kick him in the nuts. By the end of the day, about twenty guys clutched their balls every time I came within ten feet, and the other guys had already heard about my shows of affection every time a guy touched me, and resolved to stay away.

The only guys who didn't worry about me beating them up were Percy Jackson (alright, he was a hottie) and Jason. The thing was, I didn't really want Jason to do that. I already had a huge crush on him, and it was only the first day. I had a feeling things would only get worse for me.


Ok everyone I hope you liked your 1,500 word chapter! It's just my first time so I will thank anyone who has suggestions for my writing!
over a year ago cinnominbubble said…
Sorry, I won't be able to post, I got caught again:(