The Heroes of Olympus Don't make me, JACKSON!!

GOLDEN1GIRL posted on Nov 10, 2012 at 11:27PM

Sup guys,
I am starting this forum but I'm not sure if people will read it so I'll give the first chappie and see how it goes. If no one reads it then I'll just delete it. Please read and comment on it.

(Oh and no demigods. All mortal.)
"Percy, touch me gain and I swear I will bitch slap you back to Olympus."
- Annabeth Chase: Don't. Make. Me. Jackson!
Annabeth is stuck in a dorm with Percy Jackson, her least favourite person at school much less the whole world.

Genre: Humor/Romance (Not yet)
Rating: T for language and se**al references. :D Don't worry, there isn't THAT much.

Other HoH characters.

I don't own the HoH series or the characters... Sadly.

I will keep updating because I see that people are starting to read and comment so I'll be posting about once a few days or a week.

Careful of the language but besides that it's a hilarious story.
The Percabeth fluff with come in later.

*I will also shoutout stories that I really like on fanfiction.*


last edited on May 20, 2013 at 08:16AM

The Heroes of Olympus 717 replies

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Showing Replies 551-600 of 717

over a year ago Iheartlife23 said…
exactly 600 words. really weird
over a year ago Iheartlife23 said…
over a year ago pinkpopcorn36 said…
yay everyone go for cake!!
Iheartlife23 commented…
Haha. The cakes a lie.(Portal) But yeah my birthday was awesome over a year ago
FantasyLover543 commented…
um why does everyone go 'CAKE!!!!!!!' after every new page?????? over a year ago
mimillama123 commented…
no one knows and im sure as donkeys not gonna be the one to ask CAKE TIME over a year ago
FantasyLover543 commented…
lol over a year ago
over a year ago Redwall253 said…
Iheartlife23 commented…
Uh ok. The cake's a lie is a quote from a video game. Which is awesome. And Cake isn't Cake unless it's Cake. Unless of course the Cake is Cake pretending to be Cake of Cake over a year ago
Redwall253 commented…
CAKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! over a year ago
over a year ago ATHENAFAN said…
Look, I'm new here, and I think u guys r totally AWESOME!!!!!!!!
Iheartlife23 commented…
aww. Thanks. Awesome is the only word in my vocabulary. over a year ago
Redwall253 commented…
If aweome was the only word in your voab this is what you would be saying "awesome awesome awesome" over a year ago
Iheartlife23 commented…
Yes I would, And I have made reivews on fanfic that only say that. I say awesome a lot. Or I type it a lot. Awesome is awesome. There I go again over a year ago
over a year ago Redwall253 said…
You should shorten the chapers I can't handle it!
Iheartlife23 commented…
Hey! the last one was only 600 words! fine, If you want me too I'll repost the chapters, only shorter over a year ago
Iheartlife23 commented…
just reply and I'll post them. over a year ago
over a year ago ATHENAFAN said…
I really hope this forum lives, seriously, u guys should be authors!
Iheartlife23 commented…
I do too! over a year ago
over a year ago percyrocks13 said…
FINALLY! took me a day to read all the posts.
over a year ago percyrocks13 said…
is this forum abandoned?
over a year ago pinkpopcorn36 said…
Jeez you've only been here like 3 days of course it's not abandoned ;))
percyrocks13 commented…
yeah but the last comment was like 8 days ago so i thought it could have been :P over a year ago
over a year ago pinkpopcorn36 said…
I know but 8 days is hardly abandoned....actually just forget it. Anyway is anyone posting soon??
over a year ago ATHENAFAN said…
So Does annabeth still hate percy? Cuz artimesstag made it like they wer bf and gf, but now is it like they seep rated again?
over a year ago ATHENAFAN said…
I meant to say "so they hate each other again?" In the last sentence. Sorry.
over a year ago pinkpopcorn36 said…
Ok I have no freakin idea what's goin on anymore. Are we actin like the kiss never happened or what??
ATHENAFAN commented…
I don't really know what's happening either......... over a year ago
FantasyLover543 commented…
yes I guess the 'kiss' never happened and instead we are considering the alternative story posted by goldengirl over a year ago
over a year ago ATHENAFAN said…
I started a new forum called "I'm glad to meet u", plz go check it out. Thx
ATHENAFAN commented…
Plz......... Can someone check it out and tell me what u think? Plz......... over a year ago
FantasyLover543 commented…
yes I did its awesome too though I think you took inspiration from goldengirl's story for the plotline over a year ago
over a year ago FantasyLover543 said…
@Athenafan we're treating the kiss story as a parallel chapter
I think instead of that we should consider the chapter posted by goldengirl
@artemisstag sorry but that chapter seemed so incomplete and kind of wrong you know
over a year ago pinkpopcorn36 said…
@Athenafan- I can't find ur forum can u give me the link??
over a year ago ATHENAFAN said…
big smile
There you go, pinkpopcorn36
And fantasylover543, you were kinda rite, I liked this story so much I decided to make a forum.
over a year ago FantasyLover543 said…
Yeah I know it did begin well but I really can't understand it why the girls are always kicking boys' asses. I mean we boys have a lot better things to do than comment at girls or touch their butts or you know make passes at them. And did all the girls join the same karate class(Lol). And why the hell would Percy comment on piper? I know he's supposed to be the 'bad boy ' kind but for one thing he kinda likes annabeth(not a very good reason as he still gets involved with girls) and moreover he knows that Jason likes piper and Jason is his cousin and friend so he would never hit on Jason's girl. And I really didn't get it how the hell Jason and piper are in the same class as others ? I mean they are one year younger right? Thalia clearly says at the party that Jason is a year younger. And reyeo?(Leona? Whatever you call that pairing) I just don't buy it. Otherwise the stories are awesome.

*i SO love writing long comments*
mimillama123 commented…
leyna babe :) over a year ago
FantasyLover543 commented…
leyna? it doesn't even sound right (no offence,leyna shippers) over a year ago
mimillama123 commented…
agreed, but at least its better than reyeo :6 lol over a year ago
over a year ago mimillama123 said…
hahahahaha.. so question. exxxxACTly how long (and you have to read the exactly as its written AS ITS WRITTEN) has it been since goldengirl posted??
(id look for it myself, but that would interfere with my lying-around time.)
over a year ago FantasyLover543 said…
Probably it's been three months (what, of course I didn't look it up, I'm wayyyyyyyy lazier than you)
over a year ago FantasyLover543 said…
So, can anyone please answer my question , that is , why the hell Casper are in same class as Percabeth and the rest?
over a year ago FantasyLover543 said…
And whoever's turn it is , PPPPPOOOOOOOSSSSSSSTTTTT!!!!!!!!!
*so that I could criticize you more^-^*
over a year ago pinkpopcorn36 said…
I dunno why JASPER r in the same class but I don't really care coz I like it so just roll with it;))
over a year ago pinkpopcorn36 said…
As for who's posting next , I'm just as lost as u if not more
over a year ago FantasyLover543 said…
*abandoned forum*
over a year ago FantasyLover543 said…
Eat cake you ghosts!!!
mimillama123 commented…
I WILL HAUNT YOU. BUT OKAY over a year ago
mimillama123 commented…
*snarf* over a year ago
FantasyLover543 commented…
You are welcome to haunt me:) over a year ago
over a year ago pinkpopcorn36 said…
If this is an abandoned forum then I'm Aphrodite
over a year ago FantasyLover543 said…
If you are Aphrodite, then I'm sorry but I must HATE you.
over a year ago pinkpopcorn36 said…
Well I'm not Aphrodite so this is not abandoned
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago pinkpopcorn36 said…
Go ahead and say I'm stubborn but I won't drop it.
FantasyLover543 commented…
you're not that stubborn. I've met worse. over a year ago
over a year ago FantasyLover543 said…
Fine fine. I didn't say this was an abandoned to insult it or something. I just thought that if I said so atleast someone would reply. And it worked ;-P
pinkpopcorn36 commented…
Ohhhh....... I knew that I was just playing along..... over a year ago
over a year ago ATHENAFAN said…
I think this forum is getting SO confusing. First percy and annabeth are enemies, then they just suddenly become together again? And are piper and Jason together? I AM SO CONFUSED. 😱😱😱😱😱
over a year ago wildchild_rids1 said…
All i have to say is WOW ! , (that's not all i have to say) ...i love the way the story is going ...kinda confusing at times l but Hey , It's still amazing ....And I know no one has posted for a while and i know for a fact i'm not the best writer but i can try ...every once in a while I'll try to post ..but only if you people don't mind ...I swear I'll try my best .soooooo Pretty please ?!
over a year ago FantasyLover543 said…
By the power vested in me by none other than myself, I declare you the next writer(I was going to type post-er lol) of this forum.
P.S. I'm really sorry pinkpopcorn I didn't want to irk you or anything I just wanted to see if anyone still posted here.
wildchild_rids1 commented…
Thank you , thank you , thank you *read it really fast* over a year ago
over a year ago mimillama123 said…
wildchild_rids1 commented…
Thaaank uuuuuuu :D over a year ago
over a year ago wildchild_rids1 said…
big smile
Thank you guys :) ...I will post as soon as i can...and i'll try to make it as good as can be :)
over a year ago wildchild_rids1 said…
Is there supposed to be a Percy Pov ...I don't know but I've already written one -

Percy POV

So, the other day I was maybe eavesdropping on what Annabeth and Thalia were saying. Yes, I Percy Jackson was actually eavesdropping on 2 girls !

They were first talking about me I think then the guy she was talking about she said something like he's a Jack ...Whatever that means .....Oh i get it she rated me a Jack .I feel like a complete idiot right now . but what the hell does Percy's a Jack mean ? Probably something Good, I hope

I really like Annabeth , I mean she is so different from every girl I've met for sure and I've known her for a really long time an-

The door opens and Annabeth walks in , that's weird she rarely comes to my room , the only times I can recall her coming to the room is to either complain about Mrs. O'Leary or to hunt me down for playing a prank on her .

"What are you doing here ma lady ?" I asked
"What EXACTLY did you hear today ?" she asked trying to keep her voice steady but she still sounded different , here face seemed red it almost looked like...she was blushing ? no it couldn't be but then it was . ANNABETH WAS BLUSHING and let me tel you she looked really cute .

"What do you mean what exactly did you hear today ?" I said mimicking her .
She gave a death glare and you know the whole cuteness thing just.....BAM ! gone .
"Like you don't know ." she said sarcastically .
"Oh! about that" I started
"You kept saying something that sounded like nursery rhymes and then you talked about 2 headed cows if recall correctly ...I almost forget - I kept hearing the name Jack a lot" I continued looking at her suspiciously .

'That's it ?" she asked sounding a little surprised and relieved
"Yup , that's it , and if you want to talk to me babe don't need a reason" I said winking at her
"Whatever" She said making her way out of the room


Annabeth was blushing and worried that i must've heard something she didn't want me to , maybe she liked a guy named Jack or something ...but that wouldn't make sense but whatever it was i was going to figure it out . I had to plan something but before that i needed to grab a bite and while I was making my way to the kitchen to eat the Blue Berry Cake I has seen yesterday I fell...Yeah- I JUST FELL ...I mean who does that ? who just falls ?

In the process of me falling down i knocked over a lamp and it apparently made a great deal of noise or Annabeth has really shard ears or maybe both anyways next scenario is Annabeth entering the room screaming "God, Percy !"

"I'm not a god " I manage to say , she smiles but then that smile turns into horror when she realizes that I'm on the floor. I actually don't see how she could've missed that or maybe she just decided to ignore it earlier , whatever the case was she decided to care now .
" What happened ?" she asks as she helps me up
"I think I caught your fever ." I reply
"Percy I'm so sor-" i cut her off .

"You don't have to apologize." I said making my way to bed when - Yes I Percy Jackson fell again but not completely I managed to grab something before completely falling down .
How much more embarrassing could this get ...I FELL 2 TIMES IN FRONT OF ANNABETH , she was probably enjoying this. This time she threw her hand around my neck and held my hand and we were making our way to bed when - I just stopped and looked at her ...her grey eyes very stunning and quite intimidating and the way her hair was ...she looked beautiful .Time seemed to slow down for a moment
"What ?" Annabeth asked , she probably caught me staring at her
"Annabeth you know this is the first time you've actually willingly helped me and you're holding my hand " I said
"Yeah ...I noticed"she said and smiled[b]

Yes this chapter is going to be continued ....hope you like please comment :D


last edited over a year ago
over a year ago FantasyLover543 said…
over a year ago wildchild_rids1 said…
Yaaay ....just...yaaaay we need to get everyone else o read this...i was critizizing this so much
over a year ago jason_fan73 said…
I. LOVE. THIS. CHAPTER SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE POST THE NEXT PART!!!!!!!!!!!!1
wildchild_rids1 commented…
Thanks :) over a year ago
over a year ago Cindyrn said…
This is really good :D
wildchild_rids1 commented…
Rids at your service :D over a year ago
over a year ago mimillama123 said…
wow. *wipes away tear* that.. was.. BEAUTIFUL! it reminded me of uncle rick! and it even had a cliffhanger ending!(sortof) all you need is a hole to tartarus and an iguana with a chinese fingertrap!
wildchild_rids1 commented…
Thanks over a year ago
over a year ago FantasyLover543 said…
^You forgot the sleeping soon-to-wake evil dirt lady.
wildchild_rids1 commented…
I must say I agree :) over a year ago
mimillama123 commented…
i dunno i think the porta potty sludge was a nice touch, myself over a year ago
over a year ago wildchild_rids1 said…
big smile
Okaaay (I'm using that word alot ain't I?) THANK you all for the comments ..I really appreciate and sorry if I spammed your account ...I still can't believe the fact that I'm being compare To Uncle Rick *screams*
*tries to calm self down but fails majorly)
(after a while)
Thank you once again and when should I post the next Chapter ?

PS I love this pic of Nico :)
Okaaay (I'm using that word alot ain't I?) THANK you all for the comments ..I really appreciat
over a year ago FantasyLover543 said…
Whenever it pleases you(I'm just being polite ignore me and post it asap).
over a year ago jason_fan73 said…
Post the next chapter as soon as you can!
over a year ago pinkpopcorn36 said…
Fantasy lover I'm sorry too it's just that I felt this forum was going down a bit and I was pissed off because of that :( the last chappie was really good post soon
over a year ago id65 said…
Eeeeeeee! Its working! Thank the gods. So I was iheartlife23 and it wouldn't let me post anything! Ive been trying forever
over a year ago id65 said…
This is now on my tablet BTW