The Heroes of Olympus Masters of the Comb and Keeper

snowflakes989 posted on Jan 07, 2013 at 04:27AM
Hey guys! Snow here. So Rainbow and I have decided to write a forum together, about our own demigods. Read on to find out what happens to Teresa, who she is, and later, another girl that changes her life.

This first chapter is by Rainbow, edited by me, and I hope you all enjoy! We will take turns posting/writing. Please comment, it would mean a lot!

For all of you ultimate spammers out there like moi, spam is permitted. :)

Teresa's pov.
Chapter 1

My name is Teresa Burne. If you think your life is weird, wait until you see mine. You would think that a thirteen-year-old teenage girl would be shopping with friends all day long, putting on makeup, and dating some really hot guy. Sorry to disappoint you, but I am nothing like that.
When I was two, my dad left my mom and me. I have no memory of him, other than the feeling of powerful, dark eyes, staring down at me with love. Then my mom married George Goof (I'm not kidding about his name). He was okay for the first year, then after they had twin girls, he started hating me. I don't know why. Probably because my mom always cared for me more than my step-sisters. Then she died. The police say that she died in a car accident, but I know better. It was my fault, and George knows it. I mean, I wasn't with her when she died, but the night before, I saw a dark shadow- in the form of a bird? Lady?-in my room. It was probably just my jacket or something, but my mom freaked. She started muttering and blaming herself, like she knew what was going to happen and it was her fault. The next morning, I saw it again, and again, and again. Not just in my room, but almost as if it was following me. I went hysterical, and my mom decided to get medicine for me. Then she died.
You're probably thinking, “It's not your fault. It was just an accident.” Sorry, but you're wrong. The shadow visited me again, and now there were more than one. The night my mom died, they started whispering, Ήταν όλες σας τις βλάβη. Σας σκότωσε τη μητέρα. Only later did I realize they were saying, It was all your fault. You killed your mother. And I knew in my guts, they were right.
George and my step-sisters have hated me ever since.

My day started normally enough, or as normal as you can get in my household. I got out of bed and went into the kitchen, passing George's room along the way. Guess what I saw? George and our housekeeper making out. Ugh. And yes, as much as I hate it, it happens all the time.
I ignored them and continued my journey to the kitchen. I snatched a bagel from Linda, the younger of the twins, and started eating. Jessy, who was really protective of her younger sister, threw a tissue box at me.
“Don't mess with my sister, you bully!” Jessy screamed.
I rolled my eyes. “Ten year olds,” I muttered. But I took out another bagel for Linda, toasted it, and took out butter as well. My step-sister watched me with big, round, shiny eyes as I spread butter on the bagel. “Here you go.” I handed her the warm, buttery bagel.
Linda took it tentatively and then bit hungrily into the bread.
Jessy looked at Linda with jealousy. “Can I have one too?”
I would've gladly grabbed Linda's buttered bagel and smashed it into Jessy's face, but I wasn't that mean. So I did the same for her, trying to ignore the boiling pot of annoyance in my stomach.
The clock chimed 7:30 am. Time for me to get out of this disgusting house. I grabbed my backpack and raced through the door, not bothering saying bye to George.
I sprinted down the street, enjoying the fresh, cold morning air. Wind slapped in my face, but the coldness felt refreshing. I stopped running as soon as the school was in sight.
Suddenly, I felt a chill down my spine. That was when my day drifted far from normal.

I fingered my necklace nervously, a simple silver chain with a dark blueish piece of jade, carved into the shape of three dragons entwined together. It was one of two gifts I got from my dad before he left. I never knew what the necklace was for, but my mom always said to keep them on, no matter where I was. The other gift was a pair of earrings. They were also jade, with the same dark blue color to it. But inside, there was a small red dot. I assumed they were important because they told omens. They started glowing and became burning hot right before my mom died in the car crash.
Now, I could feel my earring turn hot and panic tore through me. The burn almost felt like it was burning my skin, and with shaking fingers, I was able to take them off and stuff them in my pocket.
I looked around, wondering what would happen.
Then I looked up and my heart nearly stopped. The last time I saw the shadows was nearly five years ago. Now, here they are, hovering above me, so close I could reach out and touch them if I wanted to. I certainly didn't.
As I watched, the three shadows slowly began to spin, combining into one giant shadow. Two cruel-looking eyes appeared and looked at me with amusement, like I was a new toy it couldn't wait to play with. A mouth opened and black smoke spew from it and around me.
This is the end. This is the end. This is the end. This is the end.
I screamed and then I did something really strange, something even I couldn't explain. I held my earrings in front of me, palm facing the creature. I shouted at the top of my lungs, channeling all my anger into my hand and then BOOM!!
I was blasted backwards, skidding on my back. The shadows were gone and my backpack was two feet away from my feet.
Slowly but painfully, I sat up. I gently touched my back and winced. My finger came away with blood.
“Oh no,” I muttered, trying to fight back tears. “No, no.”
A honk threw me back into reality. I looked up in time to see two bright headlights bearing down at me. I grabbed my backpack and leaped just out of harm's way. I looked back just in time to see the car speed past me. I collapsed there, on the sidewalk, not sure whether to go home or continue to school.
In the distance, the first bell rang.
School, I decided. I got up, trying not to grimace, and limped towards the school.
First period science, I thought. Joy.

Once again, hope you enjoyed and please please post.

Shout outs to everyone who loves a good story. :)

The Heroes of Olympus 467 replies

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over a year ago mechdemigod said…
Can we like, get a new chapter soon ?
over a year ago agamotto said…
I agree with mechdemigod, another chapter would be very nice.
over a year ago agamotto said…
Three months is a LONG time to wait, but I shall wait if I must! Please postify!
over a year ago sugarpalstar said…
Yes! Go agamotto!
over a year ago sugarpalstar said…
Rainbow! PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESE come back! You can't have marching band now!
over a year ago HomocidalPotato said…
Seriously, it's been a month... I swear to batman that if you don't post soon, I will rip out my own throat...
over a year ago PiperMclean7732 said…
POST! Im going to die of agony! P.S. Im like the live Teresa! And you abanoned it!
P.S.S here is the link for meh stories/forums!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago snowflakes989 said…
hey guys! this is rainbow using snow's account cuz mine is somehow suspended. sorry that both of us have been gone for the past year and a half ish... things have been hella crazy and stressed, but snow decided that we should continue this. and i am totally up for this! since both of us are sophomores in high school, and we take a bunch of classes and extracurricular activities (like barely anytime to have fun anymore), we will try to post around once a month. but if we have no time, we will definitely warn you guys beforehand. again, sorry for being gone for so long! and i hope you guys can come back and fangirl over our characters! :D

over a year ago snowflakes989 said…
hey friends, snow here! not sure if anyone is following this right now, but hope you enjoy if you are :D

so here is the preview of the next chapter!

Chapter 13


“Come on Teresa, you can do this,” I muttered underneath my breath as I held the rope ladder steady. This was one crazy game of capture the flag, that I had definitely not expected.

Moving swiftly now that Teresa’s shoes had disappeared from my view, I somehow managed to swing myself onto the top of the wall. I glanced around, sword out and prepared to fight… Only to find emptiness.

“Hey Miss Princess, you better get down here fast!” Teresa whispered-shouted gleefully. She had already clambered down the wall into the compound, where the guards were still on watch, but more relaxed.

It was hard for me to see where Teresa was. She naturally blended into the shadows, her silhouette barely making any move as she motioned to me. As quietly as I could, I slipped down and landed beside her.

“What should we do?” Teresa whispered, glancing around at the guards. For once, Teresa seemed nervous… And for good reason. These guards were huge, laughing and joking around. I took a deep breath. Weapons, check. Goth Girl and her sneakiness, check. My craziness, check. And suddenly I saw what I should do.

“I’ll act completely innocent, or something. I don’t know, any distraction. You just hide around and see how many you can take out quietly. Then we bust and we go all out until the flag,” I told Teresa, confident this was our best chance. I had seen Teresa fight before; I knew what she was capable of.

“Gotcha, Miss Glamorous,” Teresa smirked at my disgusted reaction at her new name for me. “You going or are you scared?”

“Hah, very funny. I’ll be taking my leave now, thank you very much,” I retorted back.

I prepared for what I was sure was going to be the most embarrassing moment of my life. It’s okay, it’s just capture the flag, I reminded myself. Piece of cake. Super fun.

I boldly strutted out to center attention of the guards. Their faces were so shocked that I should’ve taken a picture, honestly. I saw Teresa sneak up behind them through the corner of my eyes. Crossing my fingers mentally, I prayed to the gods to let this plan work.

“All hail the motherland of potatoes!” I screamed. Okay yeah, I admit I have no idea what I was doing. Whatever works, right?

By then Teresa had already secretly knocked out a third of the guards. I drew Reflector, prepared to join her. Silently, I counted down. Three, two, one…

Teresa burst out from the shadows as I began hacking at anything and everything near me. We were going strong, the guards giving us a hard time, none of them backing down. Soon, we were both panting, and our swords began to droop.

“Keep going, Angela,” Teresa commanded grimly, slowly down in her attacks.

“...Oh gods,” I muttered as a few more buff guys joined the fight.

But soon enough we were able to drive them away, and we made our way to the enemy flag. Now…. the only problem left: how the hell do we get back to our side? Teresa grabbed the flag and fought off the defenders with sword in one hand and flag in the other. I aided her by slashing at the enemies, while sending them ESP brainwave messages to ignore the fight and walk away. Maybe some of them heard me under my breath and did walk away. Go figure.

We slowly pushed towards the exit, but honestly, two newbies against a dozen experienced fighters just isn’t really fair. But then in a beautiful miracle, guards began dropping left and right. What…?

“Hey ladies, been having a fun night?” Andre drawled, fighting almost effortlessly and defeating people even as he talked. Next to me, I saw Teresa’s eyes light up.

“Andre! How the heck… You’re a lifesaver, you loser!” Teresa exclaimed, relieved.

“I had some help,” Andre admitted, winking at the other side of the compound where he had appeared from.

A dozen soldiers from our side appeared from the shadows, grinning at the flag that stood in Teresa’s hand.

Together, we demolished the other team’s defense, which, of course, included Daniel. Seriously, just watching Andre fire fart arrows at him and watching Daniel run away screaming like a 5 year old girl was the scene of my life.

Soon enough, our little group made it across back to friendly territory, and was welcomed by our teammates. For the first time, I felt like I was part of something big and important.

I looked at Teresa and said, “We did it Goth Girl.”

She smiled back at me and held out her first, “Of course we did.”
I happily fist bumped back. Then Andre just had to ruin the mood...

“I’m so proud of you, my children!” Andre cried, fake sobbing with his “pride” for us.

“So what are you now, my dad?” Teresa mocked.

“Oh, my darling,” Andre sobbed out.

I shared glances with the other Apollo kids. Then we cracked up simultaneously, shaking our heads at Andre’s antics. Daniel arrived with a few bruises, but joined in just to make fun of Andre.

Daniel patted me on the back. “Dang girl, you’ve got some pretty nice skills. I’m impressed.”

“Well what did you expect?” I smirked.

Before he could reply, Andre butted in and grinned. “Let’s get back, team.”

Team. Was this a team? I thought I had hated the guys, but… I couldn’t deny that at least they had saved us from getting our butts kicked. I grinned at Andre.

“You got it, Andre.”

Then all of a sudden, Teresa screamed. I turned around and gasped.
over a year ago PiperMclean7732 said…
Post! I'm glad you came back to this forum!!!! I thought it was abondoned. You better continue!!! Or I will come after you!

........... JK!
over a year ago snowflakes989 said…
ahahaha ofc we will continue. but it will just take a while for each update. better be patient!
over a year ago PiperMclean7732 said…
Ok I promise........
*Has fingers crossed*
JK I have my own forum to worry about......
Btw link is below and would mean the world if you guys could check it out!
over a year ago agamotto said…
Well done! I wait with anticipation for the next post.
PiperMclean7732 commented…
Who snow? over a year ago
over a year ago PiperMclean7732 said…
I am still waiting for a post
over a year ago agamotto said…
It is said that patience is a virtue... I'm not very virtuous!
over a year ago PiperMclean7732 said…
It has been a month and it is almost a new month sooooo please postify
over a year ago agamotto said…
NEED.. MORE... STORY!!! Please!? POSIFY, or I will sick Uncle Loki on you!