The Heroes of Olympus Masters of the Comb and Keeper

snowflakes989 posted on Jan 07, 2013 at 04:27AM
Hey guys! Snow here. So Rainbow and I have decided to write a forum together, about our own demigods. Read on to find out what happens to Teresa, who she is, and later, another girl that changes her life.

This first chapter is by Rainbow, edited by me, and I hope you all enjoy! We will take turns posting/writing. Please comment, it would mean a lot!

For all of you ultimate spammers out there like moi, spam is permitted. :)

Teresa's pov.
Chapter 1

My name is Teresa Burne. If you think your life is weird, wait until you see mine. You would think that a thirteen-year-old teenage girl would be shopping with friends all day long, putting on makeup, and dating some really hot guy. Sorry to disappoint you, but I am nothing like that.
When I was two, my dad left my mom and me. I have no memory of him, other than the feeling of powerful, dark eyes, staring down at me with love. Then my mom married George Goof (I'm not kidding about his name). He was okay for the first year, then after they had twin girls, he started hating me. I don't know why. Probably because my mom always cared for me more than my step-sisters. Then she died. The police say that she died in a car accident, but I know better. It was my fault, and George knows it. I mean, I wasn't with her when she died, but the night before, I saw a dark shadow- in the form of a bird? Lady?-in my room. It was probably just my jacket or something, but my mom freaked. She started muttering and blaming herself, like she knew what was going to happen and it was her fault. The next morning, I saw it again, and again, and again. Not just in my room, but almost as if it was following me. I went hysterical, and my mom decided to get medicine for me. Then she died.
You're probably thinking, “It's not your fault. It was just an accident.” Sorry, but you're wrong. The shadow visited me again, and now there were more than one. The night my mom died, they started whispering, Ήταν όλες σας τις βλάβη. Σας σκότωσε τη μητέρα. Only later did I realize they were saying, It was all your fault. You killed your mother. And I knew in my guts, they were right.
George and my step-sisters have hated me ever since.

My day started normally enough, or as normal as you can get in my household. I got out of bed and went into the kitchen, passing George's room along the way. Guess what I saw? George and our housekeeper making out. Ugh. And yes, as much as I hate it, it happens all the time.
I ignored them and continued my journey to the kitchen. I snatched a bagel from Linda, the younger of the twins, and started eating. Jessy, who was really protective of her younger sister, threw a tissue box at me.
“Don't mess with my sister, you bully!” Jessy screamed.
I rolled my eyes. “Ten year olds,” I muttered. But I took out another bagel for Linda, toasted it, and took out butter as well. My step-sister watched me with big, round, shiny eyes as I spread butter on the bagel. “Here you go.” I handed her the warm, buttery bagel.
Linda took it tentatively and then bit hungrily into the bread.
Jessy looked at Linda with jealousy. “Can I have one too?”
I would've gladly grabbed Linda's buttered bagel and smashed it into Jessy's face, but I wasn't that mean. So I did the same for her, trying to ignore the boiling pot of annoyance in my stomach.
The clock chimed 7:30 am. Time for me to get out of this disgusting house. I grabbed my backpack and raced through the door, not bothering saying bye to George.
I sprinted down the street, enjoying the fresh, cold morning air. Wind slapped in my face, but the coldness felt refreshing. I stopped running as soon as the school was in sight.
Suddenly, I felt a chill down my spine. That was when my day drifted far from normal.

I fingered my necklace nervously, a simple silver chain with a dark blueish piece of jade, carved into the shape of three dragons entwined together. It was one of two gifts I got from my dad before he left. I never knew what the necklace was for, but my mom always said to keep them on, no matter where I was. The other gift was a pair of earrings. They were also jade, with the same dark blue color to it. But inside, there was a small red dot. I assumed they were important because they told omens. They started glowing and became burning hot right before my mom died in the car crash.
Now, I could feel my earring turn hot and panic tore through me. The burn almost felt like it was burning my skin, and with shaking fingers, I was able to take them off and stuff them in my pocket.
I looked around, wondering what would happen.
Then I looked up and my heart nearly stopped. The last time I saw the shadows was nearly five years ago. Now, here they are, hovering above me, so close I could reach out and touch them if I wanted to. I certainly didn't.
As I watched, the three shadows slowly began to spin, combining into one giant shadow. Two cruel-looking eyes appeared and looked at me with amusement, like I was a new toy it couldn't wait to play with. A mouth opened and black smoke spew from it and around me.
This is the end. This is the end. This is the end. This is the end.
I screamed and then I did something really strange, something even I couldn't explain. I held my earrings in front of me, palm facing the creature. I shouted at the top of my lungs, channeling all my anger into my hand and then BOOM!!
I was blasted backwards, skidding on my back. The shadows were gone and my backpack was two feet away from my feet.
Slowly but painfully, I sat up. I gently touched my back and winced. My finger came away with blood.
“Oh no,” I muttered, trying to fight back tears. “No, no.”
A honk threw me back into reality. I looked up in time to see two bright headlights bearing down at me. I grabbed my backpack and leaped just out of harm's way. I looked back just in time to see the car speed past me. I collapsed there, on the sidewalk, not sure whether to go home or continue to school.
In the distance, the first bell rang.
School, I decided. I got up, trying not to grimace, and limped towards the school.
First period science, I thought. Joy.

Once again, hope you enjoyed and please please post.

Shout outs to everyone who loves a good story. :)

The Heroes of Olympus 467 replies

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Showing Replies 351-400 of 467

over a year ago mechdemigod said…
:( ;( :-( ;-(
over a year ago mechdemigod said…
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
sorry guys! i have no idea where snow is or how far she is in the chapter.
we r both really busy these days, and we're still trying to get used to high school. but ill remind her to start writing when i get the chance.
again, terribly sorry!
over a year ago corrected said…
is ok
over a year ago mechdemigod said…
I getting sad of lack of postification
snowflakes989 commented…
I beg forgiveness! You have every right to *mentally, ahaha* slap me a few times! over a year ago
mechdemigod commented…
slap slap slap over a year ago
snowflakes989 commented…
thanks for slapping me ahaha XD over a year ago
over a year ago snowflakes989 said…
Ok fellow fanpoppers, this is really stupid, but...

I thought i sent it to rainbow a couple days ago, so i didn't bother checking here. then i realized.... o.O I saved my message as a draft, not sent it.

GAH STUPIDDDDDDDDDD but i have it written! Now i just actually need to send it. *slaps myself* Stupid!
over a year ago mechdemigod said…
Well, we know it's here at least.
over a year ago corrected said…
is ok post soon
over a year ago mechdemigod said…
snowflakes989 commented…
Herro :) over a year ago
over a year ago corrected said…
1)Better than rick riordan possibly. YOU WILL LOVE IT
2)takes multiple days to read one chapter, that is how long and detailed it is

BTW to those who have started it and thought it was abandoned well it has been updated!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
mechdemigod commented…
it sux over a year ago
corrected commented…
f u over a year ago
sugarpalstar commented…
B polite! over a year ago
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
okay everyone!! just finished editing the chapter! hope you like it! i dunno when i will be able to start on the chapter, since i still have to collect my thoughts. but here u go!

Chapter 11


Three words: My life sucked. Alright, I admit it. I really, really hated her. I mean, I know it was partly my fault, but still.

Angela and Teresa had ditched when Andre and I went to fetch them at the Hermes cabin. Andre was disappointed (no doubt about that), but personally, I was relieved. I wasn’t sure I could face Angela anymore. I tried to get on normally and not think about her. But as class by class passed by, I just couldn’t get her out of my mind.

“I said, you’re an insolent brat! And don’t you forget it!” Angela screamed at me, like I was a bad guy. Her words stung.

Finally, I gave up.

“What’s up, Danny boy?” Andre greeted with a cocky grin.

I rolled my eyes.

“I told you not to call me that.”

“Alright, alright, sorry,” though he didn’t sound very sorry. “So is something wrong?”

I was silent for a moment. Andre knew me too well. I debated about what I should tell him.

“It’s Angela, isn’t it?” Andre finally said, his tone for once not joking.

I sighed in defeat. “Yeah... It’s just… Gosh, I just, ugh, I hate her so much!” I paused for a second. “Well, not hate, but you know what I mean, right?”

“Mhm. Go on, I don’t think that’s the end of the story,” Andre deducted.

Oh, so Andre’s brain did have brain cells in it! But I digress.

“I know I need to apologize, but I don’t know how,” I admitted finally.

“What?” Andre’s eyebrows lifted up in mock surprise. “The battle-plan Danny Boy-“

I gritted my teeth.

“-, the son of Athena? Sweating over talking to a girl? Impossible!” Andre finished, cracking up.

“Are you done yet?”

“Sorry. But anyway, man, I know what you mean. Well, I suggest you surprise her and apologize, maybe give her flowers or something, maybe ask to talk to her in private at the beach?”

“You mean basically ask her out?” I gaped.

“Sure! Wait, what?”

I face palmed.

“I stand corrected, Andre. Maybe my previous assumption was correct and your brain doesn’t have brain cells after all.”

“Alright, alright, but you should still surprise her and be genuine. Don’t be the jerk you were yesterday.”

“Fine, I’ll go along with it,” I reluctantly agreed.

“They’re going to spar today, so maybe you can just follow them, and like, step in and beat Teresa for Angela or something?” Andre suggested.

“How are you so sure that Teresa will win?” I skeptically asked.

“Whatever, if that actually does happen” Andre shrugged off.

“Hang on a second… The girls haven’t talked to us at all today. How do you know that they’re going to spar?” I slowly asked. My eyes narrowed and I smirked.

His cheeks turned a light shade of pink. “Uh… Um… I kinda went early this morning without you to their cabin, you know, to make sure they were okay, then I went to fetch you. Then they ditched us,” Andre sheepishly revealed.

“Isn’t that a little… Geez Andre, you might as well propose to Teresa on the spot!” I mockingly suggested.

Andre waved it off with his hands.

“So, are you going to go with this, or what?” Andre questioned again.

“Yeah, yeah, so we just have to go find a hiding spot near the sparing grounds, where we can still see them,” I instructed.

“YES MA’AM!” Andre shouted. A few people turned to stare at us.

“I mean SIR!” Andre apologized, but clearly, the “ma’am” part was intentional.

Half an hour later, we were stocked with supplies. We had no idea when the girls were going to appear, so we had to get there and wait early.

After I thoroughly combed the area, I found the perfect spot a little off to the left of the entrance of the sparring grounds. I motioned to Andre to follow me.

Being the stockpiling genius I am, Andre and I had brought along one big bag of Cheetoes, several cookies, ten granola bars, three packs of assorted candy, a six pack of mountain dew, and four bottles of water. Andre also hauled along some pillows, stools and blankets so we could be comfortable.

After we piled all of our stuff into our command central, I kicked back into a chair and looked around, snacking on some Cheetoes.

“Dang,” Andre commented, stretching the word out. “We are good.”

“No doubt about it,” I said, grinning.

Three hours later, Andre was asleep, snoring softly on a pillow. Go figure.

Rustle. Footsteps.

Holding my breath, I slowly drew my sword out.

“-coming before dinner, right?”


“Now let’s go pull that prank you had planned for Josh.”

The two voices faded away. I realized that they belonged to Angela and Teresa.

“Andre!” I poked him.

No reply. I rolled my eyes.

“Andre! Get up, you worthless pig!” I whisper-shouted again.

“Wha-? Pigs? Where?” Andre asked, immediately grabbing his bow. I tried not to laugh.

“Um… Pigs… In your dreams! Anyway, the girls are probably coming here right before dinner, just so you know,” I informed him.

“Okay,” Andre replied, shrugging. “You can take a nap now, I’ll watch.”

I stretched out on the tarp we had as our “picnic” blanket. I felt myself yawn and visions darkness and birds came before me.

Sometime later, I woke to the noise of Andre snacking on some chips.

“Hey!” I yelled indignantly. “I wanted those Doritos!”

“First come, first serve, bro,” Andre retorted smugly.

I was about to bite back a response, when Andre suddenly held a finger up to his lips. Keeping my eyes focused on his, I slowly drew out my sword, the turned around.

Angela and Teresa strolled into the spar, laughing about something. The girls pulled out their swords, and from our base camp I could hear everything.

“So, here’s my sword!” Angela said gleefully. I knew her friends called her Angel, but hmm… Nah, Angela was not an Angel. Not by a long shot.

I grinned as I watched her turn Othriia in her hands. She had almost turned me into a shish-kabob, but it fitted her.

“Oh, no way!” Teresa bubbled somewhere on the other side of the ring. “The design in identical to mine! Except for mine has a different metal. Celestial bronze, Andre called it.”

“Sweet! Mine’s regal silver, according to Daniel. Man, I should have skewered him, when I had the chance,” Angela said sarcastically, rolling her eyes.

Teresa laughed and nodded. “Why didn’t you?”

“Eh… anyways, ready?”


I was fuming at that comment. How dare her! I looked at Andre, who was having fits trying to be silent. I made a chopping neck motion at him.

Teresa stepped back into view, and I saw her sword was identical to Angela’s. Down to the sapphire imbedded in the hilt. The two began to jab at each other.

I was getting bored of watching when I heard footsteps coming up from our left. A voice spoke.

“Hello, ladies.”

Dammit. Nathan Shang, the one and only cocky idiot at this camp. I gritted my teeth as he casually sauntered up to Angela.

“Angel, dear, I thought we were going to go on our beach date! Why’d you ditch, I had planned a picnic for us!,” Nathan drawled.

So that’s why Angela couldn’t make Ancient Greek. Second day at camp, and she already hooks up with a planned date.

“Oops, I’m sorry. I guess the date completely slipped my mind! Maybe next time!” Angela’s voice, which seemed unusually false and singsong, rang out.

“How about tomorrow night, then?” he asked.

“Mm, I’m busy,” Angela replied.


“Not the next night, or the next night either,” Angela cut him off smoothly, giving a sassy smirk. Nathan seemed surprised and taken back. He narrowed his eyes for one second, before returning to a slightly confused expression.

“Well, I guess the weekends? I mean, I was going to ask you to be my girlfriend…” Nathan trailed off.

Right. Like that was some sort of honor.

“Oh, well, I guess you’re in the wrong place!” Angela said, her voice now taking on a dangerous, snobby tone.

“Goodbye!” she said, tossing her hair over one shoulder, before strolling away. Nathan gaped after her, looking angry. Angela continued to walk, and she turned…

Straight into our hiding place.

“Sh*t!” I managed to mutter out.

“A-“ Angela’s screamed was cut off by Andre, who jumped up and pulled her down, covering her mouth with his hand.

“Sorry,” Andre whispered, wincing. Angela glared at us.

Back in the arena, Nathan had turned to Teresa.

“So, is she like mad at me or something?” he inquired.

“Please,” Teresa said, her tone mimicking Angela’s, “she’d never anything that she didn’t want to do.”

She examined him, like she was studying a specimen. “Nah. You’re gonna get butcher by me and Angela if you talk to her again.” She shuddered a bit, like Nathan was a disgusting cockroach.

“But Teresa! Maybe you would like to go to the be-” Nathan didn’t get to finish.

Teresa spun on her heels and karate kicked Nathan into the bush. “Oops. Sorry. Didn’t see you there.”

Teresa left with a smirk of her own and followed Angela’s footsteps, meaning this time, it was my turn to shush her down.

Nathan stalked out the arena, steam practically coming out of his ears. The moment he was out of earshot, we released the girls and all four of us started giggling.

“Ladies, may I say-“ Andre began.

“No you may not,” Teresa cut in.

“-what a wonderful performance! That was, indeed the best, especially since it was Nathan!” Andre continued anyway.

“So,” Angela now said, clearly irritated. “What are you two doing here?”

In the distance the dinner bell sounded.

“Uh,” I nervously cleared my throat. “I just wanted to apologize, for, you know, the other day. I didn’t mean to, just Nathan is…” here I trailed off.

To my complete and utter surprised, Angela leaned over and gave me a hug.

“I forgive you, you insolent brat,” she commented. “I’ve learned my lesson.”

I just sat there. My brain completely left me.

Andre smiled, relieved that our feud was resolved.

“You guys want food?” he asked.

“The dinner bell just rang, you idiot,” Teresa muttered, rolling her eyes. “You deaf or something?”

Andre had no choice but to just sit there, dying in his embarrassment.

over a year ago mechdemigod said…
Awshum !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
glad u liked it.
over a year ago corrected said…
over a year ago mechdemigod said…
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
hey guys!
so ive started a teeny bit on the next chapter, but im having a writer's block, so it would take a while before a preview is up. sorry for the inconvenience guys!

mechdemigod commented…
ok over a year ago
corrected commented…
ok we can help if u need us! over a year ago
mechdemigod commented…
that is one of the first correct things you've said on this forum .jk .but yeah we can help over a year ago
over a year ago snowflakes989 said…
Aww thanks guys for offering to help! we really really appreciate it. i think rainbow's got it, though...Never doubt a goddess!
over a year ago corrected said…
over a year ago mechdemigod said…
Well we'll be waiting
over a year ago snowflakes989 said…
hey guys, sorry for the wait. ugh. rainbow keeps on saying she doesnt know what to write, so she hasnt really gotten very far. i'll if she can write more, if not, i'll just start it myself. meh. sorry for not posting, i know its irritating and all. love ya!

P.S.- we'd really appreciate it you guys help spread the word of this forum to others! thanks <3 :D
corrected commented…
o i c. put the blame on ur cowriter over a year ago
snowflakes989 commented…
so being biased, i see... haha thanks anyway? feeling the love over a year ago
over a year ago corrected said…
OK post soon!
but usually when i "spread the word" i get accused of spamming or advertising. just warning u!
over a year ago corrected said…
ok i just posted a link to this on about 5 forums! ur welcome! NOW POST
over a year ago cinnominbubble said…
over a year ago mechdemigod said…
Thanks for joining ours snow!!!!
snowflakes989 commented…
Np, it seems really cool! i just wont be able to do much rp on it so you guys can take her pov too (i.e. in dialogue, you can still make her say something even if i'm not on) over a year ago
over a year ago sugarpalstar said…
Post please?
over a year ago watchoutpeeps said…
L.O.V.E. T.H.I.S
mechdemigod commented…
yup over a year ago
snowflakes989 commented…
thanks! <3 over a year ago
over a year ago sugarpalstar said…
big smile
Me too
snowflakes989 commented…
omg omg you're the fanpopper thats posting on Dont Make Me, Jackson, right?!?! I <3 that story and thank you so much for reading! over a year ago
sugarpalstar commented…
Awww! Your writing is awesome!! over a year ago
over a year ago mechdemigod said…
Hi guys
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
here is a teaser of the next chapter! snow wrote most of it cuz i couldnt find time, and i edited a bit. but i think ill have time sometime this week to continue the chapter.

Chapter 12


Ugh. Curse Nathan. Curse Daniel. Curse Andre. Why did they have to ruin our match? I was sooo close to beating Angela, and then that stupid Nathan decided to walk in. I can now understand why she ditched that jerk. Ugh.

I mean, it was quite amusing, seeing Nathan’s shocked face at being rejected twice in a row. Now that’s more like my type of fun.

Anyway, after we heard the dinner bell ring, Angela and I helped the two boys carry their stuff back to the Apollo cabin. I personally would’ve been more than happy to let the two of them work their puny butts off themselves and go to dinner, but since Angela had forgiven Daniel, I had no choice but to tag along.

I mean, since it was Andre and Daniel, so it wasn’t too much of a problem. Especially since I got to tease Angela and Daniel, since they were walking together so close. Except I had to walk in the back with Andre. But other than that, the walk to the Apollo cabin then to the mess hall was okay.

Dinner passed by peacefully, without too much fuss. Just the occasionally stealing and jokes around the Hermes table that I had come to regard as normal. My shoes got stolen twice; a few broken plates; apple juice stained hair. Nothing new.

Finally, dinner ended. I was practically bouncing off my toes.

“We’re done!” I squealed to Angela.

“We are,” she said back a lot less enthusiastically.

“Aren’t you excited?” I asked, confused. Weren’t we both just as thrilled for the first Capture the Flag games? I mean, I was. Just the thought of using Huntoreckla would get all the energetic juice in my blood flowing.

“Yeah, I guess… I mean, of course I am! Why wouldn’t I be,” she chirped brightly.

“Ok, we’ll, we’re a team of two, you and I,” I said, grinning.

“And Andre,” Angela added, her eyes sparkling with mischief.

“And Daniel,” I retorted, feeling my cheeks grow warm.

“Daniel’s not on our team, dummy,” Angela replied, laughing as she lightly punched my arm.

“Fine, fine, you win,” I admitted, my face still flushed.

Chiron pounded his hoof on a bench (I’m still getting used to his centaur form.)

“All right campers, as you all know, tonight is the night for Capture the Flag! In case you haven’t heard the news yet, we have two new recruits, Teresa Burne and Angela Low,” Chiron announced.

“Who’s their parents?” someone from the crowd yelled.

“Undetermined,” Chiron said dryly. The crowd booed.

Angela glanced nervously at me. I shrugged back at her, then glared at the rest of the crowd.

“Now now, children,” Chiron said disapprovingly. Once everyone quieted down, he continued his instructions. “Everyone, get in your teams. You have fifteen minutes to discuss your game plan. I will serve as referee. Remember, first to climb the wall, get the flag, and run back into friendly territory wins! Oh, and paintball guns are allowed. Have all your magic weapons ready, and we shall begin!” Chiron reminded us.

We all cheered and followed Jared to a huddle. I tried to hide from Andre behind Angela, but no such luck. He just had to follow me. I decided to ignore him instead.

“Ok team,” Jared said. I listened carefully as he explained our strategy and divided people into groups. At the end, my name still wasn’t called for anything.

“Oh yeah, and Teresa and Angela,” Jared trailed off. “Um, Andre, just show them how to do stuff, try not to get them killed, you know, simple stuff like that. Do whatever. Oh, and no flirting.”

There were a few giggles and snorts from the team members.

I personally didn’t care. All I was focused on was winning. But… Do whatever? That was… Instructive. I looked at Angela.

“Ditch?” she mouthed.

I felt a grin crawl up my face. Oh boy, that was a good idea. Ditch Andre, and see what happens. Careful not to betray this plan, I nodded as unnoticeably as I could.

over a year ago sugarpalstar said…
Love it!! Finish soon!!! :)
over a year ago corrected said…
thank youuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!
over a year ago sugarpalstar said…
peepz why isn't this in the top it's awesome!
over a year ago mechdemigod said…
Probably because there's not a lot of people :( .but it was on popular content for awhile......
over a year ago sugarpalstar said…
That stinks. :( People wouldn't go to all those other fanfics if they knew about this one!!
over a year ago zorgon28 said…
:D This is sooo good! and @sugarpalstar @mechdemigod maybe we can bring it up again! :DDD It's really good, it shouldn't be too hard. :)
over a year ago sugarpalstar said…
big smile
Let's do it!!!
over a year ago mechdemigod said…
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
i think the problem is that snow and i are really busy. we both have a lot of hw and a lot of extracurricular activities. i barely have time to finish my hw and practice my instruments...
over a year ago mechdemigod said…
We understand
over a year ago sugarpalstar said…
Middle school is hard, can't imagine high school! We get it.
over a year ago mechdemigod said…
I HATE little brothers......
over a year ago sugarpalstar said…
I HATE big brothers......
over a year ago sugarpalstar said…
And sisters......
over a year ago sugarpalstar said…
And teachers...... (Non-awesome teachers, that is...)
mechdemigod commented…
same here over a year ago
over a year ago sugarpalstar said…
Please post soon!!!
over a year ago sugarpalstar said…
POST AGAIN!! All the forums are deserted WHAT HAS OUR WORLD COME TO!!!
over a year ago zorgon28 said…
POST!!! (ps. I have 6 siblings, and i'm starting highschool. I totally get being busy. But still, POST please)
over a year ago mechdemigod said…
And idiots. And Ralph . Die Ralph Die!!!!
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
hey everyone! ive started the second part of this chapter. hopefully, it can be done and posted by the end of this week.
over a year ago sugarpalstar said…
There are no new chappies ANYWHERE!!! I am sad!