The Heroes of Olympus Masters of the Comb and Keeper

snowflakes989 posted on Jan 07, 2013 at 04:27AM
Hey guys! Snow here. So Rainbow and I have decided to write a forum together, about our own demigods. Read on to find out what happens to Teresa, who she is, and later, another girl that changes her life.

This first chapter is by Rainbow, edited by me, and I hope you all enjoy! We will take turns posting/writing. Please comment, it would mean a lot!

For all of you ultimate spammers out there like moi, spam is permitted. :)

Teresa's pov.
Chapter 1

My name is Teresa Burne. If you think your life is weird, wait until you see mine. You would think that a thirteen-year-old teenage girl would be shopping with friends all day long, putting on makeup, and dating some really hot guy. Sorry to disappoint you, but I am nothing like that.
When I was two, my dad left my mom and me. I have no memory of him, other than the feeling of powerful, dark eyes, staring down at me with love. Then my mom married George Goof (I'm not kidding about his name). He was okay for the first year, then after they had twin girls, he started hating me. I don't know why. Probably because my mom always cared for me more than my step-sisters. Then she died. The police say that she died in a car accident, but I know better. It was my fault, and George knows it. I mean, I wasn't with her when she died, but the night before, I saw a dark shadow- in the form of a bird? Lady?-in my room. It was probably just my jacket or something, but my mom freaked. She started muttering and blaming herself, like she knew what was going to happen and it was her fault. The next morning, I saw it again, and again, and again. Not just in my room, but almost as if it was following me. I went hysterical, and my mom decided to get medicine for me. Then she died.
You're probably thinking, “It's not your fault. It was just an accident.” Sorry, but you're wrong. The shadow visited me again, and now there were more than one. The night my mom died, they started whispering, Ήταν όλες σας τις βλάβη. Σας σκότωσε τη μητέρα. Only later did I realize they were saying, It was all your fault. You killed your mother. And I knew in my guts, they were right.
George and my step-sisters have hated me ever since.

My day started normally enough, or as normal as you can get in my household. I got out of bed and went into the kitchen, passing George's room along the way. Guess what I saw? George and our housekeeper making out. Ugh. And yes, as much as I hate it, it happens all the time.
I ignored them and continued my journey to the kitchen. I snatched a bagel from Linda, the younger of the twins, and started eating. Jessy, who was really protective of her younger sister, threw a tissue box at me.
“Don't mess with my sister, you bully!” Jessy screamed.
I rolled my eyes. “Ten year olds,” I muttered. But I took out another bagel for Linda, toasted it, and took out butter as well. My step-sister watched me with big, round, shiny eyes as I spread butter on the bagel. “Here you go.” I handed her the warm, buttery bagel.
Linda took it tentatively and then bit hungrily into the bread.
Jessy looked at Linda with jealousy. “Can I have one too?”
I would've gladly grabbed Linda's buttered bagel and smashed it into Jessy's face, but I wasn't that mean. So I did the same for her, trying to ignore the boiling pot of annoyance in my stomach.
The clock chimed 7:30 am. Time for me to get out of this disgusting house. I grabbed my backpack and raced through the door, not bothering saying bye to George.
I sprinted down the street, enjoying the fresh, cold morning air. Wind slapped in my face, but the coldness felt refreshing. I stopped running as soon as the school was in sight.
Suddenly, I felt a chill down my spine. That was when my day drifted far from normal.

I fingered my necklace nervously, a simple silver chain with a dark blueish piece of jade, carved into the shape of three dragons entwined together. It was one of two gifts I got from my dad before he left. I never knew what the necklace was for, but my mom always said to keep them on, no matter where I was. The other gift was a pair of earrings. They were also jade, with the same dark blue color to it. But inside, there was a small red dot. I assumed they were important because they told omens. They started glowing and became burning hot right before my mom died in the car crash.
Now, I could feel my earring turn hot and panic tore through me. The burn almost felt like it was burning my skin, and with shaking fingers, I was able to take them off and stuff them in my pocket.
I looked around, wondering what would happen.
Then I looked up and my heart nearly stopped. The last time I saw the shadows was nearly five years ago. Now, here they are, hovering above me, so close I could reach out and touch them if I wanted to. I certainly didn't.
As I watched, the three shadows slowly began to spin, combining into one giant shadow. Two cruel-looking eyes appeared and looked at me with amusement, like I was a new toy it couldn't wait to play with. A mouth opened and black smoke spew from it and around me.
This is the end. This is the end. This is the end. This is the end.
I screamed and then I did something really strange, something even I couldn't explain. I held my earrings in front of me, palm facing the creature. I shouted at the top of my lungs, channeling all my anger into my hand and then BOOM!!
I was blasted backwards, skidding on my back. The shadows were gone and my backpack was two feet away from my feet.
Slowly but painfully, I sat up. I gently touched my back and winced. My finger came away with blood.
“Oh no,” I muttered, trying to fight back tears. “No, no.”
A honk threw me back into reality. I looked up in time to see two bright headlights bearing down at me. I grabbed my backpack and leaped just out of harm's way. I looked back just in time to see the car speed past me. I collapsed there, on the sidewalk, not sure whether to go home or continue to school.
In the distance, the first bell rang.
School, I decided. I got up, trying not to grimace, and limped towards the school.
First period science, I thought. Joy.

Once again, hope you enjoyed and please please post.

Shout outs to everyone who loves a good story. :)

The Heroes of Olympus 467 replies

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over a year ago mechdemigod said…
kk :)
over a year ago corrected said…
thats a start
over a year ago mechdemigod said…
over a year ago Nicosgurl said…
over a year ago snowflakes989 said…
Hey guys! Sorry if it seems like we haven't been on in awhile. Rainbow actually just sent me some stuff, but I was kind of banned from the computer for the past couple days.... Heh heh heh sorry guys! Promise I'll try to get something up soon. Please be patient, and love you all!

~Angel/Snow/Whatever you want to call me:)
rainbow_girl commented…
yaa... could u please respond to my email? i need to get what u changed. over a year ago
snowflakes989 commented…
Literally nothing. cept for that one detail, and u said ok :) i shall go post now over a year ago
over a year ago corrected said…
ok ..
snowflakes989 commented…
do you have a problem? over a year ago
corrected commented…
no all i wanted to say was OK but it wouldnt let me post anything less than four characters so i added to periods. sry over a year ago
snowflakes989 commented…
Ah i see. LOL it's ok. just wanted to make sure i wasnt offending anyone :) over a year ago
over a year ago snowflakes989 said…
and the next part is here!

Chapter 10
Teresa’s POV
(during dinner the day before, after Teresa’s tour with Andre)

“Ugh,” I muttered to Angela, when I noticed Andre looking at me for the tenth time, “can’t he leave me alone?”



She nodded in understanding. “It’s okay. I bet your tour was as annoying as mine. Daniel the Dork, that creep. Insolent little twerp.”

I laughed. “Nice name. I should call Andre ‘Andre the Annoying’. How does that sound?”

“Fantabulous,” Angela grinned.

We finished the rest of our meal in silence, and then headed to the campfire. I didn’t do much, besides standing off to the side and watching the others sing. In the midst of the crowd, I saw Angela talking with some of the Hermes kids.

I sighed. I wasn’t much of a social kid anyways. As I was getting comfortable in the lonely darkness, a hand touched my arm, sending a shiver down my back.

Turning around, I saw Andre, towering over me.

“Um, hey,” I said awkwardly. I scooted to the left, hoping I could get a distance between us.

He just scooted closer. “Hey.”

Sighing, I crossed my arms and stood up straight. “What do you want, Andre?”

He grinned and held up his hands. “Geez, no need to be so harsh. I was just wondering if you were lonely, standing here by yourself.”

“Nah, I’m fine. I like being lonely.”

I was hoping that that would make him go away. No such luck. Scooting closer, he sat down next to me.

“Go away,” I muttered sleepily. Feeling my eyelids growing heavy, I pulled my knees close to my chest, hoping to get warmer.

“You cold?”

I glared at him. What part of ‘Go away’ did he not understand? I shook my head, but a shiver gave me away.

Andre grinned. “Come on, Teresa. I just want to be your friend.”

“Well, seems like you’ve made no progress,” I growled, standing up and walking away. Rubbing my arms, I weaved through the crowd, searching for Angela, anything to get me away from the creep.

“Hey! Teresa!” I heard Andre shout.

I turned around and glared at him. It was the glare that I’d perfected over years with my step-sisters and bullies at schools. After a while, people learn to stay back when I glare at them.

Andre held his hands up when he saw me turn around to look at him. “Woah. Okay, okay. I’ll stay out of your way.”

Grinning, I watched his silhouette disappear into the crowd. I sighed and continued my search to find Angela.

The next hour was a blur. As the campers retreated back to their cabins, I met up with Angela, who was surrounded by a bunch of little kids.

“They want me to be their sister,” Angela shrugged. I linked my arm through hers, strolled to our bunks, and before I knew it, I was fast asleep.

Enjoy and please comment! Any feeback is appreciated :)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
im working on the next part of the chapter!
over a year ago Nicosgurl said…
Luv it
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
oh. my. gosh. my laptop wont turn on, and it keeps on saying, "no bootable service-please restart," or something like that. but i cant restart it, cuz none of the keys work. ugh.....
mechdemigod commented…
nnnnnoooooo!!!!!!! over a year ago
over a year ago Nicosgurl said…
over a year ago mechdemigod said…
is going to boy scout camp 4 a week
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
ive made some progress on the chapter!
over a year ago snowflakes989 said…
And here we are! Prt 2 of Chapter 10!

Chapter 10
Teresa’s POV
(during dinner the day before, after Teresa’s tour with Andre)

“Ugh,” I muttered to Angela, when I noticed Andre looking at me for the tenth time, “can’t he leave me alone?”



She nodded in understanding. “It’s okay. I bet your tour was as annoying as mine. Daniel, that creep. Insolent little twerp.”

I laughed. “Nice name. I should call Andre ‘Andre the Annoying’. How does that sound?”

“Fantabulous,” Angela grinned.

We finished the rest of our meal in silence, and then headed to the campfire. I didn’t do much, besides standing off to the side and watching the others sing. In the midst of the crowd, I saw Angela talking with some of the Hermes kids.

I sighed. I wasn’t much of a social kid anyways. As I was getting comfortable in the lonely darkness, a hand touched my arm, sending a shiver down my back.

Turning around, I saw Andre, towering over me.

“Um, hey,” I said awkwardly. I scooted to the left, hoping I could get a distance between us.

He just scooted closer. “Hey.”

Sighing, I crossed my arms and stood up straight. “What do you want, Andre?”

He grinned and held up his hands. “Geez, no need to be so harsh. I was just wondering if you were lonely, standing here by yourself.”

“Nah, I’m fine. I like being lonely.”

I was hoping that that would make him go away. No such luck. Scooting closer, he sat down next to me.

“Go away,” I muttered sleepily. Feeling my eyelids growing heavy, I pulled my knees close to my chest, hoping to get warmer.

“You cold?”

I glared at him. What part of ‘Go away’ did he not understand? I shook my head, but a shiver gave me away.

Andre grinned. “Come on, Teresa. I just want to be your friend.”

“Well, seems like you’ve made no progress,” I growled, standing up and walking away. Rubbing my arms, I weaved through the crowd, searching for Angela, anything to get me away from the creep.

“Hey! Teresa!” I heard Andre shout.

I turned around and glared at him. It was the glare that I’d perfected over years with my step-sisters and bullies at schools. After a while, people learn to stay back when I glare at them.

Andre held his hands up when he saw me turn around to look at him. “Woah. Okay, okay. I’ll stay out of your way.”

Grinning, I watched his silhouette disappear into the crowd. I sighed and continued my search to find Angela.

The next hour was a blur. As the campers retreated back to their cabins, I met up with Angela, who was surrounded by a bunch of little kids.

“They want me to be their sister,” Angela shrugged. I linked my arm through hers, strolled to our bunks, and before I knew it, I was fast asleep.

The next morning, Angela and I walked to the mess hall together, then split up for the continuation of our tour and training. Sadly, I was still paired up with Andre the Annoying.

Heaving a sigh, I watched Angela dejectedly follow Daniel towards the cabins. Then I turned to Andre and the memory of last night flashed into my mind, reminding me of just how much I hated him. He studied me carefully, which I found quite unnerving. Sure, he’s not bad looking, I guess, better than the guys at Moreland, that’s for sure, but seriously, when it comes to guys, don’t judge them by their looks.

“Come on,” Andre’s voice disrupting me from my thoughts. “We’re going to the armory. Time to look for a weapon.

Go ahead and call me lazy, but being with Andre seemed to drain away all of my energy. Sadly, I had no choice but to follow the jerk across camp, while he tried to talk with me.

As you can imagine, he ended up talking to himself. Finally (thank the gods), he stopped talking and we walked in silence.

“So,” he said awkwardly, once we reached the armory. “You prefer a sword or dagger?”

I just shrugged. “Sword, I guess. I don’t know!” I was getting pretty annoyed. “How should I know? I haven’t even used them yet.”

“Okay then.” He picked out a sword that I could barely lift.

Shaking my head, I said, “Definitely not this one.”

Andre put the sword away. As he moved an MP5 to the side, something small caught my eye. I squeezed past him and picked up the object. To my disappointment, it was just a hair clip.

But how come I felt like I was being drawn to this thing? I looked at Andre.

He just stared at me in shock.

“Hello? Earth to Andre?” I said, waving a hand in front of his face.

He blinked a few times, before saying, “Oh, sorry.” He frowned at the clip in my hand. “It’s just, I’ve never seen this before. Maybe someone left it here on accident.”

“Okay. Can I keep it?” I asked.

“Uh, sure.”

I grinned and unclipped it, to put it into my hair, but as I watched, a golden glow seemed to radiate from the clip, as it grew longer and heavier.

Once the glow faded and I could see clearly, I could finally process the fact that I was holding a 2 ½ feet glowing bronze sword that was a black hair clip only a second ago.

“Wha- what just happened?” I stammered.

The expression on Andre’s face told me he didn’t know either.

I turned the blade in my hand, admiring the gleam of the bronze.

“Can I see?” Andre reached out a hand.

I gave the sword to him.

Andre examined the sword closely. “Strange. I can go ask Theo about this sword.”


“The head counselor of Hephaestus cabin.”

I watched as Andre took the sword out of the armory shack and disappeared, leaving me alone in the dark shed. With my stomach churning, I walked through tables and shelves of weapons.

After a few minutes of mindless wandering, Andre walked back in, his expression more confused than ever.

I walked up to him and took the sword in my hands again.

“What did he say?”

Andre shrugged.

“Come on! Tell me!” I said.

Taking a deep breath, he said, “Theo told me that Chiron received the weapon from a god decades ago. It was supposedly placed in the attic for safe keeping, and that this sword would only be found by the owner it was made specifically for. And seems like you found it.”

I stared at the sword in shock. “So… how do I turn this back into a hair clip?”

He frowned. “Uh, I’m not sure if this would help, but maybe touching the tip?"

“Okay.” I raised a shaking hand and touched the sword tip with my finger. In less than a second, I was holding the hair clip again. “You think I can put this in my hair, or do I have to keep this in my pocket?”

Andre just shrugged again.

Sighing, I thought, Andre is the most useless person on this planet. I unclipped the pin again, hoping it wouldn’t turn into a sword, and put it in my hair. “I think I just need to think of whether I need it as a sword or not,” I said to no one in particular.

“Its name is Huntoreckla. Apparently built and named by the same person who made Othiriia. Huntoreckla and Othiriia are sword twins."

“Huntoreckla,” I sounded the name carefully. “I’ve heard of other blades, but never of Orthiriia. Is it famous?”

Andre looked at me warily. “Well, it's a sword. Othiriia means “Reflector.” It's called the twin of Huntoreckla since they were made from the same quarry of stone, except for Othiriia was constructed regal silver. It's the same as Huntoreckla, revealing itself for the one who will use it."

“So what does Huntoreckla mean?”

“The Hunter.”

I grinned. “‘The Hunter.’ I like it.”

“Follow me, Teresa. Time for the rest of your lessons.” For the rest of the day, I rotated through different classes: archery, sword fighting, canoeing, arts and crafts, gardening, etc.

The only class I had no trouble with was sword fighting. Huntoreckla just seemed to make everyone nervous. As Andre and I were heading back for the cabins, to get ready for dinner, Angela ran straight into me. For once, I was glad to see her. I mean, this was the first time this whole day we saw each other after breakfast. I started grinning, stopping abruptly when I realized she was shaking.

“What happened?”

“Daniel,” she muttered. “He just… I’m so mad at him.” Her voice shook and I knew that Angela was close to tears. Without meaning to, my voice turned on a protective tone. “What did he do?”

“I-I wish I could just get rid of him,” she yelled, her voice cracking on the last word. I stared at the tear that was slowly falling down her cheek.

“I knew he was no good,” I said, just to make Angela feel better. “Stupid boys.” Next to me, I heard Andre huff in annoyance.

“Come on, you’ll be fine,” I said, pulling her into a hug. That was when she started sobbing, although she tried to hide it.

I lifted my head and glared at Daniel, who seemed quite uncomfortable. Andre looked from Angela to Daniel, and back.

“Oh gosh. Don’t worry, Angela, I’ll go talk to Daniel about this.”

I gave him a look that said,You’d better. I said some more words to Angela, though I wasn’t sure what I was saying, and led her back to Hermes cabin. I managed to kick all the kids out of the cabin with my signature glare, and waited outside for Angela to clean up.

After 20 minutes of waiting, I got impatient and walked inside, to see Angela sitting at the edge of her bunk, staring at herself in a mirror. “Why do I have to be a demigod?” I heard her ask herself. “I can’t even freaking get along with people!”

“Yeah, you can,” I blurted out, sitting down next to her. She glared at me. We exchanged a few words, and before I knew it, I was throwing pillows at Angela, and ducking swinging pillows. It was the most fun I’d had in a long time.

Angela and I were interrupted by Andre (why am I not surprised?), who cleared his throat. I rolled my eyes as he dragged me and Angela out of the cabin and to the mess hall. We had a fun dinner, teasing Andre, when Chiron announced the Capture the Flag games tomorrow after dinner. Jared, the Hermes head counselor, leaned over and said, “We’re part of the blue team with Apollo, Ares, Hebe, and Hypnos.

Angela nudged me. “Guess we’re on the same team as Andre, huh?” I rolled my eyes, but mentally cursed myself when I felt a light blush creep up into my cheeks.

Dinner ended too soon, and I was too tired to go to the campfire, so Angela and I trudged back to the cabins. I checked to make sure that Hunter was still under my bunk, then took a quick shower and crashed onto my bed. Before I knew it, I was fast asleep.

The next morning, I went through my whole morning routine and went to breakfast. This time, Angela and I decided to ditch our day with the Daniel and Andre, and chose to do our own stuff. I mean, Chiron never told us how long we had to stick to those boys.

“Do you want to spar now?” I asked, fingering my clip excitedly, when we reached the arena.

Angela hesitated. “I think tonight before dinner should be fine. I want to practice a bit more.”

I looked at her. “But I thought you said you had something planned.”

“Well, I decided to ditch it so that I could spend more time with my friend over here!” She poked me in the side.


“So. Don’t. Complain,” Angela poked me once for each word she said.

I started laughing. “Okay, okay. I’ll shut up now.”


As the day progressed, Camp Half-Blood really was starting to feel like home. And usually at home, I create a huge mess. We had a quick lunch, and went to ride a pegasus. Sadly, none of them seemed to like me, while they all cuddled around Angela. Fun. When I finally got on a pegasus, we soared over camp and hovered over the ocean, enjoying the view. I had to admit: it was amazing. The only problem: my pegasus tried throwing me off 300 feet above sea level. NOT. FUN.

The rest of our afternoon was filled with more hilarious events, and trust me, I did not regret a moment of it. You want to know what we did? You'll find out soon enough, don't worry.

"Yes, of course. We're very sorry, Josh. Mhm. No, Teresa won't be doing any of that. Yes, I'll watch her," Angela finished. Smirking, Angela dragged me away as Josh glared at me. As soon as we reached the deserted cabins, we crashed onto our bunks, gigling like madmen.

"Oh man, Teresa. You really are a genius," Angela gasped out, stil shaking from laughter.

"Really?" I managed in return.

"First the exploding pegasi, then the rainbow watermelons, and the, oh gosh, the mixed up restrooms. Man, I've had to save you so many times!"

"Don't forget Josh's beautifully styled hair," I added.

Angela tried. I tried. We all tried. But we ended up in seizures.

To clarify a bit, well... Angela and I, actually, just me, had been pulling pranks all afternoon long. Angela came up with amazing prank ideas, and I executed them. Miss Princess- Wow. Her ideas were just crazy! So after I brilliantly pranked someone, the head counselor would usually come after me and catch me. Solution? Angela, duh. I didn't know how she did it, but she managed to save my butt from being scorched on the lava wall.

"I can't believe I've had to talk you out of punishment, like seven times in the past two hours!"

I went into the bathroom to compose myself. When I came back outside, Angela was sitting on my bunk with a look of angelic innocence, her eyes sparkling. Uh-oh. I had learned the hard way that the look she had signified trouble. I sat down next to her and braced myself.

“I want to pull a huge prank on Daniel and Andre,” Angela told me. “Something they won’t forget. What do you say, my partner in crime?”

I grinned. “Aye aye, Miss Princess.”

WHACK! “That hurts!” I protested, rubbing my shoulder.

Angela shrugged. “That’s what you get, Goth Girl.” She smirked, since she knew I hated being called that.

“Oh, you’re on,” I said, giving her my death glare.

Angela did the smart thing: she ran.

I’m not sure how long I chased her, but eventually I had her cornered against the amphitheater. “No way out now,” I smirked at her.

Angela made a dash for it, the same time I heard Andre call my name. Instinctively, I turned around and shouted, “What?” Too late. Angela was out of my reach. Curse Andre. Curse him.

Spinning on my heels, I started to go after Angela, when I realized that she was on her knees staring up at Nathan Shang, son of Poseidon.

“Angela,” Nathan said smoothly, flashing his signature smile.

To my surprise, Angela just kept on staring.

The smile on Nathan’s face disappeared. “Are-are you mad at me? You should get up.” He held out a hand. Angela noticed me staring, but she gave me a warning look that said, Later and took Nathan’s hand.

“Come on, Angela.” I said impatiently.

She nodded and followed me, nodding once at Nathan. Almost immediately, I bumped into Andre. I had been so shocked by Nathan’s appearance, I’d forgotten that Andre was still here. “What do you want, Andre?”

“I-I,” Andre stammered. “I saw you two running and was wondering what you guys were up to.”

Before I could say anything insulting, Angela said, “Well, you don’t have to worry about us. We have everything under control. We’ve gone through each lesson and we’re just cooling down, you know, just having some fun.” She raised her eyebrows at me, letting me know that she had this.

I didn't mind or protest, but I knew that it would end badly if I did anyway.

Andre looked between the two of us and shrugged. “All right. Don’t get in trouble.” On the last sentence, he looked at me and glared, as if he was daring me to say something.

I didn’t. We watched him leave and I turned to Angela. “So what were you going to say about that prank?”

“What prank?” Nathan’s question startled me so much I nearly fell over Angela when I turned around too fast.

“Nothing you should worry about,” I said.

Nathan turned to Angela expectantly.

Truly an actress, Angela just shrugged and said, “Not sure yet. We’re still figuring it out. So you later.” She smiled like a supermodel, but I could tell deep inside, she was disgusted. The smile just didn’t reach her eyes.

As we walked away, I said, “So… are you angry at Nathan or something?”

She looked at me, shocked. “What? No, no… not really.”

“Not really?”

“I’ll tell you later,” she said, obviously anxious to change the subject.Her eyes darted around like she was afraid to be caught. “So as I was saying, here’s the plan for the prank…”

As I listened carefully, I began to smile.

Things start to heat up as secrets fly around :) Hope you enjoyed, and any feedback appreciated!
over a year ago corrected said…
over a year ago mechdemigod said…
snowflakes989 commented…
i'm glad you liked it! :) over a year ago
over a year ago mechdemigod said…
over a year ago corrected said…
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
what??????? y do u guys have so many question marks?

update on the chapter: i havent recieved anything from snow, or at least since the last time i checked. ill see to that she gets started on it.
mechdemigod commented…
no 1 was here .thats what i do over a year ago
over a year ago corrected said…
over a year ago snowflakes989 said…
whats up with the question marks ahaha sry abt the chapter guys. i know its summer and all, but sadly, i have more work than ever to do. :( homework first is the rule in my house BUT i finally started writing the next chapter!
over a year ago Nicosgurl said…
over a year ago snowflakes989 said…
another quick update:

I sent a teaser to rainbow, and we're pretty much good on editing with it. because of time shortage, our posts might have to be shorter but i hope you guys will keep reading! You guys are the best, because you kept reading when everyone else left :)

last edited over a year ago
mechdemigod commented…
kk over a year ago
over a year ago corrected said…
OK POST SOOON!?!?!?!??!?!!?!?!??!?
snowflakes989 commented…
Hopefully :) over a year ago
over a year ago mechdemigod said…
Plz do
snowflakes989 commented…
I hear you :) over a year ago
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
here is the teaser that snow wrote!

Chapter 11


Three words: My life sucked. Alright, I admit it. I really, really hated her. I mean, I know it was partly my fault, but still.

Angela and Teresa had ditched when Andre and I went to fetch them at the Hermes cabin. Andre was disappointed (no doubt about that), but personally, I was relieved. I wasn’t sure I could face Angela anymore. I tried to get on normally and not think about her. But as class by class passed by, I just couldn’t get her out of my mind.

“I said, you’re an insolent brat! And don’t you forget it!” Angela screamed at me, like I was a bad guy. Her words stung.

Finally, I gave up. I approached Andre who was taking a break at the basketball court.

“What’s up, Danny boy?” Andre greeted.

I rolled my eyes.

“I told you not to call me that.”

“Alright, alright, fair enough. So is something wrong?”

I was silent for a moment. Andre knew me too well. I debated about what I should tell him.

“It’s Angela, isn’t it,” Andre finally said, his tone for once not joking.

“Yup. Gosh, I just, ugh, I dislike her so much!” I complained.

“Mhm. Go on, I don’t think that’s the end of the story,” Andre deducted.

Oh, so Andre’s brain did have brain cells in it! But I digress.

Defeated, I sighed.

“I know I need to apologize, but I don’t know how,” I admitted.

“What?” Andre’s eyebrows lifted up in mock surprise. “The battle-plan Danny Boy-“

I gritted my teeth.

“-, the son of Athena? Sweating over talking to a girl? Impossible!” Andre finished, cracking up.

“Are you done yet?”


“But anyway, man, I know what you mean. Well, I suggest you surprise her and apologize, maybe give her flowers or something, maybe ask to talk to her in private at the beach?”

“You mean basically ask her out?” I gaped.

“Sure! Wait, what?”

I facepalmed.

“I stand corrected, Andre. Maybe your brain doesn’t have brain cells after all.”

“Alright, alright, but you should still surprise her and be genuine. Don’t be the jerk you were yesterday.”

“Fine, I’ll go along with it,” I reluctantly agreed.

Andre thought for second. Who would've thought Andre could come up with a plan? “They’re going to spar today, so maybe you can just follow them, and like, step in and beat Teresa for Angela or something?” he suggested.

“How are you so sure that Teresa will win?” I skeptically asked.

“Whatever, if that actually does happen,” Andre shrugged off.

“Hang on a second… The girls haven’t talked to us at all today. How do you know that they’re going to spar?” I slowly asked. My eyes narrowed and I smirked.

“Uh… Um… I kinda went early this morning without you to their cabin, you know, to make sure they were okay, and then I went to fetch you. Then they ditched us,” Andre sheepishly revealed.

“Isn’t that a little… Geez Andre, you might as well propose to Teresa on the spot!” I mockingly suggested.

Andre rolled his eyes. But hey, two can play the game.
over a year ago corrected said…
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
its just a preview. the real chapter is still being written.
over a year ago Nicosgurl said…
big smile
ya u posted
over a year ago snowflakes989 said…
Hey guys, I'm really sorry, but MCK is going to be on hold for awhile D:

I recently got a wattpad and I started writing a teen fic, so I'm going to post a few chapters on that first before coming back to fanpop.

Sorry! You guys must hate me but thanks for being patient :)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago corrected said…
over a year ago mechdemigod said…
i back ! post now!
over a year ago mechdemigod said…
over a year ago cinnominbubble said…
over a year ago snowflakes989 said…
Hey everyone!
You all must hate me right now, but its time I put wattpad on hold and got back to this! I promise I am writing as fast as my brain can think up stuff:)
But be warned, school is starting, so as much as I would like to focus on nothing but this, MCK will have slower updates.
over a year ago corrected said…
over a year ago cinnominbubble said…
I is confused
rainbow_girl commented…
what r u confused on? over a year ago
cinnominbubble commented…
What in the world is going on. Not litterally over a year ago
over a year ago LeoNicoCrazaiii said…
eek! how many chapters have you guys made?
time to back pedal
hello! again
snowflakes989 commented…
Take your time! Its goood to see you backk! over a year ago
over a year ago mechdemigod said…
Post plz
over a year ago snowflakes989 said…
Anyone else feel like this? :)
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
its ok. i feel ur pain. i dont want to go to high school... and none of my ood friends have a lot of classes w/ me.
over a year ago mechdemigod said…
Not even snow?
rainbow_girl commented…
nope. :(( over a year ago
over a year ago cinnominbubble said…
Post please.
over a year ago mechdemigod said…
over a year ago mechdemigod said…
Hey guys cinnamonbubble and I are have made an rp on her club called Ralph,Lord of evil and would appreciate if u guys join .
over a year ago cinnominbubble said…
Yah it's pretty much randomness
over a year ago mechdemigod said…
over a year ago mechdemigod said…
over a year ago snowflakes989 said…
mechdem, props for being so faithful to this story! no, i'm not being sarcastic, haha.
anyway, sorry for not posting but dammmm why is school making everything so busy? anyways just wanted to y'all know that something new should coming out by the end of the week or so. hopefully!

Snow loves ya ;)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago mechdemigod said…