The Heroes of Olympus Masters of the Comb and Keeper

snowflakes989 posted on Jan 07, 2013 at 04:27AM
Hey guys! Snow here. So Rainbow and I have decided to write a forum together, about our own demigods. Read on to find out what happens to Teresa, who she is, and later, another girl that changes her life.

This first chapter is by Rainbow, edited by me, and I hope you all enjoy! We will take turns posting/writing. Please comment, it would mean a lot!

For all of you ultimate spammers out there like moi, spam is permitted. :)

Teresa's pov.
Chapter 1

My name is Teresa Burne. If you think your life is weird, wait until you see mine. You would think that a thirteen-year-old teenage girl would be shopping with friends all day long, putting on makeup, and dating some really hot guy. Sorry to disappoint you, but I am nothing like that.
When I was two, my dad left my mom and me. I have no memory of him, other than the feeling of powerful, dark eyes, staring down at me with love. Then my mom married George Goof (I'm not kidding about his name). He was okay for the first year, then after they had twin girls, he started hating me. I don't know why. Probably because my mom always cared for me more than my step-sisters. Then she died. The police say that she died in a car accident, but I know better. It was my fault, and George knows it. I mean, I wasn't with her when she died, but the night before, I saw a dark shadow- in the form of a bird? Lady?-in my room. It was probably just my jacket or something, but my mom freaked. She started muttering and blaming herself, like she knew what was going to happen and it was her fault. The next morning, I saw it again, and again, and again. Not just in my room, but almost as if it was following me. I went hysterical, and my mom decided to get medicine for me. Then she died.
You're probably thinking, “It's not your fault. It was just an accident.” Sorry, but you're wrong. The shadow visited me again, and now there were more than one. The night my mom died, they started whispering, Ήταν όλες σας τις βλάβη. Σας σκότωσε τη μητέρα. Only later did I realize they were saying, It was all your fault. You killed your mother. And I knew in my guts, they were right.
George and my step-sisters have hated me ever since.

My day started normally enough, or as normal as you can get in my household. I got out of bed and went into the kitchen, passing George's room along the way. Guess what I saw? George and our housekeeper making out. Ugh. And yes, as much as I hate it, it happens all the time.
I ignored them and continued my journey to the kitchen. I snatched a bagel from Linda, the younger of the twins, and started eating. Jessy, who was really protective of her younger sister, threw a tissue box at me.
“Don't mess with my sister, you bully!” Jessy screamed.
I rolled my eyes. “Ten year olds,” I muttered. But I took out another bagel for Linda, toasted it, and took out butter as well. My step-sister watched me with big, round, shiny eyes as I spread butter on the bagel. “Here you go.” I handed her the warm, buttery bagel.
Linda took it tentatively and then bit hungrily into the bread.
Jessy looked at Linda with jealousy. “Can I have one too?”
I would've gladly grabbed Linda's buttered bagel and smashed it into Jessy's face, but I wasn't that mean. So I did the same for her, trying to ignore the boiling pot of annoyance in my stomach.
The clock chimed 7:30 am. Time for me to get out of this disgusting house. I grabbed my backpack and raced through the door, not bothering saying bye to George.
I sprinted down the street, enjoying the fresh, cold morning air. Wind slapped in my face, but the coldness felt refreshing. I stopped running as soon as the school was in sight.
Suddenly, I felt a chill down my spine. That was when my day drifted far from normal.

I fingered my necklace nervously, a simple silver chain with a dark blueish piece of jade, carved into the shape of three dragons entwined together. It was one of two gifts I got from my dad before he left. I never knew what the necklace was for, but my mom always said to keep them on, no matter where I was. The other gift was a pair of earrings. They were also jade, with the same dark blue color to it. But inside, there was a small red dot. I assumed they were important because they told omens. They started glowing and became burning hot right before my mom died in the car crash.
Now, I could feel my earring turn hot and panic tore through me. The burn almost felt like it was burning my skin, and with shaking fingers, I was able to take them off and stuff them in my pocket.
I looked around, wondering what would happen.
Then I looked up and my heart nearly stopped. The last time I saw the shadows was nearly five years ago. Now, here they are, hovering above me, so close I could reach out and touch them if I wanted to. I certainly didn't.
As I watched, the three shadows slowly began to spin, combining into one giant shadow. Two cruel-looking eyes appeared and looked at me with amusement, like I was a new toy it couldn't wait to play with. A mouth opened and black smoke spew from it and around me.
This is the end. This is the end. This is the end. This is the end.
I screamed and then I did something really strange, something even I couldn't explain. I held my earrings in front of me, palm facing the creature. I shouted at the top of my lungs, channeling all my anger into my hand and then BOOM!!
I was blasted backwards, skidding on my back. The shadows were gone and my backpack was two feet away from my feet.
Slowly but painfully, I sat up. I gently touched my back and winced. My finger came away with blood.
“Oh no,” I muttered, trying to fight back tears. “No, no.”
A honk threw me back into reality. I looked up in time to see two bright headlights bearing down at me. I grabbed my backpack and leaped just out of harm's way. I looked back just in time to see the car speed past me. I collapsed there, on the sidewalk, not sure whether to go home or continue to school.
In the distance, the first bell rang.
School, I decided. I got up, trying not to grimace, and limped towards the school.
First period science, I thought. Joy.

Once again, hope you enjoyed and please please post.

Shout outs to everyone who loves a good story. :)

The Heroes of Olympus 467 replies

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Showing Replies 201-250 of 467

over a year ago snowflakes989 said…
but rainbow, ur the one that thought nathan was cute in the first place...
rainbow_girl commented…
so? u did admit that he was. over a year ago
snowflakes989 commented…
Only for ur sake. Besides I'm ATLAS FOR THE WIN on cute. Just dont tell him I said that. over a year ago
snowflakes989 commented…
Yes I do, thank you very much. You on the other hand...Well, it's questionable. XD over a year ago
over a year ago mechdemigod said…
ok, i think i got who nathan is.his mom was percy and annabeth's kid and his dad was frank and hazel's kid.also I think the kid in the woods was grandson of Jason, piper, Leo, and possibly Reyna
rainbow_girl commented…
uh, no. we havent thought that far. the kids not imprtant, just so u no. at least unless snow has a different idea. over a year ago
snowflakes989 commented…
No, but its a great story idea! over a year ago
rainbow_girl commented…
lol. ya over a year ago
over a year ago LeoNicoCrazaiii said…
interesting theory . . .
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
hey guys!
so both snow and i will be leaving on saturday for a school thing, and wont be back until tuesday(or was it wednesday?), so we wont be able to work on the next chappie until we get back. also, since were gonna perform, we r both really busy, so itll take a bit longer.

over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
no one? thats sad...
mechdemigod commented…
sorry... over a year ago
over a year ago corrected said…
is ok just take ur time post when u can
no ne what?
rainbow_girl commented…
there was no one here for... 8 days. over a year ago
corrected commented…
o sry... over a year ago
rainbow_girl commented…
its ok. at least ppl r back over a year ago
over a year ago mechdemigod said…
hey guys i was thinking about turning rainbow's old forum into an rp
rainbow_girl commented…
whats an rp? over a year ago
over a year ago corrected said…
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
i dunno how far snow has got on the next chappie, so ill ask her sometime soon...
over a year ago corrected said…
rp = rat poop
rainbow_girl commented…
um, pretty sure thats not it... over a year ago
over a year ago corrected said…
rp = rat posion?
jk rp = role playing
duh how could u not know
rainbow_girl commented…
uh, no. what does role playing mean? over a year ago
snowflakes989 commented…
where u choose a character to ask it out over a year ago
snowflakes989 commented…
lolz i meant act it out over a year ago
over a year ago mechdemigod said…
no no no.
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
uhhh, what?
over a year ago LeoNicoCrazaiii said…
im here too! i think . . .
uhhh . . . then wht do u mean by rp?
over a year ago mechdemigod said…
Never mind it
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
over a year ago corrected said…
rp = rat poop
mechdemigod commented…
shut it over a year ago
over a year ago kkw1700 said…
Omg this story is awshum you HAVE to post soon!!! and hi guys!
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
heyyyyyy!!! i dunno how snow has been goin on for the next chappie.
mechdemigod commented…
:( over a year ago
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
OMG OMG OMG!!!!! SOOOOOOO SORRY GUYS!!!! ill ask snow bout the chapter, but if she hasnt done anything, ill get started immediately. sooooooo sorry!
over a year ago corrected said…
plz post soon!
over a year ago mechdemigod said…
u guys hear about where Boston marathon bomber burried?
last edited over a year ago
rainbow_girl commented…
what? over a year ago
mechdemigod commented…
curse these stupid typos over a year ago
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
i sent snow a message, cuz she wants to write the chapter, but she hasnt replied yet, so i dunno if shes.done it yet.
over a year ago mechdemigod said…
Ok but plz tell her 2 hurry
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
ugh. shes not responding. u no what? im just gonna get started on it.
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
sigh. but homework first. -_-
over a year ago mechdemigod said…
can i make a character and u and snow put it in the story?
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
sure. go ahead.
over a year ago corrected said…
over a year ago snowflakes989 said…
Hey guys, I'm really sorry. School drama...Ugh, let's just say that it takes up a lot of time. Thank you to each and every one of you for waiting. I pormise I will get the preview up very soon. Please be patient with me!
rainbow_girl commented…
sigh. and thats what uve been saying for the past 2 weeks. -_- over a year ago
snowflakes989 commented…
have not. i've only been saying that for the past one day. over a year ago
over a year ago mechdemigod said…
ok, here's my character:eric Valdez son of Hermes descendant of Hecate (Greek demigod) .13 years old 5 foot 10 blond hair green eyes skinny an impish grin like his grandfather Leo Valdez :weapons/armor a pair sais (3 pronged dagers) and lightweight armor both Artemis silver.
bio: he ran away from home when he was 12 and traveled northeast (born in Houston) along the way encountered the hunters who gave him his armor and sais along with a plane ticket to new York. After arriving in the empire state he was chased by harpies to camp half blood where he fought them off .that was also when he found he could enchant his weapons.he was claimed at the campfire that night as as a son of Hermes descendant of Hecate. It was the day before Teresa And angela arrived .not a jerk or flirter
last edited over a year ago
rainbow_girl commented…
okey dokey! that sounds great. ill discuss this w/ snow over a year ago
mechdemigod commented…
thnks rainbow!!!!!!! over a year ago
over a year ago snowflakes989 said…
That sounds like a wonderful character! However, we've been getting a lot of requests for OC's, so we might not be able to give a him a major role. We can definitely include him though!
mechdemigod commented…
yes!!! over a year ago
over a year ago corrected said…
a post would be nice
over a year ago snowflakes989 said…
I sent it to rainbow. So you guys can go annoy her to edit. XD
corrected commented…
sounds good over a year ago
over a year ago corrected said…
POST RAINBOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago snowflakes989 said…
Update: Rianbow says she'll edit and get it to me before tomorrow night, I'll most likely post it tomorrow or in two days, depending on homework. Keep your fingers crossed!

I cant wait to get the next part of the story out!
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
lol. just sent it back to snow for a check. im sure itll be up soon.
@mechdemigod: this is just a preview, so im sure snow will be able to add ur OC to the rest of the chapter *glares pointedly at snow*
mechdemigod commented…
yyyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeeeeesssssssssss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! over a year ago
over a year ago mechdemigod said…
From now on can we all try to post after school?
rainbow_girl commented…
everyday? thats gonna be hard over a year ago
over a year ago mechdemigod said…
no not everyday
over a year ago mechdemigod said…
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
we just got back from school, so snow has to do hmwrk first. i just sent her another edited version of the preview. hopefully, shell get it up soon.
over a year ago mechdemigod said…
ok just please post the new chappie tonight
over a year ago corrected said…
calm urself child
mechdemigod commented…
shut it over a year ago
corrected commented…
see what I mean pplz? over a year ago
mechdemigod commented…
fine ill calm down. im just really exited about the new chappie over a year ago
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
ugh. snows not replying.
snowflakes989 commented…
I told you, I do have a life outside of school. I wasnt home until nine thirty yesterday night. i doubt my parents wouldve let me use the computer aftr i finished my homework. over a year ago
over a year ago mechdemigod said…
morning guys
rainbow_girl commented…
hiiiiiiiiiiiii!!! over a year ago
over a year ago snowflakes989 said…
Ok, first of all, I have a life outside of fanpop, so obviously I'm not going to be able to stick to the computer like glue, even though I enjoy writing this story. If I'm not on here for a couple of days, it doesn't give you an excuse to complain about how I'm not posting. It simply means you should be a little patient and wait for me to tell you the reason why I wasn't on. The same goes for you, Rainbow as well, so you don't need to keep on "glaring" at me and complaining that I'm not reponding.

Second, here's the preview. I'm dedicating it to all those who HAVE NOT been complaining about my posting. I told you already I would post today, and not before, so thank you for understanding and actually reading what I wrote.

Chapter 9

So. First day at camp. Just wonderful.

I got my first feel for Camp Half-Blood as Daniel and I walked around together, taking in the sights. I went to the Hermes cabin with Teresa and settled in. I sighed. At least dinner was much better than hanging out with Daniel the Dork.

The next day, he showed me to my first class, archery. Honestly, walking around with him made me feel…

I guess a bunch of you would guess romantic, right? Magical? Sparkling?

Here’s the truth, my friends. By the time we hit the lava wall, Daniel was just about ready to throw me onto it. I was ready to push him off of it.

We stood there, glaring at each other for a few tension-filled moments. A boy snickered as he passed by.

“Oh, shut up Eric,” Daniel complained.

Eric just rolled his eyes. He looked at me with pity. “I’m sorry you have to stick with this dork. Trust me. I experienced it first hand.”

I couldn’t help but laugh, enjoying Daniel’s scarlet face.

Eric grinned at me, then ran off just as Daniel was about to lunge at him. He glared at me as I tried to catch my breath, my side hurting from laughing too hard.

Finally, Daniel left me, telling me to practice some archery and that he would be back later to show me to the armory to pick up some weapons.

An hour later, I stumbled out of archery class with a new knowledge in my head: My aim is terrible. I kept on hitting the target next to the one I was supposed to aim for.

I sighed and sat down. A few minutes later, I saw Daniel strolling up the path.

“Had a good time?” he teased, seeing how tired and frustrated I looked. At least he seemed to have forgotten about the previous… scene with Eric.

“Shut up,” I growled, not amused by his joke at all. He laughed at guided me to the Athena cabin.

“Back here, we store our weapons. It isn’t as magically reinforced as the Hephaestus cabin, but we have dependable stuff,” he said proudly. I nodded and followed him into the shack.

I saw what they had in there, and I felt my eyes grow wide. There were stacks of every imaginable weapon, everywhere.

“What do you prefer?” he asked.

“I don’t know,” I admitted. “Probably something that’s not that fancy, though.”

He nodded and began rummaging around the piles of stuff. After a brief search, he handed me a bronze dagger.

“Celestial bronze,” Daniel explained. “Seventeen inches, stone grip, used by many demigods.”

I took it and placed it in my palm. I could feel how balanced the blade was, but it didn’t feel comfortable to me. Almost uncontrollably, I took a swing.

And realized that I nearly impaled Daniel. Not that I would have minded, of course.

“Watch it!” Daniel yelped, his voice higher than usual. I stifled some giggles.

Sorry. I don’t think this fits me,” I apologized sheepishly.

“I would say so,” he huffed. He opened a chest and handed me a sword. I stared at its silver blade and the leather handle, decorated with silver jewels at the butt of the sword.

Daniel grinned when he saw me staring. “It’s called Reflector, or the One of Reflections from Greek. Supposedly, when monsters look into the blade, they’re so overcome with fear that they drop. Nobody’s used it in a long time, though. Thirty-two inches. Regal silver, which can kill both monsters and mortals. Leather grip, although I’ll give you a newer piece of leather.”

I nodded and waited as he rewrapped the handle. I already felt a connection with it and my fingers were itching to try it out.

After what seemed like an eternity, he handed it back to me.

“This time, let’s step outside. And watch where you swing,” he instructed.

Rolling my eyes, I gripped the hilt and stepped outside. Already, it felt familiar to me. Taking a deep breath, I took a cautious swipe.

It felt amazing, like it was giving me energy. I grinned and started slashing with more force.

“I think it’s yours!” Daniel laughed. He drew his own blade and we began to parry, sword against sword. The autopilot mode I had felt fighting Mr. Navarro came back as I fluidly blocked his attacks.

Then just as suddenly, Daniel dropped his guard, his face drawn. I hurried over to his side.

“Are you okay? I didn’t accidently hit you, did I?” I anxiously asked. He shook his head, to shaken to speak.

I sat there for ten minutes, waiting for him to regain his composure. When it never came twenty minutes later, I was irritated.

“Daniel,” I spoke sharply. “What’s wrong with you? Pull yourself together!”

No response. I shoved his shoulder and was seriously considering hitting him with my new weapon when he shifted.

“Sorry,” he muttered. “But I think the name Reflector is right. I saw something in it.”

This caught my intrigue.

“What is it?” I asked as sweetly as I could. I had to know.

But he just shook his head.

Dont worry, theres more to come. It's impossible for us to post everyday afterschool, unfortunately. But I will definitely try to get the next part of this out in a couple days. I only have time right now to do small fragments at a time, but hopefully it'll keep you reading.

last edited over a year ago
mechdemigod commented…
yes ma'am oh and good chappie over a year ago
mechdemigod commented…
whos eric? over a year ago
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
ummm.... ur oc is eric
over a year ago corrected said…
great post!!!!!!!!!!!
am i one of the people that was dedicatated to?
mechdemigod commented…
dont think so man,but hey,i dont think im one either over a year ago
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
snow says that shes about done w/ the full chappie. so just hang on tight!
and i still need to edit it.
mechdemigod commented…
great! over a year ago
over a year ago snowflakes989 said…
Another note, Rainbow, is I know you're constant on Fanpop, but don't lie. I don't mean to disappoint you all, but I am nowhere near close to finishing the chappie, and neither did I tell you that I was. I have not even sent you a draft for editing. All I did was go over premilary plot ideas for the next installment. I hope to get the next part out by the weekend, when I'll have more time.
last edited over a year ago
mechdemigod commented…
alright i can wait over a year ago
rainbow_girl commented…
i thought u were bout done cuz u kept on talking bout what u wrote before, then what u changed. and i added the last part cuz i meant that after ur done, i still need to edit before u post. over a year ago