Rosario Vampire Will There Be A Season 3?

nmc400 posted on Dec 27, 2008 at 12:12AM
i wanna know if theres a season 3, im gunna one sad panda bear if there isn't

Rosario Vampire 20307 replies

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Showing Replies 19051-19100 of 20307

over a year ago Azur_Fenix said…
CODE GEASS is the shit!!!!!!!! its a very very good show!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago Cbakez said…
Did i say it was bad?
over a year ago Azur_Fenix said…
no but you didnt say it was good, oh and c.c is so damn sexy!!! (i wish i had one!!!!!!! T_T)
no but you didnt say it was good, oh and c.c is so damn sexy!!!  (i wish i had one!!!!!!! T_T)
over a year ago emoboycry said…
over a year ago ryanwins13 said…
wazz up everyone
over a year ago emoboycry said…
over a year ago ryanwins13 said…
wat something i said 0_o
over a year ago emoboycry said…
big smile
nope ....just quiet
over a year ago ryanwins13 said…
over a year ago emoboycry said…
over a year ago Tiggah said…
I love this anime =D
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago emoboycry said…
good for you
over a year ago GhoulishLion said…
@Tiggah U read chap 6?
over a year ago Tiggah said…
@GhoulishLion Yes, I did awhile back. Sorry I haven't had time to review it yet. I'll be sure to let you know what I thought tomorrow =D
over a year ago knightofdread said…
@space i was thinking about romance anime's during my 7 hour long drive and i thought of a couple,
princess lover
sankarea(only up to ep 7 releases every friday)
eureka 7 ao(only up to ep 6 once again every friday)
toaru majutsu no index
dn angel

i don't have my main computer at hand so i'm pulling these from memory, if you want more i can give you them in a couple of days.

@cbakez did you call me a bitch and a fan boy? cause i'm neither of those, i will admit the fact that guilty crown so closely resembles code geass turns me off, but it's also the fact that i can't watch another anime show filled with so many cliches, i'm talking about the basic guy meets girl, guy finds/gains superpower from girl, girl is attacked(this one and the one before may alternate), guy protects girl, girl gets kidnapped/attacked, guy gets stronger, guy attacks attackers and kicks some ass(powering up may come during the attack). now i only saw the first 2 episodes but the whole time while watchign it was like deja vu the whole time, literally i saw EVERYTHING coming a mile away, i get no enjoyment from watching a show i've felt like i've seen 20,000 times before, so please don't ever call me a fanboy i am not one nor have i ever been one
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Heliosvr said…
They changed fanpop's lay-out :) It's alot better dontcha think?!
over a year ago knightofdread said…
over a year ago Senkagami said…
I love it
over a year ago Azur_Fenix said…
hey guys i just found this funny and awesome anime called "Kore wa Zombie desu ka" watch this it is funny!!!!!! plus it has a super cutie necromancer girl!!!!!!!!!1 lol she is number 5 on my new list!!!!!!

Eucliwood Hellscythe
last edited over a year ago
hey guys i just found this funny and awesome anime called "Kore wa Zombie desu ka" watch this it is f
over a year ago Cbakez said…
The simple minded fool doesn't impress.
over a year ago Tiggah said…
@knightofdread You never gave the show a chance, judging an anime only after two episodes... they may start out similar but they're vastly different as the story develops. I guarantee you will never be able to see whats coming, a majority of the show probably won't even make sense until you really think about it. Almost everyone I've seen has high regards to the show, you're the only one that seems to dislike it. But it doesn't bother me, if you want to miss out on one of the best anime ever, then that's your choice.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago spacecaker said…
@knight thanks :D

going to watch them :D

since a few motnhs ago i am anime addict
it all started by kaduro chan

then kanokon and then rosario vampire and since rosario vampire i am addicted to romance animes :D

over a year ago ryanwins13 said…
@knightofdread you remember the discussion we had about gonzo ruining rosario i have a theory about it just like a caterpillar it starts off real nice and fun to watch but after a while it goes through a ugly change but then after a long period of time it comes out better then before lets hope that change happens sooner than later
over a year ago Pikminlord said…
@azur dude kurumu is my fav too no worries man I understand, lol
over a year ago knightofdread said…
@space no problem

@tiggah i gave the show a chance and that was episode 2(which was WAY better episode 3 was crap though). episode 1 was awesome prensentation wise and music wise, the plot though, well basicially followed the standard thing/cliches for animes, girl is being chased by bad guys, guy meets girl, girl gets caught, guy rescues girl, guy/girl gets attacked again, guy gets superpower..... seen it before 20,000 times, in fact even though i knew it is like code geass i'm surprised by how much it was, power of the kings..... really at least get a original name for their superpower. but enough about how much it is like code geass, there were also plot holes in the story, why didn't the troopers arrest shu? really he's talking to a known fugitive yet they let him does guy know shu?? shu also somehow with no prior knowledge or experince can use his new power and is able to defeat a trained military unit? how does he know how to operate his new power? another question guilty crown, thats the name of the anime, where does it get it from the anime? most shows have show the reason behind the name of the anime in the first episode, R+V(vampire with a rosario) gundam's(gundam mobile suits) now that was episode 1.

i decided to give you guys the benefit of the doubt and decided to watch episode 2...... once again like code geass but i can live with that, much better overall i will admit still some minor plot holes but nothing i couldn't handle, now at the end thats when i was dissapointed inori trasfers into shu's class.......... the thoughts going through my head at that second was omg not this again. i did watch some of episode 3 before my video card driver crashed, but what i saw was inori entering the class, shu asking if this is real(anohter plot hole nobody asks how she knows him/vice versa, also how did she enroll? she just broke into a goverment facility). after school he finds her in his apartment turns out shes living there..... once again omg this AGAIN (wtf is this bleach?!?!?!?) i got to where inori was starting to change when my driver crashed on me.... i decided i couldn't take anymore and haven't watched the rest, mabey when i'm done my to watch list(it's getting kinda long) and i got nothign to do i might watch it

@azure oh god not is this a zombie.... i started watching it but once they pulled that second mode of the male/zombie magical girl suit i couldnt' watch anymore, the show is meant to be funny by being stupid. i know it works for alot of people but for me i'm sorry i can't watch that, the monsters i can't take seriously really a whale a fucken WHALE is a big bad boss guy.......... seriously and when the show tries to go serious it fails because it's not meant to be seious but it tries to be anyways. seriously they made a second season of that but not R+V SEROUSLY somebody over in japan needs his freaking head checked
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago knightofdread said…
sorry about the long posts guys
over a year ago emoboycry said…
over a year ago Tiggah said…
@knightofdread Those plot holes you mentioned, are all eventually explained, I won't tell you the reasoning for your questions, might spoil it for others. Like I said, you will never see it coming, there is a much deeper meaning to the show. Sorry, hard to explain without spoilers..suppose you will just have to watch the rest, if you ever want it to make sense. Just have to give the show a anime for the experience and enjoyment, not to find flaws and judge it.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Cbakez said…

Sorry for my language good sir's.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Tiggah said…
big smile
@GhoulishLion I finished my review =D! Definitely the best chapter you've done so far, keep up the great work!
over a year ago knightofdread said…
@tiggah hmmm i just may have to watch it, you do have several good points,
over a year ago knightofdread said…
@cbakez you good sir have made me take my opinion of you and chuck it out the window....... i wasn't saying anything about explaing the story in fact they did it quite well i got the story idea very well, it looks pretty damn similar TO ALOT OF ANIMES to name a couple bleach,code geass etc(and just to let you know the animes i just siad DO EXPLAIN the story in the first 2 episodes) not only does it have those problems it has plot holes in it. i siad im my statement that it looks good presentation wise to try to put a good face on it, episode 2 was FAR better than episode 1 and 3(from what i saw). i even explained the reasonings behind in the least bashing manor possible.... yet YOU have the nerve to start swearing at me and basically call me a fucking idoit do you think that would go over well with me at all??? REALLLY!?!?!? You sir are the fucking fanboy in this whole matter i have clearly and nicely stated what problems i have seen with this anime, MEANWHILE you on the other hand have never explained in any sort of manner why i should watch it other than saying it's good(take a lesson from tiggah) and when faced with a opposing arguement you automatically call that person a idoit without trying to have a discussion about the anime at all. One of the problems i have with animes is their fanboys, they are the people who make it hard to want to watch the anime they are preachign is the best. I have my favorite animes yet i know the faults in them, i will defend them but i will not blindly defend them to the death. tiggah has convinced me i should try and finish guilty crown, he didn't swear once in his post, yet you almost made me say screw guilty crown along with it's fanboys. really take a leasson from tiggah and grow the fuck up
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago emoboycry said…
@knight take a chill pill man -_-
over a year ago knightofdread said…
i usually don't get a reason to rage so when i do i make the best of it
over a year ago emoboycry said…
ok............very werid
over a year ago knightofdread said…
lol, coming from you emo thats funny, anyways how you doing?
over a year ago emoboycry said…
I aint emo no more bit im not getting a haircut and im doing fine just want to see my lilttle brother and how about you?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago knightofdread said…
oh doing good not much going on
over a year ago emoboycry said…
no one ever is man
over a year ago spacecaker said…
why Guilty Crown ends soo sad :(

Now Watching Mirai Nikki So good has good story + love + stuff wich are just wortless
over a year ago RosarioV said…
@knightofdread Dude, first of all you have too much time on your hands by doing all of these posts. If you dont like it, you shouldnt be talking so much shit about it. Even if hes a fanboy thats not so wrong. He is pretty much defending his anime. I know you want to do some constructive ctricism but i dont think that a place full of Anime lovers is the right place. I love it myself alot, and i cant really agree on your thoughts. Im, just sayin

So anything new about season 3?
over a year ago Tiggah said…
@spacecaker Mirai Nikki is amazing, absolutely my favorite anime of all time! =D
over a year ago Cbakez said…
@Knightofdread, damn dude stop trying to to make yourself look big with your paragraphs lol, you just ramble on about pointless things, the fact of the matter is that i think you don't watch anime for enjoyment. you watch it to judge it. Which annoys the shit out of me because Guilty Crown is one of those stories that starts off with a mystery and very later on the pieces all get put together, everything changes within the second part of it. you just can't see that cause all the anime you've seen explain what's going on in the first episodes? Guilty Crown has a massive twist that you would never see coming. I sir am not a fanboy, i simply like the anime and am defending it, you sir are the idiot fanboy who goes around judging other anime on there flaws and compare them to other anime before you even finish them. And grow the fuck up? you're swearing yourself. and did you forget that this is the internet sir? where people can express them self's in any manner without worrying on people judging them, cause i really don't give a shit how i talk to people i don't like on the internet sir.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago ryanwins13 said…
Can anybody help me im debating on if i should draw my own pictures for my anime or have my friend do it im not sure how good i draw id truthfully say i draw b quality manga ill post a picture of one of my drawings for someone to decide
over a year ago spacecaker said…
am at episode 9 and its just such a good story mirai nikki

over a year ago Cbakez said…
Mirai Nikki is the most amazing anime. can't wait to see if there is any OVA's or anything.
over a year ago knightofdread said…
@ryan depends if you can draw or not.

@rosariov i would accept his defence if he actually gave me reasons, he doesn't just says it's good. but i'm dropping the matter. nope no news yet rosario you read the new chapter for the manga yet?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Cbakez said…
HOLYFUCKINSHIT, just finished Chrome Shelled Regios on Netflix, shit was amazing. Especially the ending, it played out exactly as i wanted it too and it was just intense as hell, loved every single character and i'm gonna really miss that show :'( although it is my 50th anime finished. YAY!
over a year ago dognick said…
Just got back from Philly Dam great experience
over a year ago firebane said…
hey whats up