Rosario Vampire Will There Be A Season 3?

nmc400 posted on Dec 27, 2008 at 12:12AM
i wanna know if theres a season 3, im gunna one sad panda bear if there isn't

Rosario Vampire 20307 replies

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over a year ago BtwJake said…
lol yeah, i hope they make it like the manga now in season 3, just continue from season 1 and make it like season 2 was a bonus season or just add a few episodes of season 2 in later and remake season 2
over a year ago dognick said…
I see this forum is getting a little more active good
over a year ago dognick said…
How is everyone?
over a year ago BtwJake said…
very good, now that i know we have a massive chance of season 3 it made me more happier, if you find out anymore info tell me please and ill reasearch and see if its true ;)
over a year ago BtwJake said…
RUMOR RUMOR: Apperently R+V season 3 is coming out October this year! I dont believe it but who knows it could be true
over a year ago spacecaker said…
anyone watched Kampfer ?

its really funny storyline but i think its still unifinished ( as always The good animes have a ending wich isnt really the full end =_+ )
over a year ago knightofdread said…
btw the only way we are ever gonna get a season 3 is if it's popular in japan, i mean REALLY popular, doesn't matter how many petitions/phone calls/emails they get from NA it ain't gonna matter, their market is in japan if japan doesn't like it than they won't make it, if you can show me proof of it being popular in japan (they have much higher standards than us considering every anime is made there) than i will believe you all the figures on this forum have given are from america, what about the figures from japan? how's the manga doing over there? how was the anime received? how was the sales of the anime? if these are all positive than ya were golden, if the anime did bad sales wise, and popularity wise, than we don't have a chance in hell i hope you guys know that.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Jun56 said…
Well yeah, that's just how business works for domestic products. I, however, can't find any indications of how well the anime did. The manga sales are good, if not great.

And to the people who keep saying it might come out around October, you'd better have a source on that. I'm tired of rumors that turn out to be nothing more. It's really irritating. So please, if you have a source on that please share; otherwise, keep that to yourself until you can validate it. And by "source," it had better not be another forum.

If so, it will count as a secondary source; so far, none of them have been reliable.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago knightofdread said…
yep i agree with jun, if you don't have a source than really don't tell us a rumor that you heard on some random forum. if you manage to get some valid information please post a link/refrence so we tell if it's legit
over a year ago BtwJake said…
i know the anime is doing good because thats how there money recovered this year, they had a major turn up this year from loads and loads of countries buying the series
over a year ago BtwJake said…
and i know atlest half is japan coz thats how it started in 2011, 2012 was lots of different countries
over a year ago Jun56 said…
I still don't see any sources posted. You can't "know" something, if you don't have any reliable facts to back your claims with.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago killshotzzz said…
wow why so hostile
over a year ago Jun56 said…
Since when is calling for sources hostile? Perhaps you are misreading my tone.

The point I'm trying to make is that there is nothing to gain by spreading rumors with no back up.
over a year ago killshotzzz said…
the way you phrased it sounded hostile my bad
over a year ago Jun56 said…
Now that the flame war has been avoided...

Please provide sources guys. I'm tired of going to Youtube and seeing things like "O hai guyz! its gonna come out n the next 3 months!!!" Just stop that please. I'm sure the good intentions are there, but in all likelihood you're probably hurting the community.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago BtwJake said…
jeez man cant you have a little bit of hope instead of being so negative, ive read this shit everywhere, i cant remeber where and stuff but just say if i have this info right and its does come out then your be wrong and ill be right so you can shut your mouth and start being a bit more possitive
over a year ago BtwJake said…
i know everyone wanted a third season and they waited 3 years, but know one took in mind the earthquake, what do you think they would rather do, save there family with food, water, a home and health or let them die to make a anime
they would of lost so much money, like every other company, now they wouldnt have enough to make all there ideas and i can imagine alot, so they would of chosen a few so they dont lose all there money, but you dont realise the manga is still going, people are still buying R+V season 1 and 2, also season 1 and 2 will be realeasing in UK in sept 2012
over a year ago Jun56 said…
So... asking for sources is negative? Realism is not negativity.

And I would gladly "shut [my] mouth", if what you say is true; point is, you don't have anything to back it up with. I'm not saying you didn't find anything; I'm saying that, at the moment, you don't have anything solid to present. So why say right out the door that its coming October?

Also, on the chance you are right (I do hope you are), I will gladly say I was wrong--if it comes out in October. But right now, you're just making olive branches out of inferences.

For the record, I won't be throwing ad hominems at you. So, I won't fire back for calling me "negative," when in reality I'm pointing things out. I am hoping for a season 3, but I am also hoping that people will stop spreading untrue rumors. It's been happening since I found the show on Netflix.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago BtwJake said…
no but ur saying it like you have no hope
over a year ago BtwJake said…
i said it was a rumor, i also said i dont count on it coming october
over a year ago BtwJake said…
and if you think you can find any better info with a source go then
over a year ago Jun56 said…
See this is research Jake.

I have been doing some digging on Gonzo's financial state. The site hasn't been active since 2010, so nothing there. As for Gonzo's official site, I'm still searching... and translating as best I can.

Gonzo has been doing some restructuring by selling some assets including the company that made the PS2 game, but that was 3-ish years ago (Anime News Network); maybe enough time to pull Gonzo together. Not sure how much they were sold for; Gonzo was in about $30 million deep in deficit.

(From Gonzo's site --After delisting in 2009--)
-Dec 2010, they were hiring for a good (experienced) production staff
-July 2011, they managed to interest Samuel L. Jackson in the production of a live-action Afro Samurai; the anime of which did excellent in terms of sales (This was before the delisting from the Stock exchange though). Assuming everything goes well, Gonzo will have a hand in producing a live-action Afro Samurai starring Samuel L Jackson.
-Dec 2011, they seem to be involved with something called Samurai 7<--Needs more details.
-May 2012, a subsidiary has been established in Okinawa, so it looks like they're expanding and hiring local talent. Awesome!
-Now, They're working on a couple other projects. On TV, they seem to be airing two TV shows (Shangri-La and Saki-Saki) on like 8 different networks. I'm not sure how successful they are though; then again, they're on like 8 different networks so... good I guess?

Projects from Wikipedia:
2010, Animated Street Fighter IV sequences
2010, Animated Blazeblue: Continuum Shift sequences.

The Nikkei has "brushed" 9000 recently, hopefully the success transits to Gonzo/GDH as well. Failing that, at least the Japanese economy has been recovering. (link)

And as you said before (ANN), the MVM/UK has acquired licences to sell the anime in 2012. Anime/Manga is, at least, somewhat popular over there, but there isn't much on TV like the U.S. And Netflix over there is fairly new. Either way, it will probably attract more fans and hopefully demand.

Some bad news:
-They're still delisted from the Stock exchange, so I really am not sure how well they're doing.
-I can't find ANYTHING on Rosario + Vampire other than the selling of foreign licenses.

Some good news:
-Their economy seems to be on the upturn
-Manga is still fantastic and selling
-All signs seem to be pointing that Gonzo is on track of things again. :)

If you haven't bought the DVDs or mangas, please do so if you really do want a season 3. Obviously, there's no guarantee, but it does help. So, buy it off of or some other store NEW not used. If you can't, then I would suggest another proactive exercise of some kind.

Maybe if the Manga sells even better Gonzo will follow suit to what others did to Full Metal Alchemist and Hellsing.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Jun56 said…
Your exact words page 787:

"RUMOR RUMOR: Apperently R+V season 3 is coming out October this year! I dont believe it but who knows it could be true"

So why spread rumors without anything to back it up? You're missing the point.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago BtwJake said…
very good info, and if you didnt realise i had some of that info, about the stock crash, about it turning back up about new fans attracted to it and also about the manga selling, and btw i said it was a rumor also highlight i said "I dont believe it"
over a year ago BtwJake said…
i may of not provided links but reading yours i got some of the info right, other bits are from other sources like gonzo's site and the mangas sight, as soon as i can find where i found them i will gladly send you the links
over a year ago BtwJake said…
a video i used on finding some info, i looked into this info: link
I know its a youtube video, you cant trust anything that people say, but you also cant trust the wiki, ive looked up most this info espeacially the stock crash, Austrailer and New Zealand were realeasd (the dvd set) in 2012, english is releasing in september.
over a year ago Jun56 said…
I know you had some of it; you just have to realize the value of providing direct sources and compiling info.

This is something someone can spread over to other forums and Youtube. I won't be doing it though. It took an hour already to compile that.

And for the wiki sources I did write out "Projects from Wikipedia." Everything else though is solid enough.

Cheers for Season 3.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago BtwJake said…
"Cheers", plus everyone signing potetisions we get a higher chance
over a year ago BtwJake said…
We all have to believe guys, dont lose hope
over a year ago HateSmurf said…
I just discoverd this Anime yesterday, and i've already seen both seasons . Kinda hoping there will be a 3rd season but i doubt it, season 2's ending was kinda...weird.

Especialy when he said he dint know who to choose yet, was i the only one thinking "Who the fuck are you kidding?". He's been hoping for a kiss from Moka the entire 2 seasons, but always ended with a bite instead lmao. The real Moka trying the booby thing was hilarious though, i wish he kissed her right there.

Oh well, i guess things never go as you want them to.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago BtwJake said…
ikr, after all he went through to get that roasrio he just hugs her, come on grow up
over a year ago Azur_Fenix said…
lol well i see killshot and knight of dread are still at it on here
over a year ago Anime4Life86 said…
Gonna go off topic now:LL , but i need your guys help , if anyone is into Hardcore , Trance etc... then feel free to go over to my youtube channel; i upload that type of music everyday in HD , But i have got hardly any views and next to 0 subscribers , i would really appreciate the help thanks.


Now , getting back on topic : @Hate smurf , i know what you mean , the way it ended was retarded i think they built it up perfectly but then wrecked it by tskune hugging moka , maybe if they ended it with a kiss we wouldnt have to be left with this stupid cliffhangar.

over a year ago spacecaker said…

gonna sub you :p

mrjamesblond :P <- old old youtube name i had

btw nice songs ;)
over a year ago BtwJake said…
this is a bit out the question but my friend told me to find out if theres a season 2 of ultra maniac, is there, let me no so i can tell her, or if theres going to be one
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Anime4Life86 said…
@Spacecaker i appreciate it , thanks;)
over a year ago Anime4Life86 said…
@datate , thats amazing! , especially the eyes;) , boobs are a bit odd though. you've definatly improved since i last came on here;)
over a year ago dognick said…
Very nice drawing
over a year ago HateSmurf said…
Nice drawing, gotta second that the boobs are kinda weird though, especialy her left one, looks kinda saggy but hey, i could fap on that. Good Job :D
over a year ago CaptainTuneUp said…
Does anyone know anything about sekirei seson 3 ?
over a year ago knightofdread said…
no news that i could find on a season 3 but i will be happy to announce Code Breaker anime is being released this fall

i know alot of people like heavens lost property to, so i thought i would let everybody know that it's gonna be released this year, so far the date hasn't been set yet but it has been officially announced, preview looks good may get me to watch the first/second season.

over a year ago BtwJake said…
looks pretty cool, nice one ;)
over a year ago AsianGuy said…
@Everyone hey guys long time on see lol just came cross to just say hows it going and i hope everyone is enjoying there summer break or you are enjoying your welcome back to school :D
over a year ago dognick said…
I'm doing good how about u
over a year ago BtwJake said…
hopefully will get a season 3, our chances are looking pretty high
over a year ago Janing said…

Long time, yes, Welcome back i myself have been busy too, but My school does not start until September 7th so I am still free.
over a year ago BtwJake said…
same date for me too XD
over a year ago AsianGuy said…
@Dognick im doing good haha thanks for asking :D

@Janing i start school on the 4th of September
over a year ago dognick said…
I start at the same time