NCIS ^, >, v Game

Blue85 posted on Aug 08, 2009 at 06:10AM
I've done this on other forums that I've been apart of so I thought I would try it on here. All you need to know is:

^ Answers the question.
< Tell what you're doing.
v Ask a new question.

V Who is your favorite couple on the show?

^ Tony and Ziva.
< Reading fanfiction and listening to music.
v Will you be watching NCIS:LA when it comes on?

The next person would answer that question, tell what they're doing and then ask a new question, and it would keep going from there.

NOTE:The questions do not have to be about NCIS. Ask whatever you want.
last edited on Apr 02, 2011 at 06:43PM

NCIS 7556 replies

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over a year ago Lie_to_Me_123 said…
Thanks Jenna and Joe!

< Maybe have something to do with a child getting kidnapped or something? I don't really know.
< Snuggled up in bed, watching Gibbs and co. :)
v Which episode puts the biggest smile on your face?
over a year ago Blue85 said…
I meant to say this before, but I hope you get better soon, Dannii.

^ Well, they all put a smile on my face, but I guess the one to give me the biggest smile would be 'Reunion' for obvious reasons.
< Making more icons.
v Who do you think is more intimidating: Gibbs or Vance?
over a year ago Lie_to_Me_123 said…
Thanks Lauren, so do I! xD

^ Gibbs, obviously.
< Watching Bad Boys 2 and commenting on picks.
v Favourite line from 'Under Covers'?
over a year ago NCIS_Addict_87 said…
PS - Just a reminder. Don't forget to watch Michael Weatherly's interview today at 11 am PTD (for all us east coasters that's 2 pm our time. lol) link

^ I'm pregnant Tony. lol That was hilarious!
< Working & waiting on Michael Weatherly's interview to start (only 27 more min!)
v Would you like to see Abby go undercover to help the team out with something in a future case?
over a year ago Blue85 said…
You're welcome, Dannii.
Thanks for the reminder, Jenna. I forgot about that.
I also liked that line from the episode, it was great.

^ I would. I think it would be fun and interesting to see how Abby does undercover.
< Shopping on Amazon and listening to music.
v Favorite Gibbs quote?
over a year ago NCIS_Addict_87 said…
I couldn't be involved with the interview b/c my work computer wouldn't let me download javascript. Ugh! When I got home I read over it though.

^ O thats tough! "Yout think?!" or "Semper Fi"... b/c they are just so Gibbs. =] And I say them all the time. lol
< Working [[Happy Bday to me!]]
v Favorite & least favorite moment of last nights episode?

(For me personally I think Ziva interacting with Amira was sooo cute! I was like awww she'll be such a good mommy when she has Tony's babies. My family was like... okayyy. lol. My least fav was when that marine (forgive my brain for forgetting right now) looked at Ziva and smiled... I about jumped through the screen yelling that he can't smile at her like that.
over a year ago Lie_to_Me_123 said…
Happy Birthday Jenna! Hope you have a good day!

^ I haven't watched it yet, but from what you said Jenna, I think those will be fave and least fave too! Along with Tony ripping that piece of paper off Ziva's face haha :) <3 Awwww they are so cute, I just wanna scream, but my throat hurts lol :P
< Still in bed (lucky me!)
v What did you think about Ziva doubting McGee in 'Probie'?
over a year ago yay4wicked said…
Happy Birthday Jenna!

^ It didn't bother me. I would have doubted him too (not his truthfulness but his ability)
< About to begin homework . . . like I always am. Its finishing it that is the challenge
v What was your favorite part of the episode where the team goes to Gibb's hometown and meets his father?
over a year ago NCIS_Addict_87 said…
Thanks so much for the birthday wishes! It's been a nice day! =]

^ Hmm... probably when Abby went there & met him and/or the very end when Gibbs' dad hands him the keys to the car he finished the way Gibbs' wanted it. =]
< Getting ready to shower, get ready for tomorrow & then bed.
v Would you like to see an episode where the group does something fun together? (ie: a group dinner, bowling, dancing, etc?)
over a year ago Blue85 said…
Sorry I'm a bit late, but I hope you had a nice birthday, Jenna.

^ I would really like to see an episode where they all go dancing together. Especially Tony and Ziva, I'd love to see them do the tango or some other latin dance together. That would be hot. (I really have been watching Dancing with the Stars too much haha)
< Thinking about the very strange dream that I had last night and wondering what it could possibly mean.
V Have you ever had anyone tell you that you look like someone from the show?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago NCIS_Addict_87 said…
Thanks Blue!

^ Nope I wasn't blessed with any of their ravishing good looks. lol
< Working
v Who is more intimidating... Ziva, Gibbs or Vance?
over a year ago Blue85 said…
You're welcome, and please, call me Lauren. :)

^ I guess I'd have to say Ziva since she threatens you with bodily harm, where as Gibbs and Vance just give you looks which really aren't all that intimidating.
< Taking a lunch break.
v What was your favorite scene from 'Good Cop Bad Cop'?
over a year ago NCIS_Addict_87 said…
Sorry Lauren. You probably mentioned that earlier & I forgot. lol

^ O geez... I suppose the very end when Gibbs whispered something unknown to Ziva and she smiled but cried. That was super sweet!
< Working, but getting off a little early to go babysit.
v Favorite charcter other than the main cast & why?
over a year ago Blue85 said…
Haha, no problem. :)

^ Mike Franks because.. it's Mike Franks. I just like the kind of character that he is.
< TRYING to watch Outlaws and In-Laws on, but the stupid player doesn't want to cooperate and it's driving me insane! GRR.
V Do you think that Michelle Lee's death was justified?

over a year ago Lie_to_Me_123 said…
^ I think so. I mean, I think she was willing to die to save her little sister.
< Still in bed.
v Which is the biggest NCIS mystery would you like to find out the answer to? ie. Who killed La Grenouille or What Tony and Ziva were doing in those weekly visits? Or one of your own?
over a year ago NCIS_Addict_87 said…
Lauren try or if cbs doesn't work! =] Every Wednesday I re-watch Tuesday nights episode on fancast.

^ I still want to know how Gibbs got that boat out of his basement! lol. That is like a mystery I think the writers will never tell us.
< Working a half day then travelling to DE to see my family.
v Favorite part/scene from "Cloak"?
over a year ago Lie_to_Me_123 said…
^ The part where Tony and Ziva are, like, face to face in that dark room (I'm a bit obsessed with that scene at the moment!), the elevator scene (EPIC!), the part where she goes to touch his face but hesitates. It speaks volumes.
< Listening to music.
v Best moment from 'Model Behaviour'?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Blue85 said…
I will, thanks Jenna.

^ This is the only one I can think of at the moment..but.. The scene at the end where Tony stops Ziva from lunging at the model and Ziva asks him if he really finds the model attractive, and then she says that all she wants to do is shoot her.
< Reading.
v If/when Tony and Ziva finally kiss or get together, do you think it'll be for real or do you think it'll be some kind of dream or fantasy?
over a year ago Lie_to_Me_123 said…
^Considering that House and Bones have recently done the same things with BB and Huddy, I don't think they'll do the same. If they do, I think I might die!
< Listening to music.
v Are you getting frustrated with the whole Tony/Ziva 'one step forward, two steps back' thing going on lately? [Sorry if I've already asked this question!]
over a year ago NCIS_Addict_87 said…
^ Definetely. I thought we'd see a little more Tiva action and more advanced Tiva action, so yeah a little frustrated definetely!
< Working
v If/when Tiva finally have a kissing scene or a really passionate scene do you think it will be just them alone or do you think someone will witness it or walk in on it?
over a year ago Lie_to_Me_123 said…
^ Knowing how this goes, I'd probably say that McGee would walk in on it haha xD I hope I'm wrong though, because I just wanna see them alone together, because if someone walks in then they're gonna be worried about wether that person will tell Gibbs etc. rather than where the relationship is going.
< Writing Film studies essay :)
v Most heartbreaking scene from 'Recoil'?
over a year ago NCIS_Addict_87 said…
^ Ahh... idk... that was such a good episode. It was heartbreaking to see Ziva emotionally spent and battered from that jerk!
< Working still...
v Favorite scene & least favorite scene from "Dog Tags"?
over a year ago yay4wicked said…
^ Least favorite: Abby getting on poor McGee about shooting the dog. I felt more sympathy for McGee than for the dog (I'm kinda antidog. . .or perhaps dog-a-phobic) Favorite: Abby driving into the military base. It was funny.
<About to begin nine hours of nonstop studying
v Which character's childhood would you like to see flashbacks to?
over a year ago worthy1990 said…
not been on for a while hope all is well
^ prob ziva to see what her dad was like
< in tenerife catchin up on whats happening on web and drinkin some beer woooop
v do you think tony would grow up more if he was boss or would he be the same man
over a year ago tashayar333 said…
^I think he would be pretty much exactly the same, especially since he already was boss and he acted pretty much the same
>do you think that when ziva and tony get together, will they stay together or decide to call it off?
over a year ago NCIS_Addict_87 said…
^ I'm not sure they will actually completely get together.... I think they will continue the flirtation, maybe have a date or 2, but never go for it fully so idk how to answer that. lol. I guess I'll say that they won't stay together b/c although I'd love to see Tiva happen it would probably make for a less interesting story line.
< Watching Lie To Me, getting ready to shower & get ready for tomorrow.
v Would you like to meet Abby's parents?
over a year ago yay4wicked said…
^ Very much so. It would be interesting to see what kind of parents raised such a hyperactive child. Are they timid? Loud? (Well they're deaf but still. . )
v If you have seen today's episode (Endgame), did you see any Tiva progress in it or was that just me?
over a year ago NCIS_Addict_87 said…
^ I felt like it was still 5 steps forward and 4 steps back. I was all excited when she pushed Tony away from McGee's desk because it was so flirtatious & was even happier when Tony got all jealous of Agent Dunham (sp?) and was excited when he walked into the bathroom and she was standing there... but then saddened when she made that whole brother comment. My stomach just dropped! Argghh!
< Working
v Another Endgame question.... Did you get a bad feeling about Amanda from the beginning & how do you feel about what happened?

PS - Don't forget to vote in the People's Choice Awards! NCIS is nominated for 1 category & Mark Harmon is nominated for 1 category! They HAVE to win!! <3
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago yay4wicked said…
^ Yes I did. First, McGee always gets the short end of the stick. Second, she was too flirtatious. They were advancing rather quickly for never talking. But mostly my unease came from the fact that McGee never gets the girl.
< Going to the dentist :p
v While we are on the subject of "Endgame", did you think the McGee's reading the motivational thingy at the end was corny or a nice touch?
over a year ago NCIS_Addict_87 said…
^ I actually thought it was the perfect way to end it! Kind of felt like it wrapped things up for me. =]
< Working (of course) lol & getting ready to re-watch Endgame!
v Do you think Vance will contemplate leaving NCIS now that his family has been threatened? Or do you think he'll stay on?
over a year ago Lie_to_Me_123 said…
Jenna, I just watched the Tiva clips from Endgame on YouTube. Think about Ziva saying 'Stop acting like a big brother.' as that she wants him to be something more! That's how I saw it when I saw it! ;) xDD

^ I think he'll stay on.
< Watching Tiva videos on YouTube and downloading Endgame screencaps from LJ.
v Do you like Special Agent Chad Dunham?
over a year ago NCIS_Addict_87 said…
Did you get to watch the whole episode? It was really great! I guess that is one way to look at it... =]

^ No reason to dislike him I suppose.
< Just re-watched Endgame <3 & still working.
v Do you think Tony will ever run out of nicknames for Tim (McGoo, McGeek, etc.)?
over a year ago Lie_to_Me_123 said…
big smile
Nope, I'm gonna try and watch it ASAP :) From what I've seen it's really good though!

^ Probably not, they seem to come to him from the top of his head, depending on the situation so.... :)
< About to have dinner.
v Do you have any NCIS related pics as your wallpaper on your phone/computer?
over a year ago yay4wicked said…
Dannii - I agree with you! I think the whole thing with Dunham was just Ziva trying to make Tony jealous, as she was being overly flirtatious. It was kind of sudden, but I'm sure they'll get into some huge argument next week, or Tony will kill her hamster. . .you know how these things go. I think the writers are trying to leave us hanging for as long as possible.

^ Wallpaper, no. My screensaver is a slideshow of pictures I've titled "what the inside of my head looks like". Two or three of them are NCIS
< Studying. . . sort of.
v Are any of your friends almost exactly like one of the characters?
over a year ago worthy1990 said…
going back to jenns earlier question i thought that the ending with mcgees voiceover was a nice touch

^ not friends but my brother is like tony...thinks highly of himself ect.
< just finished watchin endgame and am about to start watchin criminal minds
v do you think mcgee had been unlucky in love recently, with Amanda in endgame, and obviously the lie detector girl didnt go anywhere, and do you think they have something big in the pipeline for him?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Lie_to_Me_123 said…
big smile
Yes, I agree with you, Jenn! It's like when she said 'The last thing I need is a Chad Dunham... HOWEVER....' I was like *makes choking sounds* And then he was like 'What?' I was like 'Just KISS, for crying out loud!' BTW, that slideshow about the inside of your head sounds pretty cool!

^ Well, they have said that McGee will have an arc this season, so I'm presuming that it is something along the lines of a relationship, but who knows who it could be with? :D
< Trying to find site to watch Endgame in full!
v Did Abby seem jealous to you, when McGee was telling her about Amanda?
over a year ago NCIS_Addict_87 said…
Check ... that's where I always re-watch the episode the day after it airs. Or also try (its been my best friend!) lol And totally not my question but I have NCIS as my computer background & I have an NCIS checkbook cover, etc. =]

^ She totally seemed really jealous & disappointed. Even though she said she was happy you could tell she wasn't b/c she looked like a sad puppy dog! I just wanted to hug her! Aww!
< Working ... still!
v Seems Palmer has been kinda MIA lately... whats up with that? & do you miss him?
over a year ago Lie_to_Me_123 said…
big smile
Thanks Jenna, I'll try that! :) And yeah, I wanted to hug her too! You can so tell she still likes him! BTW, Where is Lauren? She's gone MIA too!

^ Yeah I do! I want him back!
< About to look up that site! :)
v When you feel a bit down, which episode of NCIS do you watch, if any?
over a year ago yay4wicked said…
^ Good cop, bad cop. Don't ask me why. I find it comforting.
< Guess. (aka schoolwork)
v How do you think Gibbs would react to McGabby and/or Tiva?
over a year ago NCIS_Addict_87 said…
^ I think he already is in tune with the whole Tiva-esque stature and we've been there done that with McAbby, so I think he'd be fine with it! Even Gibbs won't stand in the way of L♥ve!
< Watching the CMA's & in about 15 min will be watching Law & Order:SVU
v Most dramatic Season?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Blue85 said…
I'm back in action. :D I can't believe how many posts are on here now, seems like I missed quite a bit while I was away.

^ I'm not sure. They've all seemed pretty dramatic to me.
< Checking my email and flipping through channels waiting for Criminal Minds and Law&Order:SVU to come on.
v What is your favorite season 5 episode?
over a year ago Lie_to_Me_123 said…
Yay! *hugs Lauren* Welcome back!

^ I'd say either Recoil or Internal Affairs. No, wait, what about Chimera and Lost and Found?! Oh, I love them all!
< In bed, again, have a massive headache, but still can't keep myself away from Fanpop! Oh, and I'm watching Charlie's Angels.
v Best episode from Tiva from Season 5?
over a year ago NCIS_Addict_87 said…
Welcome back Lauren! =]

^ Hmm... off the top of my head i can't say (disregard my lack of brain.. work is crazy today!).
< Working
v Since I couldn't answer it very well I'll re-ask it.... Best episode for Tiva from Season 5?
over a year ago Lie_to_Me_123 said…
^ IMO, I think it was the in Recoil when he was gonna tussle her hair. It was so cute!
< Watching Shaun of the Dead.
v Do you want to/Have you already been to Washington DC?
over a year ago worthy1990 said…
dannii watchin one of my favorite films of allllll time woop

^ never really thought about it but would be nice to go
< listening to my ipod
v whats your favorite moment from season 7 so far?
over a year ago NCIS_Addict_87 said…
^ Just one favorite moment? Geezz... your killing me here! I suppose I'd have to say the cheek kiss in Reunion! <3 Sooo sweeet!
< Watching NCIS =]
v Favorite moment from the episode "Driven"?
over a year ago yay4wicked said…
^ Now that is an unanswerable question. :) Probably the entire "sexual harassment" scene. Apart from the obvious funny parts, I liked how each of them was sitting and how I could picture them all at high school!
< Writing an essay
v If you could choose any NCIS job (as depicted on TV, not exactly reality), what would it be? Medical Examiner, Director, Forensic Scientist, Agent, Lawyer, Lie Detector Person?
over a year ago NCIS_Addict_87 said…
Yeah that is hilarious! lol

^ It would be between 3... Director, Forensic Scientist or Agent. Obviously agent b/c it's awesome, it's active & interesting. Forensic Scientist b/c there are so many neat things & being able to essentially solve the crime would be so rewarding. Director b/c I could be somewhat involved in the cases yet wouldn't have to put my life on the line daily. Hmm... if I had to choose I'd say forensic scientist. Sorry for the long winded answer. haha
< Watching Ghost Whisperer
v Who would you like to see switch places for a day?
over a year ago Blue85 said…
Thank you for welcoming me back, Dannii and Jenna. :)

^ Abby and Ziva. I think it would be interesting (and probably funny) to see what Abby would be like out in the field as a Probie Agent and to see Ziva trying to figure out what everything is in the lab.
< Uploading photos and watching NCIS vids on Youtube.
V Who do you think makes a better Probie: McGee or Ziva?
over a year ago Lie_to_Me_123 said…
No problem, Lauren! :D

^ I think that McGee makes a better Probie. He's had more experience! xD
< Putting songs on my iPod.
v Who acts more cute when jealous? McGee, Abby, Tony or Ziva?