The Heroes of Olympus The Three Banished Demigods..

greektrickster posted on Sep 17, 2011 at 12:39PM
Rated :T for TEENS

In this basically Percy,nico and Thalia are banished because of crimes they hadnt committed and they become gods by themselves,900 years later when Gaia and Kronos attack together again,the gods are in panic because the fates give them one way to defeat the threat,Thalia and Nico come back but Perseus feels abandoned and bitter and he needs to work wig the Olympians against his better judgement.....

Disclaimer: I do not own anything by RR.

Also I accept Spam so go nuts. And please read.
last edited on Sep 25, 2011 at 10:21AM

The Heroes of Olympus 764 replies

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over a year ago Riptide688 said…
Great chappie!! Post soon!!! So does Tim know he's the reincarnation of luke?
over a year ago kronosdied said…

over a year ago Lt_Pupster said…
This is awesome, kind of reminds me of anaklusmus17's story, Percy is a god of time and male hotness, also annabeth leaves him, but for his she is displayed as a slut.
over a year ago kjmjack87 said…
he needs to post!!
over a year ago swimmergirl7 said…
Post soon!!
over a year ago puggyluv17 said…
K thnx and post soon
over a year ago lcrs50 said…
post soon, please.
over a year ago perceus121 said…
plz read my story

over a year ago Lt_Pupster said…
over a year ago annabeth523 said…
please post *puppy face*
over a year ago swimmergirl7 said…
Post plz plz plz
over a year ago greektrickster said…
Sorry,sorry,sorry and super super sorry I coudnt post because my Laptop was dropped by my 6 year old cousin and it took me a month to get it fixed,
It's fixed again and I will post today,but I will have to write the chapter all over agin.
No pressure and bye and I f I don't post again all of you can send Hellhounds after me so they can watch me write the chapter.
over a year ago shubham06 said…
thank god i thought u abondoned the forum
over a year ago greektrickster said…
Chapter 19
On the silver Dragon
Eric Brown

Eric was sitting in the front handling the flight path of Riki the dragon,the rest of them were seated behind him.the flight felt refreshing,flying so high feeling the wind in his chest but Eric was lost in thought.he didn't know where they were flying.The Prophecy said ' to go West,to the cursed place of fire '.their group didnt know where the cursed place of fire was so Tim said they would fly to San Francisco where they would have to wrestle Nereus and ask him where the cursed place of fire was?how did Tim put it,oh yes " simple in theory,hard to do ".Eric didn't know what to tell the others,the only reason he had volunteered for the quest was to remove the curse, His Curse .All these years he had told no one about it not even Kate and Connor his best friends.Eric was a boy born in California ,Los Angeles.His Mom was a head of technological development for a company.that was over a hundred years ago when he had been born.all of Eric's friends believed he had been made Immortal after he went on a quest to retrieve his father's Hammer which was stolen but that's what his father Leo told him to say.The truth was that Eric was immortal because of his curse,The Curse he had received when he was 16.All these Years he had never told anyone,never showed it to anyone,all these years he was forced to hide every single day,at night he went into the forest in a part no one knew about.The curse which he had since birth and had resulted in someone's death.It had all started when Eric was a normal 16 year old and didn't know about his demigod side.He was walking one night from his friends house back to his,the streets were not safe at night but Eric wasn't worried,he had discovered his powers a long time ago and credited it to some freak of nature thing and that's when he saw her.She was in one of the streets curled up,her clothes were covered with dirt but Eric could still make out they looked silver in color,she had a knife strapped to her waist which he found strange.when she looked at him,Eric forgot what he was about to say,her face was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen,her eyes were a crystal blue,she had brown hair which fell around her shoulders in waves.Leo convinced her to come crash the night at his house.He had helped her and made her comfortable and then went to sleep in his room.That night Eric had a dream,he was walking on a beautiful mountain,there were multi colored braziers everywhere,people were laughing,and on the top a throne room.Eric had seen enough pictures to see that it was mount Olympus but looked like it had been built brand new.He had walked to the throne room where it was occupied by only one women who was made of flames,her eyes were warm and kind.the Women said her name was Hestia,at that time she said A Terrible Curse Has Been Placed On You Child,A Curse That Would Cause You Tremendous Pain,
it cannot be ignored child,it will happen everyday and you won't be able to escape it,you cannot have a proper family child,everyone around you shall die
.At the time Eric didn't believe her and said " and why do I have this curse "?Hestia had only said " You Have This Curse Because Of A Secret,a Power so ancient only few can hope to accomplish it,Your Bloodline,you are a descendant of a someone very powerful Eric,you are too powerfull and that is why you must have this curse limiting your power but call on me when you most require it and help shall arrive ".the dream had faded,suddenly Eric felt hot,incredibly hot,his whole body felt like it was on fire,strength ran through his body but the fire stopped it,burning it away,Eric looked down to see his whole body glowing white,his vision was tainted with red.the pain was excruciating,he could think of nothing else,his clothes caught fire and his whole body erupted into fire chasing down the hall all around the house and Eric screamed NO!!!!!!!!
         The next morning when the fire was extinguished,his whole house had been destroyed,his mom who was working at her office was there but that girl she was burned to a crisp and she had something,the only thing that survived in the house,Eric had bent down and picked up a strange golden ring with an amethyst and on it was engraved a peacock surrounded by 11 stars.the police didn't make it better,they kept asking Eric questions but Eric coudnt answer them,he was taken to a phycological institute to make things better,his mom committed suicide after 3 months and Eric coudnt look at himself again and every night the curse would erupt inside him forcing him to escape,he learned to control it over time,not letting it spread all around him but it still hurt.while journeying he met his father who told him to go to camp half blood.And since that day he had lived this lie up until 2 days ago when that wonderful voice had told him that she could cure his curse,make it better and she could bring back his mother and she had even given him proof,all Eric had to do was make the Quest go sideways,earlier it woudnt have been a problem,but now Kate and Connor were coming too and Tim and him were already good friends and he didn't know what to do now but for now he decided to just  het to San Francisco.
When it was nightfall they stopped somewhere near the woods of lake Michigan and yeah even 800 hundred years later there are trees there.everyone fell asleep except for Eric who quietly took a pair of new clothes and went into the forest so that he woudnt hurt anyone with his curse.

Timothy Webber

I was asleep the second my head hit the pillow and in over 300 hundred years I had my first Demigod dream,I was at the city of Pearls,it was nightfall and you could see the stars hundreds of them in the night sky,a girl was pulling on his arm.she was 12 years old,abnormally beautiful had silver hair and glowing green eyes,she seemed kind of familiar but I coudnt remember seeing her before,she kept pulling on my arm as she led me into the palace. " Come " she said " He Approaches ".I stopped in mid tracks and asked " Who Approaches,and why are you speaking like you are in the 16th century "?The girl had a powerful aura around her,she said " Come On,you have to go,he will find you,GO!!!!!

Suddenly the entire palace rumbled,a crazy laugh resonated from everywhere and it said " I AM AWAKE ".It can't be the voice sounded familiar but it coudnt be.The entire palace cracked into pieces and the voice laughed closing in on Tim,Tim went weak at the legs,he fell face first,the presence made him feel the opposite of what he felt when he was near his father,he felt good and cheerful but there was Perseus glowing in his true form incinerating mortals into ashes,his eyes replaced with an inky darkness and laughing evilly with a black aura around him which was impossible,Perseus's aura was always white.
Perseus shouted " I WILL KILL YOU ". And Tim shot up awake breathing heavily,what was that I wondered,it coudnt be possible,not dad the most powerful being in all of existence.Tim calmed himself,little did he know that Thalia and Nico were having the same dream but a thousand times worse.
Daylight was shimmering in the clearing,they all got up soon and set off on Riki,Tim noticed that Eric looked tired and exhausted and seemed less lively then usual but in a few hours Eric was back to his normal self.
They kept travelling West and by evening they reached San Francisco.

I will post more tomorrow
over a year ago fros4est said…
awesome and thanks for posting but i got a question,when tim,nico and thalia had the same dream is it from the future or its a false dream?
over a year ago greektrickster said…
Well that's the suspense isn't it???????

And it will be revealed by the holder of all the cards the one and only....................?

Any guesses,I am not going to give away all the secrets that easily.
over a year ago Kaia143 said…
Love the chappie!!! Im soo gald u posted!! And I really don't know what or who it was that sended that dream to them. Mysteries. Well wont know until u post again. So I hope its soooon!!
over a year ago TheSennin said…
Just about Eric, it's too much like Leo's story in TLH, you should have put something else cuz leo isn't a god of smiths neither fire only heat so you should've put it like everything burns around him without getting on fire.

For the rest it's good.
over a year ago puggyluv17 said…
Awesome chapter post soon.
over a year ago energykid400 said…
Somebody takes over Percy's body, probably Chaos.
over a year ago this-is-me said…
big smile
ah! post soon!
over a year ago greektrickster said…
TheSennin,believe me I know I made Eric like Leo but his curse is different not guilt but rather something more powerful and I did mention his Bloodline,he's too powerful,I made it like Frank and Leo combined.
Any guesses who is he a descendant from????.

I love suspense!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And I got the new page on my own forum,not cool
Next time someone else should get it.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago annabeth523 said…
big smile
please post! this is such a good story!
over a year ago TheSennin said…
Ok I got it, and post soon
over a year ago periana4ever said…
got it post soon
over a year ago mbg43 said…
over a year ago kronosdied said…
post i will give you a monkey! ( if theres one at Walmart no promisis)
over a year ago Kaia143 said…
Post soon!!!
over a year ago annabeth523 said…
big smile
post soon!
over a year ago Kaia143 said…
Please post soon!!!
over a year ago puggyluv17 said…
over a year ago jenn008 said…
over a year ago Lt_Pupster said…
over a year ago mbg43 said…
over a year ago greektrickster said…
Sorry,the next chapter is coming up tomorrow and rhgbdhfbg I know I don't want to make you angry so take a deep breath,count to 10 and think about punching clarisse instead.
Lol,that should help a lot believe me it works every time the only problem is I don't know what Clarrise looks like so I imagine my brother instead.

Cheerio people!!
over a year ago Kaia143 said…
Ok. Can't wait for tomorrow.
over a year ago kronosdied said…
Lynne stop using my account make ur own Lynne wrote the first one that was totally like her geez thnx don't do it again k? K. Ok only I'm writing now.
over a year ago Kaia143 said…
So the post about monkeys at wal-mart wasn't u?! It was someone else.
over a year ago puggyluv17 said…
POST! and i totally cant really picture clarisse either
over a year ago mbg43 said…
If you don't post soon your gonna have a mob of angry people on your doorstep
over a year ago puggyluv17 said…
yeah i agree. but unless your creepers we don't know where you live. so don't worry
over a year ago Kaia143 said…
We have to wait until tomorrow, and if he doesn't post tomorrow then we can send all the monsters in the world.
over a year ago puggyluv17 said…
haha yes we can
over a year ago annabeth523 said…
big smile
i don't know why but when ever i think of clarrise i think of astrid from how to train your dragon the movie except clarrise is not as skinny as astrid, she's not fat but not as skinny as astrid, you get what i mean right?
over a year ago Kaia143 said…
Yup totally get it.
over a year ago puggyluv17 said…
Ya I guess. And I thought we told you that we well organize a group on your doorstep ifnyou don't post so do it
over a year ago Kaia143 said…
Yeah. U said u would post and u didn't. Wat up with that?
over a year ago puggyluv17 said…
I know we need to send the monsters now. Haha.
over a year ago demigodsrule312 said…
Post plz.............

I'm waiting POST!.......

POST NOW or take ur time but yeah plz plz plz plz

over a year ago goodyb0y55 said…
When you said chaos had a role do you mean him. The great snake of egypt. Your giving a lot of hints. The biggest Walt.

If you don't know he's from the kane chronicles

Preach to me Walt and Sadie or Sadie and Anubis?

I'm in team Sabis Sadie and Anubis. Is caos apophis.

Ur great going to ricks website now l8ter. Grrrls and Boies