The Heroes of Olympus The Three Banished Demigods..

greektrickster posted on Sep 17, 2011 at 12:39PM
Rated :T for TEENS

In this basically Percy,nico and Thalia are banished because of crimes they hadnt committed and they become gods by themselves,900 years later when Gaia and Kronos attack together again,the gods are in panic because the fates give them one way to defeat the threat,Thalia and Nico come back but Perseus feels abandoned and bitter and he needs to work wig the Olympians against his better judgement.....

Disclaimer: I do not own anything by RR.

Also I accept Spam so go nuts. And please read.
last edited on Sep 25, 2011 at 10:21AM

The Heroes of Olympus 764 replies

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over a year ago Percy2 said…
amazing keep posting
over a year ago v_lav said…
yes finally a new chapter
over a year ago Percy99Jackson said…
awesome woh epic awesome did i say that already?
over a year ago son_of_cratus said…
I am speechless.............................(in a good way)
over a year ago puggyluv17 said…
That was..... AMAZING ! !!!!!!!!! So exciting can't wait for u too post POST!!!!!
over a year ago PrinceAthem said…
Your chs are long (perfect length) and amazing.. Keep up the good work...Liked Artemis's son.. Moon light beams !!! wow..
over a year ago greektrickster said…
Thanks,and I will post today,or tomorrow,
over a year ago puggyluv17 said…
ok thanks for letting us know take your time
over a year ago Percy2 said…
over a year ago greektrickster said…
Sorry guys but my Jerk Brother deleted all my chapter notes again,the new chapter even had theProphecy which I have now completely forgotten,but I will post tomorrow.sorry again.

My favourite word right now is Revenge,and i will take it at Midnight when m brother will be sleeping,can you guess what I will do because my brother will never guess,he will experience it!!!!!
over a year ago thunderwolf233 said…
evil, i aprove, are there wolfs involved
over a year ago anaklusmus16 said…
your brother seems like a jerkaholic (addicted to being a jerk)
lol that's my new word
and yes I agree with your plan
over a year ago puggyluv17 said…
Hahaha ya get back at him thnx for letting us know :)
over a year ago fallen_remix said…
post soon
over a year ago greektrickster said…
Hey guys just asking,since the Son of Neptune has been released,I could slightly change the characters that have become Gods powers but I don't know the parentage except of the seven of the prophecy,please tell  me how you want it,I'll only be able to post the next chapter if a) my brother stops deleting my entire chapter just before I am about to post it,by stealing my laptop .

for some reason,he really didnt like Salsa dripping on his face in the middle of the night,( who would right?) needless to say my parents had to drag him off from preventing him to kill me but Revenge is certainly sweet and cool.
over a year ago greektrickster said…
And Prince Anthem,could you also Email the son of Neptune my ID is
over a year ago PrinceAthem said…
Sure Rachit, Sent it...
over a year ago i_luv_percy said…
Can u send it to me too please
If u can my email is
over a year ago greektrickster said…
Hey PrinceAnthem,thanks a lot and it really is very interesting,thanks again

I will post the next chapter,but it is difficult with my brother going all Phyco delete mode until then-,no worries,no problems,no excuses,no justifications,love,live and enjoy life.
over a year ago PrinceAthem said…
Yeah Yeah take your time.. It makes the ch better..!!! And your welcome... Enjoy the book..
over a year ago greektrickster said…
Chapter 13
No one's pov
17th June
8:00 am

No one slept the entire night at camp,in the morning Chiron asked Eric Brown the son of Leo and Katie Connell the daughter of Annabeth to give the 15 kids that Perseus had left behind a tour of camp,everyone seemed bored,Kyla wanted to shoot everyone around her,hack them apart,burn the pieces and throw the ash into the ocean as a sacrifice to Perseus.Eric seemed to be quite though Tim and he had a somehow mutual friendship already between them,Kate kept describing about camp,about the various powers demigods had children of Lupa could turn into wolves,children of Clarisse could control all sorts of weapons,children of Annabeth could control people through their minds and if they concentrated move objects with their mind though it gave Kate a very big the end the most of the demigods got bored and drifted off in twos and threes until only Tim son of Perseus,Alex son of Artemis,Tracy daughter of Piper were left,Tim was going to drown himself in the ocean if Kate said one more fact of Camp the problem was he was immune to drowning so he sulked in the sunlight
     ,Alex didn't have neither ADHD nor dyslexia so he was fine walking,it was hard to imagine just yesterday he was being chased by three Grizly bears in Alaska the land beyond the Gods except for Persesu,Perseus ruled everywhere at once,Alex frowned he felt bitter towards his mother Artemis for abandoning him after his father died of a fatal heart attack he had met his mother for the first time yesterday,he felt anger flow through him,rage he brought himself out of those thoughts by trying to deep breathe but it didnt work,Perseus had given him a new home,a new life at will,h head let Alex decide if he wanted to be immortal at the age of 16 like he offered everyone else,Alex had accepted he loved Perseus like a father,in fact not a single person or soul at City of Pearls felt that Perseus wasn't a good person,no one called him a God,they called him a mortal because when you were around him,he made you feel at home,he didn't act like a God,he behaved like a person a normal father,Alex smiled in satisfaction Artemis maybe his real mother but Perseus was his father,the one who had raised him had made him a person.Tracy was bored but she decided to finish the tour,her feet were killing her but that didn't matter,they could certainly walk a bit more,eventually both Tracy and Alex eventually walked somewhere else which left Eric,Katie and Tim,Tim cursed in fluid Latin and Greek at his friends for leaving him here alone,he cursed so much that Arion would be pleased.Eric looked at him for a whole minute before cracking into a fit of laughter,Kate stared at the two boys as Tim cursed,Eric laughed,she hid a snicker herself and asked Tim to flow her again.
Tim cursed once more before he followed Kate ahead,Eric and he were already best friends,Tim discovered Eric had the coolest powers ever,his dad was the God of the Metal,Heat and Technology so he could manipulate metal in anyway he pleased,and he could even control technology-cell phones,cars,gadgets,locks you name it and he had minor fire powers as well.besides that,Eric had a nervous excitable air to him which made Tim like him instantly,Eric watched as Kate led the tour,they reached the sword fighting Arena,where everyone was practicing their powers and stuff.the most impressive guy was a tall thin sixteen year old,he didn't have a weapon in his hand but as Tim watched the guy go up against 5 demigods single handedly,Vines shot out of the ground and wrapped around two of them,poison Ivy shot around the other two,and the last,suddenly it looked like the Earth swallowed the kid,he shot out of the ground behind his last opponent and knocked him out with a punch,Tim was impressed,he asked Eric " who's That Guy ?".Eric saw where he was pointing and he laughed and said " that is Connor Stoll ".Tim frowned from what he had read " Connor stoll was the brother of Travis stoll and had died in the second Giant War ",he told this fact to Eric and he said " yeah,but that is the son of Travis and Katie Stoll,their immortal son "Tim frowned again as he remembered the story- in the second Giant war Kampe the ancient jailer had killed Connor Stoll,his Brother had gotten so mad,that he had literally achieved Hermes blessing,he had run super fast and killed Kampe,Two Gorgons,a Hydra and many more before getting a head injury and dying but had come back to life,when the doors of Death were about to close ".Tim also thought about Katie,Katie Gardner daughter of Demeter after she thought Travis Stoll had died,she had unleashed a whole bunch of Army,and somehow had even managed to enslave the Karpoi grass spirits to her will,and eventually playing a big part in the war.Tim nodded and watched Connor,a monkey lightly leapt on his soldier and started fiddling with his hair excitedly,Eric whispered in Tim's ear " Noone has exactly said it,but we call him our camp leader,the Guy has been blessed by Demeter,Hermes and even Gaia herself ".Tim eyes narrowed and he said " Gaia was dead by the time he would have been born,but he does have Earth powers,Tim remembered something his dad had said long ago I used to have a lot of friends,one of them was Katie and Travis stoll,Travis was the number one guy on stealing though he was about as stealthy as a water buffalo in the middle of the day,I gave their son a blessing which shall help him greatly .Tim sighed and said " he isn't blessed by Gaia but by my dad,I remember he had told me this long ago ".Eric laughed and said " your dad certainly is powerful ".Tim asked " what about the monkey ?".Eric laughed so loudly a couple of people looked at him and he said " the monkey is Mischief,he was a gift from Hermes,he's pretty useful in a fight ".Tim nodded again,suddenly there were 20 bright flashes,Tim averted his eyes as the gods stood before him but this time there was also that red haired women Tim's dad had told about -Rascal,no Rachel yeah that's right Tim thought.The gods announced Annabeth has been kidnapped,Kate looked surprised and so did Tim and the rest of the camp but no one could say anything,Nico and Thalia looked at Perseus who seemed extremely sad and Tim thought my the people of USA arnt going to have a very pleasant day today,his dad was pure murderous,he had only seen that look once when he had that vision where Tim had died .Zues said " someone will have to take a Quest to save her,she is a important Olympian Goddess ".Tim looked at Zues like he was weird and Alek said " let her die or fade away,why would someone kidnap jer I don't know she was just weak .no one saw what happened next,suddenly Alek materialized half a mile away at the end of the valley and hit one of the trees unconcious.Perseus was standing now but he calmly sat again.Athena gulped nervously and said " we have never said it outright but My daughter Annabeth is the most important Goddess ".How so? Tim asked.Athena wet her lips nervously and said " Annabeth is the goddess of the mind and thoughts and Architecture,if she fades away somehow,every single living thing would Die as everyone's thoughts would die,everyone's mind would die,it will he like unravelling western civilization ".Zues nodded and said we must have a quest and that is why there is a quest,Rachel stepped forward and her eyes glowed green and she recited
                      Child of Time shall lead the Quest
                           Five shall go to the land in the west
                   One shall be stopped in the land without time
                    Only after one is consumed by fire and thine
                     Go to a cursed place by a god the five must
                               Where fire leaves a living curse
                      The Lion and Architect shall break the cage
                     And death unleashed through Time's rage

Rachel examined every bodies stunned expression,suddenly her eyes again turned emerald green and she recited again

                    14 demigods shall answer the call
                        To Build or Raze the world must fall
                      An Oath to be keep by a final breath
                        Army of souls shall unite under Death
                       Death shall make one impossible to Die
                   The Sky shall tear apart the Earth with a sigh
                         The Earth shall come back  by Time
        Till then let the world will be claimed by Chaos and be Mine

All the gods stared at Rachel again and Apollo said " that was the next great prophecy to save the world,it's longer then most but the last line....".he trailed off and Athena nodded and said " the last line means that Chaos sent that prophecy,he wants the world to die ".Zues said to the demigods " Enough,discuss this in the council,we will be watching off your decisions,don't disappoint us ".he vanished with the other gods,and Nico stepped forward and said to Tim " Tim I know you are thinking about the Prophecy,but don't worry they often have double meanings ".Tim snorted and said " yeah,Son of time shall lead the Quest,that has tons of meanings right,let me think are there any other demigod children of the God of Time,I don't think so,definitely clear,crystal clear in my words".Nico laughed and looked at Perseus who was still looking stricken said " your son got your sarcasm and attitude from you Perce ".but Perseus barely listened,he just looked up at Tim and Tim was alarmed to see his father's calm eyes replaced with sadness,anger,rage,
Determination.he nodded once and said " whenever you need help on your Quest,I will provide it ".Thalia was incredibly Quite,she didn't even register the fact that she was listening,she just vanished saying she had some matters to attend to at her palace with Aelous and the Harpy's.Nico stepped forward again and said to Tim " I need a representative from my side,so,suddenly a black flash occurred and a girl   With olive complexion,black eyes and black hair stepped out,she was about Nico's Age,with a couple of freckles,her hair was tied in a. Ponytail,she was smiling warmly and Nico said " This is Bianca my eldest child,she is a good fighter and introduce her to the others,I am not sure the others will like her ".Bianca smiled at Tim introduced herself and Tim nodded,even though he had barely met the girl Tim suddenly felt like she was his new Best Friend,well not exactly best Friend but like he knew her already.and Tim and Bianca made their way to the senate Building.............

sorry it's short but me and my bro were finally talking things out and that prophecy I totally forgot about it,I'll post more or try to anyway 
Thank you,adios,sayonara,haste Le vista,au revoir. sorry don't know any more languages.
My favorite name of the week is Arion because he got a cuss strategy about everything.

over a year ago Percy99Jackson said…
awesome and arion does cuss alot
over a year ago kelzun1325 said…
good chappie
over a year ago foreverpercy said…
plz post
over a year ago lcrs50 said…
that's funny.
please post soon, this is good. really funny, but one thing bothers me: why would Chaos want the earth to die???
over a year ago anaklusmus16 said…
I am guessing chaos doesn't like all the violence that's going on in earth
over a year ago puggyluv17 said…
Haha yeah and post!!
over a year ago greektrickster said…
Hey guys,I could tell you the meaning of the prophecy especially the Chaos line,but then that would ruin the fun woudnt it,I'll give you one hint,it's in the chapter and the line is said by Nico.
Keep reading,keep posting nd keep a Arion attitude towards life,well not completely his attitude but close to it at least.
Suspense is the key to the story (sorry got a bit melodramatic and crazed away ).
over a year ago Graecus100 said…
When r u going to post again!!!
over a year ago Graecus100 said…
Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!
over a year ago son_of_cratus said…
big smile
great chapter, cant wait ill the next one
over a year ago PJ_rules said…
big smile
Awesome chapter POST SOON!!!
over a year ago lcrs50 said…
post soon please. i've gotta know what Tim and the others do about what Rachel said when she went orical.

over a year ago Graecus100 said…
Post Please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago DaughterofEris said…
This is to difficult for me to read... which sucks b/c it seems like a good story.
over a year ago Graecus100 said…
Why don't u post?
over a year ago goatlypowers said…
Oh my gosh love the Percybeth moment no posse post i will give you a bit of mr pro goatly powers
over a year ago energykid400 said…
over a year ago energykid400 said…
This story is AMAZING!!!!
over a year ago greektrickster said…
Sorry guys for not posting for so long,but I I Have A Serious Fever,will try to post more.thanks and bye
over a year ago greektrickster said…
chapter 14
No one's pov
17th June

Mount Olympus

Nico started to cuss,he literally wanted to Explode,Bianca would be fine definitely but Nico stared at Percy who was incredibly Silent,nico knew he was thinking about Annabeth,all the Olympians were also staring at Percy like they woudnt know what he would do,in the end Nico coudnt handle it,he grabbed Percy and teleported him to his palace,Percy barely looked up and said " Nico where are you taking me ?".Nico was silent,they appeared before his palace,,it was in a huge was built in a different part of the underworld,well not exactly but it wasn't exactly a physical place,it was like the Doors of Death,not exactly a actual place but still existent.the ceiling was covered with blue crystals which reflected any light to make the appearance of a beautiful sky,the ground was covered on short green grass,and occasionally plants broke across the surface of grass,Nico didn't believe in the darkness gloomy feeling,he liked his open space,across the field there were several grassy huts and ghosts drifted around,along with several shades and dead people in expensive robes moved around also minor death gods and goddesses moved around,but the main attraction was the palace,it was made of white marble,inlaid with gold and precious rocks and stones like diamonds,emeralds,rubies,onyx,garnets and much more.Nico was also the God of Wealth and anything below the Earth came under his domain,that meant Stones,rocks,gem stones etc.Percy looked at the Palace with no interest,Nico led him in,where Ghosts and gods and goddesses bowed to Nico and stared at Percy and whispered Earth-Defeater.Nico tried not to Laugh but it was difficult,857 years ago Percy and Leo had defeated Gaia together,Leo was the fire and Percy was the Storm,For Leo Gaia had kidnapped Hazel,and for Percy Gaia had kidnapped Annabeth,both boys had barely won over her.Nico breathed and Percy said in a dejected tone " so why exactly have you brought me here ?".Nico sat him down on a chair,sat on the other and said to him " look Perce I know you still love her,and if you want you could after her ".Percy grabbed the edge of the chair and gripped it so tight,the metal actually cracked.he looked up and said " what are you talking about "?.Nico tried not to roll his eyes instead he drifted off to a window in the room and looked outside and said " come one Percy you know exactly what I am Talking about ?".Percy nodded and asked " so are you telling me to go save her "?Nico nodded and said " you really don't have to hate them all you know ".Percy glared at Nico and said " do you have ay idea what she did to me those may years ago ".Nico nodded and said " give her another chance,and well if you don't want to well think about that after you save her ".Percy nodded and said " so you will not at all mind ".Nico laughed and said " hell no,well sure I'll be a little steamed but hey,one earthquake here or there won't matter much ".Percy laughed and nodded and said " thanks man for looking out for me ".Nico nodded and Perseus vanished in a flash of light,Nico looked out the window and said " I hope you get a second chance at life Percy,you certainly deserve it ".it was because Nico knew something about the prophecy
,something no one did and it won't mean well for any of them at all,because if he was right Annabeth's kidnapping was just a way to divert attention for now,also he knew exactly who would become impossible to die,the prophecy was as clear as day,both of them,only Nico wished they wernt,because he wasn't the only one who had figured it out,it was Vital that Tim succeeded on this Quest,if he didn't well things won't be half as good as they were now.Nico cursed again and thought why does it always have to be Percy,why is it always when something is about to happen Percy has the power or Key to stop it,it wasn't that Nico was jealous or anything but he knew what would happen if Percy so much as Faltered this time,everyone was dead,even the gods would be faded away .Nico kept a random string of curses and he thought I need to lighten up a little,torturing some evil souls would definitely accomplish that,let's torture Sisyphus or Tantalus,Tantalus definitely Tantalus Nico vanished in a wall of darkness to the fields of punishment.

camp half-blood

A council was again called to discuss the two Prophecies,Tim hung around with his friends and Bianca,she was exceptionally powerful demigod,his friends wernt invited to the council so only Bianca and Tim set off,when they reached there,Tim saw that this time only cabin counsellors were called,each counsellor was both a greek and roman,since the second giant war it was more common now,everybody took their seats around the table leaving Tim and Bianca standing.Lupa and Chiron made their way in and said Demigods and Heroes,we must get ready for the coming war it's the only way if we are to survive.all around the table the demigods erupted in Protests and jeers and talking.Lupa quieted them down and said " we must discuss the prophecy further,the first is who are the five that shall go one volunteered and Tim coudnt blame them,suddenly Kate got up and said I would like to go on the quest.everyone nodded and Lupa asked " how do you think you can contribute on this quest Katie Connell ?".Kate shrugged and said " the prophecy says so the Architect and Lion shall break the cage .Lupa nodded satisfied and said " okay fine,anyone else ".Eric raised his hand too and said " I want to go too ".Lupa asked him " How do you think you can contribute to this Quest Eric Brown son of Leo ".Eric smiled and said " well Lupa the prophecy says the lion and architect shall break the cage ,the lion is the sacred animal of my father Leo.Tim looked slightly confused and said " the lion is also my dad's sacred animal ".Eric shrugged and said " well if you don't want me on your quest ".Tim laughed and said " are you kidding me,you are one of the only people in this place who accepted me,you are definitely In ".Both Eric and Tim grinned at each other and Lupa nodded and said " fine anyone else ".Connor stood up and said " I want to go too,it's been forever since I have been on a Quest ".Tim looked at Connor and remembered how easily he had defeated those demigods earlier,despite that,Connor had a exciting air to him,like any moment he would click his fingers and the room will explode with smoke bombs and he would have a good laugh about it.Lupa asked him " How do you think you can contribute on this Quest  Connor Stoll ".Connor grinned and said " well by my completely and obviously charming and awesome personality,and also by stealing hot dogs and foods without guilt ".everyone burst out laughing as Connor finished and even Chiron cracked a smile.Lupa glared at Connor and said " how can you really contribute,and no jokes Connor Stoll ".Connor smiled mischievously  and said " well apart from the first reason,I have also been blessed
 With powers over the Earth,if I come Gaia will find it more difficult to attack the group and Tim also has power over the Earth so between the two of us " no monster will attack us ".Tim grinned at Connor who grinned back an d Tim said " okay man you are in too ".so that makes 4 including Tim said Dave the son of Zues so I guess I'll volunteer too ".Tim shook his head " no way,when I first came here,you were the one who wanted me to get me killed,there is no way you are coming on a Quest with me ". Tim said.Dave smirked evilly and said " hey I'm the son of Zues and I am exceptionally powerful,I have already proved myself as a brilliant fighter ".Tim rolled his eyes and tried something he had never done before,he said to Dave " you don't want to go on a Quest with me and my friends,you are nothing but a babble mouth ".everyone immediately was listening,his voice sounded so warm,so rich like crystal bells tinkling together at every step.Lupa shook herself out of the trance and said " what was that son of Perseus ".Tim laughed and said " well you could call it charm speak,my dad is the God of Male beauty and I thought if the goddess of beauty and her children can do charmspeak why can't the children and god of male beauty not be able to ".Kate thought he's actually pretty smart,walkabout a life saver .fine all the demigods nodded and Chiron asked " does anyone else volunteer ".Bianca raised her hand and said " yeah I would like to go on this quest if that's all right with Tim ".Tim grinned and said " of course it is,okay this should work out fine,4 friends on my side,what could possibly go wrong ".Dave scowled finally coming out of his trance and said " woah hold up,she hasn't even proven herself yet,what makes her able to go and not me,for all we know I am definitely stronger then her as a son of Zues then a Daughter of a banished demigod ".Bianca gave no inclination she heard the words then she said " you want me to prove myself "? Dave nodded and said " Yeah,of course,if you prove yourself better then me then you can go on the Quest instead of me  Dave said".Bianca nodded and said " Fine so are we going to fight each other or just prove who is the stronger then the other "Dave thought about stand said " we shall see who is stronger then the other,that way we can see how it would benefit in the Quest ".Bianca shrugged and said " after you my mentally challenged friend " she gestured to Dave.all the demigods laughed and Dave turned red,he led the way outside and said " I'll go first shall I ".Bianca laughed and nodded.Dave didnt say another word,he closed his eyes concentrating hard,the wind picked up around them,Dave's black hair started whipping around in a Halo over his head,storm clouds formed over head cackling with Thunder.Dave raised his hands,open thunder broke across the Sky,it came straight down around Dave and hit the ground with the force of an Small bomb pulverizing the ground.Bianca was unperturbed pretty soon Dave would be regretting even opening his mouth,she just wasn't a daughter of Nico,she was also the daughter of his roman aspect Nicolaus the god of everything under the Earth.Dave stepped back looking pleased and all the demigods minus Tim,Kate,Eric,Bianca and Connor looked impressed by his strength and power.Bianca stepped forward,she didn't even close her eyes,she raised her hands melodramatically.for a moment nothing happened,Dave laughed out loud,but no one joined him because what happened next,shut him up instantly.The sky's darkened,the Earth started shaking violently,a mountain of stone raised right under Bianca raising her into the air as she stood on her stone pillar a hundred feet in the air,more rock spires made their way out of the ground,melding together to form walls and towers,Bianca stood on the highest pillar and surrounding her was a huge Stone Castle,she smiled at the stunned demigods,but this wasn't over yet,she concentrated,and Pieces of Gold and gemstones like rubies and emeralds popped out of the ground and levitated to her for the hard part,she concentrated hard,The gold pieces glowed with heat,The liquid Gold floated around her,and enveloped her,the Gem stones also dissolved into the liquid Gold,Bianca led the Gold cool down and voila she was wearing armor made of pure gold sewn with gemstones.every bodies mouths dropped open and the four children of Hades stared at her and one whispered " she even has the powers of Pluto and Hades ".Dave shouted " okay that's pretty but you have any powers that can help in combat ".Bianca grinned at Dave and shouted " watch this ".suddenly the entire castle broke apart and dissolved into the ground,Bianca concentrated,and a dozen skeletons forced out of the ground with modernized weapons.Bianca raised her palm on which black energy started forming,and she launched it straight at Dave,who screamed like a little kid,and dropped unconcious.Bianca laughed and said " anyone else think I or my father is weak ".a black dagger suddenly adorned her hand and she held it expertly.everyone took a step back gulping and Tim said " uh... No at least I don't think so,but don't you think that was overly melodramatic and unnecessary ".Bianca laughed and said " what can't I have a little fun,it isn't every day you get to stun people into silence by your power ".Tim nodded smiling and he then turned to Lupa " we will set out immediately,also we have to come back by the  summer solstice ".Lupa and Chiron nodded and Tim said " but we will need transportation ".Suddenly Eric grinned and said " you leave that to me,I'll be right back ".He ran towards the woods or more importantly Bunker 9 where he had been working on something infinitely cool.
Tim looked cheerful and said " okay that is that and we should be off ".Kate,Bianca, and Connor nodded.Bianca said " I have to get some stuff ready,so I'll be off for now ".Connor said " I have to pack some stuff for the Quest so I'll be back from my cabin in about 10 minutes,Kate shrugged and said " well I also have to pack,but I need to pick some stuff in Bunker 6 first.Tim shrugged and said " I'll come with you,there isn't anything for me to do here yet ".Katie and Tim set of towards Bunker 6,though the two had no idea what they were about to face....................................
over a year ago greektrickster said…
Sorry it's so short and all,will post more later.
over a year ago energykid400 said…
LOVED THIS CHAPTER!!!! GO PERCY!!!!! Stupid Dave, seriously, HE'S AN IDIOT!!!!!
over a year ago energykid400 said…
LOVED THIS CHAPTER!!!! GO PERCY!!!!! Stupid Dave, seriously, HE'S AN IDIOT!!!!!
over a year ago energykid400 said…
Hope you feel better!!
over a year ago ashlea_kammler said…
new fan. new fan. this is like a boss :)
over a year ago percyfan568 said…
200th comment great story
over a year ago Graecus100 said…
big smile
Awesome Chapter Post Soon!!!
over a year ago puggyluv17 said…
Ya he is an idiot yays Percy gonna save annabeth WAIT I thought that's what toms quest is whatevr post
over a year ago son_of_cratus said…
excellent chapter, hope you get well soon and post