The Heroes of Olympus Camp Half-Blood & Camp Jupiter read the Percy Jackson series

kayleegurule posted on Apr 29, 2012 at 03:57AM
Disclaimer: RR owns this

Authors: KayleeGurule & WatchOutPeeps & Rainbow_Girl AKA Rainbow_Goddess

Summery: Campers from Camp Half-Blood and Camp Jupiter are teleported to a room where they read the Percy Jackson and the Olympians and The Heroes of Olympus series.

Characters: Annabeth, Percy, Jason, Piper, Leo, Frank, Hazel, Reyna, and almost everyone form Rick Riordan's first series.

KayleeGurule Forums

Taken By The Earth: link

My Whole Life Was A Lie: link

Kaylee's Mark of Athena/The Heroes Final Stand: link

The Stolen Trident: link

Camp of Couples: link

The Undercover Hero: link

A Rueful Wish: link

My Wattpad Account: link

My Fanfiction.Net Account: link


Mark of Athena Fanfic, Rainbow Style: link
Disclaimer: RR owns this

Authors: KayleeGurule & WatchOutPeeps & Rainbow_Girl AKA Rainbow_Goddess
last edited on Mar 18, 2014 at 04:09PM

The Heroes of Olympus 3311 replies

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over a year ago klyonsm2 said…
big smile
oh cinnominbubble an bookworm......... whateverz
over a year ago book-worm said…
Is your dog like Mrs. o'leary? Cause then i would be scared
over a year ago klyonsm2 said…
big smile
yes. and she only likes me. so i would run.
over a year ago daedae26 said…
you people really need to post cuz I just read it and it was awesome and the things at 31 pages yet you haven't even gotten to the second chapter.

sorry i meant past.....
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago kayleegurule said…
We r at the second chapter. Check the book. Besides its Rainbows turn so tell her.
over a year ago book-worm said…
^^^AAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! *runs away*
over a year ago rainbow_goddess said…
huh? whatcha say cinnominbubble? I might post soon. dunno when. I hope u guys can wait for bout a day. u guys fine with that?
over a year ago ktayl7980818 said…
Dang. I go for vacation for a week and when I come back there are like 5 new pages!
over a year ago BlackNova13 said…
Seriously? We are all waiting I am still waiting everyone is waiting for the nxt post were is it because I am dieing of boredness (is that even a word?)because I have nothing to do (hope Im nt offending anyone if I do its not intentional) Because I am half asleep because its like 1 in the mornin lol *sigh* XD
over a year ago cinnominbubble said…
Please post but why u ask me?
over a year ago cinnominbubble said…
Wait Fluffy? As in Harry Potter and the Sorcerers stone Fluffy? The three headed dog?
over a year ago BlackNova13 said…
I am really enjoying this fanfic plz take this comment personally because I really mean it And I really hope u finish this Coz it is really annoying when u find really good fics but they are ditched or abandoned ;-)
over a year ago cinnominbubble said…
St me that is not gonna happen... I'll see to it if it does...
over a year ago book-worm said…
^me too. No way I'm letting them abandon this until its finished
over a year ago BlackNova13 said…
Sweet as! :-D
over a year ago jordan333 said…
Please post I favourited this because it is amazing but al dich it if u don't post

Whoa new page yay me!!! *jumps up and down clapping*
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago book-worm said…
Yay new page!!!! Cake for everyone!!!!
over a year ago crazy_greek said…
You guys are amazing! The problem is you are only three and, obviously, you are not all day long in fron of your computer screen. So, why don't you "hire" a forth or even fifth writer? Those who entered the competition were pretty good. So, the story would go on faster without quality problems...
over a year ago book-worm said…
Think that sounds like a good idea. You guys should add another co-writer now that jasonfan is gone
over a year ago rainbow_goddess said…
sry about the delay, but i went to visit my dad, so i couldnt start it. so ull hafta wait a bit longer. again, sorry!
over a year ago rainbow_goddess said…
i suppose. but im gonna need to have a talk w/ kaylee. since she started this. but i hope i can post soon.
over a year ago book-worm said…
PLEASE post soon!!!!(:
over a year ago rainbow_goddess said…
okay, okay. ill give u i have so fr. but im not done yet.

“How about I read?” Rachel offered.
On the last day of the term, I shoved my clothes into my suitcase
“I bet it was messy,” Travis joked. Sadly for him, he ended up earning a kick in the soft spot by a certain son of Poseidon.
The other guys were joking around, talking about their vacation plans,
Percy sighed. “I wish I had vacation plans.”
“What did you do during the summers?” Piper asked.
“Oh. Not much. Just finding a summer job, or worrying about what school would take me in in the fall. Not much.” Percy shrugged.
All the demigods who didn't really know Percy gaped at him in surprise.
“Seriously?” Frank asked.
Reyna just shook her head in disbelief.
The older campers laughed at their discomfort.
Rachel suddenly burst out laughing. Everyone stared at her.
“You seriously don't see it?” Rachel said between breaths.
“What?” Annabeth, Thalia, and Nico asked simultaneously.
Rachel pointed to Jason. They all looked at him. Then everyone saw it. Jason's butt was covered in green slime, well, more like his pants.
Everyone burst out laughing. Jason gaped in shock, than outrage. “WHO DID THIS?!?!?!?”
Nico started looking very guilty. Jason glared at him. “Did you do this?!?”
Nico gulped. “It was meant for Percy.”
“What?!?” Percy screamed.
“It was supposed to be my sweet, sweet revenge,” Nico defended himself.
“Nico!” Hazel scolded. Then she looked at Jason. “No more revenge from now on!”
Jason pouted. “Why not?”
Piper glared at her boyfriend. “I'm gonna keep my eyes on you.”

im gonna finish it soon. so wait a bit longer.
over a year ago cinnominbubble said…
over a year ago kayleegurule said…
Nice Rainbow. Snd me a message and we can discuss the possibility of future writer's.
over a year ago klyonsm2 said…
big smile
nice ! post soon!
over a year ago MCF2000 said…
this is my solemn vow

x________________ *signs* SIGN WITH ME!!! YOU MUST!!

last edited over a year ago
Skipper27 commented…
liar over a year ago
over a year ago MCF2000 said…
Hey when you last did a contest i hadn't heard of this so if you do another contest I'll post, If not i'll still be reading and being a number 1 fan!
over a year ago cinnominbubble said…
big smile
over a year ago book-worm said…
^ no one will!!!!
over a year ago kayleegurule said…
No ones abandoning this so chill fannies!
over a year ago book-worm said…
Haha "fannies"(:
over a year ago kayleegurule said…
I will try topost tomorrow but if i don't then you'll have to wait a week cause im going camping but ill try to leave u with something.
over a year ago book-worm said…
over a year ago cinnominbubble said…
I'm going to Boston tommorrow!!!
over a year ago MCF2000 said…
^AWESOME!! I've always wanted to go, lucky you!!!
over a year ago book-worm said…
^^ fun!!!!
over a year ago kayleegurule said…
Okay everyone this is super long so I hope you enjoy.

One was going on a hiking trip to Switzerland.
"Been there, done that," Rachel muttered.
Another was cruising the Caribbean for a month.
"Done it," Piper said.
They were juvenile delinquents, like me, but they were rich juvenile delinquents. Their daddies were executives, or ambassadors, or celebrities.
Everyone glanced at Piper but she noticed.
"It's not all that great you know," Piper said defensively.
Everyone just shrugged away obviously not believing her.
I was a nobody, from a family of nobodies.
Percy looked down guiltily while Rachel broke out laughing.
"What are you laughing at?" Will asked confused.
"You don't get it?" Rachel asked shocked. "Family of nobodies? I thought all demigods were each other's extensive family."
Everyone seemed to think about that for a bit, then their eyes widened, and they yelled, "HEY!"
All of the demigods were glaring at Percy.
"In my defense it was before I knew about this," Percy said innocently.
The demigods just rolled their eyes but turned back towards Rachel.
They asked me what I was doing this summer and I told them I was going back to the city.
"That doesn't sound to bad," Leo muttered. "Compared to running from cops everyday, that's peace."
What I didn't tell them was that I'd have to get a summer job walking dogs or selling magazine subscriptions, and worrying about where I'd go to school in the fall.
"Never mind," Leo grumbled, as Percy raised his eyebrows at the son of Hephaestus.
"Oh," one of the guys said. "That's cool."
"Sarcasm," Travis, Conner, and Chris sang.
They went back to their conversation as if I never existed.
"Well," Jake scoffed sarcastically.
The only person I dreaded saying goodbye to was Grover, but as it turned, I didn't have to. He'd booked a ticket to Manhatten on the same Greyhound as I had, so there we were, together again, heading into the city.
"STALKER!" Nico fake screamed, pointing at Grover.
“Wait until we get to the quest to save Artemis,” Percy muttered. “I believe my exact words were ‘stalker with hooves.’”
“Wow,” Reyna said. “Satyrs are definitely not fauns.”
“Blah-ha-ha-ha,” Grover bleated annoyed.
During the whole bus ride, Grover kept glancing nervously down the aisle, watching the other passengers. It occurred to me that he’d always acted nervous and fidgety when we left Yancy, as if he expected something bad to happen.
“Knowing you something bad is bound to happen,” Thalia snickered at Percy.
Percy opened his mouth to argue but then tilted his head as if considering, finally he said, “Okay, point taken.”
Thalia smirked and nodded at Rachel to continue.
Before, I’d always assumed he was worried about getting teased. But there was nobody to tease him on the greyhound. Finally I couldn’t stand it anymore.
“Uh oh,” Katie gulped. “It’s never good when he loses his cool.”
Percy smirked.
I said, Looking for Kindly Ones?”
“Percy!” Annabeth scolded.
“It wasn’t that bad,” Percy defended.
“Are you kidding me?” Grover said. “You practically gave me a heart attack!”
“Well, can you blame me?” Percy asked. “I was annoyed, confused, scared, and nervous all at the same time.”
“Whatever,” Grover shook his head.
Grover nearly jumped out of his seat. “What-what do you mean?”
“You are a horrible liar,” Travis said, shaking his head in disappointment.
“You might need more than one lesson,” Conner said simply.
Grover handed over more drachmas.
Chris smiled. “Great doing business with you.”
I confessed about eavesdropping on him and Mr. Brunner the night before the exam. Grover’s eye twitched. “How much did you here?”
“Oh not much,” Leo scoffed sarcastically. “Only that some freaky, evil bird lady wants him dead and he might not survive until next fall.”
“Shut up before I punch your face in,” Clarisse threatened.
“No, please, not the beautiful money maker,” Leo fake cried.
Katie went into the kitchen and grabbed ice from the freezer. She brought it back to Leo with a towel.
“Here,” she said handing it to Leo.
“Thanks,” Leo grumbled, putting the ice in the towel and setting it on his new shiner.
“I’m going to continue before anyone else gets hurt,” Rachel said to no one in particular.
“Oh . . . not much. What’s the summer solstice deadline?” He winced. “Look, Percy . . . I was worried for you, see? I mean hallucinating about demon math teachers . . .”
“You suck at lying,” Jason said even thought it was obvious.
“Grover-” “And I was telling Mr. Brunner that maybe you were overstressed or something, because there was no such person as Mrs. Dodds, and . . .” “Grover, you’re a really, really bad liar.”
“Aren’t Satyrs supposed to be good liars?” Piper asked confused. “How are you so bad?”
“The lying gene skipped me,” Grover explained.
“Okay, then . . .”
His ears turned pink. From his shirt pocket, he fished out a grubby business card. “Just take this, okay? In case you need me this summer.” The car had fancy script, which was a murder on my dyslexic eyes-
Grover Underwood
Half-Blood Hill
Long Island, New York
(800) 009-0009

“Who would create a card like that then?” Reyna asked confused.
All of the Camp Half-Blood campers looked at each other and muttered, “Dionysus.”
“What’s Half-” “Don’t say it aloud!” he yelped. “That’s my, um . . . summer address.”
“You make it sound like you’re rich,” Frank said, with a raised eyebrow.
Grover just shrugged.
My heart sank. Grover had a summer home. I’d never considered that his family might be as rich as the others at Yancy.
“Aw, does little Percy hate being poor,” Travis cooed.
Travis ended up on the floor groaning because the son of Poseidon kicked him in his soft spot.
“Okay,” I said glumly. “So, like, if I want to come visit your mansion.” He nodded. “Or . . . or if you need me.” “Why would I need you?”
“Harsh much?” Katie glared at Percy.
“Wait for it,” Percy murmured.
It came out harder than I meant to.
“At least he admitted it,” Hazel pointed out.
Grover blushed right down to his Adam’s apple. “Look, Percy, the truth is, I-I kind of have to protect you.” I stared at him. All year long, I’d gotten in fights, keeping bullies away from him. I’d lost sleep worrying that he’d get beaten up next year without me. And here he was acting like he was the one who defended me.
“Aw, thanks for caring so much, buddy,” Grover said, grinning at his best friend.
Percy shrugged. “Can’t help it.”
“Grover,” I said. “What exactly are you protecting me from?”
“I think the question is, why are you protecting him?” Clarisse asked. “Let the punk get killed.”
“Love you too, Clarisse,” Percy said sarcastically.
There was a huge grinding noise under our feet. Black smoke poured from the dashboard and the whole bus filled with a smell like rotten eggs. The driver cursed and limped the Greyhound over to the side of the highway.
Everyone waited quietly to know what would happen.
After a few minutes clanking around in the engine compartment, the driver announced that we’d all have to get off. Grover and I filed outside with everyone else. We were on a stretch of country road-no place you’d notice if you didn’t break down here. On our side of the highway was nothing but maple trees and litter from passing cars. On the other side, across four lanes of asphalt shimmering with afternoon heat, was an old fashioned fruit stand.
Nico got a worried expression on his face.
The stuff on sale looked really good: heaping boxes of bloodred cherries and apples, walnuts and apricots, jugs of cider in a claw-foot tub full of ice. There was no customers, just three old ladies sitting in rocking chairs in the shade of a maple tree, knitting the biggest pair of socks I’d ever seen.
“Old ladies?” Annabeth said cautiously.
I mean these socks were the size of sweaters, but they were clearly socks. The lady on the right knitted one of them. The lady on the left knitted the other. The lady in the middle held an enormous basket of electric blue yarn.
The people who had figured out who the ladies were, were holding their breath.
All three women looked ancient, with pale faces wrinkled like fruit leather-
Despite the tension in the room, several people looked at Percy confused.
“Fruit leather?” Will asked.
Percy groaned. “I was twelve.”
Everyone awkwardly looked away.
-silver hair tied back in white bandannas, bony arms sticking out of bleached cotton dresses. The weirdest thing was, they seemed to be looking right at me.
“Please no, please no, please no,” Annabeth muttered, looking at Percy.
I looked over at Grover to say something about this and saw that the blood had drained from his face. His nose was twitching. “Grover?” I said. “Hey, man-” “Tell me they’re not looking at you. They are, aren’t they?” “Yeah. Weird, huh? You think those socks would fit me?”
“Not funny, Percy,” Thalia scolded.
“I know that now,” Percy grumbled.
“Not funny, Percy. Not funny at all.” The old lady in the middle took out a large pair of scissors-gold and silver, long-bladed, like shears. I heard Grover catch his breath.
Everyone else in the room did as well, except for Percy.
“We’re getting on the bus,” he told me. “Come on.”
“Get on that bus, Percy,” Thalia pleaded.
“What?” I said. “It’s like a thousand degrees in there.”
“Get that sea butt of yours on the bus!” Clarisse growled.
“Come on!” He pried open the door and climbed inside, but I stayed back.
“PERCY!” Everyone yelled at the son of Poseidon.
Percy stayed quiet.
“Across the road, the old ladies were still watching me. The middle one cut the yarn, and I swear I could hear that snip across four lanes of traffic. Her two friends balled up the electric blue socks, leaving me wondering who they could possibly be for-Sasquatch or Godzilla.
“You’re about to practically get a death omen, and all you care about is who those socks are for?” Reyna said dumbfounded.
“I blame the ADHD,” Percy said.
At the near of the bus, the driver wrenched a big chunk of smoking metal out of the engine compartment. The bus shuddered, and the engine roared back to life. The passengers cheered. “Darn right!” yelled the driver. He slapped the bus with his hat. “Everybody back on board!”
“Finally,” Hazel said, worried about her friend.
Once we got going, I started feeling feverish, as if I’d caught the flu. Grover didn’t look much better. He was shivering and his teeth were chattering.
“Side affects to seeing the Fates,” Will observed.
“Grover?” “Yeah?” “What are you not telling me?” He dabbed his forehead with his shirt sleeve. “Percy, what did you see back at the fruit stand?” “You mean the old ladies? What is it about them, man? They’re not like . . . Mrs. Dodds, are they?”
“Worse,” Nico muttered with closed eyes. ‘No, please no. I’ve already lost my mom and Bianca, I can’t lose Perce too, he’s like a brother to me.’
His expression was hard to read, but I got the feeling that the fruit-stand ladies were something much, much worse than Mrs. Dodds. He said, “Just tell me what you saw.” “The middle one took out her scissors, and she cut the yarn.”
Annabeth glared at her boyfriend, for not telling her about this.
He closed his eyes and made a gesture with his fingers that might’ve been crossing himself, but it wasn’t. It was something else, something almost-older.
“How would you know that?” Jason asked.
Percy shrugged.
He said, “You saw her snip the cord.” “Yeah. So?” But even as I said it, I knew it was a big deal.
Everyone was watching Percy, who was only looking at one person. He watched Annabeth with cautious eyes.
“This is not happening,” Grover mumbled. He started chewing on his thumb. “I don’t want this to be like last time.”
Thalia looked down guiltily.
“What last time?” “Always sixth grade. They never get past sixth.” “Grover,” I said, because he was really starting to scare me. “What are you talking about?” “Let me walk you home from the bus station. Promise me.”
“Do it,” Nico begged.
This seemed like a strange request to me, but I promised he could. “Is this like a superstition or something?” I asked.
“Not exactly,” Reyna muttered.
No answer. “Grover-that snipping of the yarn. Does that mean somebody is going to die?” He looked at me mournfully, like he was already picking the kind of flowers I’d like best on my coffin.
“That’s the end of the chapter,” Rachel announced.
No body said anything.
Finally after several minutes of silence, Annabeth turned towards Percy, and said, “I can’t believe you didn’t tell me this before!”
“It wasn’t important,” Percy shrugged.
“Not important!” Annabeth scoffed, standing up. “I can not believe you just said that! The cutting of the yarn is a death omen and you watched it first hand! That means-”
Percy stood up and kissed Annabeth on the mouth to make her shut up.
Reyna glared at Annabeth’s head, wishing that Percy’s lips were on hers.
When they broke apart Percy pulled Annabeth closer and whispered something in her ear. Annabeth’s eyes got a bit watery but she breathed a huge sigh of relief.
“You sure?” Annabeth asked Percy, who nodded in return.
Annabeth wrapped her arms around Percy’s neck and hugged him. Percy hugged her back.
“Um, I think it’s time for a break,” Jake said.
Everyone nodded and left the room.
Reyna sent Annabeth one last glare before following everyone else out. ‘I’ll have to do something about this,’ Reyna thought.
over a year ago book-worm said…
^ AAAAHHHHHH!!!!!! Super amazing chapter!!! I love it!!!!! It was long and amazing!!!!
over a year ago kayleegurule said…
I get the 800th comment!
over a year ago cinnominbubble said…
dun dunn duuunnn AWESOME POST!
over a year ago MCF2000 said…
big smile
over a year ago cinnominbubble said…
You mean....
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago MCF2000 said…
No I don't mean


I mean
over a year ago book-worm said…
^ that's actually pretty cool
over a year ago jordan333 said…
over a year ago traffic_jam said…
over a year ago MCF2000 said…
^^^ I know! :)

over a year ago crazy_greek said…
That was AWESOME!!!!!!
Please, please, POST SOON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago MCF2000 said…
Please post! I have to know what Reyna's going to do so i can kill her for it!!!!!!