CSI:NY Hangman

CSI_NYfangirl posted on Feb 13, 2009 at 11:51PM
Well its very simple I will start by posting the first one, I will post a certain amount amount of spaces and then you have to guess a letter.

_ _ _ _ _ _ someone guessed and "L" _ _ _ l l _

Then you keep guessing until someone gets it right. The person that gets it right makes a new one. A " / " means a space. Prop for whoever gets the answer! Have Fun. :D *You can give bonus props when it is you turn if you want*


_ _ _ / _ _ _ _ / _ _ _ _ _ / _ _ _
last edited on May 23, 2009 at 07:05PM

CSI:NY 5378 replies

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over a year ago GCcutepoison said…
any t?
over a year ago CSIAly said…
*Constructs list as Aly has too much to say and not enough words to put it into and so must now uses numbers to replace actual intelligent thought* ON WITH TEH LIST! >>>>>>

1) Gah, lady, you've been on here the ENTIRE time I've been watching Ellen?! Curse that wonderfully woman and her amazing "Puppy Episode". :D

2) Add to the fact that my grandparents are visiting and I was talking with them, then we had dinner and I came back here, lol.

3) I just ate an eight ounce steak in like two minutes and wasn't full but when I have two of those mini peanut butter filled chocolate cups I'm can't eat another bite XD.

4) becca got the puzzle? Fabulous! Well fabulous for becca, that is. Who I am personally nominating for the "Common Sense" for my inner CSIAly(s) (is that I would pluralize that? Lol). I will have to go through my list and find a suitable role all of the rest of y'all so I can later reference you in my non-sequiter thoughts ;).

5) Gooey IS a kickass forensic word, and don't you forget it you little Mac Man, you XD.

6) Since when do YOU condone anti-murder schemes, Chandlerfan? Coz' I think it's against some kind of Fandom law to NOT kill for the sake of insanity. That or I've been watching WAY to much Law and Order: SVU. o__O

7) If you go to the FanPop Memorial Hospital (yes I just named it now, got a problem with that?? XD) may I accompany you there, since there is a certain limping doctor I must convince to visit the CSI:NY team in something OTHER than my fantasies. *suddenly suspicious* Because we ALL know they're ONLY that, fantasies, that is. o___O

9) Don't you have to go to sleep soon? *sobs* *takes a deep breath* *pumps up chest* *closes eyes* *clenches teeth* *balls up fists* *tries to remain calm, cool, and collect* *epic pause* *turns blue in the face* *passes out* *CFCG revives CSIAly* "When you breathe in you follow by breathing OUT!" *takes a deep breath AGAIN and then EXHALES* *still looks calm* I MISS YOU ALREADY, YOU SILLY CLONEGIRL, YOU!! *sobs and glompz Chandlerfan* *everyone else gets out huge spatual out to remove Aly from Chandlerfan*

10) Betcha' didn't realize that #8 was missing! :P

11) Betcha' were thinking about that as you read this. :D

12) Betcha' that you're going crazy with the telepathy right now. XD

13) Screw erasers, TYPING FTW! XD

14) Wow...two posts WHILE I was typing. But then again, I did take an interlude to eat cheescake and sing Happy Birthday for my grandpa (I think he is 84 now) :D.

15) G? Uncommon enough for you, becca? :D
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago becca85 said…
OK, the extra prop I will offer this round is if you can name the person this was spoken to (in addition to all the other stuff you have to answer).

Well, not uncommon enough, Aly. There's one in the puzzle.

_ _ _ t / _ _ g _ t / _ _ _ _ _ .
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago GCcutepoison said…
any a?
over a year ago becca85 said…
OK, the extra prop I will offer this round is if you can name the person this was spoken to (in addition to all the other stuff you have to answer).

_ _ _ t / _ _ g _ t / _ _ _ _ _ .

No A
over a year ago GCcutepoison said…
too bad.. any e?
over a year ago becca85 said…
Available props this round: One for the answer, one for the speaker and one for the spoken to

_ _ _ t / _ _ g _ t / _ _ _ _ e .

No A
over a year ago CSIAly said…
Wow, I shouldn't rant on picks for so long if I'm missing updates, lol. And good, surprisingly my need to throw you for a loop is out shined by my will to figure out why a three word puzzle is SO tricky XD!

over a year ago becca85 said…
Available props this round: One for the answer, one for the speaker and one for the spoken to

_ _ _ t / _ _ g _ t / _ _ _ _ e .

No A
No O
over a year ago CSIAly said…
HOLY MOLEY, CHICKADEE! Those are my initals, lol. I feel uber loved right now, don't I? Well I have to log off for a little while but in the meantime...S?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago becca85 said…
Available props this round: One for the answer, one for the speaker and one for the spoken to

_ _ s t / _ _ g _ t / _ _ _ _ e .

No A
No O

And I'm off...
over a year ago GCcutepoison said…
any n?
over a year ago CSIAly said…
A 'U'?

Okay, now I'm off untill like 4pm so I won't be guessing. Good luck to ever (I assume) guesses the puzzle! :D
over a year ago becca85 said…
Available props this round: One for the answer, one for the speaker and one for the spoken to

_ u s t / _ _ g _ t / _ _ _ _ e .

No A
No O
No N
over a year ago GCcutepoison said…
damn.. I really have no idea!! =S
any p?
over a year ago becca85 said…
Available props this round: One for the answer, one for the speaker and one for the spoken to

_ u s t / _ _ g _ t / _ _ _ _ e .

No A
No O
No N
No P
over a year ago GCcutepoison said…
dude.. this is really a difficult quote.. and it's only 3 frickin' words!! =O seriously..
any w?
over a year ago becca85 said…
Available props this round: One for the answer, one for the speaker and one for the spoken to

_ u s t / _ _ g _ t / _ _ _ _ e .

No A
No O
No N
No P
No W

You mean I finally picked a truly, devilishly, excruciatingly, difficult puzzle? YAY!!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago CSI_NYfangirl said…
how about S?
over a year ago CSIAly said…
Curses! You have, haven't you?? Well I guess the seldom used (when I play, at least) J! :D
over a year ago becca85 said…
Available props this round: One for the answer, one for the speaker and one for the spoken to

_ u s t / _ _ g _ t / _ _ _ _ e .

No A
No O
No N
No P
No W
No J

"S" has already been asked
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago becca85 said…
So, how many "No letters" have to be listed before we consider the guy hung?
over a year ago CSIAly said…
big smile
*smug alert beeps above becca's head*
*everyone stares*
*becca blushes*
*everyone struggles over puzzle*
*becca looks amused*
*we all glare the answer out of her*
*becca reminds us that weaseling answers out of her is harder than that*
*all plot to annoy the answer out of becca*
*CSIAly stops typing in astrics so she can guess the letter M*

Different enough for you? XD
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago CSI_NYfangirl said…
OMG sorry, see this happens when I don't pay attention, umm..i?
over a year ago becca85 said…
WOW!! Two letters that appear in the puzzle...

Available props this round: One for the answer, one for the speaker and one for the spoken to

M u s t / _ i g _ t / _ _ i m e .

No A
No O
No N
No P
No W
No J
over a year ago CSIAly said…

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago CSIAly said…
I lterally just screamed XD. For the longest time I figured it was 'just' or 'must' and I wanted to guess 'M' or 'I' but I seemed reluctant, you must be messing with my telepathy, aren't you becca? Well in any case as soon as I read it I was like "must...fight...crime" *figures its some kind of catch phrase before realizing a split second after that Adam is adorable in trying to wake up Kendall after whatever kind of night they had ;)*

Awesome quote though, I don't think any of us had a clue, lol. XD
over a year ago becca85 said…
Way to go, Aly!! Props coming your way!!

I have at least one other three word quote on my list of future puzzles, so be prepared.
over a year ago CSIAly said…
Aw, how come I'm not surprised?? Lol, I was so excited about figuring this puzzle out I went to explain it all to my mum and she was all confused coz' she didn't know what a prop was or how you really play and that I was talking to people in other countries and I swear she was two seconds from the whole 'Internet Strangers' lecture but I was still going crazy about the adorable Adam/Kendall scene XD.

So now I've tried to come up with such a difficult quote that will have you trying to glare the answers out of me, lol. Oh yeah: prop for quote, prop for speaker, prop for one(s) being spoken to, and bonus props for the name of the episode the quote is from AND for what the speaker is talking about. SO MANY PROPS XD!

" _ _ _ / _ _ _ _ / _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ / _ _ / _ _ _ / _ _ / _ _ / _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ / _ _ / _ / _ _ _ _ _ _ / _ _ _ _ _ _ / _ _ _ / _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ! "

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago becca85 said…
WOW!! I'm going to get it!!

over a year ago Chandlerfan said…
*has read everything from the last page and a bit and is cracking up with laughter so much she's crying...literally*


ZOMG! ALY YOU'RE HERE! YOU'RE HERE! *jumps around in a manic fashion*

I'm sooo gonna guess something sooo obviously my favourite letter in the entire world and it's - wait for it - it's C! =D

HA! I bet you thought I'd say E! ;D

HA! I bet you're thinking how the hell I manage to be telepathic too! ...Well I am your clone! XDD

And OMG so many props for this! Aaaahh *faints*


*no other movement*
over a year ago GCcutepoison said…
yeah.. great quote!! =D haha
well anyway.. is there any a?
over a year ago CSIAly said…
*QueenAly of the Darkness sits perched on her pedestal throne that looks suspiciously like it came from the IKEADante catalogue as she grins down at fellow Fanpoppers*

You're insanity entertains me...keep it up >;). Besides, I KNOW you're my clone, WAIT! Doesn't that mean you too are running this round of Hangman?? *looks confused* FLYING MONKEYS, FIGURE THIS OUT FOR ME! AND WHERE IS MY APPLE CRUMBLE?! *Flying Monkey points to plate of freshly made apple crumble*

*everyone stares at Aly's obliviousness*

*Aly glares evilly* Aw, go to Hell. *minions blink* QUIET, YOU! Or I'll do to you what the people of Oz did to that witch lady :P.

In the meantime I figure I should update, no?? :D

" A _ d / _ _ _ _ / _ _ _ _ _ _ a _ _ _ _ / _ _ / _ a _ / _ _ / _ _ / _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ d / _ _ / a / _ _ _ _ _ _ / _ _ _ _ _ _ / _ _ _ / _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a _ ! "

No C.

Sorry CG D:, perhaps you should stick to the E, lol.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago becca85 said…
over a year ago Chandlerfan said…
Ohhh, now I want apple crumble but I can't because:
a. It's past 10 pm here
b. I'm too lazy to go down into the kitchen
c. I don't have any...=[ *sobs*

And WHAT!?! No C!?! How dare you do a puzzle without a C...shame on you...*shakes head while slowly trying to steal apple crumble as Aly apologises profusely for her moment of insanity with the no-C-in-puzzle-thing*



Right...N =D

HA! That has to be in there! =D

*will feel stupid if not* =P
over a year ago CSIAly said…
" A n d / _ _ _ _ / _ _ _ _ _ _ a n _ _ _ / _ _ / h a _ / _ _ / _ _ / _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ d / _ _ / a / h _ _ h _ _ / _ _ _ _ _ _ / _ _ _ / _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ n a _ ! "

No time for proper rant session, must work on Science project and will have to watch House at my friend's place so we can work last minute! Adios, amigos! :D
over a year ago Chandlerfan said…
Yaaay! N was there! N was there! XDD

Ohhh, no rant? *is sad*

*will wait for rant tomorrow cause is going to sleep now*

One last guess, S =D

Hey, that rhymes! =D
over a year ago becca85 said…
over a year ago CSI_NYfangirl said…
over a year ago CSIAly said…
Aw, I've let down the Fandomniom with the need to make an entirely new catapult the night of the day it was due. Wait, that sounded suspiciously like I was procrastinating :O, and we all know that is so NOT like me at all ;). Sleep? For me I've just gotten out bed (well like 45 min ago) but this time I didn't sleep through the alarm and now I can respond to all these guesses while I subliminally adverstise last night's episode into the conversation ever so subtly...


*hides shameless advertisment*
*whistles* *grins* *stands behind giant House billboard*
*thumbs up* XD

" A n d / _ _ s t / _ _ _ _ _ t a n t _ _ / _ t / h a s / t _ / _ _ / _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ d / _ _ / a / h _ _ h _ _ / _ _ s s _ _ / _ f f / _ _ _ f _ s s _ _ n a _ ! "

PS: IKEADante is God >:D.
PPS: More shameless advertisment ;) (looks at first PS) XD
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago CSI_NYfangirl said…
big smile
over a year ago becca85 said…
over a year ago GCcutepoison said…
any P?
over a year ago Chandlerfan said…
*doesn't read House-related stuff in Aly's comment*
*guesses a letter instead*

I spy with my little I! (d'ya geddit? Eye = I, because of the letter I...eh, eh? =D ... *tumbleweed moment* *shuts up*)
over a year ago CSIAly said…
*reads all the comments*
*notices most of the comments are guesses*
*reads Chandlerfan's comment*
*gasps in horror (HOUSE SPOILERS FTW!)*
*sighs in resignation and accepts guess*
*laughs at how similar she is to Aly'sa 1st Life friend*
*laughs at own Adam Ross reference*
*remembers that she has to be reminded how fantabulously beautiful Gary Sinise's eyes are because people I know keep saying that they're weird and he's a bad actor*
*slaps those people...hard and then adds them to Kiss, Hug, or Slap*
*slaps them...AGAIN!*
*Fills in all the guesses*
*realizes she has missed one of the Fs* (and I's and E's XD)
*eels oolish*
*adds the missing Fs from above comment "feels foolish"*
*laughs at self while hoping the puzzle isn't TOO easy*
*people remind Aly she is taking WAY too long to reply*
*Aly sends evil flying monkeys after them in response*
*fellow Fanpoppers ninja style the monkeys*
*epic World War VII occurs*
*historians look confused*
*Aly explains that in Fandom we have battled much, and lost more than the 1st World (same Adam reference) and because Fandom is so epic we skipped Fandom Wars 4-6.*
*people steal Aly's keyboard because she takes too long to type*
*Aly eats apple crumble*

" A n d / _ o s t / i _ p o _ t a n t _ _ / i t / h a s / t o / _ e / p _ e f o _ _ e d / _ _ / a / h i _ h _ _ / p i s s e _ / o f f / p _ o f e s s i o n a _ ! "
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago CSI_NYfangirl said…
And most importantly, it has be performed by a highly pissed off professional!

Said by Luke Blade!!!
Sleight Out of Hand
And he was talking to an imaginary audience

OMG no way I was just watching this episode today, freaky coincidence.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago becca85 said…
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over a year ago CSI_NYfangirl said…
I once had this substitute teacher, he was evil.. he likes the original CSI so I was walking through the door with my friend (she loves CSI:NY too!) and he was like CSI:NY sucks, and then he said that Gary had weird eyes, HE HAS PERFECTLY FINE EYES!!!!!! :(
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago becca85 said…

Where does he live? Lemme at 'im!!
over a year ago CSIAly said…
Damnit, damnit!

That was for...
a) the quote answer.
b) Luke Blade and the episode title.
c) the audience answer.

And yes, my one friend thinks that Mac's eyes are weird and are too far apart from one another, my father also thinks his voice his strange for the role he plays. I am not impressed by this. At all *dun dun dun music plays in background*. Seriously. You may kill my father and my friend if you like, though I recomend saving some for House34 and Chandlerfan, CSI_NYfangirl can have the sub XD. Those people are sick minded and do not even begin to compare to Gary/Mac's superiority :P. 1 000 000 CHEERS FOR GARY SINISE! :D

PS: It's your turn CSI_NYfangirl, just lemme prop ya' first! :D
last edited over a year ago