XxIsabellaxX posted on Sep 04, 2010 at 11:42PM

The Hunger Games 1050 replies

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over a year ago Arissa1422 said…
YES! John C Rielly is not going to be Haymitch!

And i could be better. My allergies are terrible, and i have so much final papers and speeches due. Ugh.
But if you guys didn't know, i'm a gymnast. I'm on varsity at highschool, & practice has been great lately.

How about you guys?
over a year ago THG123 said…
I'm feeling terrible. Really busy, really tired, I haven't slept properly in days especially since I'm going to have to work my butt off if I want to go to medical school. How are you silver?
over a year ago silver93 said…
Sorry about your allergies Arissa. That's cool you're a gymnast.
THG I know how you feel, I haven't been sleeping properly either. I'm really stressed. I've been having a lot of problems with one of my teachers, and I don't know how to handle it. My friends think I should confront her, but even though she's literally making me sick, I don't want to hurt her feelings.
over a year ago Arissa1422 said…
Silver, i am having the same kind of thing with my Chemistry teacher. There are so many problems i have with him, but i don't even feel like bringing him up. Ugh.
over a year ago silver93 said…
I wish I didn't have such a problem with being rude.
Hey if you guys are looking for a good read, you should read the underland chronicles, they were Collins' first series. They're really good. Also, did you hear she may be making a prequel series about how the districts were made?
over a year ago THG123 said…
Really? that's great! I hope she does, and I've heard about the underland chonicles series, I'll pick it up next chance I get. I know exactly how you two feel as well, I had a really embarassing thing happen to me with a substitute teacher, I see him everyday and he's a constant reminder of that embarassing moment and that stresses me out a lot, ugh I hate him so much I wish he just died and took away my problems. If you guys don't mind me asking, what is the problem you two had with your teachers that's stressing you out so much? You don't have to tell me.
Oh and silver, you're not rude, what are you talking about?
over a year ago Arissa1422 said…
I heard too! i can't wait!

And ugh, he is just a huge asshole. (sorry for the language lol) And i don't take it, so i talk back when he is rude to me or other students in the class. (Which is a lot of students.) And If you ask him a question about anything he completely ignores you, and he just doesn't teach you anything. I have asked to come in early and talk to him, and he says he will be there, but never shows up. A bunch of students complain to the deans about him but they don't do anything. No one in the class has an A, or even a high B. He is just a sucky teacher and a rude person. And i get in trouble all the time because me and this other boy are basically the voice for the entire class.

What was you're embarrassing moment? Lol, i'm sure we all have had some bad ones.
over a year ago silver93 said…
That's the thing, I'm not rude,I try really hard not to be. But, sometimes, I wish that I was. I've had this teacher since last year, and I've had problems with her from the start. The biggest issue is she doesn't take me seriously. Everything I say she considers to be rude, a joke, or ridiculous. I swear she only hears every other word that comes out of my mouth. She's even gotten me in trouble with one of my other teachers. I don't know what to do. Some of the things she says is really hurtful. And she's gotten other kids in the class to be rude to me too. I'm on newspaper and it's really difficult to be in a class like that without respect. Not to mention I really love it and it feels like it's impossible to be in that class with her running it. It's like trying to write something on the computer with a pen instead of a keyboard. I think the reason she treats me the way she does is because I went to a different school my freshman and sophomore years. There I had a really good journalism teacher who actually taught us. The current teacher has no idea what's she's doing.

@Arissa I had a teacher just like that last year. See I don't say anything if someone is just rude to me, but if someone messes with my friends or just other people I get pissed. I was practically begging him to send me to the principle's office. He was a terrible teacher. So many kids failed his class they had to close one of the pre calc classes and open an extra stat class. They couldn't fire him though because of tenure.

Sorry I had a really long rant. :P
over a year ago Arissa1422 said…
It's alright, we all need a good rant once in a while. (:

If she is making you feel that way i would defiantly confront her. If you're the one that wants to learn and actually have fun in that class just tell her how you feel. You shouldn't be unhappy in a class you like, especially because the teacher is making you not enjoy it. Confront her and tell her how you feel, and then move from there.
over a year ago Arissa1422 said…
Oh no..Silver you're not going to be happy about this.

Alexander Ludwig is Cato.

I know he was your Peeta. So i don't know how you're going to feel about that, but i cant imagine you're going to be happy.

And Clove is Esther in the movie Orphan.

And Haymitch is Woody Harrelson. i like him though
over a year ago silver93 said…
Hmm maybe he can kill Josh and take over as Peeta. Like in a training accident, or maybe they can switch roles. I have the feeling the reason he didn't get Peeta was because of chemistry. If it was acting they wouldn't have considered him for Cato. I don't know how I feel about this. You're right, I'm definitely not happy he's Cato. He doesn't really fit the description, he's so sweet looking. Josh is more menacing. At the same time I like him as an actor so I'm just happy he has a job.
I'm okay with Woody. Haymitch was supposed to be hot when he was young, but not so much now. Woody isn't terrible looking so it's believable. Plus he was pretty funny in Zombieland. If you guys haven't seen that movie, if you do make sure you don't eat during it. I tried watching while eating three times and could never get through it. Finally did by eating before the movie.
over a year ago Arissa1422 said…
Zombieland was hysterical! And yeah, i pictured Cato with brown hair, bulkier, and just evil looking. Alexander looks so sweet. And yeah i have a feeling it must have been bad chemistry.
over a year ago silver93 said…
I imagined him kinda like Kellen Lutz.
And just another reason I wish we had a different Katniss. We did, we'd have different Peetas and Gales.
over a year ago Arissa1422 said…
Yes, Kellen Lutz would have been great. And yes, i agree with that too. as usual lol.
over a year ago silver93 said…
so who's your guys' favorite casting choice so far? I think mine is Rue.
over a year ago THG123 said…
Omg! Ludwig is Cato! I feel so depressed...I think the actress playing Clove will be okay though, awesome actress in orphan. I'm upset about Katniss and Gale and I guess a little bit with Peeta, I mean, I know his personality is completely perfect and his acting good but...he's too...brunette. I don't think he'd look good with blonde hair, I could be wrong though. His hair is a little short too, I hope he let's it grow, I've seen him with long hair, looks really cute. And just hang in there, teachers can be complete ass holes sometimes, Arissa, I think you should tell your parents to talk to the principal about your teacher. It would work. I don't think you should talk back to him, it'll make it worse, try to hook him up, lol, maybe he's lonely. And silver,if your teacher makes you uncomfortable, you need to talk to someone about it, like Arissa you should tell your parents to tell your principle, I know that doesn't seem cool but it would help. I haven't seen zombieland. You think I should? Haymitch is okay. I guess. And silver, I totally agree with the Katniss thing, couldn't they find someone, I don't know, YOUNGER!? >:(
Rue is my favorite casting choice too.

Omg I just realized something, doesn't Cato have a gruesome death?! How are we going to endure Alex being attacked by mutts?! *Head desk*
over a year ago silver93 said…
Lol you like him as Peeta too? I don't know, I suppose we'll be more likely to want Katniss to put him out of his misery? I don't know what they were thinking. It's like they don't want us to like Josh. I mean honestly, Josh looks more like Cato. Um I don't know about yonger, Willa is the same age. Or maybe a year younger. They need someone who looks 16 though. Jen looks older than her age. She's like the girl Pettyfer.
over a year ago Arissa1422 said…
Oh my gosh! Alex! );
And yeah, Rue and Thresh are my favorite. And i like Mrs. Everdeen, she is #3.

And yeah, Jen looks too old and glamorous. She will never look like a 16 year old girl. I am 16, and let me tell you, she looks about 5 years older than me. Maybe more. (Then again.. i look pretty young for my age. but that doesn't matter, she still looks old! lol)
over a year ago jenn17 said…
hey guys have you heard that Madge won't be in the movie according to the script they made....seriously what about the pin?
over a year ago Arissa1422 said…
I heard that. But also they said its a maybe, and scripts change a lot. Not going to lie im going to be pretty pissed if Madge isn't in the movie. i'm sure a lot of other people will be too. I'm hoping Suzanne realizes that.
over a year ago silver93 said…
If thats true I'm going to be pissed galore, she's one of my favorite characters.
over a year ago kkluvbr said…
All I have to say is the book the Mockingjay SUCKED
over a year ago THG123 said…
I'd strangle someone if they didn't cast Madge. She's my third favorite!!! The least they could do is add her, it's like they're pretending we, the fans, don't exist!! >:(


I actually liked it, why do you not like Mockingjay? If it's because of the deaths, I completely understand!
over a year ago Arissa1422 said…
I don't think Mockingjay sucked. I think some things that happened in the book sucked. (My favorite characters dieing) But that's what made the books so real, and so good.

And i don't understand what they're thinking. Madge is a freaking important and great character!
over a year ago Arissa1422 said…
Oh and guys, check out the post by kkluvbr, it's called 'before you get pissed at me please here me out!!' or something like that lol. a good debate has started there.
over a year ago silver93 said…
I have a question, Katniss's pin, in the book, is it holding an arrow? b/c i was under the impression it wasn't.
over a year ago Arissa1422 said…
I never thought it was holding an arrow. I think that they just put it on the cover to symbolize Katniss. And just fighting in General
over a year ago IAmHungerGames said…
Join the RP3!!!! You can make a tribute and play in the arena (And I know you guys probably just want to do your own thing)

So sorry to bug
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago silver93 said…
well in the movie pictures it's on the pin. i'm not pleased. do u think we could get them to fix it?
over a year ago THG123 said…
Yeah, because obviously they're going to listen to the fans... (Sorry about the sarcasm silver, I haven't been having a good day:[ ) it never was stated if there was an arrow or not so I don't think it would really matter. Arissa, I just checked the post but I'm way too tired of repeating the same things I keep saying to people about Mockingjay, although I agree completely on what you wrote.:) Anyone hear about Judgement day? It didn't happen...
over a year ago Arissa1422 said…
THG123, thank you. And i understand, i'm slowly getting tired of repeating the same things too. but i always love a good debate.
over a year ago silver93 said…
haha yeah I didn't like the idea of repeating the same things over again, but when I did it was kinda fun. But, only because I haven't done it in so long. Normally, if I wanted to keep debating I wouldn't have written so much, but I figured I'd get it all out in one thing and then I wouldn't have to come back so much. Actually, when I saw Arissa's I wasn't even going to write much, I didn't think I had to. But then I saw the "If it were me comments..." and I couldn't help it. I don't know, it bugs me when people don't know what they're talking about, they need to be informed.
Yeah THG123, I heard a little about that. I wasn't really concerned at all. The day I'm worried about is 12/21/12. Not b/c I think the world will end, but because I feel like people will do really stupid stuff. And there may be a terroist attack because I know they pick certain dates to do things...don't worry about the sarcasm, I'm a very sarcastic person.
over a year ago Arissa1422 said…
Silver-I agree completely on the 2012 thing. People are just going to act stupid and are going to kill each other, and blow stuff up, just because they think the world is going to end anyways. Ugh.
And i felt the same way about the "if it were me i would have done this better than Katniss did" No you would not have! Even though her mental health was declining, (which i don't blame her to be a bit crazy by Mockingjay) She still handled all of her issues great in my opinion. I don't think anyone could have handled all that as well as Katniss did.

over a year ago THG123 said…
Well I like to think like this way. If something happens on 2012 that will kill a lot of people, then there's a reason. God did it because he/she chose to. (I'm not sure if that made any sense) That's why I'm not so scared about 2012 but I do think people are going to overreact. That worries me tremendously. :S
over a year ago Arissa1422 said…
Lenny Kravitz is Cinna... i am literally speechless. I would have NEVER seen that coming...
over a year ago silver93 said…
People are stupid.
Is anyone else upset both Portia and Cinna are black? I don't mind Portia being black, since she was never described in the book. But, I feel like they're saying only black people are creative. I don't know maybe I'm being stupid.
over a year ago Arissa1422 said…
I pictured Cinna white. I think most did too. i would be fine if Portia was black and Cinna was white. This is Cinna's description.

"The door opens and a young man who must be Cinna enters. I'm taken aback by how normal he looks. Most of the stylists they interview on television are so dyed, stenciled, and surgically altered they're grotesque. But Cinna close cropped hair appears to be its natural shade of brown. He's in a simple black shirt and pants. The only concession to self-alteration seems to be metallic gold eyeliner that has been applied with a light hand. it brings out the flecks of gold in his green eyes. And, despite my disgust with the Capitol and their hideous fashions, i can't help thinking how attractive he looks."

I guess he could have been black.. with the brown hair and all. But the part that i think made me picture him Caucasian was the green/gold eyes. I have never seen a black person with those kind of eyes. And Lenny has dark brown eyes. I would never have even thought Cinna to be black. it just bothers me a little.
over a year ago silver93 said…
It was the close cropped brown hair and eyes that made me think he was white. Black people have black hair. I've never seen one with natural brown hair. I think I'd even be okay with Portia being white and him being black, even though I imagined him as white. I just feel like they made them look alike on purpose and it bugs me.
over a year ago Arissa1422 said…
Yeah i agree. Isn't everyone in the capitol suppose to be different? like different color skin, hair, accessories? I don't know, i just pictured it to be a big city of color, and nobody looked alike. I don't like how they are both black, cause it makes them look alike, and ugh. i don't like it
over a year ago Arissa1422 said…
Oh and.. didn't they start filming? and Josh Hutcherson's hair still isn't blonde. Maybe they just are not releasing pictures of him..but he better be blonde.
over a year ago silver93 said…
no he's blonde, they're just keeping it super secret. where's madge? why hasn't she been casted yet?
over a year ago Emil5634 said…
Hi I'm new and I just need to ask a question: Did any of you get sad at the ending? I mean, I know it's happy and they have kids and so on, but she still tells about the pain she lives with. that some days are hard t get through. And it all just whent so fast! From the; I am mentally disoriented, to; I love you Peeta and dont care about Gale! I dont realy understand. And why she has done so much, just to be sent back to the ruins of 12?? Makes no sense to me! Made me very sad!
over a year ago Arissa1422 said…
I heard Madge might not be in the script.. i hope it's not true. ):

Emil5634- yes, i think everyone was a little sad at the end, i still am. But you need to look at the good things that happened instead of all the bad. Also, her and Peeta will probably always be a little mentally disoriented from what they went through, but i think Katniss just realized what she needed, and that was Peeta. (just like she described in the book) And she also realized that her and Gale were never going to be together after what happened, and no one could understand her like Peeta could. And i believe she was sent back to 12, because everyone thought that would be the best place for her. And her seeing it rebuilt probably gave her a sense of relief. i also think that if she had a choice of where to live, she would have gone back to 12 anyways.
over a year ago Emil5634 said…
ow! I understand better now(: I just couldent understand why it ended like that. Thanks. If it's okey, I would like to ask one more question: Why did she shoot Coin? She was on her side right? I thought president Snow was lying... That's the only thing in the book that bothers me!
over a year ago silver93 said…
Coin was the reason Prim died. She ordered for the rebels to bomb where she would be. The only reason Prim got to be a medic was b/c Coin aprroved of it. Collins killed Prim, so that Katniss would kill Coin.
over a year ago THG123 said…
Wow, Lenny as Cinna was totally unexpected but I don't mind, in fact, I think the gold eyeliner will stand out more so I'm good. Silver93, I've seen many African-Americans with brown hair. But green eyes? Hmm I don't recall I ever did.
I'm just glad they're not white washing the whole movie. And besides, Portia and Cinna are supposed to look alike because Katniss said they were more simpler than the crazy people in the Capitol. BTW: Have they really started filming?!! Do you know the location?!

Emil5634, Mind if I call you Emil? Coin wanted Katniss dead because she thought Katniss would be competition for her as the next president of Panem, and as silver93 said: she was the reason Prim died.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Emil5634 said…
I dont mind(: Okey, so now I think I get the story! But I still think it's a tragic story! I think the first one is the best! Am I the only one?
over a year ago Arissa1422 said…
It is a tragic story, but i think its great. And i personally can't pick a favorite, i usually always say the first book in a series is the best, but this one i can't pick one. There are amazing parts and sad parts in each book. Each book is different too, so i can't pick a favorite.
over a year ago silver93 said…
I haven't seen a black person with natural brown hair. They aren't supposed to look alike physically, but um, what's the word? Fashionably? Socially? They have similar tastes in fashion and similar viewpoints. And they haven't been white washing at all, which is good. Just look at the tributes. It's not like I hate black people or anything. I actually left a forum on this site because of people being uncomfortable with Rue being black. It just seems strange to me. I know when casting directors cast they look for specific characteristics. I'm wondering if it was on purpose.
over a year ago THG123 said…

Yeah. Sometimes people do, do things on purpose. But I don't understand what you mean by them casting Cinna and Portia African American on purpose, what's the thing they're doing on purpose? :s hope that made sense. *Shrugs*

You don't mind? Great!! Easier to remember, you know? I love the first book too, it's what got me hooked on the series in the first place, well, obviously, but I also loved the other two as they had been filled with depth and emotion that I just love in books. So just like Arissa I really can't pick a favorite book. :)


Agreed. XD