XxIsabellaxX posted on Sep 04, 2010 at 11:42PM

The Hunger Games 1050 replies

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over a year ago silver93 said…
Problem is Josh isn't having blue eyes in the movie. The song is great, there are a lot of lines that fit. Like after all we've been through,I miss the way we sleep, like there's no sunrise,where i belong to you when i'm not around you it's like i'm not with me. I love Colbie Caillat I have two of her cds, i want to get the rest too.
Yeah, I guess that's true. Maybe it would match better in district 13 before she leaves for 2? Actually, it might be a better song for Peeta than for Katniss.
I hate the name tributes. I would never want to be a tribute. I said that earlier. Lol maybe we should be called Pearls. That's something only people who have read the book would get.
over a year ago Arissa1422 said…
Same, tributes is the worst name for us. I don't understand why everyone likes it so much..

And are you sure Josh doesn't have blue eyes in the movie? ):

I absolutely love the song I never told you, i've loved it for a while now. And the other song is really good too.

i really like the song Get out alive- by Three Days Grace. Not for Peeta and Katniss though, just for the Hunger Games in general.
over a year ago silver93 said…
Chances are they're the same people that still think Katniss should be with Gale. I mean don't get where the name comes from:we aren't tributes, and the tributes certainly aren't fans of each other or the capitol. Collins should make up a name for us.
Yeah in all the photos it looks like he has his natural color which is either brown or green.
over a year ago THG123 said…
Silver93. have you heard anything about if the accents are going to be in the movie?
over a year ago silver93 said…
Gawd I hope not. It takes place in colorado(you know, cuz that's where the apps are)so they shouldn't have an accent.
Have you guys read Howl or Gregor yet?
over a year ago THG123 said…
Library still not open, and Borders is closed down. The only closest place with books is Chapters and that store is far far away from where I live. :( I would go on Amazon but I don't trust those sites. I'll read it someday though, I promise.
over a year ago silver93 said…
Water for Elephants is an amazing book too. I just finished it. It's so great.
over a year ago Arissa1422 said…
Ugh, the Colorado thing makes me so mad too. It CLEARLY states in the first book that district 12 is in the Appalachians.

THG, i order books from Amazon all the time. I hate ebay, but Amazon has not failed me yet. Try it out.

Silver, i have a bunch of books in my amazon basket, Howl and Gregor are in there.. i just haven't ordered them yet. Lol
over a year ago silver93 said…
I was just wondering.
Hollywood likes to spit on the little details. I should have known Collins was trying to be positive when she said you have to let the little things go. I'm not sure if that's the exact quote, but it's along those lines.
over a year ago THG123 said…
Peeta's eyes being blue is NOT a little detail...It's huge! It's not Peeta without blue eyes. That would ruin it, I really hope they might change their minds about that.
over a year ago THG123 said…
Oh and Arissa, I would like to do that, but my friend bought a board game off amazon, and well, that was three years ago and she still hasn't received it. I guess you're really lucky, but im kinda scared ending up in her situation. I'll get those books once the library opens up again.
over a year ago THG123 said…

is the movie of Howl's moving castle anything like the book?
over a year ago Arissa1422 said…
Yeah! i saw there was a movie of Howl's moving castle. i'm obviously going to read the book first, but is it good?

And yes, Peeta needs blue eyes. i have let too many little things go already.
over a year ago silver93 said…
The Howl's Moving Castle movie is one of those rare instances, where the movie is different from the book, but is still fantastic. They have a lot similarities, but their plot is pretty different. Like she still gets turned into an old woman, and Howl acts like Howl. But,war is the big plotline in the movie, and in the book the witch is the big plot line. They're both really good. I love the movie, you guys should definately watch it. I actually saw the movie before reading the book.
I want Peeta to have blue eyes too. But, they've made it pretty clear they don't really give a damn. Everything I've seen makes me believe they're just looking to cash a paycheck.
over a year ago silver93 said…
Did you guys see the trailer?
over a year ago THG123 said…
Trailer of the Hunger games? Or howl's moving castle?
over a year ago THG123 said…
Scratch that. Saw the trailer. Idk how i feel about Gale's voice in the background. Totally confused but my heart leapt through the entire thing.
over a year ago THG123 said…
Did you guys hear? The Hunger Games is pulling off a Harry Potter, there's going to be not three but four movies, that's good right? More suspense and emotion captured.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago silver93 said…
No. It's just another sign that they're trying to cash in. Hunger Games books aren't big enough to make two movies of. HP needed it because it's over 700 pages long.
I didn't like the trailer. The effects looked like a college film and Gale talking to her confused me b/c i don't remember it in the book. i'm worried about the relationship she's going to have with him. all signs point to her being in love with him. and him taking over as madge as well.
over a year ago THG123 said…
Don't worry, she might love Gale then but we all know how it's going to end, hopefully they'll add some extra scenes of Peeta and Katniss. Are teaser trailers just trailers they do before the actual trailer?
over a year ago silver93 said…
You know THG123, it's a good thing you're so positive, if you weren't I'd have nothing to remind me I shouldn't get myself into trouble with the law over this thing.
Actually, recently I've changed my mind about being angry with them for changing all the things I love about the books. Mainly because it's making me love the books even more. Some how I think I appreciate everything in them that much more because I'm confident they're perfect the way they are. If that makes any sense. It's kind of nice. It's like falling in love with the series all over again.
over a year ago Arissa1422 said…
i didn't see the trailer yet! going to watch it now..
And yeah, THG123, every time i have something crappy to say about the movies, you're so positive it makes me change my mind 90% of the time. so thank you(:
Silver, i actually understand what you're saying haha, and agree.
over a year ago silver93 said…
what do you think is the most compelling issue of our day compared to the hunger games?
over a year ago THG123 said…
Lol You guys are so nice, I'm not positive at all. But I'm glad you're okay with everything now, the movie can't change anything about how we feel about the books. The only thing I'm worried about is my brother. I told him all the time how awesome the Hunger Games are, if the movie doesn't do the books justice, he'll never let me live it down, at least thats what I think, he might just not even care. But you know, a lot my friends are gonna think that I lied about it being awesome, my friends aren't readers like I am. They are movie lovers. :(
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over a year ago THG123 said…
Silver93, compelling issue? Hmm, how about suicide? One of my dear friends committed suicide years ago due to drug overdose destroying his life. It was a difficult time for me and especially his parents. I feel like some people don't really support those who are at the point where they think suicide is the only option and those who had to live with a loved one who had commited suicide. My friend's parents didn't stop moarning for 2 years, and even now that I talk with them, they seem broken. It affected me and a lot of other people. It's something people really bypass in my opinion.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Arissa1422 said…
THG123, i agree completely. Right now i am dealing with a friend who has attempted suicide. Only me and 1 other person know. She also cuts a lot, and i'm truly worried about her. When she started getting worse, we told the counselor at my school, but i feel like they haven't even done anything. She is really at the point where she thinks she has no other option, and i feel like the people who know what is going on with her, aren't worried as much as i am. People act like it's not a big deal. I feel like a lot of people kind of brush suicide off because it is such a touchy subject, or because they don't understand how bad it is.
over a year ago THG123 said…
Arissa, I couldn't have said it better myself. Suicide not only effects the person who is attempting it, but the people around them that care for them, I admit, after my friend's death (hanging) I did get depressed and I couldn't sleep a lot because I just spent those times crying. I was consistently worried about nothing, got headaches and stomachaches and my blood pressure was increasing because of the amount of stress I went through. I can only imagine what his parents went through. Arissa, remind your friend of all the people who love her, and how it would effect them if she left. I'm guessing she's around her teen years? Remind her that life is just starting, she has years ahead of her, she could have a successful happy life if she tried. A suicide hotline won't cut it, people need to something immedietely about this.
over a year ago silver93 said…
You know, I agree with you guys completely. The only difference I have is that I think bullying is the most compelling issue, with suicide being a part of it. Not a lot of people really understand what bullying is, and how many issues are inter connected with it. People really need to start taking it more seriously, before anymore people die because of it. It's funny that you said suicide THG because when I asked the question to other people(who all had different answers from me and each other) and told them how I thought suicide was apart of it, they kind of rolled their eyes that it wasn't as big a deal as their issue. And Arissa I'm really sorry about your friend. I actually know exactly how you feel. I've had several friends who have tried to commit suicide, and when I went to the school they did nothing about it. It made me furious. The only way we were able to help was by supporting them, and letting them know we were always avaible to them. I'm sorry about your friend too THG.
over a year ago Arissa1422 said…
You guys are my internet best friends. I literally agree with everything you guys say. And yes THG, we're 16. I also think bullying defiantly is a horrible thing too, and people don't take that seriously either. i know bullying is one of the things that caused my friend to feel the way she does.
over a year ago silver93 said…
Aw you guys are my internet best friends too! I don't know what I'd do if I couldn't talk to you guys.
over a year ago THG123 said…
Yeah, I love to talk to you guys because, to be honest, I'm surrounded by idiots. It's nice to talk to intelligent people, lol. IBF's forever. Any news on The Hunger Games?
over a year ago silver93 said…
Lol I feel the same way THG.
Well I got into a Hunger Games class in college. The President of the school is teaching it. I have you guys to thank. The essay was on the most compelling issue, and honestly I felt like a complete idiot for wanting to write about bullying, until you guys said you thought it was suicide. So thanks. ^_^
Did you guys read any of the books I suggested? Or did you ever read Scandinavia and the World?
over a year ago THG123 said…
I haven't had the chance, library is still not open and I got so much work to do, I'm almost falling from exhaustion. What were the books again? I need to write them down.
over a year ago Arissa1422 said…
i haven't got to the books.. i haven't read anything in a while and its actually upsetting lol. I'm so busy. ):
But yes! i have gotten to Scandinavia and the world and i'm obsessed! it's hysterical!
over a year ago silver93 said…
My favorite one is the north korea and south korea one. You should read Scandinavia and The world too THG.
Howl's Moving Castle, Gregor the Overlander, Water for Elephants.
Don't you think it's cool I'm taking a class on the Hunger Games? I did... I figure I'm either going to love or be appalled.
over a year ago THG123 said…
Yes, I think that's awesome that you have a class on that, none at my University unfortunately. :(
I hope you enjoy it silver93, if anyone knows tons about the Hunger games, it's you. :)
I might not be on tomorrow, I have an evil professor who I think gives way too much assignments.
over a year ago Arissa1422 said…
I forgot to comment on that! That's so freaking cool! I'm still in highschool so we don't have cool Hunger Games classes. (:

Surprising, this year i haven't gotten much homework, and if we do get a lot i usually finish it in study hall. Very unusual for me, i very rarely do my homework. lol.
over a year ago THG123 said…
Lol, you're lucky Arissa, when I was in High school, my teachers loved torturing the students with piles of homework. My professor did give an assignment, I didn't expect to finish so quickly though. Wow, now that summer is over, I can't wait till Winter break.
over a year ago silver93 said…
I swear my teachers would talk to each other and give homework on the same days in my high school. It was so annoying. What year are you in Arissa?
Oh and I forgot House of the Scorpian too! That's an amazing book. It won like three awards including the National book award.
I got onto Pottermore, and it's really cool. I wish that they'd do one for the Hunger Games. It'd make up for the movie. The site illustrates everything happening in the book, amd it does a lot more, that's kinda hard to explain.
over a year ago Arissa1422 said…
Oh silver, that is the one thing my teachers do! i won't have a lot of homework all week, then on one day of the week all the teachers will give us loads of homework. But other than that, i usually don't get much. And i'm a Junior. And still am unsure of what to do with my life :/
And same THG, my homecoming is the 24th, and after that.. the only thing i'm going to be looking forward to is winter break.
over a year ago silver93 said…
Aw I loved homecoming week, it was only thing I liked about high school other than friends. Now I didn't like the dance, because everyone danced like they were trying to make a baby, but I loved decorating the hall and the football game and dressing up for spirit days. Don't worry about not knowing what you want to do. I'm a freshman in college and have no idea. I've thought about wanting to write books, but that's no garuntee. I have to figure out a stable job.
over a year ago Arissa1422 said…
big smile
Silver, i'm the same way! Last year me and my best friend Painted our bodies for the football game! Haha! And i'm blonde, so when i sprayed my hair blue it looked fine, but my best friend has black hair, so when we sprayed his hair white, he looked like an old man! It was hysterical. (:
And yeah, some of the girls at homecoming are gross. I literally just dance like a spaz. xD
I actually thought of writing too, because i love reading and writing so much. But in my mind it just isn't practical. I have been thinking a history teacher, or physical therapist/trainer for sports.
over a year ago silver93 said…
Haha yeah I sprayed my hair red and painted my face red for color day(red was for seniors). My school was really old, so we took spirit week very seriously. One of my friends wore a red crayon outfit.
Interesting choices, they're like polar opposites. I can't decide what I want to do. I'm interested in too many things.

So because of my class, I have to re-read the Hunger Games(absolute torture obviously). I was wondering if you guys want to re-read them with me? I'm really liking it, I'm remembering what I love, and seeing it in a new way.
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over a year ago Arissa1422 said…
Ive re-read the first one 2 times already. And yeah, i caught little things i didn't catch the first time, and just see everything in a lot more detail. I really loved it. I'll probably do it one more time before the movie comes out.

I'm interested in a ton too. But i really love both the things i mentioned. And my mom said the same thing as you, that they're polar opposites. I just love, and have tons of experience with both. (Thank you gymnastics, and my historylovingfather)

Our school takes it seriously too. The pep rally was today and it was amazing. And the homecoming football game starts in a half an hour, so i'm getting ready while writing this. (:
over a year ago THG123 said…

I would love to read with you, but, you know my problems, I could go to the University library, but they told me The Hunger Games had a HUGE waiting line, fml. I went to the theater today and saw this beautiful movie poster of The Hunger Games, and I nearly fainted, it said it was going to come out in 2012 in BIG letters. It made me so excited! Then I remembered that I haven't been on here in a while.

The only dance I remember going to was the Prom. My prom was really well planned, it had a cloud 9 theme to it, so there was like fog and shimmering clouds on the ceiling. I had a real good time, but my friend's date got drunk and my date had to take him back home before the teachers found out, either way, I really miss High school. :(
over a year ago silver93 said…
Question. Was Peeta's first kill foxface, or that girl who lit the fire? And do you guys have any idea what the green and I believe either or silver or white moth symbolizes? Katniss says it's the last thing she remembers before she passes out after she gives peeta the shot.
That sounds like a really cool prom. Except for the drunk part. You don't own THG? I have like three copies of the first one. One of them is "signed" by Collins. Did I ever tell you guys that? She doesn't sign stuff, she stamps her sig.
Well now's the perfect time to re-read before the movie comes out.
over a year ago THG123 said…
No, I don't think Peeta killed the girl who lit the fire, the other guys who called him "Lover boy" did. Remember how he immediately felt bad when Katniss told him the berries killed Foxface? I don't think he's capable of killing for no reason. As for the moth, I did do a bit of research on that long ago, the only thing I got was that Moths symbolize attraction, determination and faith. The color white symbolizes protection and comfort, so I guess that meant Katniss felt attraction to Peeta and she was determined to have him live, she had faith in him, and didn't want him to die because she felt so safe and comfortable with him there, I don't know, I hope that helped, which I doubt it did. :p

Yeah, I don't remember which forum you wrote that, but I do remember you mentioning that she didn't sign with her hand but with a stamp. I used to have the book, but I lent it to my friend and she lost it on the subway. I still hold a grudge on her for that. :P
over a year ago Arissa1422 said…
i own all 3, and only let my best friend barrow them now. Because the last time i lent out THG i got it back with the edges all torn up. GAH, i hate when people don't take care of books. it irks me.

And about Peeta..i'm not sure. I'm have a feeling he did kill the girl who built the fire, but it wouldn't make since because i thought he genuinely felt bad about killing foxface. Hold on let me check...

Ok, he did kill the girl who built the fire. His exact words when the careers were fighting about if she was dead or not, because they didn't hear the cannon, was "We're wasting time! I'll go finish her and lets move on!"
Then he walks away, and the careers are talking about if they should kill him or let him live because they think he could help them kill Katniss, then he comes back and someone asks "Was she dead?" and Peeta goes "No. But she is now" and then the cannon fires.
And when he killed Foxface he said "Not on purpose. Doesn't seem fair somehow. I mean, we would have both been dead, too, if she hadn't eaten the berries first."

So he did kill the girl who built the fire.
over a year ago silver93 said…
Why didn't he feel bad about it though. It confuses me, b/c didn't Katniss say foxface was his first kill? And he seemed so upset about it. I guess I just have a hard time imagining him killing anyone on purpose.
The moth research does help. I wonder why I didn't notice it before...
over a year ago Arissa1422 said…
I thought that Katniss said Foxface was Peeta's first kill too. But when i read, she never said that. She did say that Marvel (the boy from district 1) was her first kill. If she didn't count Glimmer and the other girl she killed from the tracker jacker nest. That might be what's confusing you. But i'm also a little disappointed he killed the girl with the fire too.. i can't imagine him doing that either.