XxIsabellaxX posted on Sep 04, 2010 at 11:42PM

The Hunger Games 1050 replies

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over a year ago XxIsabellaxX said…
Do any of you have any idea of what Peeta and Katniss's kids names are
over a year ago THG123 said…
lol, I'm not what you call young, but I did pretty much bawl my eyes out. I think Suzanne's message was pretty clear, not clear enough for "Some" people. War isn't fun and Games, people die, people get hurt and all that.

No I guess Suzanne left that to the fans to decide, I don't really care what their names are, as long as they are Katniss and Peeta's. :)
over a year ago silver93 said…
I'm still hoping for the time machine, it's not completely far fetched right?

Hmm, I don't know. I wonder if they'd name them after anyone or if they'd give them their own names.
over a year ago THG123 said…
Nah, it's not far fetched, in fact, I think I saw a fanfic on that, no joke. I don't think they'd name them after someone, it'll be too painful but if I was Suzanne, I would do the cliche thing and name them after things that have a meaning. example: Orion, means son of fire, things like that.
over a year ago silver93 said…
Well, they could name the boy a bread name like Rye, Bagel, or Biscuit, though I might die laughing at the last two: here Bagel! here Biscuit. And maybe a flower for the girl since Katniss, Prim, and Rue are all flowers.
over a year ago silver93 said…
And as for the fanfic, that bastard stole my idea!
over a year ago THG123 said…
Lol, Yes, yes, they did. And as for Bagel and Biscuit, you had me rolling on the floor laughing at that. How about Matz and Tara? Tara because the latin name for dandelion is Taraxacum, and Matz which is short for Matzo, which is a type of bread. I got this also from a fanfic. I actually didn't like the idea of reading fanfics, but they help with the bittersweet ending of Mockingjay.

Here`s a picture of Matzo
Lol, Yes, yes, they did. And as for Bagel and Biscuit, you had me rolling on the floor laughing at th
over a year ago Arissa1422 said…
I'm weird about names. i really wish she told us the names of her kids!
i could see the girls name being Rose or something like a flower.
over a year ago Arissa1422 said…
And yeah, i bawled ALOT too! hahah(:
over a year ago silver93 said…
Ah Matzo, it tastes like cardboard. I'm half-Jewish so we have it at pass over. There's a magic trick for kids from the old country of where an adult will break it in half and then put water on it and put it back together and it's the same, if that tells you what it's like. I like fanfics, they aren't bad if they're done correctly.
Again, I think she left the name thing open for future stories.
over a year ago THG123 said…
Lol, Matzo doesn't exactly taste like cardboard with the right toppings. Ooh, I have another question, do you think the movies are going to the books justice? I'm kinda afraid they won't turn out good or have the right actors/actresses.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Arissa1422 said…
In FACS class (Family and consumer sciences) we made motzo french toast. probably the greatest thing i have ever eaten hahah
over a year ago silver93 said…
It's not aweful if you add butter, but too much of it makes me ill.
I hope the movies are done correctly. I'm not too worried about the first one's script, but I am worried about who is cast and what happens with the movie. Ever since Twilight they've been searching for the next big thing and The Hunger Games has a giant bullseye for big money maker. Like Twilight, it has the love triangle in it, but nothing else in common. But, that won't stop people from turning it into something it's not because they like it better that way. And since it's so popular there are going to be a lot of actors wanting the roles not for the story, but for the potential fame that comes with it. I feel like it's in a very delicate place right now, and every time I see access hollywood or entertainment weekly guessing future casts I start panicking. Sorry this is so long, but I'm really concerned about this, and have no idea how to make sure the movies come out good. I mean there are going to be a lot of new fans from the movies, and if you've ever come across a person who hasn't read the Harry Potter books, but has seen the movies, it's like banging your head against the wall when discussing the story. What happens if there are more new fans than old and since they have majority, we don't get listened to?(And yes, I do realize I might be over-analyzing this)
over a year ago THG123 said…
Me too, I'm very concerned, I really hope they do well, and get the right actors/actresses, I'm not really concerned about their age, after all lots of movies have actors/actresses who are older than the character they're playing, they could fix that with Hollywood magic. I understand what you mean about new fans who only watched the movies. Oh I really hope this isn't going to transform into another Twilight (I don't mean the popularity, I mean the horrible movies) It'll ruin the books for me, I swear if that happens, I'm going to kill someone and that unlucky someone happens to be my roommate.
over a year ago silver93 said…
The movies aren't bad, they just aren't like the books. Which is really frustrating. The biggest problem the Twilight movies have is their screen writer, she looks at the books being stuff for preteens. Luckily, we shouldn't have to worry about that with Collins writing the script. But, I can already hear the screaming fangirls arguing over Peeta and Gale. And the whole stupid team fight is going to start all over again. Which isn't really about the characters, but about the actors. I don't want The Hunger Games' reputation to go down b/c of the movies.
over a year ago catfan9 said…
You guys wanna here my denial story?
Just go to the Rue, Prim, Cinna, Finnick Forum. please r&r
over a year ago THG123 said…
I don't know what happened to my last comment, I blame my laptop. What do you think about the rating of the movie? they rated it PG13.
over a year ago silver93 said…
I think that's good. It doesn't have to be rated R. Nowadays the only reason something is rated R is if they say the F word more than once and if they show someone naked. You can cut a person's head off and it's still rated PG-13. If it were the 90's or maybe early 2000's, it'd be a different story.
over a year ago Arissa1422 said…
That's honestly my biggest fear. The movie turning into something its not and just be a bad movie.
And i thinks its going to end up being the next Twilight, popularity wise.
over a year ago THG123 said…
I'm hoping the movie doesn't turn into something it's not as well. Wait, now that I think about it, THG has a lot of nudity, think about it, Katniss washing Peeta after his unfortunate wound Cato had caused, Finnick and net costume and Johanna pratically ripping off her clothes and talking to Peeta nude in the elevator, huh, never even noticed that. I'm just worried that there's going to be too many 13 year olds (As silver93 had said) in the theators and screaming out who they want Katniss to end up with. Did anyone here see the movie Vampires Suck? It's pretty much making fun of Meyer's series, I'm hoping they don't do a parody like that on the Hunger Games. (I noticed how I'm skipping subjects randomly)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago silver93 said…
Lol. Well I think it'll be difficult to turn The Hunger Games into the next Twilight. Not popularity wise, but with how everyone talks about the story. It's not easy putting a positive spin on death and gore. With Twilight mothers wanted to take their kids to see the movie since it's so innocent and sweet, there is a chance kids won't be able to go to the movie because of all the violence. As for the nudity, I don't want that in the movie. You can know they are naked, but you don't have to see it. I would be completely distracted from what's going on and embarrassed to be watching it.(I'm too immature to be able to watch that)
over a year ago THG123 said…
Oh no, I just was just saying I just realized that, they could probably show from the waist up. I definitely think Hunger Games is going to be better than Twilight because kids, adults and teenagers these days seem to be hooked on violence. And a hint of romance gets them hooked completely. So I'm going to go buy some ear plugs before the movie comes out, get myself prepared for the squealing fans.
over a year ago silver93 said…
I'm going to buy a set of bow and arrows and teach them how real Hunger Games fans are going to react to them acting like idiots.
over a year ago THG123 said…
Ooh good idea, Do you think Finnick will let me borrow his trident? *Evil laugh*
Okay so, besides Mr. Melodramatic Hawthorne, what did you dislike most about Mockingjay?
over a year ago Arissa1422 said…
THG123 i read your last comment and laughed out loud!! Mr. Melodramatic Hawthorne(: Just made my day. Hahahhahaha!

Prim and Finnick dying by far was the worst part. They were in my top 5 favorite characters list. Next to Haymitch, Katniss, and Snow. i was upset when Finnick died and Devastated about Prim. ):
over a year ago THG123 said…
You're welcome! I think it suits him perfectly, in fact, that's what I'll call him from now on. Besides what you said, (because I hated their deaths as well) I disliked what Katniss had changed into, she completely avoided Peeta and was way too stupid and naive to see that he was hijiked (My friends noted me that my face was turning red of frustration, while reading that part, and I'll admit that I felt like punching her so hard, my fist would bleed). She gave up pretty much. Throughout the book, I kept thinking, "Where's that kick-ass girl we all came to love?" The answer to that question is, she was replaced by a suicidal, morphling addict. In conclusion, she irked the bejeezies out of me. (I'm trying to quit swearing).
over a year ago silver93 said…
I wasn't frustrated with Katniss, I never have been. But, that's probably because I understand her.
I think she realized he was hijacked, but didn't want to accept it. Him being hijacked upset me, because the old Peeta went with him. He will never be the same as he was before.
I'd have to go with Prim dying as the thing I was the most upset about in the book. I will never get over her death. I was upset over Dumbledore dying, and Fred dying, but I got over them. Reading Harry Potter taught me that you have to accept things the author writes b/c its their story and their choice to make. But Prim dying was so tragic and unfair I will never think that it's not that big a deal for her to have died.
If you're still pissed at Katniss you may want to re-read the book over. When I read books I'm always paranoid throughout the book that a character I like will be killed so I look at things that happen differently. Of course, I don't plan on re-reading it for a long time because the deaths are too fresh to go through them again.
over a year ago Arissa1422 said…
Actually, i was the exact opposite! i know what your saying and if i was a Peeta fan from the start i would have probably been mad too. But i wasn't mad at all... i actually knew exactly where she was coming from because if i was in her situation, i would act the EXACT same way. Because reading that part of the book, i was mad at Peeta just like Katniss. it was like i finally gave up on Gale in the beginning of mockingjay. and was so excited to see how Katniss and Peeta would act when they met up now that Katniss realized she was in love with him. And i guess i was expecting some cute/romance scene, and i think that is what Katniss thought to, so when he choked her i was like WHHHAAAATTT!! so i instantly got mad at Peeta, and i was still mad even after i found out it wasn't his fault. So i sorta know how Katniss felt, so i wasn't mad.
I guess i was just thinking the same thing as Katniss was thinkin(:
over a year ago Arissa1422 said…
Silver93- I agree, Prim dieing was the worst part.
over a year ago THG123 said…
No, what I meant was that only sometimes in Mockingjay, she'd dissapoint me. Of course I understand how she feels because she's the main Character, we're reading it from her POV. I wouldn't wish my enemies even a life with all that pain, Katniss of all people did not deserve it. I was just very upset how sometimes her only answer would be killing herself, I felt like her confidance and will to live has completely dropped. It made me depressed and sometimes, when she would do that, I'd either feel angry or like crying, I didn't know which. And the way she treated Peeta (Granted he didn't treat her in a good way either) just broke my heart, I know she was just trying to absorb the fact but she wasn't doing a good job at handling it. I understand her a lot, and sometimes get why she does the things she does, but I try to look at the book with different perspectives. You'd be heartless to think the Main Character is horrible and deserves to die. And in my last comment, I did say "Besides what you said," which was about Prim, Finnick's and all those other people's deaths. I cannot even say (Or in this case, type) Prim's name, without feeling sorrow, after all, she was a thirteen year old girl. I cannot believe she died. I just can't see how this happened. And the same with Finnick, his death was just so inhumane. I've sadly, never read much of tragedies, so I'm still absorbing their deaths.
over a year ago Arissa1422 said…
Right when Finnick's death happened i cried because i loved Finnick so much and- just like you said- it was so inhumane and i absorbed it all right away and was really upset about Finnick really fast. But i remember reading Prim's death and i was just like "no, i don't believe it" and i had to re-read it and i still didn't get upset because i just didn't want to believe it. and finally when the part with buttercup happened is when i broke down. It's weird thinking about Katniss's life without Finnick and especially without Prim. At least Haymitch didn't die, if he did i don't know what i would do.
over a year ago silver93 said…
I didn't get mad at her for being like that because I sorta saw it as her reaction to Peeta not being there. Peeta completely changed who she was and whenever she was really upset she'd go to him and come back fighting strong because he could always make her see the good things in life. I think it was sorta a symbolism. She was past the point of being able to live without him. She had mentioned how upset she'd be if he wasn't with her in the other two books, but Mockingjay was the first one when he really wasn't there. So eventually when the pressure built up too much she just wanted to die, but like always, Peeta stopped her. I think her mind could only take so much stress before loosing it. Which is a sign of being a victor, most of them go insane. If her games had ended with the first one she would have been fine probably. Plus, Katniss likes being in control, almost everything that happened in Mockingjay, Katniss couldn't control. How does your mind react when there is so much pain around you and you can't do anything about it? It's kind of incredible how Collins can show the growth and deterioration of a character's mind.
I got really upset over Madge dying. And I blame that on Gale. He should have saved her, especially considering how she was Katniss' best girl friend. But, he's so single minded, he probably didn't even think about it.
Sorry this is so long, but I'm sorta out of it and it's taking longer to make sure my comments seem at least somewhat clear.
over a year ago Arissa1422 said…
Your fine, i think we all like long posts anyways.
I almost forgot about Madge! i was upset too, but not as much as i was with Finnick and Prim. Like i said before, i just can't seem to see Katniss's life without them.

You know another Character i really liked? Boggs. I don't know why, but right when he was introduced to the story i instantly liked him. Kind of like how i instantly liked Gale in the beginning of The Hunger Games, and Finnick in Catching Fire. I don't understand it but sometimes i just get attached to Characters so easily, and Boggs was one of them. So i had to stop reading when he died because it was kind of like a "Whoa" moment. it was the moment when i realized that this book was gonna have a lot of deaths and it was going to be depressing.
over a year ago THG123 said…
Wait what? Madge isn't dead, I know she isn't, she can't be! Okay so I'm in denial, what's else is new? I love the time machine idea silver93 came up with, then, all my favourite dead characters wouldn't be dead. Hmm, what happenned to Johanna? She just dissapeared.
over a year ago Arissa1422 said…
The book never told us what happened to her.. she probably went back to her district. i reallly like Johanna too
over a year ago Arissa1422 said…
I can see her and Katniss being really good friends now.
over a year ago silver93 said…
I think Johanna sorta became like Katniss' big sister. And I liked Boggs too! I didn't like him in the beginning, but when you started to get to know him I really started liking him. But, I knew he was going to die. There are certain characters in books that are just set up for death.
over a year ago Arissa1422 said…
Yeah i knew it too. i could tell something was going to happen with Boggs. i never liked Johanna in catching fire but i started to like her a lot in Mockingjay. i think she is like her big sister now tooo
over a year ago THG123 said…
favourite part of Mockingjay? I loved the real or not real quote, the only sweetest thing in the book, and everything Finnick and Prim would say and do. Poor Finnick, poor Prim, I feel so bad for Annie, Their son, Katniss, and Butter-cup. :(
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago silver93 said…
I loved it when she picked Buttercup up and threw in a bag. Um, I thought it was funny that Peeta started talking to himself.'s been too long! I can't remember all the awesome parts.
over a year ago XxIsabellaxX said…
Hi you guys! Haven't been here in a while! Agree with silver93 and THG123
over a year ago thehglover said…
I also agree!
over a year ago XxIsabellaxX said…

What is your favorite part of the 1st book!
over a year ago thehglover said…
I liked the parts when Katniss and Peeta kissed
over a year ago XxIsabellaxX said…
I must say I also enjoyed reading those parts! I also liked the part when Peeta said he loved Katniss! It was just soooooo romantic/sweet! I personally like Peeta and everything he does...
over a year ago thehglover said…
Yes just like me! What was your fave part in THE SECOND BOOK????????
I liked it when she kissed Gale it just seemed cute..
over a year ago XxIsabellaxX said…
WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I DID NOT LIKE THAT PART AT ALL IT WAS JUST STUPID.... Ughhhh....

I liked all the Quarter Quell because it just proves how much Katniss loves Peeta! I also liked when she met Finnick it was silly for me!
over a year ago thehglover said…
I mean we have to admit that Gale seemed cool in the books
over a year ago XxIsabellaxX said…
Gale was OK in the first 2 books but I didn't like him for Katniss they were too much alike. Gale was a good BIG BROTHER but not a good couple. On the other hand Peeta and Katniss look cute and seem like if the could have a future together in the books!

Gale on the 3rd book was a b****/jerk he was just sooooo selfish in everything he did! I have said this a billion times but Finnick could have still lived if it werent for Gale. And also Prim would be alive if it werent for Gale! Ok maybe Gale didnt expect the bomb to kill Prim but he knew that kids were going to die. He is sooo selfish and cold hearted
over a year ago XxIsabellaxX said…
Silver93 and THG123 help me reason with this girl please!