XxIsabellaxX posted on Sep 04, 2010 at 11:42PM

The Hunger Games 1050 replies

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over a year ago silver93 said…
Yeah, I thought it was brown and spiky,sorta like the Alice hair style from the Twilight movies, they can always dye it.
Did you see the EW cover? Omg they totally shrank down Liam to make Josh look taller. Liam is 6'5 and Josh is 5'7, the same height as Jen, there's no way they're that close together in height. What are your first impressions of them as Gale and Peeta?
over a year ago Arissa1422 said…
Ahh, how i love hair die.

And yes! They defiantly shrank him down.
My first impressions of them.. well i didn't like Liam at all. I thought he was too "hollywood" to play Gale. I don't know, i just feel Gale was a lot more dark, and i always pictured Gale's hair jet black, and Liam's hair is sort of a dark brown, so that throws me off a little more.
I actually liked Josh though, his face is sort of how i pictured Peeta's face. Only Josh's is a bit more boxy? lol. But i love his hair. And i have seen a lot of movies and interviews of Josh and i feel like his personality and Peeta's personalities are a lot alike.
What about you?
over a year ago silver93 said…
Um, I'm okay with Josh. I think it's weird how his hair goes from brown in some pictures, to really blonde in others. It makes it obvious it's dyed. I guess I'm still just okay with him. I wish he had blue eyes.
I actually liked Liam. But then again, I've never been that much of a Gale fan. I think he looks really disproportionate when he's next to Peeta. He looked a lot like Gale to me when he's sitting next to Katniss in the woods. Or in the hunter photo. Are they shrinking him for the movie too is what I'm wondering.
I kinda grew to like Robbie Amell as Gale, but I'm pretty good with Liam. I still really wish Alexander Ludwig was Peeta though. He's been how I pictured him since I first read the book. Pretty much like this photo:
Um, I'm okay with Josh. I think it's weird how his hair goes from brown in some pictures, to really b
over a year ago silver93 said…
Or this one:
Or this one:
over a year ago silver93 said…
Um I'm totally freaking out! Have you seen the image of Josh holding burnt bread? Is that the boy with the bread scene?!!WTH if it is. OMG do you think they aged the scene? That would be terrible. That's one my favorite scenes and it's one of the most important, if not the most, moments between Katniss and Peeta. Ack I'm really upset!
Um I'm totally freaking out! Have you seen the image of Josh holding burnt bread? Is that the boy wit
over a year ago Arissa1422 said…
Yeah i saw the photo!! I NOTICED THE SAME THING! I looked at it and was like "Wow, Josh looks actually awesome. Oh my God.. why is the bread burnt...oh no they can't screw up that scene!!!"
I would be pissed if they aged it. But i freaked and told my friend and she said don't jump to conclusions. So i relaxed a little. I don't think they would actually mess that up, would they?! ):

And yeah, i liked Alexander Ludwig for Peeta a lot. But i like Josh's body for Peeta better. (not in a weird way lol, i just felt like Peeta was suppose to be a bit stockier than Alexander. Not fat, just more muscular and stockier.)

And the only picture i liked of Liam was the one of him and Katniss in the woods, i could actually picture that scene in my head and really liked him. But i agree, i don't like how he is HUGE compared to Josh.
over a year ago silver93 said…
Lol have you seen Alex with his shirt off? He's way more muscular than Josh. And has been for awhile. Josh was pretty skinny till he went through boot camp. Alex also has really broad shoulders.
I talked with some people and someone said it was a screen test, what does that mean? I'm concerned, because I haven't heard about casting a younger version of Katniss or Peeta. I feel like they're going to screw the whole thing up.
The only I thing find sligtly off about the photo, is, is it me, or does Katniss look like she's wearing an expensive outfit?
Do you think they're going to do something to make Josh look taller?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago THG123 said…
I don't mind I they aged that scene, I mean it doesn't take away the meaning does it? The movie's budget isn't all that much so finding actors to play younger versions of Katniss and Peeta would be expensive. Trust me, they will do something about the height, otherwise it'll just be stupid. I'm so glad you guys are slowly warming up to Josh. Silver93, I know how much it hurts to have Alexander not be Peeta, but on the bright side, he's still in the movie right? Cato's gruesome death though, ooh I don't think I can watch that part. Do you think Josh will wear contacts or do you think it'll be Harry Potter's contact lens problem all over again?
over a year ago silver93 said…
Nice to see you back THG123!
I don't think he will have contacts based off the photos.
And yeah I think it will take away from the meaning. First off, it could mean they're changing when Katniss' dad dies. Which would change when she meets Gale. And it would change how long she feels indebted to Peeta. It means she wouldn't have noticed him at all most likely before the Games. Which would change why Katniss wanted to be with Peeta. He was the hope that reminded her how to survive, that happened because she was watching him at school. He'd no longer be the dandelion. It would change Katniss being able to take care of her family for years. It would also most likely change how many times her name was put into the reaping. I feel like the story for Katniss started when she was 11. She became who is she because of her father dying, and having to become the adult of her family. She's good at surviving because she's been doing it for so long. I feel like aging the scene completely changes Katniss' character. Also, it wouldn't really make sense for her to be begging at people's door at that age, because she could go to Gale for help.
I've come to accept Josh, it's just wishful thinking. Honestly, I still really want Willa playing Katniss, but that's not going to happen.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago silver93 said…
So I just read the Ew article, and they are changing it.(Use your imagination for the stream of cuss words I'm screaming)Not only that, but it seems like they're going to have Katniss be in love with Gale before she is in love with Peeta.
over a year ago THG123 said…
Oh my God, I think they're mocking us, Katniss being in love with Gale first?! My goodness, that's not who she is. Way to take a crap on the books! You've completely ruined everything. Whats next? She falls for Gale at the end instead?! Ugh, I don't think I want to watch. I seriously might cry watching her being in love with Gale. I am ashamed at Suzanne. How could allow this!? She knows it will ruin the purpose.
over a year ago THG123 said…
That's it, I've given up. First no Madge, then no special bread thing, and now this? Why are they pulling the strings so much?!
over a year ago saram965 said…
I was so sad to see the book end. Now I'm reading Poisoned Star. It's pretty similar and almost as good. You should check it out if you want another sci-fi book with romance and a strong, kick-ass girl. =-)
over a year ago THG123 said…
Who's the author? I'll check it out in my library. :)
over a year ago Arissa1422 said…
OH MY GOSHHHHH!! are you seriously kidding me.. i'm so pissed. She can't be in love with Gale first! It changes so much stuff and it's just gonna suck! KATNISS WAS SUPPOSE TO BE CONFUSED FOR CATCHING FIRE BECAUSE SHE DIDN'T KNOW IF SHE LOVED GALE OR PEETA! ugh this sucks so bad. i don't even know if i wana see it anymore. ):<
over a year ago Arissa1422 said…
They're changing everything...
over a year ago silver93 said…
She was never even in love with him romantically! She always loved him as a friend. Honestly, I might not even see the movie. I'm so sad. I had such high hopes. I blame Ross! It's all his freakin fault. He's the one who cast the movie before he even got the job! He's the one who is misinterpreting the book.
over a year ago THG123 said…

So.......... Who's gonna join my mob?
over a year ago silver93 said…
*raises hand* We shall collect a thousand bows and arrows and go charging onto the set. And then we can set it on fire! If we burn, they burn with us!
over a year ago THG123 said…
I see what you did there, lol.
over a year ago THG123 said…
I think we should start with signatures, we could get arrested for burning a million dollar set. And you know, I want my criminal record clean ;p
over a year ago THG123 said…
I'm having an extremely bad day today, I'm so upset and stressed out. How's your day?
over a year ago Arissa1422 said…
I will gladly join the mob as well. And silver, i feel the same way, my anger turned into sadness, and i don't even want to see the movie. ):
THG- What happened? i have been having a pretty bad week. I have been practicing like crazy to try and get this skill on floor (Back layout one and a half twist, if you're wondering. youtube it) and i went to the doctor because of back problems and i might have a fracture. ugh. i'm taking 2 weeks off and then going back..hoping that my back stops hurting. i can't take any more time off because season is coming up. i'm so stressed out..):

Sorry about rambling about gymnastics lol, i need someone to vent to, and you guys are just perfect. (:
over a year ago silver93 said…
Ah we'll only get arrested if we get got my dear. ;)But, since you're usually more reasonable than me, what would the sigs do?
I'm sorry you guys have been having a bad week, that makes me sad. Of course, the movie news has put me in a really ripe mood. I was totally flipping out on my parents for no apparent reason. I mean they were wrong, but I usually just ignore them. Of course, my outburst might be partly due to lack of sleep. I got no sleep for two days trying to get onto Pottermore(totally got in by the way!)and I go a little crazy without sleep. First, I'm irritable(which I never am) and then I start laughing uncontrollably. Tuesday night I was laughing for two hours straight, by the end of it my laughs sounded like they were coming from chipmonks.
Arissa try drinking hot tea. That always makes me feel better, it'll help with the stress and the heat might help with your back. And don't worry about rambling. I'm more than happy to listen. ^_^ Also, THG123, I'd like to know why your day was so bad too. If you'd like, before we take down the HG set we can go charging after anyone who upset you.
over a year ago THG123 said…
My birthday was a couple days ago, and nobody remembered, in fact, they still don't know anything about it. I'm not being selfish, I don't care about gifts or cakes, all I wanted was someone to tell me happy birthday, not even my friends remembered. Instead, I had a fight with my brother because he claims I stole his cell phone, and my mom went to the spa the whole day. My dad was at work. So I spent my birthday alone, with my dog, who knew something was wrong and kept cuddling next to me. It really hurts, especially after a couple days after my birthday. Also, since summer went by so quickly, I got extremely stressed because I don't want summer to end and now I have to spend all my time studying like crazy again. *sigh* I sound really self centered don't I? BTW: I'm so sorry about your injury Arissa, I hope you get better :) and silver, I hear ya, the movie news really is bothering me too.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago THG123 said…
By the way, I don't signatures would really work. If I know anything about the movie industry, it's that they care about nothing but putting the movie together and getting it over with. Do you know why a lot of people dislike Twilight? (And I'm not comparing the sparkly vampires with the Hunger games) it is because they didn't think before they made the series into movies. I bet if they just took the time to realise that the movie would be completely ridiculous, they wouldn't have made it into movies. Not that the Hunger Games is ridiculous, it would be really good if stupid Ross didn't go completely CHANGE it. I can't believe Suzanne is okay with this, DO SOMETHING! Or else the Hunger Games would be the next joke in movie history.
over a year ago Arissa1422 said…
Silver, i'm the same way when i don't get enough sleep. i yell at anyone who i talk to, even if they didn't do anything. :/
THG, i'm so sorry. Sometimes people can be so caught up with themselves they forget others. it will be ok. Happy belated birthday though!
And i would honestly cry if The Hunger Games becomes a big joke. If it is there is probably going to be more people disappointed in
The Hunger Games then people disappointed in Twilight. The media is also making The Hunger Games a huge deal, and if the movie sucks true fans will be going insane, which then the media will find out and make a huge deal about, which will attract more people for the wrong reasons. ):

i'm seriously praying that the movie doesn't turn out to be a complete joke. ):
over a year ago silver93 said…
That is why we need to riot! We need to protect what is important to us. There must be something we can do. The movie isn't out yet, it's not even finshed filming. We need to do some serious thinking.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY THG123!(this made me wish I knew your real name)CONGRADULATIONS BY HUNGER GAMES FANPOP STANDARDS YOU ARE OFFICALLY(drum roll please)...A REAL PERSON!!!!!!!!*claps* *throws confetti in the air*
And I'd just like to say what a bunch of pinheads. Have they realized their mistake yet?
You're 20 years old! That's a very big cool deal! I'm sorry no one made a big deal about it, but just know I'm very grateful that you were born 20 years and however many days ago.(whens the exact date?) Sometimes I feel like these conversations have helped me grow as a person, and that is partly due to you. So thank you very much. Not to mention you guys are fun to talk to. HAPPY BIRTHDAY AGAIN(you should know I'm singing happy birthday in my head the entire time I was writing this comment.)
last edited over a year ago
That is why we need to riot! We need to protect what is important to us. There must be something we c
over a year ago THG123 said…
Thanks so much you guys! My friends remembered but my family still is living under a rock. And thank you silver for dubbing me a real person! It means a lot :P. I guess I'm too old for birthdays now, I miss childhood. :(

My birthday was August 1st, easy date right?

Thanks I love talking to you guys too, those words are very sweet.

BTW: that cake totally rocks!
over a year ago THG123 said…
About the movie, I think it's a little too late for a riot. They already started filming, casting, and all that. That probably costs them millions. Don't worry, no matter how much they piss on the movies (excuse my language) we will always be true fans and remember the books right? I just hope they change the fact that they will make her all lovey dovey with Gale, if they do, I will seriously punch my brother.
BTW: does anybody have any good book suggestions? Oh and I totally recommend you guys read The Outsiders, if you really like gangs and stories on friendship. It is a good book.
over a year ago silver93 said…
Lol don't you remember the person who made the pick where they forgot 18 and 19 year olds? Sadly I am not yet a person...
And yeah I thought the cake was really cool. I tried to find the best one.
You should read Gregor the Overlander!Omg they're so good. Collins wrote them before HG and I'm not going to lie, it took me a little while to get started, but once I did, I couldn't stop. The reason it took me so long to start is because he's like 11 or 12 when the book start, and I thought it was too young for me.(it helped once I did the math and realized he's like a year older than me according to when she wrote the books)But, it's Collins, and I honestly think they shouldn't be in the young reader's section. They're amazing. Really, you should check them out. Oh and OMG HAVE YOU READ HOWL'S MOVING CASTLE? I'm using all caps because it's incredible. I've never read anything like it before in my life. It was so good. Probably one of my favorite books of all time. House of the Scorpion is really great too, that's one of my favorite books. Howl is better in my opinion, but that's probably because I read House in middle school so I can't remember as well, and because Howl wsa so different. Start with that and I can add more! Do you guys know any good books? And isn't it terrible Borders is closing;it makes me want to cry.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Arissa1422 said…
Oh my gosh! you're 20?! Ahh that's awesome!! (:

And yes, i wanted to cry when i herd borders was closing! );
i read The Outsiders and loved it! it's one of my favorite books.
I like The Maze Runner series. I like the second one a lot better than the first one though (The Scorch Trials)
My librarian at my school recomended Girl In The Arena to me, but i personally didn't like it. I thought it was decent up to the end, then the last couple of chapters sucked so bad. It's on my 'Never ever read again' Shelf.
Also i like the Gone series too. It's a little violent to some people, but i mean, we love The Hunger Games, so i think we're fine(:

And silver, i'm definatly going to check out Howl's Moving Castle if you say its amazing! :D
over a year ago Arissa1422 said…
By the way, that cake is AMAZING! xD
over a year ago THG123 said…
Howls moving castle? What's it about?

I heard the overlander series are about rats, it seems a little childish to me, I've seen them in the library, I never really was interested in reading them. I'll admit, I'm a huge sucker for romance, any book that has even the slightest romance in it, I would love, unless of course, the book is completely ridiculous. Anybody know any books like that? I'll see House of Scorpion too. Btw: Arissa, my librarian recommended the Hunger Games to me, and I wasn't really that interested to read it. I'm so glad I did :P
over a year ago Arissa1422 said…
The overlander series didn't really interest me either, my friend told me about it. THG, there is a book series about the end of the world, and the first one is called Life as we Knew it, then there is The Dead and The Gone, and then This World we Live In. and the first one has a bit of romance in it, and the last one has a ton. I really like that series too.
I also have about 100 pages left of a book called The Book Thief. It's set in Nazi Germany 1939-1943, and the narrator is death, but the book is mostly about a girl named Liesel. So far it has been AMAZING, and the more i read, the better it gets.
I got The Hunger Games from barns and noble, right when it came out. (:
over a year ago silver93 said…
It's not about rats, rats are in it, but that's not the big picture. It's pretty much another war story. Gregor follows his little sister down into the underland, and he finds out his missing dad is down there, so he tries to save him and make it back home alive.(that's in the first one) It's a really really good story. And there is romance in it. Romance I might even argue is sweeter than Katniss and Peeta. I swear it's good. It's one of those things you have to read yourself, it's kinda hard to get other people interested in it because it has rats,bats,cockroaches,and spiders in it. And various other giant creatures. It's one of those series that makes you think.
Howl's Moving Castle is so unique it's difficult to explain at all. The main character gets turned into an old woman, and has to figure out a way to be turned back. Then it's all the things that happen along the way. I don't want to give anything away. You should definately check it out.
over a year ago THG123 said…
Oh darn, I was on my way to get the books, I went to the public library, they're renovating, so it isn't open. And there's no book store that's close to where I am. Gosh, can you believe my luck? It's like I've been cursed. :S
over a year ago Arissa1422 said…
It'll be ok! do you have any other library's close to you? the same thing happened to me about a year ago.

And actually, i'm going to check out the overlander series. Silver, you have changed my mind as usual. (:
over a year ago silver93 said…
Make sure you check out Howl's Moving Castle too!
That sucks about the library. I don't know what I'd do without books.
Did you guys ever read City of Bones? Honestly, I don't think it's the most brilliant writing, but it's pretty good. I have high hopes for the movie. They're taking casting very seriously. I think they're looking at everyone before picking the right person. I'm not thrilled with the Jace actor, but b/c the put so much time into it, he's probably perfect. I wish the Hunger Games had done the same thing, even if it drove me insane.
over a year ago Arissa1422 said…
I really wish they took A LOT more time to cast the Hunger Games.
And no i haven't read City of Bones.
I'm going to the library tomorrow after my school orientation (summer went by so fast!) and getting the first book in the overlander series, and Howl's Moving Castle!

i just finished The Book Thief, you guys seriously need to check it out. I bawled my eyes out the last 50 pages. It is by far one of the best books i have ever read.
over a year ago silver93 said…
I've actually had that book for years, but have never actually read it. It just seems like something that would break my heart. I generally like happy books(not sure how I got myself suckered into the Hunger Games) and depressing books,well make me depressed. One of my biggest issues is feeling things too deeply. I really need to learn how to not care so much. :/ Is it a really sad book?
over a year ago Arissa1422 said…'s defiantly that kind of book that breaks your heart. If you like happy endings, it isn't for you. It is really sad, but so good.
over a year ago silver93 said…
Did you guys get any of the books?
What do you think the HG fan name should be? Everyone likes tributes, but I personally hate that as choice. I would never want to be a tribute. Everytime I think of the word I think of the blood bath and violence they go through. Do you guys have any ideas for a catchy name?
over a year ago THG123 said…
No, I was thinking Jabberjays but that's not really going to work.

You guys HAVE GOT To listen to this song, I think it describes Katniss and Peeta when they go back to District 12 and are pretty much really depressed. Listen to the lyrics, it suits perfectly. It's a bit depressing though.

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago THG123 said…
Here's the lyrics, look how perfectly they fit:

I'm so tired of being here,
Suppressed by all my childish fears
And if you have to leave
I wish that you would just leave
'Cause your presence still lingers here
And it won't leave me alone

These wounds won't seem to heal
This pain is just too real
There's just too much that time cannot erase

When you cried I'd wipe away all of your tears
When you'd scream I'd fight away all of your fears
And I held your hand through all of these years
But you still have
All of me

You used to captivate me
By your resonating life
Now I'm bound by the life you've left behind
Your face it haunts
My once pleasant dreams
Your voice it chased away
All the sanity in me

I've tried so hard to tell myself that you're gone
But though you're still with me
I've been alone all along
over a year ago Arissa1422 said…
The link didn't work for me! ):
and i agree silver, tributes is honestly the worst name for us. I actually didn't really like any of the options we were given.
over a year ago THG123 said…
Really? just go to Youtube and type in Evanescence my immortal.

or try this link:

over a year ago THG123 said…
I just added this video, can you guys see it?
over a year ago silver93 said…
I've heard that song, it actually does a really good job of matching the book. Although, the only part I don't like is that it sounds like she thinks Peeta was never there for her. But other than that it's really good. I think I've told you that I think I Never Told You by Colbie Caillat is a perfect song for Katniss at the beginning of Mockingjay. Everytime I hear it I think of them. link

Hmm. I kinda liked Jabberjays. I think that was the one I voted for. What are five words you'd use to describe the Hunger Games? And what are the top five symbols of the book to you? Maybe we can figure out a name like that.
over a year ago THG123 said…
5 words would be:

1. Violent

2. Addictive

3. Creative

4. Futuristic

5. Bittersweet (I'm not sure if it's one word or two)

Do you like the name "Tributes", a lot of people are going with that. Yes the song does sound like Peeta wasn't there before but remember that he hated her after hijacking, and remember he was hitting on Annie, which made Katniss feel rejected. Plus when she first came to District 12, she and Peeta didn't just suddenly jump into a relationship, it took a while, especially for Peeta to control his hateful hijacking flashbacks of her. And btw, the song you gave me is genius! I fell in love with it from "I miss those blue eyes." I hope they use it in the movie.