XxIsabellaxX posted on Sep 04, 2010 at 11:42PM

The Hunger Games 1050 replies

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over a year ago Arissa1422 said…
No way! My birthday was Sunday! January 22nd! Happy birthday Silver!! We're birthday buddies!

Mine was probably one of the best birthday's ever too! My parents and all of my friends threw me a surprise party! I honestly had no idea. It was so much fun.
And guess what my mom did? She got me a huge cake (with butter cream frosting..mmmmmm) With a picture of Mulan (If you all didn't know, Mulan is probably my favorite movie of all time.) And the Mockingjay! i completely freaked out.
over a year ago silver93 said…
*high five*

I got a Mickey and Minnie surf cake, it's really cool. My b-day was awesome b/c I finally got my license.
I love Mulan too, the ending makes me cry every single time starting when they all bow to her and pretty much till the end of the movie...I'm such a sap.
You know, I'm kinda mad at the people making the movie, for encouraging people to do the team crap. They should be trying to spread a message and instead they're just trying to make a profit.
over a year ago silver93 said…
Oh my gods you guys, I just had the most horrible thought ever...WHAT IF BUTTERCUP ISN'T IN THE MOVIE?!?!!!!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago Arissa1422 said…
OMG NO! I would honestly be so upset if Buttercup isn't in the movie. Buttercup always made me laugh, and cry. If he's not in the movie i will so disappointed. ); ):

And i agree with you wholeheartedly. They should be more concerned about spreading the message of The Hunger Games, and not the romance aspect.
over a year ago silver93 said…
Well I'm kinda concerned because I checked imdb and there's no credit for a Buttercup. And they always list the animals.
So have you read anymore, or are you still busy? How's the competition going?

You want to know why society sucks? Proof that humans are becoming increasing ignorant? Guess what they're making? A parody of HG. Not just a movie, but a book as well. A large group of people seem to think there is nothing wrong with making fun of a book about kids killing each other. They're completely blind to the message.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago THG123 said…
OMG silver I am so sorry, I'm like 5 days late. Happy belated Birthday!!! I'll give you a prop. I hope Buttercup's in the story. If not I'll send a very strong worded letter to the Director. Silver where did you hear about this parody?? That is terrible. They made one for Twilight. I can see it now, Hunger Games is going to be underestimated in society and just be seen as another measly teenage romance novel and not what really matters: the fact that this could happen someday. It can. Think about it. The Government is screwed up. They have brainwashed the Population and are taking advantage of them. That's what Suzanne wants to show. The love triangle was just icing on the cake. :(

over a year ago Arissa1422 said…
I don't even want to think about the parody, it honestly makes me so mad.

I just finished reading this book called Unwind by Neal Shusterman. I thought it was really, really good. Look it up, i think you guys would enjoy it.
And i'm finally on to reading the second Percy Jackson. I'm starting it tonight!
over a year ago silver93 said…
Thanks THG! ^_^
The whole thing is making me sick. And I bet Collins doesn’t even know half the things that are going on. She’s a very private person and doesn’t like to get involved too much. Lionsgate and some game company are making a facebook game where you can explore the world of Panem. It sounds like a visual role playing game. There may be a new CW show called the Selection, which is based off a book(that sounds really good, I think I'll buy when it comes out)and even though the selection isn't about kids fighting to the death, because they have similarities they're already being grouped together. The similarities are that there’s a lottery to pick like 35 girls to compete to be the Prince’s bride, it’s supposed to be good, but the girl hates the idea of leaving her old life. And the country is at war with other countries, so there’s the war aspect. Again, it actually sounds really good I’ll put a link to the actual synopsis:link

I don’t understand why they keep comparing Hunger Games to everything that’s popular. The team B.S. is bad enough, but now they’re treating it like it’s just another YA book, the fact that the plot is good is just a bonus. I almost unliked the Hunger Games on Facebook the other day with the page asked people if they thought it was chance that Prim got picked or if the Capitol did it on purpose…and people were arguing that the Capitol did it to punish Katniss!
@THG it has happened before, in Roman times, after that too. Gladiators would fight to the death for entertainment. There used to be lotteries to stone people to do death. That's always a fun read. I'm not sure if you've read it Arissa, but they make every middle schooler in Maryland read the short story The Lottery.

Unwind seems interesting too, I'll check it out at the store.
THG, have you found the prequels yet for Mortal instruments?
over a year ago Arissa1422 said…
I read The Lottery in 8th grade. Everyone in Illinois has to read it too, that's what my teacher told me. It really freaked me out back then.

Unwind is really interesting. I think you guys would really like it. The squeal comes out this September. It's suppose to be a trilogy.

That show looks really cool. I wish i had time to actually watch tv. :/
over a year ago silver93 said…
The Lottery made my stomach turn. Especially the part when her baby picks up the stone to throw it at her also.

It's going to be book first, so you can read the book. The books always better.

I don't think I'm going to see the HG movie, and honestly, they're releasing so many photos I won't have to. I can just line them up and get an idea for the movie. Am I the only one not that impressed with Katniss' dress? She looks like she's going to Prom, it's not that great. The book's dress seemed so much more jaw-dropping. And I'll give her the benefit of the doubt,maybe it's the airbrushing, but Jennnifer Lawrence has the same bored expression in every single photo!

Were you ever able to find the underlander series? I had trouble finding all of them in one store. I might start buying my books on Amazon though, because they're almost always half off at least. The hardback Pery Jackson books went from 18 dollars to 8 dollars or something like that.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago THG123 said…
I'm glad you said that. I didn't find the dress all that glamorous. Maybe they'll surprise me. I don't know whether I want to watch or not. I'm scared it might turn out horrible! I have complete faith in the actors but I feel like Something's going to go wrong. I don't think she's trying to look bored, I think she's trying to pull off an "I Hate the World" look, you know, like Katniss. Besides, they've been taking so many pictures of her, I'd be bored too. And yes I know about the Roman and Greek Gladiators trying to fight to the death. The country I was born in is close to Greece. I find it so fascinating. Some of the Gladiators actually wanted to die because they thought they were getting sacrificed to Gods or something.
over a year ago silver93 said…
I think it's the airbrush...hopefully. Gawd. Okay I'm sure the actors are great actors and everything, but from what I've seen of the clips, I'm not sure if I like their interpretation of the characters. I know part of the problem is because it’s not in first person, and because they’re trying to appeal to a broader audience, but Katniss just seems so weak! Where’s the fierce girl that’s pissed at everyone and trusts them about as far as she can throw them? I know those are “crappy” character traits, but it’s part of her character development that she starts thinking about more than herself and her family. Right now all I’ve seen is a girl who is scared out of her mind and is kind of dull. This might sound lame, but I always imagined Katniss as the silent but strong character. Like she has this sense of peace of who she is, and she’s not going to change to make someone feel better. Katniss doesn’t need others to have confidence. She only talks to people because she wants to, and because she actually likes them. I’m just not getting that vibe from Lawrence. I also imagined her really immature when it comes to dealing with other people socially. Jen just looks bored. And I’m sad about the interview dress, because that was always my favorite one. I don’t think her twirling will have the same effect if it’s not sparkly; and I could be wrong, but can she even twirl in that dress? I don’t know the names of dress types, but it seems like one of the kinds that are tighter around the legs, not like a princess dress (sorry, that probably doesn’t make sense, but I’m a tomboy so that’s my best guess). Also what do you think of Katniss buying the pin for Prim? Am I the only one who thinks it’s widely out of character? First off, I don’t think she’d waste the money because it’s made of gold. Second, if she got it to make Prim feel safe, I don’t think she’d accept it from Prim when she gets picked for the games. She’d want Prim to keep it so she’d be safe without her. Sorry this is so long.
over a year ago THG123 said…
Come on silver, we haven't seen that much, maybe she won't be weak.
I hate the dress too, don't know why people are gushing so much about it. Seriously I've seen dresses way more elegant and beautiful than that. Yes she does twirl in most of her Cinna outfits but that looks like those tight uncomfortable ones. And Katniss buying the pin does seem far-fetched. Maybe they should have done something where Katniss' father had passed on the pin to Katniss.No worries, the longer comments are the better. And glad to hear you're a Tomboy, I have this problem where I cannot relate to girls at all, they'll be talking all about clothes, hair, etc, and I just want to talk violent video games. Most of my friends are guys. :(

So um.....what's up? LOL I'm running out of things to say.
over a year ago silver93 said…
I'm thinking it's just the airbrush.
Yeah I usually have guy friends. Girl friends are harder because they usually annoy me, or don't understand me. Though I do have a couple, but non of them are girly girls.
Nothing much. I'm stressed about college. I'm at community and I can't decide where to go next or what my major should be. And I really want to get straight As again, but I'm not sure if I can this semester. Do you guys watch Glee? Chord Overstreet really reminds me of Peeta. I don't know what it is, he just has his charm I guess. Or do you watch Once Upon A Time? I love that show. It's really good. Nothing to do with HG, it's just really good.
over a year ago Arissa1422 said…
Ok well this is funny, i'm a huge tomboy, and most of my friends are guys too. I have a few girlfriends, but they aren't girly either.
And i never really have time for watching tv. I'm mostly busy with Gymnastics all the time. I can't decide if i want to do it in collage or not.
Also, i love the Percy Jackson series. I had to go to my grandparents house in Wisconsin this weekend, and they live in the middle of the forest, in a town with 700 people. So it's really quiet, and a nice place to relax. So i brought a few books to read. One of them was The Sea of Monsters. I read it in 3 hours. And today i got The Titan's Curse from the library. I really like the series.
And on The Hunger Games, i hate her dress. So much. Maybe in the movie it will look better, but from the picture i saw, it isn't glamorous at all. It's like any old dress. I expected the fashion in the entire movie to be out of this world, and i feel like it it's not. I still have hopes that in the movie it'll be better, and if not i'll be really disappointed.
I feel like i'm going to be disappointed with the movie. I'm really trying to have a positive outlook, but i'm scared it's gonna suck and i'm gonna hate it. I just really really really wish Madge was in the movie. They're going to have to change so much in Catching Fire now, and i'm just really annoyed with the stuff they're changing.
over a year ago THG123 said…
They are starting to really aggravate me. Happy Valentine's!!!!<3 Wish you all lamb stew you can eat (which by the way, I know how to make).

I love Madge, they really disappointed me with her being non existent in the movies. Sorry silver, I've hardly seen GLEE and I've never seen Once Upon a Time, do you live in America? I don't and that may be why I haven't seen what you have. :(
I'm glad you're having time to read books Arissa, I don't remember the last time I did. :(

Did you guys see the original video for Taylor Swift's new Hunger Games song? (forgot the name, sorry.) :)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago silver93 said…
I love the Sea of Monsters. It's one of my favorites.
Okay this is an order, YOU GUYS HAVE GOT TO READ THE NIGHT CIRCUS! I can't wait any longer to talk to you about it. It's very frustrating because if you lived near me I would just loan it to you, but I can't. Hey are you guys OCD about your books? I'm really bad. I try to keep them in perfect condition with no doggy tags. And when I buy them, I look through all of them to find one that has no dents or tears so that I know all the dents and tears on my book came from me. Yeah, I know I'm weird.
I do live in America. It's odd to think about you guys don't see the same shows we do. Once Upon a Time is just a really cool show. I started watching it online first and now I'm caught up so I can watch it on its regular night.
Yes! I also watched the interview part and she seems to really get the books. This is why I love Taylor. You should watch them too, it's kind of annoying the way MTV does it, because they split up the interview so there's a lot of commericals, but I thought it was worth it.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago kristalovepercy said…
hey for all of u who loved rue and was so sad when she died check out this song!its her lullaby.(i was so SAD when she died!)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago THG123 said…
An interview you say? I'll probably check it out! Hey silver, you like Disney movies right? Which ones your favourite?
Because I absolutely adore Disney movies, as well as Pixar movies.
over a year ago Arissa1422 said…
I love Disney movies so much! Mulan and Toy Story are my favorites. Beauty and The Beast is up there too.
And by the way Silver, i've finished The Titans Curse and The Battle of the Labyrinth. I really liked The Battle of the Labyrinth. And i'm the exact same way about my books, i'm super OCD about them. I hate loaning them to people cause i like them perfect, but a little bent or something just from me reading it. Everyone thinks i'm so weird.
And i've tried to watch the music video but it wont work on Youtube, i don't know why!
over a year ago silver93 said…
Go to Mtv they have the whole thing.
@Arissa You have to finish the series and move on to the heroes of Olympus books because I have a theory of something about a prophecy for the third book, but have no one to talk to about it.

I'm obsessed with Disney. I love all the movies, but my favorite is the Lion King, with Beauty and the Beast in second. I was born in 93 and Lion King came out in 94 so I still have the Simba stuffed animal I got when I was one. I also really love Lilo and Stitch. Are you guys excited for Brave? It looks really good and I'm excited because it's Pixar's first movie with a girl for a main character.

Did you guys hear about the Museum in Greece getting looted?
over a year ago THG123 said…
I love Lion King and Alladin ( the first one). Hell I love them all, Beauty and the Beast is one of my all time favourites. I almost fainted when I found out there was going to be a Toy Story 3 ( I think there will also be a fourth one) and I loved Mulan, I learned so much from it. What happened to the museum silver??? Explain. :O
Guys I just took a fun quiz that determines who you would match up with! You guys have to take it (if you want, you don't really have to of course). link
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago GreekRULES515 said…
I don't like all Disney movies high school musical sucked but I love the pixar ones
Finding nemo
The lion king

over a year ago GreekRULES515 said…
And I kinda cried and through the book across the room when prim died I was so sad I feel like Collins crossed the line in who to kill and who not to kill I know the book is supposed to be sad but still its....prim and I wish Peeta was never hijacked I miss his sweet caring character sometimes I imagine their renunion with Peeta sweet:)
over a year ago silver93 said…
I totally cried during Toy Story 3. I can't believe Andy gave away his toys; doesn't he realize they have feelings?!(because you know, my toys are real)
70 relics were stolen from a museum in Olympia, where the Olympics were first started. It was an armed robbery and it probably has something to do with the terrible economy in Greece right now. People are becoming desperate. Here's a link to an article about it:

@GreekRULES515 High school musical doesn't really count as a Disney movie, we were more talking about the cartoon movies I think.
She did it on purpose. Collins didn't write the books to be just a form of entertainment, she wanted to give a warning and teach a lesson. In war, you don't get to decide who lives and dies. Every death is pointless. Life isn't a fairytale, and people need to realize that things don't always work out perfectly. When I first read the book, I felt like the hijacking permantely changed Peeta and he wasn't the same boy anymore. But, actually I kind of like it. It shows they really love each other and I do think he was able to recover from it eventually. He was still scarred, but I think he got over the whole trying to kill Katniss thing.
over a year ago Arissa1422 said…
I cried in Toy Story 3 too! All my friends were making fun of me but i really didn't care, Toy Story was my childhood! My mom said I'd come home from preschool everyday and ask if i could watch it! haha!
And the robbery in the museum is horrible! I heard about it yesterday because my best friend is 100% Greek and her mom told me about it.
And i know a lot of people hated Mockingjay and the end, but i liked it. It couldn't be a completely happy ending because that would change the meaning of the books. I loved how Collins showed us what is happening to society, and showed us what war really is. Pointless death and pain.
over a year ago cottonasia said…
Mockingjay just had too much going on for me. I couldn't fully focus. I think the book was sort of rushed and crammed all these detail in a short page book. I loved it because it changed everything you thought you already knew. With prim dying and peeta being hijacked like whoa. But any who ii actually was more sad that finnick died than prim I know I know prim's death was sad, but I almost knew it was going to happen eventually. I read the signs,katniss couldn't have everything.
over a year ago Arissa1422 said…
Cottonasia- I actually thought that Finnick's death was more sad than Prim's death too, but in the end they were both terrible. I cried right when Finnick died, but not right when Prim did. I cried when Katniss returned to distrit 12 and Buttercup came. That is when i broke down. And from that part until the end of the book i was just a mess haha.

Silver- I finished the Percy Jackson series. I am so glad that *SPOILER TO ANYONE WHO HASN'T READ* Percy and Annabeth end up together. I knew it. Dear lord i love them, they're perfect for eachother.
What are the names of the next books by Rick Riordan? I can't find them in my library where the other Percy Jackson books are so i was going to search by the titles.
over a year ago theHobToronto said…
big smile
OMG guys I found FREE tix on Craigslist, siiick! If you're as nerdy as I am you'll appreciate the hunger games ascii art I just found. Hopefiuly I get picked for one of the free tix too

over a year ago silver93 said…
Omigawd Arissa the same thing happened to me. I couldn't process Prim dying. It wasn't until Katniss broke down that I did.
I know I love them together too. That's why(knock on wood) if anything happens in the second series that messes up them being together, I'm taking a trip to Riordan's house. It won't be pretty. We're talking it'll be about as pretty as calling Aphrodite ugly.
The first one is The Lost Hero, and the second is The Son of Neptune.
What's your favorite Percabeth moment? Some of mine are when Percy looks at Aphrodite and sees Annabeth, when he goes to the River Stynx and it's her that pulls him out,when she screams at him in book four for not being dead, and pretty much everytime they're together. That's why I didn't really like the third book as much, because Annabeth is hardly in it(she's my fav character).
Did you get the Night Circus and Howl's Moving Castle?
By the way, are you guys aware of how crappy one of Katniss and Peeta's relationship names is? It's Peeniss!(I obviously prefer Petniss, not that that's much better)
over a year ago Arissa1422 said…
Honestly, i think Peeniss is so funny. Obviously it's not a great couple name because it kind of makes a joke of them, which i will not stand for because their love is legendary. But it is hilarious.
ANNABETH IS MY FAVORITE CHARACTER TOO! Percy is a very, very close second. I feel like if Percy and Annabeth had a daughter, it would be me. Hahaha. I live for every moment Percy and Annabeth are together. Their love is legendary as well. I love the part with the River Styx when he thinks of Annabeth pulling him out, and when she freaks out at him for being alive, and their first kiss is flawless. Oh and in the second book when Annabeth hears the sirens and after it's over she just sobs in Percy's arms. And i love how they both have a streak of gray in their hair from holding up the sky. I didn't like the third book as much either. It's my least favorite out of the series.
I got The Lost Hero. I don't really like the main characters yet. Maybe it's because i'm comparing them Percy, Annabeth, and Grover, and i love that trio.

I couldn't find Howl's Moving Castle at my school library. What's the authors name again? i'm going to look one more time, i'm really trying to get my hands on it.
over a year ago Kat2142 said…
I would loooooovvvveeee if Peeta was a real person! Then he would be all mine!!Loved the ending of mockingjay but i do kinda feel bad for Gale but i still think Katniss deserved Peeta <3 sooooooo sad when prim dies and finnick D: i cried!!!
over a year ago THG123 said…
Peeniss lol. That is hilarious. Anyway I just saw the Hunger Games trailer on TV and almost had a heart attack, I ran to the living room and started jumping up and down and squealing. My mom officially thinks I'm crazy now, like that's new to her. :p

How do you guys feel about Josh now? I actually adore this guy, and not because he's a movie star because I'm not the 'swooning over famous people' type. No, I like him because I can literally see what kind of guy he is through his interviews. He is so charming, funny, and absolutely adorable. He's also very honest and seems like a very nice, fun guy. Man I would kill for a friend like that. So genuine, and not snobby and a show-off, you know? I'm very ecstatic about the movie. I believe they will portray it well and it won't be half bad. :D
over a year ago Arissa1422 said…
I really do like Josh for Peeta. I think Josh's personality is so similar to Peeta's, it's almost a little weird. I think he will get Peeta pretty spot on, and i was thinking about it, and i think he has the acting skill wear he can act like he was hijacked. Mockingjay is going to be a really hard movie to pull off, but i think they can do it.
over a year ago silver93 said…
I don't like Josh. I haven't for a very long time, and it's something that's hard to get over. He's too famous. And he plays a jerk in a lot of movies. Again, I'd prefer someone else for Peeta. Not sure who, since no one can really live up to it, even ludwig couldn't. I wish they had looked for unknowns.
Yeah I know that the name is funny, but I still wish that they had a better ship name.
Yeah, I had a hard time getting used to the new characters too. But that's mostly because it's hard to live up to Percy's epicness. I love Leo though. From the beginning. He's my fav new character. He's so awesome. I like Piper too, it's Jason I had a harder time warming up to.
I have a question about the gray hair, I can't figure out if they still have it or not. I feel like they out grew it. I'm saying this because in the second series when the other characters describe thier apperence, they never once mention the gray hair and I feel like that would be the first thing I noticed from kids the same age as me. And I love all those other moments too. I also love when Annabeth gets jealous because I think she's cute and he's so clueless.
Sorry I'm such a downer about the movie. I just don't like what they're doing. I feel like all the attention is ruining the meaning of the books. Did you see the bloody knife picture? They're doing exactly the opposite of what the books were trying to teach.
over a year ago THG123 said…
I haven't seen a bloody knife picture but maybe they are just trying to capture the theme of the books, which is mostly death and struggle. I saw the extended trailer and I don't think it will be that much of a disaster (let's hope!!!) I heard Maroon 5 is making a song for the movie, do you guys like them? I don't really listen to pop all that much but I think I've heard one of their songs. Sorry I haven't had time to answer. I've been buried under tests the past few days. And silver, you're not a downer, you speak what you feel, that doesn't make you a downer. :)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago silver93 said…
I like Maroon 5. And the Civil Wars is doing another song, along with Taylor Swift except it's not together.
I had a very upsetting encounter the other day. I walked into Hottopic(not sure if they have them in Canada, but it's this store that sells a lot of cool stuff) and I looked over at a table where they had set up table completely devoted to one series. I just glanced at it, because I was planning on looking at the section in the back(for Invader Zim) so I didn't quite catch what it was, but it looked like a Twilight table.(which isn't uncommon, they have ones for Harry Potter too). I thought I saw a picture of Jacob, but something looked a little different, so I looked closer... And I realized it was Gale. The table was for Hunger Games, but all the stuff looked like it could have come from Twilight(at least the poses/facial expressions from the actors). I can't even describe how it made me feel, at the very least uncomfortable.
I like Maroon 5. And the Civil Wars is doing another song, along with Taylor Swift except it's not to
over a year ago yimtaka said…
Wow i love hunger games sooo much, so much that i download and played the free game "Yim Word Search" from the android market on my mobile phone!, i only did this for you...cos i love you...i am your biggest fan ever...
over a year ago silver93 said…
over a year ago silver93 said…
over a year ago silver93 said…
over a year ago silver93 said…
I want to
over a year ago silver93 said…
over a year ago silver93 said…
over a year ago silver93 said…
over a year ago silver93 said…
over a year ago silver93 said…
is the
over a year ago silver93 said…
over a year ago silver93 said…
over a year ago silver93 said…
YAY!!! I got it! *cheers* Sorry for the trolling lol.