XxIsabellaxX posted on Sep 04, 2010 at 11:42PM

The Hunger Games 1050 replies

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Showing Replies 1001-1050 of 1050

over a year ago silver93 said…
woot I got!
over a year ago Arissa1422 said…
I know that Lily Collins is going to be Clary but who is going to be Jace and Isabelle?
And for your questions!
For saddest death, Finnick was really horrible, i was more hurt by that right when it happened, thinking about Annie and just that i loved him so much i thought that was so sad. But when i think about Prim's death, i think that is just as sad, because the whole reason the rebellion happend was because Katniss set it off, and she set it off with the berries in the games, and she would have never been in the games if she wasn't trying to protect Prim. So everything happend because Katniss was trying to protect Prim and she died anyway, the person Katniss loved most.
I think that district 13 had good intentions, and they were trying to stop the Capitol, but i honestly think Coin was a terrible leader because she was evil. She was fighting the rebellion for all the wrong reasons, she was just looking for power and wasn't trying to stop the Capitol because she wanted Panem to be a better place, she just wanted to take over and be the next snow. And it bothered me that people didn't pick up on that and they didn't realize that Coin wasn't going to help Panem. I think how Coin sent Prim into battle when she knew she would be killed showed us how cruel she is. She killed Prim to show Katniss how powerless she was now that the rebellion was over, and that makes me so angry. I hate when people ask the question "why did Katniss kill Coin?" I don't even answer anymore because it annoys the hell out of me. Sorry lol. I also think Coin was way more at fault than Gale was for Prim's death. I'm not saying Gale is off the hook, he did create the plan and the bombs, so whenever Katniss will think of Prim and her death, Gale will be in that image too. And that's why she could never be with him. But i feel like in the end Katniss realized that it was Peeta who she could not survive without, and she could without Gale. And i think that's how Katniss's decision was made. I believe she was always in love with Peeta, throughout all three books, but i don't think she was completely aware of it, believed, or realized it until the end.

You're going to kill me but i have to go to up north (Wisconsin) to visit my grandparents and family and friends. I'm actually from northern WI so we go up there to visit a lot. So i'll be gone until Sunday. And there is no phone service or internet so i'm literally cut of from civilization. The town my family lives in is population 870 and is in the middle of nowhere. Like my grandparents live in the middle of the woods and it's a 15 minute drive just to get into town, which is like 1 street with a gas station, post office, bakery, and like 7 bars.
I have no idea why i'm telling you all this, hahaha, but it's really late and i'm just rambling. I WILL ANSWER THE REST OF YOUR QUESTIONS WHEN I GET BACK. Tell me the ones you're most interested in me answering in better detail too, so we can talk about those when i come back. MUAH!
over a year ago silver93 said…
You're answered most of them's the ones left: "Do you think Katniss had romantic feelings for Gale? When do you start to notice Katniss has feelings for Peeta? If you could change one thing what would it be, and how do you think it'd have affected the plot? Also, as a side question, why the hell are there so many Cato fans now? Have we discussed this? It's insane how many fans he has now, and I feel like it's largely due to Alexander Ludwig being hot"
Personally, I don't think she ever had romantic feelings for Gale. And I could be wrong about it, it's one of the questions I'd like to ask Collins but never would because I think her answer could ruin my image of the book. As for why she left him, I don't think it was completely because she thought he killed her sister. When I was reading Mockingjay, and when I went back and re-read it as well, their relationship seemed so strained. They were trying to grasp onto their old friendship, but I think they started pulling apart after the first Hunger Games. Maybe if district 12 hadn't gotten blown up, they could have remained friends, but I think they just turned into different people. By the end of Mockingjay their relationship was destroyed, Prim dying was just the cherry on top. It was like I could feel it piece by piece. I think the turning point for Katniss was when he didn't care about killing half of district two. Katniss was in shock and all she wanted was Peeta there to make it better and fix it. And I agree that I think Katniss had feelings for Peeta for awhile, it just took her time to accept those feelings.

As for the where you're going, it sounds like Forks so try to avoid any vampires and shapeshifters.
I'm kinda laughing at you freaking out over Clary and Jace. THG123 and I were trying to talk about it, but not ruin the twist when she first read the books. Jamie Campbell Bower is Jace, Jemima West is Izzy and they just announced Simon, who I'm not sure if I like-Robert Sheehan.

By the way, I'm reading Looking for Alasaka and it's awesome-so far anyway. Sometimes endings ruin books for me though and I haven't gotten there yet. Not gonna lie, and I feel bad about this, but I didn't look the book up when you told me about it. I thought it was about going to Alaska, as in the state, and it sounded way too much like Into the Wild, or whatever that book about the guy going to Alaska is called. It wasn't till I saw it in the store that I picked it up since you said you liked it so much, that I saw it was about a guy and a girl named Alaska. Sorry, I can be an idiot sometimes. I'm really happy you told me about it though, so thank you.
over a year ago silver93 said…
So i got to the after part about not long after I wrote the last post(should have known better), and I haven't been able to read the book since. I can't decide if it's worth the pain.
over a year ago Ducks0930 said…
Personally, I think Gale and Peeta should fight it out. Winner gets Katniss
over a year ago silver93 said…
So did I ever tell you that I thought the "Can I get a hot tub" guy would make a good Peeta? Well I figured out his name, and I was totally right. He's gonna be on this show Revolution and is in Struck by Lightning. His name is Graham Rogers.
over a year ago katiemac620 said…
Spoiler alert in this comment!

If gale and Peeta fought it out Gale would totally win! In my opinion Peeta should have died in the first book and would have if it wasn't for Katniss. And gale didn't kill prim! Even though he made the bombs doesn't mean he wanted or meant to kill anyone Katniss loves. I WAS SOOOOO SAD WHEN FINNICK DIED!!!!!!! :((((((((((( anyway Peeta doesn't deserve Katniss. And the end was cheesy "you love me real or not real? Real." SOOOOOOOOOOOO CHEESY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Team Gale forever!!!!!
over a year ago Arissa1422 said…
Sorry i've been gone silver! We stayed up north for 2 weeks, and then i got back and had to go straight to another mission trip. It was a lot of fun in case you were wondering haha.
And ok about Looking For Alaska, i don't know if you've finished it but i really think you should. I was so heartbroken but the ending kind of sorts everything out, you won't be completely better about what happened but the ending helps a lot.
Okay so i agree with you 100% about the romantic feelings with Gale and what happened in Mockingjay. I think that Katniss loved Gale, but not romantically, i think she loved him as a brother or a best friend but after everything that happened it would never have worked. I do think that if Katniss never went in the games she might have married Gale. But i also think that if she didn't go in the games, she would have had to watch Peeta die and know that she never thanked him and she never got to repay him for the bread.
I'm sorry i've been gone so long, i start school tomorrow but i will be on a lot more cause i won't be out of town anymore.
Also, Katiemac620, i honestly don't even have the energy to debate about that post. I don't mean to be rude but your argument is just idiotic.
over a year ago Arissa1422 said…
I also think Cato has so many fans now because of Alexander Ludwig. Not just because he's hot, but because he's so freaking funny too. And i think in the movie when Cato was talking about how he's always been dead, and his whole life was just training to die and bring pride to his district, i think that made people sympathetic towards Cato.
over a year ago Arissa1422 said…
Oh and i'm on City of Fallen Angels. I really liked the first 3, but i don't really know where the story is suppose to go now...i'll keep reading and let you know what i think.
over a year ago 1999jacko said…
TEAM GALE i like peetas chracter but he shouldnt be with katniss
over a year ago silver93 said…
Yeah, I actually couldn't get through City of Fallen Angels. Too much angst. I don't think Katniss would have married Gale actually. I think she would have died alone. Either that, or if Peeta wasn't entered, he may have finally gotten the nerve to speak to her and she might fall for him. I just don't think she thought of Gale that way. And she was really big on the children thing, even when the hunger games were over she worried about it. So that's why I think she would have been alone. Did you look up Graham Rogers? And I know what you mean about Ludwig being funny, I find him way more charming than Josh. I saw an interview he was in with Thresh and Marvel, and he was wearing orange, which reminded me of Peeta.It was pretty funny, at one point they break out into singing at the same time. I feel like such a debby downer, but the more I think about the movie, the more I dislike it. I'd rather just imagine the cast on my own. People say that makes me less of a fan, but personally I think they're fake fans if they can call the piece of crap better than the books.
over a year ago silver93 said…

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Arissa1422 said…
OMG Graham Rogers is exactly how i pictured Peeta i want to cry. Like down to the bone structure and everything. He's literally my PERFECT Peeta. So sad.
And i agree with you, i think you aren't a true fan if you think the movie is better or even comparable to the book. If you like the movie, awesome, if you don't awesome. All that matters is that you think the books are the best, because it's the books that brought us all together in the first place.
When i think about it, Katniss's life could have gone in so many different directions if she never went to the games. She could have died alone, Peeta could have talked to her, she could accept or reject him, there might have been tension between Peeta and Gale, or Gale might have not even cared. We'll never know and i honestly can't decide on how I think Katniss's life would have turned out if Prim never got reaped.
And i don't know! I noticed that too and i'm very sad, i miss her!! ):
over a year ago silver93 said…
Yeah, he's how tall I imagined him to be too. He has a strong jaw line, but there's a sweetness to face. But, it's too late. I don't know why I ever thought that they would cast someone we wanted as the characters. I'm actually really looking forward to two things he's going to be in Revolution sounds interesting and Struck by Lighting looks hilarious. I had to laugh when I saw his resume though at Dino May, under skills he's pretty much good at everything, including archery, firearms, wresting, weightlifting and whole bunch of other stuff.
Sometimes I wonder what would have happened if Katniss didn't volunteer, how long would Prim last and who would she team up with? Or, what would happen if Gale and Katniss got reaped at the same time? Personally, I think they'd turn on each other. Their survival skills would take over and they'd have an epic battle to the finish.
The worst part is we can't contact her if she doesn't go on fanpop :(
Hey do you watch anime or read manga? I remember you saying something about you did, if you haven't already, you should read and watch Ouran High School Host Club. I'm rewatching it recently and it never gets boring. I almost turned it off when i first saw it(this was like four years ago), because it's really weird, but it's so interesting I couldn't.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago silver93 said…
Also, have you read the infernal devices? I actually like those more than moral intruments. If you read them, look up Jeremy Irvine, look up anyway actually he's hot, he'd make an awesome Will. I saw him in War Horse, great movie.
over a year ago Arissa1422 said…
The only anime i've ever watched was Naruto, i read some manga stuff in grade school but the only anime i ever got hooked on was Naruto.
I think that Katniss and Gale being reaped would be so interesting. I think that Gale would go all macho-killing machine on everyone but i don't think he would kill Katniss. I feel like they'd both end up as the final 2 because of the gamemakers, because i feel like everyone would know that they were best friends. And i feel like one of them would kill the other, because they know that whoever goes home will be able to care for eachother. I think they might have even helped eachother out if their paths crossed during the games just because they wanted one of them to win, but i don't think they would have teamed up. I mean it could have happened but i don't think they would. I feel like if they were the final two, one of them would kill themselves or one of them would kill the other one. I feel like they'd just play the games to make sure one of them lived to protect their families.
And after i finish the mortal instruments i'm going to read the infernal devices. I kinda stopped reading Fallen Angles and i read Will Grayson, Will Grayson by John Green, and because i'm a John Green lover i'm re-reading Paper Towns. Such a good book.
over a year ago silver93 said…
I'm a big anime/manga fan. I don't love all of them, but there are a lot I like.

I think if Gale and Katniss were in it, they would turn on each other immediately. Katniss only stopped to think because of Peeta. I think it'd be a lot like when they announced they were changing back the rules and Katniss aimed her bow at Peeta right away.
You should read the selected. It’s not like the hunger games, which is how it is advertised, but it’s still a good book. I’m curious what you think of the guys. I’m torn and can’t decide. I wished the three of us lived near each other, because then I could just loan you all the books I want you to read. *cough*nightcircus*cough
over a year ago Arissa1422 said…
omg i keep forgetting about night circus. and the selection. writing them down right now! and i was thinking that maybe we could exchange emails? because i've really grown to like you and thg and would love to be able to talk more!
over a year ago silver93 said…
Yeah, let me message you my email, so I don't have random people sending me messages...Are you having problems with the format on fanpop? It's been weird lately, not sure how to describe other than it's like it can't fit the screen so it flips back and forth.
over a year ago THG123 said…
I am a horrible internet friend. I owe you two huge apologies for not alerting you my whereabouts. My aunt in Turkey suffered a heart attack and my mom and I flew to Istanbul to see her, I actually didn't think to tell you guys and I'm sorry but I love my aunt and at the time, all I was thinking about was her. She's fine now though, thank God. My mom is still there, but I had to come back because university is starting again. I missed you guys so much. Forgive me? =)
over a year ago THG123 said…

Thank you for your opinion. I respect it, but that doesn't mean I agree. First of all, how would a fight determine who is the better guy? Do you judge men solely based on their physical strength? Tsk Tsk, I feel bad for you, because I know you're going to have a rough time in relationships if that is how you choose your men. Gale designed a bomb that in the end killed Prim, if he hadn't created this bomb, what would be different? Oh right, Prim would still be alive. I do agree with you about Finnick's rather graphic death, it was very sad. If anybody deserved someone, that would be Peeta, the man risked his life over and over, and eventually lost his leg, for Katniss, he even loved her enough to fight something in his system that was designed to kill Katniss. Katniss and Peeta had gone through the same horror story, they understood each other's feeling and fears. In the end, they needed each other to live. Remember what Gale said to Peeta in Mockingjay? "She'll choose the one she cannot live without." Just to show you how strong their love is. I know Gale loved her too, but in the end, Katniss was Peeta's. No question.


Would you mind stating your reasons? I love a good debate.

@Ducks0930 ,

This isn't the Middle Ages, Mr. Ducks, a battle does not win a woman, and a woman is not some object to be won. As a woman myself, I find your comment mildly insulting, I'm sure Katniss would not approve either, if she was real.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago silver93 said…

Well, before I make a giant @ss out of myself, let me say that I'm really sorry about your aunt and I'm so thankful she's okay. Are you handling it alright? I know how stressful that can be.
Now T_T excuse me while I have a gigantic spaz attack
fkwbgfkgbk@$^fjwgfbkwf&*($@fwjfbw.gfk­wrh­384­y23­yhw­jrg­h3i­4tb­3,j­bfg­wi3­trv­fwl­kjf­db ql23ry23brfjw2gfwlkfbrj2trg23bt 3;gtn

I'M SO HAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­
THG I thought we lost you! I was afraid you were never coming back! And the thought made me very very sad, so I didn't want to talk about it too much because I was holding out hope you'd return (gawd I sound like such a sap). I get we've never met in person, but I really consider you guys my friends. Most of the time I feel like you guys understand me more than the friends I went to school with. So when you stopped showing up I felt like I lost a friend, but I couldn’t get you back because I can only contact you through fanpop.
*jumps up and down*
*sighs* Omigosh I feel so much better.

By the way THG, do you attend college in Canada? (like my multiple personality distorter lol?)
Also, did you look at any of the actors I pointed out since you were gone? I was wondering your opinion of them. If you don’t want to look back on all the messages I can repost them.
Oh and in case you couldn’t tell THG, I’m quite pleased you have returned.

*laughs wickedly at Arissa for getting to talk to THG first*

over a year ago THG123 said…
Thank you for understanding, and I sure missed you two as well, I feel like this is the only place where I can be myself. I'm not the type of girl that abandons others without letting them know, I hate people like that, and if I did something like that, I wouldn't be myself, I'd be a hypocrite. I'm sorry I made you think I wouldn't be coming back. You guys are two of the most genuine friends I've ever had (even though I have never seen you, lol) but your personality shines through your comments. And yes silver, I do attend university in Canada, do you as well?
I think Graham is a good choice for Peeta, he has everything, except I hadn't envisioned his eyes that way. But body, hair and bone structure is great.

I actually envisioned Peeta as Heath Ledger in his younger years through out the book, he had a sweet look about him that made me associate him with Peeta. I was very upset he died because of accidental overdose of his medication. He was so young. He was a phenomenal actor too, if you have seen him play the joker, you can't even tell who he actually is. He got so mixed up in his characters that he actually became them on screen.
Thank you for understanding, and I sure missed you two as well, I feel like this is the only place wh
over a year ago THG123 said…
Oh and arissa, I laughed out loud when I read your comment about Jace and Clary being siblings. Keep reading, it gets juicier.

And silver, Luke Mitchell is handsome, he does have that Finnick-y air about him, good choice.

I heard Sam Claflin is going to be playing Finnick, what do you guys think about this? I personally like him, and he is an English actor, I really hope they don't make him do an American accent and stick with the British accent, yummy.

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago silver93 said…
No, I don’t go to school in Canada, but I was considering transferring to one after I get my associates. I’m just not sure how they are different from American schools.

I can’t figure out what color eyes Graham has. They are like a combo of blue, green, and grey depending on the light. Personally, I like them more than Josh’s. I know he has green eyes, but they come off as mud brown on screen, and they just don’t match his fake blonde hair. I wish he had contacts.

I love Heath Ledger, but he will forever be Patrick Verona to me from 10 Things I Hate About You. He’s such an amazing actor, I was so sad when he died. His Joker was flawless, and I’ve been reading comics since I was 10 and watching Batman since I was four; so I know. (Although I don’t read much anymore since they’re so expensive)

I like British accents, but come on, Finnick is not British. There’s no need to confuse the idiots even more who think that people in the Capitol have British accents. Also, the downside to a Brit is that they are very pale, which Finnick isn’t. I’m not really thrilled with him, but I’m not disappointed. I can’t get any more depression of these films. I won’t be seeing the movie. I don’t think that Sam is hot enough to be Finnick. He is attractive, but more in a cute way, or boy next door way. Not forget your name and pour your drink on the table instead of the glass hot. Plus, I feel like he looks like a mouse, or a rat. But a cartoon one. It’s his smile. Very mouse like.

And he’s where I first saw Graham and thought “holy crap that could be Peeta.”(this was a couple years ago, because he wasn’t famous enough to find his name):
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Arissa1422 said…
I thought we lost you too! I hope everything is alright with your aunt and such.
And i seriously love you guys and if one of you leaves i will be so sad. We're like a lovely little trio.
About Sam Claflin, i do think they could have done a better job at casting Finnick, but they also could have done a lot worse. So i'm not completely disappointed. And i do agree with you silver, i feel like he looks kinda like a mouse. I'm not saying he's ugly, because come on, he's beautiful, but he does have mousey qualities. Haha.
And sorry i've been away for a while, i've been busy with school and gymnastics again.
over a year ago silver93 said…
*Still laughing wickedly at Arissa since I got to speak to THG first* :-P

Oh, I agree he's attractive, but I just think there are different kinds of beauty.

Catch me up on the books you've read that I suggested. Did either of you read the selection? I'd actually like to hear your thoughts on what boy to go with. I've never been so torn before. Not sure if this means it's an awesome book, or just unrealistic one with perfect boys.

THG, would you be willing to exchange emails with us? Like real people email?
over a year ago THG123 said…
I usually don't exchange emails online, don't get me wrong, I love you guys and I trust you but the last time I did that, someone hacked into my account and I had to terminate the account. I'm just really paranoid when it comes to personal info. You guys can use my fanpop email as much as you like, it's connected to my other email accounts so I know immediately when you contact me. =)
Silver, I'll try to find The Selection and get back to you on that.
Arissa, aww I missed you too, my aunt is recovering, thankfully.
over a year ago silver93 said…
It's fine, we can just continue to spam the hungers forum, we usually keep talking hg, even if one or three days we skip it.
over a year ago Arissa1422 said…
I picked up the selection from the library Friday! But right now i'm reading Unwholly, which is the sequel to Unwind by Neal Shusterman. Really creepy but really good
over a year ago Arissa1422 said…
over a year ago silver93 said…
If only we could do something about the rest of I agree though, finally people can see what bronze hair looks like.
over a year ago Arissa1422 said…
Yeah they got the hair spot on. I'm really hoping that his acting can show Finnick's true personality.
over a year ago silver93 said…
I'm not going to watch the movie, you'll have to tell me about it.
Have you guys noticed how almost all the books in the YA section are dystopian reads? It used to be vampires, but ever since HG came out almost every book I pick up is about how our future is doomed. I'm beginning to go back into the kid's section (who actually have good books) just to get away from it. I think it's interesting though, because it reflects where our mindset is. We have all these problems but no one can think of any solutions.
over a year ago Arissa1422 said…
I'm kind of getting sick of dystopian books too. I like them and all, but it's getting annoying. Not every YA book has to be dystopian. I want some more original ideas in books i read. But i will let you know how the movie is.
over a year ago silver93 said…
It's driving me nuts too, I feel like Hunger Games is top of the line, and it's hard to compete with it.
over a year ago silver93 said…
Oh my gosh you guys, pictures don't do him justice, Graham Rogers is exactly like Peeta. I watched Revolution and I can't describe how close he is to the Peeta in my head. You guys should check out the show, some of characters I think are a little inspired by HG.
over a year ago THG123 said…
Guys, I'm not going to be coming on Fanpop a lot due to University, my lovelife, my friends, and work. I'm pretty much sleeping whenever I have free time and I really need the rest (I feel like a zombie sometimes). Just thought i would let you guys know, so you would know what's going on. Don't worry though, once things cool down, I'll be here a lot. I won't leave forever, trust me. =)
Silver, Personally, I would love a book that's actually about the past, not the future, like a princess who is forced to marry a king she hates, and tries to run away, and in the process she falls in love with a poor man and has a daughter with him, then the king's men find them and kill the man and the daughter, but kidnap the woman and take her back to the king and he tries to get her to marry him again, and she hangs herself in her room while wearing her wearing dress instead. This is actually from a Turkish TV series I've been watching, and it had kept me on the edge of my seat in every episode, wish it would've been a book though.
over a year ago silver93 said…
:( I'm sad you won't be on. But, that book kinda sounds like the Princess Bride. I'm not sure what the book is like, but I love the movie. You should check out Graceling. That's a really cool book that doesn't take place in the future or the past, it's like it's own world. I really like that book, it has a cool concept.
over a year ago Arissa1422 said…
I've been reading this book called Every Day by David Levithan and it takes place in the present but i've never read anything like it before. It's really cool. I just like how Levithan notices little things and details about his characters and situations.
over a year ago silver93 said…
That sounds cool...
Hey I was wondering, has Annie been cast yet? I mean, she's kind of a big deal and I didn't hear anything about her. There was something else that was actually on topic as well that I was going to ask, but now I can't remember. I'm so stressed these days I can't think straight.
Do you think the selection is like the hunger games? I don't really see it, but a lot of people compare it to HG.
over a year ago silver93 said…
By the way, what does this look like to you?
By the way, what does this look like to you?
over a year ago silver93 said…
Ugh, it's been almost a month.
THG just so you know, I'm still checking(just not commenting to my own comments) so if you post I'll probably respond right away.
over a year ago silver93 said…
Merry Christmas you guys!
over a year ago CottonCandy23 said…
over a year ago silver93 said…
Yes, he does.
over a year ago silver93 said…
Still checking...
over a year ago footballfan105 said…
I think that most of the book was about katniss and gale being in love but then he just leaves and katniss Mary's peeta. And what happened about that hunger games with the families of the Capitol people, did it happen or did the new president call it off
over a year ago silver93 said…
I disagree. I don't think Katniss was ever in love with Gale. She only ever looked at him as a friend. And the Games did not continue. Katniss only agreed so she could get the oppurtunity to kill Coin.