XxIsabellaxX posted on Sep 04, 2010 at 11:42PM

The Hunger Games 1050 replies

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over a year ago THG123 said…
Okay I just finished City of Bones:


what the frick was that? I mean WOW, that was so unexpected, but I definitely do not believe Jace is her brother, Valentine is a liar, and liars cannot be trusted. But WOW, I am so appalled at the moment. I couldn't stop reading and it's now 5:11 AM in the morning. Oh my God, I need to read more. But seriously silver, did this even cross your mind when you were reading the book?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago silver93 said…
Omg I couldn't stand Simon. He got on my last nerves because he just gets in the way! He becomes useful though thank goodness. I want them to cast him already. I really want Logan Lerman to play him. That's a fan favorite that I started. By the time I figured out how to start a fan favorite unfortunately, the Hunger Games had already been cast.
That's disgusting with the porn star thing, she shouldn't even know what that is. Lol and you forgot wanting to be a princess. Course I wanted to be more of the person who beats up all the monsters, not the one who gets saved.
Don't hate the Hunger Games. Just remember that they're different. The books are pure, and the movies are sorta gray. There is that aspect of pleasing some of the fans, combined with the money aspect and pleasing non-fans. Honestly I'm hoping Mortal intruments will steer some of the stupidness away. They're a lot closer to Twilight in story and in the whole who should she choose thing.
And I'm happy we can talk to. I love talking with you guys, and I was actually worrying the other day about what will happen when you guys don't want to come on this site anymore. :'(
over a year ago silver93 said…
Haha okay didn't see that last post. Um, I got the idea that it could happen during Luke's speech. When he tells her what had happened to him and her mom. Most people don't get it until it happens, but I'm really good at spoting things before they happen. That's why I love the Hunger Games so much, because I couldn't tell everything that was going to happen. It was unexpected, in the fact most authors don't talk about uncomfortable subjects like that. Clare does all the time though. It's just like how she has gay characters. Poor Arissa, you kinda just gave the ending away.
over a year ago THG123 said…
Oops! I didn't realize she was reading them! Maybe I can write a Spoiler alert at the beginning. I'm sorry Arissa if you already read it, I thought you were reading Howl's moving castle and not the Mortal Instruments. I wish I could send you an I'm sorry gift basket, because I know how it feels to know the ending.

Spoiler Alert: I saw almost everything coming except the ending. Well it's not really a spoiler but whatever.

Don't worry silver, if I won't come up I will definitely tell you first, I am not one of those mysteriously disappearing types. Wow, can you believe it's been 2-3 years that we've been on this site!? Maybe even longer for you. Yes, the storyline is somewhat similar but then again it's almost completely different. Besides, is their really anyone who wants Clary and Simon together? They're too........well, similar (LOL flashback, Katniss and Gale) and Simon is really annoying but you can tell he has the best in heart. Well hopefully.

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Arissa1422 said…
Crap! i hate when i get so busy and forget to come on here and end up missing wonderful conversations. ):

omg this is too funny, i'm going to the bookstore tomorrow with my mom and i have a list of books i want, and City of Bones was on my list! Luckily i skipped over all the stuff when you guys were talking about it.
Silver, how you thought of Peeta was just how i did. But i did picture his hair a bit longer than Josh's. Not like, shaggy long, but just a tiny bit longer. And i pictured Gale taller and a bit more skinny than Peeta. But equally as attractive. haha.
I think President snow knew Katniss was acting in the first hunger games. But i think during the victory tour he had to realize she was falling for Peeta, and yeah, during the quarter quell it was completely obvious that she was in love with him, and president snow had to have known then. I think that's basically the reason the Capitol got Peeta after the force field was destroyed.

I have to admit i am excited for the movie just because i love THG so much, but i'm scared it's gonna turn out bad. And i agree, i absolutely HATE all the advertizing it has. Especially on MTV. MTV makes it look so stupid, because it's only focusing on Katniss, Peeta, and Gale's love triangle (That isn't even a love triangle) and making the games look all glorified. And i feel like people are gonna see the movie and think that the entire Hunger Games series is stupid and not end up reading the amazing books, or they're gonna think it's pretty cool, but not read the books anyways. Because our freaking society doesn't read books anymore and is all about money.. *sigh*
Also if i see one Team Peeta or Team Gale shirt, i might just cry.

And, i love talking to you guys! i always love coming on here to talk to you guys about The Hunger Games, books, or any random topic we get on. I don't think i'm gonna stop coming on here, it's a nice break talking to you guys. (:
over a year ago silver93 said…
I don't think they're that simular, but you def get the brother-sister vibe. And there are people that prefer Simon over Jace. But, again a lot of people can't distinguish between real and fictional characters. They delude themselves into thinking they will end up with them.
They are already selling them at hot topic.
I just don't ever wanna stop talking to you guys. The idea made me really sad. Even though we've never met, I still consider you guys friends.(course when I told my brother I have internet friends, he said you guys are probably 40 yr old men living in your mother's basement; which I responded with they're probably only in their 30's, joking of course...hopefully.)
It's so obvious she's in love with Peeta in Catching Fire, before they even go to the games, that it makes me depressed thinking of how it gets ruined.
Have you guys read the Percy Jackson books? They're my current obsession. I love those books, they have action, romance, and are hilarious. Also, make sure you read the Night Circus. I finished that book weeks ago and I still can't stop thinking about it.
over a year ago THG123 said…
Will do. Anyways, what you said about me being 40 year old man made me laugh, seriously, would a 40 year old man have an extreme obsession with teenage books and fall in love with the sweet blonde guys? Um no. That, my friend, would be weird. Besides I know Arissa is definitely not a 40 year old man, because she showed us a picture of her kitten with her in it. Anyways, not only have I been obsessing over the Mortal Instruments, but my friend got me hooked on computer games, current obsession: the Sims 3. And no I'm not a nerd if I'm giving you that vibe but seriously, it's so addicting. Silver93 I kinda don't want to involve myself with the Percy Jackson series because I heard the movie was done badly. If I become a fan, that would break my heart. Arissa, glad to see you back! Unfortunately, they're already selling those shirts and I've seen plenty at the mall. Ugh, they totally ruin the series for me. Anyways, I thought you would like to know that I broke my toe falling down the stairs and shall be here all week. Got some terrific news for you guys, Taylor Swift is gonna have a song in the Hunger Games Soundtrack! I thought it was spectacular! After reading my replies I realized that I am quite random lol.
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over a year ago THG123 said…
Oh and you guys want to see the nail polish Advertisement for the Hunger Games? What I don't get is, why are they showing her face and not her hands?
last edited over a year ago
Oh and you guys want to see the nail polish Advertisement for the Hunger Games? What I don't get is,
over a year ago THG123 said…
SPOILER Alert to City of Ashes, skip this part Arissa.

I'm sorry, I know I really should stop talking about the Mortal Instruments but I am seriously irked right now. Why would Clary (Seriously this is a HUGE spoiler) even kiss Simon back? Then let him call her girlfriend. Is she even considering how she feels about this. God you were right silver93, Simon is beyond annoying and he's really starting piss me off. :(
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over a year ago silver93 said…
Dear THG please never stop being random. In case you haven't noticed, I'm quite random too. It's probably why we get along. And no I am not at all pleased that you broke your toe and will be talking to us all week...please ignore the smile.
As for the counter to you being a 40 something year old man, let's not get into that, I'm far too good at conspiracy theories.
That song is amazing. I'm so happy right now, it's the best news I've heard since they announced the movie, which may have turned out to be bad news. So so far the only good news. Taylor Swift is amazing. Everyone gives her so much crap, but she really is probably the most talented song writer for at least our generation(if not ever). The song is just perfect. She the got the vibe perfectly. At first I thought it was for Katniss and Peeta, but now I think it's for Katniss and Rue. What do you guys think?
I play Sims on facebook, and it's one of the most addicting games ever. I'm thinking about getting in in PS3 but I'm worried that I'd lose my life know you'd probably like Gamer. It's just an extreme form of Sims.
As for the Percy Jackson movie, yeah it sucked galore. Especially when you compare it to the book. But, it was so off from the book, that you can barely connect the two. I saw it before I read the series, just because I wanted to see Logan Lerman. It was a pretty boring movie so I just sorta watched him the whole time and didn't pay attention too much to what was going on. Don't let that stop you from reading the books. There're amazing. I'm already re-reading them. Really the difference between the movie and book doesn't make me angry, so much as slightly irritated, but can't stop laughing at how horrible it is. You could always start with the heroes of olympus series. that's sorta like a spin-off series, it has the same characters, plus some. I keep thinking it'd be interesting to read the heroes of olympus series first(just the first two, the others aren't out yet) and then go and read percy jackson.
That's a really good point about the nails, I actually thought some of the polish looked cool. I guess they assume people will buy it because it has HG stamped onto it.

Haha yeah. The second book is when he gets REALLY annoying, of course it's also when he becomes useful. Just keep reading, I don't think it takes long. Problem with those books, is SO much stuff happens.
over a year ago THG123 said…
Yes you're right about the book, so much happens I can hardly keep up. Maybe now I'll consider to read the Percy Jackson series. Gee thanks, it's so wonderful to know that my best internet friends enjoy my suffering. How lovely. My broken toe is probably a blessing isn't it? :(
The song is lovely isn't it? You can hardly distinguish her voice. I am neutral towards Taylor's songs. I think they're lovely to listen to occasionally but not constantly like a die-hard fan.

I was born a workaholic, that's how I manage to pull myself away from the Sims when I've got something to do, but that doesn't mean I don't fantasise about playing it, I do, ALL the time. In fact, I'm thinking about it right now. God help me.

Anyways, I'm glad to know that my random outbursts are no trouble to you, and I'm glad you're random too or I would've felt so out of place. :(

Oh my God, you won't believe what just happened, my neighbour's German Shepard just ate my neighbour's Christmas tree! Lol. Well not fully, but just enough to ruin someone's holidays. That dog is such a chewer, he's already attacked one of my favourite Puma sneakers and chewed them up until there was nothing left but shoe confetti and the shoe strings.

Did you see that? That's what I mean about me being random, and I didn't even mean it.

I finished the second book, all I can say is, wow, time to read the third one!

P.S: the Hunger Games has been voted most anticipated movie! This is good news right?
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over a year ago silver93 said…
I'm just happy you're actually around. You have a tendancy to leave;course now Arissa has taken off...
I'm a die-hard Taylor Swift fan. I've been to two of her concerts and they're amazing. Best concerts I've ever gone to. Don't judge her off only the songs you hear on the radio, her CD's are lot more diverse.
My friend's dog knocked down their Christmas tree. He climbed up it or something and the thing fell over decorations and all.
Did you guys have a good Christmas? My was really great in the gift department. The fighting kinda spoiled the day a little, but I was quite pleased with what my parents got me. Usually, they get me stuff just to get extra boxes(stuff I might like), but then they don't get all the stuff I really want. This year they got pretty much everything. It was funny for the books, my mom couldn't figure out where all of them were, so she had me pick them out in the store and told me to go wonder while she payed for them.
over a year ago THG123 said…
I'm glad you had a great Christmas. I swear my parents don't even know me anymore, do you know what I got? A paperweight (unicorn statue) sure I used to like unicorns when I was 5 but I'm not a child anymore (By the way, that's all I got). Anyway, it doesn't matter, because Christmas isn't about spending time with family and not about the gifts. I'm on City of Fallen Angels now, I have to say, Simon can be really funny sometimes, but he is aggravating me a little for what he's doing. I went to the Fanpop fanclub of the Mortal Instruments and about 90% of them want Alex Pettyfer as Jace. Don't get me wrong, the guy's okay and all but have you seen his movies? His acting is not on the good all. I like Taylor, I think she's sweet and true and not at all Miley Cyrus *shudders* I hope you don't like her because I despise her, she's the reason my best-friend (a few years ago) won't talk to me anymore, we got into an argument because she loves her and I insulted her and called her a whore (Miley Cyrus I mean). And then my other friend tells me that she created an obsession on Justin Beiber *extreme shudder*. Oops, sorry, I tend to ramble on.

Btw: did you hear? Josh Hutcherson is a HP fan. Good kid.
over a year ago Arissa1422 said…
I'm officially coming on here everyday! i miss everything! sorry!

The Taylor Swift song is literally amazing, it's already on my ipod. I love her so much already, but this song was perfect and i'm so happy she's going to be on the album. And i think it was written for Katniss and Rue, and Katniss and Prim.
I'm reading The Lightning Thief right now! I really love it so far.
And yes, i had a great Christmas, for the most part. I got a ton of books, scarves, movies, and clothes. And i got to see all my cousins who are in collage now. So that was lots of fun.
And i think it's good that THG is the most anticipated movie. I just really hope it's going to be good.
And good, i love boys that are Harry Potter fans. [:
over a year ago silver93 said…
I like Miley Cyrus. I'm not getting into a fight with you over it though. My dad met her in Disney world while I was on the ride, and he said she was really nice.
I hope you realize you said Christmas isn't about spending time with family lol.
Don't tell me about City of Fallen Angels, I got the book awhile ago, but I've been avoiding reading it because I heard that one of the characters goes to the "dark" side.
I love the Lightning theif! theres one part at the ending where I almost died laughing. I hope you guys don't forget about Howl's Moving Castle, and especially about the Night Circus. I really want to talk to someone about the Night Circus, but I'm the only one who's read it out of my friends.
I'm avoiding re-reading Mockingjay. I have to for a class, but it makes me so sad I don't want to. I was just thinking the other day I was suprised Max Thieriot didn't audition for Peeta. Him and Josh are probably the most famous kids of my age group boy wise. He wouldn't have been bad.
Yeah Alex Pettyfer has been the fan favorite for Jace since the series started, I actually wanted him for the role a couple years ago, but he hasn't aged well. Not to mention he seems like a total ass. He got offered the part, and turned it down. I think money was the issue. But there's no way he didn't know how much people wanted him for the part, because if you type in Jace Wayland, his picture shows up. But yeah I'm happy in the long run that he didn't get picked because his acting sucks. I actually wanted Mitch Hewer to get the part.
over a year ago silver93 said…
You know there's a lot of people who want Pettyfer for Finnick? I think I'd die.
over a year ago THG123 said…
"I hope you realize you said Christmas isn't about spending time with family"

Oops, sorry I was rushing *flushes from embarrassment* but you get what I mean right?

I didn't want to read City of Fallen Angels either because then I have to wait an extremely long time for the next one, but unfortunately I couldn't control my obsession. I'll have to remember those books, maybe I can create time to read them on Spring Break, because seriously, once Winter Break is finished I am so screwed. Ugh, I would never re-read Mockingjay, it's too frustrating, with Gale and all, besides, you already know what's to come so you can't bring yourself to finish the book because it's so boring. I've heard that Alex Pettyfer is quite...ass-ish, lol. I did not imagine Alex at all as Jace, I don't know why, I just didn't. Damn girl, that Mitch Hewer is FINEEEEEEEE, where do you find these guys?
over a year ago silver93 said…
It's not boring, just sad. I'm still traumatized over Prim.
Haha yeah isn't he a good Jace? You know at first I didn't like him as Jace because I thought he was too slim, but he's really bulked up. You should see him in the Troix photo shoot. But even when he's slimmer, I really grew to like his look. Jace is supposed to have a unique hotness to him, and Mitch kind of gave me the angel vibe as cheesy as that is.
So, I'm just curious, you say you hate Miley Cyrus right? Did you know that Liam Hemsworth is dating her?
over a year ago THG123 said…
Yes I know Liam is dating her, I thought they broke up, well it's his choice not mine, if he wants a whore, he can have her. No offense Silver, I know you like her.
Yes, definitely angelic, I know Jace is already casted but I just wanted to know if his acting was good? Oh no, it's not just Mockingjay, but any book really, I find it kind of boring the second time round'. I still can't believe I re-read the Hunger Games and Catching Fire a few times. Did you see the new Katniss pictures? I think they're highly edited (what isn't?) but they're spectacular!
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over a year ago silver93 said…
No, they got back together last year. Just curious, why do you think she's a whore?
Yeah I usually have that problem with books, except with really good authors. I can't re-read mortal intruments. But I can re-read Harry Potter, Hunger Games, and the Percy Jackson books.
Um Jamie is supposed to be a very good actor. He made some list that says he's one of Britian's future top actors or something. Mitch is good too, I first saw him from watching Skins(the British one, not the American one)
I think I found them, and I actually don't like them. You're right, they're really edited. She looks sickly. I prefer the ones from EW that show how her face really looks. I don't understand why they edit photos like that. She won't look that way in the movie.
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over a year ago THG123 said…
Well, whore may be a little harsh, I'd say she's more of a terrible role model, have you seen the seductive and provocative pictures she takes of herself? I was a teenager and I've never done that, neither have my friends. If anyone on Facebook (I don't have FB anymore but my friends do) dressed like that and took pictures of herself that way, she would be classified a whore, and she'll only attract the wrong crowd. I've seen many little kids with Miley Cyrus or Hannah Montana backpacks, shirts, pants etc...what do you think they'll think if they saw these pictures? I saw a video of little kids on Youtube once dancing very provocatively, imitating Miley's dance performance. And what about her bong video? What message does that send? Personally I believe she's a lost cause, she should at least wait until she's not famous anymore to do all that stuff because little kids see her as their role model, they look up to her, she should realize that.

I read the fourth book, I thought it was spectacular, I wish I could talk to you about it. NO! do. Not. Spoil. Book.

Ooh he's British too? Even better, I love British accents. And a good actor? Hmm, maybe I'll watch some of his work.

Well, it's Hollywood, everything is extremely edited. I think they should show Katniss' imperfections because really, who can go into the arena and look spectacular? Although you have to admit, the misty background is amazing.
over a year ago Arissa1422 said…
I would honestly hate it if Alex Pettyfer was Finnick..
I decided that i'm going to re-read the entire Harry Potter series, i'm also almost done with The Lightning Thief. It's great.
And i think Jennifer looks way way way to edited in those pictures, i liked the first pictures of her as Katniss better because she looked more natural and imperfect. Which is how i pictured Katniss.

I've been really busy with gymnastics lately so i've had a hard time getting on here. Lots of meets. Argh.
over a year ago Arissa1422 said…
And since we're talking about Miley, i have mixed feelings about her. Sometimes i think she is awesome, but i do agree with THG because i think she is a crap role model.
over a year ago silver93 said…
You should read the prequels too.
I don't think Miley is a lost cause. That thing with the bong happened right after her parents said they were getting divorced, and technically the drugs were legal not that that makes it okay. She's been doing better even since she got out of the disney spotlight, and her parents are starting to working things out again it looks like.
Have you gotten to the part after they get out of the Underworld?
over a year ago silver93 said…
By the way, go check out the comic I uploaded. it's called hunger games comic. I almost died laughing.
over a year ago Arissa1422 said…
Where's the comment? could you send me the link i can't find it lol
over a year ago silver93 said…
over a year ago silver93 said…
where'd u guys go?
over a year ago Arissa1422 said…
Hahahhaha! That comic is too funny. Oh Katniss and her love for cheese buns.
Sorry, i had to go to northern WI for the weekend, no cellphone service or internet.
I finished The Lightning Thief though. It was really really good. It was really funny too. I love Rick Riordan's portrayal of the gods and the underworld. And i'm so happy Sally Jackson turned Gabe into a statue. That was one of my favorite parts because i hated Gabe so much.
I know Annabeth and Percy hook up. They have to. They do right?
Must read entire series. ahhhh
over a year ago silver93 said…
I know. I almost stopped reading bc it said Gabe, not Gale, but then I got to the cheese bun part.
My favorite part is after he fights Ares and talks to the police about just wanting to see his loving stepfather. Whats great about the books is that they have plot,comedy, and action. Usually you only get one. I have a question about what happens when they're in the underworld, why does Annabeth cry? Is it because she misses her dog, or because she thinks she's going to die?
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over a year ago Arissa1422 said…
I think it's because she just feels bad at the whole underworld scene. Like how there are all the lost souls roaming in that field, the torture, and how that evil dog just wanted someone to play with him. And i think the dog part finally got to her, cause when they were leaving the dog it was whimpering and then she started to cry. So i think she just feels sad. It seemed like it was just a terrible place, so i think she just cried cause of all that.
over a year ago silver93 said…
What was your favorite part of the book? And have you started the second one yet? I miss talking to you guys. You've barely been here.
over a year ago silver93 said…
I'm currently lmao. I just looked at a forum on the Percy Jackson page, and the people are basically doing the same thing we do-going in and out of talking about the actual subject, while also talking about their lives and other series. I no longer feel bad about our discussions at all.
over a year ago venus143 said…
OOOOMMMGGG i just finished the book and it was so sad and amazing i started crying when i finished *sniff* *sniff* but i was literally like what that can't be the ending i really wanted to know hwat happened to gale and the others.
over a year ago Arissa1422 said…
Silver- That's really funny. I bet a ton of fandoms do what we do. And i have a list of about 6 more books i need. I'm going after my gymnastics meet Saturday to get them. The second Percy Jackson is on my list, same with Howls Moving Castle.
And my favorite part of the book.. i have a few parts i loved. I loved the ending with Percy and his mom reuniting. Also the fight with Ares. And i loved when Percy discovered he was the son of Poseidon. Oh and I really liked the part when they were at the Arch.
Ok now i'm rambling. I just really liked the book!

Venus- I cried so much at the end of Mockingjay. I thought it was the perfect way to end the series. And Gale has a fancy new job in District 2. But also, i feel like Collins left the others out of the end to purposely make it vague, so we would have to come up with our own ideas of what happened to everyone besides Katniss. [:
over a year ago venus143 said…
^^Yea you do have a point but it's just that i wished we could of seen the ending and i do understand why she played it out like that but still it makes you wonder.
over a year ago silver93 said…
Lol I pretty much love the whole book. I really liked the tunnel love part.
I like wondering. She did that at the end of the underland series as well, which I think is nice. By keeping it vague, it's almost like they are living more. In life you don't know what will happen, so the characters have that too. Writing it down kind of limits them.
over a year ago Arissa1422 said…
exactly how i feel. If she wrote everything down, you don't think about as much, and you don't wonder about things and come up with your own ideas, which i love doing.
The tunnel of love part! i almost forgot! i loved that too. It made me laugh so hard.
and yeah, i basically loved the whole book haha. i got the second one yesterday!
over a year ago silver93 said…
I love the second one, it might be my favorite, I can't decide they're all really good. Did you get the night circus or the underland series?
Have I told you how much I hate that Haymitch has blonde hair in the movie? It just really annoys me. They did it on purpose too, which is part of why it annoys me. It'd be one thing if the actor's natural hair was blonde, but he's bald.
over a year ago THG123 said…
It's funny how much that bothers you silver, we all know you love Haymitch! Anyways, now it's snowing so much that I have slipped almost 15 times and my poor toe is not feeling any better. There must be a reason why he was chosen, maybe he plays a good drunk. Silver when are you planning on reading city of fallen angels? I'm feeling sort of left out because I haven't read the books you guys have since I can't find them. :(
Wait a minute, Arissa, have you even started reading the Mortal Instruments series??? I'd love to discuss it with you when you're done. Oh and silver, that comic was hilarious, had me laughing out loud at 3:00 am in the morning. :p
over a year ago silver93 said…
Oh I don't mind the actor, he does play a great drunk, it's just...WHERE ARE HIS BLACK CURLY LOCKS GOSH DARNIT?!!
I'm sorry about your toe :( that really sucks.
I'm going to get to it, I was going to read clockwork prince first though. Have you read Clockwork angel yet? Those are the prequels.
Yeah isn't it great? I love the look on Katniss' face.
over a year ago THG123 said…
I'm upset. Seriously, reading YouTube comments seriously makes you depressed. I really hope people aren't that racist. You guys don't know what I'm talking about, I know, I just needed to tell someone. Anyway silver, I thought the prequels weren't out yet?
Do guys like politics? I'm running out of ideas to talk about. :P
over a year ago silver93 said…
Reading comments on articles and YouTube and anything on the internet in general makes me depressed and really pissed off. Over the summer I watched the Glee Project, it was a reality TV show and they did a fantastic job of editing the show to make the contestants look worse than they were in real life. In one of the episodes the contestants talked about their biggest vulnerability, and one girl's was that she had been sexually, mentally, and physically abused by her boyfriend. They edited it to make it sound like she just thought she was extremely beautiful and therefore no one saw her as anything but a trophy. If you go to the show’s page where she had a blog(all the contestants did) and talked about what really happened, there are hundreds of comments talking about how she’s a bitch, and that she’s either lying about it, or probably deserved it. One person said that the girl couldn’t possibly understand the horrors of being sexually abused that the person had faced, and that the contestant’s abused couldn’t be that bad. I was in complete shock that people could be so terrible to someone they have never met.

I don’t really like politics. I think all of them are corrupt bastards that will do anything to get reelected.

Well I have a topic possibly. I was thinking today that the Hunger Games may have made people even more desensitized to killing for entertainment. I feel like if there was a reality TV show where people go to compete for money by killing each other, some people would be okay with it because they’d think it’s like the hunger games and therefore cool. I’m a little disturbed by all the role playing games that have come out of the books. Personally, I thought the books were supposed to get us to steer away from imagining killing as fun.

There are two out already.
We can also talk about other books, if we actually all start reading the same books again.
over a year ago THG123 said…
I agree with how people would be okay with a show like the Hunger Games. Look at how many people want the countries in the Middle East to be nuked. That's what I read on YouTube by thousands of people. How can people be so heartless? Don't they understand innocent men, women and children live in those countries. And they want them incinerated, melted, crushed. I'm scared that if anyone of those horrible president candidates (except Ron Paul) becomes president, the whole world would be doomed and we would all be forced into World War III.

Sorry, wow I sure turned the subject around

And it's very sad, the story about the girl. No matter who you are, or how you are, being abused is wrong and it should always be acknowledged.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago silver93 said…
Don't worry, I'd be shocked if Obama didn't get another term. Not that he's that great either.

People really suck. As I'm getting older, I'm having a harder time being patient with them too. You know there are still people today who want all the jews gathered into a bigger oven(their words)? I just don't understand it. We should be past this by now, it's not like we don't know better. I talked to my brother about how I wish there was world peace and he says it'll never happen. But I think that's half the problem. As long as people think it's impossible, it'll stay that way.

And it's fine. We can talk about anything, I don't mind.

Have you found the underlander series? I really want you both to read them. They're really great, and you can actually see stuff that relates to the hunger games.

So I'm re-reading Mockingjay(which actually isn't that horrid the second time around) and I was noticing again how all the people in command except for Snow are women. I was wondering if Collins did it on purpose. There's Paylor, the woman from two, Coin, the woman who trains katniss and Johanna(who's probably in my top five favorite characters-Johanna not the trainer), Cressida(who's in charge of the camra-crew), and then there's katniss who's obviously very powerful. All the people really taking command and doing things are mostly women.I'm wondering why she did this when in reality it's usually men. Nowadays we consider men to be the stronger ones, but in the hunger games, most of the men are soft. Like Boggs or Plutarch, who are really the only two men I can think of on the rebel side that do anything. Except for Gale, but he's pretty much turned into Snow.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Arissa1422 said…
I'm sorry guys, i've been so busy with gymnastics this week. Regionals are coming up, and we've been practicing extra hours.
I haven't started reading any of the books i got yet. I'm planning on getting the underland series and catching up on my reading after gymnastics season ends. I already got The City of Bones and the 2nd Percy Jackson, but haven't had the time to start. ):

Silver, i know exactly what you mean about the bad popularity the movie is creating. I think it's cool that people are writing their own stories and stuff, but the role playing? Why would you want to get together with your friends and pretend to kill eachother? The books purpose was to teach us about what is happening to society and how to stay clear of any morbid things like The Hunger Games from happening. I don't know why anyone would want to re-create it in their own version.
But i have to say, i did enjoy the Finnick and Annie story, and the second quarter quell. I like seeing other people's versions of what they pictured it like.

I did notice that a lot of important characters in the book are woman, and i love it.
Johanna is in my top 5 favorite characters too.
I think from the entire series, my top 5 is Katniss, Haymitch, Finnick, Johanna, and Snow. In no particular order.
I know you guys probably think i'm crazy for Snow being in my top 5, but it's the same reason why Voldemort is in my top 5 for HP. I think the Snow is so complex. He is truly an evil, terrible man, but he was always honest to Katniss. Which really sort of scares me. He was just someone i wanted to read about, even thought it scared me. In all the scenes with him i actually got nervous and felt scared, i felt how Katniss felt. And if an author can make me feel that way about a character, the author is amazing, but also the character is so just so interesting to me.
over a year ago venus143 said…
Hey have any of you read the percy jackson books?
over a year ago Arissa1422 said…
Yes we have! I read the first one and i'm eventually going to read the second one.

Ok guys, i'm in such a bad mood. There are these girls from my school that are complete girly cheerleaders (and by the way, everyone at my school knows i'm obsessed with THG, so i had about 5 people call me and tell me to look at this) and today on facebook they were posting the trailer everywhere and all this team Peeta, team Gale crap. And talking about how much they love THG and can't wait for march 23 because Gale and Peeta are so hot.
I wanted to die.
over a year ago venus143 said…
really i read all five books and now i'm on the second series i love those books their what got me into reading:)

^^^omg i know right and how people are saying another twilight franchise i was like don't even compare this to twilight it's really anoying.
over a year ago silver93 said…
Yeah everyone at my school knew I was obsessed too.
I've gotten over it. I'm pretty much rejecting the movie, at this point I don't want to see it because it'll ruin the book for me.
@venus you should read harry potter too, thats wht got me into reading. and I've read the entire series, I'll probably move onto his other ones.

By the way, it's my birthday today! And it's pretty much been the best birthday ever.